Re: Decoding bytes to text strings in Python 2

2024-06-23 Thread Rayner Lucas via Python-list
In article , r...@zedat.fu- says...
>   I didn't really do a super thorough deep dive on this,
>   but I'm just giving the initial impression without 
>   actually being familiar with Tkinter under Python 2,
>   so I might be wrong!
>   The Text widget typically expects text in Tcl encoding,
>   which is usually UTF-8. 
>   This is independent of the result returned by sys.get-
>   defaultencoding()! 
>   If a UTF-8 string is inserted directly as a bytes object,
>   its code points will be displayed correctly by the Text 
>   widget as long as they are in the BMP (Basic Multilingual
>   Plane), as you already found out yourself.

Many thanks, you've helped me greatly in understanding what's happening. 
When I tried running my example code on a different system (Python 
2.7.18 on Linux, with Tcl/Tk 8.5), I got the error:

_tkinter.TclError: character U+1f40d is above the range (U+-U+) 
allowed by Tcl

So, as your reply suggests, the problem is ultimately a limitation of 
Tcl/Tk itself. Perhaps I should have spent more time studying the docs 
for that instead of puzzling over the details of character encodings in 
Python! I'm not sure why it doesn't give the same error on Windows, but 
at least now I know where the root of the issue is.

I am now much better informed about how to migrate the code I'm working 
on, so I am very grateful for your help.


Re: Decoding bytes to text strings in Python 2

2024-06-23 Thread Rayner Lucas via Python-list
In article , says...
> If you switch to a Linux system, it should work correctly, and you'll
> be able to migrate the rest of the way onto Python 3. Once you achieve
> that, you'll be able to operate on Windows or Linux equivalently,
> since Python 3 solved this problem. At least, I *think* it will; my
> current system has a Python 2 installed, but doesn't have tkinter
> (because I never bothered to install it), and it's no longer available
> from the upstream Debian repos, so I only tested it in the console.
> But the decoding certainly worked.

Thank you for the idea of trying it on a Linux system. I did so, and my 
example code generated the error:

_tkinter.TclError: character U+1f40d is above the range (U+-U+) 
allowed by Tcl

So it looks like the problem is ultimately due to a limitation of 
Tcl/Tk. I'm still not sure why it doesn't give an error on Windows and 
instead either works (when UTF-8 encoding is specified) or converts the 
out-of-range characters to ones it can display (when the encoding isn't 
specified). But now I know what the root of the problem is, I can deal 
with it appropriately (and my curiosity is at least partly satisfied).

This has given me a much better understanding of what I need to do in 
order to migrate to Python 3 and add proper support for non-ASCII 
characters, so I'm very grateful for your help!


Decoding bytes to text strings in Python 2

2024-06-21 Thread Rayner Lucas via Python-list

I'm curious about something I've encountered while updating a very old 
Tk app (originally written in Python 1, but I've ported it to Python 2 
as a first step towards getting it running on modern systems). The app 
downloads emails from a POP server and displays them. At the moment, the 
code is completely unaware of character encodings (which is something I 
plan to fix), and I have found that I don't understand what Python is 
doing when no character encoding is specified.

To demonstrate, I have written this short example program that displays 
a variety of UTF-8 characters to check whether they are decoded 

 Example Code 
import Tkinter as tk

window = tk.Tk()

mytext = """
  \xe2\x82\xac EURO SIGN
  \xc2\xa5 YEN SIGN
  \xe0\xa4\x93 DEVANAGARI LETTER O
  \xe5\xad\x97 CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-5B57
  \xe2\x99\xa9 QUARTER NOTE
  \xf0\x9f\x90\x8d SNAKE
  \xf0\x9f\x92\x96 SPARKLING HEART

mytext = mytext.decode(encoding="utf-8")
greeting = tk.Label(text=mytext)

 End Example Code 

This works exactly as expected, with all the characters displaying 

However, if I comment out the line 'mytext = mytext.decode
(encoding="utf-8")', the program still displays *almost* everything 
correctly. All of the characters appear correctly apart from the two 
four-byte emoji characters at the end, which instead display as four 
characters. For example, the "SNAKE" character actually displays as:

What's Python 2 doing here? sys.getdefaultencoding() returns 'ascii', 
but it's clearly not attempting to display the bytes as ASCII (or 
cp1252, or ISO-8859-1). How is it deciding on some sort of almost-but-
not-quite UTF-8 decoding?

I am using Python 2.7.18 on a Windows 10 system. If there's any other 
relevant information I should provide please let me know.

Many thanks,

[issue46101] argparse: using parents & subcommands, options can be ignored

2021-12-16 Thread Lucas Cimon

Lucas Cimon  added the comment:

The GitHub PR is ready for reviewing.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38584] argparse: Specifying a whitespace-only help message to a positional arg triggers an IndexError when displaying --help

2021-12-16 Thread Lucas Cimon

Lucas Cimon  added the comment:

This was resolved by

message_count: 4.0 -> 5.0
pull_requests: +28366
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46101] argparse: using parents & subcommands, options can be ignored

2021-12-16 Thread Lucas Cimon

Change by Lucas Cimon :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +28364
stage:  -> patch review

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46101] argparse: using parents & subcommands, options can be ignored

2021-12-16 Thread Lucas Cimon

New submission from Lucas Cimon :


Here is some minimal code reproducing the issue:

import argparse

common_opts_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
common_opts_parser.add_argument("--endpoint", choices=("prod", "dev"), 

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[common_opts_parser])
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(required=True)

subcmd_cmd = subparsers.add_parser("subcmd", parents=[common_opts_parser])
subcmd_cmd.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true")


Everything works fine / as expected when specifying the common optional arg 

$ ./ subcmd --endpoint=dev
Namespace(endpoint='dev', debug=False)

However when specifying the --endpoint between the program and the subcommand, 
the value provided is ignored:

$ ./ --endpoint=dev subcmd
Namespace(endpoint=None, debug=False)

I have a PR ready to fix that.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 408711
nosy: Lucas Cimon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: argparse: using parents & subcommands, options can be ignored
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.11

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: ast.parse, ast.dump, but with comment preservation?

2021-12-16 Thread lucas

Hi !

Maybe RedBaron may help you ?

IIRC, it aims to conserve the exact same representation of the source 
code, including comments and empty lines.


On 16/12/2021 04:37, wrote:

I wrote a little open-source tool to expose internal constructs in OpenAPI. 
Along the way, I added related functionality to:
- Generate/update a function prototype to/from a class
- JSON schema
- Automatically add type annotations to all function arguments, class 
attributes, declarations, and assignments

alongside a bunch of other features. All implemented using just the builtin 
modules (plus astor on Python < 3.9; and optionally black).

Now I'm almost at the point where I can run it—without issue—against, e.g., the 
entire TensorFlow codebase. Unfortunately this is causing huge `diff`s because 
the comments aren't preserved (and there are some whitespace issues… but I 
should be able to resolve the latter).

Is the only viable solution available to rewrite around redbaron | libcst? - I 
don't need to parse the comments just dump them out unedited whence they're 

Thanks for any suggestions

PS: Library is (might relicense with 
CC0… anyway too early for others to use; wait for the 0.1.0 release ;])


Re: import question

2021-11-19 Thread lucas
ok.  all good advice.  thank you for that.  and with all that I've decided what 
to do.

I'm going to close off any server-side python access so that I don't expose my 
server or the file system to vulnerabilities and/or wonton attacks.  I am 
building a site for education and what I will configure is allow students to 
setup and save their projects on the server but only direct them to program in 
client-side Brython, which is a javascript translation of python for browsers, 
hence "Brython" or "browser python".  my server will provide the javascript 
files for Brython and its standard libraries and any processing of the 
student's projects will be directly on the client-side.  this way there is no 
access to the server or cpu or memory management problems.  the server will 
simply server html and Brython-based text, i.e., static pages, to the client 
browser and the browser will process and interact with the Brython directly.  

overall, the server will stay secure and the students can learn python through 
Brython.  sound, right?  Lucas

import question

2021-11-18 Thread lucas
hello one and all,

are there any other ways to import a module or package other then the "import" 
or "from...import..." statements?  i ask because i'm allowing programming on my 
web2py website and i don't want any accessing packages like os or sys.

thank you in advance and have a great day, lucas

Re: on writing a while loop for rolling two dice

2021-09-02 Thread lucas

def how_many_times():
   x, y = 0, 1
   c = 0
   while x != y:
 c = c + 1
 x, y = roll()
   return c, (x, y)

Since I haven't seen it used in answers yet, here's another option using our 
new walrus operator

def how_many_times():
 roll_count = 1
 while (rolls := roll())[0] != rolls[1]:
 roll_count += 1
 return (roll_count, rolls)

I would go even further, saying there is no need to «roll dices»:

def how_many_times():
nb_times = random.choice([n for n in range(50) for _ in 

return nb_times, (random.randint(1, 6),) * 2

If i had more time on my hands, i would do something with bissect to get 
nb_times with more precision, as i have (mis)calculated that the 
probability of having nb_times = N is N = (1/6) * (5/6) ** (N-1)

Something like this may work:

nb_times = [random.random() < (1/6) * (5/6) ** (N-1) for N in 
range(1, 50)].index(True)+1


Re: argparse support of/by argparse

2021-07-13 Thread lucas

Mmmh, that may work just fine !
Thanks for that idea, ChrisA, i'm looking forward to implement that.

