Re: Python discussed in Nature

2015-02-15 Thread giacomo boffi
Chris Angelico  writes:

> On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 6:40 AM, John Ladasky
>  wrote:
>> The default font that the Geany program editor uses on my Ubuntu
>> system renders everything I've tried.  When I look up that font in
>> Geany's Preferences menu, it is called, simply, "monospace".
> That's a font alias. Unfortunately, I've never yet figured out a
> straight-forward way to snap the pointer;

when you know it, it's easy...

% fc-match mono
DejaVuSansMono.ttf: "DejaVu Sans Mono" "Book"


Re: I don't read docs and don't know how to use Google. What does the print function do?

2014-11-13 Thread giacomo boffi
"Clayton Kirkwood"  writes:

> Although I suspect for a price you could bring all of your
> professional programming jobs to somebody here, but I think you
> would pay out more than you would make.

s/ here/ else/ and your assumption can be falsified

Re: What does zip mean?

2014-11-13 Thread giacomo boffi
Grant Edwards  writes:

> No, you don't. That's not how a zipper works.  Each tooth from side A,
> isn't bound with one from side B.  It's bound with _two_ of them from
> side B. And each of those is in turn bound with an additional tooth
> from side A, and so on...
>> In your program you have two lists, whose elements `zip` returns
>> bound together in pairs
> What the zipper on a coat does is convert two separate sequences into
> a single sequence where the members alternate between the two input
> sequences.  IOW if we want to do something analogous to a zipper
> fastener it should do this:
>   zip([a,b,c,d,e,f],[1,2,3,4,5,6])  => [a,1,b,2,c,3,d,4,e,5,f,6]
> Item '1' is bound equally to item 'a' and 'b'.  Item 'b' is bound
> equally to item '1' and '2'.

I love you folks of CLP


Re: What does zip mean?

2014-11-10 Thread giacomo boffi

On 11/09/2014 11:44 AM, wrote:

What does zip return in the following piece of code?

To help you understanding what is the `zip` builtin,
please forget about PKZip etc and think about the
_zip fastener_ or _zipper_ in your bag or in your trousers

In the bag you have two sequences of teeth that the zipper
binds together in interlocking pairs

In your program you have two lists, whose elements `zip` returns
bound together in pairs

Re: I am out of trial and error again Lists

2014-10-27 Thread giacomo boffi
Rustom Mody  writes:

> What would you say to a person who
> - Buys a Lambhorgini

I'd say: "Don't buy a Lambhorgini from that nice guy you met at a party,
  but buy a Lamborghini by an authorized dealer"  ;-)

I was a kid when Lamborghini launched the Miura!

Re: I am out of trial and error again Lists

2014-10-24 Thread giacomo boffi

> many different circumstances, by the very, very helpful folks of clp.
  many different circumstances, by the very, very helpful folks of clpy

sapete contare fino a venticinque?
Olimpia Milano Jugoplastika Split Partizan Beograd
Roberto Premier Duska Ivanovic Zarko Paspalj

Re: I am out of trial and error again Lists

2014-10-23 Thread giacomo boffi
Seymore4Head  writes:

> Because most of the practice I am getting is not using Python.  I
> use Codeskulptor.


it's been months that you're struggling with python, if you happen to
own a computer could you please take the time to install python on it
and familiarise with the interactive interpreter?  I'll see that as a
personal favor. If you have to hand in assignments using codeskulptor
or are in any other way bound by your institution to use that service
you could anyway use the interactive interpreter on your pc, applying
the debugging and self-learning techniques that were shown to you, in
many different circumstances, by the very, very helpful folks of clp.

thank you for your attention

Re: I am out of trial and error again Lists

2014-10-23 Thread giacomo boffi
Rustom Mody  writes:

> [As best as I can make out the OP is not using the standalone
> interpreter
> nor idle
> nor (the many options like) python-interpreter-inside-emacs
> nor ipython
> nor ...

but CodeSkulptor ]

CodeSkulptor has been mentioned recently by S4H, and he had explained
why he uses CodeSkulptor, but I cannot remember anything of the explanation...

> Sarebbe ora gli scienziati italiani mostrassero un po' i coglioni
si`, vabbe`, ma a chi?   -- PLS, in IFQ

Re: Question about PANDAS

2014-10-20 Thread giacomo boffi
Ryan Shuell  writes:

> Thanks guys.  I just feel frustrated that I can't do something useful.

I had read many of your messages in the recent past, and I'm under the
impression that your frustration has more to do with "Python the
Infrastructure" rather than "Python the Language"

my suggestions will somehow reiterate what was told you in previous

 1. scrap everything python from your hard disk and your registry,
using unistall as far as possible

 2. choose ONE flavour of python, either 2.7.x or 3.4.x
- future is with 3.4,
- most exaples you'll find were written (are still written...)
  for 2.7.x

 3. the Pyton distribution from official sources contains piles of
stuff (batteries included is the motto) but you seem interested in
what is called "the python scientific stack" and this is not

If you want at once the stdlib AND the great majority of the extra
modules you're looking for AND an easy way to install other
packages, there are quite a number of third party distributions
that fit your ticket very well: entought, anaconda, active state,
pyxy, all of them should be good enough but I'n not a Windows guy
and I'm not be able to judge. Anyway, read or ask for advice on
python windows distributions, chose one, _install using the_
_defaults_, STICK WITH THAT DISTRIBUTION, familiarizing with its
infrastructure in terms of installing extra packages, setting
virtual environments, using the development tools it offers etc

in my very humble opinion, you are discomforted by the multiplicity of
the solutions and your quest for the best one... choose one, maybe not
the best one for you but trust me, it will be good enough! as soon as
you'll be in good terms with Python the language and python the
infrastructure, as presented to you by a single language version and a
single 3rd party distribution, you will gather momentum in a very
short time

my best wishes,

Re: [OT] spelling colour / color was Re: Toggle

2014-10-18 Thread giacomo boffi
duncan smith  writes:

> [...] It was the "top / bottom of the [TV] programme" that I didn't
> immediately get, because I was thinking of a timeline running left
> to right (perhaps rather than the script used by the presenters).

is it just me that thinks of a timeline running from the wall behind
the tv set into my dinette?

