[issue33011] Embedded 3.6.4 distribution does not add script parent as sys.path[0]

2018-03-06 Thread Cong Monkey

Change by Cong Monkey <congzhan...@gmail.com>:

components: +Windows
nosy: +paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
type:  -> behavior

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33011] Embedded 3.6.4 distribution does not add script parent as sys.path[0]

2018-03-06 Thread Cong Monkey

New submission from Cong Monkey <congzhan...@gmail.com>:

Embedded 3.6.0 distribution does not insert script parent in sys.path[0], but 
the normal python do it.

this make some failed, like when I try to do pip install future, it will failed 
as import src.future failed, which works for normal python.

The root source maybe when python36._pth exist, python rewrite the flag and 
mark as isolate mode automate, which will not update sys.path when 

I use a trick which is really bad as a work around(and even when site .main the 
sys.argv is not ready!), and hope upstream will fix the root source.

===begin in my usercustomize.py:
import sys

import pathlib

class DummyImportHook(object):

def __init__(self, *args):

self.is_script_path_to_sys_path_be_done = False


def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):

# print(f'{DummyImportHook.__name__} trigger {sys.argv if hasattr(sys, 
"argv") else ""} ')

if not self.is_script_path_to_sys_path_be_done and hasattr(sys, 'argv'):

if sys.argv[0] is not None:

# print(f'{DummyImportHook.__name__}:argv is {sys.argv}')

path_obj = pathlib.Path(sys.argv[0])

# #if path_obj.exists():

# print(f'{DummyImportHook.__name__}:I am try to add 
{str(path_obj.parent)} to sys.path')

sys.path.insert(0, str(path_obj.parent))

print(f'{DummyImportHook.__name__}:current sys.path is 


self.is_script_path_to_sys_path_be_done = True


return None


print(f'{DummyImportHook.__name__}:auto script path to sys.path hook load!')

#sys.meta_path = [DummyImportHook()]


===end in my usercustomize.py:
===begin in my python36._pth
# Uncomment to run site.main() automatically
import site
===end in my python36._pth

BTW, where is Embedded distribution package script in python git repo?

messages: 313316
nosy: Cong Monkey
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Embedded 3.6.4 distribution does not add script parent as sys.path[0]
versions: Python 3.6

Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org>
Python-bugs-list mailing list

py2exe with python 3.x

2012-11-05 Thread Monkey
i wonderd if there is a way to convert a py-file to a exe-file with version 3.x 
of python.

I know that it was possible till version 2.7.x. But is there a way to do it in 
version 3.x?

Yours sincerely,

CDA conversion

2008-01-31 Thread Sick Monkey
Good evening.  I am trying to write an application in Python that will allow
a person to insert a CD into their computer and this python script will
convert the music to mp3.

NOTE:  I have already google'd this, and nothing really pops out at me.  I
found tons of applications that does this, but I am trying to write this
myself (as a little project).

Does anyone know a good site that I can find some pointers on getting

The machine that this will run on is running Linux and has Python 2.5.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


WXPython - Using inline images

2008-01-01 Thread Sick Monkey
I have a question about WXPython and using inline images.  The code that I
have included into this email comes from the following URL:

As you can see from the code below, that this application will take an
inline JPG image, and will create a local copy of the image called
zzz777.jpg.  Is there anyway WXPython can just use the inline image without
having to create a physical copy?  I know this can be done in TKinter using
inline gifs, but was wondering if anyone knew of a clever way to do this in

import wx
import cStringIO
import base64





jpg1 = base64.b64decode(BG_Egypt_jpg_b64)
# save the image to a file ...
# (couldn't figure out any other way to use with wx.Bitmap)
tile_file = zzz777.jpg
fout = open(tile_file, wb)

self.bmp1 = wx.Bitmap(tile_file)
wx.EVT_PAINT(self, self.on_paint)

POP3 - Saving an image attachment only.

2007-08-27 Thread Sick Monkey
I wrote some code below (Code1 block) which will read a pop3 email account
and will open each email in the inbox.
What I want my code to do is only pull the attachment; as you see below I
basically output everything.  Is there an easy way to just pull
attachments?  (NOTE, the only attachements that I want to pull are images)
I also tried this, but for some reason the part.get_filename Always equal

 msg = email.message_from_string(mstring)
 for part in msg.walk():
fn = part.get_filename()
if fn None:
   print im here

for email in items:
  id, size = string.split(email)
  resp, text, octets = server.retr(id)
  text = string.join(text, \n)
  file = StringIO.StringIO(text)
  message = rfc822.Message(file)
  print message.fp.read()

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by
njbrmotmta9.vzwpix.com id l7LIT1GZ008951

Some email text

Content-Type: image/jpeg;
Content-ID: 0815071408.jpg
Content-Location: 0815071408.jpg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64


Re: ImageMagick Issue

2007-05-31 Thread Sick Monkey

I ran into another slight problem.  And I attempted to fix it, but have not
been able to do so yet.  If a filename does not contain a space, then this
method works like a charm.  But if there is a space then the code throws a
nasty error.

import os
import subprocess
from os import *
imagefile = /somedir/images/david.huggins/Photo 1.jpg
cmdw = identify -format %w '+imagefile+'
cmdh = identify -format %h '+imagefile+'
pw = subprocess.Popen(cmdw.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=
ph = subprocess.Popen(cmdh.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=
w = pw.stdout.read().strip()
h = ph.stdout.read().strip()

identify: Unable to open file ('/somedir/images/david.huggins/Photo) [No
such file or directory].
identify: Unable to open file (1.jpg') [No such file or directory].
identify: Missing an image file name [No such file or directory].
identify: Unable to open file ('/somedir/images/david.huggins/Photo) [No
such file or directory].
identify: Unable to open file (1.jpg') [No such file or directory].
identify: Missing an image file name [No such file or directory].
Traceback (most recent call last):

On 5/31/07, Facundo Batista [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sick Monkey wrote:

 When I run the following command:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] david.huggins]# identify -format %w

From Python interpreter:

 cmd = identify -format %w test.jpg
 p = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=
 t = p.stdout.read()

From command line:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ identify -format %w test.jpg


.   Facundo
Blog: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog/
PyAr: http://www.python.org/ar/



ImageMagick Issue

2007-05-30 Thread Sick Monkey

I have the following:
OS = RedHat
ImagMagick installed.
Python v2.5
When I run the following command:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] david.huggins]# identify -format %w

I get the following result

However, when I try to set this value to a variable, ie
w= os.system(identify -format %w
print w

I get
TypeError: argument 1 must be string or read-only buffer, not int

NOTE:  This is coming from a Python Servlet Page.

As always, any input is GREATLY appreciated.



Re: py2exe compiling

2007-05-22 Thread Sick Monkey

Have you looked at the Tips and Tricks on Py2exe's website?

I believe this next link will help you add custom data to your app.


On 5/21/07, Pyro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have just finished my script and am ready to distrabute it. I am having
a little trouble using py2exe though.

here is what i have at the top of my file for imports:

import string, array, sgmllib, re, sys, cookielib, urllib2, random,
ConfigParser, time
from urllib2 import urlopen
from ClientForm import ParseResponse
from configobj import ConfigObj

Now, there are some other file attributes i need a bit of help with.

icon = nigel.ico
file name = name
file author = cody woolaver
file version = 0.1.3
file comments = uhhh, a comment ^^

Thanks for your help
~Cody Woolaver



interesting dict bug

2007-05-19 Thread Sick Monkey

Here is a segment of some code that I have.
  print filename
  params2 =
  print params2

{'password': u'XXX', 'id3year': '2002', 'id3album': 'album, 'id3title':
'Lose Yourself', 'filename': u'01.mp3', 'uname': u'', 'id3genre':
'Soundtrack', 'id3artist': 'Eminem', 'filesToUpload': open file
u'/Users/ozdon/Music/test2/01-eminemhhh.mp3', mode 'rb' at 0x106a5c0,
'id3track': 'Unknown'}
Does anyone know how the random   u'  is getting into the params2 or know
how to around this?

