[issue47174] Define behavior of descriptor-typed fields on dataclasses

2022-04-01 Thread mike bayer

Change by mike bayer :

nosy: +zzzeek

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[issue44304] segmentation fault appeared in python 3.10.0b2

2021-06-05 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

great news!   

Based on how many random factors were needed to reproduce as well as that it 
seemed to be gc related and appeared very suddenly, I had an intuition this was 
on the cpython side, thanks so much for doing this Pablo!


Python tracker 
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[issue44304] segmentation fault appeared in python 3.10.0b2

2021-06-04 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

yes, if I have time I will begin to undertake that, wanted to put it up here in 
case anyone has git bisect on speed dial for cpython.


Python tracker 
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[issue44304] segmentation fault appeared in python 3.10.0b2

2021-06-03 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

if the issue is in greenlet this can be bounced back to 


Python tracker 
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[issue44304] segmentation fault appeared in python 3.10.0b2

2021-06-03 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer :

segmentation fault related to object deallocation and traceback objects, is 
extremely difficult to reproduce and definitely appeared as of 3.10.0b2, does 
not occur in 3.10.0b1.   linux and osx platforms are affected.

The issue requires "greenlet==1.1.0" to be installed, as well as that for me to 
reproduce it I have to use sqlite3 with some special APIs also, so while this 
issue might be in greenlet, or sqlite3, I have a feeling these are all factors 
that are combining together in a very random way to reveal something that's 
actually happening in the interpreter, but in any case would be great if core 
devs can see why it happens.  The below script has been tested on various linux 
platforms, and the overall bug was revealed by an interaction in the SQLAlchemy 
test suite that's occurring in many places including OSX, linux.   As noted, a 
whole bunch of very random things are needed for me to reproduce it.

import greenlet
import sqlite3

class _ErrorContainer(object):
error = None

def _expect_raises_fn(fn):
ec = _ErrorContainer()
except Exception as err:
assert str(err) == "this is a test"

# assign the exception context outside of the except
# is necessary
ec.error = err

# don't del the exception context is necessary
#del ec

def greenlet_spawn(fn, *args, **kwargs):

# spawning a greenlet is necessary
context = greenlet.greenlet(fn, greenlet.getcurrent())

# assignment to "result" is necessary
result = context.switch(*args, **kwargs)

# raising exception is necessary
raise Exception("this is a test")

class OuterConnectionWrapper:
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection

def go(self, stmt):
sqlite_connection = self.connection
cursor = sqlite_connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("select 1")
return cursor

def execute(self, stmt):
return greenlet_spawn(self.go, stmt)

def _do_close(self):
self.connection = None

def close(self):

class InnerConnectionWrapper:
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection

def create_function(self, *arg, **kw):
self.connection.create_function(*arg, **kw)

def cursor(self):
return self.connection.cursor()

def close(self):
self.connection = None

class ConnectionPool:
def __init__(self):
self.conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")

def regexp(a, b):
return None

self.conn.create_function("regexp", 2, regexp)

def connect(self):
return InnerConnectionWrapper(self.conn)

def do_test():
pool = ConnectionPool()

def go():
c1 = pool.connect()
conn = OuterConnectionWrapper(c1)



components: Interpreter Core
messages: 395028
nosy: zzzeek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: segmentation fault appeared in python 3.10.0b2
versions: Python 3.10

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43484] valid datetimes can become invalid if the timezone is changed

2021-03-19 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

I don't really know why it would be a "security vulnerability", but presumably 
a library could either convert their datetimes to UTC as soon as they get them 
from the user if they want to use them as UTC in the future, or they could 
simply refuse to accept any datetimes outside the range 
`datetime.datetime.MINYEAR + timedelta(hours=48) < dt.replace(tzinfo=None) < 
datetime.datetime.MAXYEAR - timedelta(hours=48)`, 

this is absolutely correct, but I'm not sure if you're aware, there's kind of a 
whole subsection of the tech community that considers anything that a user 
might do without understanding all the consequences which could in any way 
allow untrusted input to affect things to be a "security risk".  In SQLAlchemy 
i had CVEs posted because we have a method called order_by() that accepted a 
string, and the notion was, someone will write a web app that takes an 
arbitrary string as input and send it there!  CVE!   For you and me that would 
of course be crazy as this is obviously part of the SQL string being sent to 
the database,  but this is a particular programming subculture that has the 
ability to create a lot of havoc by filling up the CVE system with "Security 
Vulnerabilities" based on what many of us consider obviously wrong.

> Can you clarify why this crashes? Is it because it always returns the 
> datetime value in UTC?

it returns the datetime value in the default timezone set up for the server 
which could be UTC or a local timezone, but the idea is it's potentially 
different from the timezone that's been put in.

> I'll note that I don't actually understand the difference between 
> "abstraction layer" and "psycopg2 driver", so I may be conflating those two, 

from my POV I have always thought PostgreSQLs' TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE datatype 
is nuts, and that you should only be sending UTC timestamps to a database.   
But people want to use PG's type and IMO they need to understand what they're 
doing.  thanks for the response.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue43484] we can create valid datetime objects that become invalid if the timezone is changed

2021-03-12 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer :

So I'm pretty sure this is "not a bug" but it's a bit of a problem and I have a 
user suggesting the "security vulnerability" bell on this one, and to be honest 
I don't even know what any library would do to "prevent" this.

Basically, the datetime() object limits based on a numerical year of MINYEAR, 
rather than limiting based on an actual logical date.

So I can create an "impossible" date as follows:

d = datetime.strptime("Mon Jan  1 00:00:00 0001 +01:00", "%c %z")

or like this:

d = datetime(year=1, month=1, day=1, tzinfo=timezone(timedelta(hours=1)))

andyou can see where this is going - it can't be converted to a timezone 
that pushes the year to zero:

>>> from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
>>> d = datetime(year=1, month=1, day=1, tzinfo=timezone(timedelta(hours=1)))
>>> d.astimezone(timezone.utc)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
OverflowError: date value out of range

this because, after all, astimezone() is just subraction or addition and if it 
overflows past the artificial boundary, well you're out of luck.

Why's this a security problem?   ish?because PostgreSQL has a data type 
"TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE" and if you take said date and INSERT it into your 
database, then SELECT it back using any Python DBAPI that returns datetime() 
objects like psycopg2, if your server is in a timezone with zero or negative 
offset compared to the given date, you get an error.  So the mischievous user 
can create that datetime for some reason and now they've broken your website 
which can't SELECT that table anymore without crashing.

So, suppose you maintain the database library that helps people send data in 
and out of psycopg2.We have, the end user's application, we have the 
database abstraction library, we have the psycopg2 driver, we have Python's 
datetime() object with MIN_YEAR, and finally we have PostgreSQL with the 
TIMEZONE WITH TIMESTAMP datatype that I've never liked.

Of those five roles, whose bug is this?I'd like to say it's the end user 
for letting untrusted input that can put unusual timezones and timestamps in 
their system.   But at the same time it's a little weird Python is letting me 
create this date that lacks the ability to convert into UTC. thanks for 

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 388585
nosy: zzzeek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: we can create valid datetime objects that become invalid if the timezone 
is changed
versions: Python 3.10, Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue39457] Add an autocommit property to sqlite3.Connection with a PEP 249 compliant manual commit mode and migrate

2021-01-06 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

I think this issue just discusses the naming of an attribute called 
".autocommit".  for the discussion for SQLite's unusual starting of 
transactions, that's all in two other issues:



so I would encourage folks to read those discussions.  at issue is the 
limitation of SQLite that it locks the whole file for transactions, which is 
the main rationale for why SQLite is hesitant to begin a transaction.  however, 
without configurability, this means it's not compatible with SAVEPOINT or 
serializable isolation levels.   when users want to use those two features we 
have them set isolation_level=None and emit "BEGIN" on the connection directly. 
   the connection.commit() and connection.rollback() methods continue to be 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39457] Add an autocommit property to sqlite3.Connection with a PEP 249 compliant manual commit mode and migrate

2021-01-05 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

> Under your proposal, the first line would be changed to say 
> "autocommit=True", even though not all the code below is in autocommit mode 
> (according to the SQLite engine's definition). What's more, I could insert 
> this line of code between statements 3 and 6:

  >  print("Autocommit mode?", conn.autocommit)

As Marc-Andre indicated, this is in fact how "autocommit" behaves on other 
drivers, including:

psycopg2 - uses either connection.autocommit, or 
pymysql - uses conn.autocommit(True|False)
mysqldb - uses conn.autocommit(True|False)
cx_Oracle - uses conn.autocommit
pyodbc - uses conn.autocommit

With all of the above drivers, one can emit "BEGIN" and "COMMIT" using
connection.execute(), and within the scope of that BEGIN/COMMIT pair, the 
database "engine" itself is in a transaction.  The "driver" however remains in 
"autocommit" mode.   This mode specifically means the driver is not getting
involved in starting and stopping transactions. 

