Re: hanning python

2009-09-10 Thread pdpi
On Sep 9, 7:01 pm, sturlamolden wrote:
 On 9 Sep, 16:57, pdpi wrote:

  Raising this to 1 million, rather than 100, nodes in the window, the
  timing difference between your version and NumPy's is tiny (but numpy
  still edges you out, but just barely), but they trounce my naive
  version, being around 7 or 8 times faster the list comprehension I

 Premature optimization is the root of all evil in computer

 Speed is not the issue here.

Sure it is. And safety. And practicality. And all the other reasons
why people use libraries rather than reinventing the wheel every time
they fire up their editors. Given the OP's question, a snarky you're
not competent enough to do scientific computing serves no purpose,
where pointing him to NumPy (and SciPy, I forgot to mention that bit)
serves him much better.

Re: hanning python

2009-09-09 Thread pdpi
On Sep 9, 3:27 am, sturlamolden wrote:
 On 9 Sep, 00:24, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  A decent vendor-supplied implementation will include error checking that
  you otherwise would need to implement yourself, so yes.

 Not for code like this:

  import numpy as np
  n = np.arange(101)
  w = 0.5*(1.0-np.cos(2*np.pi*n/(100.)))

Well, I went and dug into NumPy. They write it as 0.5 - 0.5 * cos
(...), and special case N = 1, and properly error check N  1. Still,
probably because of differences in dictionary look ups (because of
namespace scopes), np.hanning, on average, takes a wee bit over half
as long as your case, and yours is only a shade faster than

 window = [0.5 - math.cos(2 * x * math.pi /100.) for x in range(101)]

(Yes, I know I should've used xrange instead of range)

Re: hanning python

2009-09-09 Thread pdpi
On Sep 9, 3:46 pm, pdpi wrote:
 On Sep 9, 3:27 am, sturlamolden wrote:

  On 9 Sep, 00:24, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
   A decent vendor-supplied implementation will include error checking that
   you otherwise would need to implement yourself, so yes.

  Not for code like this:

   import numpy as np
   n = np.arange(101)
   w = 0.5*(1.0-np.cos(2*np.pi*n/(100.)))

 Well, I went and dug into NumPy. They write it as 0.5 - 0.5 * cos
 (...), and special case N = 1, and properly error check N  1. Still,
 probably because of differences in dictionary look ups (because of
 namespace scopes), np.hanning, on average, takes a wee bit over half
 as long as your case, and yours is only a shade faster than

  window = [0.5 - math.cos(2 * x * math.pi /100.) for x in range(101)]

 (Yes, I know I should've used xrange instead of range)

Sorry, should've been smarter than this.

Raising this to 1 million, rather than 100, nodes in the window, the
timing difference between your version and NumPy's is tiny (but numpy
still edges you out, but just barely), but they trounce my naive
version, being around 7 or 8 times faster the list comprehension I
suggested. So implementing this in vanilla python instead of using
numpy would hurt performance a fair bit, and odds are the OP is going
to put this to use somewhere that involves more maths, which makes
learning about numpy well worth having asked the question here.

Re: hanning python

2009-09-08 Thread pdpi
On Sep 8, 12:36 pm, Pierre wrote:

 anyone knows what is the python equivalent of the matlab's hanning

 Note that in matlab hann and hanning are different.

 Thanks !

I assume you mean the tapering function mentioned here:

Python is a general purpose language, unlike the maths-specialized
MATLAB. I suggest you look into numpy, in which, a quick googling
suggests, an implementation of a the Hanning function is provided. In
fact, if you're using python to replace matlab in any meaningful way,
you'll probably want to use numpy anyway.

Re: hanning python

2009-09-08 Thread pdpi
On Sep 8, 1:55 pm, sturlamolden wrote:
 On 8 Sep, 13:36, Pierre wrote:

  anyone knows what is the python equivalent of the matlab's hanning

  Note that in matlab hann and hanning are different.

 If you don't know how to compute a von Hann window, you are not
 competent to do any scientific programming. Seriously!

Come, come. I think it's a good rule that, where available, a vendor-
supplied implementation is the preferable choice until proven

 I assume you are using NumPy and SciPy, so consider
 scipy.signal.hanning for convinience.


Re: Extracting patterns after matching a regex

2009-09-08 Thread pdpi
On Sep 8, 1:56 pm, Martin wrote:

 I need to extract a string after a matching a regular expression. For
 example I have the string...


 and once I match FTPHOST I would like to extract I am not sure as to the best approach to the
 problem, I had been trying to match the string using something like

 m = re.findall(rFTPHOST, s)

 But I couldn't then work out how to return the
 part. Perhaps I need to find the string and then split it? I had some
 help with a similar problem, but now I don't seem to be able to
 transfer that to this problem!

 Thanks in advance for the help,


What you're doing is telling python look for all matches of
'FTPHOST'. That doesn't really help you much, because you pretty much
expect FTPHOST to be there anyway, so finding it means squat. What you
_really_ want to tell it is Look for things shaped like 'FTPHOST:
ftpaddress', and tell me what ftpaddress actually is. Look here: That'll explain how
to accomplish what you're trying to do.

Re: Extracting patterns after matching a regex

2009-09-08 Thread pdpi
On Sep 8, 3:21 pm, nn wrote:
 On Sep 8, 9:55 am, Mart. wrote:

  On Sep 8, 2:16 pm, Andreas Tawn wrote:


I need to extract a string after a matching a regular expression. For
example I have the string...


and once I match FTPHOST I would like to extract I am not sure as to the best approach to the
problem, I had been trying to match the string using something like

m = re.findall(rFTPHOST, s)

But I couldn't then work out how to return the
part. Perhaps I need to find the string and then split it? I had some
help with a similar problem, but now I don't seem to be able to
transfer that to this problem!

Thanks in advance for the help,


   No need for regex.

   s = FTPHOST:
   If FTPHOST in s:
       return s[9:]



  Sorry perhaps I didn't make it clear enough, so apologies. I only
  presented the example  s = FTPHOST: as I
  thought this easily encompassed the problem. The solution presented
  works fine for this i.e.'FTPHOST: (.*)',s).group(1). But
  when I used this on the actual file I am trying to parse I realised it
  is slightly more complicated as this also pulls out other information,
  for example it prints\r\n', 'FTPDIR: /PullDir/0301872638CySfQB\r\n',
  'Ftp Pull Download Links: \r\n', '
  0301872638CySfQB\r\n', 'Down load ZIP file of packaged order:\r\n',

  etc. So I need to find a way to stop it before the \r

  slicing the string wouldn't work in this scenario as I can envisage a
  situation where the string lenght increases and I would prefer not to
  keep having to change the string.

  Many thanks

 It is not clear from your post what the input is really like. But just
 guessing this might work:

  print s

 'MEDIATYPE: FtpPull\r\n', 'MEDIAFORMAT: FILEFORMAT\r\n','FTPHOST:\r\n', 'FTPDIR: /PullDir/0301872638CySfQB\r
 \n','Ftp Pull Download Links: \r\n''FTPHOST: (.*?)\\r',s).group(1)


Except, I'm assuming, the OP's getting the data from a (windows-
formatted) file, so \r\n shouldn't be escaped in the regex:'FTPHOST: (.*?)\r',s).group(1)

Re: Convert points to polygon shapefile

2009-07-24 Thread pdpi
On Jul 24, 11:21 am, Luis Pedro Almeida wrote:
 Dear all,

 I would like to know how to convert a list of points into a polygon
 shapefile (esri).


 Best regards,

 Luis Pedro Almeida

I think you'd be better served by asking this question in a newsgroup
dedicated to GIS software (I'm guessing that's the ESRI you meant).
Still, what you want is to find the file format specification, and
implement it.

Re: Python Equivalent for dd fold

2009-07-16 Thread pdpi
On Jul 16, 3:12 pm, seldan24 wrote:
 On Jul 15, 1:48 pm, Emile van Sebille wrote:

  On 7/15/2009 10:23 AM MRAB said...

   On Jul 15, 12:47 pm, Michiel Overtoom wrote:
   seldan24 wrote:
   what can I use as the equivalent for the Unix 'fold' command?
   def fold(s,len):
        while s:
            print s[:len]

   You might still need to tweak the above code as regards how line endings
   are handled.

  You might also want to tweak it if the strings are _really_ long to
  simply slice out the substrings as opposed to reassigning the balance to
  a newly created s on each iteration.


 Thanks for all of the help.  I'm almost there.  I have it working now,
 but the 'fold' piece is very slow.  When I use the 'fold' command in
 shell it is almost instantaneous.  I was able to do the EBCDIC-ASCII
 conversion usng the decode method in the built-in str type.  I didn't
 have to import the codecs module.  I just decoded the data to cp037
 which works fine.

 So now, I'm left with a large file, consisting of one extremely long
 line of ASCII data that needs to be sliced up into 35 character
 lines.  I did the following, which works but takes a very long time:

 f = open(ascii_file, 'w')
 while ascii_data:
     ascii_data = ascii_data[len:]

 I know that Emile suggested that I can slice out the substrings rather
 than do the gradual trimming of the string variable as is being done
 by moving around the length.  So, I'm going to give that a try... I'm
 a bit confused by what that means, am guessing that slice can break up
 a string based on characters; will research.  Thanks for the help thus
 far.  I'll post again when all is working fine.

Assuming your rather large text file is 1 meg long, you have 1 million
characters in there. 100/35 = ~29k lines. The size remaining
string decreases linearly, so the average size is (100 + 0) / 2 or
500k. All said and done, you're allocating and copying a 500K string
-- not once, but 29 thousand times. That's where your slowdown resides.

Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-15 Thread pdpi
On Jul 15, 12:08 am, Christian Heimes wrote:
 Chris Rebert wrote:
  Using the xor bitwise operator is also an option:
  bool(x) ^ bool(y)

 I prefer something like:

     bool(a) + bool(b) == 1

 It works even for multiple tests (super xor):

   if bool(a) + bool(b) + bool(c) + bool(d) != 1:
       raise ValueError(Exactly one of a, b, c and d must be true)


if bool(a) + bool(b) + bool(c) + bool(d) != 1: is not equivalent to
xor. 1 xor 1 xor 1 = 1 xor (1 xor 1) = 1 xor 0 = 1 (or = (1 xor 1) xor
1 = 0 xor 1 = 1 if you assicate to the left)

Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-15 Thread pdpi
On Jul 15, 12:37 pm, Christian Heimes wrote:
 pdpi wrote:
  On Jul 15, 12:08 am, Christian Heimes wrote:
  Chris Rebert wrote:
  Using the xor bitwise operator is also an option:
  bool(x) ^ bool(y)
  I prefer something like:

      bool(a) + bool(b) == 1

  It works even for multiple tests (super xor):

    if bool(a) + bool(b) + bool(c) + bool(d) != 1:
        raise ValueError(Exactly one of a, b, c and d must be true)


  if bool(a) + bool(b) + bool(c) + bool(d) != 1: is not equivalent to
  xor. 1 xor 1 xor 1 = 1 xor (1 xor 1) = 1 xor 0 = 1 (or = (1 xor 1) xor
  1 = 0 xor 1 = 1 if you assicate to the left)

 I'm well aware of the fact that I've described something differently.
 'xor' can be explained as 'check if exactly one element of two elements
 is true'. My algorithms describes a super xor, aka 'check if exactly one
 element of n elements is true'.


Well, I just wouldn't call it a super xor then, when unicity test
works much better -- especially as an alternative to an actual xor
without any specification to the actual intended functionality except
the exception text.

Re: one-time factory in python for an experienced java guy

2009-07-14 Thread pdpi
On Jul 14, 3:03 pm, phonky wrote:

 I have searched all over and haven't found the solution
 for my problem yet. I am new to python, and all the time realize I
 do program python in java, which is not great.

 Besides being a real-life problem, I want to
 solve it as elegant as I can, using it to
 also learn about python (I know I could just
 hack something easy for now).

 That's what I want to do.

 I have an Account class.
 An Account instance has to get an account number.
 On instance creation, I want the account number to
 be generated (I don't want callers to pass
 the account # to ensure uniqueness):

 class Account(object):
         def __init__(self, holder):
                 self.__accountnumber = self.__generate_account_number()

 Now, I do not know yet how the account number scheme looks like.
 For now, I just want to have an incremental number; later,
 when going to production, we'll need the proper one.

 Furthermore, as we plan to distribute the package, we want
 to allow custom account numbering schemes. Thus, customers
 should be able to plug in their own AccountNumberGenerator implementation.

 For now, I have a module.

 I have an AccountNumberGenerator base class,
 all subclasses should implement generate.

 I have an IncrementalGenerator subclass.

 So for now, I need to instantiate IncrementalGenerator,
 allowing for a future module to plugin their own generator.

 Any suggestions on how to do this?
 Thanks so much

You don't want an AccountNumberGenerator class and subclassing, all
you need is an iterator/generator of some form.

These might help:
(in fact, that whole page is pretty relevant)

Once your code expects one of those, it's trivially easy to plug
something else in there.

Re: Infinite loops and synchronization

2009-07-13 Thread pdpi
On Jul 13, 6:06 am, Vincent Gulinao wrote:
 lst = list()

 (lst populated by async twisted deferred callbacks)

 while True:
         if len(lst) == SOME_NUMBER:
                 return lst

 Q1: is this a common OK practice? I'm worried infinite loops hogs memory.
 Q2: operating on list from threads (mostly appends) must be safe,
 right (synchronization)?

Q1: I'll answer your question with another. What's so fundamentally
different between your infinite loop and this one:

while len(lst) != SOME_NUMBER:
return lst

which is not an infinite loop[1]. Why would yours be any worse in
terms of memory than mine? Are you allocating anything that would hog
memory? Of course, like Piet said, it *will* hog your CPU, so you want
a time.sleep(.1) in there, at the least. Of course, the question is:
why aren't you using a semaphore to let you know you can proceed, and
make the provider increment the semaphore?

[1] -- well, it can be, if len(lst) == SOME_NUMBER never comes about,
and I'd hazard a guess that that's pretty much where your fear of
memory hogging comes from: it's easy to allocate stuff and not
deallocate it within a cycle, only to find the bounds on that cycle
going awry.

Re: Implementing a cache

2009-07-12 Thread pdpi
On Jul 12, 2:01 pm, wrote:
     Nikolaus I want to implement a caching data structure in Python that
     Nikolaus allows me to:

     Nikolaus  1. Quickly look up objects using a key
     Nikolaus  2. Keep track of the order in which the objects are accessed
     Nikolaus     (most recently and least recently accessed one, not a
     Nikolaus     complete history)
     Nikolaus  3. Quickly retrieve and remove the least recently accessed
     Nikolaus     object.

 My Cache module does #1 and #3.  I'm not sure if you want #2 for internal
 cache maintenance or for as part of the API.


I'm not sure whether #2 is doable at all, as written. You _need_ a
complete history (at least the full ordering of the items in the
cache) to be able to tell what the least recently used item is.

Re: tough-to-explain Python

2009-07-10 Thread pdpi
On Jul 10, 2:11 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 On Fri, 10 Jul 2009 12:54:21 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
  Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Wed, 08 Jul 2009 22:05:57 -0700, Simon Forman wrote:

  persistent idea out there that programming is a very accessible
  skill, like cooking or gardening, anyone can do it, and even profit
  from it, monetarily or otherwise, etc., and to some extent I am

  Programming is not like any other human activity.

 In practice? In principle? Programming in principle is not the same as
 it is performed in practice.

 But in either case, programming requires both the logical reasoning of
 mathematics and the creativity of the arts. Funnily enough,

  I do not buy this arty creativity stuff. - or are you talking about
  making a website look pretty?

 I must admit, it never crossed my mind that anyone here would claim that
 there was no creativity involved in programming, that it was all a
 mindless, algorithmic process capable of being done by a simple
 mechanical device.

 This is certainly the accusation made against *bad* programmers -- that
 they can't actually solve new, unique problems, but just apply recipes
 they learned without any insight or intelligence. The sort of people who
 program so poorly that a trained monkey could do what they do.

I wholeheartedly agree. Coming up with Duff's device is nothing if not
creative. My mind still reels at trying to grok it.

 Even *soup stock* fits the same profile as what Hendrik claims is almost
 unique to programming. On its own, soup stock is totally useless. But you
 make it, now, so you can you feed it into something else later on.

 Or instant coffee.

I've always found cooking an apt metaphor for programming.

You've got your well-limited for loops (cook for x minutes), your less
straightforward while/until loops (roast until golden), you have your
subprocedures (prepare sauce in advance/in parallel), you have some
conditionals (tenderize the steak if the meat isn't really that
tender), etc etc.

The complexities of assignment can be easily visualized in terms of
containers and mixing stuff together. Nothing makes a += b more
obvious than having a bowl of cream (a), an egg (b), and adding the
egg to the bowl of cream (a += b). Well, except for the part where
that in that case evaluating b is destructive ;)

 They can't reason? Then what are they doing when they manipulate symbols?

Computers aren't intelligent. They only think they are. Or, more to
the point: the typical definition of reasoning tends to involve more
of what defines humans as self-aware, animate beings than what is
usually ascribed to computers.

