Combing Medusa's Hair... (Design Pattern)

2010-12-14 Thread

This is an idea I got thinking about COM objects, and getting
some support from Mark Hammond, Python's Win32 wizard.

The goal is to have a host language (not Python) instantiate
an object that runs against the Python interpreter, which lives
as its own process.  The VMs have various ways of implementing
this.  Mono isn't that different right?

In this design pattern, you have something like a dry cleaner's,
where people submit jobs at the counter, and go away right
away with a ticket (Python returns -- but keeps running).  When
they come back is more up to them.  Work has been done in
the meantime (or not, if the queue is backed up).

So Python needs a queue in the front, to accept these job orders,
a facility for issuing tickets, and a way to catalog what tasks
are completed in some urn or receptacle (given this is Python,
we might call it a "holy grail").

The host process has a method from querying the Python object
as to whether such-and-such a job is complete or not.  More
primitively, it could just check an output bin (folder) for the
expected file (perhaps each "hair" creates a PDF in roughly
1 to 4 seconds).

The reason "Medusa" is useful wordplay is it reminds us of the
asynchronous server embedded in early Zope.  How Medusa
relates to Twisted is lore for others to recount.  However, given
we're spawning strands, hairs or threads each time a host process
calls into our object, we're looking at a multi-snaked environment,
so the image could hardly be more apt.

The act of "combing" suggests some synchronization / communication
between threads, but that's not a requirement.

More on tap here:


win32 design pattern: COM localserver?

2010-12-08 Thread
Greetings gurus.

I'm faced with the challenge of having a single-threaded proprietary
language wanting to do multiple calls against a Python COM object.

Something like...

loObj = CREATEOBJECT("map_maker") params, filename)

do while .True.
  yadda yadda


I.e. the client program continues execution while loObj churns away
somewhere doing work in Python, say accessing a MySQL database
and building a map, embedding it in a PDF.

Am I right that the COM object will need to "serve forever" i.e. be
built around some non-terminating loop?  Will the client's call then
spawn a process or thread that continues until finished?

All it has to do is leave a file on disk somewhere, then die.  But
the client can't be kept on the hook until that's all done.

I've had good luck doing an InProcess COM object the generates
a PDF from ReportLab.  But this "stay alive while returning control
to the client" challenge looks like it might be a job for sockets?

Gee I hope not.

Quick links to favorite blog articles will give me a sense of the
ballpark...  Any clues welcome.  Yes, I have the Win32 book from


PS:  my thanks to Ethan Furman for performing maintenance and
upgrades on his dbf module on PyPI.  The FoxPro gods thank you.

PPS:  some thoughts about IronPython filed here, after trying to
catch up some, sorry about my formatting, here too.


Re: DBF (VFP) to XLS (Excel) in pure Python

2010-12-02 Thread
On Dec 1, 10:28 pm, "" 
> Playing around with arcane tools to read those pesky DBF files (with
> memo fields), like floating wine barrels cast off the sinking VFP
> ship.

Although it's true I don't know that I'm getting "in memory"
DBF reads, the bulk of the time in the code I just shared is
in the "writing to XLS" inner loop.

Looking to a different solution for writing, perhaps a DLL
available for $ (one time).

Been reading more about VFP, Silverlight and HTML5.  Python
seems in a good position.  All caught up on IronPython now too.


DBF (VFP) to XLS (Excel) in pure Python

2010-12-01 Thread
Playing around with arcane tools to read those pesky DBF files (with
memo fields), like floating wine barrels cast off the sinking VFP

Me threading on comp.lang.python:

xlwt and xlrt for reading and writing Excel data, without needing
Excel, are also making Python attractive

Here's a code fragment giving the idea:

from os import path
from time import time
import dbf

def test2():
thepath = path.normpath(<< file path >>)
thefile = "shiptemp.dbf"
pathfile = path.join(thepath, thefile)
thedbf = dbf.VfpTable(pathfile)

header_style = easyxf('font: name Arial, bold True, height 200;')

book = Workbook()
sheet1 = book.add_sheet('Sheet 1')

for (i, name) in enumerate(thedbf.field_names):
sheet1.write(0, i, name, header_style)