Re: while loop - multiple condition

2014-10-14 Thread giacomo boffi
Tim Chase  writes:

> On 2014-10-12 22:16, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
>> is equivalent with
>> while ans.lower()[0] != 'y':
>>  ans = input('Do you like python?')
> And still better improved with
>   while ans[:1].lower() != 'y':
> ans = input('Do you like python?')

 yok is Turkish for an EMPHATIC NO
(or, at least, that's what I was led to think many years ago)

Re: cmd.exe on WIndows - problem with displaying some Unicode characters

2014-08-04 Thread giacomo boffi
Wiktor  writes:

>   I'm not starting from scratch. I'm using packages 'termcolor', 'colorama'
> and 'colorconsole'

the 'urwid' package could be useful for similar projects but 
requires Linux, OSX, Cygwin or other unix-like OS so I guess
it's of no use for you...


Re: Hello and sorry for disturbing !

2014-05-27 Thread giacomo boffi
Rustom Mody  writes:

> For ubuntu you should need nothing for python.
> In other words python should run on a basic ubuntu installation.
> From the shell just type python and the interpreter should start.
> For more specialized work there are dozens (maybe hundreds?) of
> packages in the apt repos.

% apt-cache show python
Display all 2776 possibilities? (y or n)

Re: Python solve problem with string operation

2014-01-16 Thread giacomo boffi
giacomo boffi  writes:

> % python
> 34131237

% cat 
while n+1!=len(i):i,n=(i[:n]+i[n+1:],n) if i[n+1]==i[n] else (i,n+1)
print i
% python 
for Nikos

Re: Python solve problem with string operation

2014-01-16 Thread giacomo boffi
Nac Temha  writes:

> Hi everyone,
> I want to do operation with chars in the given string. Actually I want to
> grouping the same chars.
> For example;
> input : "3443331123377"
> operation-> (3)(44)()(333)(11)(2)(33)(77)
> output: "34131237"
> How can I do without list, regular expression. just using string operations. 
> Using an effective methods of python for this problem.

% cat
def f(s,n):
if s[n+1] == s[n]:
return s[:n]+s[n+1:], n
return s, n+1

i = "3443331123377"
n = 0

while n+1 != len(i):
i, n = f(i, n)

print i
% python

your instructor is a mean person

Re: ASCII and Unicode

2013-12-08 Thread giacomo boffi
Steven D'Aprano  writes:

> On Sat, 07 Dec 2013 17:05:34 +0100, giacomo boffi wrote:
>> Steven D'Aprano  writes:
>>> Ironically, your post was not Unicode.  [...] Your post was sent using
>>> a legacy encoding, Windows-1252, also known as CP-1252
>> i access rusi's post using a NNTP server, and in his post i see
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> But *which post* are you looking at?

 the wrong one... i.e, the one JUST BEFORE your change of
subject --- if i look at the "ellipsis" post, i see the same encoding
that you have mentioned

sorry for the confusion

Re: ASCII and Unicode

2013-12-07 Thread giacomo boffi
Steven D'Aprano  writes:

> Ironically, your post was not Unicode.  [...] Your post was sent
> using a legacy encoding, Windows-1252, also known as CP-1252

i access rusi's post using a NNTP server,
and in his post i see

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

is it possible that what you see is an artifact
of the gateway?

Re: Handling 3 operands in an expression without raising an exception

2013-09-29 Thread giacomo boffi
giacomo boffi  writes:

> it.comp.python

oops, it.comp.LANG.python

I do desire we may be better strangers.

Re: Handling 3 operands in an expression without raising an exception

2013-09-29 Thread giacomo boffi
Joel Goldstick  writes:

> On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 11:28 AM, giacomo boffi  wrote:
> Νίκος  writes:
> > IF it can also be written in one-line
> def f(x,n,w):return(lambda y=f(x[::2],n/2,w[::2]),z=f(x[1::2],n/2,w
> [::2]):reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,zip(*[(y[k]+w[k]*z[k],y[k]-w[k]*z[k]) for k 
> in
> range(n/2)])))()if n>1 else x
> I've been reading along and learning some really obscure coding
> patterns.

well, the obscure patterns aren't mine, they were contributed by some
it.comp.python regulars, to which credit is due if credit is due
(please ask google groups for the individual contributions)

> why?

to show a recreational one liner from which Νίκος could learn
something, one way or another
X  = f(x,n,[exp(-2*pi*1j*k/n) for k in range(n/2)])

Re: Handling 3 operands in an expression without raising an exception

2013-09-29 Thread giacomo boffi
Νίκος  writes:

> IF it can also be written in one-line

def f(x,n,w):return(lambda 
x,y:x+y,zip(*[(y[k]+w[k]*z[k],y[k]-w[k]*z[k]) for k in range(n/2)])))()if n>1 
else x

anch'io la penso come me, ma -- SteO153, in IHC

Re: Help with python functions?

