fabric: fab command

2021-06-02 Thread jayshankar nair via Python-list
I am unable to find the package for the below module. The error shows when i 
run the command fab(fabric).

import tools.fab.dev_utils as dev_utilsImportError: No module named 
Please let me know which package i have to install.

openstack connection

2018-07-03 Thread jayshankar nair via Python-list

I am trying to establish a connection to openstack cloud . I am able to 
establish a connection with the following statement
from openstack import connectionconn = 
password="6908a8d218f843dd",                      user_domain_id="default",     

I am looking for exact Connection api argument match in below connection.py 
file. Also, i am looking for api to access the object store(list out 
files,creating backup) and network(creating subnet). I am able to create 
duplicate subnet in network. It doesn't prompt out any error.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you mayb# not 
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain# a copy of 
the License at##      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0## Unless 
required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under 
the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT# WARRANTIES OR 
CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the# License for the 
specific language governing permissions and limitations# under the License.
"""The :class:`~openstack.connection.Connection` class is the primary 
interfaceto the Python SDK. It maintains a context for a connection to a region 
ofa cloud provider. The :class:`~openstack.connection.Connection` has 
anattribute to access each OpenStack service.
At a minimum, the :class:`~openstack.connection.Connection` class needs to 
becreated with a config or the parameters to build one.
While the overall system is very flexible, there are four main use casesfor 
different ways to create a :class:`~openstack.connection.Connection`.
* Using config settings and keyword arguments as described in  
:ref:`openstack-config`* Using only keyword arguments passed to the constructor 
ignoring config files  and environment variables.* Using an existing 
authenticated `keystoneauth1.session.Session`, such as  might exist inside of 
an OpenStack service operational context.* Using an existing 
Using config settings-
For users who want to create a :class:`~openstack.connection.Connection` 
makinguse of named clouds in ``clouds.yaml`` files, ``OS_`` environment 
variablesand python keyword arguments, the :func:`openstack.connect` factory 
functionis the recommended way to go:
.. code-block:: python
    import openstack
    conn = openstack.connect(cloud='example', region_name='earth1')
If the application in question is a command line application that should 
alsoaccept command line arguments, an `argparse.Namespace` can be passed 
to:func:`openstack.connect` that will have relevant arguments added to it 
andthen subsequently consumed by the construtor:
.. code-block:: python
    import argparse    import openstack
    options = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Awesome OpenStack App')    
conn = openstack.connect(options=options)
Using Only Keyword Arguments
If the application wants to avoid loading any settings from ``clouds.yaml`` 
orenvironment variables, use the 
:class:`~openstack.connection.Connection`constructor directly. As long as the 
``cloud`` argument is omitted or ``None``,the 
:class:`~openstack.connection.Connection` constructor will not loadsettings 
from files or the environment.
.. note::
    This is a different default behavior than the :func:`~openstack.connect`    
factory function. In :func:`~openstack.connect` if ``cloud`` is omitted    or 
``None``, a default cloud will be loaded, defaulting to the ``envvars``    
cloud if it exists.
.. code-block:: python
    from openstack import connection
    conn = connection.Connection(        region_name='example-region',        
auth=dict(            auth_url='https://auth.example.com',            
username='amazing-user',            password='super-secret-password',           
compute_api_version='2',        identity_interface='internal')
Per-service settings as needed by `keystoneauth1.adapter.Adapter` such 
as``api_version``, ``service_name``, and ``interface`` can be set, as 
seenabove, by prefixing them with the official ``service-type`` name of 
theservice. ``region_name`` is a setting for the 
entire:class:`~openstack.config.cloud_region.CloudRegion` and cannot be set 
From existing authenticated Session---
For applications that already have an authenticated Session, simply passingit 
to the :class:`~openstack.connection.Connection` constructor is all thatis 
.. code-block:: python
    from openstack import connection
    conn = connection.Connection(        session=session,        

condition.acquire vs lock.acquire

2018-03-27 Thread jayshankar nair via Python-list
Is condition.acquire(threading.Condition()) similar to 
lock.acquire(threading.Lock). Does both of get access to the lock. Can i use 
condition.wait,notify with lock.acquire or i have to use condition.wait, notify 
with condition.acquire.
cond.acquire()  // can i replace with lock.acquire

   while count[ipID]> 1:
   if ipID == 0:

   count[ipID] = count[ipID] + 1

   cond.release() // can i replace with lock.release