for (i, thecol) in enumerate(thedbf.structure()):
name, thetype = str(thecol).split()
thelen, thedec = 0,0
if "(" in thetype:
if "," in thetype:
thelen, thedec = [int(k) for k in
thelen, thedec = int(thetype[2:-1]), 0
thetype = thetype[0]
if thetype == "M":
thelen = 100
elif thelen == 0:
thelen = 1
colwidth = max(len(name), int(thelen))
# print colwidth
sheet1.col(i).width = colwidth * 310
messages = []
for row in range(1, len(thedbf)):
record =
for col in range(len(thedbf.field_names)):
sheet1.row(row).write(col, record[col])
except Exception:
pass"C:\\Documents and Settings\\HP_Administrator\\My
Documents\\Visual FoxPro Projects\\shiptemp.xls")


if __name__ == "__main__":
start = time()
end = time()
print end - start

At the moment I'm unable to get the 1500 record x 156 column table
(with memos) to stay in
memory even with the disk file closed, which I understand is a feature
of this package

>>> thetable = dbf.VfpTable(thefile)
>>> thetable[1]
<< data dump >>

>>> thetable.close(keep_table=True, keep_memos=True)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
thetable.close(keep_table=True, keep_memos=True)
  File "C:/Python26/Lib/site-packages\dbf\", line 1141, in
for record in yo:
  File "C:/Python26/Lib/site-packages\dbf\", line 676, in
record = yo._table[yo._index]
  File "C:/Python26/Lib/site-packages\dbf\", line 817, in
return yo._table[yo._index[value]]
  File "C:/Python26/Lib/site-packages\dbf\", line 655, in
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seek'

Same error with:

>>> thetable = dbf.VfpTable(thefile)
>>> thetable.close(keep_memos=True)

Python 2.6 / Win7


Re: Packages at

2010-12-01 Thread

> So how *do* you get source code from such a web place?  I'm not
> finding
> a tar ball or installer.  Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, like
> a link
> to Sourceforge.

Thanks to very quick replies with pointers to

instead of to

So this subdomain is perhaps
unaware of its competition, which
has a brighter and more open look and feel?

What's the story there I wonder?

Quite an archeology (reminds me of the Vaults of

Thanks again, for restoring me to productivity
(was dead in the water for a minute there).


Packages at

2010-12-01 Thread

With Microsoft abandoning Visual FoxPro come 2015, we have 100K
jumping ship (rough guess), perhaps to dot NET, but not necessarily.**

This page is potentially getting a lot of hits (I'm not privy to the

So how *do* you get source code from such a web place?  I'm not
a tar ball or installer.  Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, like
a link
to Sourceforge.


** Unconfirmed rumors about IronPython leave me blog searching
this afternoon.  Still part of Codeplex?


Re: weird pickle behavior in Python 3.1.2 + Eclipse 3.5.2

2010-06-04 Thread
On Jun 4, 9:47 am, Peter Otten <> wrote:

> I can provoke the error in "naked" Python 3 by changing the
> Example.__module__ attribute:
> Python 3.1.1+ (r311:74480, Nov  2 2009, 15:45:00)
> [GCC 4.4.1] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

> >>> import pickle
> >>> class Example:
> ...     pass
> ...
> >>> pickle.dumps(Example())
> b'\x80\x03c__main__\nExample\nq\x00)\x81q\x01}q\x02b.'

> >>> Example.__module__ = "builtins"
> >>> pickle.dumps(Example())
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.1/", line 1358, in dumps
>     Pickler(f, protocol, fix_imports=fix_imports).dump(obj)
> _pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle : attribute lookup
> builtins.Example failed
> What's the value of __module__ when you run your code in Eclipse?
> Peter

Thank you for replying.

Here's from Eclipse console:

>>> Example.__module__

>>> __name__

Duplicating your result in naked Python:

Python 3.1.2 (r312:79149, Mar 21 2010, 00:41:52) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> class Example:

>>> import pickle
>>> Example.__module__
>>> f = open('testpickle.pkl','wb')
>>> obj = Example()
>>> obj
<__main__.Example object at 0x02A26690>
>>> pickle.dump(obj, f)

>>> Example.__module__ = 'builtins'
>>> obj2 = Example()

>>> pickle.dump(obj2, f)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
pickle.dump(obj2, f)
  File "C:\Python31\lib\", line 1354, in dump
Pickler(file, protocol, fix_imports=fix_imports).dump(obj)
_pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle : attribute
lookup builtins.Example failed

