hi every one

2007-10-10 Thread kasim


Dear __,

I recently joined AGLOCO because of a friend recommended it to me. I
am now promoting it to you because I like the idea and I want you to
share in what I think will be an exciting new Internet concept.

AGLOCO's story is simple:

Do you realize how valuable you are? Advertisers, search providers and
online retailers are paying billions to reach you while you surf.  How
much of that money are you making? NONE!

AGLOCO thinks you deserve a piece of the action.

AGLOCO collects money from those companies on behalf of its members.
(For example, Google currently pays AOL 10 cents for every Google
search by an AOL user. And Google still has enough profit to pay $1.6
billion dollars for YouTube, an 18-month old site full of content that
YouTube's users did not get paid for!

AGLOCO will work to get its Members their share of this and more.

AGLOCO is building a new form of online community that they call an
Economic Network. They are not only paying Members their fair share,
but they're building a community that will generate the kind of
fortune that YouTube made. But instead of that wealth making only a
few people rich, the entire community will get its share.

What's the catch? No catch - no spyware, no pop-ups and no spam -
membership and software are free and AGLOCO is 100% member owned.
Privacy is a core value and AGLOCO never sells or rents member

So do both of us a favor: Sign up for AGLOCO right now! If you use
this link to sign up, I automatically get credit for referring you and
helping to build AGLOCO. http://www.agloco.com/r/BBFR2592

Agloco is the re-birth of AllAdvantage, which paid out over
$100,000,000 to its members.

* Agloco costs you nothing. It's free. And it always will be.

* Agloco's Viewbar shows ads and lets you search the Web. Advertisers
and search engines pay Agloco when you do that, and Agloco then pays

* Agloco pays you by the hour to have that Viewbar open on your

* Agloco pays you by the hour to have your friends have their Viewbar

* Once you start using the Viewbar, you'll get a check every month in
the mail.

* Once you sign up, you'll get your own referral URL that your friends
can use to sign up.

* Every 5 people that you refer to Agloco will double your income.

Please  follow this link and create own membership by this link


4000 every month

2007-09-29 Thread kasim
 then pays

* Agloco pays you by the hour to have that Viewbar open on your

* Agloco pays you by the hour to have your friends have their Viewbar

* Once you start using the Viewbar, you'll get a check every month in
the mail.

* Once you sign up, you'll get your own referral URL that your friends
can use to sign up.

* Every 5 people that you refer to Agloco will double your income.

Please  follow this link and create own membership by this link



1.  Hi everyone,
For all of you that are asking for caculations for how much pay, just
consider this.
There is truly no way anyone can calculate with all variables. The pay
is dependent upon the advertisers paying agloco, the search engines
paying agloco, the merchants paying agloco the commissions on the
sales to agloco members, and any other sources of income. This money
all goes into a pool, of which agloco management gets 10% and the rest
is divided among the owners/members. There you have it. income is
variable, percentages for management and the owners ia fixed.
membership is variable. These variable parts will change by the
minute. No reasonable mathmatician will attempt to arrive at
meaningful calculations with two massive variables and one fixed
quantity. All the mathmatician can do at this point is offer
statistical possibilities. In the short view, every person you sponsor
now cuts down on the value of the cash pool individually. In the
longer term, more members means agloco can charge more for the ads and
make the cash pool larger. As far as clicking the ads, That will
create cash pool money when the few make purchases and the merchant
pays agloco the commission on the sale. In at least some cases, the
member will immediately benefit from any discounts that are given to
the agloco membership. Regards searches, I do not know what deal
agloco has with google or the other search engines at this time, but I
do know that as the membership goes up, so does the price google and
the others will pay agloco for each search performed. Google currently
pays aol 10 cents per search performed. Best I can tell you is the per
hour pay will fall into a range somewhere between .1 cents and
1,000.00 dollars per hour.( both top and bottom values estimated with
the fact that everyone is so desparate for promises that poor Brian
cannot say anything without it being considered a set in concrete
promise.) I intentionally used extremes. Try to keep your shirt on and
wait and see what materializes.


Ülkemizin kıyılarından, ovalarından başlayarak yayla ve dağlarına
varıncaya kadar her yükselti ve mesafede yayılış gösterebilen ender
ağaçlardan biri olan ceviz ağacı hakkında  ne yazık ki birçok hurafe
uydurulmuştur. Bunlardan biri de "Ceviz diken ölür." sözüdür. "Ceviz
diken ölür" sözü aslında şu şekildedir. "Ceviz diken, beli kalınlığına
gelince ölür". Bu  sözün "beli kalınlığına gelince" si kısa olsun
diye kaldırılmış, geriye, "Ceviz diken ölür"  sözü kalmış. Olay budur.
Yoksa halkımız, ceviz  hakkında bu kadar türkü yakar mı, bu kadar
deyimler söyler mi, bu kadar şiirler yazar mı? Örneğin; Hamit' li Aşık
Dursun Kaya bakın ne demiş:

 Fidan büyür yeşil yaprak dal olur,

Hayat verir oksijeni bol olur,

Çeyiz olur, sandık olur, sal olur,

Ceviz diken çok yaşayan can olur.

 Diğer yandan resimde görülen Bolu/ Mudurnu ilçesinin Dağyolu
köyünde 86 yaşındaki kişi, askerden geldiğinden bu yana köyün içine ve
civarına, bulduğu boş yerlere devamlı ceviz dikmiş, sayısını kendisi
bile bilmiyor. Ayrıca kendim (Selami Bayrak) 1967 yılından bu yana
devamlı ceviz dikiyorum. Ölmeyi bir tarafa bırakın ceviz sayesinde
sağlıklıyım ve ikinci baharımı yaşıyorum.

 Ceviz meyvesini tanımayan biri, yeşil kabuklu cevizi elma
zannederek ısırıp yemeye kalkmış, ağzı burulunca "Bu meyve
olgunlaşmamış" diye yere atmış.Bu olaydan  anlaşılacağı gibi İnsanlar
ve Toplum bazen bir  işin aslını öğrenmeden  YANLIŞ  karar

" Torunlarımıza iyi bir dünya bırakabilecek miyiz?"


Ceviz yaprağı Karbon Sülfür gazı salgılar. Bu gaz, havadaki diğer
gazlardan ağır olduğu için cevizin altına iner. Yazın sıcakta cevizin
kaba gölgesine oturan insan, haliyle bu gazdan etkilenerek biraz
sersemler. Cevizin kaba gölgesinden dolayı dibinde ot bitmediği de
görülünce cevizin zehirli gaz salgıladığı düşüncesi ağırlık kazanır.
Kesinlikle bu doğru değildir. Bugüne kadar cevizin dibinde oturan
insanın veya yatan hayvanın öldüğü duyulmamıştır.

Grafik' te görüldüğü gibi, cevizin insanı öldürdüğü değil tam
aksine yaşattığı bilimsel olarak da ispatlanmıştır. Öte yandan ceviz
ağacının, sera gazını oluşturan Karbondioksiti emerek OZON
tabakasındaki deliği


2007-09-23 Thread kasim


1.  Hi everyone,
For all of you that are asking for caculations for how much pay, just
consider this.
There is truly no way anyone can calculate with all variables. The pay
is dependent upon the advertisers paying agloco, the search engines
paying agloco, the merchants paying agloco the commissions on the
sales to agloco members, and any other sources of income. This money
all goes into a pool, of which agloco management gets 10% and the rest
is divided among the owners/members. There you have it. income is
variable, percentages for management and the owners ia fixed.
membership is variable. These variable parts will change by the
minute. No reasonable mathmatician will attempt to arrive at
meaningful calculations with two massive variables and one fixed
quantity. All the mathmatician can do at this point is offer
statistical possibilities. In the short view, every person you sponsor
now cuts down on the value of the cash pool individually. In the
longer term, more members means agloco can charge more for the ads and
make the cash pool larger. As far as clicking the ads, That will
create cash pool money when the few make purchases and the merchant
pays agloco the commission on the sale. In at least some cases, the
member will immediately benefit from any discounts that are given to
the agloco membership. Regards searches, I do not know what deal
agloco has with google or the other search engines at this time, but I
do know that as the membership goes up, so does the price google and
the others will pay agloco for each search performed. Google currently
pays aol 10 cents per search performed. Best I can tell you is the per
hour pay will fall into a range somewhere between .1 cents and
1,000.00 dollars per hour.( both top and bottom values estimated with
the fact that everyone is so desparate for promises that poor Brian
cannot say anything without it being considered a set in concrete
promise.) I intentionally used extremes. Try to keep your shirt on and
wait and see what materializes.


4000 usd every month by the time you can reach or more

2007-08-22 Thread kasim
AGLOCO: The Internet's First Economic Network

Today's hottest Internet businesses are all about the power of social
networks. Companies like MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube have become
worth billions because businesses have realized that these social
networks are generating huge advertising and marketing opportunities.
As these social networks grow, the economic potential for its owners -
and the advertisers who target the site's users - is remarkable.

At AGLOCO, we asked a simple question: The users created the
community, where's their share of the profit?

It was from this question that AGLOCO set out to create the Internet's
first Economic Network, harnessing the power of Internet-based social
networks to directly benefit the Members who help to create the

Becoming a member of AGLOCO is as simple as completing a brief sign-up
page (name, age, location and email address.). Once you're a Member,
you will be asked to then download the Viewbar  software. (Note: the
Viewbar  software is currently unavailable, as it is in closed
testing. It will be ready for public download in a few weeks, and
members will be notified when it is available.)

AGLOCO makes money for its Members in many ways:


Search: Every time you use the Viewbar  to do an Internet search,
AGLOCO earns money from the search engine providers. (For example,
Google pays as much as $0.10 on average for each search that is
directed to its search engine.)
Advertising: The Viewbar  itself displays ads that are targeted based
upon the websites you're visiting. When you click on an ad and make a
purchase, AGLOCO receives a referral fee, which we pass on to our
Members. (Please note: Individual members do not receive any
compensation for clicking on ads in the Viewbar , and the Viewbar  can
detect if someone is clicking ads in a fraudulent manner.)
Transaction commissions: Many major retailers pay commissions when you
refer customers who make a purchase. AGLOCO collects that commission
and passes it on to our members. (For example, Amazon pays an 8.5%
commission to most websites who refer customers, and has cut deals for
even larger percentages. The bigger the AGLOCO community, the better
commission we can negotiate for our Members.)
Software distribution: Numerous software companies pay websites to
encourage the download of new software releases (for example, Adobe's
Flash and Acrobat Reader software), and trial versions of new
programs. AGLOCO members not only get access to the latest and coolest
software, they get paid for it.
Service distribution: Many online service providers will look to the
AGLOCO community as a source of new and active users for their
services. (For example, eBay, Skype, and PayPal, among others, all pay
fees to people who help them recruit new active users to their
Product distribution: When Members agree to use a product, such as
cell phones, high-tech gadgets, office supplies, new credit cards or
financial services, AGLOCO can collect referral fees. Some companies
even offer special rebate and cash-back programs.
AGLOCO Members make money in four ways.
Members earn a monthly share of the AGLOCO revenue based on the use of
the AGLOCO Viewbar  that month.
Members earn part of the company based on the use of the AGLOCO
Viewbar  that month (currently a maximum of five hours are rewarded).
Members who use our referral system to help build the AGLOCO network
will earn more. (AGLOCO only has significant value as a large network
and people who help build it should be rewarded. - We also feel that
the early users who told friends about YouTube or MySpace or even
Google probably deserved something too, but no referral system was
available to record their work).
Members will also get a share of any commissions AGLOCO gets when a
Member purchases a product or service from an AGLOCO Sponsor company.
Why should I join now?
First, it costs nothing to Join and takes less than one minute.  
Second, you can help build the AGLOCO community by recruiting new
Members TODAY.

Right now, inviting your friends to join AGLOCO is as easy and
productive as it will ever be - but you need to invite your friends
before someone else beats you to them.

Remember, the bigger the AGLOCO community, the more attractive AGLOCO
is to potential business partners and advertisers.
Recruit your friends and family by contacting them through email. (But
remember we have a strict anti-spam policy.)
Use your blog and your existing social networks, such as MySpace and
Facebook, to contact your friends and encourage them to join a new
community that will actually let them earn money.