As Marc mentions, we're not supposed to be emitting "BEGIN" and "COMMIT" on 
the driver, but none of them get in the way of us doing so, and additionally
most databases support additional options for the "BEGIN/START TRANSACTION" 
that aren't available in the DBAPIs so sometimes we don't have much choice at 
least for the "BEGIN" command.

Here's an example using psycopg2, where the timestamp now() will freeze
when we're in a transaction started using manual "BEGIN"/ "COMMIT", while 
.autocommit stays True, and otherwise match statement execution time if we're 

>>> import psycopg2
>>> conn = psycopg2.connect(user="scott", password="tiger", 
host="localhost", database="test")
>>> conn.autocommit = True
>>> cursor = conn.cursor()
>>> cursor.execute("SELECT 1")
>>> cursor.execute("select now() = statement_timestamp()")
>>> cursor.fetchall()
>>> cursor.execute("BEGIN")
>>> cursor.execute("select now() = statement_timestamp();")
>>> cursor.fetchall()
[(False,)]  # we're in a transaction
>>> conn.autocommit   # still in driver-level autocommit
>>> cursor.execute("COMMIT")
>>> cursor.execute("select now() = statement_timestamp();")
>>> cursor.fetchall()

For SQLAlchemy we already support pysqlite's "isolation_level=None" to 
implement "autocommit" so this issue does not affect us much, but the meaning 
of the term "autocommit" at the driver level shouldn't be controversial at this 
point as there's a lot of precedent.   "connection.autocommit" does not refer 
to the current transactional state of the database, just the current preference 
set upon the driver itself.


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[issue16535] json encoder unable to handle decimal

2020-12-20 Thread mike bayer

Change by mike bayer :

nosy: +zzzeek

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41629] __class__ not set defining 'X' as . Was __classcell__ propagated to type.__new__?

2020-08-24 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer :

This is likely related or a dupe of https://bugs.python.org/issue29270, but the 
error message is different.  I'm posting this to confirm it's the same issue, 
or not, and to at least provide a google result for people who also see this 
error as 29270 seems to imply this might not be fixable.

Like 29270, it involves the fact that the interpreter seems to be looking at my 
super() call inside of a method without actually calling it, and then getting 
upset about __classcell__:

from typing import NamedTuple

class X(NamedTuple):
a: str
b: str

# comment this out to remove the issue
def foo(self):
return super(X, self)

and that's it!  on my interpreter:

Python 3.8.3 (default, May 23 2020, 16:34:37) 
[GCC 9.3.1 20200408 (Red Hat 9.3.1-2)] on linux

I get:

$ python test3.py 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test3.py", line 4, in 
class X(NamedTuple):
RuntimeError: __class__ not set defining 'X' as . Was 
__classcell__ propagated to type.__new__?

The most surprising thing is that this seems extremely basic and google is not 
finding this error message for me.

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 375863
nosy: zzzeek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: __class__ not set defining 'X' as . Was 
__classcell__ propagated to type.__new__?
versions: Python 3.8

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop

2020-07-08 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

I tested "cancellation", shutting down the DB connection mid query.  Because 
the greenlet is only in the middle and not at the endpoints, it propagates the 
exception and there does not seem to be anything different except for the 
greenlet sequence in the middle, which is also clear:


the first comment on the gist has the stack trace produced.


Python tracker 
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[issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop

2020-07-08 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

as far as cancellation, I gather you're referring to what in gevent / greenlet 
is the GreenletExit exception.  Sure, that thing is a PITA.   Hence we're all 
working to provide asyncio frontends and networking backends so that the 
effects of cancellation I (handwavy handwavy) believe would work smoothly as 
long as the middle part is done right.   cancellation is likely a more 
prominent issue with HTTP requests and responses because users are hitting 
their browser stop buttons all the time.  With databases this typically is 
within the realm of network partitioning or service restarts, or if the driver 
is screwing up in some way which with the monkeypatching thing is more likely, 
but "cancellation" from a database perspective is not the constant event that I 
think it would be in an HTTP perspective.

> I think I either disagree or am missing something :-). Certainly for both 
> edgedb and urllib3, when they're running in sync mode, they end up using 
> synchronous network APIs at the "bottom", and it works fine.

OK it took me a minute to understand what you're saying, which is, if we are 
doing the coroutine.send() thing you illustrated below, we're not in an event 
loop anyway so we can just call blocking code.   OK I did not understand that.  
I haven't looked at the coroutine internals through all of this (which is part 
of my original assertion that I should not have been the person proposing this 
whole greenlet thing anyway :) ).

Why did urllib3 write unasync?  https://pypi.org/project/unasync/strictly 
so they can have a python 2 codebase and that's it?   

SQLAlchemy goes python 3 only in version 2.0.  I did bench the coro example 
against a non-coro example and it's 3x slower likely due to the StopIteration 
but as mentioned earlier if this is only once per front-to-back then it would 
not amount to anything in context.   Still, the risk factor of a rewrite like 
that, where risk encompasses just all the dumb mistakes and bugs that would be 
introduced by rewriting everything, does not seem worth it.


Python tracker 
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[issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop

2020-07-07 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

slight correction: it is of course possible to use gevent with a database 
driver without monkeypatching, as I wrote my own gevent benchmarks using 
psycogreen.  I think what I'm getting at is that it's a good thing if async 
DBAPIs could target asyncio explicitly rather than having to write different 
gevent/eventlet specific things, and that tools like SQLAlchemy can allow for 
greenlet style coding against those DBAPIs without one having to install/run 
the whole gevent event loop.   Basically I like the greenlet style of coding 
but I would be excited to skip the gevent part, never do any monkeypatching 
again, and also have other parts of the app doing asyncio work with other kinds 
of services. this is about interoperability.


Python tracker 
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[issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop

2020-07-07 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

> Oh, I thought the primary problem for SQLAlchemy supporting async is that the 
> ORM needs to do IO from inside __getattr__ methods. So I assumed that the 
> reason you were so excited about greenlets was that it would let you use 
> await_() from inside those __getattr__ calls, which would involve exposing 
> your use of greenlets as part of your public API.

The primary problem is people want to execute() a SQL statement using await, 
and then they want to use a non-blocking database driver (basically asyncpg, 
I'm not sure there are any others, maybe there's one for MySQL also) on the 
back.Tools like aiopg have provided partial SQLAlchemy-like front-ends to 
accomplish this but they can't do ORM support, not because the ORM has lazy 
loading, but just to do explicit operations like query.all() or session.flush() 
that can sometimes require a lot of front-to-back database operations to 
complete which would be very involved to rewrite all that code using 

Then there's the secondary problem of ORMs doing lazy loading, which is what 
you refer towards as "IO inside __getattr__ methods".   SQLAlchemy is not 
actually as dependent on lazy loading as other ORMs as we support a wide range 
of ways to "eagerly" load data up front.  With the SQLAlchemy 2.0-style ORM API 
that has a clear spot for "await" to occur, they can call "await 
session.execute(select(SomeObject))" and get a whole traversible graph of 
things loaded up front.We even have a loader called "raiseload" that is 
specifically anti-lazy loading, it's a loader that raises an error if you try 
to access something that wasn't explicitly loaded already.  So for a lot of 
cases we are already there.

But then, towards your example of "something.b = x", or more commonly in ORMS a 
get operation like "something.b" emitting SQL, the extension I'm building will 
very likely include some kind of feature that they can do this with an explicit 
call.  At the moment with the preliminary code that's in there, this might look 

   await greenlet_spawn(getattr, something, "b")

not very pretty at the moment but that general idea.   

But the thing is, greenlet_spawn() can naturally apply to anything.  So it 
remains to be seen both how I would want to present this notion, as well as if 
people are going to be interested in it or not, but as a totally extra thing 
beyond the "await session.execute()" API that is the main thing, someone could 
do something like this:

   await greenlet_spawn(my_business_orm_method)

and then in "my_business_orm_method()", all the blocking style ORM things that 
async advocates warn against could be happening in there. I'm certainly not 
going to tell people they have to be doing that, but I dont think I should 
discourage it either, because if the above business method is written 
"reasonably" (see next paragraph), there really is no problem introduced by 
implicit IO.

