how to replace some methods with instrumented ones

2015-06-26 Thread georgeryoung
[python 2.7, linux]
I have a python app. I cannot modify the file.  But I can import it and mess 
with it.  I need to perform brief tasks before and after some of the member 
I'd like to do this in as clear and maintainable way as possible (no third 
party imports).  Here's what I have now(which works):

from newvbr import *  #get all the stuff from the newvbr app.

def perf_time(tag):  # I do a little more than this, but you get the idea.
print sys.stderr, + tag

def perf(tag):
def decorator(fn):
def wrapper(*args):
perf_time('start %s' % tag)
ret = fn(*args)
perf_time('end %s' % tag)
return ret
return wrapper
return decorator

I use this on various members of various classes in the newvbr app:

old_database_snapshot = VerticaSession.database_snapshot
def new_database_snapshot(self, name):
old_database_snapshot(self, name)
VerticaSession.database_snapshot = new_database_snapshot

old_object_snapshot = VerticaSession.object_snapshot
def new_object_snapshot(self, name):
old_object_snapshot(self, name)
VerticaSession.object_snapshot = new_object_snapshot

main()  #do the usual stuff of the imported app, but with annotations.

This is still pretty laborious.  How can I make something roughly like:


that does all the above?  I need to tag a bunch of function members like this.  
I don't insist on using decorators, it just looked like that kind of problem.

case-sensitive configparser without magical interpolation?

2015-05-22 Thread georgeryoung
[python 2.7]
I need to use a configparser that is case-sensitive for option names, but does 
not do magical interpolation of percent sign.  

backupHost = eng%26
dbNode = v_br_node0001

should be read (and later written) as is, including capitalization and the 
percent sign.  

I find that RawConfigParser keeps the %, but downcases the option name.
And SafeConfigParser can be hacked with optionxform to be case-sensitive, but 
does interpolation.
How can I get case-sensitive but no interpolation?

-- George

Re: case-sensitive configparser without magical interpolation?

2015-05-22 Thread georgeryoung
On Friday, May 22, 2015 at 1:13:39 PM UTC-4, Ian wrote:
 On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 10:59 AM,  gy wrote:
  [python 2.7]
  I need to use a configparser that is case-sensitive for option names, but 
  does not do magical interpolation of percent sign.
  backupHost = eng%26
  dbNode = v_br_node0001
  should be read (and later written) as is, including capitalization and the 
  percent sign.
  I find that RawConfigParser keeps the %, but downcases the option name.
  And SafeConfigParser can be hacked with optionxform to be case-sensitive, 
  but does interpolation.
  How can I get case-sensitive but no interpolation?
 RawConfigParser also has the optionxform method; have you tried overriding 
 If that doesn't work, then how strict is the 2.7 requirement? In 3.2
 or later, the ConfigParser takes an interpolation keyword argument
 that can be used to disable interpolation:

That worked perfectly, thanks!

Re: question about loading variables from a file...

2006-11-05 Thread georgeryoung
On Nov 5, 2:26 pm, avidfan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can someone offer some advice as to how the best way to approach this
 might be?

 I am trying to write a generic python script to build out some
 applications, so the python script will be generic enough to work for
 all of them, but it needs to 'source' a file that contains app and
 environment specific variables.

 I have used WLST, which provides the loadProperties() method for
 reading values for weblogic domains, but I'm trying to find the best
 way to do the same sort of thing in python...

Try configparser:


Re: best way to check if a file exists?

2006-10-31 Thread georgeryoung
On Oct 31, 4:01 pm, John Salerno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is the best way to check if a file already exists in the current
 directory? I saw os.path.isfile(), but I'm not sure if that does more
 than what I need.

 I just want to check if a file of a certain name exists before the user
 creates a new file of that name.

You could be more pythonic, and simply try to create the file,
catching the exception if if fails.  This works on linux:

   newfd ='foobar', os.O_EXCL | os.O_CREAT)
   new_file = os.fdopen(newdf)
except OSError, x:
   if x[1] == 'File exists':

[but beware unreliable on an NFS file system, from man open:
   O_EXCL is broken  on  NFS  file
   systems,  programs  which  rely  on it for performing locking tasks
   will contain a race condition.  The solution for performing  atomic
   file  locking  using  a  lockfile is to create a unique file on the
   same fs (e.g., incorporating hostname and pid), use link(2) to make
   a  link  to the lockfile. If link() returns 0, the lock is
   Otherwise, use stat(2) on the unique file  to  check  if  its
   link  count has increased to 2, in which case the lock is also


what is @param in docstrings?

