Re: xml-filter with XMLFilterBase() and XMLGenerator() shuffles attributes

2007-12-20 Thread infidel
 def startElement(self, name, attrs):
 self.__downstream.startElement(name, attrs)

 I want prevent it from shuffling attributes, i.e. preserve original
 file's attribute order. Is there any ContentHandler.features*
 responsible for that?

I suspect not.  attrs is a dictionary which does not maintain order,
and XML attributes are unordered to begin with.  Is there any reason
other than aesthetics that you want the order preserved?  It shouldn't
matter to any upstream consumer of the filtered XML.

draggable Tkinter.Text widget

2007-08-03 Thread infidel
Inspired by effbot's recent Vroom! editor, I have been toying with my
own version.  I'd like to make the Text widget draggable, kind of
like how you can drag a PDF document up and down in Adobe Reader.

Here's what I have so far:

from Tkinter import *

class Draggable(Text, object):

def __init__(self, parent, **options):
Text.__init__(self, parent, **options)
font={Lucida Console} 10,
insertbackground=white, # cursor
selectforeground=green, # selection
wrap=WORD, # use word wrapping
self.bind('Button-3', self.handle_mousedown3)
self.bind('B3-Motion', self.handle_drag3)

def handle_mousedown3(self, event=None):
self._y = event.y

def handle_drag3(self, event=None):
self.yview_scroll(self._y - event.y, UNITS)
self._y = event.y

if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk()
root.protocol(WM_DELETE_WINDOW, root.quit)
text = Draggable(root)
text.delete(1.0, END)
text.insert(END, '\n'.join(str(x) for x in xrange(1, 1001)))
text.pack(fill=Y, expand=True)

This works fine, but because the mouse movements are in pixels and
scroll actions are in lines, the 'magnitude' of the scrolling is much
larger than the mouse movements causing them.  This isn't all bad, it
makes scanning a long document quickly easier, but I was wondering if
there was a simple way to add some friction to the scrolling so a
tiny mouse movement doesn't cause the text to go zipping by in a



Re: __call__ considered harmful or indispensable?

2007-08-02 Thread infidel
I find it useful in certain situations.  In particular, I have used it
along with cx_Oracle to provide a python module that dynamically
mirrors a package of stored procedures in the database.  Basically I
had class StoredProcedure(object) and each instance of this class
represented a particular stored procedure in the database.  It just
made sense to use the __call__ method to make these instances
callable.  Seemed silly to use some other method to actually call the
stored procedure in the database from such an instance.


Re: list.append not working?

2007-07-05 Thread infidel
On Jul 5, 8:58 am, Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I experience a problem with append(). This is a part of my code:

 for entity in temp:
 md['module']= entity.addr.get('module')
 #print md
 #print mbusentities

 I want something like: [{'module': 'home', 'id': 123, 'type': 'core'},
 {'module': 'work', 'id': 456, 'type': 'core'}]
 md is always correct, BUT:mbusentities is wrong. Length of
 mbusentities is same of temp, so it appended everything. BUT:
 mbusentities only shows the values of the last append: [{'module':
 'work', 'id': 456, 'type': 'core'}, {'module': 'work', 'id': 456,
 'type': 'core'}]

 What's wrong?

You're reusing the same md dictionary over and over, appending the
same object to the list each time.  So what you have is a list of
references to the same dictionary.  You need to set md = {} first
thing each iteration.


Help building GUI with Tix

2007-07-03 Thread infidel
I am trying to build a GUI using the Tix module.  What I want is a
paned window with a tree in the left pane and a notebook in the right
pane.  I keep getting an error that I don't understand when adding
these widgets to the panes:

PythonWin 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May  1 2007, 17:47:05) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32.
Portions Copyright 1994-2006 Mark Hammond - see 'Help/About PythonWin'
for further copyright information.
 import Tix
 app = Tix.Tk(Demo)
 panes = Tix.PanedWindow(app)
 panes.pack(fill=Tix.BOTH, expand=True)
 tree = Tix.Tree(panes)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File interactive input, line 1, in module
  File C:\Program Files\Python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1220, in
add, 'add', name, *self._options(cnf, kw))
TclError: bad window path name .16442432..16442432

What am I missing?



Re: Help building GUI with Tix - solution

2007-07-03 Thread infidel
I figured it out after finding an example somewhere:

 import Tix
 app = Tix.Tk(Demo)
 panes = Tix.PanedWindow(app)
 left = panes.add('left')
 right = panes.add('right')
 tree = Tix.Tree(left)
 notebook = Tix.NoteBook(right)


Re: SimplePrograms challenge

2007-06-13 Thread infidel
# writing/reading CSV files, tuple-unpacking, cmp() built-in
import csv

writer = csv.writer(open('stocks.csv', 'wb'))
('GOOG', 'Google, Inc.', 505.24, 0.47, 0.09),
('YHOO', 'Yahoo! Inc.', 27.38, 0.33, 1.22),
('CNET', 'CNET Networks, Inc.', 8.62, -0.13, -1.49)

stocks = csv.reader(open('stocks.csv', 'rb'))
for ticker, name, price, change, pct in stocks:
print '%s is %s (%s%%)' % (
{-1: 'down', 0: 'unchanged', 1: 'up'}[cmp(float(change),


Re: REALLY need help with iterating a list.

2007-06-11 Thread infidel
On Jun 11, 11:30 am, Radamand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This has been driving me buggy for 2 days, i need to be able to
 iterate a list of items until none are left, without regard to which
 items are removed. I'll put the relevant portions of code below,
 please forgive my attrocious naming conventions.
 Basically i'm trying to spin up some subprocesses that will ping a
 group of servers and then wait until all of them have completed (good
 or bad), store the ping result and the return code, and move on.
 The problem comes in the second block, when i try to iterate the
 list of servers and remove the ones that are finished, for some reason
 Python appears to re-index the list when I remove an item and the next
 step through the loop it cant find the item its expecting because the
 indexes have changed.
 Any assistance would be appreciated...

 for server in serverlist:
 ping[server] = subprocess.Popen(ping -c 1  + str(server) +  5,
 shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

 while len(serverlist)  0:
 for server in serverlist:
 if ping[server].returncode==None:
 pingresult[server] = ping[server]
 pingreturncode[server] = ping[server].returncode

How about something like this?

while serverlist:
server = serverlist.pop(0)
pinger = ping[server]
if pinger.returncode==None:
pingresult[server] =
pingreturncode[server] = pinger.returncode

Basic idea:  as long as there are servers in the list, pop the first
one out of the list, see if it's done, and if it isn't, put it back on
the end of the list.