By "written reasonably" I'm referring to the fact that in this whole situation, 
90% of everything people are doing here are in the context of HTTP services.   
The problem of, "something.a now creates state that other tasks might see" is 
not a real "problem" that is solved by using IO-only explicit context 
switching.  This is because in a CRUD-style application, "something" is not 
going to be a process-local yet thread-global object that had to be created 
specifically for the application (there's things like the database connection 
pool and some registries that the ORM uses, but those problems are taken care 
of and aren't specific to one particular application). There is certainly 
going to be global mutable state with the CRUD/HTTP application which is the 
database itself.  Event based programming doesn't save you from concurrency 
issues here because any number of processes maybe accessing the database at the 
same time.  There are well-established concurrency patterns one uses wit
 h relational databases, which include first and foremost transaction 
isolation, but also things like compare-and-swap, "select for update", ensuring 
MVCC is turned on (SQL Server), table locks, etc.  These techniques are 
independent of the concurrency pattern used within the application, and they 
are arguably better suited to blocking-style code in any case because on the 
database side we must emit our commands within a transaction serially in any 
case.   The major convenient point of "async" that we can fire off a bunch of 
web service requests in parallel does not apply to the CRUD-style business 
methods within our web service request because we can only do things in our 
ACID transaction one at a time.

The problem of "something.a" emitting IO needs to be made sane against other 
processes also view

[issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop

2020-07-07 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

> With greenlets OTOH, it becomes possible for another task to observe 
> someobj.a == 1 without someobj.b == 2, in case someobj.__setattr__ internally 
> invoked an await_().

let me try this one more time.Basically if someone wrote this:

async def do_thing():
   someobj.a =1
   await do_io_setattr(someobj, "b", 2)

then in the async approach, you can again say, assuming "someobj" is global, 
that another task can observe "someobj.a == 1" without "someobj.b == 2".I 
suppose you are making the argument that because there's an "await" keyword 
there, now everything is OK because the reader of the code knows there's a 
context switch.

Whether or not one buys that, the point of my approach is that SQLAlchemy 
itself *will* publish async methods.  End user code *will not* ever context 
switch to another task without them explicitly calling using an await.  That 
SQLAlchemy internally is not using this coding style, whether or not that leads 
to new kinds of bugs, there are new kinds of bugs no matter what kind of code a 
library uses, I don't think this hurts the user community.  The community is 
hurting *A LOT* right now because asyncio is intentionally non-compatible with 
the traditional blocking approach that is not only still prevalent it's one 
that a lot of us think is *easier* to work with.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop

2020-07-07 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

> With greenlets OTOH, it becomes possible for another task to observe 
> someobj.a == 1 without someobj.b == 2, in case someobj.__setattr__ internally 
> invoked an await_(). Any operation can potentially invoke a context switch. 
> So debugging greenlets code is roughly as hard as debugging full-on 
> multithreaded code, and much harder than debugging async/await code.

I would invite you to look more closely at my approach.   The situation you 
describe above applies to a library like gevent, where IO means a context 
switch that can go anywhere.  My small recipe never breaks out of the asyncio 
event loop, and it only context switches within the scope of a single 
coroutine, not to any arbitrary coroutine.   So I don't think the above issue 

Additionally, we are here talking about *libraries* that are independently 
developed and tested distinct from end-user code.If there's a bug in 
SQLAlchemy, the end user isn't the person debugging that.   arguments over "is 
async or sync easier to debug" are IMO pretty subjective and at this point they 
are not relevant to what sync-based libraries should be doing.


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[issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop

2020-07-06 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

yes so if you have async/await all internal, are you saying you can make that 
work for synchronous code *without* running the event loop?  that is, some kind 
of container that just does the right thing?  my concern with that would still 
be performance.When asyncio was based on yield and exception throws, that 
was a lot of overhead to add to functions and that was what my performance 
testing some years back showed.   w/ async/await I'm sure things have been 
optimized, but in general when i have function a() -> b() -> c(), I am trying 
to iron as much Python overhead as I possibly can out of that and I'd be 
concerned that the machinery to work through async/await would add latency.   
additionally if it was async/await internally but then i need to access the 
majority of Python DBAPIs that are sync, I need a thread pool anyway, right?  
which is also another big barrier to jump over.

It seems you were involved with urllib3's approach to use a code rewriter 
rather than a runtime approach based on the discussion at 
https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/issues/1323 , but it's not clear if Python 2 
compatibility was the only factor or if the concern of "writing a giant shim" 
was also.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop

2020-07-06 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

>  This recipe was one of the reasons why I added `loop.set_task_factory` 
> method to the spec, so that it's possible to implement this in an *existing* 
> event loop like uvloop. But ultimately asyncio is flexible enough to let 
> users use their own event loop which can be compatible with greenlets among 
> other improvements.

Right, when I sought to look at this, I know that my users want to use the 
regular event loop in asyncio or whatever system they are using.

> Ultimately, asyncio will probably never ship with greenlets integration 
> enabled by default, but we should definitely make it possible (if there are 
> some limitations now).  It doesn't seem to me that nested event loops are 
> needed for this, right?

So right, the approach I came up with does not need nested event loops and it's 
my vague understanding that nesting event loops is more difficult to debug, 
because you have these two separate loops handing off to each other.

What is most striking about my recipe is that it never even leaves the default 
event loop.  Originally my first iteration when I was trying to get it working, 
I had a separate thread going on, as it seemed intuitive that "of course you 
need a thread to bridge async and sync code" but then I erased the "Thread()" 
part around it and then it just worked anyway.   Like it's simple enough that 
shipping this as a third party library is almost not even worth it, you can 
just drop this in wherever.   If different libraries had their own drop-in of 
this, they would even work together.   greenlet is really like totally 

the philosophical thing here is, usually in my many twitter debates on the 
subject, folks get into how they like the explicit async and await keywords and 
they like that IO is explicit.   So I'm seeking to keep these people happy and 
give then "async def execute(sql)", and use an async DB driver, but then the 
library that these folks are using is internally not actually explicit IO.  But 
they don't have to see that, I've done all the work of the "implicit IO" stuff 
and in a library it's not the same kind of problem anyway. I think this is 
a really critical technique to have so that libraries that mediate between a 
user-facing facade and TCP based backends no longer have to make a hard choice 
about if they are to support sync vs. async (or async with an optional sync 
facade around it).


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22239] asyncio: nested event loop

2020-07-06 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

hey there,

I seem to have two cents to offer so here it is.An obscure issue in the 
Python bug tracker is probably not the right place for this so consider this as 
an early draft of something that maybe I'll talk about more elsewhere.

> This basically divides code into two islands - async and non-async

yes, this is the problem, and at the bottom of this apparently somewhat ranty 
comment is a solution, and the good news is that it does not require Python or 
asyncio be modified.  My concern is kind of around how it is that everyone has 
been OK with the current state of affairs for so long, why it is that "asyncio 
is fundamentally incompatible with library X" is considered to be acceptable, 
and also how easy it was to find a workaround, this is not something I would 
have expected to come up with.  Kind of like you don't expect to invent Velcro 
or windshield wipers.

asyncio's approach is what those of us in the library/framework community call 
"explicit async", you have to mark functions that will be doing IO and the 
points at which IO occurs must also be marked.Long ago it was via callback 
functions, then asyncio turned it into decorators and yields, and finally 
pep492 turned it into async/await, and it is very nicely done.  It is of course 
a feature of asyncio that writing out async/await means your code can in theory 
be clearer as to where IO occurs and all that, and while I don't totally buy 
that myself, I'm of course in favor of that style of coding being available, it 
definitely has its own kind of self-satisfaction built in when you do it.  
That's all great.

But as those of us in the library/framework community also know, asyncio's 
approach essentially means, libraries like Flask, Django, my own SQLAlchemy, 
etc. are all automatically "non-workable" with the asyncio approach; while 
these libraries can certainly have asyncio endpoints added to them, the task as 
designed is not that simple, since to go from an asyncio endpoint all the way 
through library code that doesn't care about async and then down into a 
networking library that again has asyncio endpoints, the publishing of "async" 
and the "await" or yield approach must be wired all the way through every 
function and method.  This is all despite that when you're not at the 
endpoints, the points at which IO occurs is fully predictable such that 
libraries like gevent don't need you to write it.   So we are told that 
libraries have to have full end-to-end rewrites of all their code to work this 
way, or otherwise maintain two codebases, or something like that.

The side effect of this is that a whole bunch of library and framework authors 
now get to create all new libraries and frameworks, which do exactly the same 
thing as all the existing libraries and frameworks, except they sprinkle the 
"async/await" keywords throughout middle tiers as required.  Vague claims of 
"framework X is faster because it's async" appear, impossible to confirm as it 
is unknown how much of their performance gains come from the "async" aspect and 
how much of it is that they happened to rewrite a new framework from scratch in 
a completely different way (hint: it's the latter).

Or in other cases, as if to make it obvious how much the "async/await" keywords 
come down to being more or less boilerplate for the "middle" parts of 
libraries, the urllib3 project wrote the "unasync" project [1] so that they can 
simply maintain two separate codebases, one that has "async/await" and  the 
other which just search-and-replaced them out.