2013-09-24 Thread giacomo boffi writes:

> def temp(T, from_unit, to_unit):
> conversion_table = {('c', 'k'):lambda x: x + 273.15,
> ('c', 'f'):lambda x: (x * (9.0/5)) + 32,
> ('k', 'c'):lambda x: x - 273.15,
> ('k', 'f'):lambda x: (x * (9.0/5)) - 459.67,
> ('f', 'c'):lambda x: (x - 32) * (5.0/9),
> ('f', 'k'):lambda x: (x + 459.67) * (5.0/9)}
> f = conversion_table[(from_unit.lower(), to_unit.lower())]
> return f(T)
> Would this be correct?

not always:

>>> temp(-300.0, 'c', 'k')

le mie sacrosante questioni di principio
  VS gli sciocchi puntigli di quel cretino del mio vicino

Re: CSV to matrix array

2013-04-13 Thread giacomo boffi
Ana Dionísio  writes:

> Hello!
> I have a CSV file with 20 rows and 12 columns and I need to store it
> as a matrix.

array=numpy.array([row for row in csv.reader(open('Cenarios.csv'))])

NB: i used "array=" as in your sample code, BUT

PMW+BLT on windows, any chance?

2012-01-30 Thread Giacomo Boffi
on my linux box i have a small python program that draws some 2-d line
graphs in a window aside a graphical interface to change the problem

as you may have guessed from the subject line, the gui widgets are
done with help from PMW [1], and the graps are done by the PMW <->
BLT[2] interface

now i'd like to port the whole mess to windows to give it away to
unix-impaired people, but i cannot find a precompiled BLT for my
window (virtual)box

otoh, even if i find such a rare pearl, every reference i found on
google implies that BLT 2.4z works with tk<8.5 while python 2.7 comes
with tk 8.5

1. is it possible to do what i wish to do?
2. is it worth?
3. if it is impossible or unworty, i'd better rewrite my program to
   use which graphics library?


[1] Python Mega Widgets is a pure python implementation of complex,
expandable widgets built on tkinter, i use its input widgets
because they do data validation
[2] Blt is a library that enhances tcl/tk adding some useful stuff, in
my case i use the 2-d graph widget
"We have met the enemy and he is us."
--- Pogo.

Re: Validating Entry in tkinter

2011-07-27 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Saul Spatz  writes:

> In tcl/tk an Entry widget can be set to validate its contents with
> the validate option. [...]  Can one do something like this in
> tkinter?

i read the thread and nobody mentioned the python mega widget (Pmw)
toolkit, from whose docs i quote the following

Pmw.EntryField() - entry widget with validation


Validation is performed early, at each keystroke or other event
which modifies the text. However, if partially valid text is
permitted, the validity of the entered text can be checked just
before it is to be used, which is a form of late validation.


Re: Convert AWK regex to Python

2011-05-16 Thread Giacomo Boffi
J  writes:

> cat logs/pdu_log_fe.log | awk -F\- '{print $1,$NF}' | awk -F\. '{print 
> $1,$NF}' | awk '{print $1,$4,$5}' | sort | uniq | while read service command 
> status; do echo "Service: $service, Command: $command, Status: $status, 
> Occurrences: `grep $service logs/pdu_log_fe.log | grep $command | grep 
> $status | wc -l | awk '{ print $1 }'`" >> logs/pdu_log_fe_clean.log; done
> This AWK command gets lines which look like this:-
> 2011-05-16 09:46:22,361 [Thread-4847133] PDU D  CC_SMS_SERVICE_51408_656-ServerThread-VASPSessionThread-7ee35fb0-7e87-11e0-a2da-00238bce423b-TRX
>  - 2011-05-16 09:46:22 - OUT - (submit_resp: (pdu: L: 53 ID: 8004 Status: 
> 0 SN: 25866) 98053090-7f90-11e0-a2da-00238bce423b (opt: ) ) >
> And outputs lines like this:-
> CC_SMS_SERVICE_51408 submit_resp: 0

i see some discrepancies in the description of your problem

1. if i echo a properly quoted line "like this" above in the pipeline
   formed by the first three awk commands i get

$ echo $likethis | awk -F\- '{print $1,$NF}' \
 | awk -F\. '{print$1,$NF}'  \
 | awk '{print $1,$4,$5}'
2011 ) )
   not a triple 'service command status'

2. with regard to the final product, you script outputs lines like in

echo "Service: $service, [...]"

   and you say that it produces lines like

CC_SMS_SERVICE_51408 submit_resp: 

WHATEVER, the abnormous run time is due to the fact that for every
output line you rescan again and again the whole log file

IF i had understood what you want, imho you should run your data
through sort and uniq -c

$ awk -F\- '{print $1,$NF}' < $file \
| awk -F\. '{print$1,$NF}'  \
| awk '{print $1,$4,$5}'| sort | uniq -c | format_program

uniq -c drops repeated lines from a sorted input AND prepends to each
line the count of equal lines in the original stream


Re: Fun python 3.2 one-liner

2011-04-04 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Chris Angelico  writes:

>> def f(x,n,w): return x if n==1 else\
>>    (lambda x0=f(x[::2],n/2,w[::2]),\
>>            x1=f(x[1::2],n/2,w[::2]): reduce(lambda a,b: a+b ,\
>>                                      zip(*[(x0[k]+w[k]*x1[k],\
>>                                             x0[k]-w[k]*x1[k])\
>>                                             for k in range(n/2)])))()

> What sort of parameters does this take? So far all I can figure out
> is that n is an integer and x and w are sliceables, but I'm not sure
> whether x and w should be strings or arrays.

def direct_fft(x,n):
  return f(x,n,[exp(-2*pi*1j*k/n) for k in range(n/2)]) 
def inverse_fft(x,n):
  return [x/n for x in f(x,n,[exp(+2*pi*1j*k/n) for k in range(n/2)])] 
le mie sacrosante questioni di principio
  VS gli sciocchi puntigli di quel cretino del mio vicino

Re: [pyplot] using f1=figure(1)

2011-04-04 Thread Giacomo Boffi
"eryksun ()"  writes:

> figure(fig1.number)
> plot(...)

that's already much better than figure(1);...;figure(2);...