I am using Python 2.5 on MacOSX.

Re: interesting dict bug

2007-05-19 Thread Sick Monkey

Ahhh thank you so much!
I just added a .encode('utf-8') to the variables causing problems and that
resolved my issue.

Much appreciated!


On 5/19/07, Jeff McNeil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Filename is a unicode string. See
http://www.diveintopython.org/xml_processing/unicode.html or

Python 2.5 (r25:51918, Sep 19 2006, 08:49:13)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5341)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 s = string

You're not seeing the 'u' in the 'print filename' line as it isn't
actually part of the data.  You will see it in the 'print params2'
output, though, as I believe it relies on the string object's __repr__
function, which will include the unicode specifier.


On 5/19/07, Sick Monkey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is a segment of some code that I have.
print filename
params2 =

print params2
 {'password': u'XXX', 'id3year': '2002', 'id3album': 'album, 'id3title':
 'Lose Yourself', 'filename': u'01.mp3', 'uname': u'', 'id3genre':
 'Soundtrack', 'id3artist': 'Eminem', 'filesToUpload': open file
 u'/Users/ozdon/Music/test2/01- eminemhhh.mp3', mode 'rb' at 0x106a5c0,
 'id3track': 'Unknown'}
 Does anyone know how the random   u'  is getting into the params2 or
 how to around this?

 I am using Python 2.5 on MacOSX.



wxpython - button question

2007-05-18 Thread Sick Monkey

I have the following code which will basically take an image file and create
a bitmap image.  I am having one problem though in that there is a white
border around the image.  Does anyone know how to take that off?

   imageFile2 = image.png
   image2 = wx.Image(imageFile2, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY).ConvertToBitmap()
   self.button2 = wx.BitmapButton(self, id=-1, bitmap=image2,
   pos=(10, 140), size = (image2.GetWidth()-2, image2.GetHeight()))
   self.button2.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.button2Click)

Re: file uploader

2007-05-13 Thread Sick Monkey

I never heard a response back concerning my previous question, so I decided
to write my own function.  If anyone has a simpler way of checking to see if
a file already exists (prior to uploading to a server) and renaming it,
please let me know.

Here is the code that I am using (it runs exactly the same as the linux app

import os,string
filename = whoa.mp3
dir_path = /u01/
i = 0
while os.path.exists(dir_path+filename):
 #filename=string.replace(filename, .-0,.-1)
 if i == 0:
filename = %s.-%s % (filename,i)
t = i-1
filename=string.replace(filename,.-%s % (t),.-%s % (i))
 i += 1

The directory contains the following files: whoa.mp3 and whoa.mp3.-0.
This code will output whoa.mp3.-1.

On 5/9/07, Sick Monkey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey guys.  I wanted to write a little desktop application that would
upload files to an external server, to a specific directory.

The desktop application is running on Mac OS X and I built a .psp script
that is running on a Red Hat server.
NOTE:  This application is written for Python 2.5 (both py and psp)

My code is giving me problems, in that it is overwriting files.  I was
wondering if anyone knew of a module or a method that would overcome this
dilemma.   I can adapt my program to search to see if the file existed
already in the directory and append a random string sequence to keep this
from occurring, but I do not want to reinvent the wheel (if such a thing
exists) and that would clutter up my program.  :)

Here is what I am currently using:

 fname = os.path.basename(uploadFile.filename)
 dir_path = /u01
 open(os.path.join(dir_path, fname), 'wb').write(uploadFile.file.read())

As always, any help is greatly appreciated.



Re: append

2007-05-10 Thread Sick Monkey


Yes there is a pop function.

An example that uses most of the list methods:

a = [66.25, 333, 333, 1, 1234.5]
print a.count(333), a.count(66.25), a.count('x')

2 1 0

a.insert(2, -1)

[66.25, 333, -1, 333, 1, 1234.5, 333]




[66.25, -1, 333, 1, 1234.5, 333]


[333, 1234.5, 1, 333, -1, 66.25]


[-1, 1, 66.25, 333, 333, 1234.5]

On 10 May 2007 10:02:26 -0700, HMS Surprise [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Trying not to be a whiner but I sure have trouble finding syntax in
the reference material. I want to know about list operations such as
append. Is there a pop type function? I looked in tutorial, language
reference, and lib for list, append, sequence. Is there a place where
us doofi ( who may not have our heads out in the sunlight) may find
all related syntax grouped together?





file uploader

2007-05-09 Thread Sick Monkey

Hey guys.  I wanted to write a little desktop application that would upload
files to an external server, to a specific directory.

The desktop application is running on Mac OS X and I built a .psp script
that is running on a Red Hat server.
NOTE:  This application is written for Python 2.5 (both py and psp)

My code is giving me problems, in that it is overwriting files.  I was
wondering if anyone knew of a module or a method that would overcome this
dilemma.   I can adapt my program to search to see if the file existed
already in the directory and append a random string sequence to keep this
from occurring, but I do not want to reinvent the wheel (if such a thing
exists) and that would clutter up my program.  :)

Here is what I am currently using:

fname = os.path.basename(uploadFile.filename)
dir_path = /u01
open(os.path.join(dir_path, fname), 'wb').write(uploadFile.file.read())

As always, any help is greatly appreciated.


Re: recursively removing files and directories

2007-04-09 Thread Sick Monkey

Here is some code that could be useful  It does not check the
directories for 0 files, but that shouldn't be too difficult to add.

from os import listdir, unlink
from os.path import isdir, isfile, islink, join, getmtime
deldir = C:\Some\Dir
delFileType = .txt# or You could use Regex.
# -
def del_entry(_name):
   if isdir(_name):
   print Do Nothing
   #print now
   unlink(_name) # or remove(_name)
   sys.stdout.write(Delete FILE %s\n % (_name))
   except IOError:
   sys.stderr.write(Cannot delete %s\n % (_name))
# -
def list_dir(_dir,_action):
   if not isdir(_dir):
   print %s is not a directory % (_dir)
   for file in listdir(_dir):
   path = join(_dir, file)
   if isdir(path):
   list_dir(path, _action)
   # isfile() or islink()
   if path.rfind(delFileType) != -1:
   #print path
# Run it
list_dir(deldir, del_entry)

On 9 Apr 2007 11:44:10 -0700, bahoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I found a message on Jan 16, 2006 regarding the same topic, except
that I wanted to remove only certain files that satisfy the format
ABC_XXX_XXX.dat, but not the other files.  Once the files are
removed, if a folder becomes empty, I want to remove the folder as

The solution to the Jan 16 2006 message required many lines of python
code.  I was wondering if there is a simpler solution to my problem at
hand, perhaps by using more specialized functions?




Re: Looping issues

2007-04-05 Thread Sick Monkey

Try this.
NOTE:  The script below will compare lines of both files (even hidden
characters such as \n)...

def fopen(fname):
   return open(fname, 'U')
   except IOError, detail:
   return fail(couldn't open  + fname + :  + str(detail))

f1 = fopen('file1.txt')
a = f1.readlines(); f1.close()
d1 = {}
for c in a:
 d1[c.lower()] = None
 #print d1
f2 = fopen('file2.txt')
data = f2.readlines(); f2.close()
for line in data:
 if d1.has_key( line ):
 print line


On 5 Apr 2007 11:01:09 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What I am trying to do is compare two files to each other.

