Q:Pythonic way to create list of lists

2009-04-11 Thread grkuntzmd
I am just learning Python.

I am trying to create a list of empty lists: [[], [], [], ...] (10
items total).

What is the most Pythonic way to do this?

If I use a list comprehension (as in myList = [[] for item in xrange
(0, 10)]), Netbeans warns me that 'item' is never used.

If I use a for-loop (as in for item in myList = []; for item in xrange
(0, 10): myList.append([])), Netbeans still warns me of the same

If I use '*' (as myList = [[]] * 10), all of the empty lists refer to
the same object; changing one changes them all.

Do I have to live with the warning, or is there a "better" way?


Q: "Best" book for teaching

2009-04-06 Thread grkuntzmd
I am considering teaching an "introduction to programming" course for
continuing education adults at a local  community college. These would
people with no programming experience, but I will require a reasonable
facility with computers.

What would be a good book to use as the text for the course?


Re: Testing dynamic languages

2009-04-04 Thread grkuntzmd
This may be obvious but, clearly there are (at least) two general
types of errors: those caused by data external to the program and
those caused by bugs in the program. For all inputs coming into the
program from outside, such as user inputs and data coming over a
network, the inputs must be completely checked -- always assume that
they will be incorrect and are intended to crash your code -- be
pleasantly surprised when they are not :-). Check for all bad inputs.

If the data are from inside the program, the assumption may be that
they are good and if not, it was a bug. I suppose you can write unit
tests on each routine to see that the methods that routine calls are
with valid arguments (using mocks). I actually tried this in a Java
program using JMockit; it was tedious, but it did catch a few
"potential" bugs. I would love to say that I ALWAYS remember the input
and output condition of every subroutine I write, but I just finished
a new feature for a company project that involved 100+ routines and
classes and I admit that I don't always remember which ones can return
null and which always return empty arrays, for example, even though I
try to write JavaDocs at the top of each routine. By mocking these
routines, I can check that the caller always handles each case

Testing dynamic languages

2009-04-04 Thread grkuntzmd
I am a Java developer. There, I said it :-).

When I am writing code, I can  rely on the compiler to confirm that
any methods I write will be called with parameters of the "right"
type. I do not need to test that parameter #1 really is a String
before I call some method on it that only works on Strings.

If I am writing in Python, since it is dynamically, but strongly
typed, I really should check that each parameter is of the expected
type, or at least can respond to the method I plan on calling ("duck"
typing). Every call should be wrapped in a try/except statement to
prevent the method (and program) from crashing when my method is
called with an integer instead of the expected string.

Is this the experience that Python programmer (of large projects) see?
Do you also write unit tests to confirm that the methods actually
check for and catch "bad" parameter types? If I am writing small one-
off scripts, I wouldn't worry about it, but if I am writing a large
system that must have 99+% uptime without constant monitoring, this
really should be verified.

Up for discussion...

Re: Unit testing frameworks

2009-03-25 Thread grkuntzmd
In unittest, has anyone used the *NIX command "find" to automatically
build a test suite file of all tests under a specified directory?

I generally name my tests as _Test_ORIGINAL_MODULE_NAME.py where
ORIGINAL_MODULE_NAME is the obvious value. This way, I can include/
exclude them from deployments, etc. in my Makefile based on filename
patterns. I was thinking of  doing something with "find" to get a list
of test file names and then run them through a Python script to
produce a top-level suite file, probably as the first step in my
Makefile test target.

Any thoughts?

Unit testing frameworks

2009-03-24 Thread grkuntzmd
I am looking for a unit testing framework for Python. I am aware of
nose, but was wondering if there are any others that will
automatically find and run all tests under a directory hierarchy.

Thanks, Ralph

Re: Preparing teaching materials

2009-03-21 Thread grkuntzmd
Very nice. I printed out the PDF manual for sphinx. I'll take a look
at it.

Preparing teaching materials

2009-03-20 Thread grkuntzmd
I am considering teaching a beginning programming course using Python.
I would like to prepare my class handouts in such a way that I can
import the Python code from real ".py" files directly into the
documents. This way I can run real unit tests on the code to confirm
that they work as expected.

I am considering using LaTeX to write the handouts and then converting
them to PDF files. I will probably use a Makefile to convert the LaTeX
with embedded Python code into the PDF files using pdflatex.

I will probably organize my directory structure into sub-directories
py-src, py-test, doc-src, and doc-dist.

I will be starting out using Windows Vista/cygwin and hopefully switch
to a Macbook this summer.

Any thoughts?

Re: Is python worth learning as a second language?

2009-03-19 Thread grkuntzmd
The other day one of our developers said that he thought learning
assembler language in college was a total waste of time. I can't
disagree more.

Even if assembler language is specific to one architecture, the
principles that it teaches are universal and fundamental to all other
programming languages.

Besides, programming in assembler can be fun, in a sick sort of
way... :-)