SQLAlchemy has not been "replaced" by this trend as asyncio database libraries 
have not really taken off in Python, and there are very few actual async 
drivers.   Some folks have written SQLAlchemy-async libraries that use 
SQLAlchemy's expression system while they have done the tedious, redundant and 
impossible-to-maintain work of replicating enough of SQLAlchemy's execution 
internals such that a modest "sqlalchemy-like" experience with asyncio can be 
reproduced. But these libraries are closed out from all of the fixes and 
improvements that occur to SQLAlchemy itself, as well as that these systems 
likely target a smaller subset of SQLAlchemy's behaviors and features in any 
case.They certainly can't get the ORM working as the ORM runs lots of SQL 
executions internally, all of which would have to propagate their "asyncness" 
outwards throughout hundreds of functions.

The asyncpg project, one of the few asyncio database drivers that exists, notes 
in its FAQ "asyncpg uses asynchronous execution model and API, which is 
fundamentally incompatible with SQLAlchemy" [2], yet we know this is not true  
because SQLAlchemy works just fine with gevent and eventlet, with no 
architectural changes at all.  Us

[issue38749] sqlite3 driver fails on four byte unicode strings coming from JSON_EXTRACT

2019-11-08 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

silly me thinking python devs had better access to SQLite devs :)


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38749] sqlite3 driver fails on four byte unicode strings coming from JSON_EXTRACT

2019-11-08 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

Hi where did you report it?I don't see it on the mailing list or in their 
fossil tracker.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38749] sqlite3 driver fails on four byte unicode strings coming from JSON_EXTRACT

2019-11-08 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer :

When using unicode characters inside of JSON strings, values retrieved via the 
JSON_EXTRACT SQLite function fail to be decoded by the sqlite3 driver if they 
include four-byte unicode characters.

Version information for my build, which is Fedora 30:

Python 3.7.4 (default, Jul  9 2019, 16:32:37) 
[GCC 9.1.1 20190503 (Red Hat 9.1.1-1)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sqlite3
>>> sqlite3.version
>>> sqlite3.sqlite_version

Demo as follows:

import json
import sqlite3

# two unicode strings, the second one has four byte character in it
good_data = "réve illé"
bad_data = "réve illé"

# create simple json structures
good_data_json = json.dumps({"foo": good_data})
bad_data_json = json.dumps({"foo": bad_data})

# all strings are valid utf-8
# data round trips correctly through json
assert json.loads(good_data_json.encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8")) == {
"foo": good_data
assert json.loads(bad_data_json.encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8")) == {
"foo": bad_data

conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
cursor = conn.cursor()

cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE some_data (id INT, data JSON)")
"INSERT INTO some_data(id, data) VALUES(?, ?)",
[(1, good_data_json), (2, bad_data_json)],

# we can retrieve the JSON objects as a whole from the DB, no issue
cursor.execute("SELECT some_data.data FROM some_data ORDER BY id")
assert cursor.fetchall() == [(good_data_json, ), (bad_data_json, )]

# when we use JSON_EXTRACT, then full utf-8 support is lost

# extract good value from JSON object
SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(some_data.data, '$."foo"')
FROM some_data WHERE id=1
assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == good_data

# extract bad value from JSON object; utf-8 failure
# sqlite3.OperationalError: Could not decode to UTF-8 column
# 'JSON_EXTRACT(some_data.data, '$."foo"')' with text 'r��ve�� ill��'
SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(some_data.data, '$."foo"')
FROM some_data WHERE id=2
assert cursor.fetchone()[0] == bad_data


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test4.py", line 50, in 
sqlite3.OperationalError: Could not decode to UTF-8 column 
'JSON_EXTRACT(some_data.data, '$."foo"')' with text 'r��ve�� ill��'

surprising to say the least as the SQLite driver has always been completely 
solid with all unicode, but there you go.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 356257
nosy: zzzeek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: sqlite3 driver fails on four byte unicode strings coming from 
type: crash
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue37010] Review performance of inspect.getfullargspec

2019-05-22 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

thanks for creating this issue Nick!

nosy: +zzzeek

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36751] Changes in the inspect module for PEP 570

2019-05-16 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

Just did some benchmarks, and while Signature has apparently had a big speedup 
in Python 3.6, it is still much less performant than either the Python 2.7 or 
Python 3.3 implementations, anywhere from 6-18 times slower approximately 
depending on the function.   For those of us that need a getargspec that is 
only used on selected, internal functions where we don't need the newer 
language features, it's likely worth it to vendor the Python 3.3 
getfullargspec() implementation which is very simple:



Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36751] Changes in the inspect module for PEP 570

2019-05-16 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

> We are talking again and again that we have a lot of old things in the 
> standard library but it seems that removing them is also a problem.

I agree that the reason we have these deprecation warnings is so that we do get 
notified and we do fix them.  I think Signature is tough here because it is so 
different from how getfullargspec() worked which makes it difficult to port 
towards, and its very long and complicated invocation steps, with many loops, 
function and method calls, object creation overhead, none of which existed in 
Python 3.3's 20 line getfullargspec() implementation, is making me very 
hesitant to switch to it and I'm continuing to consider just writing my own 
thing that keeps the overhead as low as possible; but I will run timing tests 
on all versions of things before I do anything like that.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36751] Changes in the inspect module for PEP 570

2019-05-16 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

> A deprecating warning doesn't hurt: you are still able to run your code.

this is very much untrue in modern testing environments, as it is common that 
test suites fail on deprecation warnings, especially in libraries, to ensure 
downstream compatibility.  My observation is that as Python 3 has been 
generally a lot more aggressive about new language features than things used to 
be in the py2k days, a lot more of these deprecations have been coming through. 

I've looked at pep 570 and this new syntax does not affect the four libraries 
for which I have to rewrite getfullargspec, so while I'm looking a bit at 
things like the "Signature" backport for py2.7 (funcsigs), the pure-Python 
complexity of Signature is very hard to take on as well as a py2k-only 
dependency so I'm still leaning towards producing the most minimal 
getfullargspec() I can use that continues to work for "traditional" Python 

i understand that Signature is "future-proof", but it is heavy on the pure 
Python and object creation and does not provide for any simple py2k/py3k 
cross-compatibility solution.   I'd very much prefer that Signature at least be 
written in C for a few major versions, as well as the community has had time to 
move further python-3-only,  before getfullargspec is so aggressively 


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36751] Changes in the inspect module for PEP 570

2019-05-13 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer  added the comment:

if a function continues to work correctly throughout the span of a Python X 
version, why does it need to be removed?   I have a foggy memory but I don't 
seem to recall functions that were technically redundant being aggressively 
deprecated in the 2.x series.   This warning is causing a lot of downstream 
pain right now and this is after we already all had to deal with getargspec() 
going away.


Python tracker 
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[issue36751] Changes in the inspect module for PEP 570

2019-05-13 Thread mike bayer

Change by mike bayer :

nosy: +zzzeek

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue35398] SQLite incorrect row count for UPDATE

2018-12-03 Thread mike bayer

Change by mike bayer :

nosy: +zzzeek

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32998] regular expression regression in python 3.7

2018-03-05 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> added the comment:

for those watching this would be the findall() case which is consistent between 

import re

for reg in [

print(re.findall(r'(?: COLLATE.*)?$', reg))

output (all pythons):

[' COLLATE "en_US"', '']

so yes there are two matches for one and only one for the other.


Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32998] regular expression regression in python 3.7

2018-03-05 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> added the comment:

for now the quickest solution is to add "count=1" so that it only replaces once.


Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32998] regular expression regression in python 3.7

2018-03-05 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> added the comment:

also, removing the "?" is not an option for me.   I need the brackets to be 
placed prior to the "COLLATE" subsection, but unconditionally even if the 
"COLLATE" section is not present. Looking at the change the behavior seems 
wrong to me.   The regexp states, "match the end of the string, plus an 
optional "COLLATE" clause, into a capturing expression.  replace everything 
here, e.g. the capturing part as well as the dollar sign part, with a single 
instance of FOO plus the captured part".   It is entirely unintuitive to me how 
a second replacement would be occurring here.   I cannot prove it but I think 
this change is wrong.

I will try to rewrite the expression.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32998] regular expression regression in python 3.7

2018-03-05 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> added the comment:

can you point me to the documentation?


Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32998] regular expression regression in python 3.7

2018-03-05 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> added the comment:

correction, that's fedora 26, not 27


Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue32998] regular expression regression in python 3.7

2018-03-05 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>:


import re

inner = 'VARCHAR(30) COLLATE "en_US"'

result = re.sub(
r'((?: COLLATE.*)?)$',


in all Python versions prior to 3.7:


in Python 3.7.0b2:


platform: Fedora 27 
python build:
Python 3.7.0b2 (default, Mar  5 2018, 09:37:32) 
[GCC 7.2.1 20170915 (Red Hat 7.2.1-2)] on linux

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 313251
nosy: zzzeek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: regular expression regression in python 3.7
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14976] queue.Queue() is not reentrant, so signals and GC can cause deadlocks

2017-08-18 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

> Here is a pure Python PoC patch that allows unbounded Queue and LifoQueue to 
> have reentrant put().

per http://bugs.python.org/msg275377 guido does not want an RLock here.