Re: SimplePrograms challenge

2007-06-11 Thread infidel
# reading CSV files, tuple-unpacking
import csv

#pacific.csv contains:

reader = csv.reader(open('pacific.csv'))
for id, abbr, name in reader:
print '%s is abbreviated: %s' % (name, abbr)


Re: A bug in cPickle?

2007-05-16 Thread infidel
ActivePython as well:

PythonWin 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May  1 2007, 17:47:05) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32.
Portions Copyright 1994-2006 Mark Hammond - see 'Help/About PythonWin'
for further copyright information.
 from pickle import dumps
 from cPickle import dumps as cdumps
 print dumps('10')
 print dumps(str(10))
 print cdumps('10')
 print cdumps(str(10))


Re: Generate report containing pdf or ps figures?

2007-04-23 Thread infidel
On Apr 23, 9:30 am, Grant Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need to be able to generate a PDF report which consists
 mostly of vector images (which I can generate as encapsulated
 Postscript, PDF, or SVG).  What I need is a way to combine
 these figures into a single PDF document.  Right now the
 reports consist entire of these figures, so I just write the
 figures out to temp files and then use os.system() to run
 ghostscript with appropriate options to combine them into a
 single PDF file.

 I'd like to be able to add some text and/or place the figures
 in a manner other than one per page in the output document.

 I've looked at ReportLab's documentation, but although it
 appears to be able to use bitmap images (e.g jpeg) it doesn't
 appear to be able to use vector images (EPS/PDF/SVG).

 Is there a PDF generation library that can place EPS or
 PDF figures on a page?

I've had great success using Apache's FOP utility (http:// to generate PDFs out of XSL-FO, which can
contain SVG graphics (at least the 0.20.5 version can, the newer
rewrite version doesn't yet).  FOP is a java library but has a
suitable command line interface.


Re: The decentralized nature of the Python community is driving me crazy

2006-08-18 Thread infidel
 And then you have discussion and yet again, there is no
 for Python. We have this, IRC, and what else?

There's also, which is an aggregator of python
blogs that I check many times a day for new posts.


Re: inheritance?

2006-08-16 Thread infidel
 Yes I believe so but in fromfile I want to call the appropriate
 method depending on the in a parameter in fromfile...
 class baseClass:
def fromfile(self, fileObj, byteOrder=None, explicit=False):
   if explicit:
  call fromfile of explicit class
 call fromfile of implicit class

class baseClass:
def fromfile(self, fileObj, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError()

class implicitClass:
def fromfile(self, fileObj, **kwargs):
byteOrder = kwargs.get('byteOrder', None)
# do something

class explicitClass:
def fromfile(self, fileObj, **kwargs):
# do something


Re: converting a nested try/except statement into try/except/else

2006-08-10 Thread infidel
   if int(text) = 0: raise ValueError

 Hmm, I'm actually not so sure about this line now. It doesn't seem right
 to raise a ValueError when the result of the expression is negative,
 because even though it's a problem for my program, it isn't really a
 ValueError, right?

It's an invalid value to your program, so yes, it is a ValueError.


Re: do people really complain about significant whitespace?

2006-08-08 Thread infidel
 One of the most stupid language-definition decisions that most people
 have come across is the Makefile format.


 Hope that goes some way to explaining one possible reason why rational
 people can consistently react in horror to the issue.

Ah, thanks for that.  This peek into history makes the irrational fear
of significant whitespace seem a little less irrational.


Re: do people really complain about significant whitespace?

2006-08-08 Thread infidel
 All societies demonise outsiders to some extent. It's an unfortunate
 human (and animal) trait.

Which is why I questioned it.

 So just block your ears when the propaganda vans with the loud-speakers
 on top drive past your dwelling :-)

Funny how using python makes me feel like a member of some kind of
rebellion against the empire.  Where I work it's all VB, VB.NET, and
ASP.NET.  I've been the lone voice in the wilderness for so long that
I've become an inside joke.  I actually have a certificate that says
Most likely to re-write the system in Python.



Re: newb question: file searching

2006-08-08 Thread infidel
 Also, I've noticed that files are being found within hidden
 directories.  I'd like to exclude hidden directories from the walk, or
 at least not add anything within them.  Any advice?

The second item in the tuple yielded by os.walk() is a list of
subdirectories inside the directory indicated by the first item in the
tuple.  You can remove values from this list at runtime to have os.walk
skip over them.


do people really complain about significant whitespace?

2006-08-07 Thread infidel
Where are they-who-hate-us-for-our-whitespace?  Are they really that
stupid/petty?  Are they really out there at all?  They almost sound
like a mythical caste of tasteless heathens that we have invented.
It just sounds like so much trivial nitpickery that it's hard to
believe it's as common as we've come to believe.


Re: Programming newbie coming from Ruby: a few Python questions

2006-08-02 Thread infidel
 The time to crush our enemies has come.
 This is the Jihad! Death to the infidels

Whoa, dude, let's not get carried away now, 'k?

Looking-over-his-shoulder-ly y'rs,


Re: cleaner way to write this try/except statement?

2006-08-01 Thread infidel
Here's how I would do it:

def Validate(self, parent):
text_ctrl = self.GetWindow()
text = text_ctrl.GetValue()
if not text: raise ValueError
if int(text) = 0: raise ValueError
return True
except ValueError, error:
wx.MessageBox('Enter a valid time.', 'Invalid time
entered', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)
return False


Re: Determining if an object is a class?

2006-07-12 Thread infidel
 import types
 class OldStyle: pass
 type(OldStyle) == types.ClassType


Re: Generator naming convention?

