Re: What's the best way to learn perl for a python programmer?

2006-03-26 Thread john_sips_tea
The online docs are very good. Just run "perldoc perl", and then go
through the various tutorial pages (starting with "perldoc perlintro").
You can also read them online here: .

Then go to . They have many tutorial-style
articles there, as well as a very helpful and knowledgeable community.

If you absolutely need to write object-oriented Perl, you probably want
to keep things as simple as possible and just use regular old
hash-based objects. Writing OO Perl code is a whole nuther ball of wax
than just writing procedural Perl code.


Re: doctest, unittest, or if __name__='__main__'

2006-03-22 Thread john_sips_tea
> so you think that a "why all this creativity when you could just
> standardize on something ported from java, and throw away every-
> thing else" post is friendly ?  really ?

Sorry for the sloppy writing. Thanks for clarifying. I wrote:

> If unittest is the standard way to write test code, why do we still
> have doctest? (I notice there's no mention in PEP 3000 of deprecating
> the doctest module).

when that should've been

> If one is the standard way to write test code, why do we still
> have the other one? (I notice there's no mention in PEP 3000 of
> deprecating either module).

Also, as an aside, I don't think there's anything inherently wrong
with porting something from Java (or Smalltalk, or any other
language). Such ported software may or may not be a good fit
for Python.


Re: doctest, unittest, or if __name__='__main__'

2006-03-21 Thread john_sips_tea
> and you can kill two birds with one stone.

By that, do you mean you can write your tests and your
docstrings in one shot with doctest?

> I would like to see yet another alternatise such as py.test
> in the standard lib,



Re: doctest, unittest, or if __name__='__main__'

2006-03-21 Thread john_sips_tea
> because it's a vastly superior way to write tests ?

Well, since this is a mailing list where this sort of thing is
discussed, and since I was was asking about which way
is preferred, could you tell us why you (presumably) think
doctest is vastly superior to unittest?

> why is it that comp.lang.python is suddenly full of folks who
> want to deprecate anything they don't understand ?

I didn't say I wanted to deprecate it. I wrote that I noticed
there was no mention in PEP 3k about deprecating it.

> don't you have better things to do with your time ?

That wasn't very friendly.

Anyhow, I'm not attacking doctest, but rather, just trying
to understand why there seems to be two very similar ways
of testing your code built into the system (considering that
one motto around here is "There should be one -- and
preferably only one -- obvious way to do it.").


doctest, unittest, or if __name__='__main__'

2006-03-21 Thread john_sips_tea
For writing testcode, it looks like there's three ways that it's
typically done:

(1). using the doctest module,

(2). using the unittest module (i.e. "pyunit"), or else

(3). just putting an "if __name__ = '__main__':" at the bottom of your
module containing code to manually run your class through its paces.

So, which way is preferred? Seems to me that unittest is the way to go,
at least because it has you separate your test code from the code being

If unittest is the standard way to write test code, why do we still
have doctest? (I notice there's no mention in PEP 3000 of deprecating
the doctest module).


Re: Loop Backwards

2006-03-17 Thread john_sips_tea

Tim Roberts wrote:
> "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >Please be mindful of making statements such as:
> >"it's silly to believe both will behave equally"
> >
> >One of the greatest weaknesses of Python is the less than friendly
> >attitude Pythonistas display towards one another.
> I don't know how much Usenet experience you've had, but comp.lang.python is
> one of the friendliest places in the comp.lang universe.  Newbie questions
> get answered without derision, and disagreements are handled with spirited
> discussion, instead of flames and insults.  Compare, for example, to
> comp.lang.c and comp.lang.c++.

It's possible that english may not be Felipe's native language,
and Dave may not've thought of that. To a native english speaker,
Felipe's comment (which was very helpful!) could've also been
construed as being slightly rude. Perhaps Felipe meant to write
"mistaken" instead of "silly".

Also, as an aside, smileys are always helpful on usenet. :)

> [snip] I've looked at Ruby, but syntactically it
> will never sway me from Python.

Same here.


Re: Tried Ruby (or, "what Python *really* needs" or "perldoc!")

2006-03-16 Thread john_sips_tea

Jason Earl wrote:
> "msoulier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> I have found the Python sidebar VERY helpful:
> >
> > Personally, I can't use local docs on my desktop as they may not be
> > the same version of the docs for the Python distro running on the
> > server that I'm deploying on. I usually go to and use the
> > wayback machine to look at the old docs for the release that I'm on.
> Why don't you instead install the info version of the Python
> documentation on your server.  Then you can do "info Python2.3-lib"
> and have at it.  If you are hacking in emacs then this is about as
> slick a documentation system as you could ask for, but even if you use
> some other editor info is a much better documentation tool than man.