Best wishes,

On 12/07/2021 21:33, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 5:22 AM lucas  wrote:

Hello everyone,

Let us consider this patch of code:

  import argparse

  def parse_cli() -> argparse.Namespace:
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  parser.add_argument('n', type=int)
  return parser.parse_args()

  args = parse_cli()
  print(args.n + ' ')  # type error

Running CPython on it will raise a TypeError, and running Mypy on it
will indicate that no issues were found.

I was wondering if there is any way for me to have mypy detecting the
args.n type, based on the type keyword of the parser.add_argument function ?

It appears that some type annotations were added to tierce party
modules, provided by mypy itself. Is there a technical issue preventing
such work to be made for argparse (or other CLI ; i didn't find anything
for others either)

Seems complicated, since it depends on a lot of run-time information.
What if you flip the problem on its head? Instead of creating the
argparser and letting that govern the types, maybe create a dataclass,
and then programmatically build the parser.

from dataclasses import dataclass
import argparse

class Args:
 n: int

def parse_cli() -> Args:
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
 for field, typ in Args.__dataclass_fields__.items():
 if hasattr(typ, "type"): typ = typ.type # Python 3.10 changed
things a bit
 parser.add_argument(field, type=typ)
 return Args(**vars(parser.parse_args()))

args = parse_cli()
print(args.n + ' ')

Only barely tested it and didn't try MyPy, but that's the basic idea.
You'd have to figure out the tidiest way to define all the other
attributes of your arguments (help text, etc), but ideally, all the
info should be able to be coded in the dataclass.

Incidentally, you could choose to make parse_cli into a classmethod of
Args. Might be cleaner.



argparse support of/by argparse

2021-07-12 Thread lucas

Hello everyone,

Let us consider this patch of code:

import argparse

def parse_cli() -> argparse.Namespace:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('n', type=int)
return parser.parse_args()

args = parse_cli()
print(args.n + ' ')  # type error

Running CPython on it will raise a TypeError, and running Mypy on it 
will indicate that no issues were found.

I was wondering if there is any way for me to have mypy detecting the 
args.n type, based on the type keyword of the parser.add_argument function ?

It appears that some type annotations were added to tierce party 
modules, provided by mypy itself. Is there a technical issue preventing 
such work to be made for argparse (or other CLI ; i didn't find anything 
for others either)

Thank you for reading,

[issue33109] argparse: make new 'required' argument to add_subparsers default to False instead of True

2021-05-21 Thread Lucas Cimon

Lucas Cimon  added the comment:

Sorry, the fix was by Mathias Ettinger:

elif isinstance(argument, _SubParsersAction):
return '{%s}' % ','.join(map(str, argument.choices))

I submitted a PR with this patch and a corresponding unit test:


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue29298] argparse fails with required subparsers, un-named dest, and empty argv

2021-05-21 Thread Lucas Cimon

Change by Lucas Cimon :

nosy: +Lucas Cimon
nosy_count: 7.0 -> 8.0
pull_requests: +24884

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33109] argparse: make new 'required' argument to add_subparsers default to False instead of True

2021-05-21 Thread Lucas Cimon

Lucas Cimon  added the comment:

Reporting a duplicate / superseder with the following bug:

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(required=True)


TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, NoneType found

It has already been reported in
with an interesting solution by Greg Minshall.

nosy: +Lucas Cimon

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: XML RPC changes between 3.7 and 3.9 yield 401 http error

2021-03-27 Thread lucas

Thank you ChrisA !

I hope it will solve it too. Do i need to do anything ?

Thank you for your time and help.

Best wishes,

On 27/03/2021 22:49, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Sun, Mar 28, 2021 at 5:00 AM lucas  wrote:

I finally took time (thanks to Florian R.) to get a reproducible example
of my problem, as asked previously by ChrisA.

Thanks! With this in hand, I can play around with it.

On debian, Python 3.7, i got: - - [27/Mar/2021 18:31:13] "POST /?u=user=password
HTTP/1.1" 404 -

On Arch, python 3.9, i got:

   aluriak@arch❯ python3.9 server - - [27/Mar/2021 18:35:45] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1" 200 -

On Debian, with both versions having been built from source, the same
occurs. Furthermore, Python 3.8 behaves as 3.7 does. This definitely
changed in 3.9.

Note that the two outputs differs in two ways: - - [27/Mar/2021 18:31:13] "POST /?u=user=password
HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [27/Mar/2021 18:35:45] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1" 200 -

The first contains the arguments, and the second contains the path.
Sounds like there is something wrong with both modules.

One point of note is that the request as given actually doesn't have a
slash. I think that's technically wrong, but a lot of systems will
just implicitly add the slash. That, coupled with commit 9c4c45, is
why you're seeing "/RPC2" in there. That distinction vanishes if you
change your client thusly:

url = 'http://' + URL + '/?' + urlencode({'u': USER, 'p': PASSWD})

Actually, it looks like all the changes came in with that commit. The
old way used some internal functions from urllib.parse, and the new
way uses the public function urllib.parse.urlparse(), and there are
some subtle differences. For one thing, the old way would implicitly
readd the missing slash, thus hiding the above issue; the new way
leaves the path empty (thus triggering the "/RPC2" replacement). But
perhaps more significantly, the old way left query parameters in the
"path" portion, where the new way has a separate "query" portion that
is being lost. Here's the relevant BPO:

It seems to have been intended as a pure refactor, so I'd call this a
regression. Fortunately, it's not difficult to fix; but I'm not sure
if there are any other subtle changes.

The regression's already been reported so I'm adding to this issue:

Hopefully that solves the problem!



Re: XML RPC changes between 3.7 and 3.9 yield 401 http error

2021-03-27 Thread lucas
And, in my outputs, a key part is missing: the received arguments as 
parsed by Flask:

Python 3.7:
REQUEST: ImmutableMultiDict([('u', 'user'), ('p', 'password')])

Python 3.9:
REQUEST: ImmutableMultiDict([])

Have a good day everyone,

On 27/03/2021 18:53, lucas wrote:

Following our previous discussion:

I finally took time (thanks to Florian R.) to get a reproducible example 
of my problem, as asked previously by ChrisA.

The following code is implementing a webserver with Flask, and a client 
with the XMLRPC client:

     import sys
     from xmlrpc import server, client
     from urllib.parse import urlencode
     from flask import Flask, request

     PORT = 23456
     USER, PASSWD = 'user', 'password'
     URL = '' + str(PORT)

     if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'server':
     app = Flask(__name__)
     @app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
     @app.route('/RPC2', methods=['POST'])
     def login():
     print('REQUEST:', request.args)
     return 'ok', host='localhost', port=PORT)

     url = 'http://' + URL + '?' + urlencode({'u': USER, 'p': PASSWD})
     proxy = client.ServerProxy(url)
     print(proxy, dir(proxy))
     print(proxy.add(2, 3))

You can run the client with `python3`, and the server with `python3 server`.

On debian, Python 3.7, i got:

     lucas@debianserver:~$ python3.7 server
  * Serving Flask app "p" (lazy loading)
  * Environment: production
    WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a 
production deployment.

    Use a production WSGI server instead.
  * Debug mode: on
  * Running on http://localhost:23456/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
  * Restarting with stat
  * Debugger is active!
  * Debugger PIN: 249-992-288 - - [27/Mar/2021 18:31:13] "POST /?u=user=password 
HTTP/1.1" 404 -

On Arch, python 3.9, i got:

  aluriak@arch❯ python3.9 server
  * Serving Flask app "p" (lazy loading)
  * Environment: production
    WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a 
production deployment.

    Use a production WSGI server instead.
  * Debug mode: on
  * Running on http://localhost:23456/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
  * Restarting with stat
  * Debugger is active!
  * Debugger PIN: 821-276-100 - - [27/Mar/2021 18:35:45] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Both systems return the same output on command `pip3 freeze | grep 
Flask`, which is `Flask==1.1.2`.

Note that the two outputs differs in two ways: - - [27/Mar/2021 18:31:13] "POST /?u=user=password 
HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [27/Mar/2021 18:35:45] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1" 200 -

The first contains the arguments, and the second contains the path. 
Sounds like there is something wrong with both modules.

This should be a reproducible example ; plus i'm not the only one to 
encounter that problem:

Best regards,


Re: XML RPC changes between 3.7 and 3.9 yield 401 http error

2021-03-27 Thread lucas

Following our previous discussion:

I finally took time (thanks to Florian R.) to get a reproducible example 
of my problem, as asked previously by ChrisA.