Re: Clarity vs. code reuse/generality

2009-07-08 Thread pdpi
On Jul 8, 2:24 am, Paul Rubin http://phr...@nospam.invalid wrote:
 pdpi writes:
      while abs(func(guess) - target)  epsilon:
          guess = (lo + hi) / 2.
          if sense * func(guess)  sense * target:
              hi = guess
          elif sense * func(guess)  sense * target:
              lo = guess
          elif lo == hi:
              return None
      return guess

 That is completely confusing.  I get the, er, impression that sense
 is supposed to change during the loop, and it takes much head
 scratching to tell whether what you have there is right or not.  Also,
 it calls func 3 times on each loop, which could be extremely slow.
 You don't know what func does, so eliminating 2/3 of the calls to it
 is not a micro-optimization--it could be a major time saving.

 Yet another version:

     def _binary_search(x0, x1, func, target, epsilon):
         y0,y1 = func(x0), func(x1)
         while abs(y1 - target)  epsilon:
             if x0 == x1 or cmp(y0,target) == cmp(y1,target):
                 return None
             xn = (x0 + x1) / 2.
             yn = func(xn)
             if cmp(yn,target) == cmp(y0,target):
                x0,y0 = xn,yn
                x1,y1 = xn,yn
         return x1

micro-optimization was perhaps too harsh, but it is an optimization
that's not obvious for the newbie, and one best learnt from experience
rather than having it spoon fed. I'll restate: you should start with
the cleanest code possible and mangle it for performance. Then again,
that implicitly assumes that f(x) is more readable than y, which is
really a matter of taste...

Re: Why re.match()?

2009-07-07 Thread pdpi
On Jul 2, 4:49 am, kj wrote:
 In xns9c3bca27abc36duncanbo...@ Duncan Booth writes:

 So, for example:
  re.compile(c).match(abcdef, 2)
 _sre.SRE_Match object at 0x02C09B90
  re.compile(^c).search(abcdef, 2)

 I find this unconvincing; with alone one could simply


given large enough values of abcdef, you just allocated several megs
for no good reason, when re.compile(c).match(abcdef, 2) would
process abcdef in-place.

Re: Clarity vs. code reuse/generality

2009-07-07 Thread pdpi
On Jul 7, 7:26 pm, Andre Engels wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 8:01 PM, wrote:
  He asserts:
     assert lo  hi
  but then compares:
     sense = cmp(func(hi), func(lo))

  sense can't ever be anything other than 1.

 It can - there is no necessity that func is monotonically increasing.

 André Engels,

Yes, I realized that as I was walking home.

In other news, some of you may be interested in my seminar in advanced
foot-in-mouth placement.

Re: Clarity vs. code reuse/generality

2009-07-07 Thread pdpi
On Jul 7, 7:06 pm, Paul Rubin http://phr...@nospam.invalid wrote:
 pdpi writes:
  Personally, I think the code is an unreadable mess, but that's mostly
  because of all the micro optimizations, not the generality of it.
  Here's my unoptimized, but still equally generic, version:

 That version doesn't use sense inside the binary search, i.e. it
 relies on the function being monotonically increasing.

You're right, make that:

def _binary_search(lo, hi, func, target, epsilon):
sense = cmp(func(hi), func(lo))
if sense == 0:
return None
guess = (lo + hi) / 2.
while abs(func(guess) - target)  epsilon:
guess = (lo + hi) / 2.
if sense * func(guess)  target:
hi = guess
elif sense * func(guess)  target:
lo = guess
elif lo == hi:
return None
return guess

Seems I had a serious brain cramp while posting that...

Re: Clarity vs. code reuse/generality

2009-07-07 Thread pdpi
On Jul 7, 7:31 pm, pdpi wrote:
 On Jul 7, 7:06 pm, Paul Rubin http://phr...@nospam.invalid wrote:

  pdpi writes:
   Personally, I think the code is an unreadable mess, but that's mostly
   because of all the micro optimizations, not the generality of it.
   Here's my unoptimized, but still equally generic, version:

  That version doesn't use sense inside the binary search, i.e. it
  relies on the function being monotonically increasing.

 You're right, make that:

 def _binary_search(lo, hi, func, target, epsilon):
     sense = cmp(func(hi), func(lo))
     if sense == 0:
         return None
     guess = (lo + hi) / 2.
     while abs(func(guess) - target)  epsilon:
         guess = (lo + hi) / 2.
         if sense * func(guess)  target:
             hi = guess
         elif sense * func(guess)  target:
             lo = guess
         elif lo == hi:
             return None
     return guess

 Seems I had a serious brain cramp while posting that...

Actually, scratch that.

def _binary_search(lo, hi, func, target, epsilon):
sense = cmp(func(hi), func(lo))
if sense == 0:
return None
guess = (lo + hi) / 2.
while abs(func(guess) - target)  epsilon:
guess = (lo + hi) / 2.
if sense * func(guess)  sense * target:
hi = guess
elif sense * func(guess)  sense * target:
lo = guess
elif lo == hi:
return None
return guess

Re: Clarity vs. code reuse/generality

2009-07-07 Thread pdpi
On Jul 7, 8:04 pm, Dave Angel wrote:
 And of course your clarified function will fail if the func is
 monotonically decreasing.

yeah, I eventually realized that and corrected it... And the assert()/
cmp() confusion too. I blame lack of sleep.

The whole sign/sense thing left a really bad taste in my mouth,
though, and the swapping lo and hi suggestion of yours seems like the
neatest solution presented.

Re: A Bug By Any Other Name ...

2009-07-06 Thread pdpi
On Jul 6, 1:12 pm, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
 Terry Reedy wrote:
  Gabriel Genellina wrote:

   In this case, a note in the documentation warning about the potential
   confusion would be fine.

  How would that help someone who does not read the doc?

 It obviously won't.

 All it will do, is that it will enable people on this group,
 who may read the manual, to tell people who complain,
 to RTFM.

  I agree that it would be a good idea to make it an
 error, or a warning - this might not do what you
 think it does, or an are you sure? exception.


 - Hendrik

I dunno. Specifically recognizing (and emitting code code for) a token
that's not actually part of the language because people coming from
other languages think it exists seems like the start of a fustercluck.

Re: Measuring Fractal Dimension ?

2009-06-30 Thread pdpi
On Jun 29, 3:17 am, greg wrote:
 Paul Rubin wrote:
  Steven D'Aprano writes:

 But that depends on what you call things... if electron shells are real
 (and they seem to be) and discontinuous, and the shells are predicted/
 specified by eigenvalues of some continuous function, is the continuous
 function part of nature or just a theoretical abstraction?

 Another thing to think about: If you put the atom in a
 magnetic field, the energy levels of the electrons get
 shifted slightly. To the extent that you can vary the
 magnetic field continuously, you can continuously
 adjust the energy levels.

 This of course raises the question of whether it's
 really possible to continuously adjust a magnetic field.
 But it's at least possible to do so with much finer
 granularity than the differences between energy levels
 in an atom.

 So if there is a fundamentally discrete model
 underlying everything, it must be at a much finer
 granularity than anything we've so far observed, and
 the discrete things that we have observed probably
 aren't direct reflections of it.


Electron shells and isolated electrons stuck in a magnetic field are
different phenomena that can't be directly compared. Or, at least,
such a comparison requires you to explain why it's proper.

Re: Passing parameters for a C program in Linux.

2009-06-30 Thread pdpi
On Jun 30, 11:46 am, wrote:
 Hi all,
        I have to write an automted script which will test my c
 program. That program when run will ask for the commands. For example:

 local-host# ./cli
 Enter 1 for add
 Enter 2 for sub
 Enter 3 for mul
 1            ---Our option
 Enter two numbers
 44 33   Our option
 Result is 77

 As shown in the above example it lists all the options and waits for
 user input and once given, it does some operations and waits for some
 more. This has to be automated.

 Can someone give suggestions how to do this in Python (Linux Platform
 in particular).

 Thank you,

The easiest (and ugliest) way to do this would probably be to write a
file input.txt and a file output.txt with each input/output value, and
then to do this on the command prompt:
./a.out  input.txt | diff output.txt -

this will run a.out (assuming that's your program's name), feed in
input.txt as input, and pipe that into diff to compute the differences
between its output and output.txt

Re: 3.2*2 is 9.6 ... or maybe it isn't?

2009-06-26 Thread pdpi
On Jun 26, 11:01 am, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 12:41:13 -0600, Michael Torrie wrote:
  If you want accurate math, check out other types like what is in the
  decimal module:

  import decimal
  print a * 3

 Not so. Decimal suffers from the exact same problem, just with different

  import decimal
  x = decimal.Decimal('1')/decimal.Decimal('3')
  3*x == 1


 Some numbers can't be represented exactly in base 2, and some numbers
 can't be represented exactly in base 10.


But since 10 = 2 * 5, all numbers that can be finitely represented in
binary can be represented finitely in decimal as well, with the exact
same number of  places for the fractional part (and no more digits
than the binary representation in the integer part)

Re: Measuring Fractal Dimension ?

2009-06-25 Thread pdpi
On Jun 25, 12:23 pm, Robin Becker wrote:
 Paul Rubin wrote:

 so does this render all the discreteness implied by quantum theory unreliable?
 or is it that we just cannot see(measure) the continuity that really happens?
 Certainly there are people like Wolfram who seem to think we're in some kind 
 giant calculating engine where state transitions are discontinuous.

More like that axiomatic system doesn't accurately map to reality as
we currently understand it.

Your posts made me think that I wasn't clear in saying e and 2 are the
only natural bases for logs.

The log function, as the inverse of the exponential, is a pretty
fundamental function.

The base e exponential has a load of very natural properties, f'(x) = f
(x) being an example.

As the smallest admissible integer base, log 2 is also a pretty
natural notion, especially in computer science, or in general all that
follow from binary true/false systems.

Re: Measuring Fractal Dimension ?

2009-06-25 Thread pdpi
On Jun 25, 10:38 am, Paul Rubin http://phr...@nospam.invalid wrote:
 Robin Becker writes:
  someone once explained to me that the set of systems that are
  continuous in the calculus sense was of measure zero in the set of all
  systems I think it was a fairly formal discussion, but my
  understanding was of the hand waving sort.

 That is very straightforward if you don't mind a handwave.  Let S be
 some arbitrary subset of the reals, and let f(x)=0 if x is in S, and 1
 otherwise (this is a discontinuous function if S is nonempty).  How
 many different such f's can there be?  Obviously one for every
 possible subset of the reals.  The cardinality of such f's is the
 power set of the reals, i.e. much larger than the set of reals.

 On the other hand, let g be some arbitrary continuous function on the
 reals.  Let H be the image of Q (the set of rationals) under g.  That
 is, H = {g(x) such that x is rational}.  Since g is continuous, it is
 completely determined by H, which is a countable set.  So the
 cardinality is RxN which is the same as the cardinality of R.  

  If true that makes calculus (and hence all of our understanding of
  such natural concepts) pretty small and perhaps non-applicable.

 No really, it is just set theory, which is a pretty bogus subject in
 some sense.  There aren't many discontinuous functions in nature.
 There is a philosophy of mathematics (intuitionism) that says
 classical set theory is wrong and in fact there are NO discontinuous
 functions.  They have their own mathematical axioms which allow
 developing calculus in a way that all functions are continuous.

  On the other hand R Kalman (of Bucy and Kalman filter fame) likened
  study of continuous linear dynamical systems to a man searching for
  a lost ring under the only light in a dark street ie we search
  where we can see. Because such systems are tractable doesn't make
  them natural or essential or applicable in a generic sense.