You know, I'm pretty used to reading man pages. There's only a
few simple keystrokes I need to remember, and the only time I
ever touch "info" is when a very short man page tells me that the
real docs are in info and I need to look there. At that point, I have
to relearn how to use that info command. Info is complicated. It's
got some concept of nodes being hierarcical, but also they seem
to have some order to them (a la next and previous) as well. No
idea what the connection between those is. Also it's got "cross-
references" as well as menus -- dunno if they're different or not.
Bah. Why not just use html and browse it with lynx/links/links2/elinks?

I can't understand why we need two separate and distinct doc
formats: man and info. My take: write your docs in some markup
that can produce both man output and html. Done and done.
Seems like two good candidates for that are epytext and
reStructuredText ("reST").

> > But, if Python would match Perl for docs available on the
> > command-line, then I'd have it all at my fingertips. I simply don't
> > understand why this is not being done. When I'm coding in C, I use
> > the manpages on the remote host so that I know the docs are correct
> > for my target. Why can't I do that in Python? It's yet another thing
> > that my Perl-using coworkers point out as a Python weakness.
> Python does match (and exceed) Perl for docs available on the command
> line.  Once you get used to using the excellent info-based Python
> documentation using man is downright primitive.
> Jason

I think that may be wishful thinking. When I use the pydoc command,
I mostly get *very* short API docs with *no* example code or tutorial
notes at all.

Contrast that with perldoc which is categorized and complete docs
for the entire language plus tutorials, faqs, ports info, ... I mean,
have a look over at -- everything
there is at your fingertips from the terminal! And it's written by
like Larry, Dominus, Randal Schwartz, Tom Christiansen, et al. I've
never come across a FLOSS software project with docs as good as

Now, the one big thing we have going for us is that since Python
is a simpler language, so it needs few docs overall anyway. :)



Re: Tried Ruby (or, "what Python *really* needs" or "perldoc!")

2006-03-15 Thread john_sips_tea
msoulier wrote:
> [snip]
> But, if Python would match Perl for docs available on the command-line,
> then I'd have it all at my fingertips. I simply don't understand why
> this is not being done. [snip]
> Mike

Ok, well, here's my attempt to begin to make that happen:

This "release" is as alpha as alpha gets. It's so alpha it
actually loops back around to zeta -- but it's a start, and I
think it's exactly what the Python community needs.

The command to read the docs works like pydoc but is
called dennis (extra points for getting the obscure Monty
Python reference before reading the web page). :) The dennis
command is only a few lines of Python held together by bailing
wire, so it will need lots of work, but it lets us read the docs
so it's ok for now. You're invited to fix it up and send me an
improved version. :)

Please have a look and let me know what you think. If people
start writing modules (that is, documentation) and sending
them to me, I'll probably be forced to start a mailing list and
actually put this stuff in CVS/SVN/bzr.

Have at it! :)



Re: Tried Ruby (or, "what Python *really* needs" or "perldoc!")

2006-03-14 Thread john_sips_tea
> And the patch procedure you described requires
> a higher degree of motivation (and free time) than
> most potential contributors might have on offer, imo.

Another option is to simply email the author/maintainer
for a given module your modifications to their module.

cd ~/dev/python/modified_modules
cp /path/to/ .
vim ./   # add docs


Re: Tried Ruby (or, "what Python *really* needs" or "perldoc!")

2006-03-14 Thread john_sips_tea
Well, we've already got a wiki, of course:

Regarding the docs for the module you're asking about, the way it's
supposed to work is (I think), you're supposed to checkout the Python
source, add your docs to the docstrings of that module, then either
commit your changes back in (if you have access privileges) or else
send a patch to the right list (python-dev?) so your patch can be

It seems to me that it's best to write your docstring as epytext. That
way, for now, it just looks like regular plain text (though neatly
formatted) when viewed with the pydoc tool...


Re: Tried Ruby (or, "what Python *really* needs" or "perldoc!")

2006-03-14 Thread john_sips_tea
Ok. I'm going to try and make something happen. Give me a day or so.



Re: Tried Ruby (or, "what Python *really* needs" or "perldoc!")

2006-03-14 Thread john_sips_tea
> So far epytext suited my needs.

I like it too.

Ok, now I'm starting to get excited. :)


Re: Tried Ruby (or, "what Python *really* needs" or "perldoc!")

2006-03-14 Thread john_sips_tea
Thanks Diez! Epydoc looks great.

Can we use epytext to generate output suitable for a manpage?

Do you prefer epytext or reST?


Tried Ruby (or, "what Python *really* needs" or "perldoc!")