> Alternatively, you can use the plot methods of a particular axes:
> fig1 = figure()
> ax1 = axes()
> fig2 = figure()
> ax2 = axes()
> ax1.plot(...)
> ax2.plot(...)

that's nicer

> It works the same for subplots: [...]

thanks a lot
le mie sacrosante questioni di principio
  VS gli sciocchi puntigli di quel cretino del mio vicino

Re: [pyplot] using f1=figure(1)

2011-03-28 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Blockheads Oi Oi  writes:

> I don't know why but this works fine.
> f1=figure(1)
> plot(sin(linspace(0,10)),figure=f1)
> f2=figure(2)
> plot(cos(linspace(0,10)),figure=f2)
> show()

it works as well (with a proper t...)


because that's the way it is advised to do

in help(plot) one can read that in the named  arguments that are
accepted from plot, you can say also figure=figurehandle, but it is
evident that i misundertood the issue

> You're also likely to get more answers if you ask on the mailing list
> here

another mailing list?  really i have to? 

Fan culo a quelli che quando si svegliano la mattina, non importa se
sono leoni o gazzelle, sono comunque delle bestie. -- Zonker, in IHC

[pyplot] using f1=figure(1)

2011-03-28 Thread Giacomo Boffi
i executed the following interactions and i remained disappointed

$ python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Dec 27 2010, 00:02:40) 
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from pylab import *
>>> f1=figure(1)
>>> f2=figure(2)
>>> f1

>>> f2

>>> plot(sin(linspace(0,10)),figure=f1)
>>> plot(cos(linspace(0,10)),figure=f2)
>>> show()

i'm surely off by one in my understanding of the plot command, as i
expected a sine in figure 1 and a cosine in 2, while what i got was a
blank figure 1 and both the sine and the cosine in figure 2

can anyone help me? tia


Re: Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages

2011-02-18 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Steven D'Aprano  writes:

>> A dedicated concatenation operator would have avoided that mess.
> I don't quite agree that the mess is as large as you make out, but yes, 
> more operators would be useful.

am i wrong, or "|" is still available?
l'amore e' un sentimento a senso unico. a volte una via comincia dove
finisce un'altra e viceversa   -- Caldana, in IFQ

Re: Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages

2011-02-18 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Chris Jones  writes:

> [...] most any software of note appears to have come out of cultures
> where English is either the native language, or where the native
> language is either relatively close to English...

i do acknowledge your "most", but how do you spell "Moon" in Portuguese?

Re: Should there be a 'core' python install?

2011-01-20 Thread Giacomo Boffi
"Martin P. Hellwig"  writes:

> Yep when I started looking much more at other toolkits, I started to
> like Tkinter more and more. Maybe its simplicity,

maybe the good design of Tk, 

Re: Using property() to extend Tkinter classes but Tkinter classes are old-style classes?

2010-11-30 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Terry Reedy  writes:

> On 11/28/2010 3:47 PM, wrote:
>> I had planned on subclassing Tkinter.Toplevel() using property() to wrap
>> access to properties like a window's title.
>> After much head scratching and a peek at the source, I
>> realized that all Tkinter classes are old-style classes (even under
>> Python 2.7).
>> 1. Is there a technical reason why Tkinter classes are still old-style
>> classes?
> To not break old code. Being able to break code by upgrading all
> classes in the stdlib was one of the reasons for 3.x.

In 3.x, are Tkinter classes still derived by old-style classes?

Re: elementwise multiplication of 2 lists of numbers

2010-09-20 Thread Giacomo Boffi
harryos  writes:

> hi
> I have 2 lists of numbers,say
> x=[2,4,3,1]
> y=[5,9,10,6]
> I need to create another list containing
> z=[2*5, 4*9, 3*10, 1*6]  ie =[10,36,30,6]
> I did not want to use numpy or any Array types.I tried to implement
> this in python .I tried the following
> z=[]
> for a,b in zip(x,y):
> z.append(a*b)
> This gives me the correct result.Still,Is this the correct way?
> Or can this be done in a better way?

what you've done is correct, rather than in better ways this can be
done in different ways

first, there is list comprehension
>>> [x*y for x,y in zip([2,4,3,1],[5,9,10,6])]
[10, 36, 30, 6]

if you feel that "zip" looks like an artifact, python has some
functional bit
>>> map(lambda x,y: x*y, [2,4,3,1],[5,9,10,6])
[10, 36, 30, 6]

if you feel that "lambda" looks like an artifact,
>>> from operator import mul
>>> map(mul, [2,4,3,1],[5,9,10,6])
[10, 36, 30, 6]

> In tutti noi c'è un lato interista 
Lato perlopiù nascosto dalle mutande. 
--- Basil Fawlty, a reti unificate (IFQ+ISC)

Re: [Tutor] Arguments from the command line

2010-09-13 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Dennis Lee Bieber  writes:

> On Fri, 10 Sep 2010 12:25:17 +0200, Giacomo Boffi
>  declaimed the following in
> gmane.comp.python.general:
>> Lawrence D'Oliveiro  writes:
>> > In message <>, Giacomo Boffi wrote:
>> >
>> >> Dennis Lee Bieber  writes:
>> >> 
>> >>> FORTRAN just differentiates by having the main file start with
>> >>> PROGRAM random_name
>> >>> whereas subfiles are all either (or both)
>> >>> SUBROUTINE another_name(args)
>> >>> FUNCTION that_other_name(args)
>> >> 
>> >> no BLOCKDATA?
>> >
>> > I think you mean COMMON.
>> i meant BLOCKDATA
>   It exists but I've only seen it used once... And I don't recall it
> being "executable" in the same way as program/function/subroutine.