If the 2nd file contains the same line the first file contains, I want
to print it. I wrote up the following code:

correct_settings = open(C:\Python25\Scripts\Output
current_settings = open(C:\Python25\Scripts\Output\output.txt,r)

for line in correct_settings:
for val in current_settings:
if val == line:
print line +  found.


For some reason this only looks at the first line of the
correct_settings.txt file. Any ideas as to how i can loop through each
line of the correct_settings file instead of just looking at the first?



Re: Looping issues

2007-04-05 Thread Sick Monkey

Ooops, Sorry I left .lower() out.

def fopen(fname):
   return open(fname, 'U')
   except IOError, detail:
   return fail(couldn't open  + fname + :  + str(detail))

f1 = fopen('file1.txt')
a = f1.readlines(); f1.close()
d1 = {}
for c in a:
 d1[c.lower()] = None
 #print d1
f2 = fopen('file2.txt')
data = f2.readlines(); f2.close()
for line in data:
 if d1.has_key( line.lower() ):
 print line

On 4/5/07, Sick Monkey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Try this.
NOTE:  The script below will compare lines of both files (even hidden
characters such as \n)...

def fopen(fname):
return open(fname, 'U')
except IOError, detail:
return fail(couldn't open  + fname + :  + str(detail))

f1 = fopen('file1.txt ')
a = f1.readlines(); f1.close()
d1 = {}
for c in a:
  d1[c.lower()] = None
  #print d1
f2 = fopen('file2.txt')
data = f2.readlines(); f2.close()
for line in data:
  if d1.has_key( line ):
  print line


On 5 Apr 2007 11:01:09 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 What I am trying to do is compare two files to each other.

 If the 2nd file contains the same line the first file contains, I want
 to print it. I wrote up the following code:

 correct_settings = open(C:\Python25\Scripts\Output
 current_settings = open(C:\Python25\Scripts\Output\output.txt,r)

 for line in correct_settings:
 for val in current_settings:
 if val == line:
 print line +  found.


 For some reason this only looks at the first line of the
 correct_settings.txt file. Any ideas as to how i can loop through each
 line of the correct_settings file instead of just looking at the first?



Re: Cascading ifs

2007-04-05 Thread Sick Monkey

If it is just the indentation that is bothering you, you could do this:

match = test
if match == 1:
   print 1
elif match == 2:
   print 2
elif match == test:
   print test

On 4/2/07, Ernesto García García [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi experts,

How would you do this without the more and more indenting cascade of ifs?:

match = my_regex.search(line)
if match:
   match = my_regex2.search(line)
   if match:
 match = my_regex3.search(line)
 if match:


Thanks in advance and regards,


Re: Python shell on mac os x

2007-03-15 Thread Sick Monkey

I use iTerm and it took me a while to get use to it as well.  All you have
to do is go to  Bookmarks- Manage Profiles Then expand Terminal Profiles
-Default and then for type select linux.

You may have to restart iTerm, but you will be able to do everything you can
in linux.

Let me know if that does not help and I will look further.

Take care.

.dave huggins
aka sicksickmonkey

On 3/15/07, Greg Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 15 Mar 2007 14:56:13 -0700, Bert Heymans [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is your python built with readline support?

Also, you might check out iPython.

Greg Donald


Re: Python Eggs on Cygwin

2007-03-15 Thread Sick Monkey

Just by looking at the permission denied error, when you loaded the
MySQLdb module, were you using a specific user (is it owned by a specific

On 15 Mar 2007 17:33:29 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm trying to use MySQL Python module on Cygwin.  Since there is no
binary package, I compiled MySQL C client library and Python module
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python) manually.

But when I was trying to load MySQLdb module, following errors

 import MySQLdb
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File build/bdist.cygwin-1.5.22-i686/egg/MySQLdb/__init__.py, line
19, in ?
  File build/bdist.cygwin-1.5.22-i686/egg/_mysql.py, line 7, in ?
  File build/bdist.cygwin-1.5.22-i686/egg/_mysql.py, line 6, in
ImportError: Permission denied

This seems to be Eggs/Cygwin problem.  Is there any solution?


Kazu Nisimura



Re: Readline()

2007-03-12 Thread Sick Monkey

Maybe if you show us your code we can better assist you.

But maybe you can use a global variable or a try-catch method to keep
threads from staying alive and help better control your code.

On 3/12/07, Taylor, Stuart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have been working on running an external process using subprocess.popenfor a 
few days.
The process is ran over the network to another machine.
One thing I have found is that if I perform readline() on the stdout it
will hang if the process loses connection.

I have tried a few things in a test example: one is to use stdin.writethen
stdin.flush() which send a string that readline() will read and it ends
correctly but doesn't work on the project I need it to work on. Another is
to try using threads and ignoar the thread when  the process has lost
connection but this still leaves the open thread alive even when the main
app has finished.

I am relatively new to python and I may be making a fundemantal mistake in
my implementation, can anyone please inform me of whether sticking with
subprocess.popen and readline() is the correct procedure for this sort of

And if anyone can point me in the correct implementation of this problem I
would be gratefull.

Thank you




Re: making an executable for a python code (newbie)

2007-03-10 Thread Sick Monkey

You will probably want to read this documentation:

Look carefully at the following sections on the documentation:
Building the runtime environment and Spec File and Spec File - EXE

http://pyinstaller.hpcf.upr.edu/docs/Manual_v1.1.html#id4On 3/10/07,
Sawant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i have some python scripts (especially, PyQt4 scripts) that i want to
deploy on both linux and windows m/c's. different packaging tools that
i checked (cx_freeze, distutils, pyinstaller) allow me to create
installers. however, i'm interested in creating executables that
allow the code to be run just on double clicking. is there any way
to get this done?
also, it seems that pyexe creates a windows executable, but how do i
use it on linux?

thanks for all the help!


Re: SQLAlchemy and Oracle Functions?

2007-03-08 Thread Sick Monkey

Helpful Links


Replace the data types as appropriate.

v_Vars = v_Cursor.setinputsizes(p_Result = cx_Oracle.NUMBER)
 :p_Result := sch.pkg.myfunction(:p_Param1, :p_Param2, :p_Param3);
   p_Param1 = 1,
   p_Param2 = Some string,
   p_Param3 = A different string)
print Result:, v_Vars[p_Result].getvalue()

On 8 Mar 2007 13:11:00 -0800, Greg Copeland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have  a need to call an Oracle function, which is not the same thing
as a stored procedure.  Can SQLAlchemy do this directly?  Indirectly?
If so, an example would be appreciated.  If not, how do I obtain the
raw cx_Oracle cursor so I can use that directly?





Re: What is the best way to upgrade python?

2007-03-08 Thread Sick Monkey

Have you tried to upgrade the current python RPM?

rpm -Uvh 

You can also build from source.  Once you get Python 2.4 up and running I am
pretty sure you can do a symbolic link on the python 2.3 application (either
in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin) and point it to the 2.4 python file.

On 8 Mar 2007 13:13:13 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


i am using red hat enterprise 4. It has python 2.3 installed. What is
the best way to upgrade to python 2.4?

I think one way is to compile python 2.4 from the source, but I can't
remove the old one since when i do 'rpm -e python', i get error like
'failed dependencies'.

Thank you for any idea.



Re: What is the best way to upgrade python?

2007-03-08 Thread Sick Monkey

Yeah, sorry I should have added more data.
You will need to go to rhn.redhat.com and either download the RPM or get the

So you would do:
(1) download the rpm to your home directory
rpm -Uvh nameOfRPM

(2) grab the url
rpm -Uvh http://urlOfRPM

either way should update your python.   Dont be distressed if you need to
update or install new RPMs.

