Re: pydeflate

2009-03-09 Thread gagsl-py2

 De: Atrant SG
 Enviado: domingo 8 de marzo de 2009, 12:23:06
 Asunto: pydeflate

 I've read the topic here and I'd like to
 download pydeflate module, but its official site seems not to be hosted. Do 
 you have pydeflate?
 Could you send it to me? All the search engines always link to the official 
 site and so I cant download
 that module myself =((

No, I don't have pydeflate.
Why do you need it? urllib2 can handle it transparently, and you can even use 
zlib/gzip manually.

Gabriel Genellina
PS: Please reply to the list.

  Yahoo! Cocina
Recetas prácticas y comida saludable

Re: Help required to read and print lines based on the type of first character

2009-03-04 Thread gagsl-py2


 I am sorry to that I am not able to fully grasp it. Could you help me with 
 some more details?
 How can I identify each line and utilize the interactive interpreter?
You really should read the tutorial at
(or any other introductory text; see 
for more references)
To open the interpreter, just type python (no quotes; ENTER to execute) on 
the command prompt.

Gabriel Genellina

  Yahoo! Cocina
Recetas prácticas y comida saludable

Re: [Help] The pywinauto Can't select the MDI's menu using the MenuItems() which return [].

2008-12-21 Thread gagsl-py2
--- El vie 19-dic-08, 为爱而生 escribió:

 I use the WORD Only for my example.
 The application I test is similar to the WORD and It
 has't the COM.

The code below opens the Choose Font dialog on my Spanish Windows version:

py from pywinauto.application import Application
py app = Application.start(Notepad.exe)
py app[uSin título - Bloc de notas].MenuSelect(uFormato-Fuente)

(using an English version, the last line would be 
app.UntitledNotepad.MenuSelect(Format-Font) I presume)

There are many examples in the documentation, and some more info at

I think there is a pywinauto users list.

 2008/12/19 Gabriel Genellina
  En Thu, 18 Dec 2008 11:28:54 -0200, Simon Brunning escribió:
   2008/12/18 为爱而生
  This problem also use the following
  How to use pywinauto to open WORD and select
 its Menu.
  I can't do that and have no idea why!
  Looking forward your help,Thanks!
  Word can be automated with COM. My golden rule is
 that automation via
  GUI driving is always a last resort.

Gabriel Genellina


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Re: PP3E error

2008-11-18 Thread gagsl-py2
--- El mar 18-nov-08, ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 I got it to work, just added the PP3E folder to
 Lib\site-packages. thanks very much I have been wanting
 to mke a text editor for some time. I also have another  
 question, what is the book's software licensed under?
 can i make changes to the program and sell the program as my
 own or do I have to give credit to the book and mark lutz?

Excerpt from the book Preface:

Using Code Examples

This book is here to help you get your job done. In general, you may use the 
code in this book in your programs and documentation. You do not need to 
contact us for permission unless you're reproducing a significant portion of 
the code. For example, writing a program that uses several chunks of code from 
this book does not require permission. Selling or distributing a CD-ROM of 
examples from O'Reilly books does require permission. Answering a question by 
citing this book and quoting example code does not require permission. 
Incorporating a significant amount of example code from this book into your 
product's documentation does require permission.

We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes 
the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: Python Programming, Third 
Edition, by Mark Lutz. Copyright 2006 O'Reilly Media, Inc., 978-0-596-00925-0.

So if you use a significant portion of the code you are required to ask 
O'Reilly for permission. IANAL, but in my opinion you'll have to do much more 
than make changes to the program in order to rightfully consider the final 
product your own creation instead of a derivative work.

Gabriel Genellina

  Yahoo! Cocina
Recetas prácticas y comida saludable

Re: What happened with python? messed strings?

2008-04-24 Thread gagsl-py2
(top posting fixed; please keep discussion on this

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 In article

 you wrote:
  En Sun, 20 Apr 2008 15:54:20 -0300,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribi?:
   I used extensively python and now I find this
 mess with strings,
   I can't even reproduce tutorial examples:
   apfel.encode('utf-8')  (it was with umlaut)
 File stdin, line 0
   SyntaxError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte
 0xc4 in position 1:
   ordinal not in range(128)
   Is there any good guide to this mess of codecs
 and hell ?

[two links to unicode introductory articles]

 and how do you explain that even the tutorial
 example is broken ???

Which tutorial example?

Gabriel Genellina

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Re: import hooks

2008-04-18 Thread gagsl-py2
--- Patrick Stinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Right on, that seemed to work, thanks.
 This is different than sys.path_hooks though, which
 requires a callable or
 string subclass?

Yes, it's different, meta_path is a generic mechanism
that doesn't depend on sys.path and is tried before
sys.path is traversed; the other is triggered by a
special sys.path entry (like a .zip file).

 After some experimentation it looks like you can
 disallow an import by
 raising an import error from your meta_path hook. It
 seems a little weird
 that python will then raise a new ImportError from
 but I guess the behavior is desirable..

I think you can't make an import fail completely; if
your meta_path doesn't work, the next one is tried,
and then the standard places (where the error is
finally raised).
Looks like the global name foo not defined error:
sometimes it's not a global name at all, but that's
where the search finally failed.