i simply meant that the BLOCKDATA statement can begin a subfile as
Sarò un'ingenua ma continuo a pensarla come prima, anche se
probabilmente i fatti mi smentiscono.  -- Francy, in IHC

Re: [Tutor] Arguments from the command line

2010-09-10 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Lawrence D'Oliveiro  writes:

> In message <>, Giacomo Boffi wrote:
>> Dennis Lee Bieber  writes:
>>> FORTRAN just differentiates by having the main file start with
>>> PROGRAM random_name
>>> whereas subfiles are all either (or both)
>>> SUBROUTINE another_name(args)
>>> FUNCTION that_other_name(args)
> I think you mean COMMON.


Re: How Python works: What do you know about support for negative indices?

2010-09-10 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Ben Finney  writes:

> Raymond Hettinger  writes:
>> It doesn't seem to be common knowledge when and how a[x] gets
>> translated to a[x+len(x)].  So, here's a short info post on how Python
>> supports negative indices for sequences.
> Thanks for this. Could you post your messages using a channel that
> doesn't arbitrarily split your paragraphs into long-short-long-short
> lines?

hi Ben, i see that you uses gnus... well, it's gnus that does the
unwanted formatting

try C-u g, as dettailed below, ciao

g runs `gnus-summary-show-article'

`gnus-summary-show-article' is an interactive compiled Lisp function
  -- loaded from "gnus-sum"
(gnus-summary-show-article &optional ARG)

Force redisplaying of the current article.
If ARG (the prefix) is a number, show the article with the charset
defined in `gnus-summary-show-article-charset-alist', or the charset
If ARG (the prefix) is non-nil and not a number, show the raw article
without any article massaging functions being run.  Normally, the key
strokes are `C-u g'.
la lenza penzola
   -- PMF, in IHC

Re: [Tutor] Arguments from the command line

2010-09-09 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Dennis Lee Bieber  writes:

>   FORTRAN just differentiates by having the main file start with
>   PROGRAM random_name
> whereas subfiles are all either (or both)
>   SUBROUTINE another_name(args)
>   FUNCTION that_other_name(args)


Re: PyGeo

2010-08-31 Thread Giacomo Boffi
L  writes:

> also the PyGeo readme text mentions Numerical python (I think it
> means Numeric, but I also have NumPy installed)

afaict, Numerical python is numpy --- if you look at pygeo home page,
the reference to Numerical python is a link to numpy home page

on the contrary, there is no "import numpy" in all the sources of
pygeo, and a couples or so of "import Numeric", so that the situation
is unclear

aiuole/../PyGeo-1.0a1 $ find build| grep py$ | xargs grep -n import'.*'numpy
aiuole/../PyGeo-1.0a1 $ find build| grep py$ | xargs grep -n import'.*'Numeric
build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pygeo/base/ Numeric as N
build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/pygeo/base/ Numeric
aiuole/../PyGeo-1.0a1 $ 

to complicate matters, it is not possible to install python-numeric
using the apt system on debian unstable

i don't know if it is possible to build numeric against the default
python (2.6) on my system, further i don't know if it is worthwhile
because, at a first sight, it looks like pygeo does not use advanced
features of numeric, and replacing numeric with numpy should be very


Re: looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6, 9 and 20

2010-08-17 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Paul Rubin  writes:

> Baba  writes:
>> exercise: given that packs of McNuggets can only be bought in 6, 9 or
>> 20 packs, write an exhaustive search to find the largest number of
>> McNuggets that cannot be bought in exact quantity.
> Is that a homework problem?

yes, and no

it was a homework problem, assigned in 2008, as clearly stated by the OP

most of what was discussed on the ng was clearly stated in the
introduction to the actual problem, so that we can thank Baba for NOT
having read the text of the assignment, leavin' us a couple of days of
amusing and interesting posts
Mangiate pure le vostre carote, noi mangeremo le nostre salsicce!
   -- Claud,   in IHC

Re: looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6, 9 and 20

2010-08-16 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Baba  writes:

> Hi Mel,
> indeed i thought of generalising the theorem as follows:
> If it is possible to buy n, n+1,~, n+(x-1) sets of McNuggets, for some
> x, then it is possible to buy any number of McNuggets >= x, given that
> McNuggets come in x, y and z packs.
> so with diophantine_nuggets(7,10,21) i would need 7 passes
> result:53
> but with (10,20,30) and 10 passes i get no result

you need at least an odd number in your set, because summing even
numbers only you'll never get an odd result

Re: Win7. Why Don't Matplotlib, ... Show up in Control Panel Add-Remove?

2010-08-11 Thread Giacomo Boffi
"Martin v. Loewis"  writes:

> If you use the bdist_wininst, bdist_msi, or bdist_rpm distutils
> commands, you get packages which support uninstallations very well.