2006-03-14 Thread john_sips_tea
Just tried Ruby over the past two days. I won't bore you
with the reasons I didn't like it, however one thing really
struck me about it that I think we (the Python community)
can learn from.

Ruby has ... an issue with docs. That is to say, there are
almost none. Well, actually, there are some. For example,
the "PickAxe" book (google it), and "Why's" Poignant Guide.
But there's a disturbing lack of *built-in* docs for Ruby.
Now, the situation is getting better. In fact, it's getting
better very quickly. Let me explain.

IMO, Perl has docs nailed. I learned Perl before coming
to Python, and I can tell you that their docs kick butt.
I believe the reason why is (besides Larry's excellent
and entertaining writing) because of perldoc. Here's how
it works: they write special doc directives into their .pl
files that the interpreter ignores, but that the perldoc
command processes into a manpage for you. This is a *bit*
like what pydoc does, only pydoc just regurgitates docstrings,
while perldoc formats special directives into headings, code
listings, bulleted lists, etc.

Now, the *real* magic of perldoc is that it makes writing
small self-contained little manpage style docs easy as pie.
What this means is that really good doc writers can sit down
and quickly produce something that can be readily incorporated
into the perl-doc distribution. *That's* the magic. That's
why I think they've organically grown such an amazing crop
of great docs. Anyone can quickly and easily write docs that
the community can then filter to find the best ones.

Back to Ruby's docs. Their situation is getting better. This
is because they're picking up on Perl's doc success and doing
the same sort of thing. Only, I think their solution may be
clunkier because it requires a separate program (rdoc) to
process the doc directives, and then you actually read the
docs with a program called ri (not sure). Regardless of the
minute details, it looks like their docs are starting to get
better, rapidly.

Here's what I think is currently happening with Python
(please correct me if I'm wrong): There's the docutils project which, AFAICT, is working on a
number of complicated things, one of which is to have a way to
allow you to put reStructuredText markup (aka "reST")
( ) into your docstrings
(and presumably have the pydoc command understand it). There's
more info in PEP 287 .

I certainly don't understand all that Docutils is trying to
do. All I'm convinced of is, the real magic is in being able to
quickly write a .py file containing marked up docstrings and
have the pydoc command be able to render it as something that
looks like a man page in my terminal window. If it can later
also produce html, that's great too. But *that's* the essense,
IMO, of what will foster community involvement in making the
docs great, as well as allowing folks to more easily document
their own modules and contribute integrated docs to all the
great modules already available.

It looks like we have the tools do this *right now*. We've got
the markup (reST), we've got the tools to churn that into a
manpage or html (part of docutils?), and we've got the pydoc
command. I think the current hangup is that the docutils guys
(being smart and ambitious folks) want to get some sort of
inter-doc linking thing working so you can refer from one doc
page to another (?). I don't think perldoc has (or needs) that
feature... maybe we could put that on the "would be nice to
have down the road" list, and get a quick common-sense
docstring-reST pydoc setup working for us much sooner? I
don't know for sure, but my guess is "yes".

Eventually, maybe the tutorial, language reference, library ref,
etc., could even all make it into this format, with the html
versions generated from the .py/docstring/reST sources. That might
make it easier for the community to contribute to them (if their
respective maintainers are interested in that).

Please note, I certainly don't want to step on the doc-sig folks'
toes here -- but rather to generate more interest in what they're
doing, and to help make Python be even better in an area that I
see it struggling.

What do you folks think?

Yes, I'm trying to make time to look at the docutils code and the
pydoc command to see what's involved. Unfortunately, my spare
time is vanishingly close to zero right now.

Related link:



fairly large webapp: from Java to Python. experiences?

2006-02-03 Thread john_sips_tea
I've got a fairly substantial webapp written in Java (plus Tomcat,
Hibernate, Struts, JSP, MySQL) that is a bit of a bear to work with. I
didn't write it. Much of it is only very sparsely documented (if at
all). No design docs anywhere. It's a large webapp with many classes
and fairly deep inheritance hierarchies. There seems to be JUnit test
cases in place.

The possibility of re-writing it has come up, and I must say that,
although it would likely be a ton of work, it could also be a real
pythonic adventure. ;) Reasons for a rewrite are to get better
flexibility, easier maintenance (easier to make changes), and the
possibility of really slimming down the size of the thing. And of
course, it would be nice to work with Python -- possibly significantly
more productive.

Does anyone here have any experience with large(ish) webapps in Python?
I was sniffing around the following A-team of toolkits: CherryPy,
Cheetah, SQLObject, all behind Apache2. Has anyone seen performance
issues with Python webapps?

Could one reasonably expect to have an easier time with maintainence
and future modifications with using Python over Java?

Any tips, stories, recommendations, and/or experiences are most