Gabriel Genellina

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL

  Tarjeta de crédito Yahoo! de Banco Supervielle.
Solicitá tu nueva Tarjeta de crédito. De tu PC directo a tu casa. 

Re: Python UML Metamodel

2008-01-30 Thread gagsl-py2
--- sccs cscs [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 En Tue, 29 Jan 2008 21:25:26 -0200, sccs cscs 
  I find an OPEN SOURCE tool 
 ( that Recently  
  generates Python code from UML model.
 Does it keep the model synchronized when you modify
 the Python code?
 =No, not for the moment because the Python code
 generator is  brand new, but  the tool's author and
 i are specifying the reverse tool for a next
 version. I do not have found another Open Source
 Tool that generates Python code from UML better like

Ok, that's important. If the model cannot reflect
changes in the code it becomes less and less useful.

  I like to model the Python language metamodel
 himself, with it, e.g  the  
  model of the language: I need that to better
 understand the language  
  constraint of  the language.
  -a class  class has 0..n attributes and 0..n
 Just attributes. Methods are created on-the-fly when
 the corresponding  
 function attribute is retrieved from the instance.
 And remember that instances are not restricted to
 what their class define.  
 You can add or remove any attribute (even methods!)
 to any instance of a  
 user-defined class at any time. (This doesn't apply
 to most builtin types,  
 but *does* apply if you inherit from it)
 =You're Right but I will also model that dynamic
 aspect . However i think it is possible and the
 relevant to make a static metamodel of Python, as 
 if there was no possibility of changing dynamic an

But Python *is* a dynamic language. You have to
capture that into the model somehow.

 A lot of person  do not understand nothing
 to Python on many aspects, because there is no
 graphical representation of the relation of concepts
 : may a module have  more than on class definition ?
 a mix of class and global fonction? etc... 

A graphical representation may be useful, but it must
be acurate too - else people may incorrectly deduce
that something can't be done because it's not
expressed in the graph.

  Does anyone know a document that describes it
 already, because I think  
  it is complicated to find this information in the
 documentation of  
 See section 2 Data Model and section 3 Execution
 Model in the Python  
 Language Reference
 Thank you, it's pretty standard but somewhat
 indigestible. However, by studying line by line, I
 would have to be filled into a UML model

Yes, sure, it's hard to follow. As the subtitle says,
it's for language lawyers :)

  - a class method can contains nested method,
 but what is the way to  
  get a list of internal methods, without use ? Can
 i just write:
  myNestedMethodList = method.nestedMethodList
 Are you talking about nested functions?
 = Yes
 You can't enumerate them from outside the container
 function: Python is a  
 dynamic language, those inner functions are created
 when the def statement  
 is *executed*. If you have an if statement around
 the def, the function  
 may not even exist.
  = OK, it is diffcult to model: but possible: for
 example, by using a composition (a method may have
 0..n   inner function). The dynamic aspect may be
 described into a UML note or constraints for example

Anyway it doesn't look right. Inner functions are not
attributes of the enclosing one, like local variables
are not attributes of the enclosing function.

Gabriel Genellina

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Re: paging in python shell

2008-01-25 Thread gagsl-py2

--- Alex K [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 Thank you for this interesting tip. However I'm not
 sure to know how
 to use it. It seems pydoc.pager('text') just pages
 the text passed in.
 How do I actually make the python shell use a
 different pager?

I'm unsure of what you want. Do you want the print
statement, inside the Python interpreter, to page its
output? Write a function to page the output the way
you like, and assign it to sys.displayhook (see )

Gabriel Genellina

  Tarjeta de crédito Yahoo! de Banco Supervielle.
Solicitá tu nueva Tarjeta de crédito. De tu PC directo a tu casa. 