2006-06-28 Thread infidel
 Any idea? Do you have a naming convention for generators?

Sometimes I use the prefix 'iter', like dictionaries have .items() and
.iteritems().  sometimes I use 'x', like range() vs. xrange().  You
could simply use 'i' like some of the functions in the iteritems module
(imap(), izip(), etc).  I guess it depends on the project, what you're
doing, your mood at the moment, and the alignment of Jupiter and
Mercury in Aquarius.


Re: New to Python: Do we have the concept of Hash in Python?

2006-06-01 Thread infidel
 Is there any built-in Hash implementation in Python? I am looking for a
 container that I can access to it's items by name. Something like this:

 Print container[memeberName]

You obviously haven't read the tutorial, they're called dictionaries
in Python

 I am asking this because I learned that DB-API in Python doesn't offer
 access to cursor columns by name. The only option is access by index. I hope
 that I've got it wrong!

That's because the DB-API uses tuples to represent records.

 I learned Ruby perfectly supports that.

Yay for Ruby.


Re: what is the difference between tuple and list?

2006-05-16 Thread infidel
 is there any typical usage that shows their difference?

I think the general idea is to use lists for homogenous collections and
tuples for heterogenous structures.

I think the database API provides a good usage that shows their
differences.  When you do cursor.fetchall() after executing a query,
you get back a list of tuples.  Each tuple is one record from the
cursor.  tuple is even the term used in relational database theory
when talking about a table row.  You shouldn't be able to add or remove
fields from a query result, so using a tuple is a perfect match for
this.  On the other hand, you can certainly add, delete, or replace
entire tuples in the result set, so it makes sense to use a list to
hold the set of tuples.


Re: String Exceptions (PEP 352)

2006-04-27 Thread infidel
You could also use the assert statement:

 if foo and bar:
... assert i = 10, if foo and bar then i must not be greater than


Re: send pdf or jpg to printer

2006-04-19 Thread infidel
Bell, Kevin wrote:
 Does anyone have any suggestions on printing pdf's?  These pdf's don't
 change much, so if it be more straight forward to convert them to jpgs,
 or another format, then that'd be fine too.

I use GhostScript and GSPrint to send PDFs to our printer in a Windows
environment.  It's been a while since we set it up, but I believe
GSPrint comes with GSView.  GSPrint basically wraps GhostScript for you
and provides a much friendlier command line interface than GhostScript.
 It's worked very well in a high-volume production environment for a
few years now.


Re: function prototyping?

2006-04-13 Thread infidel
If you want the user to be able to (re)define them in, why
not just define them there in the first place?  I may be wrong, but I
think global means module level rather than interpreter level.


Re: how to create file with spaces

2006-04-06 Thread infidel
dirpath is just a string, so there's no sense in putting it in a list
and then iterating over that list.

If you're trying to do something with each file in the tree:

for dir, subdirs, names in os.walk(rootdir):
for name in names:
filepath = os.path.join(dir, name) + -dummy
if not os.path.exists(filepath):
f = open(filepath, 'w').write('')


Re: CGIHTTPServer threading problems

2006-03-31 Thread infidel

Alvin A. Delagon wrote:
 I'm a simple python webserver based on CGIHTTPServer module:

 import CGIHTTPServer
 import BaseHTTPServer
 import SocketServer
 import sys
 import SQL,network
 from config import *


 cfg = params()
 print XBOX Server started on port %s. Press Ctrl+C to kill Server %
 server =
 while 1:
 except KeyboardInterrupt:
 print Server killed

 The my cgi scripts are stored in the cgi-bin folder. One cgi script in
 particular implements multi-threading and is supposed to be asynchronous
 but it's not working. The browser that requests on the cgi script tends
 to wait until the cgi script is done. I checked multi-threaded cgi
 script but I'm 100% percent sure that it has no problem since it worked
 as a mod_python script before. Anyone came across with this problem?

CGI doesn't run asynchronously.  All you've done with a multithreaded
CGI server is have each CGI script run on a separate thread.  But that
doesn't change the fact that a browser is going to sit there and wait
as the CGI script runs to completion (which is how the server knows
it's done).


Re: SimpleXMLRPCServer

2006-03-30 Thread infidel
 I'm doing some experiments with the SimpleXMLRPCServer in Python,
 and I've found it to be an excellent way to do high-level network

 However, is there a way to enable two-way communication using XML-RPC?
 By that I mean, can the server contact all the clients?

To do that you'd want to use a protocol that maintains connections
between the server and clients, like the asyncore and async_chat
modules do.


Re: Print a PDF transparently

2006-02-17 Thread infidel

Daniel Crespo wrote:
 Hi to all,

 I want to print a PDF right from my python app transparently. With
 transparently I mean that no matter what program handles the print
 petition, the user shouldn't be noticed about it.

 For example, when I want to print a PDF, Adobe Acrobat fires and keep
 opened. This is what I don't want to happen (and I thing there are a
 lot of people who want this too). So I just want to send the PDF to the
 right handler and print it. That's all.

 I've seen some things like Adobe's Postscript driver that can read a
 PDF, or Ghostscript, but I still don't know how to use it.

 Any help for printing a PDF transparently?

The only way I was able to find to do it (for free) was to install
GhostScript and GSView.  GSView comes with GSPrint.exe, which you can
call with a regular command line to send PDF files to a printer.  It
uses GhostScript for you behind the scenes because GhostScript is not
exactly the friendliest program to work with.


Re: indentation messing up my tuple?

2006-02-01 Thread infidel
 i am using a tuple because i am building lists.

I don't understand

 if i just use (food +
 drink) then while drink is unique food remains the same do i get this:

 (burger, coke)
 (burger, 7up)
 (burger, sprite)

I don't understand what you're saying here.

food and drink are both strings.  adding them together gives you a new
string.  putting parentheses around a string does not give you a tuple,
you need that magic comma to get python to recognize the expression as
a tuple.

As I said:

  (food + drink + '\n') is not a tuple, (food + drink + '\n',) is

And since all you're doing with the data list is joining into a single
string, I still don't see where you need any tuples.


Re: indentation messing up my tuple?