The following code is implementing a webserver with Flask, and a client 
with the XMLRPC client:

import sys
from xmlrpc import server, client
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from flask import Flask, request

PORT = 23456
USER, PASSWD = 'user', 'password'
URL = '' + str(PORT)

if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'server':
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
@app.route('/RPC2', methods=['POST'])
def login():
print('REQUEST:', request.args)
return 'ok', host='localhost', port=PORT)

url = 'http://' + URL + '?' + urlencode({'u': USER, 'p': PASSWD})
proxy = client.ServerProxy(url)
print(proxy, dir(proxy))
print(proxy.add(2, 3))

You can run the client with `python3`, and the server with `python3 server`.

On debian, Python 3.7, i got:

    lucas@debianserver:~$ python3.7 server
 * Serving Flask app "p" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a 
production deployment.

   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on http://localhost:23456/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 249-992-288 - - [27/Mar/2021 18:31:13] "POST /?u=user=password 
HTTP/1.1" 404 -

On Arch, python 3.9, i got:

 aluriak@arch❯ python3.9 server
 * Serving Flask app "p" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a 
production deployment.

   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on http://localhost:23456/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 821-276-100 - - [27/Mar/2021 18:35:45] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Both systems return the same output on command `pip3 freeze | grep 
Flask`, which is `Flask==1.1.2`.

Note that the two outputs differs in two ways: - - [27/Mar/2021 18:31:13] "POST /?u=user=password 
HTTP/1.1" 404 - - - [27/Mar/2021 18:35:45] "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.1" 200 -

The first contains the arguments, and the second contains the path. 
Sounds like there is something wrong with both modules.

This should be a reproducible example ; plus i'm not the only one to 
encounter that problem:

Best regards,

Re: XML RPC changes between 3.7 and 3.9 yield 401 http error

2021-02-24 Thread lucas

On 24/02/2021 20:21, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 6:14 AM lucas  wrote:

I tested from the windows computer (Python 3.8, it appears, not 3.7 as i
thought), and got the following nginx log:

[LAPTOP IP] - - [24/Feb/2021:20:06:42 +0100] "POST
/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php?u=[user]=[password] HTTP/1.1" 200 209 "-"
"DokuWikiXMLRPC  1.0  for testing windows"

That other laptop also had an ubuntu installed, with python 3.6.9, so i
ran the program and got the expected output, and the following nginx log:
[LAPTOP IP] - - [24/Feb/2021:20:04:04 +0100] "POST
/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php?u=[user]=[password] HTTP/1.1" 200 209 "-"
"DokuWikiXMLRPC  1.0  for testing ubuntu"

Both accessed correctly the dokuwiki version. Unless this is a platform
specific problem, it seems to narrow it to 3.9.


I think, at this point, we need a repeatable test case. Wonder how
hard it would be to make a single Python script that has a tiny server
and a tiny client, and tries to connect them.


I will work on that tomorrow.

Thanks for your guidance, i will come back with a repeatable test case.

Best regards,

Re: XML RPC changes between 3.7 and 3.9 yield 401 http error

2021-02-24 Thread lucas

On 24/02/2021 19:22, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 5:12 AM lucas  wrote:

On 24/02/2021 18:48, Chris Angelico wrote:
I added socket.gethostbyname("") (i removed the https://
since it, obviously now i think about it, led to a socket error)
in the program, so i could verify both the URL and IP are equivalent.

I got the exact same URL and IP. To be sure, i let python run the
comparison instead of only relying on my eyes.

  >>> '' ==
  >>> '' == ''

Those URLs were printed out from each script, just before attempting the call?

Yes. The program is that one :

import socket
import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
from urllib.parse import urlencode

URL = ''
USER_AGENT = 'DokuWikiXMLRPC  1.0  for testing'

script = '/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php'
url = URL + script + '?' + urlencode({'u': USER, 'p': PASSWD})
# xmlrpclib.Transport.user_agent = USER_AGENT
# xmlrpclib.SafeTransport.user_agent = USER_AGENT

proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
v = proxy.dokuwiki.getVersion()

You gave me an idea: i checked the nginx log of the server hosting the
dokuwiki instance, and got something of interest :

[SERVER IP] - - [24/Feb/2021:19:08:31 +0100] "POST
/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php?u=[USER]=[PASSWORD] HTTP/1.1" 200 209 "-"
[LAPTOP IP] - - [24/Feb/2021:19:08:35 +0100] "POST /lib/exe/xmlrpc.php
HTTP/1.1" 401 433 "-" "Python-xmlrpc/3.9"

It seems that the laptop is not sending the arguments, despite them
being fed in the python code ?

Fascinating! Well, that does at least simplify things somewhat -
instead of "why is this coming back 401", it's "why is this not
sending credentials".

Yes, we are going forward :)

More data is always good.


I tested from the windows computer (Python 3.8, it appears, not 3.7 as i 
thought), and got the following nginx log:

[LAPTOP IP] - - [24/Feb/2021:20:06:42 +0100] "POST 
/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php?u=[user]=[password] HTTP/1.1" 200 209 "-" 
"DokuWikiXMLRPC  1.0  for testing windows"

That other laptop also had an ubuntu installed, with python 3.6.9, so i 
ran the program and got the expected output, and the following nginx log:
[LAPTOP IP] - - [24/Feb/2021:20:04:04 +0100] "POST 
/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php?u=[user]=[password] HTTP/1.1" 200 209 "-" 
"DokuWikiXMLRPC  1.0  for testing ubuntu"

Both accessed correctly the dokuwiki version. Unless this is a platform 
specific problem, it seems to narrow it to 3.9.


Re: XML RPC changes between 3.7 and 3.9 yield 401 http error

2021-02-24 Thread lucas

On 24/02/2021 18:48, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 4:36 AM lucas  wrote:

A properly-formed URL will start with a protocol. I don't know
specifically what changed, but it's looking like something started
rejecting malformed URLs. Try adding "http://; or "https://; to your
URL (whichever is appropriate) and see if both versions will accept


I did that, obtaining the following URL


on my two currently available computer (laptop on 3.9, remote on 3.7),
and the results is the same.

For information, i'm uploading the same python program to my remote
server (debian, 3.7), and running it with the same parameters as my
laptop (manjaro, 3.9). My laptop is getting the 401, my server is
getting the expected dokuwiki version.

(I'm aware that you have some other actual domain, but I'll continue
using "" as per your original post.)

Is it possible that there's some kind of server-based restriction?
What happens if you call socket.gethostbyname("") on
both the laptop and the server - do you get back the same IP address?
(Or use gethostbyname_ex, or possibly getaddrinfo if ipv6 support

Also, just to make sure there's nothing stupid happening, try printing
out the URL on both machines. Obviously censor the password before
sharing it here, but mainly, make sure that the two are generating the
exact same URL, just in case. Both are running 3.7+, so dict iteration
order shouldn't be getting in your way, but I've seen crazier things
before :)


Thanks for taking time to help me !

I added socket.gethostbyname("") (i removed the https:// 
since it, obviously now i think about it, led to a socket error)

in the program, so i could verify both the URL and IP are equivalent.

I got the exact same URL and IP. To be sure, i let python run the 
comparison instead of only relying on my eyes.

>>> '' == 

>>> '' == ''

You gave me an idea: i checked the nginx log of the server hosting the 
dokuwiki instance, and got something of interest :

[SERVER IP] - - [24/Feb/2021:19:08:31 +0100] "POST 
/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php?u=[USER]=[PASSWORD] HTTP/1.1" 200 209 "-" 
[LAPTOP IP] - - [24/Feb/2021:19:08:35 +0100] "POST /lib/exe/xmlrpc.php 
HTTP/1.1" 401 433 "-" "Python-xmlrpc/3.9"

It seems that the laptop is not sending the arguments, despite them 
being fed in the python code ?

Now i think about it, my remote server host both the python program into 
3.7, and the dokuwiki. One may think it could be the source of the problem.
To prove it's not, i will test with another laptop (the one under 
windows, python 3.7, which successfully accessed the wiki while i was 
discovering the error on my manjaro laptop) as soon as possible.


Re: XML RPC changes between 3.7 and 3.9 yield 401 http error

2021-02-24 Thread lucas

On 24/02/2021 18:00, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 2:02 AM lucas  wrote:

Hi everyone,

(Sorry for the double-send if any, i'm not sure the first send was
performed, maybe because of bounce errors according to mailman.)