Vorrei andare a lavorare in Sicilia, a max 15 km dal mare. Con chi 
devo parlare? Col capomafia distrettuale? Oppure bisogna sporcarsi le 
mani e fare la tessera di FI?  -- Marvin,  in IFQ

Re: Python -- floating point arithmetic

2010-07-08 Thread Giacomo Boffi
"Zooko O'Whielacronx"  writes:

> I'm starting to think that one should use Decimals by default and
> reserve floats for special cases.

would you kindly lend me your Decimals ruler? i need to measure the
sides of the triangle whose area i have to compute

Re: Plotting in batch with no display

2010-06-08 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Giacomo Boffi  writes:

> Hans Georg Schaathun  writes:
>> :  import matplotlib
>> :  matplotlib.use('agg')
>> :  import pylab
>> :  pylab.plot([1, 3, 5])
>> :  fig = file('foo.png', 'wb')
>> :  pylab.savefig(fig, format='png')
>> :  fig.close()
>> Raster graphics is not good enough
> #ig = file('foo.png', 'wb'
> pylab.savefig('foo.png', format='pdf')
> that's all



le mie sacrosante questioni di principio
  VS gli sciocchi puntigli di quel cretino del mio vicino

Re: Plotting in batch with no display

2010-06-08 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Hans Georg Schaathun  writes:

> :  import matplotlib
> :  matplotlib.use('agg')
> :  import pylab
> :  pylab.plot([1, 3, 5])
> :  fig = file('foo.png', 'wb')
> :  pylab.savefig(fig, format='png')
> :  fig.close()
> Raster graphics is not good enough

#ig = file('foo.png', 'wb'
pylab.savefig('foo.png', format='pdf')

that's all

Re: if, continuation and indentation

2010-06-04 Thread Giacomo Boffi
HH  writes:

>   if (width == 0 and
>   height == 0 and
>   color == 'red' and
>   emphasis == 'strong' or
>   highlight > 100):
>   raise ValueError("sorry, you lose")

if (width == 0 and
height == 0 and
color == 'red' and
emphasis == 'strong' or
highlight > 100):

raise ValueError("sorry, you lose")

compro mobili vecchi - vendo mobili antichi

Re: [pylint] why pylint wants only capitals identifiers?

2010-04-19 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Giacomo Boffi  writes:

>> However, given you example, you should not insert code execution at
>> you module level, unless it's required only at the module import. I
>> dont know what is your module
> module? this was not well specified in my OP, but i'd rather speak of
> a "script" instead of a module...
> maybe should i use the
> if __name__ == "__main__":
> main()
> idiom to keep happy my pylint? oh, let's do it... it should be easy
> isn't it?

well, it's not so easy... pylint complains (correctly) about too many
local variables in main(), and about other things for different
adjustments i tried

i think i will put some variable at top level, CAPITALIZED, with the
intention of making evident that those values are the data of the
problem, as well as other quantities that are computed once from base
data, and then use these capitalized global variables inside my main
function --- tonight, at home

thank you again,
l'amore e' un sentimento a senso unico. a volte una via comincia dove
finisce un'altra e viceversa   -- Caldana, in IFQ

Re: [pylint] why pylint wants only capitals identifiers?

2010-04-19 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Jean-Michel Pichavant  writes:

> Giacomo Boffi wrote:
>> i have this code
>> def example(a):
>> return lambda b: a+b+1
>> fun = example(10)
>> k_1 = fun(7)
>> ...
>> and pylint tells me
>> [...]
>> C:  4: Invalid name "fun" (should match (([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__))$)
>> C:  5: Invalid name "k_1" (should match (([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__))$)
>> [...]
>> g
> Pylint default rules need some tuning

ok, but maybe it's not my specific problem (see below)

> However, given you example, you should not insert code execution at
> you module level, unless it's required only at the module import. I
> dont know what is your module

module? this was not well specified in my OP, but i'd rather speak of
a "script" instead of a module...

maybe should i use the

if __name__ == "__main__":

idiom to keep happy my pylint? oh, let's do it... it should be easy
isn't it?

 I wish we'd come to our senses and see there is no truth
 In those who promote the confusion for this ever changing mood.
(people get ready people get ready people get ready people get ready)

[pylint] why pylint wants only capitals identifiers?

2010-04-19 Thread Giacomo Boffi
i have this code

def example(a):
return lambda b: a+b+1

fun = example(10)
k_1 = fun(7)

and pylint tells me

C:  4: Invalid name "fun" (should match (([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__))$)
C:  5: Invalid name "k_1" (should match (([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__))$)

afaict, [A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]* identifiers should be used for constants, and
i don't think of fun or k_1 as constants... what's going on?

la lenza penzola
   -- PMF, in IHC

Re: Generating a rainbow?

2010-04-13 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Tobiah  writes:

> I'm having a difficult time with this.  I want
> to display a continuous range of hues using HTML
> hex representation (#RRGGBB).  How would I go 
> about scanning through the hues in order to
> make a rainbow?

if you mean real rainbows when you say "rainbow", as rainbows go from
low to high wavelengths and you have to specify colors to your display
in RGB, i think that you have to read, e.g.,

otoh if you mean simply a continuos palette with varying hues,
excellent answers were already posted

compro mobili vecchi - vendo mobili antichi

Re: python as pen and paper substitute

2010-04-09 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Manuel Graune  writes:

> Giacomo Boffi  writes:
>> Manuel Graune  writes:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I am looking for ways to use a python file as a substitute for simple
>>> pen and paper calculations.
>> search("embedded calc mode") if manuel in emacs_fellows_set or sys.exit(1)
> Well, the subject does say python

and so i answered in python...

seriously, embedded calc mode is not mathematica's notebooks but is
usable for doing "live maths" in a text buffer

> I'm a vim-user anyways.

sorry... otoh, vim is scriptable in python.  i know less than nothing
on this subject but i'd be surprised if something akin to your request
were not available

> *duckandrun*

tanto ti ripiglio
non ho capito un apascio   -- pp, tra se e se 

Re: python as pen and paper substitute

2010-04-08 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Manuel Graune  writes:

> Hello everyone,
> I am looking for ways to use a python file as a substitute for simple
> pen and paper calculations.

search("embedded calc mode") if manuel in emacs_fellows_set or sys.exit(1)

Re: Recommend Commercial graphing library

2010-04-08 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Grant Edwards  writes:

> If it's 2D data, you don't need to use a 3D graph.

if it's tabular data, you don't need an uber-histogram
giampippetto, coso, come si chiama? ah si` "MMAX" ha scritto:
> Tra il trascendente e l'interpretazione prevalente del dato come
> assioma ne passa...