2006-01-31 Thread infidel
tuple is the name of the built-in type, so it's not a very good idea to
reassign it to something else.

(food + drink + '\n') is not a tuple, (food + drink + '\n',) is

There's no reason to use tuples here, just do this:

data.append(food + drink)


Have a very Pythonic Christmasolstihanukwanzaa

2005-12-23 Thread infidel
Happy holidays to my fellow Pythonistas.


Saint Infidel the Skeptic


Re: Why my modification of source file doesn't take effect when debugging?

2005-12-02 Thread infidel
 I'm using the Windows version of Python and IDLE. When I debug my .py
 file, my modification to the .py file does not seem to take effect
 unless I restart IDLE. Saving the file and re-importing it doesn't help
 either. Where's the problem?

import only reads the file the first time it's called.  Every import
call after that looks up the module in memory.  This is to prevent
circular dependencies between modules from creating infinite loops.
You need to use the reload() function:

 import foo

#change the contents of foo

 foo = reload(foo)


Re: creating package question

2005-11-16 Thread infidel

 I think I have an answer to my own question.  In the
 WindowsComponents/ file, I have the following, that feels
 like a better answer for the problem.  Is there a better answer than

 import os, sys
 sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'Common'))

My solution to this is to use a .pth file.  In my site-packages folder
under the python installation, I have a file named infidel.pth.  This
file contains the path to the folder where I put all my python source
code (C:\src\py).  In your case, you could have the path to your 'root'

One of my projects is structured like this:


Now the controllers package can do imports like this:

from infidel.models import basemodel
from infidel.views import baseview

The point is that the .pth file in site-packages adds custom paths to
your sys.path


Re: CherryPy not playing nicely with win32com?

2005-11-14 Thread infidel
 Just an idea: because in CherryPy it is running in multithreading mode?
 If you are using threads together with COM stuff, you will have to
 add pythoncom.CoInitialize() and pythoncom.CoUninitialize() calls
 in your code -- for each thread.

That worked perfectly.  Thanks a million!

I used to hate COM just because of our huge VB project.  Now I can hate
it for this too!


CherryPy not playing nicely with win32com?

2005-11-10 Thread infidel
I've been trying to get my CherryPy server to authenticate users
against our network.  I've managed to cobble together a simple function
that uses our LDAP server to validate the username and password entered
by the user:

from win32com.client import GetObject


def login_valid(username, password):
ldap = GetObject(LDAP:)
'\\' + username,
return True
return False

This function works great if I call it from the interactive prompt:

 import ldap
 ldap.login_valid('mylogin', '') # pass incorrect network password
 ldap.login_valid('mylogin', '') # pass correct network password

But as soon as I have my CherryPy filter call this exact same function,
I get an invalid syntax COM error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\cherrypy\, line
77, in _run
  File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\cherrypy\, line
461, in applyFilters
  File filters\, line 29, in beforeMain
if ldap.login_valid(username, password):
  File K:\src\py\\filters\, line 6, in login_valid
ldap = GetObject(LDAP:)
  File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\,
line 73, in GetObject
return Moniker(Pathname, clsctx)
  File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\,
line 88, in Moniker
moniker, i, bindCtx = pythoncom.MkParseDisplayName(Pathname)
com_error: (-2147221020, 'Invalid syntax', None, None)

I don't get it.  How can it be ok at the  prompt but invalid under


cx_Oracle callproc output parameters

2005-11-08 Thread infidel
I have a stored procedure that has a single output parameter.  Why do I
have to pass it a string big enough to hold the value it is to receive?
 Why can't I pass an empty string or None?

 import cx_Oracle as oracle
 connection = oracle.connect('usr/[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
 cursor = connection.cursor()
 network_name, = cursor.callproc('my_pkg.get_network_name_sp', ('',))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File interactive input, line 1, in ?
DatabaseError: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character
string buffer too small
ORA-06512: at USR.MY_PKG, line 35
ORA-06512: at line 1

The following works fine, but I don't like having to do it:

 network_name, = cursor.callproc('my_pkg.get_network_name_sp', (' ' * 32,))

Am I missing something obvious here?


Re: Python and PL/SQL

2005-11-07 Thread infidel

vb_bv wrote:
 Does Pyton PL/SQL programming language of Oracle support?


PL/SQL is only supported *inside* Oracle databases.  Python can be used
to call PL/SQL procedures (I recommend the cx_Oracle module), but you
can't run Python inside the database like PL/SQL.


Re: Python and PL/SQL

2005-11-07 Thread infidel
 Thanks for your answers.
 I would like to document with Python PL/SQL of programs, so similarly
 as javadoc for Java.
 I do not know whether it is possible. If yes, I would like to know how.

All of the source code for procedures and packages in an oracle
database can be retreived from the USER_SOURCE view.  It's just plain
text, though, and one record per line.  Parsing it for documentation
would be up to you.

There are other views that might be useful too, like USER_TABLES,
etc etc


Re: Learning multiple languages (question for general discussion)

2005-11-03 Thread infidel
Python has spoiled me.  I used to periodically try out new languages
just for fun, but since learning Python, it's become a lot less
interesting.  I find myself preferring to just try new ideas or
techniques in Python rather than searching for new languages to dabble
in.  The last few I've downloaded were, in no particular order:  Perl,
Ruby, Lisp, Io, and Scheme.  I usually get as far as installing the
necessary interpreters/compilers and opening up a tutorial or two
before I lose interest.



2005-11-03 Thread infidel


Re: Instantiating Classes in python (newbie)

2005-10-31 Thread infidel
 Hello, I am learning python for work from knowing java,c#,c.  I had a
 couple questions.
 1)  IntegerClass - to instantiate this class how come I use i =
 IntegerClass.IntegerClass() and then this works while i =
 IntegerClass() i.method.  I receive an error.

It depends on what IntegerClass is.  If you have a module named
IntegerClass with a class named IntegerClass within it, then you must
use IntegerClass.IntegerClass to refer to the class, because
IntegerClass is the module.  You could also change the import statement

from IntegerClass import IntegerClass

... in which case, IntegerClass in your current namespace will be the
class and not the module.

