RE: Sphinx 0.5 released

2008-11-24 Thread kgmuller
Happy Birthday, Georg! Thanks for a great tool!

Klaus SimPy Muller 

 -Original Message-
 From: Georg Brandl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Sonntag, 23. November 2008 19:45
 Subject: Sphinx 0.5 released
 Hi all,
 I'm proud to announce the release of Sphinx 0.5 - Birthday 
 edition! [1]
 What is it?
 Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and 
 beautiful documentation for Python projects (or other 
 documents consisting of multiple reStructuredText source files).
 Its website is at
 Important changes
 (full changelog at
 There have been lots of changes since the 0.4 series.
 First of all, development moved to Mercurial and
 The new project page is,
 which is also the repo URL.  See the Wiki there for more 
 information on Mercurial, issues and extensions.
 Highlights of new features -- in no particular order:
   - Added support for internationalization in generated text with the
 ``language`` and ``locale_dirs`` config values.  Many thanks to
 language contributors:
 * Horst Gutmann -- German
 * Pavel Kosina -- Czech
 * David Larlet -- French
 * Michal Kandulski -- Polish
 * Yasushi Masuda -- Japanese
 * Guillem Borrell -- Spanish
 * Luc Saffre and Peter Bertels -- Dutch
 * Fred Lin -- Traditional Chinese
 * Roger Demetrescu -- Brazilian Portuguese
 * Rok Garbas -- Slovenian
   - The new extensions ``sphinx.ext.jsmath`` and 
 provide math support for both HTML and LaTeX builders.
   - The new extension ``sphinx.ext.intersphinx`` half-automatically
 creates links to Sphinx documentation of Python objects in other
   - The new extension ``sphinx.ext.todo`` allows the insertion of
 To do directives whose visibility in the output can be toggled.
 It also adds a directive to compile a list of all todo items.
   - The JavaScript search now searches for objects before searching in
 the full text.
   - Citations are now global: all citation defined in any file can be
 referenced from any file.  Citations are collected in a 
 for LaTeX output.
   - Footnotes are now properly handled in the LaTeX builder: 
 they appear
 at the location of the footnote reference in text, not at 
 the end of
 a section.  Thanks to Andrew McNamara for the initial patch.
   - You can now document several programs and their options with the
 new ``program`` directive.
   - Figures with captions can now be referred to like section titles,
 using the ``:ref:`` role without an explicit link text.
   - Only generate a module index if there are some modules in the
   - The new config value ``latex_elements`` allows to 
 override all LaTeX
 snippets that Sphinx puts into the generated .tex file by default.
   - Added ``source_encoding`` config value to select input encoding.
   - sphinx.ext.autodoc has been improved considerably with respect to
 customization and extensibility.
   - Added a command-line switch ``-A``: it can be used to supply
 additional values into the HTML templates.
   - Added a command-line switch ``-C``: if it is given, no 
 file ```` is required.
   - Added a distutils command `build_sphinx`: When Sphinx is 
 you can call ``python build_sphinx`` for 
 projects that have
 Sphinx documentation, which will build the docs and place them in
 the standard distutils build directory.
 Many thanks go to the many contributors, bug reporters and 
 discussion participants on the mailing list who helped shape 
 this release.
 [1] Yes, it's my birthday today. Yes, I have a life. ;)


ANN: Simulation package SimPy -- release 2.0 beta

2008-11-03 Thread kgmuller
We are happy to announce the release of SimPy 2.0 beta, a major release. 
Download from:

Feedback (errors found, proposals for changes, etc.) is 
requested, using the SimPy Users Mailing List

The new version has been largely developed by 

What is SimPy?
SimPy is a process-based discrete-event simulation language
based on standard Python and released under the GNU LGPL. 

It provides the modeller with components of a simulation
model. These include processes, for active components like
customers, messages, and vehicles, and resources, for
passive components that form limited capacity congestion
points like servers, checkout counters, and tunnels. It
also provides monitor variables to aid in gathering

What is new in SimPy 2.0?
In addition to its existing API, SimPy now also has an
object oriented API.
The additional API 

- allows running SimPy in parallel on multiple processors
  or multi-core CPUs, using Parallel Python.
- supports better structuring of SimPy programs,
- allows easy extension of model classes by sub-classing,
  thus providing a capability for developing application
- allows subclassing of class *Simulation* and thus
  provides users with the capability of creating new
  simulation modes/libraries like *SimulationTrace*, and
- reduces the total amount of SimPy code, thereby making 
  it easier to maintain.

Note that the OO API is in addition to the old API. 
SimPy 2.0 is fully backward compatible.

SimPy's documentation has been restructured and processed
by the Sphinx documentation generation tool. This has
generated one coherent, well structured document which can
be easily browsed. A search capability is included.

SimPy 2.0 has been primarily developed by Stefan Scherfke 
and Ontje Lünsdorf, starting from SimPy 1.9. Their work 
has resulted in a most elegant combination of an object 
oriented API with the existing API, maintaining full 
backward compatibility. It has been quite easy to 
integrate their product into the existing SimPy code 
and documentation environment.

Thanks, guys, for this great job! SimPy 2.0 is dedicated to you!

The many contributions of the SimPy user and developer 
communities are of course also gratefully acknowledged.

Download, test, enjoy and give us feedback!

Happy SimPying!