Re: Looking for a pure Python chart drawing module

2009-09-18 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Piet van Oostrum  writes:

>> Chris Withers  (CW) wrote:
>>CW> John Nagle wrote:
 That's a wrapper for Antigrain ("";),
 which is a C++ library.  I'm trying hard to avoid dependencies on
 binary libraries with limited support.  Builds exist only for
 Python 2.4 and 2.5.
>>CW> Huh?
>>CW> Matplotlib is a pretty phenomenal charting library, I use it
>>CW> routinely on both windows and linux, I've never had any
>>CW> compilation problems on Linux and never even needed to compile
>>CW> it on Windows.
>>CW> Writing if off as "just a wrapper for antigrain" is pretty
>>CW> insulting...
> *You* made up the "just" in that quote. The point was that the OP
> wants something that only needs Python.

matplotlib can be used to generate .ps, .pdf and .svg files (all
vectorial formats) without resorting to Antigrain

Antigrain is used only in rasterizing, due to its better capabilities
in the field of antialiasing, when you use matplotlib with an
interactive backend; of course, if you're truly dispising Antigrain
and are happy with a coarser display you can select interactive
backends that DO NOT use Antigrain

that's for the Antigrain wrapper

otoh, if the OP intended a plotting library that does not use binary
modules at all (then his reference to Antigrain was mostly fogging),
then matplotlib is not for him

% find matplotlib-0.99.0/| grep -v agg24 | grep '\.cpp$' | wc -l
% find matplotlib-0.99.0/| grep -v agg24 | grep '\.c$' | wc -l

 I wish we'd come to our senses and see there is no truth
 In those who promote the confusion for this ever changing mood.
(people get ready people get ready people get ready people get ready)

Re: Looking for a pure Python chart drawing module

2009-09-17 Thread Giacomo Boffi
John Nagle  writes:

> gerlos wrote:
>> John Nagle ha scritto:
>>> I'm looking for something that can draw simple bar and pie charts
>>> in Python.  I'm trying to find a Python package, not a wrapper for
>>> some C library, as this has to run on both Windows and Linux
>>> and version clashes are a problem.
>> Did you look at matplotlib? In their examples page there are some
>> charts like the ones you asked for. I guess it could work for you,
>> and it seems to work flawlessy in MS Windows as in gnu/linux.
>That's a wrapper for Antigrain ("";), which is
> a C++ library.

come on, you can configure matplotlib to use one of too many different



# the default backend; one of GTK GTKAgg GTKCairo CocoaAgg FltkAgg
# MacOSX QtAgg Qt4Agg TkAgg WX WXAgg Agg Cairo GDK PS PDF SVG Template
# You can also deploy your own backend outside of matplotlib by
# referring to the module name (which must be in the PYTHONPATH) as
# 'module://my_backend'
backend  : GTKAgg

Yes you who must leave everything that you cannot control.
It begins with your family, but soon it comes around to your soul.
Well I've been where you're hanging, I think I can see how you're pinned:
When you're not feeling holy, your loneliness says that you've sinned.

Re: Looking for a pure Python chart drawing module

2009-09-17 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Vlastimil Brom  writes:

> As for BLT, there is Pmw.Blt, the original is written in Tcl.

doesn't work (dumps core) on debian linux
bug #525860: python-pmw triggers segmentation fault in blt

not that blt itself is really OK
bug #524149: blt: zooming in a graph produces segmentation fault
Io ti saluto diventa equivalente ad io saluto te   -- gobbacci, in ISC

Re: Help with cumulative sum

2009-09-11 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Maggie  writes:

> [...]
> else:
>print 'The loop is finito'

do you know of it.comp.lang.python?

Sarebbe essere un atto di pieta'. 
Contro i miei principi.-- whip,  in IFMdI

Re: [Tkinter] messed callbacks

2009-09-10 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Terry Reedy  writes:

> Reedy's Lambda Rule: [detailed explanation omitted]

i'm beginning to _understand_ what's going on with my code

> Terry Jan Reedy

thanks, grazie 1000 Terry,
"Lord, what fools these mortals be!"

Re: [Tkinter] messed callbacks

2009-09-10 Thread Giacomo Boffi
John Posner  writes:

> def output(x,y,op):
>  if op == "<":
>print x, "<---", y
>  elif op == ">":
>print x, "--->", y
>  else:
>print "Operation argument error!"

uh, nice!, i'll adapt this to my real problem

thank you John,
anch'io la penso come me, ma -- SteO153, in IHC

Re: [Tkinter] messed callbacks

2009-09-10 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Scott David Daniels  writes:

> Giacomo Boffi wrote:
>> Giacomo Boffi  writes:
> ...
>> | def create_cb(a,b):
>> | return lambda: output(a+'->'+b)
>> | | def doit(fr,lst):
>> |   for c1,c2 in zip(lst[::2], lst[1::2]):
>> | subframe=Frame(fr)
>> | Label(subframe,text=c1+' <-> 
>> '+c2).pack(side='left',expand=1,fill='both')
>> | Button(subframe,text='>',command=create_cb(c1,c2)).pack()
>> | Button(subframe,text='<',command=create_cb(c2,c1)).pack()
>> | subframe.pack(fill='x',expand=1)
> ...
>> works ok, now i have to fully understand my previous error
> This is really why functools.partial exists.

i take due note, tx

> Also note from Pep 8, spaces are cheap and make the code easier to
> read.

space-crunch was just for posting on usenet, 80 cols terminals etc.

