How to save the packages received by a network interface or some port in a file and resend the packages received when needed?

2011-08-31 Thread
  This is a question not specific to Python,but its related somehow,and I
believe I can get some help from your fellow:)
  I am doing my work on a server service program on Linux that processes the
packages sent to the socket it listens.Their is already a old such service
listening on the port doing its job,and
I can't stop the old server service, and I need to get the packages sent to
the old server and send them to my new server service to make sure it works
well .How can I get the package and resent them to my new service? Is there
such a tool or is there some functionality that tools such as tcpdump
already provides?

Re: How to save the packages received by a network interface or some port in a file and resend the packages received when needed?

2011-08-31 Thread
In fact,UDP is enough for me,I heared that tcpdump and netcat can store and
resend the udp packages to get the replay effect,but I don't know how, or is
there some better way? I am working on a Linux server and only some basic
terminal tools are available :)

2011/8/31 Emile van Sebille

 On 8/31/2011 6:35 AM said...

   This is a question not specific to Python,but its related somehow,and
 I believe I can get some help from your fellow:)
   I am doing my work on a server service program on Linux that
 processes the packages sent to the socket it listens.Their is already a
 old such service listening on the port doing its job,and
 I can't stop the old server service, and I need to get the packages sent
 to the old server and send them to my new server service to make sure it
 works well .How can I get the package and resent them to my new service?
 Is there such a tool or is there some functionality that tools such as
 tcpdump already provides?

 I recently set up a standby spare fax server on a network that I also
 needed to test, and was able to tee the source transmissions to both
 systems.  That may be an option, particularly as it sounds like you've
 written a consumer of info and are not replying and interacting with the




something about performence

2011-06-20 Thread
   I have two large files,each has more than 2 lines,and each line
consists of two fields,one is the id and the other a value,
the ids are sorted.

for example:

(uin_a y)
1 1245
2  12333
3 324543
5 3464565

(uin_b gift)
1 34545
3 6436466
4 35345646
5 463626

I want to merge them and get a file,the lines of which consists of an id and
the sum of the two values in file1 and file2。
the codes are as below:


while 1:
uin_a,y=[int(i) for i in y_line.split()]
uin_b,gift=[int(i) for i in gift_line.split()]
if uin_a==uin_b:
print uin_a,score
if uin_auin_b:
print uin_a,y
if uin_auin_b:
print uin_b,gift
except StopIteration:

the question is that those code runs 40+ minutes on a server(16 core,32G
the time complexity is O(n),and there are not too much operations,
I think it should be faster.So I want to ask which part costs so much.
I tried the cProfile module but didn't get too much.
I guess maybe it is the int() operation that cost so much,but I'm not sure
and don't know how to solve this.
Is there a way to avoid type convertion in Python such as scanf in C?
Thanks for your help :)