Klaus MullerTony Vignaux

attachment: winmail.dat--

Support the Python Software Foundation:

RE: EuroSciPy 2008 Conference - Leipzig, Germany

2008-03-19 Thread kgmuller
A great initiative! I will attend and will submit an abstract of a
presentation on SimPy (Simulation in Python) and how this project will be
brought closer to SciPy.

Any  idea where in Leipzig the conference will be held? I want to book a
hotel in the vicinity of the conference site.

Klaus Müller

 -Original Message-
 From: Travis Vaught [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 4:36 PM
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Discussion of Numerical Python; 
 Subject: ANN: EuroSciPy 2008 Conference - Leipzig, Germany
 We're pleased to announce the EuroSciPy 2008 Conference to be 
 held in Leipzig, Germany on July 26-27, 2008.
 We are very excited to create a venue for the European 
 community of users of the Python programming language in 
 science. This conference will bring the presentations and 
 collaboration that we've enjoyed at Caltech each year closer 
 to home for many users of SciPy, NumPy and Python 
 generally--with a similar focus and schedule.
 Call for Participation:
 If you are a scientist using Python for your computational 
 work, we'd love to have you formally present your results, 
 methods or experiences. To apply to present a talk at this 
 year's EuroSciPy, please submit an abstract of your talk as a 
 PDF, MS Word or plain text file to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 The deadline for abstract submission is April 30, 2008. 
 Papers and/or presentation slides are acceptable and are due 
 by June 15, 2008. Presentations will be allotted 30 minutes.
 Registration will open April 1, 2008. The registration fee 
 will be 100.00€ for early registrants and will increase to 
 150.00€ for late registration. Registration will include 
 breakfast, snacks and lunch for Saturday and Sunday.
 Volunteers Welcome:
 If you're interested in volunteering to help organize things, 
 please email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


ANN: Release 1.9.1 of SimPy (Simulation in Python) package

2008-03-18 Thread kgmuller
We announce the availability of SimPy version 1.9.1. This is an important
bug-fix release of SimPy 1.9 which any user of SimPy 1.9 should download.

SimPy 1.9.1 can be downloaded from .

The SimPy homepage is at http://SimPy.SourceForge.Net .

What is SimPy?
SimPy (= Simulation in Python) is an object-oriented, process-based
discrete-event simulation language completely implemented in Python. It is
released under the GNU Lesser GPL (LGPL). SimPy provides the modeler with
components of a simulation model including processes, for active components
like customers, messages, and vehicles, and resources, for passive
components that form limited capacity congestion points like servers,
checkout counters, and tunnels. It also provides monitor variables to aid in
gathering statistics. Random variates are provided by the standard Python
random module.

Many users claim that SimPy is one of the cleanest, easiest to use discrete
event simulation packages! SimPy is in use at many universities, research
institutes and in industry.

SimPy comes with data collection capabilities, GUI and plotting packages. It
can be easily interfaced to other packages, such as plotting, statistics, or
database systems.

SimPy is platform-independent and runs on all systems on which Python 2.3 or
later is available.


The bugs were identified and reported by members of the SimPy user
community. Thanks for this! Collaboration works!

Release notes for SimPy 1.9.1

SimPy 1.9.1 cures two bugs:

(1) Excessive memory requirements of large or long-running scripts. This
performance problem was caused by circular references between Process and
event notice instances.

(2) Runtime errors for pre-empts of processes holding multiple Resource


In addition to all the other, extensive documentation, SimPy 1.9.1 provides
a short manual which only addresses the basic facilities of SimPy. You could
consider this as SimPy light. This manual is aimed at introducing SimPy to

(end of Release Notes)


Klaus Müller Tony Vignaux


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Is htmlGen still alive?

2006-12-18 Thread kgmuller
Does anybody know whether htmlGen, the Python-class library for
generating HTML, is still being maintained? Or from where it can be
downloaded? The Starship site where it used to be hosted is dead.

Thanks for your help!

Klaus Muller


ANN: SimPy 1.6 released

2005-06-11 Thread kgmuller
We are happy to announce the release of SimPy 1.6.

SimPy is a process-based discrete-event simulation language based on
standard Python and released under the GNU LGPL.

It provides the modeller with components of a simulation model. These
include processes, for active components like customers, messages, and
vehicles, and resources, for passive components that form limited
capacity congestion points like servers, checkout counters, and
tunnels. It also provides monitor variables to aid in gathering
statistics. A GUI framework for simulations is included, as is plotting 
of results.

SimPy can be downloaded from the SimPy web-site:

The new version:

Release 1.6 is a new production version of SimPy. It adds
two new commands for modelling reneging (processes leaving a queue for
a resource before acquiring the resource) to the SimPy API:

- 'yield (request,self,resource),(hold,self,timeout)'
   for timeout-based reneging
- 'yield (request,self,resource),(waitevent,self,list_of_events)'
   for reneging triggered by one out of a list of events

Two models showing the use of these statement forms are  included in the 

The SimPy Manual and the Cheatsheet have been restructured and edited 
significantly for greater clarity.

SimPy 1.6 runs SimPy 1.5.x. scripts unchanged.

Download, experiment and enjoy! Any feedback is welcome!

Klaus G. Muller   Tony Vignaux


Want to know more about SimPy? Visit:

SimPy web-site:
SimpPy wiki:

Need help with using SimPy? Send a message to the
SimPy user group list: mailto://[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Support the Python Software Foundation: