IPython and dumb terminal

2019-04-30 Thread Nobody
Recent versions of IPython ignore $TERM and blindly assume that you're
using something similar to xterm. Does it have an option to disable this


import inspect error

2018-09-17 Thread nobody
I have following errors running on Ubuntu 18, any insight how to fix it? Thank 

Python 2.7.15rc1 (default, Apr 15 2018, 21:51:34) 
[GCC 7.3.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import inspect
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/inspect.py", line 42, in 
from collections import namedtuple
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/collections.py", line 22, in 
from keyword import iskeyword as _iskeyword
  File "keyword.py", line 3, in 
from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo
ImportError: cannot import name currentframe

Re: Numpy slow at vector cross product?

2016-11-21 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 21 Nov 2016 14:53:35 +, BartC wrote:

> Also that the critical bits were not implemented in Python?

That is correct. You'll notice that there aren't any loops in numpy.cross.
It's just a wrapper around a bunch of vectorised operations (*, -, []).

If you aren't taking advantage of vectorisation, there's no reason to
expect numpy to be any faster than primitive operations, any more than
you'd expect

(numpy.array([1]) + numpy.array([2])[0]

to be faster than "1+2".

Beyond that, you'd expect a generic function to be at a disadvantage
compared to a function which makes assumptions about its arguments.
Given what it does, I wouldn't expect numpy.cross() to be faster for
individual vectors if it was written in C.


Re: Why doesn't Python include non-blocking keyboard input function?

2016-10-25 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 24 Oct 2016 11:14:05 -0700, jladasky wrote:

> I gather that non-blocking keyboard input functions aren't the easiest
> thing to implement.  They seem to depend on the operating system.

Indeed. It's somewhat harder to implement one on an OS which doesn't take
it for granted that the system actually *has* a keyboard (i.e. Unix).

If you're willing to compromise and accept the use of a terminal rather
than a keyboard, the next question is whether to use the process'
controlling terminal, or the terminal associated with stdin (if both
exist, they're probably the same terminal, but aren't required to be).

Other complications include the fact that, if the process isn't part of
the terminal's foreground process group, attempting to read from the
terminal (even a non-blocking read) will typically suspend the process
(unless you ignore SIGTTIN). And also the fact that the terminal itself
may be line buffered, so the computer has no idea of what's being typed on
it until Return/Enter (or Send, etc) is pressed.

Aside from that, receiving key presses as they are entered means disabling
canonical mode in the tty driver (which buffers input until Return or
Ctrl-D are pressed, so that you can edit the input line with Backspace or
Ctrl-U). That affects all processes using the terminal.

If the current process is in the foreground process group, then processes
in other groups probably won't be reading from the terminal ... at least
until you suspend the forground process group with Ctrl-Z. So you need to
install signal handlers for SIGTSTP and SIGCONT to restore the terminal
settings when the process is suspended. But what should you do about any
existing handlers for those signals?

All things considered, requiring the user to use one of the keys that
generates a signal might be simpler. Or at least not using Esc, which is
about the worst possible choice, given that its normal function is
as a prefix for, well, just about every control sequence (i.e. what is
sent when you press a key which doesn't correspond to a printable

tl;dr: Unix is not MS-DOS.


Re: try-except with no exceptions

2016-10-15 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 13 Oct 2016 15:06:25 +0100, Daiyue Weng wrote:

> I know that such try-catch usage is generally a bad practice, since it
> can't locate the root of the exceptions.
> I am wondering how to correct the code above

Either identify the specific exceptions you're expecting, or if you're
interested in "any error", use "except StandardError". That will catch
"errors" but won't catch e.g. KeyboardInterrupt or SystemExit.

Trying to further narrow the set of possible exceptions is often
impossible considering the use of duck typing.


Re: I am newbie who can explain this code to me?

2016-09-20 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 20 Sep 2016 15:12:39 +0200, Peter Otten wrote:

> because they don't build lists only to throw them away.

The lists could have been avoided by using iterators, e.g.

import itertools as it
keys = xrange(256)
vals = it.imap(chr, keys)
max(it.imap(operator.setitem, it.repeat(d), keys, vals))

> Also, creating a list of dicts or lists is a common gotcha because after
> outer = [[]] * 3
> the outer list contains *the* *same* list three times, not three empty
> lists.

But in this case, it's not a gotcha; it's intentional that each iteration
operates upon the same dictionary.

Essentially, [d]*len(keys) is a trick to get around the fact that map()
requires all of the arguments (apart from the function) to be sequences.

itertools.repeat() is possibly a better trick, although then you can't use
map(), because map() iterates until *all* sequences are exhausted,
appending None values for shorter sequences. itertools.imap() terminates
once the shortest sequence is exhausted.

In this specific case, a loop or comprehension would have been better. But
in situations where you don't control the iteration, the ability to coerce
something into a pre-determined iteration pattern is useful.


Re: Strange behaviour with numbers in exponential notation

2016-09-04 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 02 Sep 2016 18:18:08 +0200, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:

> 1e26 denotes a *floating point number* Floating point has finite 
> precision, in CPython it is a 64bit IEEE number. The largest exact 
> integer there is 2**53 (~10^16), everything beyond cannot be accurately 
> represented.

Uh, that's wrong. All integers smaller than 2**53 can be represented
exactly. Some, but not all, of the integers above 2**53 can be represented


Re: importing down in code rather than at top of file.

2016-08-29 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 04:15:05 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

> Don't imagine; test.

Testing alone isn't really good enough. There may be perfectly valid
reasons to avoid the import which won't show up in anything less than the
most thorough testing imaginable.

Personally I wouldn't defer an import just because it might be slow,
particularly if the criterion affecting whether the import actually occurs
is "probabilistic".

[If it might be slow because the module is doing stuff it really
shouldn't, like executing external commands during import, I'd probably
just avoid the package altogether.]

If the import /might/ happen as a result of normal usage, I'd want any
failure to occur when the parent module is imported, not at some rather
arbitrary later point.

If I defer imports, it's because they're only used for features which are
in some sense optional. And the documentation will state the conditions
under which the import is performed (if it's for a specific method, it
will be in the method's docstring).


Re: ctypes Usage Note

2016-08-02 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 01 Aug 2016 18:41:53 -0700, Lawrence D’Oliveiro wrote:

> Sometimes people load a library with ctypes like this:
> libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("libc.so")

That specific example is unlikely to work on any modern Linux system, as
libc.so is typically a linker script rather than a symlink to a DSO.
Likewise for libm and libpthread.


Re: ImportError: Import by filename is not supported when unpickleing

2016-07-28 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 27 Jul 2016 22:47:15 -0400, Larry Martell wrote:

> Also let me add that initially I was calling Popen with shell=False and
> the arguments in a list, and that was failing with:
> arg 2 must contain only strings

That indicates that you're calling Popen() incorrectly.

> And when I debugged I found that this was happening in the execvp call in
> subprocess and arg 2 was a str. So then I changed it using shell=False
> with the command line in a string, and that is when I get the  ImportError
> error.

This is just hiding the error. Passing the command line as a string will
result in the string being parsed in some way (the details depend upon the
OS). Unless the string was assembled with the correct quoting, this will
corrupt the string.

I'd suggest starting off by ensuring that the string received by the child
process is the one which you intended to pass. Calculate and display (or
log) its hash (see the hashlib module) in both the sender and receiver and
confirm that they're the same.


Re: reshape with xyz ordering

2016-07-26 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 26 Jul 2016 07:10:18 -0700, Heli wrote:

> I sort a file with 4 columns (x,y,z, somevalue) and I sort it using
> numpy.lexsort.
> ind=np.lexsort((val,z,y,x))
> myval=val[ind]
> myval is a 1d numpy array sorted by x,then y, then z and finally val.
> how can I reshape correctly myval so that I get a 3d numpy array
> maintaining the xyz ordering of the data?

Is it guaranteed that the data actually *is* a 3-D array that's been
converted to a list of x,y,z,val tuples?

In other words, does every possible combination of x,y,z for 0<=x<=max(x),
0<=y<=max(y), 0<=z<=max(z) occur exactly once?

If so, then see Peter's answer. If not, then how do you wish to handle
a) (x,y,z) tuples which never occur (missing values), and
b) (x,y,z) tuples which occur more than once?

If the data "should" to be a 3-D array but you first wish to ensure that
it actually is, you can use e.g.

nx,ny,nz = max(x)+1,max(y)+1,max(z)+1
if val.shape != (nx*ny*nz,):
raise ValueError
i = (x*ny+y)*nz+z
found = np.zeros(val.shape, dtype=bool)
found[i] = True
if not np.all(found):
raise ValueError
ind = np.lexsort((val,z,y,x))
myval = val[ind].reshape((nx,ny,nz))


Re: math.frexp

2016-07-15 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 15 Jul 2016 21:39:31 +1000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> prod *= (m1*m2)

Should be:

prod = m1*m2

prod *= m1

(in the latter case, there's no point in decomposing prod).

Of course, if the result overflows, it's going to overflow whether you use
the naive approach or frexp(); in the latter case, it's the 2.0**scale
which will overflow.

One advantage of processing the scale separately is that you can use e.g.

return ((int(prod * 2**53) * (2**(scale-53))) if scale >= 53
else prod * 2**scale)

which will return a (long) integer if the exponent is such that the
fractional bits are lost.


