Re: Timezones in python

2007-12-06 Thread lukasz . f24
On 5 Dec, 13:59, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Wed, 05 Dec 2007 06:43:49 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

  Thanks guys for your answers! I know those library's but I was
  wondering is there something build-in for this simple convert convert.
  I have to do it only from +4 to +0.

 Copying the example from the tzinfo docs:

  from datetime import tzinfo, timedelta, datetime

 ZERO = timedelta(0)
 HOUR = timedelta(hours=1)

 # A class building tzinfo objects for fixed-offset time zones.
 # Note that FixedOffset(0, UTC) is a different way to build a
 # UTC tzinfo object.

 class FixedOffset(tzinfo):
  Fixed offset in minutes east from UTC.
  def __init__(self, offset, name):
  self.__offset = timedelta(minutes = offset)
  self.__name = name
  def utcoffset(self, dt):
  return self.__offset
  def tzname(self, dt):
  return self.__name
  def dst(self, dt):
  return ZERO

 UTC = FixedOffset(0, 'UTC')
 Argentina = FixedOffset(-3*60, 'UTC-3')
 UTCPlus4 = FixedOffset(4*60, 'UTC+4')

 py now =
 py print now.strftime('%c %Z')
 12/05/07 10:52:28 UTC-3
 py print now.astimezone(UTC).strftime('%c %Z')
 12/05/07 13:52:28 UTC
 py print now.astimezone(Argentina).strftime('%c %Z')
 12/05/07 10:52:28 UTC-3
 py print now.astimezone(UTCPlus4).strftime('%c %Z')
 12/05/07 17:52:28 UTC+4

 Gabriel Genellina

Thank you that iwll help a lot

Re: Timezones in python

2007-12-05 Thread lukasz . f24
Thanks guys for your answers! I know those library's but I was
wondering is there something build-in for this simple convert convert.
I have to do it only from +4 to +0.

Timezones in python

2007-12-05 Thread lukasz . f24

Is there any build in solution in python to handle timezones? My
problem is I have to convert +4 time to +0. In the worst case i can
just add +4 to the houer but I'm not very happy about that. Another
problem is the summer/winter timechange which happen with one week
difference. I am looking for something what can convert different
timezone to localtime.

Thank you.

cx_Oracle + array parameter

2007-12-03 Thread lukasz . f24

I'm trying to pass array as an argument into PL/SQL procedure.
According to cursor manual (
cursorobj.html) arrayvar() should be use to do it. I've created my
array type in PL/SQL:

CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE cx_array_string is table of varchar2(200);

and simple procedure:

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE text(ret IN cx_array_string) IS
END text;

My python code:

p_array = curs.arrayvar(cx_Oracle.STRING, ['1','3'])
curs.execute('BEGIN text( :1 ); end;', [p_array] )

And it gives me back an error:
cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'TEXT'
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

It's the same when i try to use callproc() instead of execute(). I've
searched whole internet with no luck. Could anyone please give me a
working example python + pl/sql how to pass string array form py to
oracle procedure, please.

Thank you!

Re: cx_Oracle + array parameter

2007-12-03 Thread lukasz . f24
On 3 Gru, 19:07, Ian Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm trying to pass array as an argument into PL/SQL procedure.
  According to cursor manual (
  cursorobj.html) arrayvar() should be use to do it. I've created my
  array type in PL/SQL:

  CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE cx_array_string is table of varchar2(200);

  and simple procedure:

  CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE text(ret IN cx_array_string) IS
  END text;

  My python code:

  p_array = curs.arrayvar(cx_Oracle.STRING, ['1','3'])
  curs.execute('BEGIN text( :1 ); end;', [p_array] )

  And it gives me back an error:
  cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
  PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'TEXT'
  ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
  PL/SQL: Statement ignored

  It's the same when i try to use callproc() instead of execute(). I've
  searched whole internet with no luck. Could anyone please give me a
  working example python + pl/sql how to pass string array form py to
  oracle procedure, please.

  Thank you!

 First off I've never used cxOracle or done any PL/SQL from python, but
 it looks like you're passing a list of a list to text().

   p_array = curs.arrayvar(cx_Oracle.STRING, ['1','3'])
   curs.execute('BEGIN text( :1 ); end;', [p_array] )

 p_array appears to be some sort of cxOracle array, but when you pass it
 to curs.execute you wrap it in a new list: [p_array]. Try removing the
 parens and see what happens.



Thanks for your reply. The secound parameter in curs.execute have to
be list. I passed only one parameter so it looks bizzare but this is
Anyway i know why it was wrong. Problem is in the cx_array_string.
This type has to be INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER  I hope it will help
somebody in the future.