On 3/8/07, ying lcs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 3/8/07, Sick Monkey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have you tried to upgrade the current python RPM?

 rpm -Uvh 

 You can also build from source.  Once you get Python 2.4 up and running
I am
 pretty sure you can do a symbolic link on the python 2.3 application
 in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin) and point it to the 2.4 python file.

I get '$rpm -Uvh python'
error: open of python failed: no such file or directory

but when I do '$rpm -q python ' , I get python -2.3.4-14.1

 On 8 Mar 2007 13:13:13 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  i am using red hat enterprise 4. It has python 2.3 installed. What is
  the best way to upgrade to python 2.4?
  I think one way is to compile python 2.4 from the source, but I can't
  remove the old one since when i do 'rpm -e python', i get error like
  'failed dependencies'.
  Thank you for any idea.


Re: py2exe: LoadLibrary(pythondll) failed

2007-03-03 Thread Sick Monkey

(1)  You may want to read the following links:

which came from:

Here is another good resource for py2exe:

(2) Also, you maybe interested in PyInstaller which can wrap up everything
in one functioning exe.

Single file: build a single executable file, totally self-contained, which
runs without any external dependency.

On 3 Mar 2007 10:37:19 -0800, zxo102 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there,
   I py2exe my test.py  as test.exe with a lot of dll and pyc in that
directory. If I move the test.exe into another directory and run it
from there, it gives me an error  LoadLibrary(pythondll) failed...
python24.dll.  How can I set it up correctly for this test.exe to
run?   Thanks.




Python win32 tools

2007-03-01 Thread Sick Monkey

I am trying to build a python program that will reset a user's account
(password) on a windows machine (NOTE: my intention here is not to implement
anything malicious {and I know about Trinity which is very useful}, but I
just wanted a challenge and do it myself.).  I have been working with win32
objects and was wondering if this functionality was already built in.


Re: Py2EXE problem

2007-02-28 Thread Sick Monkey

Ok I found an extremely easy way to resolving this issue (I cannot believe I
did not think of it sooner).

After Py2exe created the .exe file I noticed a library.zip file.  I took a
look at the Py2exe output, and saw all of the libraries that it failed to
insert.  I copied all of the .pyc that my application needed and inserted
them in the email folder within the library.zip.  I fired up the
application and it worked like a champ.

On 2/27/07, Sick Monkey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Maybe this is not the board to post this, but hopefully with all of the
python experts out there maybe one of  you have encountered this.

I wrote an application that sends an email with an attachment.  When I run
it, it runs great with no issues what-so--ever.

When I thought I was finally finished, I created an executable file using

Now, when I run the application, I am getting the following error:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File Tkinter.pyc, line 1403, in __call__
  File Suppression.py, line 401, in startProc
  File Suppression.py , line 318, in emailInfo
  File email\__init__.pyc, line 79, in __getattr__
ImportError: No module named multipart
Any ideas on how to get around this one?


Re: Py2EXE problem

2007-02-28 Thread Sick Monkey

Awesome.  That is good to know.

On 2/28/07, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sick Monkey schrieb:
 Ok I found an extremely easy way to resolving this issue (I cannot
believe I
 did not think of it sooner).

 After Py2exe created the .exe file I noticed a library.zip file.  I
took a
 look at the Py2exe output, and saw all of the libraries that it failed
 insert.  I copied all of the .pyc that my application needed and
 them in the email folder within the library.zip.  I fired up the
 application and it worked like a champ.

Even easier would be to let py2exe include the whole email package.
One solution is to run
   'setup.py py2exe -p email'




Re: How to check for remaining hard drive space in Windows?

2007-02-28 Thread Sick Monkey

Here you are:

 from win32com.client import GetObject

wmiObj = GetObject(winmgmts:MGW01641\\root\\cimv2)
diskinfo = wmiObj.ExecQuery(Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk)
for disk in diskinfo:

...print disk.Name, disk.FreeSpace
A: None
C: 16978259968
D: None

On 28 Feb 2007 12:26:31 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I am new to Python and wanted to know how to check for the remaining
disk space on my Windows machine using Python? I was thinking of using
the command line dir and trying to extract the output from there.
But I'm not sure how to extract command line strings using Python

Anyway help would be appreciated. :)



Re: How to check for remaining hard drive space in Windows?

2007-02-28 Thread Sick Monkey

Sorry, I forgot to make a change.  You will need to change COMPUTER_NAME
 from win32com.client import GetObject

wmiObj = GetObject(winmgmts:COMPUTER_NAME\\root\\cimv2)
diskinfo = wmiObj.ExecQuery(Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk)
for disk in diskinfo:

...print disk.Name, disk.FreeSpace

On 28 Feb 2007 12:26:31 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I am new to Python and wanted to know how to check for the remaining
disk space on my Windows machine using Python? I was thinking of using
the command line dir and trying to extract the output from there.
But I'm not sure how to extract command line strings using Python

Anyway help would be appreciated. :)



Re: text wrapping help

2007-02-28 Thread Sick Monkey

I am not certain if I understand your problem, but I think you are just
trying to read in a string and create a visable matrix.  If that is true,
then may some of the code below will work.  This is in no way elegant.

count = 1
width = 2  #the width of your matrix
string=aa#input string to piece up
final=   #output string
for character in string:
 if count == width :
final = %s%s\n % (final,character)
count = 1
final = %s%s % (final,character)
count += 1
print final

On 28 Feb 2007 16:06:08 -0800, Ryan K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to text wrap a string but not using the textwrap module. I
have 24x9 matrix  and the string needs to be text wrapped according
to those dimensions. Is there a known algorithm for this? Maybe some
kind of regular expression? I'm having difficulty programming the
algorithm. Thanks,



Re: pyHook or SetWindowsHookEx

2007-02-28 Thread Sick Monkey

I have just gotten into pyHook, so I could be incredibly wrong, but I have
researched a lot into your problem.  (cuz I have the same question)

I think the python program has to be on the remote machine becuase from my
understanding pyHook just reads in the windows' keyboard driver.  And when
you remote desktop or VNC into another machine, i am pretty sure either
windows (for remote desktop) and vnc (the actual host program) controls the
key commands so the win objects would not work for remoting.

On 28 Feb 2007 09:46:20 -0800, abcd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:




Re: os.system and quoted strings

2007-02-27 Thread Sick Monkey

Do you mean:

import time, os
dir = C:\\Documents and Settings\\somepath\\
fileName = time.strftime(%d%m%Y)
finalname = %s%s.txt % (dir,fileName)
print finalname

C:\Documents and Settings\somepath\27022007.txt

On 27 Feb 2007 06:24:41 -0800, svata [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


as I'm new to python I've stumbled accros os.system and its not very
well documented usage.

I use Win XP Pro and Python 2.5.

Here is the code snippet:


import time
import os

dir = C:\\Documents and Settings\\somepath\\
fileName = time.strftime(%d%m%Y)
os.system('gvim dir+fileName+.txt')


The problem is that concatenated variable dir+fileName doesn't get
expanded as expected.

Is there anything I omitted?




Re: book for a starter

2007-02-27 Thread Sick Monkey

I personally would get Programming Python, Third Edition 

On 2/27/07, Wensui Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Good morning, all,

I just start learning python and have a question regarding books for a
newbie like me.
If you are only allowed to buy 1 python book, which one will you pick?

Thank you so much!


Special Characters

2007-02-27 Thread Sick Monkey

I have a quick question about handling values with special characters.