Re: Getting number of neighbours for a 3d numpy arrays

2016-07-12 Thread Nobody

Some common ways to handle the boundary condition:

1. Generate clamped indices, test for validity and substitute invalid
entries with an "identity" element. E.g.

ijk = np.mgrid[:a,:b,:c]
i,j,k = ijk
i0,j0,k0 = np.maximum(0,ijk-1)
i1,j1,k1 = np.minimum(np.array(a,b,c).T-1,ijk+1)

n1 = (i>0  ) & myarray[i0,j,k]
n2 = (i0  ) & myarray[i,j0,k]
n4 = (j0  ) & myarray[i,j,k0]
n6 = (k0  ) & np.roll(myarray, 1,axis=0)
n2 = (i0  ) & np.roll(myarray, 1,axis=1)
n4 = (j0  ) & np.roll(myarray, 1,axis=2)
n6 = (khttps://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: Compression of random binary data

2016-07-11 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 10:52:08 -0700, jonas.thornvall wrote:

> What kind of statistic law or mathematical conjecture  or is it even a
> physical law is violated by compression of random binary data?

You can't create an invertable mapping between a set with 2^N elements
(e.g. the set of all N-bit binary sequences) and any set with fewer than
2^N elements (e.g. the set of all M-bit binary sequences for Mhttps://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: Don't put your software in the public domain

2016-06-05 Thread Nobody
On Sat, 04 Jun 2016 12:28:33 +1000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

>> OTOH, a Free software licence is unilateral; the author grants the user
>> certain rights, with the user providing nothing in return.
> That's not the case with the GPL.
> The GPL requires the user (not the end-user, who merely avails themselves
> of their common law right to run the software, but the developer user, who
> copies, distributes and modifies the code) to do certain things in return
> for the right to copy, distribute and modify the code:

The GPL places limitations on the granted licence. That isn't the same
thing as requiring the distributor to do something "in return".

This is why the (relatively few) cases where GPL infringements have
resulted in litigation, the legal basis of the litigation is copyright
infringement, not breach of contract.


Re: Don't put your software in the public domain

2016-06-03 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 03 Jun 2016 09:15:55 -0700, Lawrence D’Oliveiro wrote:

>> [quoted text muted]
> A licence is quite different from a contract. A contract requires some
> indication of explicit agreement by both parties, a licence does not.

More precisely, it requires "mutual consideration", i.e. each party must
provide something of value to the other. If a party doesn't provide
something of value, they can't claim any harm in the event of a breach, as
they haven't lost anything (failure to receive what the other party
promised doesn't count, as it didn't belong to the recipient to start with).

This is why you sometimes see contracts where one party pays a nominal sum
(e.g. one pound/dollar/euro) in return for assets which may have
significant value but also significant liabilities attached. The fact that
they paid /something/ allows them to enforce the contract.

OTOH, a Free software licence is unilateral; the author grants the user
certain rights, with the user providing nothing in return.


Re: setrecursionlimit

2016-05-19 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 18 May 2016 09:19:25 -0700, Ned Batchelder wrote:

> Is there a way to know how large the C stack can grow,

Yes. For the main thread, getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK). For other threads,

> and how much it will grow for each Python function call?


Depending upon the interpreter implementation, the stack might not grow
at all in the case where a function written in Python calls another
function written in Python. Calling out into native code (which may then
call back into Python code) is bound to grow the thread by some amount.

While the interpreter could keep track of how much space is left on the
stack, there's no way of knowing in advance how much any given C function
will need. If there isn't enough, there is no robust way to recover from
the resulting segfault.


Re: Remove directory tree without following symlinks

2016-04-23 Thread Nobody
On Sat, 23 Apr 2016 00:56:33 +1000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> I want to remove a directory, including all files and subdirectories under
> it, but without following symlinks. I want the symlinks to be deleted, not
> the files pointed to by those symlinks.

Note that this is non-trivial to do securely, i.e. where an adversary has
write permission on any of the directories involved. Due to the potential
for race conditions between checking whether a name refers to a directory
and recursing into it, the process can be tricked into deleting any
directory tree for which it has the appropriate permissions.

The solution requires:

1. That you always chdir() into each directory and remove entries using
their plain filename, rather than trying to remove entries from a
higher-level directory using a relative path.

2. When chdir()ing into each subdirectory, you need to do e.g.:

st1 = os.stat(".")
st2 = os.stat("..")
if st1.st_dev != st2.st_dev or st1.st_ino != st2.st_ino:
raise SomeKindOfException()

If the test fails, it means that the directory you just chdir()d into
isn't actually a subdirectory of the one you just left, e.g. because the
directory entry was replaced between checking it and chdir()ing into it.

On Linux, an alternative is to use fchdir() rather than chdir(), which
changes to a directory specified by an open file descriptor for that
directory rather than by name. Provided that the directory was open()ed
without any race condition (e.g. using O_NOFOLLOW), subsequent fstat() and
fchdir() calls are guaranteed to use the same directory regardless of any
filesystem changes.


Re: Detecting repeated subsequences of identical items

2016-04-21 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 21 Apr 2016 18:05:40 +1000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> The specific problem I am trying to solve is that I have a sequence of 
> strings (in this case, error messages from a Python traceback) and I'm 
> looking for repeated groups that may indicate mutually recursive calls. E.g. 
> suppose I have a function f which calls g, and g calls h, and h calls f 
> again, and there's an exception, you will see a traceback in part:

This is a specific case of finding cycles in a directed graph. But
treating it as such probably isn't useful here, because you're interested
in a specific traversal of that graph rather than the graph itself.

One way to approach it is:

sofar = []
for line in traceback:
if line in sofar:
j = sofar.index(line)
if sofar[:j] == sofar[j:j*2]:
# found repeat
sofar = [line] + sofar

Note that sofar needs to be in reverse order, because list doesn't have
.rindex() or .rfind().

Detecting nested cycles is somewhat harder because given e.g.


you'd want the five repeats of ab in the middle to be treated as two
repeats of ab followed by three repeats of ab, but there's no way to
spot that until later.


Re: How to make Python interpreter a little more strict?

2016-03-27 Thread Nobody
On Sat, 26 Mar 2016 23:30:30 +, John Pote wrote:

> So I have sympathy with the OP, I would expect the compiler to pick this
> up

Why? The code is valid, the compiler knows how to generate the
appropriate bytecode for it.

The compiler isn't "lint".

Reporting code which is actually invalid is fairly straightforward.
When the parser attempts to match the next token against a parse rule
and finds that nothing matches (e.g. the "fnc next" example), it just
needs to raise a SyntaxError. The point at which the exception needs to be
raised naturally exists in the code.

But to identify code which is perfectly valid yet is "probably" a mistake
first requires someone to identify such cases, then someone needs to start
adding the appropriate tests to the compiler to distinguish such code from
the rest.

> It would be all to easy to write a series of lines just calling
> functions and forget the () on one of them. Not fun programming. It's
> also a good reminder that the meaning of a keyword in language A is not
> necessarily the same in language B (ie 'next', Python)

"next" isn't a keyword, it's a built-in function. It's perfectly valid to
re-use that name for your own variables or functions.

> So on this last point is this behaviour of Python defined somewhere in
> the docs? 

What behaviour? Evaluating a name?


Re: numpy arrays

2016-03-23 Thread Nobody
> What you want is called *transposing* the array:
> http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.transpose.html
> That should be a sufficiently fast operation.

Transposing itself is fast, as it just swaps the strides and dimensions
without touching the data (i.e. it returns a new view of the original
array), but subsequent operations may be slower as the data is no longer
contiguous (i.e. iterating over the flattened array in order won't result
in sequential memory access).

If that's an issue, you can use numpy.ascontiguousarray() to make a
contiguous copy of the data.


Re: Make a unique filesystem path, without creating the file

2016-02-15 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 15 Feb 2016 15:28:27 +1100, Ben Finney wrote:

> The behaviour is already implemented in the standard library. What I'm
> looking for is a way to use it (not re-implement it) that is public API
> and isn't scolded by the library documentation.

So, basically you want (essentially) the exact behaviour of
tempfile.mktemp(), except without any mention of the (genuine) risks that
such a function presents?

I suspect that you'll have to settle for either a) using that function and
simply documenting the reasons why it isn't an issue in this particular
case, or b) re-implementing it (so that you can choose to avoid mentioning
the issue in its documentation).

At the outside, you *might* have a third option: c) persuade the
maintainers to tweak the documentation to further clarify that the risk
arises from creating a file with the returned name, not from simply
calling the function. But actually it's already fairly clear if you
actually read it.

If it's the bold-face "Warning:" and the red background that you don't
like, I wouldn't expect those to go away either for mktemp() or for any
other function with similar behaviour (i.e. something which someone
*might* try to use to actually create temporary files). The simple fact
that it might get used that way is enough to warrant a prominent warning.


Re: python 3.4, os.walk does not walk into cdroms

2015-12-18 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 17 Dec 2015 14:03:25 +0100, Siegfried Kaiser wrote:

>  I have a problem with os.walk - it does not walk into a mounted cdrom, I
>  do not see the cdrom in the walk at all.
> What can I do to walk into cdrom?

1. Are you sure that the directory tree contains the actual mount point,
not just a symlink to it? os.walk() doesn't follow symlinks unless
followlinks=True is given explicitly.

2. Have you tried using the onerror= parameter to report errors? The
default is to silently ignore errors from os.listdir().


Re: Why my image is in bad quality ?

2015-12-16 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 16 Dec 2015 06:04:37 -0800, fsn761304 wrote:

> pixbufObj = Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_window(window, x, y, width, height) ...
> image = Image.frombuffer("RGB", (width, height),
>  pixbufObj.get_pixels(), 'raw', 'RGB', 0, 1)

The second-to-last argument should probably be Gdk.pixbuf_get_rowstride()
rather than 0.


Re: What does a list comprehension do (was: Late-binding of function defaults (was Re: What is a function parameter =[] for?))

2015-11-26 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 25 Nov 2015 14:51:23 +0100, Antoon Pardon wrote:

> Am I missing something?

The issue is with lambdas rather than with list comprehensions per se.

Python's lambdas capture free variables by reference, not value.

> x = 3
> f = lambda y: x + y
> f(0)
> x = 7
> f(0)

The same issue applies to nested functions:

> def foo():
=x = 3
=def f(y):
=   return x + y
=print f(0)
=x = 7
=print f(0)
> foo()

And also to non-nested functions (but most people expect that):

> x = 3
> def f(y,x=x):
=   return x + y
> print f(0)
> x=7
> print f(0)

If you want to capture a variable by value, add a parameter with a default
value using that variable:

> def foo():
=x = 3
=def f(y, x=x):
=   return x + y
=print f(0)
=x = 7
=print f(0)
> foo()

This also works for lambdas:

> x = 3
> f = lambda y,x=x: x + y
> f(0)
> x = 7
> f(0)

Returning to the original expression:

> q = [lambda x: i * x for i in range(4)]
> q[0](1), q[3](1)
(3, 3)
> q = [lambda x,i=i: i * x for i in range(4)]
> q[0](1), q[3](1)
(0, 3)


Re: Regular expressions

2015-11-03 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 04 Nov 2015 14:23:04 +1100, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

>> Its very name indicates that its default mode most certainly is regular
>> expressions.
> I don't even know what grep stands for.

>From the ed command "g /re/p" (where "re" is a placeholder for an
arbitrary regular expression). Tests all lines ("g" for global) against
the specified regexp and prints ("p") any which match.

> But I think what Michael may mean is that if you "grep foo", no regex
> magic takes place since "foo" contains no metacharacters.

At least the GNU version will treat the input as a regexp regardless of
whether it contains only literal characters. I.e. "grep foo" and
"grep [f][o][o]" will both construct the same state machine then process
the input with it.

You need to actually use -F to change the matching algorithm.


Re: Unbuffered stderr in Python 3

2015-11-02 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 02 Nov 2015 18:52:55 +1100, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> In Python 2, stderr is unbuffered.
> In most other environments (the shell, C...) stderr is unbuffered.
> It is usually considered a bad, bad thing for stderr to be buffered. What
> happens if your application is killed before the buffer fills up? The
> errors in the buffer will be lost.
> So how come Python 3 has line buffered stderr? And more importantly, how
> can I turn buffering off?

It's probably related to the fact that std{in,out,err} are Unicode

> type(sys.stderr)

> type(sys.stderr.buffer)

> type(sys.stderr.buffer.raw)

It appears that you can turn it off with:

sys.stderr = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stderr.buffer.raw)
sys.stderr = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stderr.detach().detach())

This results in a sys.stderr which appears to work and whose
.line_buffering property is False.


Re: Postscript to pdf

2015-09-21 Thread Nobody
On Sun, 20 Sep 2015 23:11:20 +0200, Baladjy KICHENASSAMY wrote:

> i tried this
> def save():
>  Canevas.update()
>  Canevas.postscript(file=tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(),
> colormode='color')
>  subprocess.call(["ps2pdf", "-dEPSCrop", "test.ps", "test.pdf"])
> i got the ps file but i didn't get the pdf file :/

Check that subprocess.call() returns zero, or use subprocess.check_output()
instead. Also, if this is a GUI program and you have no easy way to check
what is written to stdout or stderr, try:

p = subprocess.Popen(["ps2pdf", "-dEPSCrop", "test.ps", "test.pdf"],
out, err = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
raise RuntimeError(err)


Re: Putting the main program in a main function

2015-09-14 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 14 Sep 2015 09:13:47 +0200, ast wrote:

> is it advised to always write programs like that ?

If global (module-scope) variables are initialised by main, then those
variables won't exist unless main() is run, which means that you can't use
it as a module, only as a script.

IMHO, global variables whose initial values can be evaluated without
depending upon or modifying external state should be initialised at the
top level.

If a module has variables which cannot be so initialised, the module needs
to provide an initialisation function which must be called explicitly by
any program or module which imports it.


Re: subdividing a rectangle using numpy

2015-09-10 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 10 Sep 2015 22:05:07 -0500, Seb wrote:

> The key to my solution was to use numpy's meshgrid to generate the
> coordinates for defining the sub-units.  However, it seems awfully
> complex and contrived,

Half a dozen lines of code is "complex and contrived"?

Also, you should lose marks for having those for loops. Hint:

corners = np.array([[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[0,0]])

> or perhaps some package offers this functionality. 

People don't write packages for such trivial tasks.


Re: -2146826246 in win32com.client for empty #N/A cell in Excel

2015-08-16 Thread Nobody
On Sun, 16 Aug 2015 09:53:32 -0700, Sven Boden wrote:

> Anyone knows how to handle a "#N/A" cell in Excel in the proper way?

0x800A07FA is how xlErrNA (error 2042) is marshalled. This isn't specific
to Python; you'll get the same value using e.g C# or VB.NET.

There's a fairly thorough article on this topic at:



Re: So what's happening here?

2015-06-05 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 05 Jun 2015 13:11:13 +, Paul Appleby wrote:

> (I'd have thought that id(a[1]) and id(b[1]) would be the same if they
> were the same element via different "views", but the id's seem to change
> according to rules that I can't fathom.)

First, a[1] and b[1] aren't views, they're scalars.

Second, different views on the same data are different objects, they just
share the same underlying data. Consider the case where the slice doesn't
cover the entire range:

> a = np.array([1,2,3])
> b = a[:2]
> a
array([1, 2, 3])
> b
array([1, 2])
> id(a)
> id(b)
> b[0] = 99
> a
array([99,  2,  3])
> b
array([99,  2])

The case where a slice *does* cover the entire range isn't special; the
resulting view is still a different object.


Re: Help with pipes, buffering and pseudoterminals

2015-04-05 Thread Nobody
On Sun, 05 Apr 2015 12:20:48 -0700, Daniel Ellis wrote:

> This only seems to print from the parent process.  I read that I need to
> do the os.read call for the fork to happen.  I've also tried printing
> *after* the os.read call.

The child process has its std{in,out,err} attached to the newly-created
pty, so that's where the output from the child's "print" goes.

You'll see that output if the parent prints the string returned from the
os.read() call.


Re: subprocess and stdin.write(), stdout.read()

2015-03-24 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 24 Mar 2015 12:08:24 -0700, Tobiah wrote:

> But if I want to send a string to stdin, how can I do that without
> stdin.write()?


> This seems to work:

Only because the amounts of data involved are small enough to avoid

If both sides write more data in one go than will fit into a pipe buffer,
you will get deadlock. The parent will be blocked waiting for the child to
consume the input, which doesn't happen because the child will be blocked
waiting for the parent to consume its output, which doesn't happen because
he parent will be blocked waiting for the child to consume the input, ...

That's a textbook example of deadlock: each side waiting forever for the
other side to make the first move.

This is exactly why POSIX' popen() function lets you either write to stdin
(mode=="w") or read from stdout (mode=="r") but not both.

> Will this always avoid the deadlock problem?


> This also works:

Again, only because the amounts of data involved are small enough to avoid

> Is that vulnerable to deadlock?


> Is there a better way to write to and read from the same process?

Use threads; one for each descriptor (stdin, stdout, stderr).

Non-blocking I/O is an alternative (and that's what .communicate() uses on
Unix), but threads will work on all common desktop and server platforms.

If you need to support platforms which lack threads, either

a) have the parent first write to a file (instead of .stdin), then have
the child read from the file while the parent reads .stdout and .stderr,

b) have the parent write to .stdin while the child writes its
stdout/stderr to files (or a file). Once the child completes, have
the parent read the file(s).

Using files allows for potentially gigabytes of data to be buffered. With
pipes, the amount may be as low as 512 bytes (the minimum value allowed by
POSIX) and will rarely be much more (a typical value is 4096 bytes, i.e.
one "page" on x86).


Re: Is there a cairo like surface for the screen without the window hassle

2015-02-03 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 02 Feb 2015 14:20:56 +0100, Antoon Pardon wrote:

> I need to have a program construct a number of designs. Of course I can
> directly use a pfd surface and later use a pdf viewer to check. But that
> becomes rather cumbersome fast. But if I use a cairo-surface for on the
> screen I suddenly have to cope with expose events and all such things I
> am not really interested in.

If you're writing a GUI application, something has to deal with those
events regardless of which rendering API you use.

> So does someone know of a package that provides a cairo like surface but
> that would take care of the events in a rather straight forward matter,
> so that my program could make it's design in a window on the screen just
> as if it is designing it in a pdf file.

What exactly is the issue here? That you want to be able to construct a
graphical representation then discard the data used to construct it,
rather than having to keep it around in order to handle subsequent expose

If that's the case, the simplest solution is probably to render to an
image surface then handle expose events by drawing the image onto the
screen (or handing the image to some kind of "widget" which does this for

Or, if you want to support dynamic scaling, you can "render" to an SVG
surface instead, but widgets which can display SVG aren't as common as
those which deal with raster formats.

Another solution is to render to a recording surface. This can then be
used as a source surface, so handling expose events boils down to a single
cairo_paint() operation with the recording surface as the source surface
and the window as the destination surface. Maybe there's even a widget
somewhere which does this, but I don't know of one.


Re: Can numpy do better than this?

2015-01-10 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 08 Jan 2015 09:56:50 -0800, Rustom Mody wrote:

> Given a matrix I want to shift the 1st column 0 (ie leave as is) 2nd by
> one place, 3rd by 2 places etc.
> This code works.
> But I wonder if numpy can do it shorter and simpler.

def shiftcols(mat):
iy,ix = np.indices(mat.shape)
return mat[(iy+ix)%mat.shape[0],ix]


Re: Neat little programming puzzle

2014-12-16 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 16 Dec 2014 00:46:16 -0500, Jason Swails wrote:

> I liked this problem because naive solutions scale as O(2^N), begging for
> a more efficient approach.

Project Euler has this one, twice; problems 18 and 67.

The difference between the two is that problem 18 has 15 rows while
problem 67 has 100 rows. Problem 18 can realistically be solved by a
brute-force approach, problem 67 can't.


Re: why can't download file from linux server into local window disk c:

2014-12-09 Thread Nobody
  To: pengsir
On Tue, 09 Dec 2014 00:14:15 -0800, pengsir wrote:

> localpath = 'c:'
> sftp.get(filepath, localpath)

>  with open(localpath, 'wb') as fl:
> PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'c:'

It's trying to open "c:", which is a drive, as if it was a file.

You have to specify the destination filename, not just the directory.

Also, you probably shouldn't be trying to write to the root directory of
the C drive. You should probably be using a directory beneath either

Writing to the root of the system drive tends to require Administrator
privileges. Even if the current user is an administrator, the process must
have elevated privilege (e.g. via "Run as Administrator" or an explicit
privilege-elevation request from within the code).

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Re: why can't download file from linux server into local window disk c:?

2014-12-08 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 09 Dec 2014 00:14:15 -0800, pengsir wrote:

> localpath = 'c:'
> sftp.get(filepath, localpath)

>  with open(localpath, 'wb') as fl:
> PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'c:'

It's trying to open "c:", which is a drive, as if it was a file.

You have to specify the destination filename, not just the directory.

Also, you probably shouldn't be trying to write to the root directory of
the C drive. You should probably be using a directory beneath either

Writing to the root of the system drive tends to require Administrator
privileges. Even if the current user is an administrator, the process must
have elevated privilege (e.g. via "Run as Administrator" or an explicit
privilege-elevation request from within the code).


Re: time.monotonic() roll over

2014-12-04 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 04 Dec 2014 16:25:44 +0100, ast wrote:

> There is no roll over problem with time.time() since the very
> first one in planned far in the future, but time.time() can go
> backward when a date update throught NTP server is done.

> time.monotonic() is monotonic but roll over often (every 49.7 
> days)
> So what to do ? 
> Using time.monotonic() and take some actions if a roll over 
> is detected ?

One possibility: use both and monitor the skew (the difference between the
two clocks).

The first time you read them, calculate and store the epoch for
time.monotic(). On subsequent calls, repeat the calculation and check that
the epoch is approximately the same. If it isn't, the difference between
the actual and expected values should be close to an exact multiple of
2**32 milliseconds, which tells you how many times time.monotonic() has
rolled over.

Adjustments to the clock on which time.time() is based shouldn't exceed a
few seconds per year, so there's not much risk that you won't be able to
figure out the correct adjustment.


Re: Cherrypy - prevent browser "prefetch"?

2014-12-03 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 02 Dec 2014 21:41:33 +, John Gordon wrote:

> GET shouldn't cause any business data modifications, but I thought it was
> allowed for things like logging out of your session.

GET isn't supposed to have observable side-effects. "Observable" excludes
things like logs and statistics, but getting logged out of your session is
definitely observable.

X-moz: prefetch, X-Purpose etc (note that these all have X- prefixes,
meaning that they're not in any standard) exist because web developers
seem to be uniquely bad at distinguishing between specified behaviour
and "seems to work".

But realistically, this horse is not only out of the barn but half way
around the world by now. So many sites misuse GET that there has to be
workarounds for it (to be honest, I'm surprised that they haven't made it
into a standard yet).


Re: Cherrypy - prevent browser "prefetch"?

2014-12-02 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 01 Dec 2014 11:28:42 -0900, Israel Brewster wrote:

> I'm running to a problem, specifically from
> Safari on the Mac, where I start to type a URL, and Safari auto-fills the
> rest of a random URL matching what I started to type, and simultaneously
> sends a request for that URL to my server, occasionally causing unwanted
> effects.

A GET request should not cause *any* effects. That's what PUT/POST are

GET is for retrieval, not modification.


Re: fileno() not supported in Python 3.1

2014-11-14 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 13 Nov 2014 15:48:32 -0800, satishmlmlml wrote:

> import sys 
> for stream in (sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr): 
> io.UnsupportedOperation: fileno 
> Is there a workaround?


or maybe


In Python 3.x, sys.stdin isn't actually a "file", it's a TextIOWrapper
around a BufferedReader around a file (io.FileIO).

TextIOWrapper is responsible for converting a stream of bytes to a stream
of (Unicode) characters. BufferedReader is responsible for buffering (like
C stdio).


Re: accents in windows

2014-10-31 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 30 Oct 2014 08:30:49 -0400, C@rlos wrote:

> thanks U, but the real problem is:
> i have a path C:\Users\yanet\Desktop\áaaéeeíiiióooúuuñnn this path
> is correct, áaaéeeíiiióooúuuñnn is the name of a directory but when
> i try to use os.walk() usin this path, dont work, for os this path dont
> exist, i try every things but nothing works.



Re: Status of side-effecting functions in python

2014-10-27 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 27 Oct 2014 17:14:58 +0200, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

> In POSIX, a write(2) system call on file blocks until all bytes have been
> passed on to the file system. The only exception (no pun intended) I know
> is the reception of a signal.

Writing to a file (or block device) will return a short count in the event
that it results in the size of the file exceeding

* the space available on the partition,
* the user's quota,
* the process' file size limit (RLIMIT_FSIZE), or
* any implementation limit on the maximum size of a file,

and at least one byte can be written. This behaviour is mandated by POSIX.

This is different to writing to a socket, pipe or character device,
where a short count is considered an entirely normal result, and
a subsequent write for the remaining bytes will often succeed.

> Even then, I'm not sure Linux file systems ever cut writes short because
> of signals.

Linux never interrupts I/O on discs or block devices due to signals.
These are restarted regardless of whether the signal is set for
automatic restarting (SA_RESTART flag).

> I think the lack of nonblocking file access in Linux is one of the OS's
> main shortcomings. 

It doesn't really matter. In the absence of an explicit mlock() or
mlockall(), the actual code which would be controlling the access is
demand-paged from disc, as is the "memory" to/from which the data is
transferred (along with the memory which would hold the return code from
read() or write(), for that matter).

Asynchronous I/O in the sense of select(), poll(), O_NONBLOCK etc is meant
for situations where delays could be indefinite, e.g. network connections
or terminals. For "short" delays (i.e. disc access), there's not much
point having a mechanism so that you can avoid blocking while the data is
read from disc just so that you can block while the code in the "else"
branch is read from disc.

If you want the program to be able to do something else while waiting for
I/O, use threads. The introduction of threads made most concurrency-
related issues in the POSIX API moot.


Re: Flush stdin

2014-10-21 Thread Nobody
On Sat, 18 Oct 2014 18:42:00 -0700, Dan Stromberg wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 6:34 PM, Dan Stromberg  wrote:
>>> Once the "nc" process actually write()s the data to its standard
>>> output (i.e. desriptor 1, not the "stdout" FILE*)
>> I'm not sure why you're excluding stdout, but even if nc is using
>> filedes 1 instead of FILE * stdout, isn't it kind of irrelevant?
> On further reflection, isn't it stdio that does the varied buffering,
> and filedes 1 that's always unbuffered?  IOW, the OP might wish nc was
> using 1, but it probably can't be given what they're seeing.

Yes. stdio does buffering. Writing to stdout stores data in a buffer; that
data should eventually be written to descriptor 1, although perhaps not
until immediately prior to termination.

Which is probably the cause of the OP's problem.

If it is, using a pseudo-tty would probably fix it. At startup,
stdin and stdout are line-buffered if they are associated with a tty and
fully-buffered otherwise (file, pipe, ...); stderr is unbuffered.