I'm currently trying to understand an error when using the
dokuwikixmlrpc python module, allowing to easily work with DokuWiki RPC

Another description of the problem :

Here is the code, tailored to work with the DokuWiki RPC interface:

  from urllib.parse import urlencode
  import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib

  URL = ''
  USER = 'user'
  PASSWD = 'password'
  USER_AGENT = 'DokuWikiXMLRPC  1.0  for testing'

  script = '/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php'
  url = URL + script + '?' + urlencode({'u': USER, 'p': PASSWD})
  xmlrpclib.Transport.user_agent = USER_AGENT
  xmlrpclib.SafeTransport.user_agent = USER_AGENT
  proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)

  v = proxy.dokuwiki.getVersion()

When ran with Python 3.7 (a personnal debian server, or a personal
windows computer), i obtain the expected 'Release 2018-04-22a "Greebo"'
as ouput.
When ran with Python 3.9 (my personnal, manjaro machine), i obtain the
following stacktrace:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/project/", line 32, in 
  v = proxy.dokuwiki.getVersion()
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/xmlrpc/", line 1116, in __call__
  return self.__send(self.__name, args)
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/xmlrpc/", line 1456, in __request
  response = self.__transport.request(
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/xmlrpc/", line 1160, in request
  return self.single_request(host, handler, request_body, verbose)
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/xmlrpc/", line 1190, in
  raise ProtocolError(

A properly-formed URL will start with a protocol. I don't know
specifically what changed, but it's looking like something started
rejecting malformed URLs. Try adding "http://; or "https://; to your
URL (whichever is appropriate) and see if both versions will accept


I did that, obtaining the following URL


on my two currently available computer (laptop on 3.9, remote on 3.7), 
and the results is the same.

For information, i'm uploading the same python program to my remote 
server (debian, 3.7), and running it with the same parameters as my 
laptop (manjaro, 3.9). My laptop is getting the 401, my server is 
getting the expected dokuwiki version.


Re: XML RPC changes between 3.7 and 3.9 yield 401 http error

2021-02-24 Thread lucas

Hi, thanks for your answer !

I updated everything, including certificates, while upgrading to python 
3.9, and retried today (no new certificates to install). I am the 
administrator of the wiki i try to access, and didn't do black magic in 
the configuration..

The error really seems to came from 3.8 or 3.9, since i can still reach 
the wiki nominally with my (some being non-updated) machines using 
python 3.7. This didn't evolve since i discovered the problem few days ago.


On 24/02/2021 16:20, wrote:

On 2021-02-24 at 15:29:58 +0100,
lucas  wrote:

I'm currently trying to understand an error when using the dokuwikixmlrpc
python module, allowing to easily work with DokuWiki RPC interface.

Another description of the problem :

Here is the code, tailored to work with the DokuWiki RPC interface:

 from urllib.parse import urlencode
 import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib

 URL = ''
 USER = 'user'
 PASSWD = 'password'
 USER_AGENT = 'DokuWikiXMLRPC  1.0  for testing'

 script = '/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php'
 url = URL + script + '?' + urlencode({'u': USER, 'p': PASSWD})
 xmlrpclib.Transport.user_agent = USER_AGENT
 xmlrpclib.SafeTransport.user_agent = USER_AGENT
 proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)

 v = proxy.dokuwiki.getVersion()

When ran with Python 3.7 (a personnal debian server, or a personal windows
computer), i obtain the expected 'Release 2018-04-22a "Greebo"' as ouput.
When ran with Python 3.9 (my personnal, manjaro machine), i obtain the
following stacktrace:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/project/", line 32, in 
 v = proxy.dokuwiki.getVersion()
   File "/usr/lib/python3.9/xmlrpc/", line 1116, in __call__
 return self.__send(self.__name, args)
   File "/usr/lib/python3.9/xmlrpc/", line 1456, in __request
 response = self.__transport.request(
   File "/usr/lib/python3.9/xmlrpc/", line 1160, in request
 return self.single_request(host, handler, request_body, verbose)
   File "/usr/lib/python3.9/xmlrpc/", line 1190, in
 raise ProtocolError(

At the risk of stating the obvious, it might actually be an
authentication problem.  In addition to double checking the password:

(1) make sure all of your certificates (under Arch Linux, on which
Manjaro is based), that's the ca-certificates package) are up to date;

(2) check with whoever owns the wiki about any other certificates they

After that, all I know about XML RPC is to avoid it.  :-)

I don't have the possibility to test this on python 3.8 specifically, but
since the XML and XMLRPC modules have been updated in 3.8, and since 3.9
doesn't seems to introduce any change for them, i would expect 3.8 to
introduce some change that dokuwikixmlrpc has somehow to take into

Can anyone help me with that one ? I don't know anything about RPC and XML,
i don't know what i need to do know to fix dokuwikixmlrpc.


Re: name for a mutually inclusive relationship

2021-02-24 Thread lucas

Hi !

In case you didn't though about that, in argparse, 
MutuallyExclusiveGroup is used for the mutually exclusive logic. You may 
use the same nomenclature, which happens to be IMHO much clearer than 
the one you came up with.

In GUIs, i guess that such an option would be implemented by a checkbox 
that, when checked, enables the widgets associated to all the mutually 
inclusive options.

Best regards,

On 24/02/2021 17:12, Ethan Furman wrote:
I'm looking for a name for a group of options that, when one is 
specified, all of them must be specified.

For contrast,

- radio buttons: a group of options where only one can be specified 
(mutually exclusive)
- check boxes:   a group of options that are independent of each other 
(any number of

  them may be specified)

- ???: a group of options where, if one is specified, all must be 
specified (mutually


So far, I have come up with:

- the Three Musketeers
- clique
- club
- best friends
- tight knit
- group

Is there a name out there already to describe that concept?



XML RPC changes between 3.7 and 3.9 yield 401 http error

2021-02-24 Thread lucas

Hi everyone,

(Sorry for the double-send if any, i'm not sure the first send was 
performed, maybe because of bounce errors according to mailman.)

I'm currently trying to understand an error when using the 
dokuwikixmlrpc python module, allowing to easily work with DokuWiki RPC 

Another description of the problem :

Here is the code, tailored to work with the DokuWiki RPC interface:

from urllib.parse import urlencode
import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib

URL = ''
USER = 'user'
PASSWD = 'password'
USER_AGENT = 'DokuWikiXMLRPC  1.0  for testing'

script = '/lib/exe/xmlrpc.php'
url = URL + script + '?' + urlencode({'u': USER, 'p': PASSWD})
xmlrpclib.Transport.user_agent = USER_AGENT
xmlrpclib.SafeTransport.user_agent = USER_AGENT
proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)

v = proxy.dokuwiki.getVersion()

When ran with Python 3.7 (a personnal debian server, or a personal 
windows computer), i obtain the expected 'Release 2018-04-22a "Greebo"' 
as ouput.
When ran with Python 3.9 (my personnal, manjaro machine), i obtain the 
following stacktrace:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/project/", line 32, in 
v = proxy.dokuwiki.getVersion()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/xmlrpc/", line 1116, in __call__
return self.__send(self.__name, args)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/xmlrpc/", line 1456, in __request
response = self.__transport.request(
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/xmlrpc/", line 1160, in request
return self.single_request(host, handler, request_body, verbose)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/xmlrpc/", line 1190, in 

raise ProtocolError(
xmlrpc.client.ProtocolError: 401 Unauthorized>

I don't have the possibility to test this on python 3.8 specifically, 
but since the XML and XMLRPC modules have been updated in 3.8, and since 
3.9 doesn't seems to introduce any change for them, i would expect 3.8 
to introduce some change that dokuwikixmlrpc has somehow to take into 

Can anyone help me with that one ? I don't know anything about RPC and 
XML, i don't know what i need to do know to fix dokuwikixmlrpc.

Best regard,

[issue40787] Mysql + unittest crash

2020-05-27 Thread Lucas

Lucas  added the comment:

The problem was that I didn't close the 1st connection to the database and then 
made another request, which had to wait for the 1st to close, to be exact.


Python tracker 
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[issue40787] Mysql + unittest crash

2020-05-27 Thread Lucas

Lucas  added the comment:

While trying to simplify my program for you, I found that the problem was 
caused by a very specific interaction of one of the functions that was being 
tested with the restore command, which did not happen when I tried to rule this 
problem out in other ways.

Anyways, thank you for your time.

resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue40787] Mysql + unittest crash

2020-05-26 Thread Lucas

New submission from Lucas :

environment: win10 cmd, python 3.8 32-bit, mysql, unittest

description: When restoring a database through mysql in a unittest function, 
the command prompt freezes before giving the result of the test, and I am 
forced to close it to quit.

steps to replicate: Have mysql installed, create a database with some content, 
dump the latter in a file, create a unit test using python's unittest with at 
least two test functions, and restore the file in one of them.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 370039
nosy: lgerosa
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Mysql + unittest crash
type: crash
versions: Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38584] argparse: Specifying a whitespace-only help message to a positional arg triggers an IndexError when displaying --help

2019-10-24 Thread Lucas Cimon

Lucas Cimon  added the comment:

Thanks for the feedbacks paul.j3 !

I totally agree it would be best to test all formatter classes.
I modified the new test to do so.

I think I should probably place this test somewhere else in, 
but I'm having trouble figuring out where exactly... I just updated the PR and 
moved the new test to the TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions class.

