disgrating a list

2006-09-01 Thread jwaixs

How can I disgrate (probably not a good word for it) a list? For

a = [1,2]
b = 3
c = [a] + [b] # which makes [[1,2],3]

Then how can I change c ([[1,2],3]) into [1,2,3]? I have a simple
function for this:

def flatten(l):
   r = []
   s = [l]
   while len(s)  0:
   i = s.pop()
   if i.__class__ == list:
   for c in i:
   return r

But this function isn't really doing it in the python-way. Doesn't
have python an obscure function or buildin to do this?


Noud Aldenhoven


Re: disgrating a list

2006-09-01 Thread jwaixs

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Why do you wrap a in a list? Just

 c = a + [b]

 will do it.

Yes I know, but the problem is I don't know if 'a' is a list or not. I
could make a type check, but I don't want to program in that way.



Re: disgrating a list

2006-09-01 Thread jwaixs
Thank you for all your reply and support. Neil's fits the most to me. I
shrinked it to this function:

def flatten(x):
for i in range(len(x)):
if isinstance(x[i], list):
x[i:i+1] = x[i]

Thank you all again. If someone could find even a cuter way, I'd like
to see that way.

Noud Aldenhoven


Re: f*cking re module

2005-07-05 Thread jwaixs
To reply to the last part of the discussion and esspecially to Gustavo
Niemeyer, I really apriciate the way in which I had been answered. And
I won't have any questions about the re module that I had before I post
this threat.

I was frustration and should, probebly, not post this frustration. But
it was never my purpous to ask something stupid or asking it arrogant.

The python re module is, in my opinion, a non beginner user friendly
module. And it's not meant for beginning python programmers. I don't
have any experience with perl or related script/programming languages
like python. (I prefer to do things in c) So the re module is
completely new for me.

If I upset someones clean mind posting a stupid and arrogant
question, I'm sorry and won't post my frustrasion on this usenet group

But thank you for all your help about the re module,

Noud Aldenhoven


f*cking re module

2005-07-04 Thread jwaixs
arg... I've lost 1.5 hours of my precious time to try letting re work
correcty. There's really not a single good re tutorial or documentation
I could found! There are only reference, and if you don't know how a
module work you won't learn it from a reference!

This is the problem:

 import re
 str = blablapythonRe modules sucks!/pythonblabla
 re.search((python)(/python), str).group()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

the only thing I want are the number of places blabla, Re modules
sucks! and blabla are.



Re: f*cking re module

2005-07-04 Thread jwaixs
Thank you for your replies, it's much obvious now. I know more what I
can and can't do with the re module. But is it possible to search for
more than one string in the same line?

bv. I want to replace the python with  
/python with \n and every thing that's not between the two python
tags must begin with \nprint \\\ and end with n? Or do I
need more than one call?


website catcher

2005-07-03 Thread jwaixs

I'm busy to build some kind of webpage framework written in Python. But
there's a small problem in this framework. This framework should open a
page, parse it, take some other information out of it and should store
it in some kind of fast storage. This storage need to be very fast so
every one who will ask for this page will get a parsed page returned
from this storage (catcher?).

But how could I design a good webcatcher? Is this possible in python,
because it should always run. Which won't work with cgi-bin pages
because the quit after the execute something. Or should it be build in
c and imported as a module or something?

Thank you,

Noud Aldenhoven


Re: website catcher

2005-07-03 Thread jwaixs
Thank you, but it's not what I mean. I don't want some kind of client
parser thing. But I mean the page is already been parsed and ready to
be read. But I want to store this page for more use. I need some kind
of database that won't exit if the cgi-bin script has finished. This
database need to be open all the time and communicate very easily with
the cgi-bin framwork main class.


Re: website catcher

2005-07-03 Thread jwaixs
If I should put the parsedwebsites in, for example, a tablehash it will
be at least 5 times faster than just putting it in a file that needs to
be stored on a slow harddrive. Memory is a lot faster than harddisk
space. And if there would be a lot of people asking for a page all of
them have to open that file. if that are 10 requests in 5 minutes
there's no real worry. If they are more that 10 request per second you
really have a big problem and the framework would probably crash or
will run uber slow. That's why I want to open the file only one time
and keep it saved in the memory of the server where it don't need to be
opened each time some is asking for it.

Noud Aldenhoven


Re: website catcher

2005-07-03 Thread jwaixs
Well, thank you for your advice. So I have a couple of solutions, but
it can't become a server at its own so this means I will deal with

Thank you for your advice, I'll first make it work... than the server.

Noud Aldenhoven


Re: execute python code and save the stdout as a string

2005-06-27 Thread jwaixs
Thank you, this really looks cool!


execute python code and save the stdout as a string

2005-06-25 Thread jwaixs

I've a question. Can I execute a part of a python code and put it's
output in a string? Something like this:

s = 
s = exec print Hello World 
print s




Re: blabla

2005-05-23 Thread Jwaixs
Peter Maas wrote:

 Noud Aldenhoven schrieb:
 Python rulz and sorry for this spam...

 news.test is made for testing :)

I really should appoligize for this spam, I though I couldn't post it
but actually it did. I was trying to get Pan running, but I couldn't
find a place where I could put my authorisation for the smtp server. So
I though I could post something and it would never be sent. But it