Re: cx_Oracle + array parameter

2007-12-03 Thread lukasz . f24
On 3 Gru, 19:07, Ian Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm trying to pass array as an argument into PL/SQL procedure.
  According to cursor manual (
  cursorobj.html) arrayvar() should be use to do it. I've created my
  array type in PL/SQL:

  CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE cx_array_string is table of varchar2(200);

  and simple procedure:

  CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE text(ret IN cx_array_string) IS
  END text;

  My python code:

  p_array = curs.arrayvar(cx_Oracle.STRING, ['1','3'])
  curs.execute('BEGIN text( :1 ); end;', [p_array] )

  And it gives me back an error:
  cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
  PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'TEXT'
  ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
  PL/SQL: Statement ignored

  It's the same when i try to use callproc() instead of execute(). I've
  searched whole internet with no luck. Could anyone please give me a
  working example python + pl/sql how to pass string array form py to
  oracle procedure, please.

  Thank you!

 First off I've never used cxOracle or done any PL/SQL from python, but
 it looks like you're passing a list of a list to text().

   p_array = curs.arrayvar(cx_Oracle.STRING, ['1','3'])
   curs.execute('BEGIN text( :1 ); end;', [p_array] )

 p_array appears to be some sort of cxOracle array, but when you pass it
 to curs.execute you wrap it in a new list: [p_array]. Try removing the
 parens and see what happens.



Thanks for your reply. The secound parameter in curs.execute has to be
list. I passed only one parameter so it looks bizzare but this is
Anyway i know why it was wrong. Problem is in the cx_array_string.
This type has to be INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER  I hope it will help
somebody in the future.

dynamic invoke

2007-10-19 Thread lukasz . f24

Is there any way (other then eval) to invoke a method by passing
method name in a string.
It's very simple in php:
$oFoo = new Foo();
$dynamiMethod = bar;

Unfortunately I can't find a good solution to do the same thing in
python. Does it have some build-in function to do it?

Kind Regards,



Re: dynamic invoke

2007-10-19 Thread lukasz . f24
On 19 Oct, 11:45, Jarek Zgoda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisa³(a):

  Is there any way (other then eval) to invoke a method by passing
  method name in a string.
  It's very simple in php:
  $oFoo = new Foo();
  $dynamiMethod = bar;

  Unfortunately I can't find a good solution to do the same thing in
  python. Does it have some build-in function to do it?

 foo = getattr(module_or_object, 'function_name')

 Jarek Zgoda
 Skype: jzgoda | GTalk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | voice: +48228430101

 We read Knuth so you don't have to. (Tim Peters)

I was lookig for something like this. Belive me or not but i spent
lots of time looking for this simple solution :)



MOD_PYTHON + packages reloading

2007-10-18 Thread lukasz . f24

I came across annoying problem during my fun with mod_python. I turned
out that mod_python load package only onca and don't care about any
changes to it. Obviously it makes sense on production server but
during development is more then annoying. I find a way to reload my

m = apache.import_module(name)

But this solution doesn't satisfy my. Is there any way to use old good
import x.x.x or from x.x.x import y and somehow set mod_python to
autoreload packages? apache.import_module(name,autoreload=1) didn't
What is more interesting if a file is in the same directory (no in the
package) i don't need to wory about reloading, python doesn't cache

Please help me :)


Re: MOD_PYTHON + packages reloading

2007-10-18 Thread lukasz . f24
On 18 Oct, 09:55, Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I came across annoying problem during my fun with mod_python. I turned
  out that mod_python load package only onca and don't care about any
  changes to it. Obviously it makes sense on production server but
  during development is more then annoying.

 Have you read the mod_python manual?

 5.4.8 PythonAutoReload

 Syntax: PythonAutoReload {On, Off}
 Default: PythonAutoReload On
 Context: server config, virtual host, directory, htaccess
 Override: not None
 Module: mod_python.c

 If set to Off, instructs mod_python not to check the modification date
 of the module file.

 By default, mod_python checks the time-stamp of the file and reloads the
 module if the module's file modification date is later than the last
 import or reload. This way changed modules get automatically reimported,
 eliminating the need to restart the server for every change.

 Disabling autoreload is useful in production environment where the
 modules do not change; it will save some processing time and give a
 small performance gain.

Yes I have read it. This is my config file
VirtualHost *:80
ServerName info
DocumentRoot D:/web/info/
Directory D:/web/info/
  AddHandler mod_python .py
  PythonHandler index
  PythonDebug On
  PythonAutoReload On
  AllowOverride All
  Allow from All
  AllowOverride All

Even when autoreload is ON mod_python doesn't care about any changes
if I import something from package in traditional way :(