So what if I'm in an Eclipse pydev console and
change the Example.__module__ to '__main__'

>>> import sys; print('%s %s' % (sys.executable or sys.platform, sys.version))
C:\Python31\python.exe 3.1.2 (r312:79149, Mar 21 2010, 00:41:52) [MSC
v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
>>> import pickle
>>> class Example:
... pass
>>> Example.__module__
>>> Example.__module__ = '__main__'
>>> obj = Example()
>>> obj
<__main__.Example object at 0x029E8FD0>
>>> f = open('testpickle.pkl','wb')
>>> pickle.dump(obj, f)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "C:\Python31\lib\", line 1354, in dump
Pickler(file, protocol, fix_imports=fix_imports).dump(obj)
_pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle :
attribute lookup __main__.Example failed


Any insights?


weird pickle behavior in Python 3.1.2 + Eclipse 3.5.2

2010-06-04 Thread
Here we are in an Eclipse pydev console, running Python 3.1.2.  For
the most part, everything is working great.


>>> import sys; print('%s %s' % (sys.executable or sys.platform, sys.version))
C:\Python31\python.exe 3.1.2 (r312:79149, Mar 21 2010, 00:41:52) [MSC
v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]

>>> import pickle
>>> class Example:
... def __init__(self):
... = "Hello"
... def __repr__(self):
... return "an Example object named {}".format(
>>> obj = Example()
>>> obj
an Example object named Hello

Note that I'm opening in binary, like I'm supposed to with this
latest protocol:

>>> f = open("testpickle.pkl",'wb')

Should be able to do this, no problemo:

>>> pickle.dump(obj, f)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "C:\Python31\lib\", line 1354, in dump
Pickler(file, protocol, fix_imports=fix_imports).dump(obj)
_pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle : attribute
lookup builtins.Example failed

The above works fine in "naked Python" 3.1.2 by the way.
So this could be a problem with Eclipse / Pydev and/or
user error.  What am I missing?

Just normal data structures work:

>>> test = [1,2,3]
>>> pickle.dump(test,f)
>>> f.close()

Any other Eclipse users out there who can at least duplicate this

Kirby Urner
in Portland "Keep Portland Weird" Oregon


FWD: Lore about Division

2010-02-10 Thread
Alan:  2^(1/2)

Kirby: Also pow(2, 0.5) in Python.

Alan: Gee, I wonder if pow(2, (1/2)) also works in Python?


It does if you remember integer division in earlier
versions, such that one needed:

from __future__ import division

or, simply made it 1./2 or 1/2. or something, to force
a floating point answer.

In 3.x, division is natively floating, with // to force
an integer output.

[ EDITOR'S NOTE:  not quite right, may be floating type output with
integer value ]

This is Python 3.1, right out of the box:

>>> pow(2, 1/2)


That reminds me of FORTRAN

"Unless specified otherwise, all variables starting with letters I, J,
K, L, M
and N are default INTEGER, and all others are default REAL; other data
must be explicitly declared. This is known as implicit typing and is a
of early FORTRAN days."


I think the original intent was something like "closure" i.e.
int / int should give int, whereas float / float or float / int
or int / float should coerce float answer, and that is how it
was done.

However it was later realized, by Guido and others, that in
source code, when you see a / b, you really have no way of
knowing what's going through there, i.e. a and b might name
anything, so it gets hard to debug if the behavior is so
dependent on 1 versus 3 use cases. Better to just have a
consistent float output, no matter what. Then use // if you
want to force an integer value output, even if you input floats
to get floats back:

>>> 1.//2.
>>> 1/2
>>> 3.//2.

It's quite basic to a language, how it deals with division, so
Guido had to devise a scheme that would let the snake "shed its
skin". Already, the brand name (Python) was in his favor, as
that's what Pythons do (shed skin). A lot of basic changes piled
up, including a more complete move to a Unicode basis for source
files. If you're going to break backward compatibility, might as
well do a lot of breaking all at once.

As of this writing, we're on the other end of it, having made the
leap from 2.x to 3.x. The backward incompatibility gap has been
crossed. However, a number of important libraries and other assets
still need to bring up the rear, so a new PEP (Python Enhancement
Proposal) has been accepted, to freeze Python for awhile, in terms
of its core syntax and semantics. Give the library people some
breathing room. This seems a good plan.