This is all an educated guess because you didn't specify what the error

 2)  Also using self in the method (self, dataVal).  What does this do
 differently from using (dataval).  I am a little confused about the
 bound and unbound methods.  What does passing self do different?
 Thank-you for all your help

A bound method is kind of like an instance method in java, it's bound
to a particular instance object.  Python automatically inserts a
reference to the object itself as the first argument to a bound call.
self is just like this in Java, but you have to explicitly account
for it in the method signature.


Re: xml-rpc - adodb - None type - DateTime type

2005-10-28 Thread infidel
 I can replace all None values with the string 'Null', there's no
 problem, but I can't detect the DateTime type object I retrieve from
 the database.

 I have something like this:
 def xmlrpc_function():
 conn = adodb.NewADOConnection('postgres')
 rs = conn.Exec(select * from table)
 result = []
 i = 0
 while not rs.EOF:
 row = rs.GetRowAssoc(False)
 for key, value in row.items():
 if value==None:
 i = i + 1

 print result
 return result

 The problem here is that if row[key] == type 'DateTime' object
 etc..., then I don't know what to do for detect it and make the
 appropriate change to string.

 Console output:
 [{'name': 'Null', 'date': DateTime object for '2005-09-01 00:00:00.00'
 at 1515f60}]

 If you consult the python manual, you'll see that there's no 'DateTime'
 type object, so I can't do something like:

 if value==DateTimeType:

 I only need to know which type of data is a field for make the change
 according to what can I pass through the xml-rpc.

Well, there is the possibility of passing null values through xml-rpc.
I believe there is an optional keyword argument in some of the
xmlrpclib functions to allow it.  Basically it translates None to
nil/ in the xml.

The DateTime type must be defined somewhere.  Is it an adodb type?  If
so, you could do something like this:

if type(value) == adodb.DateTime:


Re: possible bug in cherrypy.lib.autoreload

2005-10-20 Thread infidel
Ok, so it turns out that the problem the cherrypy.lib.autoreload module
is having, is that kid imports elementtree and on my machine the
elementtree modules are inside a zip file (.egg).  So the path to the
elementtree file is not a valid OS path because everything
after the .egg file is inside the file.

Is there a quick way of determining that a module was imported from a
zip file, or that a module's __file__ attribute is a valid path as far
as Python is concerned, even though it doesn't exist to the OS?


infinite cherrypy autoreloader loop

2005-10-19 Thread infidel
I did an svn update of cherrypy this morning, and now when I try
running a server, the log window just keeps reporting the autoreloader
restarting over and over:

2005/10/19 12:42:33 HTTP INFO SystemExit raised: shutting down
2005/10/19 12:42:33 HTTP INFO CherryPy shut down
2005/10/19 12:42:34 CONFIG INFO Server parameters:
2005/10/19 12:42:34 HTTP INFO SystemExit raised: shutting down
2005/10/19 12:42:34 HTTP INFO CherryPy shut down
2005/10/19 12:42:34 CONFIG INFO Server parameters:
2005/10/19 12:42:34 HTTP INFO SystemExit raised: shutting down
2005/10/19 12:42:34 HTTP INFO CherryPy shut down

It seemed to be working fine this morning.  Any ideas what I may have
done to cause this?


Re: infinite cherrypy autoreloader loop

2005-10-19 Thread infidel
Ok, the problem seems to be with my cherrypy importing Kid.  If I
import the kid module or any of my compiled kid template modules, then
I get the autoreloader infinite loop.  Is anyone else experiencing this


possible bug in cherrypy.lib.autoreloader

2005-10-19 Thread infidel
I may have found the source of my infinite loop when importing kid
modules from my cherrypy server.  Here is some code from the
autoreloader module of cherrypy:

def reloader_thread():
mtimes = {}

def fileattr(m):
return getattr(m, __file__, None)

for filename in map(fileattr, sys.modules.values()) +
if filename:
if filename.endswith(.pyc):
filename = filename[:-1]
mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
except OSError:
sys.exit(3) # force reload
if filename not in mtimes:
mtimes[filename] = mtime
if mtime  mtimes[filename]:
sys.exit(3) # force reload

So what happens if one of my modules is a kid template named
'login.kid'?  kid compiles the template to login.pyc, which means the
os.stat call in this function will be passed '' which does not


Python, alligator kill each other

2005-10-06 Thread infidel
By Denise Kalette
Associated Press

MIAMI - The alligator has some foreign competition at the top of the
Everglades food chain, and the results of the struggle are horror-movie

A 13-foot Burmese python recently burst after it apparently tried to
swallow a live 6-foot alligator whole, authorities said.


... It is unknown how many pythons are competing with the thousands of
alligators in the Everglades, but at least 150 have been captured in
the past two years ...


Re: Problem SQL ADO

2005-09-27 Thread infidel

Doesn't look like you have a space between VO_DESCRIPTION and FROM

SQL statements are a good place to use Python's triple-quote feature:

sql = \
D014900 ON (


Re: error processing variables

2005-09-09 Thread infidel
 import shutil

 s = shutil

 toHPU = /etc/sysconfig/network/toHPU.wifi
 wlan = /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-wlan-id-00:0e:38:88:ba:6d
 toAnyWifi = /etc/sysconfig/network/toAny.wifi
 wired = /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth-id-00:0b:db:1b:e3:88

 def toHPU():



 #execute function

Your problem is that the def statement reassignes the name toHPU to a
function instead of a string.  So when the code runs, you're passing a
function object to s.copy2.


Re: Python CGI and Firefox vs IE

2005-09-07 Thread infidel
 I see what's happening, but I'm at a loss to figure out what to do
 about it.  Any help would be appreciated.

Try giving the buttons different name attributes.