About the best fix, I think a fix to _split_lines() would be more complex. It 
needs to return a list, so we would make it return [''] in that case ? That 
would be a bit strange.

What do you think ? :)


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[issue38586] logging: handlers names are not set when using fileConfig

2019-10-24 Thread Lucas Cimon

Change by Lucas Cimon :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +16450
stage:  -> patch review

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38586] logging: handlers names are not set when using fileConfig

2019-10-24 Thread Lucas Cimon

New submission from Lucas Cimon :

The logging.Handler .name property is not set when the logging configuration is 
loaded with logging.fileConfig

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 355338
nosy: Lucas Cimon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: logging: handlers names are not set when using fileConfig
versions: Python 3.9

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38584] argparse: Specifying a whitespace-only help message to a positional arg triggers an IndexError when displaying --help

2019-10-24 Thread Lucas Cimon

Change by Lucas Cimon :

keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +16448
stage:  -> patch review

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38584] argparse: Specifying a whitespace-only help message to a positional arg triggers an IndexError when displaying --help

2019-10-24 Thread Lucas Cimon

New submission from Lucas Cimon :

The test I am going to add to

def test_whitespace_help(self):
parser = self._get_parser()
'--foo2', action='store_true', help=' ')
'bar2', type=float, help=' ')
parser.format_help()  # raises an IndexError

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 355336
nosy: Lucas Cimon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: argparse: Specifying a whitespace-only help message to a positional arg 
triggers an IndexError when displaying --help
versions: Python 3.9

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36647] TextTestRunner doesn't honour "buffer" argument

2019-04-17 Thread José Luis Segura Lucas

New submission from José Luis Segura Lucas :

When using "buffer = True" in a TextTestRunner, the test result behaviour 
doesn't change at all.

This is because is initialised using a decorator 
(_WritelnDecorator). When "buffer" is passed, the TestResult base class will 
try to redirect the stdout and stderr to 2 different io.StringIO objects. As 
the is initialised before that "redirection", all the 
"" calls will end using the original stream (stderr by 
default), and resulting in not buffering at all.

components: Tests
messages: 340398
nosy: José Luis Segura Lucas
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: TextTestRunner doesn't honour "buffer" argument
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker 
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[issue35720] Memory leak in Modules/main.c:pymain_parse_cmdline_impl when using the CLI flag

2019-01-11 Thread Lucas Cimon

New submission from Lucas Cimon :


I think I have found a minor memory leak in 

When the loop in the pymain_read_conf function in this same file
calls pymain_init_cmdline_argv a 2nd time, the pymain->command
buffer of wchar_t is overriden and the previously allocated memory
is never freed.

I haven't written any code test to reproduce this,
but it can be tested easily with gdb:
gdb -- bin/python3 -c pass
b Modules/main.c:587
b pymain_clear_pymain
You'll see that PyMem_RawMalloc is called twice without pymain->command ever 
being freed in pymain_clear_pymain.

I have a patch coming as PR on GitHub

I'd be glad to have your feedback on this issue and my proposal for a fix.


messages: 333499
nosy: Lucas Cimon
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Memory leak in Modules/main.c:pymain_parse_cmdline_impl when using the 
CLI flag

Python tracker 
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[issue34016] Bug in sort()

2018-07-01 Thread Lucas Sampaio

Lucas Sampaio  added the comment:

ok, I got it

lista4 = input().split()


 6 8 10['6', '8', '10']
['10', '6', '8']

ok, I got it

2018-07-01 18:05 GMT-03:00 Tim Peters :

> Tim Peters  added the comment:
> Lucas, as Mark said you're sorting _strings_ here, not sorting integers.
> Please study his reply.  As strings, "10" is less than "9", because "1" is
> less than "9".
> >>> "10" < "9"
> True
> >>> 10 < 9
> False
> --
> nosy: +tim.peters
> ___
> Python tracker 
> <>
> ___


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34016] Bug in sort()

2018-07-01 Thread Lucas Sampaio

Lucas Sampaio  added the comment:

same code with another input
type is list

lista4 = input().split()

 6 8 9
['6', '8', '9']
['6', '8', '9']

lista4 = input().split()

 10 11 12
['10', '11', '12']
['10', '11', '12']

but if you put a 9 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue34016] Bug in sort()

2018-07-01 Thread Lucas Sampaio

New submission from Lucas Sampaio :

lista4 = input().split()

Input = 6 8 10

 6 8 10
['6', '8', '10']
['10', '6', '8']

a bug occurs when setting the 10

messages: 320843
nosy: lucassdssampaio
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Bug in sort()
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.6

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31952] Weird behavior on tupple item assignment

2017-11-05 Thread Lucas Bertoldo

Change by Lucas Bertoldo <>:

versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.5

Python tracker <>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue31952] Weird behavior on tupple item assignment

2017-11-05 Thread Lucas Bertoldo

New submission from Lucas Bertoldo <>:

Basically, I typed:
>>> m = (list(), list())

then I got, this, as expected:
>>> m[0] += [1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#8>", line 1, in 
m[0] += [1]
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

but, when I checked the variable...
>>> m
([1], [])

Saying the least, one can kind of assing a value to a tuple of lists and get 
the expected result, but with the trackback still showing up.

components: Interpreter Core
files: python bug.png
messages: 305613
nosy: Lucas Bertoldo
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Weird behavior on tupple item assignment
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.6
Added file: bug.png

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[issue29430] zipfile: invalid link

2017-02-03 Thread Lucas Moeskops

New submission from Lucas Moeskops:

The ZipFile documentation shows a link to the PKZip Application Node. This 
link, with address 
"; goes to a "Page 
Not Found" document.

messages: 286847
nosy: lucasmus
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: zipfile: invalid link
versions: Python 3.6

Python tracker <>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10109] itertools.product with infinite iterator cause MemoryError.

2016-09-17 Thread Lucas Wiman

Lucas Wiman added the comment:

It is quite thrifty with memory compared to the size of the search space O(n*k) 
memory for a search space of size O(n**k).

I think a reasonable expectation for itertools.product is that it should 
_eventually_ reach any element in the search space. The only way to maintain 
that expectation for infinite iterators would be be to use a Cantor-style 
zig-zag enumeration. Even for your example of searching over a single infinite 
iterator, you could end up exploring dates in the order (2010, 0), (2011, 0), 
(2012, 0), ... by switching the ordering of inputs. You'd never hit the rare 
date unless it happened on the first day of a year. 

There's no way to have special behavior _only_ for infinite iterators, since an 
infinite iterator is indistinguishable from a long-finite one due to the 
halting problem, so this would require changing the behavior for finite 
iterators too. While the output ordering is not explicitly documented, the 
current search order is probably depended on by plenty of existing programs, 
and has less surprise than a Cantor enumeration.

So the only use case where the lazy enumeration matters is if:
1. You have one or more _very_ large iterators.
2. You _do not care_ what order they are searched in, or even if all possible 
tuples appear in the output.
3. Despite not caring about the output ordering, you still only want a few 

I'm struggling to think of cases where that would come up.


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[issue14376] sys.exit documents argument as "integer" but actually requires "subtype of int"

2016-08-27 Thread Lucas Hoffmann

Changes by Lucas Hoffmann <>:

nosy: +luc

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue27808] os.waitpid does not return (0, 0) when child has not exited (FreeBSD)

2016-08-19 Thread Casey Lucas

New submission from Casey Lucas:

I'm not sure if this a Python issue or a FreeBSD issue but the return value 
from os.waitpid is not reliably (0,0) on FreeBSD when the WNOHANG is used and 
the child process has not yet exited.  Python docs say that the return value 
will be (0,0) but this is not the case.  I believe it is because the FreeBSD 
implementation of waitpid writes an uninitialized value to the status field 
when a child process is not available.  See also:

Maybe this is just a documentation issue?  Or does the C code in the Python 
library need to handle this case?

components: FreeBSD, Library (Lib)
messages: 273167
nosy: Casey Lucas, koobs
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: os.waitpid does not return (0,0) when child has not exited (FreeBSD)
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.4
Added file:

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[issue27623] int.to_bytes() and int.from_bytes(): raise ValueError when bytes count is zero

2016-07-27 Thread Lucas Morales

Lucas Morales added the comment:

This is actually a problem in Objects/longobject.c, in the _PyLong_AsByteArray 
function. It should have given an overflow error, because -1 cannot be encoded 
in 0 bytes.

nosy: +lucasem

Python tracker <>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10109] itertools.product with infinite iterator cause MemoryError.