 Really, I think the alternative he was thinking of may have been
 something like nonlinear PDE's, a horribly messy subject from a
 practical point of view, but still basically free of set-theoretic
 monstrosities.  The Banach-Tarski paradox has nothing to do with nature.

I'll take the Banach-Tarski construct (it's not a paradox, damn it!)
over non-linear PDEs any day of the week, thankyouverymuch. :)

Re: Measuring Fractal Dimension ?

2009-06-24 Thread pdpi
On Jun 24, 2:58 pm, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 13:43:19 -0500, David C. Ullrich wrote:

  In my universe the standard definition of log is different froim what
  log means in a calculus class

 Now I'm curious what the difference is.

 Maybe he is a lumberjack, and quite all right...

 - Hendrik

Or perhaps he works in a sewage facility.

But yeah, Log2 and LogE are the only two bases that make natural
sense except in specialized contexts. Base 10 (and, therefore, Log10)
is an artifact of having that 10 fingers (in fact, whatever base you
use, you always refer to it as base 10).

Re: Measuring Fractal Dimension ?

2009-06-24 Thread pdpi
On Jun 24, 1:32 pm, Mark Dickinson wrote:
 On Jun 24, 10:12 am, pdpi wrote:

  Regarding inf ** 0, why does IEEE745 define it as 1, when there is a
  perfectly fine NaN value?

 Other links:  the IEEE 754 revision working group mailing list
 archives are public;  there was extensive discussion about
 special values of pow and similar functions.  Here's a relevant
 Google search:

 The C99 rationale document has some explanations for the
 choices for special values in Annex F.  Look at pages 179--182

 Note that the original IEEE 754-1985 didn't give specifications
 for pow and other transcendental functions;  so a complete
 specification for pow appeared in the C99 standard before it
 appeared in the current IEEE standard, IEEE 754-2008.  Thus
 C99 Annex F probably had at least some small influence on the
 choices made for IEEE 754-2008 (and in turn, IEEE 754-1985
 heavily influenced C99 Annex F).

 My own take on all this, briefly:

  - floating-point numbers are not real numbers, so mathematics
    can only take you so far in deciding what the 'right' values
    are for special cases;  pragmatics has to play a role too.

  - there's general consensus in the numerical and mathematical
    community that it's useful to define pow(0.0, 0.0) to be 1.

  - once you've decided to define pow(0.0, 0.0) to be 1.0, it's
    easy to justify taking pow(inf, 0.0) to be 1.0:  the same
    limiting arguments can be used as justification;  or one can
    use reflection formulae like pow(1/x, y) = 1/pow(x, y), or...

  - one piece of general philosophy used for C99 and IEEE 754
    seems to have been that NaN results should be avoided
    when it's possible to give a meaningful non-nan value instead.

  - part of the reason that pow is particularly controversial
    is that it's really trying to be two different functions
    at once:  it's trying to be both a generalization of the
    `analytic' power function x**y = exp(y*log(x)), for
    real y and positive real x, and in this context one can
    make a good argument that 0**0 should be undefined; but
    at the same time it's also used in contexts where y is
    naturally thought of as an integer; and in the latter
    context bad things happen if you don't define pow(0, 0)
    to be 1.

 I really should get back to work now.


Thanks for the engrossing read (and damn you for making me waste
valuable work hours). After perusing both C99 and the previous
presentation on IEEE754, I find myself unconvinced regarding the
special cases. It just stinks of bug-proneness, and I fail to see how
assuming common values for exceptional cases relieves you from testing
for those special cases and getting them behaving right (in an
application-specific way) just the same.

Re: Measuring Fractal Dimension ?

2009-06-22 Thread pdpi
On Jun 19, 8:13 pm, Charles Yeomans wrote:
 On Jun 19, 2009, at 2:43 PM, David C. Ullrich wrote:

  Evidently my posts are appearing, since I see replies.
  I guess the question of why I don't see the posts themselves
  \is ot here...

  On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 17:01:12 -0700 (PDT), Mark Dickinson wrote:

  On Jun 18, 7:26 pm, David C. Ullrich  
  On Wed, 17 Jun 2009 08:18:52 -0700 (PDT), Mark Dickinson
  Right.  Or rather, you treat it as the image of such a function,
  if you're being careful to distinguish the curve (a subset
  of R^2) from its parametrization (a continuous function
  R - R**2).  It's the parametrization that's uniformly
  continuous, not the curve,

  Again, it doesn't really matter, but since you use the phrase
  if you're being careful: In fact what you say is exactly
  backwards - if you're being careful that subset of the plane
  is _not_ a curve (it's sometimes called the trace of the curve.

  Darn.  So I've been getting it wrong all this time.  Oh well,
  at least I'm not alone:

  De?nition 1. A simple closed curve J, also called a
  Jordan curve, is the image of a continuous one-to-one
  function from R/Z to R2. [...]

  - Tom Hales, in 'Jordan's Proof of the Jordan Curve Theorem'.

  We say that Gamma is a curve if it is the image in
  the plane or in space of an interval [a, b] of real
  numbers of a continuous function gamma.

  - Claude Tricot, 'Curves and Fractal Dimension' (Springer, 1995).

  Perhaps your definition of curve isn't as universal or
  'official' as you seem to think it is?

  Perhaps not. I'm very surprised to see those definitions; I've
  been a mathematician for 25 years and I've never seen a
  curve defined a subset of the plane.

 I have.

  Hmm. You left out a bit in the first definition you cite:

  A simple closed curve J, also called a Jordan curve, is the image
  of a continuous one-to-one function from R/Z to R2. We assume that
  each curve
  comes with a fixed parametrization phi_J : R/Z -¨ J. We call t in R/Z
  the time
  parameter. By abuse of notation, we write J(t) in R2 instead of phi_j
  (t), using the
  same notation for the function phi_J and its image J.

  Close to sounding like he can't decide whether J is a set or a

 On the contrary, I find this definition to be written with some care.