Re: File parser

2005-08-30 Thread infidel

Angelic Devil wrote:
 I'm building a file parser but I have a problem I'm not sure how to
 solve.  The files this will parse have the potential to be huge
 (multiple GBs).  There are distinct sections of the file that I
 want to read into separate dictionaries to perform different
 operations on.  Each section has specific begin and end statements
 like the following:


 The very first thing I do is read the entire file contents into a
 string.  I then store the contents in a list, splitting on line ends
 as follows:

 file_lines = file_contents.split('\n')

 Next, I build smaller lists from the different sections using the
 begin and end keywords:

 begin_index = file_lines.index(begin_keyword)
 end_index = file_lines.index(end_keyword)
 small_list = [ file_lines[begin_index + 1] : file_lines[end_index - 1] ]

 I then plan on parsing each list to build the different dictionaries.
 The problem is that one begin statement is a substring of another
 begin statement as in the following example:



 I can't just look for the line in the list that contains BAR because
 FOOBAR might come first in the list.  My list would then look like

 [foobar_1, foobar_2, ..., foobar_n, ..., bar_1, bar_2, ..., bar_m]

 I don't really want to use regular expressions, but I don't see a way
 to get around this without doing so.  Does anyone have any suggestions
 on how to accomplish this? If regexps are the way to go, is there an
 efficient way to parse the contents of a potentially large list using
 regular expressions?

 Any help is appreciated!


Some time ago I was toying around with writing a tool in python to
parse our VB6 code (the original idea was to write our own .NET
conversion tool because the Wizard that comes with VS.NET sucks hard on
some things).  I tried various parsing tools and EBNF grammars but VB6
isn't really an EBNF-esque syntax in all cases, so I needed something
else.  VB6 syntax is similar to what you have, with all kinds of
different Begin/End blocks, and some files can be rather big.  Also,
when you get to conditionals and looping constructs you can have
seriously nested logic, so the approach I took was to imitate a SAX
parser.  I created a class that reads VB6 source line by line, and
calls empty event handler methods (just like SAX) such as
self.begin_type or self.begin_procedure and self.end_type or
self.end_procedure.  Then I created a subclass that actually
implemented those event handlers by building a sort of tree that
represents the program in a more abstract fashion.  I never got to the
point of writing the tree out in a new language, but I had fun hacking
on the project for a while.  I think a similar approach could work for
you here.


Re: a dummy python question

2005-08-26 Thread infidel
  If that were so, Pythonistas could never write a recursive function!

 No, presumably at the writing of the edition of _Learning Python_ that
 he is reading, Python did not have nested scopes in the language, yet.
 One could always write a recursive function provided it was at the
 top-level of the module. One could not write a recursive function inside
 another function because inside inner(), it could only access two
 namespaces, the one local to inner() and the module's namespace, not the
 namespace of outer() where inner() is defined.

Ah, that makes sense.  Thanks for the clarification.


Re: question on import __main__

2005-08-26 Thread infidel
 import __main__
 if __name__!='__main__':
print 1

 print 2

 when i run, i got
 on the screen.

 now, i have some question about the code, 1. since no __main__ module at
 all, why it's legal to write import __main__?

__main__ is the module that the interpreter starts executing.  So
import __main__ is legal, though I'm guessing it doesn't really do
anything because the module is already loaded (since it's running).

 2. since if running a script independently, the __name__ should be
 '__main__', why it's not in the above code?

But it is.


Re: a dummy python question

2005-08-25 Thread infidel

Learning Python wrote:
 A example in learning Python by Mark Lutz and David Ascher

 about function scope

 example like this:

 def outer(x):
  def inner(i):
 print i,
 if i: inner(i-1)

 Here supposely, it should report error, because the function inner
 cannot see itself since inner is only in local namespace of outer.

If that were so, Pythonistas could never write a recursive function!


Re: pipes like perl

2005-08-24 Thread infidel
 but... i see it doesn't work for some commands, like man python (it
 gets stuck on the if line)...

.readlines() won't return until it hits end-of-file, but the man
command waits for user input to scroll the content, like the more or
less commands let you view pages of information on a terminal.


Re: pipes like perl

2005-08-23 Thread infidel
Here's one technique I use to run an external command in a particular

stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3(cmd)
results = stdout.readlines()
errors = stderr.readlines()
if errors:
raise Exception(''.join(errors))

Maybe this will get you going in a better direction?


threadsafety in cherrypy with kid

2005-08-18 Thread infidel
I have just recently discovered CherryPy and Kid (many kudos to the
respective developers!) and am tinkering with them to see what I can
come up with.

The application I eventually want to write will eventually require the
python code to call stored procedures in a database which means I'll
need to run CherryPy with a threadPool so individual database calls
don't block the whole server.

I'm not to that point yet, I'm just getting a feel for what is
possible, and I wanted to make sure the following usage of my Kid
template (named index) is threadsafe:

from cherrypy import cpg
import kid; kid.enable_import()
from infidel.web import index

class Root(object):

def index(self, *args, **kwargs):
count = cpg.request.sessionMap.get('count', 0) + 1
cpg.request.sessionMap['count'] = count
template = index.Template(times=count)
return template.serialize(output='html-strict')

if __name__ == '__main__':
cpg.root = Root()
cpg.server.start(configFile = 'web.ini')

Does it matter that I've done the import of index at the module level
instead of inside the index method?  The example at the CherryPy
recipes site does this:

from cherrypy import cpg
import kid

class HomePage:

def index(self):
test = kid.Template(file='test.kid')
test.title = Test Kid Page
test.lines = ['qwe','asd','zxc']
return test.serialize(output='xhtml') = True

if __name__ == __main__:
cpg.root = HomePage()

Is there a qualitative difference between what I've done and what the
examle does?


Re: len(sys.argv) in (3,4)

2005-08-12 Thread infidel
It might make more sense if you could find out exactly what that one
argument contains.


Re: What are modules really for?

2005-08-09 Thread infidel
 I am very new to Python, but have done plenty of development in C++ and

And therein lies the root of your question, I believe.

 One thing I find weird about python is the idea of a module. Why is this
 needed when there are already the ideas of class, file, and package?

One reason is that functions need a place to exist too.  In Java, every
function, even static ones has to be a class method.  In Python,
static functions are best kept in a module.  Another thing is that
packages were a later addition to the language.

 To my mind, although one CAN put many classes in a file, it is better to
 put one class per file, for readability and maintainability.