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[issue14976] queue.Queue() is not reentrant, so signals and GC can cause deadlocks

2016-09-09 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

yep, that's what im doing in my approach.   though longer term thing, I noticed 
it's very hard to find documentation on exactly when gc might run.   E.g. would 
it ever run if I did something innocuous, like "self.thread_id = None" 
(probably not).   Just wasn't easy to get that answer.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue14976] queue.Queue() is not reentrant, so signals and GC can cause deadlocks

2016-09-08 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

SQLAlchemy suffered from this issue long ago as we use a Queue for connections, 
which can be collected via weakref callback and sent back to put(), which we 
observed can occur via gc.For many years (like since 2007 or so) we've 
packaged a complete copy of Queue.Queue with an RLock inside of it to work 
around it.

I'm just noticing this issue because I'm writing a new connection pool 
implementation that tries to deal with this issue a little differently (not 
using Queue.Queue though).

nosy: +zzzeek

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26690] PyUnicode_Decode breaks when Python / sqlite3 is built with sqlite 3.12.0

2016-04-04 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

i realized this is probably with my build overall.  let me do some more testing 
and ill reopen if i can confirm this more closely.

resolution:  -> works for me
status: open -> closed

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue26690] PyUnicode_Decode breaks when Python / sqlite3 is built with sqlite 3.12.0

2016-04-04 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer:

So I really don't know *where* the issue is in this one, because I don't know 
enough about the different bits.

Step 1:  Save this C program to demo.c:


static PyObject *
unicode_thing(PyObject *self, PyObject *value)
char *str;
Py_ssize_t len;

if (value == Py_None)

if (PyString_AsStringAndSize(value, , ))
return NULL;

   return PyUnicode_Decode(str, len, "utf-8", "ignore");

static PyMethodDef UnicodeMethods[] = {
{"unicode_thing",  unicode_thing, METH_O,
 "do a unicode thing."},
{NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}/* Sentinel */

(void) Py_InitModule("demo", UnicodeMethods);

Step 2:  Build with a setup.py:

from distutils.core import setup, Extension

module1 = Extension('demo',
sources = ['demo.c'])

setup (name = 'PackageName',
   version = '1.0',
   description = 'This is a demo package',
   ext_modules = [module1])

$ python setup.py build_ext

3. Run with a normal Python that is *not* built against SQLite 3.12.0:

$ python
Python 2.7.10 (default, Sep  8 2015, 17:20:17) 
[GCC 5.1.1 20150618 (Red Hat 5.1.1-4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import demo
>>> demo.unicode_thing('sql')

4. Now build Python 2.7.11 *with* SQLite 3.12.0 in the -I / -L paths.  Run the 
same program *With* that Python:

$ /opt/Python-2.7.11-sqlite-3.12.0/bin/python
Python 2.7.11 (default, Apr  4 2016, 14:20:47) 
[GCC 5.3.1 20151207 (Red Hat 5.3.1-2)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import demo
>>> demo.unicode_thing('sql')

Somehow the presence of sqlite-3.12.0 in the build is breaking the Python 
interpreter.   I think.  I really don't know.   The bad news is, this is the 
code for SQLAlchemy's unicode processor, and as SQlite 3.12.0 starts getting 
put in distros, the world is going to break.  So this is kind of really hard to 
test, I don't understand it, and it's totally urgent.  Any insights would be 

components: Extension Modules
messages: 262864
nosy: zzzeek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: PyUnicode_Decode breaks when Python / sqlite3 is built with sqlite 3.12.0
versions: Python 2.7

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10740] sqlite3 module breaks transactions and potentially corrupts data

2016-03-23 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

@rian - your issue for this is http://bugs.python.org/issue9924.

The implicit BEGIN in all cases will probably never be the default but we do 
need an option for this to be the case, in order to support SERIALIZABLE 


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[issue10740] sqlite3 module breaks transactions and potentially corrupts data

2016-03-23 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

@Rian - implicit transactions are part of the DBAPI spec. Looking at the 
original description, the purpose of this bug is to not *end* the transaction 
when DDL is received.   So there's no solution for "database is locked" here, 
other than pysqlite's usual behavior of not emitting BEGIN until DML is 
encountered (which works well).


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[issue23898] inspect() changes in Python3.4 are not compatible with objects that implement special __bool__, __eq__

2015-05-21 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

thanks for the merge!


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23898] inspect() changes in Python3.4 are not compatible with objects that implement special __bool__, __eq__

2015-04-15 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

my star went through.

let's merge.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23898] inspect() changes in Python3.4 are not compatible with objects that implement special __bool__, __eq__

2015-04-09 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

hi Yury - 

I did sign it earlier today.   It should have been sent off to the person that 
manages that, at least that's what the email receipt said.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23898] inspect() changes in Python3.4 are not compatible with objects that implement special __bool__, __eq__

2015-04-09 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

 It would be great if the patch could be attached to the issue as a patch 
 file, including some tests.

the mantra we all share.   I'll take a look.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23898] inspect() changes in Python3.4 are not compatible with objects that implement special __bool__, __eq__

2015-04-09 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

patch w/ test

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file38882/issue23898.patch

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue23898] inspect() changes in Python3.4 are not compatible with objects that implement special __bool__, __eq__

2015-04-09 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer:

this bug appeared in Python 3.4.The inspect.classify_class_attrs compares 
the identity objects of unknown type using the `==` operator unnecessarily and 
also evaluates objects of unknown type assuming they return `True` for a 
straight boolean evaluation.  This breaks among other things the ability to use 
the help() function with SQLAlchemy mapped objects.


class MySpecialObject(object):

def __eq__(self, other):
return MySpecialObject()

def __bool__(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
This object does not specify a boolean value)

class MyClass(object):
some_thing = MySpecialObject()

import inspect


# ultimate goal:  help(MyClass)

A patch here would be to compare unknown objects for identity using the `is` 
operator as well as using `is not None` when asserting that an object of 
unknown type is non-None.   This patch resolves:

--- inspect_orig.py 2015-04-09 10:28:46.0 -0400
+++ inspect.py  2015-04-09 10:29:37.0 -0400
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
 # first look in the classes
 for srch_cls in class_bases:
 srch_obj = getattr(srch_cls, name, None)
-if srch_obj == get_obj:
+if srch_obj is get_obj:
 last_cls = srch_cls
 # then check the metaclasses
 for srch_cls in metamro:
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@
 srch_obj = srch_cls.__getattr__(cls, name)
 except AttributeError:
-if srch_obj == get_obj:
+if srch_obj is get_obj:
 last_cls = srch_cls
 if last_cls is not None:
 homecls = last_cls
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
 # unable to locate the attribute anywhere, most likely due to
 # buggy custom __dir__; discard and move on
-obj = get_obj or dict_obj
+obj = get_obj if get_obj is not None else dict_obj
 # Classify the object or its descriptor.
 if isinstance(dict_obj, staticmethod):
 kind = static method

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 240331
nosy: zzzeek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: inspect() changes in Python3.4 are not compatible with objects that 
implement special __bool__, __eq__
versions: Python 3.4

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[issue22956] Improved support for prepared SQL statements

2015-01-04 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

prepared statements are, in proportion to the typical speed issues in Python 
(see my comparison benchmark at 
https://mail.python.org/pipermail/db-sig/2014-December/006147.html) a fairly 
small optimization that the DBAPI already allows for in an implicit sense, via 
an internal statement cache - the execute() method of DBAPI (see 
https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/#id14) allows for this optimization.   

Therefore an application that wishes to use this optimization with a 
participating DBAPI only need to maintain a reference to the cursor, and 
continue to use that same cursor for the same statement - pretty much 
identically to how it would be used in the explicit prepare step. 

An explicit prepare step should be no more intrusive than an optional flag sent 
along to cursor(), as MySQL-connector does, see 

The DBAPI does not use objects to represent statements.   In JDBC, there is a 
Statement and PreparedStatement object, but because JDBC has no explicit sense 
of a cursor, these are in fact just cursor objects (see 
https://mail.python.org/pipermail/db-sig/2014-December/006168.html for my 
description of this).

Therefore we are really just talking about a potentially modified cursor class, 
and in Python we can just use a flag, there's no need for heavy-handed 
Java-esque concepts like new classes. 