Please help in creating Python function in C ++ program

2007-11-21 Thread gagsl-py2
Forwarded to

--- Borse, Ganesh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am new to Python. I would like to use Python for
 the specialized purpose of dynamic expressions
 parsing  evaluation in my C++ application.
 I would like to encapsulate the expressions to be
 evaluated in Python function  compile that function
 at runtime, somewhat as below.
   Expression to eval put in Python function 
   def isSizeSmall(size,vol,ADV,prod):
 if ( (size  1000)  (vol  (0.001 * ADV)) 
 (prod==Stock)): print OK; return 10
 else: print NOK; return 11
 Then, I want to evaluate the PyObject returned by
 Py_CompileString multiple times in my program using
 the user input as the variables to the above
 This I tried using two different approaches - 1)
 PyEval_evalCode,  2) PyObject_CallObject.
 1) When using PyEval_evalCode: The function call to
 PyEval_evalCode was ok, but it did not return any
 2) Whereas, when I used this object with
 PyObject_CallObject, it failed with error as .
 Any help will be great. Many thanks in advance for
 your help.
 Warm Regards,
 Output of my test program:
 Expression to eval = 
 [def isSizeSmall(size,vol,ADV,prod):
   if ( (size  1000)  (vol  (0.001 * ADV)) 
 (prod==Stock)): print OK; return 10
   else: print NOK; return 11
 str compiled fine with stdin  Py_file_input,
 calling PyEval_EvalCode
 None ok [0] size [-1]
 str compiled fine with stdin  Py_file_input,
 calling PyFunction_New  then PyObject_CallObject
 Getting PyFunction_New
 Calling PyObject_CallObject
 func is callable
 TypeError: ?() takes no arguments (4 given)
 My test program having both above approaches is as
 main(int argc, char **argv)
/* Pass argv[0] to the Python interpreter */
/* Initialize the Python interpreter.  Required.
PyRun_SimpleString(import sys\n);
char szExpr[2048];
 isSizeSmall(size,vol,ADV,prod):\n  if ( (size 
 1000)  (vol  (0.001 * ADV))  (prod==\Stock\)):
 print \OK\; return 10\n  else: print \NOK\;
 return 11\n\n\n);
printf(Expression to eval = \n[%s]\n,szExpr);
OrderValues ordval;
ordval.size = 100;
ordval.ADV  = 10;
ordval.vol  = 1000;
PyObject *glb, *loc;
glb = PyDict_New();
PyDict_SetItemString(glb, __builtins__,
loc = PyDict_New();
PyObject* tuple = PyTuple_New(4);
PyObject* val = 0;
val = PyInt_FromLong(ordval.size);
val = PyInt_FromLong(ordval.vol);
val = PyInt_FromLong(ordval.ADV);
val = PyString_FromString(;
 /*** with string  Py_file_input ***/
PyObject* result = NULL;
result = Py_CompileString(szExpr,string,
if(result!=NULL  !PyErr_Occurred()){
  printf(str compiled fine with stdin 
 Py_file_input, calling PyEval_EvalCode\n);
  PyCodeObject *pyCo = (PyCodeObject *)result;
  PyObject* evalret = NULL;
  evalret = PyEval_EvalCode(pyCo,glb,loc);
  if(!evalret || PyErr_Occurred())
 printf(ok [%d] size

  // Try to get function obj of this...
  printf(Getting PyFunction_New\n);
  PyObject* func = PyFunction_New(result,glb);
  if(!func || PyErr_Occurred()){
printf(Failed to get Function..\n);
  } else {
  printf(Calling PyObject_CallObject\n);
printf(func is callable\n);
  PyObject* ret = PyObject_CallObject(func,
  //PyObject* ret = PyObject_CallObject(func,
  if(!ret || PyErr_Occurred())
} else {
  printf(Py_CompileString-1 returned

Remember that when you execute the Python source code,
you get the function *definition*; you are not
executing the function itself.

I travel until Dec. so unfortunately I can't provide
more help now. See the docs for Extending and

Gabriel Genellina

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL

  Compartí video en la ventana de tus mensajes (y también tus fotos de 
Usá el nuevo Yahoo! Messenger versión Beta.

Re: Can Readlines() go to next line after a Tab

2007-06-26 Thread gagsl-py2
(Please keep posting on this list)

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 Thanks, but this method still reads the whole line
 into memory. I would like to find a way for it to
 stop reading when it encounters a \t and then go to
 the next. This would be much faster.

You can't avoid reading the whole line - how can you
detect the end-of-line, unless you use fixed-length

 According to my tests, readlines with a regular
 expression is actually faster than the index method
 you mentioned. Here is the code testing a 25meg file
 with thousands of lines,

Hard to believe, altough that depends on a lot of
Is the posted code all your testing code? If so, it
doesn't look right.

Write two separate functions, without side effects
each (in this case, that means using a local variable
for kwords). Let's call them f1 and f2, inside
Use the timeit module to measure performance instead
of time.time(). Execute both functions *separately* on
two *separate* Python invocations, like this:

python -m timeit -s from kw import f1,f2 f1()
python -m timeit -s from kw import f1,f2 f2()

and see what happens.

Gabriel Genellina

Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. 
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
¡Probalo ya! 


Re: Set timeout and kill external windows

2007-06-19 Thread gagsl-py2
At Saturday 16/06/2007 02:24, you wrote:

 Thanks for your reply. I am new to Python and I
 seem to figure this out. I searched for examples
 on your recommendation below but couldn't do it.  I
 not familiar with subprocess and
 And I want to do this in Windows. Could you please
 write me the few lines I need to do this?

(Please keep posting on the list - other people may
help too, and I don't read this email too often).
Try this. (I had to use a private Popen attribute,

import subprocess
from win32event import WaitForSingleObject,
from win32api import TerminateProcess

def execute_and_wait(args, timeout=None):
Execute a command and wait until termination.
If timeout elapses and still not finished, kill
args: list containing program and arguments, or a
single string.
timeout: maximum time to wait, in ms, or None.

p = subprocess.Popen(args)
if timeout:
ret = WaitForSingleObject(p._handle, timeout)
TerminateProcess(p._handle, 1)
return None
return p.wait()

ret = execute_and_wait([notepad,
c:\\python\\LICENSE.txt], 5000)
print ret=,ret

Gabriel Genellina

Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. 
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
¡Probalo ya! 