Personally I find it easier to maintain a set of related classes when
they're all in the same file.  I've got a few modules that I'm
currently hacking on, each of which contains a handful of classes.
Maybe it's just a matter of scale, since these are both fairly small
libraries, but I just don't see any advantage to splitting them up into
multiple files.

 One can then create packages and libraries, using groups of files, one
 class per file.

Since Java's compiler enforces this, perhaps you've just come to accept
it as normal.

 Python seems to let you group classes together in one file and call it a
 module, but what for?

What if one of your classes creates/manipulates other classes.  If
they're in the same module then they all exist in the same namespace
and you don't have to have modules importing each other or such things.

 I find that this, combined with mixins, makes it difficult to find out
 where code is inherited from.

Perhaps you are relying too much on inheritance, then?

 With single inheritance in C++ or Java, if you wanted to see what a
 method did and it appeared to be inherited, you would simply look in the
 base class's file, and if necessary recurse up the inheritance hierarchy
 until you found the method.

 With Python an inherited method could be in one of many base classes
 and/or mixins and there seems no particular logic as to what the
 filename would be.

It shouldn't be too hard to figure out, unless someone was being
intentially vague.  You could always fire up the interpreter, import
your class, and check it's .mro property (method resolution order),
which lists the classes in the order they will be examined to find a
method named at runtime.

 Am I missing something?

I just think you're thinking in terms of Java.  You'll pick things up
quickly, though :-)


Re: Passing arguments to function - (The fundamentals are confusing me)

2005-08-09 Thread infidel
 in Python equality rebinds the name

Assignment (=) rebinds the name.  Equality (==) is something else


Re: Why does __init__ not get called?

2005-08-09 Thread infidel
I think you have to call type.__new__ like this:

def __new__(cls, year, month, day, *args, **kw):
print new called
return _datetime.__new__(cls, year, month, day, *args,
except ValueError:
return type.__new__(cls, ...)

Are you sure you can specify arbitrary arguments to the __new__ method?
 I thought they had to be the class object, the tuple of bases, and the
dictionary of names.


Re: Why does __init__ not get called?

2005-08-09 Thread infidel
 Are you sure you can specify arbitrary arguments to the __new__ method?
 I thought they had to be the class object, the tuple of bases, and the
 dictionary of names.

Nevermind, I think I was imagining metaclasses rather than just regular
overriding of __new__


Re: Conditionally implementing __iter__ in new style classes

2005-07-06 Thread infidel
I'm not sure I understand why you would want to.  Just don't define
__iter__ on your newstyle class and you'll get the expected behavior.


Re: Conditionally implementing __iter__ in new style classes

2005-07-06 Thread infidel
Why not define an Iterator method in your Base class that does the
iteration using __getitem__, and any subclass that wants to do
something else just defines its own Iterator method?  For that matter,
you could just use the __iter__ methods of Base and Concrete instead of
a separate method.


Re: Conditionally implementing __iter__ in new style classes

2005-07-06 Thread infidel
Something like this:

 class Base(object):
... def __getitem__(self, key):
... return key
... def __iter__(self):
... yield self[1]
... yield self['foo']
... yield self[3.0]
 class ConcreteIterable(Base):
... def __iter__(self):
... yield True
... yield 'Blue'
... yield 'Foo'
 class ConcreteNotIterable(Base):
... pass
 [x for x in Base()]
[1, 'foo', 3.0]
 [x for x in ConcreteIterable()]
[True, 'Blue', 'Foo']
 [x for x in ConcreteNotIterable()]
[1, 'foo', 3.0]


Re: pulling multiple instances of a module into memory

2005-06-27 Thread infidel
Do you have control over the module?  Seems to me the best
answer is to make the start method return a connection object

conn1 = eggs.start('Connection1')
conn2 = eggs.start('Connection2')


Re: Favorite non-python language trick?

2005-06-24 Thread infidel
 def class Colour:
 def __init__(self, blue=0, green=0, red=0):
 # pseudo-Python code borrowing concept with from Pascal
 with self:
 blue = blue
 green = green
 red = red

 And now you can see why Python doesn't support this idiom.

Maybe it would make more sense if it was done a la Visual Basic

with self:
.blue = blue
.green = green
.red = red

requiring a dot to be typed removes the ambiguity and gives the IDEs a
chance to Intellisense-ify your coding.


Re: a dictionary from a list

2005-06-24 Thread infidel
dict((x, None) for x in alist)


Re: metaclass that inherits a class of that metaclass?

2005-06-01 Thread infidel
Why in the name of all that is holy and just would you need to do such
a thing?


Re: metaclass that inherits a class of that metaclass?

2005-06-01 Thread infidel
I don't think that makes any sense.  How could you possibly create such
a circular relationship between things in any language?  Besides, if I
understand metaclasses at all, only other metaclasses can be bases of a

Why not use python classes to represent the other system's types with a
python metaclass as the type type?


Re: metaclass that inherits a class of that metaclass?

2005-06-01 Thread infidel
God made me an atheist, who are you to question His wisdom?

-- Saint Infidel the Skeptic


Re: metaclass that inherits a class of that metaclass?

2005-06-01 Thread infidel
 because i need the representations of the other systems types to
 themselves be python classes, and so i need a metaclass to make sure
 they follow certain rules. This metaclass is for that system what type
 is for python

I think that's exactly the same thing I just said.  More or less.
Although depending on exactly what you mean by follow certain rules,
you might only need a common base class rather than a metaclass.

 same thing, no?

Uh, no, I don't think so.  type is, from my trivial understanding, the
base type and base metaclass for everything else in python.  Saying
type is an object is only confusing you into thinking it is a
subclass of object, which is not the case.  object is a class, which I
believe has type as it's metaclass (though I could be mistaken - this
gets terribly confusing very quickly).


Re: metaclass that inherits a class of that metaclass?

2005-06-01 Thread infidel
Oh great, just when I thought I was starting to grok this mess.


Re: metaclass that inherits a class of that metaclass?