At least, this is the case on Unix and Windows. The exact requirements of
the C standard are:

As initially opened, the standard error stream is not fully
buffered; the standard input and standard output streams are
fully buffered if and only if the stream can be determined not
to refer to an interactive device.


Re: Flush stdin

2014-10-18 Thread Nobody
On Sat, 18 Oct 2014 12:32:07 -0500, Tim Chase wrote:

> On 2014-10-18 17:55, Nobody wrote:
>> On Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:38:54 +0100, Empty Account wrote:
>> > I am using netcat to listen to a port and python to read stdin and
>> > print to the console.
>> > 
>> > nc -l 2003 | python print_metrics.py
>> > 
>> > sys.stdin.flush() doesn’t seem to flush stdin,
>> You can't "flush" an input stream.
> You can't flush it, but you can make it unbuffered.  You can either force
> python to use unbuffered stdio:


None of this helps in any way, as it's not the behaviour of the Python
script which is causing the problem, but that "nc" is (probably) buffering
its output, so the data isn't passed to the OS (let alone to the Python
script) in a timely manner.

Once the "nc" process actually write()s the data to its standard
output (i.e. desriptor 1, not the "stdout" FILE*), it will be available to
the Python script immediately thereafter without requiring any low-level


Re: Flush stdin

2014-10-18 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:38:54 +0100, Empty Account wrote:

> I am using netcat to listen to a port and python to read stdin and print
> to the console.
> nc -l 2003 | python print_metrics.py
> sys.stdin.flush() doesn’t seem to flush stdin,

You can't "flush" an input stream.

> so I am using the termios module.

> I am receiving this exception
> termios.error: (25, 'Inappropriate ioctl for device')

termios only works on terminals, not pipes.

It's a safe bet that your problem is that "nc" isn't flushing its stdout
after each line (this is the default behaviour for stdio streams which
don't correspond to a terminal).

Check whether "nc" has a flag to line-buffer its output. If it doesn't,
the simplest solution is probably to write a Python script which creates a
pseudo-tty (using the "pty" module) and executes "nc" with its stdout
associated with the pty.


Re: Most discussion on comp.lang.python is about developing with Python

2013-11-14 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 13 Nov 2013 15:35:56 -0500, bob gailer wrote:

> I joined a week or so ago.
> The subject line was copied from the description of comp.lang.python aka 
> python-list@python.org.
> I am very disappointed to see so much energy and bandwidth going to 
> conversations that bash individuals.
> Is there a moderator for this list?

"list"? As you have already noted, the mailing list is bi-directionally
gatewayed to a usenet group. The advantage of usenet is that anyone can
read or post without having to sign up. That's also its disadvantage.


Re: getpeername() on stdin?

2013-11-02 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 01 Nov 2013 14:55:38 -0400, random832 wrote:

> If it's possible to get this information with only the fd, then why does
> socket.fromfd require them?

The only person who can answer that is whoever came up with
socket.fromfd() in the first place.

I initially suspected that it might have been a Windows limitation, but
socket.fromfd() is only available on Unix.


Re: getpeername() on stdin?

2013-10-31 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 31 Oct 2013 12:16:23 -0400, Roy Smith wrote:

> I want to do getpeername() on stdin.  I know I can do this by wrapping a
> socket object around stdin, with
> s = socket.fromfd(sys.stdin.fileno(), family, type)
> but that requires that I know what the family and type are.   What I want
> to do is discover the family and type by looking at what getpeername()
> and/or getsockname() return.  Can this be done with the standard library?

I think that you'd need to use ctypes to access the underlying
getpeername() function from libc.


Re: how to avoid checking the same condition repeatedly ?

2013-10-28 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 28 Oct 2013 09:50:19 +, Wolfgang Maier wrote:

> So my question is: is there an agreed-upon generally best way of dealing
> with this?

Yes. Just leave the test inside the loop.

If you're sufficiently concerned about performance that you're willing to
trade clarity for it, you shouldn't be using Python in the first place.


Re: trying to strip out non ascii.. or rather convert non ascii

2013-10-26 Thread Nobody
On Sat, 26 Oct 2013 20:41:58 -0500, Tim Chase wrote:

> I'd be just as happy if Python provided a "sloppy string compare"
> that ignored case, diacritical marks, and the like.

Simply ignoring diactrics won't get you very far.

Most languages which use diactrics have standard conversions, e.g.
ö -> oe, which are likely to be used by anyone familiar with the
language e.g. when using software (or a keyboard) which can't handle

OTOH, others (particularly native English speakers) may simply discard the
diactric. So to be of much use, a fuzzy match needs to handle either


Re: What version of glibc is Python using?

2013-10-12 Thread Nobody
On Sat, 12 Oct 2013 05:43:22 -0600, Ian Kelly wrote:

> Easier said than done.  The module is currently written in pure
> Python, and the comment "Note: Please keep this module compatible to
> Python 1.5.2" would appear to rule out the use of ctypes to call the
> glibc function.

Last I heard, there was a standing policy to avoid using ctypes from
within the standard library. The stated rationale was that ctypes is
unsafe (it allows pure Python code to crash the process) and site
administrators should be able to remove the ctypes module without breaking
any part of the standard library other than ctypes itself.

There appear to be a few exceptions to this rule, i.e. a few standard
library modules import ctypes. But they are all within try/except blocks
(so they degrade gracefully if ctypes isn't present), and are limited to
improving the handling of edge cases rather than being essential to
providing documented functionality.


Re: Complex literals (was Re: I am never going to complain about Python again)

2013-10-11 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 10 Oct 2013 14:12:36 +, Grant Edwards wrote:

> Nope.  "i" is electical current (though it's more customary to use upper
> case).

"I" is steady-state current (either AC or DC), "i" is small-signal


Re: Receive packet using socket

2013-10-09 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 09 Oct 2013 08:37:39 -0700, tspiegelman wrote:

> I am trying to use socket to send / receive a packet (want to recreate
> some functionality of hping3 and port it to windows and mac as a tcp
> ping).  I am having some problems with the recv functionality of socket. 
> Below is the script I am using.  I get an ack from the server (used
> wireshark to ensure it was working) when I run this, but the script
> doesn't see the ack for some reason and the script exits with this error
> or a timeout:

> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

If you're trying to send/receive individual packets, you need to use
SOCK_RAW (which normally requires root/administrator privilege).

> s.recv(24)

Alternatively, if you use a normal TCP stream socket, the receiver must
consume all data which is sent to it, and only close the socket after the
writer has closed its end. Depending upon the application-layer protocol,
this may involve some form of QUIT command, or a half-close using
the .shutdown() method.


Re: Applying 4x4 transformation to 3-element vector with numpy

2013-10-09 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 08 Oct 2013 23:10:16 -0700, John Nagle wrote:

> I only need affine transformations.  This is just moving
> the coordinate system of a point, not perspective rendering. I have to do
> this for a lot of points, and I'm hoping numpy has some way to do this
> without generating extra garbage on the way in and the way out.

In which case, Christian's answer is correct.

For an affine transformation, the bottom row of the 4x4 matrix will be
[0 0 0 1], so you have:

[x']   [a b c d] [x]   [ax+by+cz+d]
[y'] = [e f g h] [y] = [ex+fy+gz+h]
[z']   [i j k l] [z]   [ix+jy+kz+l]
[1 ]   [0 0 0 1] [1]   [1 ]


[x']   [ax+by+cz+d]   [a b c] [x]   [d]
[y'] = [ex+fy+gz+h] = [e f g] [y] + [h]
[z']   [ix+jy+kz+l]   [i j k] [z]   [l]

xyz_ = m[:3,:3] * xyz + m[:3,3:]

(where xyz is a column vector or 3xN array)


Re: How to streamingly read text file and display whenever updated text

2013-10-05 Thread Nobody
On Sat, 05 Oct 2013 00:38:51 -0700, galeomaga wrote:

> #!/usr/bin/python
> import time
> f = open('/home/martin/Downloads/a.txt')
> while 1:
>   for line in f:
>   print line;
>   time.sleep(1);

So you're trying to implement "tail -f"?

First, check that "tail -f" actually works for your particular use case.

If the process writing the file uses buffered output, data will only
actually be appended to the file when the buffer is full. You can't read
what isn't there.

And if the process creates a new file with the same name, rather than
appending to the existing file, you'll still be reading the old file. You
would need to open the file again to read the new file.


Re: Handling 3 operands in an expression without raising an exception

2013-09-26 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 26 Sep 2013 10:26:48 +0300, Νίκος wrote:

> How can i wrote the two following lines so for NOT to throw out
> KeyErrors when a key is missing?
> city = gi.time_zone_by_addr( os.environ['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'] ) or
> gi.time_zone_by_addr( os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) or
> "Άγνωστη Πόλη"

tz = None
ip = os.environ.get('HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP')
if ip:
  tz = gi.time_zone_by_addr(ip)
if not tz:
  ip = os.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
  if ip:
tz = gi.time_zone_by_addr(ip)
if not tz:
  tz = "ÎγνÏÏÏη Î Ïλη"

Likewise for the hostname.


Re: Why do I have to use "global" so much when using Turtle?

2013-09-22 Thread Nobody
On Sat, 21 Sep 2013 21:39:07 -0700, John Ladasky wrote:

> However, neither Screen.ontimer() not Screen.onkeypress() appear to give
> me a way to pass arguments to functions of my own.  Why don't they?  Is
> this some limitation of Tk?  I have worked with other GUI's before, and I
> don't remember having to jump through this particular hoop.

The usual approach in Python is to pass a bound method of an object, and
keep all of the data on that object.


Re: Send alt key to subprocess.PIPE stdin

2013-09-12 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 13 Sep 2013 01:27:53 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

> That said, though: These sorts of keystrokes often can be represented
> with escape sequences (I just tried it in xterm and Alt-D came out as
> "\e[d"),

Technically, that would be Meta-D (even if your Meta key has "Alt" printed
on it).

Alt- produces chr(ord(char)+128); Meta- produces "\e"+char.

At least, that's the historical distinction between Meta and Alt. With
xterm, the behaviour is configurable via the resources altIsNotMeta,
altSendsEscape and metaSendsEscape.

None of which has anything to do with trying to feed a GUI program key
events via stdin ...


Re: Language design

2013-09-12 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 11 Sep 2013 00:53:53 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> and most routines that handle file names accept either text strings or 
> bytes strings:

I was going to say "that just leaves environ and argv". But I see that
os.environb was added in 3.2. Which just leaves argv.


Re: Send alt key to subprocess.PIPE stdin

2013-09-11 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 11 Sep 2013 07:26:32 -0700, Wanderer wrote:

> How do I send the command 'Alt+D' to subprocess.PIPE?

You don't. GUI programs don't read stdin, they receive key press events
from the windowing system.


Re: Language design

2013-09-10 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 10 Sep 2013 17:07:09 +1000, Ben Finney wrote:

> * Python requires every programmer to know, or quickly learn, the basics
>   of Unicode: to know that text is not, and never will be again,
>   synonymous with a sequence of bytes.

If only the Python developers would learn the same lesson ...

Some of them are so hooked on Unicode that they won't accept that
sometimes a sequence of bytes really is just a sequence of bytes. Primary
example: most of the POSIX API.


Re: Monitor key presses in Python?

2013-09-09 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 09 Sep 2013 10:39:43 -0700, eamonnrea wrote:

> Is there a way to detect if the user presses a key in Python that works on
> most OS's? I've only seen 1 method, and that only works in Python 2.6 and
> less.

There's no "generic" solution to this.

At a minimum, there's getting "key presses" from a windowing system and
getting character input from a terminal or console. The two cases are
themselves quite different, and each case has differences between
operating systems.


Re: Can I trust downloading Python?

2013-09-09 Thread Nobody
On Sun, 08 Sep 2013 03:37:15 +, Dave Angel wrote:

> You can run a 32bit Python on 64bit OS, but not the oter way
> around.  And most people just match the bitness of Python against the
> bitness of the OS.

AFAICT, most people run 32-bit Python on any version of Windows.

[And this isn't limited to Python; most of the software on my Win64
system is 32-bit. And most of the 64-bit software is accounted for by
software which has to be 64-bit due to containing device drivers, shell
extensions or similar.]

Any add-on package which provides pre-compiled binaries will provide
32-bit binaries. Some of them will also provide 64-bit binaries, some of
them won't.

So unless you think that you might need to use more than 3-4 GiB of RAM
for a single Python process, or you need to use certain libraries
which are only available as 64-bit, getting the 32-bit version is
typically the safest option.


Re: python script hangs when run from subprocess

2013-09-07 Thread Nobody
On Sat, 07 Sep 2013 03:55:02 -0700, larry.mart...@gmail.com wrote:

> I have a python script and when I run it directly from the command line
> it runs to completion. But I need to run it from another script. I do
> that like this: 
> p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
> rv = p.wait()
> out_buf = p.stdout.read()
> When I do this, wait never returns.

The last two statements are the wrong way around. If you're reading a
process' output via a pipe, you shouldn't wait() for it until it has
closed its end of the pipe.

As it stands, you have a potential deadlock. If the subprocess tries to
write more data than will fit into the pipe, it will block until the
parent reads from the pipe. But the parent won't read from the pipe until
after the subprocess has terminated, which won't happen because the
subprocess is blocked waiting for the parent to read from the pipe ...


Re: A Pragmatic Case for Static Typing

2013-09-02 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 02 Sep 2013 09:44:20 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> One factor I don't see very often mentioned is that static typing 
> increases coupling between distant parts of your code. If func() changes 
> from returning int to MyInt, everything that calls func now needs to be 
> modified to accept MyInt, no matter how similar MyInt is to int. You have 
> to make changes just to satisfy the compiler.

Not if the language has type inference (e.g. Haskell, or C++ templates).


Re: subprocess.Popen instance hangs

2013-08-30 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:00:21 -0800, Tim Johnson wrote:

> ## This appears to be what works.
> def __exec(self,args) :
> """Run the process with arguments"""
>p =
>while 1 :
>output = p.stdout.read()

If the process tries to write more than a pipe's worth of data to stderr,
before closing stdout, it will block indefinitely.

If you want to process both stdout and stderr, you have to be able to
consume the data in whatever order the process generates it, which means
either using multiple threads or (on Unix) select/poll or non-blocking
I/O. This is what the .communicate() method does (threads on Windows,
select/poll on Unix).

The alternative is to merge both streams with stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, or
redirect one of them to a file (or /dev/null, etc).


Re: Interface and duck typing woes

2013-08-29 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 18:09:22 -0300, Joe Junior wrote:

> Of course I don't want to check isistance(), I like duck typing, but
> should I check if hasattr() and callable() before adding to the container?

That won't tell you if the object has a quack() method but with
incompatible semantics (e.g. wrong number or types of arguments).

> What is the pythonic way to deal with it?

Ignore it. If you want early type checking, use a statically-typed


Re: Pair of filenos read/write each other?

2013-08-14 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 13 Aug 2013 16:10:41 -0700, Jack Bates wrote:

> Is there anything like os.pipe() where you can read/write both ends?

There's socket.socketpair(), but it's only available on Unix.

Windows doesn't have AF_UNIX sockets, and anonymous pipes (like the ones
created by os.pipe()) aren't bidirectional. Named pipes are bidirectional,
but you would need to choose a name, create one, connect, and accept (like
with sockets); there's no convenience function like socketpair(). Also,
you need to consider the security implications, as other processes can
(try to) connect to a named pipe.


Re: python and displaying on 10 bit monitors

2013-08-14 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 13 Aug 2013 05:25:34 -0700, rlkling wrote:

> Or, asking another way, are there any python libraries that display images
> to 10 bit monitors as 10 bit images, and not scaled to 8 bit?

This should be possible using PyOpenGL and GLUT, with:

glutInitDisplayString("red=10 green=10 blue=10")

That's based upon a quick look at:


I don't have a 30-bpp monitor to test it with.

You may be able to do the same thing using e.g. QGLWidget or wxGLCanvas,
but I don't think that you can get 30-bpp with GDI, so you're limited to
solutions involving OpenGL (or DirectX, if you can figure out the
necessary pieces).


Re: Using sudo to write to a file as root from a script

2013-08-09 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 09 Aug 2013 21:12:20 +0100, Nobody wrote:

> Try:
>   command = ['sudo', 'tee', config_file]
>   p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
> stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
>   out, _ = p.communicate('channel')

Oops; you also need stdin=subprocess.PIPE.


Re: Using sudo to write to a file as root from a script

2013-08-09 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 08 Aug 2013 23:11:09 -0500, Adam Mercer wrote:

> I'm trying to write a script that writes some content to a file root
> through sudo, but it's not working at all. I am using:

>   command = ['echo', '-n', channel, '|', 'sudo', 'tee', config_file]

You can't create a pipeline like this. All of the list elements after the
first will be passed as arguments to "echo".


  command = ['sudo', 'tee', config_file]
  p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
  out, _ = p.communicate('channel')


Re: Beginner. 2d rotation gives unexpected results.

2013-07-23 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 23 Jul 2013 15:11:43 +0200, Peter Otten wrote:

> The conversion to int introduces a rounding error that accumulates over 
> time.

Most floating point calculations introduce a rounding error. If the
calculations are iterated, the error will accumulate.

In general, you want to avoid accumulating entire transformations. E.g. if
you want a spinning object, maintain the cumulative rotation angle and
rotate the original points each frame.

If you must accumulate transformations, you need to actively work to
maintain any desired invariants. E.g. if a transformation is supposed to
be orthonormal (all axes perpendicular and of unit length), you should
renormalise it periodically, otherwise the lengths and angles will change
over time.


Re: Simple Python script as SMTP server for outgoing e-mails?

2013-07-22 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:19:57 +0200, Gilles wrote:

> Incidently, how do ISP MTAs find whether the remote MTA is legit or
> running on some regular user's computer?

Look up the IP address in a database. If they don't have a database,
perform a reverse DNS lookup and reject anything which looks like a
typical auto-generated name for a consumer DSL/cable connection.

FWIW, I've been running sendmail on my home system (ADSL with static IP)
for years, and have had very few problems with mail being rejected.


Re: How do I get the OS System Font Directory(Cross-Platform) in python?

2013-07-11 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 11 Jul 2013 08:32:34 -0700, Metallicow wrote:

> How do I get the OS System Font Directory(Cross-Platform) in python?

What makes you think the system *has* a system font directory?

In the traditional X11 model, the only program which needs fonts is the X
server, and that can be configured to get its fonts from a font server
rather than from a local directory. Even if it doesn't use a font server,
the font directory will be on the system running the X server, not the one
running the client.


Re: Concurrent writes to the same file

2013-07-11 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 10 Jul 2013 22:57:09 -0600, Jason Friedman wrote:

> Other than using a database, what are my options for allowing two processes
> to edit the same file at the same time?  When I say same time, I can accept
> delays.

What do you mean by "edit"? Overwriting bytes and appending bytes are
simple enough, but inserting or deleting bytes such that subsequent bytes
change their offsets is harder.

> I considered lock files,

Well, you shouldn't have, unless you're targeting a platform which doesn't
support file locks (are there any left?).

> but I cannot conceive of how I avoid race conditions.

By using locks. E.g. fcntl.lockf() or msvcrt.locking().


Re: UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb6 in position 0: invalid start byte

2013-07-04 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 04 Jul 2013 13:38:09 +0300, Νίκος wrote:

> So you are also suggesting that what gesthostbyaddr() returns is not 
> utf-8 encoded too?

The gethostbyaddr() OS function returns a byte string with no specified
encoding. Python 3 will doubtless try to decode that to a character string
using some (probably unspecified) encoding.

Names obtained from DNS should consist entirely of ASCII characters
(gethostbyname shouldn't attempt to decode internationalised names
which use IDN, it should return the raw data).

Names obtained by other means (e.g. /etc/hosts or Active Directory) could
contain anything, but if you use non-ASCII hostnames you're asking for


Re: Popen in Python3

2013-06-19 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 19 Jun 2013 23:03:05 +, Joseph L. Casale wrote:

> I am trying to invoke a binary that requires dll's in two places all of
> which are included in the path env variable in windows. When running this
> binary with popen it can not find either, passing env=os.environ to open
> made no difference.
> Anyone know what might cause this or how to work around this?

Do any of the DLLs have dependencies of their own which need to be found?

Do DLLs with the same name exist in directories which are searched before
%PATH%? Directories listed in %PATH% are searched after all other options
have failed.

The relevant MSDN page appears to be:



Re: Eval of expr with 'or' and 'and' within

2013-06-14 Thread Nobody
On Sat, 15 Jun 2013 03:56:28 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

> With a few random oddities:
> True
> I somehow expected NaN to be false. Maybe that's just my expectations
> that are wrong, though.

In general, you should expect the behaviour of NaN to be the opposite of
what you expect.


Re: Eval of expr with 'or' and 'and' within

2013-06-14 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 14 Jun 2013 16:49:11 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> Unlike Javascript though, Python's idea of truthy and falsey is actually 
> quite consistent:

Beyond that, if a user-defined type implements a __nonzero__() method then
it determines whether an instance is true or false. If it implements a
__len__() method, then an instance is true if it has a non-zero length.


Re: Eval of expr with 'or' and 'and' within

2013-06-14 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 14 Jun 2013 19:30:27 +, Grant Edwards wrote:

>  2. Returning one the objects that result from the evaluation of the
> operands instead of returning True or False.
> This is what seems to be confusing him.  This is much less common
> than short-circuit evaluation.

FWIW, Lisp also does this. But Lisp is slightly simpler as the only false
value is "nil", while everything else is true (including integer zero).

Although Python's any() and all() (which are closer to Lisp's "and" and
"or" insofar as they all work with any number of values, including zero)
always return True or False rather than the final value.


Re: Eval of expr with 'or' and 'and' within

2013-06-14 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 14 Jun 2013 18:16:05 +0300, Nick the Gr33k wrote:

> My question is why the expr (name and month and year) result in the 
> value of the last variable whic is variable year?

For much the same reason that an OR expression returns the first true

"or" and "and" only evaluate as many arguments are required in order to
determine the correct result (aka "short-circuit evaluation"). If the
first argument of "or" is true, or the first argument of "and" is false,
the second argument isn't evaluated (this is important if evaluation can
have side effects).

The operators can be expressed as:

True or X = True
False or X = X

False and X = False
True and X = X

Note that in the short-circuit case, the result has the same sense (true
or false) as the first argument, while in the other case the result has
the same sense as the second argument.

Python implements these operators by returning the actual value which
determined the result of the expression rather than simply True or False.

If the result is known after evaluating the first argument, the first
argument is returned. If it has to evaluate the second argument, the
second argument is returned (by that point it has already forgotten
the value of the first argument).


Re: "Don't rebind built-in names*" - it confuses readers

2013-06-13 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 13 Jun 2013 01:23:27 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> Python does have a globally-global namespace. It is called "builtins", and
> you're not supposed to touch it. Of course, being Python, you can if you
> want, but if you do, you are responsible for whatever toes you shoot off.
> Modifying builtins will effect *all modules*. That's normally too much,
> although it can very, very, very occasionally be useful.

For a specific example, gettext.install() adds the _() function to the
builtins namespace.


Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-13 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 13 Jun 2013 12:01:55 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Steven D'Aprano
>  wrote:
>> The *mechanism* of UTF-8 can go up to 6 bytes (or even 7 perhaps?), but
>> that's not UTF-8, that's UTF-8-plus-extra-codepoints.
> And a proper UTF-8 decoder will reject "\xC0\x80" and "\xed\xa0\x80", even
> though mathematically they would translate into U+ and U+D800
> respectively. The UTF-16 *mechanism* is limited to no more than Unicode
> has currently used, but I'm left wondering if that's actually the other
> way around - that Unicode planes were deemed to stop at the point where
> UTF-16 can't encode any more.

Indeed. 5-byte and 6-byte sequences were originally part of the UTF-8
specification, allowing for 31 bits. Later revisions of the standard
imposed the UTF-16 limit on Unicode as a whole.


Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-12 Thread Nobody
On Wed, 12 Jun 2013 14:23:49 +0300, Νικόλαος Κούρας wrote:

> So, how many bytes does UTF-8 stored for codepoints > 127 ?

U+..U+007F  1 byte
U+0080..U+07FF  2 bytes
U+0800..U+  3 bytes
>=U+1   4 bytes

So, 1 byte for ASCII, 2 bytes for other Latin characters, Greek, Cyrillic,
Arabic, and Hebrew, 3 bytes for Chinese/Japanese/Korean, 4 bytes for dead
languages and mathematical symbols.

The mechanism used by UTF-8 allows sequences of up to 6 bytes, for a total
of 31 bits, but UTF-16 is limited to U+10 (slightly more than 20 bits).


RE: Popen and reading stdout in windows

2013-06-11 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 11 Jun 2013 01:50:07 +, Joseph L. Casale wrote:

> I am using Popen to run the exe with communicate() and I have sent stdout
> to PIPE without luck. Just not sure what is the proper way to iterate over
> the stdout as it eventually makes its way from the buffer.

The proper way is:

p = subprocess.Popen(..., stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in p.stdout:
# use 'line'

If the program uses stdin, matters get more complicated.


Re: A few questiosn about encoding

2013-06-09 Thread Nobody
On Sun, 09 Jun 2013 03:44:57 -0700, Νικόλαος Κούρας wrote:

>>> Since 1 byte can hold up to 256 chars, why not utf-8 use 1-byte for 
>>> values up to 256? 
>>Because then how do you tell when you need one byte, and when you need 
>>two? If you read two bytes, and see 0x4C 0xFA, does that mean two 
>>characters, with ordinal values 0x4C and 0xFA, or one character with 
>>ordinal value 0x4CFA? 
> I mean utf-8 could use 1 byte for storing the 1st 256 characters. I
> meant up to 256, not above 256.

But then you've used up all 256 possible bytes for storing the first 256
characters, and there aren't any left for use in multi-byte sequences.

You need some means to distinguish between a single-byte character and an
individual byte within a multi-byte sequence.

UTF-8 does that by allocating specific ranges to specific purposes.
0x00-0x7F are single-byte characters, 0x80-0xBF are continuation bytes of
multi-byte sequences, 0xC0-0xFF are leading bytes of multi-byte sequences.

This scheme has the advantage of making UTF-8 non-modal, i.e. if a byte is
corrupted, added or removed, it will only affect the character containing
that particular byte; the encoder can re-synchronise at the beginning of
the following character.

OTOH, with encodings such as UTF-16, UTF-32 or ISO-2022, adding or
removing a byte will result in desyncronisation, with all subsequent
characters being corrupted.

> A surrogate pair is like itting for example Ctrl-A, which means is a
> combination character that consists of 2 different characters? Is this
> what a surrogate is? a pari of 2 chars?

A surrogate pair is a pair of 16-bit codes used to represent a single
Unicode character whose code is greater than 0x.

The 2048 codepoints from 0xD800 to 0xDFFF inclusive aren't used to
represent characters, but "surrogates". Unicode characters with codes
in the range 0x1-0x10 are represented in UTF-16 as a pair of
surrogates. First, 0x1 is subtracted from the code, giving a value in
the range 0-0xF (20 bits). The top ten bits are added to 0xD800 to
give a value in the range 0xD800-0xDBFF, while the bottom ten bits are
added to 0xDC00 to give a value in the range 0xDC00-0xDFFF.

Because the codes used for surrogates aren't valid as individual
characters, scanning a string for a particular character won't
accidentally match part of a multi-word character.