I find the usage of image slightly ambiguous (as it suggests the image
set defines the curve), but that's my only qualm with it as well.

Thinking pragmatically, you can't have non-simple curves unless you
use multisets, and you also completely lose the notion of curve
orientation and even continuity without making it a poset. At this
point in time, parsimony says that you want to ditch your multiposet
thingie (and God knows what else you want to tack in there to preserve
other interesting curve properties) and really just want to define the
curve as a freaking function and be done with it.

Re: Measuring Fractal Dimension ?

2009-06-19 Thread pdpi
On Jun 17, 1:26 pm, Jaime Fernandez del Rio
 P.S. The snowflake curve, on the other hand, is uniformly continuous, right?

The definition of uniform continuity is that, for any epsilon  0,
there is a delta  0 such that, for any x and y, if x-y  delta, f(x)-f
(y)  epsilon. Given that Koch's curve is shaped as recursion over the
transformation from ___ to _/\_, it's immediately obvious that, for a
delta of at most the length of , epsilon will be at most the
height of /. It follows that, inversely, for any arbitrary epsilon,
you find the smallest / that's still taller than epsilon, and delta is
bound by the respective . (hooray for ascii demonstrations)

Curiously enough, it's the recursive/self-similar nature of the Koch
curve so easy to prove as uniformly continuous.

Re: fastest native python database?

2009-06-18 Thread pdpi
On Jun 18, 8:09 am, Pierre Quentel wrote:
 On 18 juin, 05:28, per wrote:

  hi all,

  i'm looking for a native python package to run a very simple data
  base. i was originally using cpickle with dictionaries for my problem,
  but i was making dictionaries out of very large text files (around
  1000MB in size) and pickling was simply too slow.

  i am not looking for fancy SQL operations, just very simple data base
  operations (doesn't have to be SQL style) and my preference is for a
  module that just needs python and doesn't require me to run a separate
  data base like Sybase or MySQL.

  does anyone have any recommendations? the only candidates i've seen
  are snaklesql and buzhug... any thoughts/benchmarks on these?

  any info on this would be greatly appreciated. thank you


 buzhug syntax doesn't use SQL statements, but a more Pythonic syntax :

 from buzhug import Base
 db = Base('foo').create(('name',str),('age',int))
 # simple queries
 print db(name='john')
 # complex queries
 print [ for rec in db if age  30 ]
 # update

 I made a few speed comparisons with Gadfly, KirbyBase (another pure-
 Python DB, not maintained anymore) and SQLite. You can find the
 results on the buzhug home page :

 The conclusion is that buzhug is much faster than the other pure-
 Python db engines, and (only) 3 times slower than SQLite

 - Pierre

Which means that, at this point in time, since both gadfly and sqlite
use approximately the same API, sqlite takes the lead as a core
package (post-2.5 anyway)

Re: question about a command like 'goto ' in Python's bytecode orit's just a compiler optimization?

2009-06-17 Thread pdpi
On Jun 17, 9:01 am, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
  Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

  Getting a depression because of a compiler is a bit strong...

  However, yes, bytecode is similar to assembler, and in that respect
  higher-level control-structures are created using (conditional) jumps.

  The same is true for other bytecode-languages, see here for the JVM:

 This is right.

 It is my opinion that it is not possible to make a useful machine,
 virtual or real, which executes instructions sequentially, if the
 instruction set does not contain a conditional jump of some sort.

 I have tried doing it using conditional calls, and it fails on
 the equivalent of the first if ..., elif ...  you try to write.

 - Hendrik

Not a matter of opinion. One of the requisite elements of a Turing
Machine is conditional jumping.

Re: Measuring Fractal Dimension ?

2009-06-17 Thread pdpi
On Jun 17, 4:18 pm, Mark Dickinson wrote:
 On Jun 17, 3:46 pm, Paul Rubin http://phr...@nospam.invalid wrote:

  Mark Dickinson writes:
   It looks as though you're treating (a portion of?) the Koch curve as
   the graph of a function f from R - R and claiming that f is
   uniformly continuous.  But the Koch curve isn't such a graph (it
   fails the 'vertical line test',

  I think you treat it as a function f: R - R**2 with the usual
  distance metric on R**2.

 Right.  Or rather, you treat it as the image of such a function,
 if you're being careful to distinguish the curve (a subset
 of R^2) from its parametrization (a continuous function
 R - R**2).  It's the parametrization that's uniformly
 continuous, not the curve, and since any curve can be
 parametrized in many different ways any proof of uniform
 continuity should specify exactly which parametrization is
 in use.


I was being incredibly lazy and using loads of handwaving, seeing as I
posted that (and this!) while procrastinating at work.

an even lazier argument: given the _/\_ construct, you prove that its
vertical growth is bound: the height of / is less than 1/3 (given a
length of 1 for ___), so, even if you were to build _-_ with the
middle segment at height = 1/3, the maximum vertical growth would be
sum 1/3^n from 1 to infinity, so 0.5. Sideways growth has a similar
upper bound. 0.5  1, so the chebyshev distance between any two points
on the curve is = 1. Ergo, for any x,y, f(x) is at most at chebyshev
distance 1 of (y). Induce the argument for smaller values of one.

Re: Exotic Logics

2009-06-17 Thread pdpi
On Jun 17, 5:37 pm, Lie Ryan wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 22:46:14 -0700, William Clifford wrote:

  I was staring at a logic table the other day, and I asked myself, what
  if one wanted to play with exotic logics; how might one do it?

  This might be useful for you, and if not useful, at least it might blow
  your mind like it did mine.

  (This is not original to me -- I didn't create it. However, I can't find
  the original source.)

  Imagine for a moment that there are no boolean values.
  There are no numbers.  They were never invented.
  There are no classes.
  There are no objects.
  There are only functions.