Lets say I have a file which contains:
Here is what I have for my code:
  f6 = open(fileAttached)
  msInfo = f6.readlines(); f6.close()
  varName = msInfo[0]
I am trying to connect to a mailserver, and it keeps failing.  My guess is
that the # sign messing up.  Is there anyway to encode that character?

Re: Special Characters

2007-02-27 Thread Sick Monkey

Sorry guys.  It has been a long day today.  There is no issues when dealing
with # in variables.  I found out that when I was reading the file, there
were additional blank spaces being appended to the value.

To correct the issue, I just had to dp
   varName = msInfo[0].strip()
   finName = varName.strip()

On 2/27/07, Sick Monkey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a quick question about handling values with special characters.

Lets say I have a file which contains:
Here is what I have for my code:
   f6 = open(fileAttached)
   msInfo = f6.readlines(); f6.close()
   varName = msInfo[0]
I am trying to connect to a mailserver, and it keeps failing.  My guess is
that the # sign messing up.  Is there anyway to encode that character?


Py2EXE problem

2007-02-27 Thread Sick Monkey

Maybe this is not the board to post this, but hopefully with all of the
python experts out there maybe one of  you have encountered this.

I wrote an application that sends an email with an attachment.  When I run
it, it runs great with no issues what-so--ever.

When I thought I was finally finished, I created an executable file using

Now, when I run the application, I am getting the following error:
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File Tkinter.pyc, line 1403, in __call__
 File Suppression.py, line 401, in startProc
 File Suppression.py, line 318, in emailInfo
 File email\__init__.pyc, line 79, in __getattr__
ImportError: No module named multipart
Any ideas on how to get around this one?

Re: getting info on remote files

2007-02-26 Thread Sick Monkey

You should use os.popen() instead of os.system.

os.popen() will return a file-like object that is connected to the stdout of
the system command; you can then use that object's read()/readlines()
method(s) to assign that output to a Python variable.


On 26 Feb 2007 12:54:39 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

hello everyone,

Im trying to write some python code that will return information (file
size, last modified ...) about files on a remote computer that I have
'no password' ssh access to.  Ive been able to write code that logs on
to remote computers and I can issue a command using,

os.system(ssh blah.blah.blah.org ls -l myfile)

but how do I store the information returned by the ls command into a
variable.  The primary goal of this is to
1. check file size on remote computer
2. scp file to local computer
3. make sure file size of copy and original are the same

any suggestions would be appreciated




Re: Walk thru each subdirectory from a top directory

2007-02-26 Thread Sick Monkey

I had a do something similar.  I had to get a program to traverse through a
directory and delete all files with a specific file extension.  (The program
below will delete files, so I do not recommend you running it without paying
close attention to it.)

This program will start at a given directory and will traverse thru the
subdirectories by using listdir.
#!/usr/bin/python -u

import sys, time
from os import listdir, unlink
from os.path import isdir, isfile, islink, join, getmtime
deldir = C:\some\Dir
delFileType = .txt
# -
def del_entry(_name):
   if isdir(_name):
   print This is a directory, do nothing.
   #print now
   unlink(_name) # or remove(_name)
   sys.stdout.write(Delete FILE %s\n % (_name))
   except IOError:
   sys.stderr.write(Cannot delete %s\n % (_name))
# -
def list_dir(_dir,_action):
   if not isdir(_dir):
   print %s is not a directory % (_dir)

   for file in listdir(_dir):
   path = join(_dir, file)
   if isdir(path):
   list_dir(path, _action)
   if path.rfind(delFileType) != -1:
   #print path
# -
# Run it
list_dir(deldir, del_entry)

On 26 Feb 2007 13:28:20 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

i am trying to use python to walk thru each subdirectory from a top
directory.  Here is my script:

savedPagesDirectory = /home/meryl/saved_pages/data

dir=open(savedPagesDirectory, 'r')

for file in dir:
if (isdir(file)):
# get the full path of the file
fileName = savedPagesDirectory + file + 'index.html'
print fileName

$ ./scripts/regressionTest.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./scripts/regressionTest.py, line 12, in ?
dir=open(savedPagesDirectory, 'r')
IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory

But I get the above error:

Can you please tell me what did I do wrong?

Thank you.



Re: Python Threads

2007-02-22 Thread Sick Monkey
   You must upload host email list.

 method = 'failed'
 print ERROR!  You need to upload host email address
   elif f2name =='' and f3name == '':
 tkMessageBox.showerror (
   Open file,
   You must upload another document to compare host list.

 method = 'failed'

 print ERROR!  You need to upload another file
 thread.start_new_thread(fetchFiles, (f1name,f2name,f3name,))
 global threadStat
 while threadStat == 0: pass

def openMax():
   a = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
   listName[0] = a

def openEmail():
   b = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
   listName[1] = b

def openDomain():
   c = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
   listName[2] = c


main = Tk()
bframe = Frame(main)
main.title(Suppression Utility)

b1 = Button(bframe,text='Host Email List',command=openMax)
b2 = Button(bframe,text='Email List',command=openEmail)
b3 = Button(bframe,text='Domain List',command=openDomain)
b4 = Button(text='Start Processing',command=startProc)



Dave Huggins

On 2/18/07, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

En Sun, 18 Feb 2007 23:37:02 -0300, Sick Monkey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Well if this cannot be done, can a thread call a function in the main
 I have been trying and have not been successive.  Perhaps I am using

The safe way to pass information between threads is to use Queue. From
inside the working thread, you put() an item with enough state
information. On the main (GUI) thread, you use after() to check for any
data in the queue, and then update the interfase accordingly.
I think there is a recipe in the Python Cookbook

Gabriel Genellina



Re: Regd. converting seconds to hh:mm:ss format

2007-02-20 Thread Sick Monkey

Do you mean epoch time?  if so, the below example would work.

import time,datetime
t = datetime.datetime.now()
print t

2007-02-20 13:09:34.851000

print Epoch Seconds:, time.mktime(t.timetuple())

Epoch Seconds: 1171994974.0

# go the other way

epochtime = 1171994974
now = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(epochtime)
print now

2007-02-20 13:09:34

On 2/20/07, Vishal Bhargava [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there an inbuilt library in Python which you can use to convert time in
seconds to hh:mm:ss format?



Re: Python Threads

2007-02-19 Thread Sick Monkey

Great, thanks for the tip Gabriel!

On 2/18/07, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

En Sun, 18 Feb 2007 23:37:02 -0300, Sick Monkey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Well if this cannot be done, can a thread call a function in the main
 I have been trying and have not been successive.  Perhaps I am using

The safe way to pass information between threads is to use Queue. From
inside the working thread, you put() an item with enough state
information. On the main (GUI) thread, you use after() to check for any
data in the queue, and then update the interfase accordingly.
I think there is a recipe in the Python Cookbook

Gabriel Genellina



Python Threads

2007-02-18 Thread Sick Monkey

Is there anyway to get 2 python threads to talk to one another?

I have a GUI which is spawning a thread to make a large calculation (that
way the GUI does not appear to be non responsive).  I am trying to attach a
progress bar to the threaded action.  As the thread is calculating data, I
would like it to communicate with the other (progress) thread to update it.