Sarò un'ingenua ma continuo a pensarla come prima, anche se
probabilmente i fatti mi smentiscono.  -- Francy, in IHC

Re: [Tkinter] messed callbacks

2009-09-09 Thread Giacomo Boffi
Giacomo Boffi  writes:

> ok, i'll try again following your advice

,[ ]
| from Tkinter import *
| def output(s):
|   print s
| def create_cb(a,b):
| return lambda: output(a+'->'+b)
| def doit(fr,lst):
|   for c1,c2 in zip(lst[::2], lst[1::2]):
| subframe=Frame(fr)
| Label(subframe,text=c1+' <-> '+c2).pack(side='left',expand=1,fill='both')
| Button(subframe,text='>',command=create_cb(c1,c2)).pack()
| Button(subframe,text='<',command=create_cb(c2,c1)).pack()
| subframe.pack(fill='x',expand=1)
| root=Tk()
| doit(root,['cyan','blue','gray','black'])
| Button(root,text='Q',command=root.destroy).pack(expand=1,fill='x')
| root.mainloop()

works ok, now i have to fully understand my previous error

again, thanks you very much
Yes you who must leave everything that you cannot control.
It begins with your family, but soon it comes around to your soul.

Re: [Tkinter] messed callbacks

2009-09-09 Thread Giacomo Boffi
"Diez B. Roggisch"  writes:

> Giacomo Boffi wrote:
>> def doit(fr,lst):
>>   for c1,c2 in zip(lst[::2], lst[1::2]):
>> subframe=Frame(fr)
>> Label(subframe,text=c1+' <->
>> '+c2).pack(side='left',expand=1,fill='both')
>> Button(subframe,text='>',command=lambda: output(c1+'->'+c2)).pack()
>> Button(subframe,text='<',command=lambda: output(c2+'->'+c1)).pack()
>> subframe.pack(fill='x',expand=1)
>> why the messed callbacks? what's the right thing to do?
> Closures in python contain names, not the objects they refer to. So
> when you rebind that name (as you do above in your loop),

sorry, i'm not conscient of rebinding a name... what do you mean by
"rebind that name" exactly?

> the created callbacks will only refer to the last bound value of a
> name.
> Create new closures, or bind arguments as defaults:
> funcs = []
> def create_func(i):
> return lambda: i
> for i in xrange(10):
> funcs.append(lambda i=i: i)
> funcs.append(create_func(i))
> for f in funcs:
> print f()

i tried to understand, and maybe i have understood a thing or two...

funcs = []

def create_func(i):
return lambda: i

for i in xrange(10):
funcs.append(lambda i=i: i)
funcs.append(lambda: i)# this is my addition

for f in funcs:
print f()

ok, i'll try again following your advice

thank you very much
"It will be rain tonight."
"Let it come down."

[Tkinter] messed callbacks

2009-09-09 Thread Giacomo Boffi
i have this test program (that i already posted on it.comp.lang.python)

[ ]
from Tkinter import *

def output(s):
  print s

def doit(fr,lst):
  for c1,c2 in zip(lst[::2], lst[1::2]):
Label(subframe,text=c1+' <-> '+c2).pack(side='left',expand=1,fill='both')
Button(subframe,text='>',command=lambda: output(c1+'->'+c2)).pack()
Button(subframe,text='<',command=lambda: output(c2+'->'+c1)).pack()


when i execute it from the command line, click on the 4 buttons from
top to bottom and quit (you can do the same), this is what i get

aiuole: python 

as you see, the button 0 and 1 have callbacks different from my
expectations, as my script was intended to give


why the messed callbacks? what's the right thing to do?

l'amore e' un sentimento a senso unico. a volte una via comincia dove
finisce un'altra e viceversa   -- Caldana, in IFQ


2006-03-27 Thread Giacomo Boffi
i have coded some progs that use the Pmw.Blt.Graph widgets, embedded
in a simple Tkinter GUI

| from Tkinter import *
| import Pmw
| ...
| frame=Frame(root)
| ...
| graph=Pmw.Blt.Graph(frame,...)
| graph.line_create(...)
| graph.pack(...)

now i'd like to port those progs to an environment where i have no BLT

assuming that i can use matplotlib to draw the line graphs i need, how
do i place the graph widget inside my tkinter GUI?

  If you grow tired of the friends you make
   Never ever turn the back on them
Say they were the best of time you ever had
The best of times with the thougthless kind-- John Cale

Re: [Pmw] reusing a graph after deleting a curve

2005-03-16 Thread giacomo boffi
giacomo boffi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> my question: is it possible to erase a graph, and reuse it?
> like in
> # x -> compute -> y
> g=Pmw.Blt.Graph(); g.pack()
> g.line_create(name,x,y)
> # other computing -> a better y
> # do something to g, erasing the previous plot
> #[the above is the part that i cannot understand...]
> g.line_create(name,x,y)

ok, i've got it:


if a Pmw.Blt hacker is listening, i cannot understand why on earth
it's named element_configure, and not line_configure (yes, lines and
bars are both elements, but...)

vabbuò parliamo d'altro-- Agnosco, in IFQ

[Pmw] reusing a graph after deleting a curve

2005-03-10 Thread giacomo boffi

my question: is it possible to erase a graph, and reuse it?

like in

# x -> compute -> y
g=Pmw.Blt.Graph(); g.pack()
# other computing -> a better y
# do something to g, erasing the previous plot
#[the above is the part that i cannot understand...]

Lovercraft, bestia.-- Whip,in IFQ