2016-05-31 Thread Lucas Wiman

Lucas Wiman added the comment:

I realize this is an old (and closed!) thread, but here are a few notes from 
running into this issue recently, working on a search problem with infinite 

First, note that yegle's recursive solution is not correct, since it exhausts 
the iterators:
>>> def product(*args):
... if len(args) == 1:
... for i in args[0]:
... yield [i]
... else:
... for i in args[0]:
... for j in product(*args[1:]):
... j.append(i)
... yield j
>>> assert len(list(itertools.product(*[iter(range(2)) for _ in range(10)]))) 
>>> == 2 ** 10
>>> assert len(list(product(*[iter(range(2)) for _ in range(10)]))) == 2 ** 10
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 

This is fairly tricky to get right, and even a correct fully-lazy solution 
requires each iterator to eventually be fully stored in memory. For that 
reason, Sumudu's MemoryError is not something that can be easily escaped, 
though it can be delayed.

For infinite iterators, the naive "lexicographic" solution to product(count(0), 
count(0)) would never get to 1 on the first iterator, yielding (0, 0), (0, 1), 
(0, 2), ...  To fully explore the space, the user needs to think about how to 
iterate over that space, so IMO keeping infinite iterators as invalid arguments 
to itertools.product makes sense.

nosy: +Lucas Wiman

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Drag and Drop Images in Python (NEED HELP!)

2015-01-01 Thread lucas mvm
Hi at all user!

I used Tkinter and canvas to make a window and i added 2 transparent .png 
images. So when i start my programm it just shows the 2 images.
I want to drag one image above the other image and than it will disappear.
So I need help with drag and drop images

heres my code if you want to have a look, its basically just displaying 2 
images but i want to drag 1 image above the other one..

#pythonprogramm feed
from tkinter import * #importing tkinter
f = Tk()
f.title('Give the boy his apple.')
c = Canvas(master=f,width=500,height=500,bg='white'),y=0)
p = PhotoImage(file='sadsmiley.png') #sad smiley image
i = c.create_image(250,320,image=p) #genaue position
p2 = PhotoImage(file='food.png') #food image (should be dropped on sadsmiley)
i2 = c.create_image(70,100,image=p2)


Re: Yet Another Switch-Case Syntax Proposal

2014-04-10 Thread Lucas Malor
On 6 April 2014 20:07, Chris Angelico 
|| wrote:
 Here's a simpler form of the proposal, which might cover what you
 need. It's basically a short-hand if/elif tree.

 case expression comp_op expression:
 case [comp_op] expression:

I like this solution, but I tought about a simpler one. Basically it's my first 
proposal with two modifications:
1. case / elcase instead of continue, as before
2. if the case expression is a *tuple* (and not any one iterable), case suite 
is executed if the switched expression is an element of the tuple.

If you want to match exactly a tuple, you have simply to put it into another 
tuple of length 1. Tricky but too much rare to care about.
To recap:

switch_stmt ::=  switch expression case expression_list : suite
(case | elcase expression_list : suite)*
[else : suite]
1. if expression_list is a tuple, the case suite will be executed if the switch 
expression is a member of the tuple.
2. if expression_list is not a tuple, the case suite will be executed if the 
switch expression is equal

briefing_days = (Tue, Thu)
normal_days = (Mon, Wed, Fri)

switch day normal_days + briefing_days:
go_to_work = True
day_type = weekday
case normal_days:

lunch_time = datetime.time(12)
meeting_time = datetime.time(14)
elcase briefing_days:

lunch_time = datetime.time(11, 30)
meeting_time = datetime.time(12, 30)

go_to_work = False
day_type = festive
lunch_time = None
meeting_time =None

Another example:
switch tarot case 0:
card = Fool
case 1:
card = Alan Moore
case 2:
card = High Priestess

Re: Yet Another Switch-Case Syntax Proposal

2014-04-03 Thread Lucas Malor
Thank you for reading and commenting my proposal. Here are my replies:

In reply to Chris Angelico:

 I don't like the iterable vs non-iterable distinction. Compare: [...]
 case Test: # And there's your problem.

Yes, I had already thought after I posted that testing against string it's a 
problem. But I think that the more practical and unambiguous solution is to 
introduce also casein as a new keyword. So if you want to test a string:

switch mystring case -h:
case --version

If you want to test against membership:

switch mychar casein aeiou:
mychar.vocal = True

I prefer casein instead of case in for the same reason Python uses elif 
instead of else if.

In reply to Ian Kelly:

 A more suitable place to propose this would be the python-ideas mailing list.

You're right. I posted here because this list was linked by PEP 1. But now that 
I read more there's also python-ideas listed. Let me know if I have to continue 
there instead.

 Why just just an identifier after the switch keyword instead of an expression?

Because I wronged, it can be an expression_list as well.

 An expression_list is one or more independent expressions separated by commas 
 don't create a tuple.

Well, py docs state An expression list containing at least one comma yields a 

 __contains__ is not part of the interface for iterables

For what I know there's not an Iterable interface. For example List simply 
extends Object. I hope that an ABC Iterable class will be introduced in a 
Anyway, I think that switch x casein y should simply raise a TypeError if y 
doesn't implement __contains__, like x in y do.

 If we overload the continue keyword in this way, then a continue can't be 
 used within the switch
 to control a loop that the switch is nested within.

Well, this is the same problem for, say, a for loop nested inside another for 
loop, and you can solve it with the same methods.

 Instead of disabling fallthrough by default, why not disable it all together?

I was tempted but there are cases in which it's useful. An example

switch day casein (Monday, Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday):
gotowork = True
casein (Monday, Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday):
daytype = ferial
casein (Saturday, Sunday)
daytype = festive

Yet Another Switch-Case Syntax Proposal

2014-04-02 Thread Lucas Malor
Hi all. I would proposeto you all a switch-case syntax for Python. I already 
read PEP 3103 and I'm not completely satisfied by any of the proposed 
solutions. This is my proposal:

switch_stmt ::=  switch identifier case expression_list : suite
(case expression_list : suite)*
[else : suite]

or, more simply:

switch x case var1:

case var2:
case var3:

Expression list should yield an iterable. The case suite will be executed if 
the variable of the identifier is a member of the iterable. 

For example, in a switch x statement, the code case iterable:  is identical 
to if x in iterable:  (or elif etc). So if you want to perform the same case 
block for more than one value, you have only to specify a tuple, a range etc. 
I would suggest to add an exception for non-iterable variables, so that you 
don't have to write case var, :  but simply case var:  and it will be 
identical to if x == var: . It's a bit tricky but the alternative is ugly.

Fallthrough is disabled by default. The continue keyword cause to skip all the 
remaining current case suite. The next case will be checked. You can't use the 
continue keyword in the else clause.

Some random remarks:
1. switch is on the same line of the first case. This will avoid any unpythonic 
syntaxes like:
switch x
case var1:


switch x:
case var1:

2. Fallthrough is disabled by default because IMHO it's what non-programmers 
expect and that's what programmer usually needs more. I don't think a switch 
with such a syntax needs a break statement. 

3. As an alternative, the continue statement could be written only at the end 
of a case suite; it will be less powerful and not consistent with the other 
compound statements, but it will improve readability.

4. I decided to not use already existing keyword like if or in, since it 
will be misleading and problematic for syntax highlighters.

Tell me what you think about.

[issue11416] netrc module does not handle multiple entries for a single host

2014-03-12 Thread Lucas Hoffmann

Lucas Hoffmann added the comment:

What is the status of this issue?

On version 3.3 I still can not get more than one entry per host.  The stopping 
issue #12009 seems to be closed.

(Sorry, if I violate some etiquette by bumping this, just tell me.)

nosy: +luc

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[issue17946] base64 encoding result should be str, not bytes

2013-05-09 Thread Lucas Clemente Vella

New submission from Lucas Clemente Vella:

As stated in RFC 3548:

   Base encoding of data is used in many situations to store or transfer
   data in environments that, perhaps for legacy reasons, are restricted
   to only US-ASCII [9] data.

thus, I was surprised to see, when I used base64 for the first time in python 
3, that the encodig result was bytes, not str. Well, if I am encoding something 
to base64, I am most certainly needing it as a printable ASCII string, not as 
an binary byte array.

Thus, I suggest that the output of:
to be, instead, the output of:

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 188786
nosy: Lucas.Vella
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: base64 encoding result should be str, not bytes
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.3

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[issue11175] allow argparse FileType to accept encoding and errors arguments

2012-12-16 Thread Lucas Maystre

Lucas Maystre added the comment:

Sorry for the little glitches you had to fix, I wonder why I didn't catch them.
Anyways, thanks Petri!


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[issue11175] allow argparse FileType to accept encoding and errors arguments

2012-12-02 Thread Lucas Maystre

Lucas Maystre added the comment:

As per Ezio's comment, changed l1 to utf-8 in the example of the doc.

Added file:

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[issue11175] allow argparse FileType to accept encoding and errors arguments

2012-11-27 Thread Lucas Maystre

Lucas Maystre added the comment:

OK, I'll give it a try.


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[issue11175] allow argparse FileType to accept encoding and errors arguments

2012-11-27 Thread Lucas Maystre

Lucas Maystre added the comment:

Added some documentation for the patch. Let me know what you think.

Added file:

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[issue11175] allow argparse FileType to accept encoding and errors arguments

2012-11-26 Thread Lucas Maystre

Lucas Maystre added the comment:

Is there something I can do something to move this forward?