> 'a' to be utf8 encoded needs 1 byte to be stored ? (since ordinal = 65)
> 'α΄' to be utf8 encoded needs 2 bytes to be stored ? (since ordinal is
> > 127 ) 'a chinese ideogramm' to be utf8 encoded needs 4 byte to be
> stored ? (since ordinal >  65000 )

Most Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) characters have codepoints within
the BMP (i.e. <= 0x), so they only require 3 bytes in UTF-8. The
codepoints above the BMP are mostly for archaic ideographs (those no
longer in normal use), mathematical symbols, dead languages, etc.

> The amount of bytes needed to store a character solely depends on the
> character's ordinal value in the Unicode table?

Yes. UTF-8 is essentially a mechanism for representing 31-bit unsigned
integers such that smaller integers require fewer bytes than larger
integers (subsequent revisions of Unicode cap the range of possible
codepoints to 0x10, as that's all that UTF-16 can handle).


Re: Python Game Development?

2013-06-08 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 07 Jun 2013 08:53:03 -0700, letsplaysforu wrote:

> I was planning on making a small 2D game in Python. Are there any
> libraries for this? I know of: 


There's also Pyglet.


Re: how to detect the character encoding in a web page ?

2013-06-05 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 06 Jun 2013 03:55:11 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

> The HTTP header is completely out of band. This is the best way to
> transmit encoding information. Otherwise, you assume 7-bit ASCII and start
> parsing. Once you find a meta tag, you stop parsing and go back to the
> top, decoding in the new way.

Provided that the meta tag indicates an ASCII-compatible encoding, and you
haven't encountered any decode errors due to 8-bit characters, then
there's no need to go back to the top.

> "ASCII-compatible" covers a huge number of
> encodings, so it's not actually much of a problem to do this.

With slight modifications, you can also handle some
almost-ASCII-compatible encodings such as shift-JIS.

Personally, I'd start by assuming ISO-8859-1, keep track of which bytes
have actually been seen, and only re-start parsing from the top if the
encoding change actually affects the interpretation of any of those bytes.

And if the encoding isn't even remotely ASCII-compatible, you aren't going
to be able to recognise the meta tag in the first place. But I don't think
I've ever seen a web page encoded in UTF-16 or EBCDIC.

Tools like chardet are meant for the situation where either no encoding is
specified or the specified encoding can't be trusted (which is rather
common; why else would web browsers have a menu to allow the user to
select the encoding?).


Re: Changing filenames from Greeklish => Greek (subprocess complain)

2013-06-04 Thread Nobody
On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 00:58:42 -0700, Νικόλαος Κούρας wrote:

> Τη Τρίτη, 4 Ιουνίου 2013 10:39:08 π.μ. UTC+3, ο
> χρήστης Nobody έγραψε:
>> Chrome didn't choose ISO-8859-1, the server did; the HTTP response says:
>>   Content-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1
> From where do you see this

$ wget -S -O - http://superhost.gr/data/apps/
--2013-06-04 14:00:10--  http://superhost.gr/data/apps/
Resolving superhost.gr...
Connecting to superhost.gr||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 
  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Server: ApacheBooster/1.6
  Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2013 13:00:19 GMT
  Content-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1
  Transfer-Encoding: chunked
  Connection: keep-alive
  Vary: Accept-Encoding
  X-Cacheable: YES
  X-Varnish: 2000177813
  Via: 1.1 varnish
  age: 0
  X-Cache: MISS


Re: Changing filenames from Greeklish => Greek (subprocess complain)

2013-06-04 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 03 Jun 2013 23:28:21 -0700, nagia.retsina wrote:

> I can't believe Chrome whcih by default uses utf8 chosed iso-8859-1 to
> presnt the filenames. 

Chrome didn't choose ISO-8859-1, the server did; the HTTP response says:

  Content-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1


Re: Changing filenames from Greeklish => Greek (subprocess complain)

2013-06-02 Thread Nobody
On Sat, 01 Jun 2013 08:44:36 -0700, Νικόλαος Κούρας wrote:

> CalledProcessError: Command '/home/nikos/public_html/cgi-bin/files.py' 
> returned non-zero exit status 1 
>   args = (1, '/home/nikos/public_html/cgi-bin/files.py') 
>   cmd = '/home/nikos/public_html/cgi-bin/files.py' 
>   output = b'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n 74: surrogates not allowed\n\n-->\n\n' 
>   returncode = 1 
>   with_traceback =  object>

The traceback indicates that files.py terminated with a non-zero exit
code, indicating an error.

And that's *all* that can be determined from the information which you
have posted.

If you want to solve the problem, you'll need to make files.py generate
useful error messages, then capture them.


Re: Create a file in /etc/ as a non-root user

2013-05-31 Thread Nobody
On Fri, 31 May 2013 02:12:58 -0700, BIBHU DAS wrote:

> I am a python novice;request all to kindly bear with me.
> fd = open('/etc/file','w')
> fd.write('jpdas')
> fd.close()
> The above snippet fails with:

> IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/etc/file'

As it should.

> Any Idea how to create a file in /etc as non-root user?

This should not be possible. The language used is irrelevant.


Re: Short-circuit Logic

2013-05-30 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 30 May 2013 19:38:31 -0400, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

>   Measuring 1 foot from the 1000 foot stake leaves you with any error
> from datum to the 1000 foot, plus any error from the 1000 foot, PLUS any
> azimuth error which would contribute to shortening the datum distance.

First, let's ignore azimuthal error.

If you measure both distances from the same origin, and you have a
measurement error of 0.1% (i.e. 1/1000), then the 1000' measurement will
actually be between 999' and 1001', while the 1001' measurement will be
between 1000' and 1002' (to the nearest whole foot).

Meaning that the distance from the 1000' stake to the 1001' stake could be
anywhere between -1' and 3' (i.e. the 1001' stake could be measured as
being closer than the 1000' stake).

This is why technical drawings which include regularly-spaced features
will normally specify the positions of features relative to their
neighbours instead of (or as well as) relative to some origin.

When you're dealing with relative error, the obvious question is
"relative to what?".


Re: Short-circuit Logic

2013-05-30 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 30 May 2013 12:07:40 +0300, Jussi Piitulainen wrote:

> I suppose this depends on the complexity of the process and the amount
> of data that produced the numbers of interest. Many individual
> floating point operations are required to be within an ulp or two of
> the mathematically correct result, I think, and the rounding error
> when parsing a written representation of a number should be similar.

Elementary operations (+, -, *, /, %, sqrt) are supposed to be within
+/- 0.5 ULP (for round-to-nearest), i.e. the actual result should be the
closest representable value to the exact result.

Transcendental functions should ideally be within +/- 1 ULP, i.e. the
actual result should be one of the two closest representable values to the
exact result. Determining the closest value isn't always feasible due to
the "table-maker's dilemma", i.e. the fact that regardless of the number
of digits used for intermediate results, the upper and lower bounds
can remain on opposite sides of the dividing line.


Re: Short-circuit Logic

2013-05-27 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 27 May 2013 13:11:28 -0700, Ahmed Abdulshafy wrote:

> On Sunday, May 26, 2013 2:13:47 PM UTC+2, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> What the above actually tests for is whether x is so small that (1.0+x)
>> cannot be distinguished from 1.0, which is not the same thing. It is
>> also quite arbitrary. Why 1.0? Why not (0.0001+x)? Or (0.0001+x)?
>> Or (1.0+x)?
> That may be true for integers,

What may be true for integers?

> but for floats, testing for equality is not always precise

And your point is?

What Steven wrote is entirely correct: sys.float_info.epsilon is the
smallest value x such that 1.0 and 1.0+x have distinct floating-point
representations. It has no relevance for comparing to zero.


Re: Short-circuit Logic

2013-05-27 Thread Nobody
On Sun, 26 May 2013 04:11:56 -0700, Ahmed Abdulshafy wrote:

> I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around short-circuit logic that's
> used by Python, coming from a C/C++ background; so I don't understand why
> the following condition is written this way!>
>  if not allow_zero and abs(x) < sys.float_info.epsilon:
> print("zero is not allowed")
> The purpose of this snippet is to print the given line when allow_zero is
> False and x is 0.

I don't understand your confusion. The above is directly equivalent to the
following C code:

if (!allow_zero && fabs(x) < DBL_EPSILON)
printf("zero is not allowed\n");

In either case, the use of short-circuit evaluation isn't necessary here;
it would work just as well with a strict[1] "and" operator.

Short-circuit evaluation is useful if the second argument is expensive to
compute, or (more significantly) if the second argument should not be
evaluated if the first argument is false; e.g. if x is a pointer then:

if (x && *x) ...

relies upon short-circuit evaluation to avoid dereferencing a null pointer.

On an unrelated note: the use of the "epsilon" value here is
almost certainly wrong. If the intention is to determine if the result of
a calculation is zero to within the limits of floating-point accuracy,
then it should use a value which is proportional to the values used in
the calculation.


Re: Newbie question about evaluating raw_input() responses

2013-05-25 Thread Nobody
On Thu, 23 May 2013 17:20:19 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

> Aside: Why was PHP's /e regexp option ever implemented?

Because it's a stupid idea, and that's the only requirement for a feature
to be implemented in PHP.


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