  Could you define functions that act like boolean values? And could you
  define other functions to operate on them?

  def true(x, y):
      return x

  def false(x, y):
      return y

  def print_bool(b):
      print b(true, false)

 String isn't considered object?

 Also, b/true()/false() is a function object, isn't it? Unless function
 is first-class, you can't pass them around like that, since you need a
 function pointer (a.k.a number); but if function is first-class then
 there it is an object.

What Steven was doing was implementing some of the more basic stuff
from Lambda calculus in python. If you're implementing a different
system in an existing language, you'll need to use _some_ facilities
of the original language to interface with the outside world. Anyway,
here's a sample interactive session I just tried:

 def a(stuff):
... print stuff
 def b(stuff):
...  stuff(abc)

functions are first-class citizens in python.

Re: Need to know if a file as only ASCII charaters

2009-06-16 Thread pdpi
On Jun 16, 2:17 pm, Dave Angel wrote:
 Jorge wrote:
  Hi there,
  I'm making  a application that reads 3 party generated ASCII files, but some
  the files are corrupted totally or partiality and I need to know if it's a
  ASCII file with *nix line terminators.
  In linux I can run the file command but the applications should run in

  Any help will be great.

  Thank you in advance.

 So, which is the assignment:
    1) determine if a file has non-ASCII characters
    2) determine whether the line-endings are crlf or just lf

 In the former case, look at translating the file contents to Unicode,
 specifying ASCII as source.  If it fails, you have non-ASCII
 In the latter case, investigate the 'u' attribute of the mode parameter
 in the open() function.

 You also need to ask yourself whether you're doing a validation of the
 file, or doing a best guess like the file command.

From your requisites, you're already assuming something that _should_
be ASCII, so it's easiest to check for ASCIIness at the binary level:

Open the file as binary
Loop at the bytes
  exit with error upon reading a byte outside the printable range
(32-126 decimal)
  or any of a number of lower-range exceptions (\n, \t -- not \r since
you want UNIX-style linefeeds)
exit with success if the loop ended cleanly

This supposes you're dealing strictly with ASCII, and not a full 8 bit
codepage, of course.

Re: Measuring Fractal Dimension ?

2009-06-15 Thread pdpi
On Jun 15, 5:55 am, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 14 Jun 2009 14:29:04 -0700, Kay Schluehr wrote:
  On 14 Jun., 16:00, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

  Incorrect. Koch's snowflake, for example, has a fractal dimension of
  log 4/log 3 ≈ 1.26, a finite area of 8/5 times that of the initial
  triangle, and a perimeter given by lim n-inf (4/3)**n. Although the
  perimeter is infinite, it is countably infinite and computable.

  No, the Koch curve is continuous in R^2 and uncountable.

 I think we're talking about different things. The *number of points* in
 the Koch curve is uncountably infinite, but that's nothing surprising,
 the number of points in the unit interval [0, 1] is uncountably infinite.
 But the *length* of the Koch curve is not, it's given by the above limit,
 which is countably infinite (it's a rational number for all n).

  Lawrence is
  right and one can trivially cover a countable infinite set with disks of
  the diameter 0, namely by itself. The sum of those diameters to an
  arbitrary power is also 0 and this yields that the Hausdorff dimension
  of any countable set is 0.

 Nevertheless, the Hausdorff dimension (or a close approximation thereof)
 can be calculated from the scaling properties of even *finite* objects.
 To say that self-similar objects like broccoli or the inner surface of
 the human lungs fails to nest at all scales is pedantically correct but
 utterly pointless. If it's good enough for Benoît Mandelbrot, it's good
 enough for me.


You're mixing up the notion of countability. It only applies to set
sizes. Unless you're saying that there an infinite series has a
countable number of terms (a completely trivial statement), to say
that the length is countably finite simply does not parse correctly
(let alone being semantically correct or not). This said, I agree with
you: I reckon that the Koch curve, while composed of uncountable
cardinality, is completely described by the vertices, so a countable
set of points. It follows that you must be able to correctly calculate
the Hausdorff dimension of the curve from those control points alone,
so you should also be able to estimate it from a finite sample (you
can arguably infer self-similarity from a limited number of self-
similar generations).

Re: import sqlite3

2009-06-04 Thread pdpi
On Jun 4, 12:45 pm, willgun wrote:
 By the way ,what does 'best regards' means at the end of a mail?

regard means roughly care.

Its use as best regards closing a letter (or, in this case, email),
means that you care for the person you're saying goodbye to. It's just
a polite way to end a letter :)

Re: Can I get a technical explanation on the following error

2009-05-25 Thread pdpi
On May 24, 6:41 pm, grocery_stocker wrote:
 How come something like '\'  causes an error? Here is what I mean.

 [cdal...@localhost ~]$ python
 Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, May  3 2009, 17:04:44)
 [GCC 4.1.1 20061011 (Red Hat 4.1.1-30)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information. 
 print test \

   File stdin, line 1
     print test \
 SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

 I mean, isn't the '\' a character just like the letter 't'?

Ask yourself: 'How would I tell Python to print the  character when
it's used as the string delimitation character?'. Unlike us (you
probably didn't even blink at the usage of ' in it's versus its
usage as quote delimiters in that sentence), computers can't quite
tell usage from context. So you have to come up with a way to express
ourselves. Many languages use the \ character as an escape character,
which modifies the meaning of the next character in a string. \n, \t,
\ are all common. Other languages use other conventions -- I program
ABAP professionally, and it uses ' as the string delimiter, and '' as
a literal -- so a string with one single ' is expressed as .

The python interpreter isn't doing any bit magic here, it's just
reading a \ character followed by a  character and changing its
interpretation of  appropriately.

Re: When are immutable tuples *essential*? Why can't you just use lists *everywhere* instead?

2007-04-20 Thread pdpi
Iou need only consider having cartesian coordinate sets as the keys
for an example. A 2 dimensional list might be overly expensive if your
coordinates span a large area but are relatively sparse.