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[issue11175] allow argparse FileType to accept encoding and errors arguments

2012-10-26 Thread Lucas Maystre

Lucas Maystre added the comment:

Alright, here's a version with more tests (unittest.mock is awesome!). I think 
it tests exactly what it should (and no more), i.e. that the arguments are 
correctly passed to `open`.

Added file:

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[issue11175] allow argparse FileType to accept encoding and errors arguments

2012-10-23 Thread Lucas Maystre

Lucas Maystre added the comment:

Here's an attempt at implementing this (my first contribution). Some notes:

- I tried to keep `__repr__()` backwards compatible. It would have been easier 
to inherit from `_AttributeHolder`, but maybe this might break some things...
- I added some test cases for `__repr__()`, but that's it. I don't think 
there's any other sensible test to do, as we're really just passing stuff to 
- not sure about the style, especially line breaks...

keywords: +patch
nosy: +lum
Added file:

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11175] allow argparse FileType to accept encoding and errors arguments

2012-10-23 Thread Lucas Maystre

Lucas Maystre added the comment:

OK, as discussed offline with Petri I'll put some tests to ensure that open() 
is called the right way (using unittest.mock.patch).


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[issue13241] llvm-gcc-4.2 miscompiles Python (XCode 4.1 on Mac OS 10.7)

2012-09-04 Thread Lucas Sinclair

Lucas Sinclair added the comment:

I agree to close the issue. I tried following the steps proposed here:

And typed these two commands on a OS X 10.8.1 with XCode and command line tools 

$ hg clone
$ run ./configure --with-pydebug  make -j2

Python built perfectly.


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get return or locals from exec str in environment

2012-08-30 Thread lucas
ok, i am stuck.  i tried some test code attempts and i am stuck.  so here is 
some sample code:

xx2 = 
def lucas53():
  harry = (4+16)/2
  rtn = dict(harry=harry)
  return rtn

and then i run:

env = {}
exec xx2 in env
lst = env

and lst returns a huge dictionary of many types, some excerpts are:
...'globals': built-in function globals, ...
...'vars': built-in function vars, ...
...'locals': built-in function locals, ...
...'lucas53': function lucas53 at 0x214348c}

and i can see my executed function in there as a type function, and local and 
global vars, but i can not access or find harry or rtn the variables within 
the function lucas53.  i do not know how to access the local variables within 
lucas53 or the locals to find harry or rtn.  i really just want the return 
dictionary.  make sense?

anyway, python impresses me with its graceful and concise code, but i really 
have not found the solution to this mess.

please advise and thank you in advance.  lucas

Re: get return or locals from exec str in environment

2012-08-30 Thread lucas
 Far as I can see, you never actually called that function anywhere.

doesn't the exec command call the function?

Re: get return or locals from exec str in environment

2012-08-30 Thread lucas
oh, yeah that was perfect.  got it working and it is graceful too.  sorry about 
the double post, i thought i was only posting to this one.

one final concern, if this code is running under a function in a 
multi-threaded, multi-session kind of environment, does exec cross threads or 
sessions?  like, i am afraid that i will get cross-over or bleeding into other 
threads or sessions.  does exec do that kind of common memory space wherein i 
have to be very very careful about executing such code and my daemon crashing 
or security holes and the like.


Re: get return or locals from exec str in environment

2012-08-30 Thread lucas
also, does that environment space, what i am assigning as env, have any such 
common memory space or cross thread problem with simultaneous threads or 

Make never ends when compiling from source

2012-01-18 Thread Lucas Moauro
I'm trying to install Python 2.7 from source on Centos 6.0. When running
make after first running ./configure successfully on the source directory,
it performs the checks done by the configure step again in a loop, i.e: the
checks are done infinitely many times, so the compiling process never

Does anyone know the cause of this behaviour and how to solve it?

- Lucas

Re: Make never ends when compiling from source

2012-01-18 Thread Lucas Moauro
Just found that the issue was that the clock was not set properly on the

2012/1/19 Lucas Moauro

 I'm trying to install Python 2.7 from source on Centos 6.0. When running
 make after first running ./configure successfully on the source directory,
 it performs the checks done by the configure step again in a loop, i.e: the
 checks are done infinitely many times, so the compiling process never

 Does anyone know the cause of this behaviour and how to solve it?

 - Lucas


Typed python comparison / code analysis questions

2012-01-04 Thread Lucas Vickers

I'm relatively new to Python.  I come from C/C++ so I love the flexibility
but I am slightly irked by the lack of compilation time checking.

I've got two questions
1) Are there any tools that do an analysis of code and attempt to catch
potential issues such as undefined variables, etc?  I use xdebug in php for
this purpose and it's a life saver.  Currently for Python I use module test
cases and simulate situations but this doesn't catch everything and on a
larger scale of development becomes difficult.

2) Is there a way to error when comparing variables of different types?  I
was up late last night coding and caused a few bugs with the below code,
which turns out to compare a typestr to a typeint.  I know good
programming I should know what my variable types are, but it would be even
better if I could always abide by a rule of using _ (or something) which
would spit an exception when comparing non-equal types/instances.

rows = pamss.conn.fetchRows(results)
count = rows[0]['cases']// should be int(rows[0]['cases'])

return count  MAX_CONCURRENT_IVR


Re: Typed python comparison / code analysis questions

2012-01-04 Thread Lucas Vickers
Thank you!

At the moment python3 isn't an option.  There's a variety of dependencies
I'm working around.
Is there any type of 2.x add-on?

either way thanks for the info


On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 1:09 PM, Lucas Vickers
  I'm relatively new to Python.  I come from C/C++ so I love the
  but I am slightly irked by the lack of compilation time checking.
  I've got two questions
  1) Are there any tools that do an analysis of code and attempt to catch
  potential issues such as undefined variables, etc?  I use xdebug in php
  this purpose and it's a life saver.  Currently for Python I use module
  cases and simulate situations but this doesn't catch everything and on a
  larger scale of development becomes difficult.

 Yes, try pylint, pychecker, or pyflakes.

  2) Is there a way to error when comparing variables of different types?
  was up late last night coding and caused a few bugs with the below code,
  which turns out to compare a typestr to a typeint.  I know good
  programming I should know what my variable types are, but it would be
  better if I could always abide by a rule of using _ (or something) which
  would spit an exception when comparing non-equal types/instances.

 This is a well-known wart in Python 2.  The recommended solution would
 be to upgrade to Python 3, which no longer allows ordered comparisons
 between unrelated built-in types.



[issue13583] sqlite3.Row doesn't support slice indexes

2011-12-11 Thread Lucas Sinclair

New submission from Lucas Sinclair

When using the sqlite3.Row object as a row factory, one can access the 
resulting rows by index (such as row[1]) or by name (such as row['b']). 
However, the slice functionality is lost, as doing row[0:2] raises the error:

slices not implemented, yet

Here is a patch that fixes this, I implemented it and I added the corresponding 
unit test.

files: sqlrowslice.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 149251
nosy: xapple
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: sqlite3.Row doesn't support slice indexes
type: feature request
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3
Added file:

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[issue9750] sqlite3 iterdump fails on column with reserved name

2011-11-08 Thread Lucas Sinclair

Lucas Sinclair added the comment:

My patch contains two new dump tests which originally fail, and the fixes to 
the code that makes them pass.

Added file:

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[issue13241] llvm-gcc-4.2 miscompiles Python (XCode 4.1 on Mac OS 10.7)

2011-11-07 Thread Lucas Sinclair

Lucas Sinclair added the comment:

Well the configure parameters suggested by Michael Foord worked. I was able to 
build cpython on a mac. But I could not have guessed how to make it work.

Shouldn't these instructions be added here ?

Shouldn't the latest version of OS X be included in the list of *nix systems 
that cpython is checked to build on ?


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[issue13241] llvm-gcc-4.2 miscompiles Python (XCode 4.1 on Mac OS 10.7)

2011-11-04 Thread Lucas Sinclair

Lucas Sinclair added the comment:

I'm on 10.7.2, with XCode is 4.2 and the problem is still present. The command 
ggc -v produces the following output:

gcc version 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.1.00)

The command ./configure --with-pydebug  make -j2 fails with the following 

Assertion failed: (compact-utf8_length == 0), function 
_PyUnicode_CheckConsistency, file Objects/unicodeobject.c, line 381.
make: *** [sysconfig] Abort trap: 6

The only solution seems to be to install macports and use it to get a more 
recent gcc like Oleg Plakhotnyuk suggested.

nosy: +xapple

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[issue13241] llvm-gcc-4.2 miscompiles Python (XCode 4.1 on Mac OS 10.7)

2011-11-04 Thread Lucas Sinclair

Lucas Sinclair added the comment:

I just cloned cpython today. The output of hg summary is:

parent: 73351:2bec7c452b39 tip
 Fix C89 incompatibility.
branch: default
commit: (clean)
update: (current)


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[issue9750] sqlite3 iterdump fails on column with reserved name

2011-10-31 Thread Lucas Sinclair

Lucas Sinclair added the comment:

Sure, I can have a try at it and address the issues you pointed out.