On windows, when I spawn the progress bar without using threads, the
progress bar stalls  this does not happen on linux.  So I thought by
spawning the progress bar by using a thread, it would not stall...  If
anyone can think of another technique I am all ears.

def progressBar(status):
   mroot = Tkinter.Tk(className='Worker Bee')
   metric = Meter(mroot, relief='ridge', bd=3)
   metric.set(status, 'Starting ...')

def fetchFiles(file1,file2,file3):
  method = ''
  print file1
  print file2
  print file3
  f1 = fopen(file1)
  a = f1.readlines(); f1.close()
  d1 = {}
  for c in a:
 for m in mailsrch.findall(c):
d1[m.lower()] = None

  I Would like to  Update the progress bar running in the other thread
  ## set status = .33 and update progress bar.
  if file2 == '':

def startProc():
 status = 0
 thread.start_new_thread(fetchFiles, (f1name,f2name,f3name,))
 thread.start_new_thread(progressBar, (status,))


Re: Python Threads

2007-02-18 Thread Sick Monkey

Well if this cannot be done, can a thread call a function in the main
I have been trying and have not been successive.  Perhaps I am using thread

On 2/18/07, Sick Monkey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there anyway to get 2 python threads to talk to one another?

I have a GUI which is spawning a thread to make a large calculation (that
way the GUI does not appear to be non responsive).  I am trying to attach a
progress bar to the threaded action.  As the thread is calculating data, I
would like it to communicate with the other (progress) thread to update it.

On windows, when I spawn the progress bar without using threads, the
progress bar stalls  this does not happen on linux.  So I thought by
spawning the progress bar by using a thread, it would not stall...  If
anyone can think of another technique I am all ears.

def progressBar(status):
mroot = Tkinter.Tk(className='Worker Bee')
metric = Meter(mroot, relief='ridge', bd=3)
metric.set(status, 'Starting ...')

def fetchFiles(file1,file2,file3):
   method = ''
   print file1
   print file2
   print file3
   f1 = fopen(file1)
   a = f1.readlines(); f1.close()
   d1 = {}
   for c in a:
  for m in mailsrch.findall(c):
 d1[m.lower()] = None

   I Would like to  Update the progress bar running in the other
thread here.
   ## set status = .33 and update progress bar.
   if file2 == '':

def startProc():
  status = 0
  thread.start_new_thread(fetchFiles, (f1name,f2name,f3name,))
  thread.start_new_thread(progressBar, (status,))



Another Dictionary Question

2007-02-08 Thread Sick Monkey

Hello All.

I have a question concerning searching data within dictionaries.

Lets say I have a dictionary called db.
db = {'[EMAIL PROTECTED]':'none', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]':'none', '[EMAIL 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]':'none',}

And I want to pull out all of the gmail.com addresses..  How would I do

NOTE:  I already have a regular expression to search for this, but I feel
that looping over a dictionary is not very efficient.

So I have:
domsrch = re.compile(r@(\S+))
listToLookFor = ['gmail.com']
db = {'[EMAIL PROTECTED]':'none', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]':'none', '[EMAIL 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]':'none',}

I wonder if there is a way to do something like
Psuedo code
for item in listToLookFor:
  if domsrch.findall(db.has_key( item )):
 print horray

NOTE:  I know the findall is for lists, but I dont know of an efficient way
to search for this in a dictionary.

Thanks in advance.

Dictionary/Hash question

2007-02-06 Thread Sick Monkey

Even though I am starting to get the hang of Python, I continue to find
myself finding problems that I cannot solve.
I have never used dictionaries before and I feel that they really help
improve efficiency when trying to analyze huge amounts of data (rather than
having nested loops).

Basically what I have is 2 different files containing data.  My program will
take the first line in one file and see if it exists in another file.  If it
does find a match, then it will write the data to a file.
Right now, the code will open file1 and store all contents in a list.  Then
it will do the same thing to file2.  THN it will loop over list1 and
insert into a Hash table.   I am trying to find out a way to make this code
more efficient.  SO here is what i would rather have.  when i open file1
send directly to the hash table totally bypassing the insertion of the
script..  Is this possible?

def fcompare(f1name, f2name):
   import re
   mailsrch = re.compile(r'[EMAIL PROTECTED],4}')
   f1 = fopen(f1name)
   f2 = fopen(f2name)
   if not f1 or not f2:
   return 0
   a = f1.readlines(); f1.close()
   b = f2.readlines(); f2.close()
   file1List= []
   print starting list 1
   for c in a:
   print storing File1 in dictionary.

   d1 = {}
   for item in file1List :
  d1[item] = None
 print finished storing information in lists.

  print starting list 2
  file2List = []
  for d in b:

   utp = open(match.txt,w)
   for item in file2List :
  if d1.has_key( item ) :
 utp.write(item +  '\n')

   #del file1List
   #del file2List
   print finished comparing 2 lists.
   #return 1

Re: Dictionary/Hash question

2007-02-06 Thread Sick Monkey

I have never seen this with open(fname,'r') as finput:

It is actually throwing an error .  Do I have to import a special library to
use this?

File dictNew.py, line 23
   with open(fname,'r') as finput:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
On 2/6/07, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

En Tue, 06 Feb 2007 20:31:17 -0300, Sick Monkey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Even though I am starting to get the hang of Python, I continue to find
 myself finding problems that I cannot solve.
 I have never used dictionaries before and I feel that they really help
 improve efficiency when trying to analyze huge amounts of data (rather
 having nested loops).

You are right, a list is not the right data structure in your case.
But a dictionary is a mapping from keys to values, and you have no values
to store.
In this case one should use a set: like a list, but without ordering, and
no duplicated elements.
Also, it's not necesary to read all lines at once, you can process both
files line by line. And since reading both files appears to be the same
thing, you can make a function:

def mailsfromfile(fname):
   result = set()
   with open(fname,'r') as finput:
 for line in finput:
   mails = some_regular_expression.findall(line)
   if mails:
   return result

mails1 = mailsfromfile(f1name)
mails2 = mailsfromfile(f2name)

for mail in mails1  mails2: #  = set intersection, mails present on both
   # write mail to output file

Gabriel Genellina



Re: Dictionary/Hash question

2007-02-06 Thread Sick Monkey

qualm after qualm.  Before you read this, my OS is Linux, up2date, and
minimal RAM (512).
On purpose becuase I want this app to run on anything.

I have 2 very good solutions  to this problem (AND I WANT TO THANK 'Gabriel
Genellina' AND 'Don Morrison' with comparing 2 LARGE files).
(LARGE means anywhere from 2MB to 800MB)

The files that my script needs to read in and interpret can contain anywhere
from 5 million lines to 65 million lines

I have attached 2 versions of code for you to analyze.
I am having issues with performance.

Instance 1:  dict_compare.py {which is attached}
Is awesome, in that I have read a file and stored it into a hash table, but
if you run it, the program decides to stall after writing all of the date.
NOTE:  once you receive the statement finished comparing 2 lists. the
file has actually finished processing within 1 minute, but the script
continues to run for additional minutes (10 additional minutes actually).
I dont know why

Instance 2: dictNew.py
Runs great but it is a little slower than Instance 1 (dict_compare.py).  BUT
NOTE: I was not yelling with the capitalization, but I am frustrated

Can anyone tell me why Intance1 takes so long to finish?  I love both
methods, but I cannot understand the timeframe differences.


Output Test1:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hash]# date
Tue Feb  6 21:23:52 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hash]# python dict_compare.py
starting list 2
finished storing information in lists.
storing File1 in dictionary.
finished comparing 2 lists.
Stopped processing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hash]# date
Tue Feb  6 21:36:14 EST 2007
Total:   Over 10 minutes

Output Test2:
Tue Feb  6 21:38:55 EST 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hash]# python dictNew.py
finished comparing 2 lists.
Stopped processing
[EMAIL PROTECTED] hash]# date
Tue Feb  6 21:40:36 EST 2007
Total: Less than 2 minutes

On 2/6/07, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

En Tue, 06 Feb 2007 22:18:07 -0300, Sick Monkey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have never seen this with open(fname,'r') as finput:

 It is actually throwing an error .  Do I have to import a special
 library to
 use this?