2006-10-28 Thread georgeryoung
I'm starting to read about twisted and I keep seeing things like:
[from twisted/internet/]

def __init__(self, name, uid=None, gid=None, authorizer=None,
Initialize me.
If uid and gid arguments are not provided, this application
default to having the uid and gid of the user and group who
created it.

@param name: a name

@param uid: (optional) a POSIX user-id.  Only used on POSIX

@param gid: (optional) a POSIX group-id.  Only used on POSIX

_AbstractServiceCollection.__init__(self) = name

What does the @param mean?  It looks like something meant to be
machine readable.  Alas, googling on @param doesn't work...  It looks
at first like a decorator, but that doesn't make much sense.

-- George Young


Re: User Access to the docstring of a property

2006-10-20 Thread georgeryoung

Colin J. Williams wrote:
 Is there some way that the user can access the docstring specified for a

Do keep in mind that the docstring is not guaranteed to be available.
the application is run with optimization turned on, docstrings are
optimized out.  Docstrings are handy for reading code and maybe for
debugging, but should not be relied upon for users, as opposed to

-- George Young

 Please see the example below:

 # propDocTest
 class A(object):
def __init__(self, value):
  self.value= value
def vGet(self):
  return self.value
V= property (fget= vGet, doc=Get Value.)

 a= A(22)
 print a.vGet()
 print a.V
 print a.V.__doc__ # this gives the docstring for the value returned
 help(a.V) # this gives the docstring for the class/type of
 the value returned
 Colin W.


Re: Flexable Collating (feedback please)

2006-10-18 Thread georgeryoung

On Oct 18, 2:42 am, Ron Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I put together the following module today and would like some feedback on any
 obvious problems.  Or even opinions of weather or not it is a good approach.
 def __call__(self, a, b):
  This allows the Collate class work as a sort key.

 USE: list.sort(key=Collate(flags))
 return cmp(self.transform(a), self.transform(b))

You document _call__ as useful for the key keyword to sort, but you
implement it for the cmp keyword.  The key allows much better
performance, since it's called only once per value.  Maybe just :
return self.transform(a)

-- George


why should dict not be callable?

2006-10-17 Thread georgeryoung
A couple of times recently I've come across this problem:  I have a
large list to sort and I need to the the key=function argument to
sort appropriately.  But I actually have the key mapping in a big
dictionary.  Now I have to make an intermediary function:

def key_fn(key):
   return key_dict[key]

If a dict were callable directly, this would be unnecessary.  Often the
small extra complexity and compute time is not important, but in
sorting a large list, it could be a significant difference.  Is there
some reason a subscriptable thing like a dict should *not* be callable?

-- George [nitpicking...]


Re: why should dict not be callable?

2006-10-17 Thread georgeryoung
On Oct 17, 3:37 pm, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A couple of times recently I've come across this problem:  I have a
  large list to sort and I need to the the key=function argument to
  sort appropriately.  But I actually have the key mapping in a big use a bound method:


Duh!  Why didn't I think of that... Thanks guys, that's perfect.

-- George


Re: returning None instead of value: how to fix?

2006-09-22 Thread georgeryoung
sam wrote:
 i am starting to experiment with recursion, and decided to write a
 fairly trivial little program which took a float as input, then called
 a function to halve it recursively until it was less than 1:

 import recursive_halve_module

 raw_value = raw_input('please enter the number you would like to halve: ')
 value = float(raw_value)
 final_value = recursive_halve_module.recursive_halve(value)
 print final_value
 raw_input('hit enter to close:')
 def recursive_halve(value):
 if value  1:
   print value
   return value
   value = value/2
   print value
   if value  1:
   return value
This needs to be:
 return recursive_halve(value)
You were executing the function, but not returning the result.

-- George

 it works fine apart from printing 'None' instead of 'final_value' at
 the end. however, if you enter a value that is already less than 1, it
 prints 'final_value' (i.e. that very same number) just fine.

 now, it looks to me like only 'value' can be returned: either right at
 the beginning (for values less than 1) or when you eventually get down
 to below 1 after x function calls. but clearly that's not the case. i
 understand that 'None' is returned by default by functions in Python.
 my question is: how am i slipping into that default despite seemingly
 (to me at least) avoiding it through explicitly returning something
 thanks in advance,


Re: get process id...

2006-09-20 Thread georgeryoung
SpreadTooThin wrote:
 How does one get the process id?
 Is there a method for windows and unix (mac os x etc...)

under linux, do:
  import os