2005-06-01 Thread infidel
Ok, forget everything I've said.  The more I think about this the less
I understand it.  I'm way out of my league here.

sitting-down-and-shutting-up-ly y'rs,



Re: Python Polymorphism

2005-05-12 Thread infidel
carlos Supose that I want to create two methos (inside a
carlos class) with exactly same name, but number of
carlos parameters different

That isn't polymorphism, that's function overloading.

carlos Look, I don't want to use things like:
carlos   def myMethod(self, myValue=None):
carlosif(not myValue):
carlos self.myAttribute += 1
carlos self.myAttribute += myValue

Pick another language then.  Or try:

def myMethod(self, myValue=1):
self.myAttribute += myValue


Re: lists in cx_Oracle

2005-05-02 Thread infidel
I think perhaps you are asking for something that the OCI doesn't
provide.  At least I'd be rather surprised if it did.  I know that the
SQL syntax doesn't provide for such a mechanism.

And really, it all boils down to the list comprehension:

in_clause = ', '.join([':id%d' % x for x in xrange(len(ids))])

... elegance is certainly subjective, and the above statement isn't the
cleanest ever, but it solves your main problem while avoiding the other
problem you mentiong (sql injection).  Seems elegant enough to me.


Re: Getting the sender widget's name in function (Tkinter)

2005-04-28 Thread infidel
Here's a slight variation of tiissa's solution that gives the callable
a reference to the actual widget instead of just it's name:

from Tkinter import Tk, Button

class say_hello:
def __init__(self, widget):
self.widget = widget
def __call__(self):
print 'Hello,', self.widget['text']

def run():
root = Tk()
b1 = Button(root, text='Button 1')
b2 = Button(root, text='Button 2')



Re: Getting the sender widget's name in function (Tkinter)

2005-04-26 Thread infidel
from Tkinter import Tk, Button

def say_hello(event):
print 'hello!'
print event.widget['text']

root = Tk()
button1 = Button(root, text='Button 1')
button1.bind('Button-1', say_hello)
button2 = Button(root, text='Button 2')
button2.bind('Button-1', say_hello)


Re: EOF-file missing

2005-04-14 Thread infidel
You can use the Content-Length header to tell the server how long the
string is.


Re: oracle interface

2005-04-05 Thread infidel
cx_Oracle rocks


Re: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'setdefaulttimeout'

2005-03-31 Thread infidel
That just means the urllib.socket module doesn't have any function
named setdefaulttimeout in it.

It appears there might be something wrong with your socket module as
mine has it:

py import urllib
py f = urllib.socket.setdefaulttimeout
py f
built-in function setdefaulttimeout


Re: Finding attributes in a list

2005-03-29 Thread infidel
You can use the new 'sorted' built-in function and custom compare
functions to return lists of players sorted according to any criteria:

 players = [
... {'name' : 'joe', 'defense' : 8, 'attacking' : 5, 'midfield' : 6,
'goalkeeping' : 9},
... {'name' : 'bob', 'defense' : 5, 'attacking' : 9, 'midfield' : 6,
'goalkeeping' : 3},
... {'name' : 'sam', 'defense' : 6, 'attacking' : 7, 'midfield' : 10,
'goalkeeping' : 4}
... ]
 def cmp_attacking(first, second):
... return cmp(second['attacking'], first['attacking'])
 [p['name'] for p in sorted(players, cmp_attacking)]
['bob', 'sam', 'joe']


Re: Pattern matching from a text document

2005-03-23 Thread infidel
First, if you're going to loop over each line, do it like this:

for line in file('playerlist.txt'):
#do stuff here

Second, this statement is referencing the *second* item in the list,
not the first:

match = ph.match(list[1])

Third, a simple splitting of the lines by some delimiter character
would be easier than regular expressions, but whatever floats your
boat.  If you insist on using regexen, then you should compile the
pattern before the loop.  No need to do it over and over again.

Fourth, if you want to create a list of players in memory, then you
need either a class or some other structure to represent each player,
and then you need to add them to some kind of list as you go.  Like

pat =

ph = re.compile(pat,re.IGNORECASE)
players = []
for line in file('playerlist.txt'):
match = ph.match(line)
player = {
'forename' :,
'surname' :,
'attacking' :,
'defending' :,
'fitness' : 


Re: _conditionally_ returning to point where exception was raised?

2005-03-16 Thread infidel
There's no Resume Next in python.  Once you catch an exception, the
only way you can go is forward from that point.

So if B.CallingMethod catches an exception that was raised in
A.CalledMethod, all it could do is try calling A.CalledMethod again, it
can't jump back to the point where the exception was raised.  About the
best you could, I think, would be to break A.CalledMethod up into
smaller function and let B.CallingMethod call each one in sequence,
deciding whether or not to continue if an exception is raised in any of


Re: pyparsing: parseString confusion

2005-03-11 Thread infidel
I've notice the same thing.  It seems that it will return as much as it
can that matches the grammar and just stop when it encounters something
it doesn't recognize.


Re: Win32api shellexecute Bshow

2005-02-16 Thread infidel
Acrobat is stupid like this.  I haven't yet found a way to prevent it
from launching a new window, so I gave up and went with GhostScript and
GSPrint instead.  Works fabulously.


Re: delay and force in Python

2005-01-20 Thread infidel
Of course I meant to put a break out of the loop after the print
statement.  Duh on me.


Re: delay and force in Python

2005-01-19 Thread infidel
It took me a while to figure out what the translated code was trying
to do.  Here's a quick example that I think accomplishes the same

 for i, n in enumerate(x for x in xrange(998) if x % 2 == 0):
... if i == 1:
... print n


Re: Python mascot proposal

2004-12-13 Thread infidel
Not that my opinion is worth anything in these matters, but I like the
upper-left example at the best (out
of the samples I've seen thus far).  I don't like the gear shape, and
I think adding a coil or circle around the head detracts somewhat
from the look.  I like the clean, sharp lines - seems very metaphorical
for the language.  My only critique would be that it appears (to me)
much like a clan insignia from Battletech.  Not that such is a bad
thing, mind you.

I think people are a little over-anxious regarding copyright
infringement.  I think a snake around a holy grail would be a fine
logo, the holy grail of programming languages seems appropriate to
me.  There's no way that MPFC can have rights over all possible
combinations of Python and Holy Grail.  Chill out, people.