  File dictNew.py, line 23
 with open(fname,'r') as finput:
 SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Oh, sorry. You need two things:
- Python 2.5
- include this line at the very beginning of your script: from __future__
import with_statement

If you're using an earlier version, you can write:

   finput = open(fname,'r')

(Or just omit the try/finally and rely on the garbage collector, but it's
not the recommended practice, specially when external resources are
involved, like files).

Gabriel Genellina


Description: application/python

Description: application/python

Re: PYTHONPATH or any other way to set seachpath (winXP) ?

2007-02-03 Thread Sick Monkey

If you need to extend your PATH variable, I have used this in the past.
This should not require a reboot.
def AddSysPath(new_path):
   new_path = os.path.abspath(new_path)
   do = -1
   if os.path.exists(new_path):
   do = 1
   # check against all paths currently available
   for x in sys.path:
   x = os.path.abspath(x)
   if sys.platform == 'win32':
   x = x.lower()
   if new_path in (x, x + os.sep):
   do = 0
   # add path if we don't already have it
   if do:

   return do

On 2/3/07, Stef Mientki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is it possible to change the searchpath for modules on the flight,
under winXP ?
Most preferred is some command to extend the searchpath.
(the environment variable PYTHONPATH needs a reboot)

Stef Mientki


Re: Diff between opening files in 'r' and 'r+' mode

2007-01-30 Thread Sick Monkey

It was a little hard to follow your logic of your sample code (writing,
reading and writing again), but
(1)The difference between r and r+.
-  'r+' opens the file for both reading and writing.
-  'r' should be used when the file will only be read.

I am not sure on how you want to store the contents of the file, but I have
provided an example below. You could do something like this:
fileContent = open(fname, 'r')

a = fileContent.readlines(); fileContent.close()

print a


(2) If you are just going to read the file, then yes I would use just the
'r' argument.

On 30 Jan 2007 01:36:15 -0800, raghu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i want to know the difference between 'r' mode and 'r+' mode
1.i = open('c:\python25\integer.txt','w')for writiing
i.write('hai')-written some content in text file
i = open('c:\python25\integer.txt','r')for reading
print i.read()for printing the contents in that text file
i = open('c:\python25\integer.txt','w')--for writing
i.write('how')---?Rewrite the contents
print i.read()
[MY QUESTION]:i want to read the text file contents cant it be done by
giving (print i.read())?
Before going to next question [I deleted all the contents in the text

2.i = open('c:\python25\integer.txt','r+')-For reading and writing
  i.write('hai')-written some content  to text file
  print i.read()-{؆('c:\python25\integer.txt','w')
  i write('')
  print i.read()how')
  i = open('c:\python25\integer.txt','r')
  print i.read()
  i = open('c:\python25\integer.txt','w')
  i = open('c:\python25\integer.txt','r')
 print i.read() } ---Thats what i saw on
interpreter(In curly braces) when  i ran the script
[MY QUESTION]:1.from where the above in curly braces is printed?and i
have written only 'hai' to the text file
 2.Should i recall again the opening of the
file in 'r' mode to read the file?


Re: Synchronous shutil.copyfile()

2007-01-30 Thread Sick Monkey

First off, I am just learning Python, so if there is a more efficient way to
do this, then I am all ears   (NOTE:  The code below is something that I
was messing with to learn threads...  So some functionality is not
applicable for your needs..I just wanted to show you a demonstration)
One way that you could get around this, is to use threads.   You can lock
your thread and when the lock has been released, you could open it and
ensure your copy has succeeded.  Just a thought
import thread
def counter(myId, count):
for i in range(count):
   #Copy Your File Here

stdoutmutex = thread.allocate_lock()
exitmutexes = []
for i in range(2):
  thread.start_new(counter, (i, 2))

for mutex in exitmutexes:
  while not mutex.locked():
  #Open Your File Here

print 'Exiting'

On 1/30/07, Hugo Ferreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there,

I have a problem. I'm using calling shutil.copyfile() followed by
open(). The thing is that most of the times open() is called before
the actual file is copied. I don't have this problem when doing a
step-by-step debug, since I give enough time for the OS to copy the
file, but at run-time, it throws an exception.

Is there anyway to force a sync copy of the file (make python wait for
the completion)?

Thanks in advance!

Hugo Ferreira


difflib qualm

2007-01-24 Thread Sick Monkey

I am trying to write a python script that will compare 2 files which
contains names (millions of them).

More specifically, I have 2 files (Files1.txt and Files2.txt).
Files1.txtcontains 180 thousand names and
Files2.txt contains 34 million names.

I have a script which will analyze these two files and store them into 2
different lists (fileList1 and fileList2 respectivly).  I have imported the
diflib library and after the lists are created, matching on the following
criteria   for diflib - (just the names that are similar between the two

This works perfectly for hundreds of names but is taking forever for
millions of them; thus not really efficient.

Does anyone have any idea on how to get this more efficient?  (speaking of
Time and RAM)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.   (NOTE:  I have been trying to
study multithreading, but have not really grasp the concept.  So I may need
some examples.)


Re: OOPS concept

2005-05-05 Thread monkey
Google, search.

news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ???...
 Hi all,

 Well this doesnt explain new style classes. let me be more clear. is there
any online tutorial/ recommended book which deals explicitly with object
oriented programming in python?

  Try this online book, it may help, the url is:
   Hi all,
   Is there any good step by step online tutorial on OOPS concepts in
   i have checked some on the python.org.__doc__ page but couldnt make
  sense.  especially i need help on newstyle classes.


Re: OOPS concept

2005-05-04 Thread monkey
Try this online book, it may help, the url is:  http://www.byteofpython.info

 Hi all,

 Is there any good step by step online tutorial on OOPS concepts in python
 i have checked some on the python.org.__doc__ page but couldnt make much
sense.  especially i need help on newstyle classes.



Re: wxpython on cygwin for drPython - ImportError: No module named _core_

2005-05-04 Thread monkey
I install the original python(www.python.org), it works with wxpython and
DrPython very very well.
But your case seem to be due to DrPython is not programed for Cygwin. You
should read through the system requirement of DrPython. As remember, it
stated the www.python.org only ( ;


 Did someone installed and used successfully drPython on Cygwin? The
 installation requires
 wxpython. I tried many different alternatives (source, binary, etc) but so
 far the best I get is the following.


Re: Is python support jxta now?

2005-05-02 Thread monkey
 Bittorrent, one of the most actively used p2p protocols is _written_ in

 Diez B. Roggisch

Hey man, no, the jxta p2p protocols is not mean the bittorrent stuff. It is
a fully decentralized network protocol, not confine to file transfer.


Re: Comparision of GUI framworks

2005-05-02 Thread monkey
wxPython rules ( ;
Go to http://wxpython.org for details...

Florian Lindner [EMAIL PROTECTED] ???
news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ???...
 I've read the chapter in the Python documentation, but I'm interested in a
 more in-depth comparision. Especially regarding how pythonic it is and how
 well it performs and looks under Windows.
 I've some C++ experiences with Qt, so I'm very interested to have PyQt
 compared to wxWindows and Tk. How fast does PyQt catches up with the
 versiones released from Trolltech? etc..



wxPython: ansi or unicode?

2005-05-01 Thread monkey
Hi all, which should be install? Really confused @@...
Is that mean unicode version used for programming in language other than


Re: wxPython: ansi or unicode?

2005-05-01 Thread monkey
Many Thanks ( :

  Hi all, which should be install? Really confused @@...