[ original context: ]

pythonic chew toyz (continued)

2009-05-03 Thread
On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 5:52 PM, kirby  wrote:

> From: "" 
> Date: Jan 14, 2:18 pm
> Subject: pythonic chew toyz (a column, by K. Urner) v.1 n.1
> To: comp.lang.python
> Selena spotted me right away as "the O'Reilly spy", me agreeing she
> had an exceptionally good memory, maybe we could recruit her?  Our
> banter traces to the first meeting on OS Bridge and how I introduced
> myself [0], not yet realizing Allison Randal was in the audience (way
> more an insider, as to how many Ls in Randall).[1]

Selena kindly welcomed us into her home for an OS Bridge meeting
awhile back, where we tackled the daunting task of sorting through a
great many interesting proposals, mine barely squeaking by (yes, helps
to have a self interested party at the table, I don't deny it).
Audrey was a strong advocate for Allison Randal's getting to speak,
but of course that's a shoe in.  I'm more the maverick, not having
invented any virtual machines yet, just a lot of verbiage mostly, with
source code sprinkled in (syntactic sugar we call it).

Selena is a Postgres jock many of you may already know.  Take a look for news on the new Sun -
Oracle merger (yes we know, MySQL).  Audrey is with our Legion of Tech
especially in the Rails community (which Kaplan-Moss said some nice
things about).  Together these two are anchoring OS Bridge, our new
Open Source conference in Oregon, the Pacific Northwest always in the
mood for some big geeky festival, with lots of fun themes, like FOSS
on the Farm.

> Last night in the Roman room (CubeSpace) I proposed she could emcee
> the panel we're planning (maybe?), after the new Mayor (Sam Adams)
> kicks it off with a keynote -- all in the proposal stage, looking over
> her shoulder.

Sam got rather famous after I posted this or was it before I forget,
but a Wild West town like ours is supposed to go overboard into
various forms of burlesque, player piano optional, maybe a few head
turning cross-dressers (truly, PDX is proud of its heritage, think our
airport is pretty spiffy, plus Ikea, other destinations, take the Max,
Go By Train, very green).

> I was also there for the __metaclasses__ discussion by John Melesky,
> and for work, most of that same day (this is PDX CubeSpace, a lot of
> us rent office space).  Jason talked about the __missing__ rib (in
> dict).[2]
> As we were getting settled, they talked about OSCON, perking my
> interest.  Whereas some take the view we're somehow competing with San
> Jose (where some of my friends work, or worked in the case of Maxtor
> and IBM), my model is more Cirque du Soleil, given where "geeks" come
> from (something about chickens).[3]

I haven't decided about OSCON yet, would love to go, love the show,
but this retarded economy has me showing my bank every move, no
suitcases of cash like before (just kidding).

Seriously, that O'Reilly School of Technology guy was like "we're
gonna miss the free beer" referring to sometimes generous Alaska
airlines people, maybe Frontier I don't know, giving passengers an up
front taste for our offerings, this being not only a FOSS capital, per
CSM 2005, but a Beer Capital as well (funny how these go together hand
in glove -- no tap at Free Geek though, whereas at Cubespace it's like
50% foam).

Anyway, I've heard many wonderful things about San Jose and will say
this first hand:  the Silicon Valley is not our enemy, nor is the
Silicon Hills (Austin), so there, you have it in writing.

> Five OSCONs running in parallel in any given summer would make more
> sense than just one, but then O'Reilly isn't quite as big as McGraw-
> Hill (BYTE), yet.  Anyway, Portland is happy to share the glory.  OS
> Bridge is yet another bulb on the breadboard (aka grid), getting
> brighter by the day.
> Speaking of BYTE, I also learned last night that Eliza, our geek
> therapist, is alive and well in Python, as a part of the Natural
> Language Toolkit or NLTK.  And she's got company.  Some of you may
> recall Hugh Kenner's hilarious investigation of chat bots, then very
> new, in a way back issue (1980s).[4]