If one really wishes there were a PreparedStatement class, using the flag 
approach one can have it with very simple code that IMO does not belong in the 

class PreparedStatement(object):
def __init__(self, connection, statement):
self.cursor = connection.cursor(prepared=True)
self.statement = statement

def execute(self, params):
self.cursor.execute(self.statement, params)

def fetchall(self):
return self.cursor.fetchall()

# ... etc


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[issue22956] Improved support for prepared SQL statements

2014-12-18 Thread mike bayer

Changes by mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com:

nosy: +zzzeek

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[issue14847] AttributeError: NoneType has no attribute 'utf_8_decode'

2014-10-16 Thread mike bayer

Changes by mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com:

nosy: +zzzeek

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22457] load_tests not invoked in root __init__.py when start=package root

2014-09-21 Thread mike bayer

Changes by mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com:

nosy: +zzzeek

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21718] sqlite3 cursor.description seems to rely on incomplete statement parsing for detection

2014-06-11 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer:

Per DBAPI and pysqlite docs, .description must be available for any SELECT 
statement regardless of whether or not rows are returned.  However, this fails 
for SELECT statements that aren't simple SELECTs, such as those that use CTEs 
and therefore start out with WITH::

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(:memory:)

cursor = conn.cursor()
create table foo (id integer primary key, data varchar(20))

insert into foo (id, data) values (10, 'ten')

with bar as (select * from foo)
select * from bar where id = 10

assert cursor.description is not None

with bar as (select * from foo)
select * from bar where id = 11

assert cursor.description is not None

the second statement returns no rows and cursor.description is None.   
Libraries like SQLAlchemy which rely on this to determine that the statement 
supports fetchone() and similar are blocked.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 220263
nosy: zzzeek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: sqlite3 cursor.description seems to rely on incomplete statement parsing 
for detection
type: behavior

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11380] Improve reporting of broken stdout pipe during interpreter shutdown

2014-03-10 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

my users are reporting one of these issues, and while I can easily catch 
IOError on Python 2, I can't catch anything on Python 3, and pointing SIGPIPE 
to SIG_DFL isn't an option because this is for Alembic migrations and the 
command needs to complete its work.

What is/will be the recommended solution for people who want their programs to 
finish totally but not complain when their pipe is cut off in Python 3?

nosy: +zzzeek

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20828] inspect.getargspec() returns wrong answer with datetime.today.__call__()

2014-03-02 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer:

this appears like it may be related to http://bugs.python.org/issue20786, at 
least in terms of inspect.getargspec() seems to be returning answers in 3.4 
where it used to raise TypeError, however like in 20786 it's again returning 
the wrong answer.  I'm a little concerned that some change was made to allow 
inspection of lots of builtins that wasn't before, but the argument lists 
haven't been checked.

test case:

import inspect
import datetime

insp = inspect.getargspec(datetime.datetime.today.__call__)
except TypeError:
assert insp == ([self], args, kwargs, None)

# claims to accept args and kwargs, ok let's try...
datetime.datetime.today.__call__(1, 2, foo='bar')

# raises:
# TypeError: today() takes no keyword arguments

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 212556
nosy: zzzeek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: inspect.getargspec() returns wrong answer with datetime.today.__call__()
versions: Python 3.4

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20786] inspect.getargspec() returns wrong answer with property.__delete__()

2014-03-02 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

see also http://bugs.python.org/issue20828 as it seems like there might be a 
bigger pattern here (not sure).


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20828] inspect.getargspec() returns wrong answer with datetime.today.__call__()

2014-03-02 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

I've also worked around this on my end, so if my poking into today.__call__() 
isn't really a good idea anyway, I'm not doing that anymore.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20828] inspect.getargspec() returns wrong answer with datetime.today.__call__()

2014-03-02 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

we basically need to be able to get the argument signature for anything that 
passes callable(); function, method, class, object with __call__.  So this is 
the logic we use:

import inspect

def get_callable_argspec(fn):
if inspect.isfunction(fn) or inspect.ismethod(fn):
inspectable = fn
elif inspect.isclass(fn):
inspectable = fn.__init__
elif hasattr(fn, '__call__'):
inspectable = fn.__call__
inspectable = fn

return inspect.getargspec(inspectable)
except TypeError:

def callable1(self, x, y):

class SomeClass(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):

def callable2(self, x, y):

def __call__(self, x, y):

callable3 = SomeClass
callable4 = SomeClass(2, 3)

for callable_ in (callable1, SomeClass(1, 2).callable2, callable3, callable4):
assert callable(callable_)  # the interpreter can tell me this

# how can it reliably tell me this? 
assert get_callable_argspec(callable_) == ([self, x, y], None, None, 

If you pass a builtin like datetime.datetime.today to it, 
isfunction()/ismethod()/isclass() return false, but it does have a __call__().

I'm working around this now by just refusing to act on anything that is 
types.BuiltinMethodType or types.BuiltinFunctionType.   

Any guidance on what the proper way is to get the argument signature for any 
object that returns True for callable() would be very helpful (py2.6-3.x 
compatible).  I'm not sure if there's a stdlib call for this.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20828] inspect.getargspec() returns wrong answer with datetime.today.__call__()

2014-03-02 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

I've got something like that going on right now, but am doing it in the other 
direction; when I look at __call__(), I only do anything with it if it passes 
inspect.ismethod().  Since I only want plain Python __call__() functions on 
plain Python objects.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20786] inspect.getargspec() returns wrong answer with property.__delete__()

2014-02-26 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer:

The Python builtin property() historically does not allow inspect.getargspec to 
be called on any of __get__(), __set__(), or __delete__().  As of 3.4, it seems 
that this call now succeeds.  However the answer it gives for __delete__() 
seems to be incorrect. Below illustrates that property.__delete__() accepts two 
arguments self and instance but inspect is giving a misleading answer:

import inspect

# userland descriptor
class Descriptor(object):
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
def __set__(self, instance, value):
def __delete__(self, instance):

# class with property + userland descriptor
class X(object):
def foo(self):
def foo(self):

bar = Descriptor()

# property.__delete__ and Descriptor.__delete__ both accept two arguments:
property.__delete__(X.foo, X())
Descriptor.__delete__(X.bar, X())

# on all versions, userland __delete__ produces 'self', 'instance' for args
assert inspect.getargspec(Descriptor.__delete__) == (['self', 'instance'], 
None, None, None)

# but on python 3.4, it returns ['instance']
insp = inspect.getargspec(property.__delete__)
assert insp == (['self', 'instance'], None, None, None), insp
except TypeError as e:
# on all other python versions, raises
# slot wrapper '__delete__' of 'property' objects is not a Python function
print(Exception: %s % e)

messages: 212313
nosy: zzzeek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: inspect.getargspec() returns wrong answer with property.__delete__()
versions: Python 3.4

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20786] inspect.getargspec() returns wrong answer with property.__delete__()

2014-02-26 Thread mike bayer

Changes by mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com:

components: +Library (Lib)
type:  - behavior

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue20786] inspect.getargspec() returns wrong answer with property.__delete__()

2014-02-26 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

for context, we are currently creating wrappers around these methods in 
SQLAlchemy, and in the case of property dunders, we expect that exception and 
catch it.   So when the exception doesn't happen, we assume the answer is 
correct, but in this case it's not - the answer getargspec() gives us cannot be 
used to create a correct wrapper unless there's some other detail I'm missing.  
 hence this is backwards incompatible.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17482] functools.update_wrapper mishandles __wrapped__

2014-02-18 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

this is actually biting me, I think, though I'm having a very hard time getting 
a small Python script to duplicate it :/.   
 refers to the current problems I'm having.   I am not really familiar with the 
ramifications of __wrapped__ so I need to learn some more about that but also 
I'm concerned that a standalone test which attempts to simulate everything as 
much as possible is not doing the same thing.

nosy: +zzzeek

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17482] functools.update_wrapper mishandles __wrapped__

2014-02-18 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

i think I found the problem.  sorry for the noise.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17482] functools.update_wrapper mishandles __wrapped__

2014-02-18 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

OK well, let me just note what the issue is, and I think this is pretty 
backwards-incompatible, and additionally I really can't find any reasonable way 
of working around it except for just deleting __wrapped__.  It would be nice if 
there were some recipe or documentation that could point people to how do do 
the following pattern:

import functools
import inspect

def my_wrapper(fn):
def wrapped(x, y, z):
return my_func(x, y)
wrapped = functools.update_wrapper(wrapped, fn)
return wrapped

def my_func(x, y):

wrapper = my_wrapper(my_func)

# passes for 2.6 - 3.3, fails on 3.4
assert inspect.getargspec(wrapper) == (['x', 'y', 'z'], None, None, None), 

basically in Alembic we copy out a bunch of decorated functions out somewhere 
else using inspect(), and that code relies upon seeing the wrappers list of 
arguments, not the wrapped.   Not that Python 3.4's behavior isn't correct now, 
but this seems like something that might be somewhat common.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9924] sqlite3 SELECT does not BEGIN a transaction, but should according to spec

2014-01-09 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

see also http://bugs.python.org/issue10740, which also relates to pysqlite 
attempting to make guesses as to when transactions should begin and end.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10740] sqlite3 module breaks transactions and potentially corrupts data

2014-01-09 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

well Adam, you might also be surprised to see pysqlite not doing very well on 
the *other* side of the equation either; that is, when it *begins* the 
transaction.  Issue http://bugs.python.org/issue9924 refers to this and like 
this one, hasn't seen any activity since 2011.  You might be interested in the 
rationale on that one, which is that python apps may wish to have some degree 
of concurrency against a sqlite file for an application that is doing all 

I am certainly in favor of a pure pep-249 approach that emits BEGIN on the 
first execute() call period, and never implicitly rolls back or commits.  