  Is that mean unicode version used for programming in language other than

 No. The Unicode version allows the underlying wxWidgets GUI toolkit to
 use Unicode text. You want this.

 On certain platforms, older versions of the unicode version of wxPython
 were somewhat unstable. I believe this has been largely resolved, and
 the ANSI versions will be going away.

 I may have some details wrong. If you want an authoritative answer, ask
 on the wxPython lists.

 Robert Kern

 In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
   Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
-- Richard Harter


Re: why import wx doesn't work?

2005-04-29 Thread monkey
They both work, thanks for your instruction ( :

 I suspect you are mixing program code for the namespace version (import
 wx) with the old method of importing (from wxPython.wx import *).

 Here are two version of a very simple app... try both and see if you get
 any errors. And if so, _please_ post the exact error you get.

 --- BEGIN The new namespace version 

 import wx

 class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
  def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, title=Test Wx, size=(-1, -1),
  wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size, pos, style)

 app = wx.PySimpleApp()
 frame = MainFrame(None, -1, Test Wx NameSpace Style)

 --- END The new namespace version 

 --- BEGIN The old style import 

 from wxPython.wx import *

 class MainFrame(wxFrame):
  def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, title=Test Wx, size=(-1, -1),
  wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size, pos, style)

 app = wxPySimpleApp()
 frame = MainFrame(None, -1, Test Wx Old Style)

 --- END The old style import 

 Hope that helped!



Re: why import wx doesn't work?

2005-04-29 Thread monkey
Bright ( ; You show me a crystal clear explaination.
As a newbie in python and even oop, I find the python documentation is not
easy to figure out. That's great with you guys so nice here.

 This is very good! wxApp is never defined if you use import wx. You
 must use wx.wxApp instead.

 If you import a module using import anything, then all the names
 imported from the module must begin with anything.. If you import wx
 using import wx, then ALL the wx commands, classes and variables
 (all the names) MUST begin with 'wx.. Change them, and your program
 will work.

 from wx import * is a special shortcut, allowing you to use all the
 names without wx.. If you change from something import * to
 import something, your code will always break, this is normal.

 Filip Dreger



2005-04-29 Thread monkey
Although I am a newbie in programming, I read from a java book (in my native
language) saying that the purpose of Object Oriented Programming are:

1. Use a real world concept in constructing program (here everything are
objects with there properties and methods/actions);

2. Simplify coding;

3. and most important, faciliate the reuse of code (class, function, etc.)

 Hey yall,
 I'm new to Python and I love it. Now I can get most of the topics
 covered with the Python tutorials I've read but the one thats just
 stumping me is Object Orientation. I can't get the grasp of it. Does
 anyone know of a good resource that could possibly put things in focus
 for me? Thanks.


Re: Can .py be complied?

2005-04-28 Thread monkey
Thx very much, I got the point now ( ;

 The latter.  It's not completely self contained, there is an
 ..exe and some dll files that need to be distributed together.
 It's explained very clearly by the py2exe web site:


 Never used google before?  Just go to www.google.com and type
 in py2exe.  Click search.  It's the first hit.

 Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Is something
   at   going to happen to a
visi.comGARBAGE CAN?


why import wx doesn't work?

2005-04-28 Thread monkey
I just learn to make a blank windows frame with python and wxpython. I found
the statment import wx cannot work as the original from wxPython.wx
import *. I see in the readme file of wxpython that if I install it as the
default one, I can use import wx instead of the long one. What is wrong?
The code pasted below:

import wx   # the default is from wxPython.wx import *, I change it and it
just can't work.

class MyApp(wxApp):
def OnInit(self):
frame = wxFrame(NULL, -1, Hello from wxPython)
return true

app = MyApp(0)


Re: why import wx doesn't work?

2005-04-28 Thread monkey
 Which version of wxPython are you running? What do you mean by does not
 work...does the import fail or is your code giving errors?

It is the current new version 2.6. The error message said that the class
wxApp is not defined...
But when using the default from wxPython.wx import *, it works.


Re: Can .py be complied?

2005-04-28 Thread monkey
 python -o foo.exe foo.py

Is that a real command that can be use?


Re: why import wx doesn't work?

2005-04-28 Thread monkey
It is the current version of wxPython(2.6). But follow you instruction it
still can't work...
But if using the default from wxPython.wx import *, it work, don't know
what is the problem. May be this is an old example that cannot work with
import wx. Because I get another example and it is ok.

Anyway, I hope I can catch up with you guys here in python programming soon.
Thanks a lot ( :

 Assuming you've installed a version of wxPython that is recent enough
 that import wx works (it's really unclear from what you've written
 above), then the problem you are facing is not using the namespace that
 you've now imported.  Do this instead:

 class MyApp(wx.App):
  def OnInit(self):
  frame = wx.Frame(NULL, -1, 

 Note that wx. before everything from wxPython...



Which IDE is recommended?

2005-04-27 Thread monkey
Read through python site for programming tool, really plenty of choices :-)
(For c++, I just can't breath with very very limited choices)

Tried Spe, it come with wxGlade built-in very nice(is Spe still actively
develop?). But seem that Boa Constructor and PyDev(the plug-in for Eclipse)
also worth looking. Actually which one are you guys using? and why? I think
it is also valuable for those who are new to python as me.


Re: Can .py be complied?

2005-04-27 Thread monkey
 And then example.pyc will appear beside example.py. This new file does
 not require example.py (you can even delete it), and works on any
 computer with Python installed

Filip, you can read through my mind (-: You just told me what I want to know
exactly, even I can't ask the question correctly. Thx..

 python24\python -OO)
 and then import your example.py, you will get a file example.pyo,
 which is also stripped of any documentation strings (a bit harder to

Is .pyo still not secure for serious purpose? The -OO function refer to
which area of python that I can read a doc in details?

 The end-user needs the JRE, not Python.


Actually I still not dare to touch Jython, because I am still digging python
now. But the JRE may not attract end-user, because it is still associate
with slow and eating much system resource, although Java is sure a
respectfully programming language. What do you think?


Re: Can .py be complied?

2005-04-27 Thread monkey

 But those files can be decompyled.

Hi, so which way to go?


Re: Which IDE is recommended?

2005-04-27 Thread monkey
 What about eric?

Good, it seem a very capable ide. But it require qt and for linux only?
(can't find the system requirement)

 I have been using PyDev for some time, but i think it is not always very
 handsome (e.g. writing a 5-line script in vim needs less time than
 eclipse startup ;-) otoh, for 5line scripts i am using vim anyway...

Yes, eclipse really eat my ram out


Re: Can .py be complied?

2005-04-27 Thread monkey
 py2exe has nothing to do with C or make files.  You create a
 setup.py file containing a couple lines of python.  You run
 that python program, and you end up with an .exe file and some
 associated .dll files.  I typically use inno-setup to create an
 installer.exe that creates a desktop icon and start-menu entry,
 but that's optional.

Is py2exe used to make a .exe file to install .py, or make the self-contain
.exe file of the program itself?


Re: Which IDE is recommended?

2005-04-27 Thread monkey
 * Don't underestimate IDLE, it's surprisingly capable considering it's
 just a dinky little thing

Yes, I believe IDLE is the a unbeatible last resort for python (-:

 * SPE has great features, but the pure-Python-ness makes it slow!

Is it related to wxpython you mean? or program with GUI in tk (the default
installed with python) is faster? Would you mind to tell me more...


Can .py be complied?

2005-04-26 Thread monkey
Hi all, I am new to programming, already have a glace on introduction of
c++, java and finally decided on python. But I found that the .py file is
just like the source file, how can I make a program without revealing its
source? (may be my question is a little bit stupid)