I tried to get Nat Bobbitt interested in this but he said "no more
comms" perhaps being strategic, time will tell.  I admit to not
following through either, making Sun Tzu and Eliza have conversational
intercourse, a great high school project, and now we have a Watcher
between Pycons -- Vern Ceder, tasked with scoping out talent,
Pythonistas too young for a Pycon maybe (Hyatts pretty racy, lots of
alcoholic beverages), but still able to exhibit in a poster session,
perhaps with a teacher as stand in, proud for the whole school (Python
Teacher of the Year?) -- we'll have s

pythonic chew toyz (a column, by K. Urner) v.1 n.1

2009-01-14 Thread
Selena spotted me right away as "the O'Reilly spy", me agreeing she
had an exceptionally good memory, maybe we could recruit her?  Our
banter traces to the first meeting on OS Bridge and how I introduced
myself [0], not yet realizing Allison Randal was in the audience (way
more an insider, as to how many Ls in Randall).[1]

Last night in the Roman room (CubeSpace) I proposed she could emcee
the panel we're planning (maybe?), after the new Mayor (Sam Adams)
kicks it off with a keynote -- all in the proposal stage, looking over
her shoulder.

I was also there for the __metaclasses__ discussion by John Melesky,
and for work, most of that same day (this is PDX CubeSpace, a lot of
us rent office space).  Jason talked about the __missing__ rib (in

As we were getting settled, they talked about OSCON, perking my
interest.  Whereas some take the view we're somehow competing with San
Jose (where some of my friends work, or worked in the case of Maxtor
and IBM), my model is more Cirque du Soleil, given where "geeks" come
from (something about chickens).[3]

Five OSCONs running in parallel in any given summer would make more
sense than just one, but then O'Reilly isn't quite as big as McGraw-
Hill (BYTE), yet.  Anyway, Portland is happy to share the glory.  OS
Bridge is yet another bulb on the breadboard (aka grid), getting
brighter by the day.

Speaking of BYTE, I also learned last night that Eliza, our geek
therapist, is alive and well in Python, as a part of the Natural
Language Toolkit or NLTK.  And she's got company.  Some of you may
recall Hugh Kenner's hilarious investigation of chat bots, then very
new, in a way back issue (1980s).[4]

Hugh, by the way, was a leading 20th century James Joyce scholar and
fan of R. Buckminster Fuller (see 'The Pound Era'), Bucky a champion
for me as well (hence my -- named after the guy, for use with
VPython, POV-Ray, x3d etc., more on edu-sig).

I'll catch up again later, maybe from Chicago, maybe before.[5]


[ 2nd edition: reformatted, fixed endnotes ]

<< with thanks to verizon wireless >>

pythonic chew toyz (a column, by K. Urner) v.1 n.1

2009-01-14 Thread
Selena spotted me right away as "the O'Reilly spy", me agreeing she
had an exceptionally good memory, maybe we could recruit her?  Our
banter traces to the first meeting on OS Bridge and how I introduced
myself [0], not yet realizing Allison Randal was in the audience (way
more an insider, as to how many Ls).[1]

Last night in the Roman room (CubeSpace) I proposed she could emcee
the panel we're planning (maybe?), after the new Mayor (Sam Adams)
kicks it off with a keynote -- all in the proposal stage, looking over
her shoulder.

I was also there for the __metaclasses__ discussion by John Melesky,
and for work, most of that same day (this is PDX CubeSpace, a lot of
us rent office space).  Jason talked about the __missing__ rib (in

As we were getting settled, they talked about OSCON, perking my
interest.  Whereas some take the view we're somehow competing with San
Jose (where a lot of my friends work), my model is more Cirque du
Soleil, given where "geeks" come from (something about chickens).

Five OSCONs running in parallel in any given summer would make more
sense than just one, but then O'Reilly isn't quite as big as McGraw-
Hill (BYTE), yet.  Anyway, Portland is happy to share the glory.  OS
Bridge another bulb on the breadboard (aka grid), getting brighter by
the day.

Speaking of BYTE, I also learned last night that Eliza, our geek
therapist, is alive and well in Python, as a part of the Natural
Language Toolkit or NLTK.  And she's got company.  Some of you may
recall Hugh Kenner's hilarious investigation of chat bots, then very
new, in a way back issue (1980s).[3]

Hugh, by the way, was a leading 20th century James Joyce scholar and
fan of R. Buckminster Fuller (see 'The Pound Era'), Bucky a champion
for me as well (hence my -- named after the guy, for use with
VPython, POV-Ray, x3d etc., more on edu-sig).

I'll catch up again later, maybe from Chicago, maybe before.[4]