The URL to the guidelines you provided gives a 404. In what form exactly would 
you like the patch to be ?

I wouldn't mind either adding to the test suite, but I'm not sure how to do 


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[issue9750] sqlite3 iterdump fails on column with reserved name

2011-10-25 Thread Lucas Sinclair

Lucas Sinclair added the comment:

I just encountered this issue today.

So, it's been several months, will the patch be merged into the master branch ? 
Or will this never be fixed ?

nosy: +xapple

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[issue9634] Add timeout parameter to Queue.join()

2010-08-18 Thread Kelly Lucas

New submission from Kelly Lucas

I've seen quite a few people requesting to add a timeout value to the 
Queue.join() method, as it seems like a nice feature to have when waiting for 
queue's to finish.

Please add a feature so that Queue.join() will issue a 
self.all_tasks_done.release() when the timeout value is reached.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 114257
nosy: kdlucas
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add timeout parameter to Queue.join()
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue9634] Add timeout parameter to Queue.join()

2010-08-18 Thread Kelly Lucas

Changes by Kelly Lucas

versions: +Python 3.1 -Python 2.7

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[issue9634] Add timeout parameter to Queue.join()

2010-08-18 Thread Kelly Lucas

Kelly Lucas added the comment:

Here are a few that I saw:


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[issue9634] Add timeout parameter to Queue.join()

2010-08-18 Thread Kelly Lucas

Kelly Lucas added the comment:

This is easy enough to implement by subclassing the Queue class and overriding 
join(), so it's not a big deal. Just seems like it would be a nice thing to 


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Python source checkout problem

2010-07-15 Thread Andrew Lucas
I am trying to check-out the python source using subversion.  The
documentation says that

svn co;

should do the trick.

When I do this I get the following response:

svn: REPORT of '/projects/!svn/vcc/default': 200 OK (http://

There is now a hidden .svn folder in my directory, but I can't find
any source anywhere, all subdirectories are empty.

When I try to update via

svn update

I get the following response.

svn: Server sent unexpected return value (307 Proxy Redirect) in
response to OPTIONS request for '

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

-- statement and generators

2009-12-21 Thread Lucas Prado Melo
Is there a way to send() information back to a generator while using the statement?

Thanks in advance.

Re: File Handling Problem

2009-09-04 Thread Lucas Prado Melo
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 9:50 AM, joy99 wrote:

 Dear Group,

 I have a file. The file has multiple lines. I want to get the line
 number of any one of the strings.
 Once I get that I like to increment the line number and see the string
 of the immediate next line or any following line as output. The
 problem as I see is nicely handled in list,

You could just grab each line and associate that line's content with its
line numbers, like this:
f = open(my_file.txt, r)
line2pos = {}
for line_num, line in enumerate(f.readlines()):
if line not in line2pos:
line2pos[line] = []

This approach would be nice when you don't know which string to look for
In the case you already know it, there's no need for keeping the line2pos
variable, the right approach should be to iterate through the lines of the
file and, when you see the string you need, just display the next line and
def lookNextLineAfterString(s)
 f = open(my_file.txt, r)
 found = False
 while True:
 line = f.readline()
 if line == '':
 line = line[:-1] #stripping the newline
 if line == s:
 found = True
 if found == True:
 nextString = f.readline()
 if nextString == '':
  print String found but there's no next string
  print Next string is , nextString[:-1]
 print String not found

Generators through the C API

2009-07-30 Thread Lucas P Melo
Hello, I'm a total noob about the C API. Is there any way to create a 
generator function using the C API? I couldn't find anything like the 
'yield' keyword in it.

Thanks in advance.

[issue6567] Make inf be almost equal to inf

2009-07-25 Thread Lucas Prado Melo

Lucas Prado Melo added the comment:

I would like to ask as a feature request that inf be almost equal to
I wrote a program with a timeline class that had a method to tell the
time of the last event registered into it such that some events would be
positioned at the infinite when they wouldn't occur. I did generic tests
that would receive any output from this method and compare to the
expected result through unittest.TestCase.assertAlmostEqual(). Notice,
though, that I couldn't just pick assertEqual() to do this job because
the time of the last event would be defined through a series of
Despite that, I believe that everything which is equal to anything else
would definitely be almost equal too. Thus, it would be nice to check
for equality before checking for almost-equality to define whether two
objects are almost equal.

status: closed - open
title: Isn't inf  almost equal to inf? - Make inf be almost equal to inf
type: behavior - feature request

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[issue6567] Isn't inf almost equal to inf?

2009-07-24 Thread Lucas Prado Melo

New submission from Lucas Prado Melo

When we use TestCase.assertAlmostEqual to compare two float('inf')
objects, the result is that float('inf') is not almost equal to
I believe this is a bug. I tested against r74195 of Python 3.2 and
against Python 2.6.2.

messages: 90902
nosy: lucaspmelo
severity: normal
status: open
title: Isn't inf  almost equal to inf?
versions: Python 2.6

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[issue6567] Isn't inf almost equal to inf?

2009-07-24 Thread Lucas Prado Melo

Changes by Lucas Prado Melo

versions: +Python 3.2

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[issue6567] Isn't inf almost equal to inf?

2009-07-24 Thread Lucas Prado Melo

Changes by Lucas Prado Melo

components: +Tests

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[issue6567] Isn't inf almost equal to inf?

2009-07-24 Thread Lucas Prado Melo

Changes by Lucas Prado Melo

type:  - behavior

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List insertion cost

2009-07-21 Thread Lucas P Melo

I would like to know how much it costs to insert an element into a list 
using this operation:

a[2:2] = [ 1 ]
i. e, what is the complexity of the operation above (given that len(a) = n)?


Re: List insertion cost

2009-07-21 Thread Lucas P Melo

Robert Kern wrote:
O(n). Python lists are contiguous arrays in memory, and everything 
after the insertion point needs to be moved. Raymond Hettinger has a 
good talk about the implementation of Python lists and other container 

Thanks. :)


Balanced binary tree implementation

2009-07-21 Thread Lucas P Melo


I would like to use a balanced binary tree implementation (preferably 
within some API).

Any hints about where I could find it?

I am looking for something that implements insertion, deletion, search 
and a special search that returns the lesser element bigger than a given 
key [1].

A nice possibility would be an extensible API that allows me to inherit 
its classes and to add operations myself.

Thanks in advance.

[1] Ex: 1 2 3 4 5 6 are elements of the bbt. If I use this operation 
given 4 as the parameter, the value returned would be 5.


[issue6467] raw_input() doesn't work as expected when it gets multiple ^D

2009-07-12 Thread Lucas Prado Melo

New submission from Lucas Prado Melo

$ cat
s = ''
while True:
c = raw_input()
print c
s += c
except EOFError:
$ python
$ python --version
Python 2.7a0
$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.48(1)-release (i486-pc-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Surprisingly, though:

$ python  output
$ cat output
^D = Press Ctrl+D

I am using Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope).

components: IO
messages: 90443
nosy: lucaspmelo
severity: normal
status: open
title: raw_input() doesn't work as expected when it gets multiple ^D
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue5870] subprocess.DEVNULL

2009-07-12 Thread Lucas Prado Melo

Lucas Prado Melo added the comment:

-1 on this one.
It is not a portable decision (only *nix OSes do have /dev/null).
Also, why would we want it as a default constant? The subprocess module
would need to open /dev/null every time. Despite that, I can't see how
would someone use the redirection of errors to /dev/null through a
python script and, at the same time, make it seem not a bad practice at all.

nosy: +lucaspmelo

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[issue6447] PATCH: typo (English) in subprocess module

2009-07-09 Thread Lucas Prado Melo

New submission from Lucas Prado Melo

I am pretty sure this patch is alright.

nosy: +lucaspmelo

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Re: Remoting over SSH

2009-07-08 Thread Lucas Carvalho

Hussein B wrote:

I want to perform commands on a remote server over SSH.
What do I need?

If you want to use the SSH2 protocol into a python code, you should
take a look at this module: paramiko [1].



windows command-line

2009-07-08 Thread Lucas Junqueira
Hi, I'd like to run a simple windows command-line program from within my python 
script and agt all the returt it generates. Is this possible? How can I do it?

Thank you!


Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

[issue5230] pydoc reports misleading failure if target module raises an ImportError

2009-06-23 Thread Lucas Prado Melo

Lucas Prado Melo added the comment:

I think this patch is ok.


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[issue6064] Add daemon argument to threading.Thread constructor

2009-06-17 Thread Lucas Prado Melo

Lucas Prado Melo added the comment:

+1 to the py3k diff. :)
Hey, I think this daemon property should be set as a keyword argument of
the Thread constructor.

nosy: +conf

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