However, I disagree this should be enabled by default nor that there should not 
be any option for the old behavior.  I also think the delayed BEGIN feature 
should still be available to counteract SQLite's particular difficulty with 

If there is code that relies upon a bug in order to function, which would then 
fail to function in that way if the bug is fixed, then by definition fixing 
that bug is a backwards-incompatible change.   Python std lib can't afford to 
roll out a change that blatantly backwards-incompatible.   The issue regarding 
comments not being parsed unfortunately should also be a separate issue that 
needs to be fixed, as nasty as it is that pysqlite tries to parse SQL.

I disagree that most users are expecting SQLite's DDL to be transactional; 
transactional DDL is a luxury feature to many, including the vast numbers of 
developers that use MySQL, not to mention Oracle, neither of which have any 
transactional DDL capabilities.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue10740] sqlite3 module should allow DDL statements in transactions

2013-04-04 Thread mike bayer

Changes by mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com:

nosy: +zzzeek

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9253] argparse: optional subparsers

2013-02-10 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

um, this seems like a regression/bug?   I now have users complaining that my 
apps are broken because of this change as of Python 3.3.My application is 
supposed to return the help screen when no command is given.  Now I get a 
None error because argparse is not trapping this condition:

from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(prog='test')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
subparser = subparsers.add_parser(foo, help=run foo)

$ python3.2 test.py
usage: test [-h] {foo} ...
test: error: too few arguments

$ python3.3 test.py

This seems very much like a major feature has been yanked away from argparse, 
now I have to check for this condition explicitly.

am I on the right issue here or do I need to open something new ?

nosy: +zzzeek

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16389] re._compiled_typed's lru_cache causes significant degradation of the mako_v2 bench

2012-11-03 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer added the comment:

in response to ezio, I poked around the source here, since I've never been sure 
if re.compile() cached its result or not.   It seems to be the case in 2.7 and 
3.2 also - 2.7 uses a local caching scheme and 3.2 uses functools.lru_cache, 
yet we don't see as much of a slowdown with 3.2.

so it seems like the caching behavior is precedent here, but I would revert 
re.py's caching scheme to the one used in 2.7 if the functools.lru_cache can't 
be sped up very significantly.  ideally lru_cache would be native.

also does python include any kind of benchmarking unit tests ?   over in SQLA 
we have an approach that fails if the call-counts of various functions, as 
measured by cProfile, fall outside of a known range.   it's caught many issues 
like these for me.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1062277] Pickle breakage with reduction of recursive structures

2012-07-26 Thread mike bayer

Changes by mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com:

nosy: +zzzeek

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7511] msvc9compiler.py: ValueError: [u'path']

2011-06-06 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com added the comment:

 I think it's fair to ask the user to setup the environment correctly
before running python setup.py install

We're supporting automatic fallback to non-C install for those environments 
that don't support it.   We're just looking for a predictable CCompilerError to 
be raised for conditions like this rather than a ValueError where we have to 
parse the string message.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7511] msvc9compiler.py: ValueError: [u'path']

2011-06-05 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com added the comment:

regarding hey this is an MS bug not Python, projects which feature optional C 
extensions are starting to apply workarounds for the issue on their end (I will 
need to commit a specific catch for this to SQLAlchemy) - users need to install 
our software and we need to detect compilation failures as a sign to move on 
without it.   I think it's preferable for Python distutils to work around an MS 
issue rather than N projects having to work around an MS issue exposed through 
distutils.  Seems like this bug has been out there a real long time...bump ?

nosy: +zzzeek

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9924] sqlite3 SELECT does not BEGIN a transaction, but should according to spec

2010-09-22 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com:

Copying this bug from the pysqlite tracker, at 
http://code.google.com/p/pysqlite/issues/detail?id=21 , as the issue has been 
opened for two days with no reply. (side node - should sqlite3 bugs be reported 
here or on the pysqlite tracker ?)  The text below was originally written by 
Randall Nortman:

Pysqlite does not open a transaction in the database until a DML statement is 
encountered (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE).  A DQL (SELECT) statement will not 
cause a transaction to be opened if one is not already opened.  This is the 
documented behavior, but it is not what is intended by the spec (PEP 249).  The 
spec intends a transaction to always be open (per the spec author), and this is 
what happens in other DB-API drivers.  For more information, see the this 
DB-SIG mailing list post (by the PEP 249 author):


For additional background, see this thread on the SQLAlchemy mailing list, 
which is the source of the attached test case:


What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. See attached test case.  Run it as is, and the final conn1.commit() 
statement will complete successfully.
2. Uncomment the c2.execute(BEGIN) line and run again; this time 
conn1.commit() hangs until a timeout, then a Database is locked error is 

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

The BEGIN should be issued implicitly, and even without doing it explicitly, 
the commit should block and then return the DB locked error.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?

Python 2.6.6 with its built-in sqlite3 module, on Debian Squeeze x86.

import sqlite3
import os

if os.path.exists(file.db):

conn1 = sqlite3.connect(file.db)

c1 = conn1.cursor()

c1.execute(PRAGMA read_uncommitted=SERIALIZABLE)

c1.execute(create table foo (id integer primary key, data varchar(30)))
c1.execute(insert into foo(id, data) values (1, 'data1'))

c1 = conn1.cursor()
c1.execute(select * from foo where id=1)
row1 = c1.fetchone()

conn2 = sqlite3.connect(file.db)
c2 = conn2.cursor()

c2.execute(PRAGMA read_uncommitted=SERIALIZABLE)

# sqlite3 should be doing this automatically.
# when called, conn1's commit blocks
c2.execute(select * from foo where id=1)
row2 = c2.fetchone()

c1 = conn1.cursor()
c1.execute(update foo set data='data2')

print About to commit conn1...

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 117167
nosy: zzzeek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: sqlite3 SELECT does not BEGIN a transaction, but should according to spec
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.5, Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9924] sqlite3 SELECT does not BEGIN a transaction, but should according to spec

2010-09-22 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com added the comment:

My own comment here is that I'm supposing the late BEGIN behavior is to cut 
down on SQLite's file locking.I think a way to maintain that convenience 
for most cases, while allowing the stricter behavior that makes SERIALIZABLE 
isolation worthwhile, would be an option to sqlite3.connect() that moves the 
implicit BEGIN to before any DQL, not just DML, statement.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9405] crash when calling urllib.getproxies() under OSX with subprocess / particular memory usage

2010-08-09 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com added the comment:

Yeah we are fine if I build the release2.7-maint branch.Also just noticed 
that this bug prevents really basic things, like using urllib2 from a Pylons 
application that's running in daemon mode.  Pretty major, though unusual that 
I have some colleagues who don't have the issue with 2.6.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9405] crash when calling urllib.getproxies() under OSX with subprocess / particular memory usage

2010-07-28 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com:

I'm not optimistic that this will be reproducible elsewhere.   I get a silent 
failure with 2.6 and a crash dialog with 2.7 with the following script.   All 
elements are necessary, although the pkg_resources import may be arbitrary, 
and reproduces if it comes from the latest setuptools or if it comes from 
Distribute.I've attached the crash report generated by OSX in the event 
that someone knows how to interpret it.   The script fails for me every time, 
though not for other people I've had test.

import pkg_resources

import urllib
import multiprocessing

def sub():
print about to call getproxies !
print getproxies has completed !

process = multiprocessing.Process(target=sub)

print hi!