Be a part of the Internet's first Member-Owned Economic Community.


h grup

2007-07-21 Thread kasim
Dear __,

I recently joined AGLOCO because of a friend recommended it to me. I
am now promoting it to you because I like the idea and I want you to
share in what I think will be an exciting new Internet concept.

AGLOCO's story is simple:

Do you realize how valuable you are? Advertisers, search providers and
online retailers are paying billions to reach you while you surf.  How
much of that money are you making? NONE!

AGLOCO thinks you deserve a piece of the action.

AGLOCO collects money from those companies on behalf of its members.
(For example, Google currently pays AOL 10 cents for every Google
search by an AOL user. And Google still has enough profit to pay $1.6
billion dollars for YouTube, an 18-month old site full of content that
YouTube's users did not get paid for!

AGLOCO will work to get its Members their share of this and more.

AGLOCO is building a new form of online community that they call an
Economic Network. They are not only paying Members their fair share,
but they're building a community that will generate the kind of
fortune that YouTube made. But instead of that wealth making only a
few people rich, the entire community will get its share.

What's the catch? No catch - no spyware, no pop-ups and no spam -
membership and software are free and AGLOCO is 100% member owned.
Privacy is a core value and AGLOCO never sells or rents member

So do both of us a favor: Sign up for AGLOCO right now! If you use
this link to sign up, I automatically get credit for referring you and
helping to build AGLOCO. http://www.agloco.com/r/BBFR2592



hi everyone if you want to be come a member please follow the lınk

2007-07-06 Thread kasim
Sample email

Dear __,

I recently joined AGLOCO because of a friend recommended it to me. I
am now promoting it to you because I like the idea and I want you to
share in what I think will be an exciting new Internet concept.

AGLOCO's story is simple:

Do you realize how valuable you are? Advertisers, search providers and
online retailers are paying billions to reach you while you surf.  How
much of that money are you making? NONE!

AGLOCO thinks you deserve a piece of the action.

AGLOCO collects money from those companies on behalf of its members.
(For example, Google currently pays AOL 10 cents for every Google
search by an AOL user. And Google still has enough profit to pay $1.6
billion dollars for YouTube, an 18-month old site full of content that
YouTube's users did not get paid for!

AGLOCO will work to get its Members their share of this and more.

AGLOCO is building a new form of online community that they call an
Economic Network. They are not only paying Members their fair share,
but they're building a community that will generate the kind of
fortune that YouTube made. But instead of that wealth making only a
few people rich, the entire community will get its share.

What's the catch? No catch - no spyware, no pop-ups and no spam -
membership and software are free and AGLOCO is 100% member owned.
Privacy is a core value and AGLOCO never sells or rents member

So do both of us a favor: Sign up for AGLOCO right now! If you use
this link to sign up, I automatically get credit for referring you and
helping to build AGLOCO. http://www.agloco.com/r/BBFR2592



hi every one please become a member to this site and win much more money!!!!

2007-07-01 Thread kasim



Dear __,

I recently joined AGLOCO because of a friend recommended it to me. I
am now promoting it to you because I like the idea and I want you to
share in what I think will be an exciting new Internet concept.

AGLOCO's story is simple:

Do you realize how valuable you are? Advertisers, search providers and
online retailers are paying billions to reach you while you surf.  How
much of that money are you making? NONE!

AGLOCO thinks you deserve a piece of the action.

AGLOCO collects money from those companies on behalf of its members.
(For example, Google currently pays AOL 10 cents for every Google
search by an AOL user. And Google still has enough profit to pay $1.6
billion dollars for YouTube, an 18-month old site full of content that
YouTube's users did not get paid for!

AGLOCO will work to get its Members their share of this and more.

AGLOCO is building a new form of online community that they call an
Economic Network. They are not only paying Members their fair share,
but they're building a community that will generate the kind of
fortune that YouTube made. But instead of that wealth making only a
few people rich, the entire community will get its share.

What's the catch? No catch - no spyware, no pop-ups and no spam -
membership and software are free and AGLOCO is 100% member owned.
Privacy is a core value and AGLOCO never sells or rents member

So do both of us a favor: Sign up for AGLOCO right now! If you use
this link to sign up, I automatically get credit for referring you and
helping to build AGLOCO. http://www.agloco.com/r/BBFR2592
Please  follow this link and create own membership by this link