Process: Python [79964]
Identifier:  Python
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type:   X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  Python [79963]

Date/Time:   2010-07-28 17:24:19.281 -0400
OS Version:  Mac OS X 10.6.4 (10F569)
Report Version:  6

Interval Since Last Report:  1137309 sec
Crashes Since Last Report:   87
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   86
Anonymous UUID:  848E03B6-EF61-45EA-9BB7-BF9E584CC670

Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0104
Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue: CFMachPort

Thread 0 Crashed:  Dispatch queue: CFMachPort
0   libSystem.B.dylib   0x94419bdd _dispatch_wakeup + 91
1   libSystem.B.dylib   0x9454a1f2 
_dispatch_queue_push_list_slow + 37
2   libSystem.B.dylib   0x94419c22 _dispatch_wakeup + 160
3   libSystem.B.dylib   0x944196e6 _dispatch_source_create2 + 
4   libSystem.B.dylib   0x94419278 
dispatch_source_timer_create_f + 286
5   libSystem.B.dylib   0x94419158 dispatch_source_timer_create 
+ 81
6   com.apple.CoreFoundation0x92fde72a 
___CFMachPortCreateWithPort2_block_invoke_1 + 762
7   libSystem.B.dylib   0x944190c3 dispatch_barrier_sync_f + 78
8   libSystem.B.dylib   0x94418f9d dispatch_sync + 48
9   com.apple.CoreFoundation0x92fde350 _CFMachPortCreateWithPort2 + 
10  com.apple.CoreFoundation0x92fe5e1c CFMachPortCreate + 204
11  com.apple.CoreFoundation0x92fe5c39 _CFXNotificationCenterCreate 
+ 281
12  com.apple.CoreFoundation0x92fe5ad6 
_CFXNotificationGetHostCenter + 86
13  com.apple.CoreFoundation0x92feb432 
__CFXPreferencesGetSourceForTriplet + 354
14  com.apple.CoreFoundation0x92fea6ad 
__CFXPreferencesGetSearchListForBundleID + 205
15  com.apple.CoreFoundation0x92fea555 CFPreferencesCopyAppValue + 
16  com.apple.SystemConfiguration   0x90fc7348 SCDynamicStoreCopyProxies + 
17  _scproxy.so 0x00746e31 get_proxies + 33
18  org.python.python   0x000ca2b3 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 20419
19  org.python.python   0x000cbc88 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 27032
20  org.python.python   0x000cbc88 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 27032
21  org.python.python   0x000cc4ba PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 2042
22  org.python.python   0x00041ca2 function_call + 162
23  org.python.python   0xf375 PyObject_Call + 85
24  org.python.python   0x000c7d5b PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 10859
25  org.python.python   0x000cbc88 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 27032
26  org.python.python   0x000cbc88 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 27032
27  org.python.python   0x000cc4ba PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 2042
28  org.python.python   0x00041ca2 function_call + 162
29  org.python.python   0xf375 PyObject_Call + 85
30  org.python.python   0x00021c66 instancemethod_call + 422
31  org.python.python   0xf375 PyObject_Call + 85
32  org.python.python   0x0007c8a7 slot_tp_init + 87
33  org.python.python   0x0007b2d0 type_call + 176
34  org.python.python   0xf375 PyObject_Call + 85
35  org.python.python   0x000c8ad6 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 14310
36  org.python.python   0x000cbc88 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 27032
37  org.python.python   0x000cc4ba PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 2042
38  org.python.python   0x000cc647 PyEval_EvalCode + 87
39  org.python.python   0x000f0ae8 PyRun_FileExFlags + 168
40  org.python.python   0x000f1a23 PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags + 867
41  org.python.python   0x0010a42b Py_Main + 3163
42  org.python.python   0x1f82 0x1000 + 3970
43  org.python.python

[issue9405] crash when calling urllib.getproxies() under OSX with subprocess / particular memory usage

2010-07-28 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com added the comment:

right...so I would propose the function calls in question emit a warning or 
something when called in a child process.   this would save lots of people many 
hours of grief.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9269] Cannot pickle self-referencing sets

2010-07-15 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com added the comment:

where is it defined that sets are not supposed to contain mutable items?   
such a requirement vastly limits the usefulness of sets.

Consider that relational database rows are mutable.  A result set containing 
multiple rows which each have a primary key comprises a set, hashed on primary 
key.  But other attributes of each row can be updated.   Surely this is not 
controversial ?  What Python data structure should I (and a whole bunch of 
Python ORMs) be using to represent mutable, relational database rows, unordered 
and unique on primary key, in memory ?


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9269] Cannot pickle self-referencing sets

2010-07-15 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com added the comment:

OK, more specifically, here's the kind of situation where items in a set are 

company = Session.query(Company).first()

# company.employees is a set()

# each employee references the parent company
for e in company.employees:
assert e.company is company

So nothing is mutated relationally in this case.   It's just a plain old 
bidirectional structure.If two objects are related via many-to-many, then 
you might have a set in both directions.   I'm not sure if this specific 
situation produces the pickle bug, however, it's been awhile since I've seen 
which specific case causes the problem.   But there are mutable items in a set 
in these examples and it doesn't seem unreasonable to me.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7922] Python 3's 2to3 does not handle non-ascii source files

2010-02-12 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com:

given the following Python 2 source file:

# -*- encoding: utf-8

print 'bien mangé'

It can be converted to Python 3 using 2's 2to3 tool:

classic$ 2to3 test.py
 ... omitted ...
--- test.py (original)
+++ test.py (refactored)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 # -*- encoding: utf-8
-print 'bien mangé'
+print('bien mangé')

However that of Python 3.1.1 fails:

classic$ 2to3-3.1 test.py
   ... omitted ...
--- test.py (original)
+++ test.py (refactored)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 # -*- encoding: utf-8
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/local/bin/2to3-3.1, line 6, in module
 line 159, in main
 line 616, in refactor
items, write, doctests_only)
 line 276, in refactor
self.refactor_file(dir_or_file, write, doctests_only)
 line 656, in refactor_file
*args, **kwargs)
 line 332, in refactor_file
write=write, encoding=encoding)
 line 432, in processed_file
self.print_output(old_text, new_text, filename, equal)
 line 64, in print_output
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xe9' in position 
17: ordinal not in range(128)

components: 2to3 (2.x to 3.0 conversion tool)
messages: 99298
nosy: zzzeek
severity: normal
status: open
title: Python 3's 2to3 does not handle non-ascii source files
type: crash
versions: Python 3.1

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue7922] Python 3's 2to3 does not handle non-ascii source files

2010-02-12 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com added the comment:

yes, its handled:

WARNING: couldn't encode test.py's diff for your terminal

is that fix specific to 2to3 or is that just how print works in 3.2 ?


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[issue6245] Add intel universal architecture on OSX

2009-08-29 Thread mike bayer

Changes by mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com:

nosy: +zzzeek

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue998998] pickle bug - recursively memoizing class?

2009-05-30 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com added the comment:

im noticing my test case seems to work fine in py 3.0.1.   haven't
tested 2.6.2.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6149] WeakValueDictionary constructor ported to Python 3.0 incorrectly

2009-05-30 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com:

The constructor for WeakValueDictionary does not obey the contract
documented in its comments:

# We inherit the constructor without worrying about the input
# dictionary; since it uses our .update() method, we get the right
# checks 

yet it initializes with:

   self.data = d = {}
   d.update(*args, **kw)

i.e. the update() method of dict, so that a dict passed to the
constructor initializes non-weakrefed values in the dict which is
completely invalid state.

Contrast to that of 2.6, which properly uses the superclass:

UserDict.UserDict.__init__(self, *args, **kw)

A simple test which raises an exception on 3.0.1 is as follows:

import weakref

class Foo(object):

mydict = dict((k, Foo()) for k in range(10))

w = weakref.WeakValueDictionary(mydict)

assert w[5]

messages: 88577
nosy: zzzeek
severity: normal
status: open
title: WeakValueDictionary constructor ported to Python 3.0 incorrectly
versions: Python 3.0

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue6149] WeakValueDictionary constructor ported to Python 3.0 incorrectly

2009-05-30 Thread mike bayer

Changes by mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com:

components: +Library (Lib)
type:  - crash

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5331] multiprocessing hangs when Pool used within Process

2009-02-20 Thread mike bayer

New submission from mike bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com:

this occurs for me running on Mac OSX Leopard.   The equivalent code
using processing in python 2.5 works fine, which is how I found this
bug - my code hung when upgraded to 2.6.Basically initiating a
multiprocessing.Pool inside of multiprocessing.Process hangs the
application.  Below is code which illustrates the issue on both py2.6
and py3.0:

from multiprocessing import Pool, Process
import sys

def f(x):
return x*x

def go():
pool = Pool(processes=4)  
x = pool.map(f, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
sys.stdout.write(result: %s\n % x)

def go2():
x = map(f, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
sys.stdout.write(result: %s\n % x)

# pool alone, fine

# process alone, fine
p = Process(target=go2)

# use both, hangs
p = Process(target=go)

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 82534
nosy: zzzeek
severity: normal
status: open
title: multiprocessing hangs when Pool used within Process
type: crash
versions: Python 2.6, Python 3.0

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue998998] pickle bug - recursively memoizing class?

2008-12-06 Thread mike bayer

mike bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] added the comment:

This bug can be reproduced very easily:

import pickle

class MyClass(object):

m = MyClass()
m2 = MyClass()

s = set([m])
m.foo = set([m2])
m2.foo = s

print pickle.dumps(s)

This bug is critical as the pure-python pickle module is required when
trying to remove warnings in -3 mode with Python 2.6, which is something
that will be very common in the near future.   It's easily reproducible
with simplistic object cycles like that of the above, in 2.5, 2.6 and
3.0 at least.

nosy: +zzzeek

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