Hi All,
       I have server process which spawns a process for each request. Where 
parent process is leaking fd for logger. Please find example code.

from threading import Thread
from multiprocessing import Process
from time import sleep
import logging
from uuid import uuid4

class ChildFile(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('test')
        fh = logging.FileHandler('/tmp/test'+str(uuid4()))
        self.fd = open('test2', 'wb')

    def run(self):
        self.logger.info('dummy run')
def child_file_creator():
    a = ChildFile()
    child_process = Process(target=a.run)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print 'parent process run'
    while True:

1) after child process exits.
2) For parent process, still fd remains open.
one can check out using,

cd /proc/23223/fd

ravindra@ravindra-Ideapad-Z570:/proc/23223/fd$ ls -ltr
total 0
l-wx------ 1 ravindra ravindra 64 Nov 11 15:10 6 -> 
l-wx------ 1 ravindra ravindra 64 Nov 11 15:10 5 -> 
l-wx------ 1 ravindra ravindra 64 Nov 11 15:10 4 -> 
lr-x------ 1 ravindra ravindra 64 Nov 11 15:10 3 -> /dev/urandom
lrwx------ 1 ravindra ravindra 64 Nov 11 15:10 2 -> /dev/pts/19
lrwx------ 1 ravindra ravindra 64 Nov 11 15:10 1 -> /dev/pts/19
lrwx------ 1 ravindra ravindra 64 Nov 11 15:10 0 -> /dev/pts/19

3) while normal file descriptor of open 'test2' is closed. But fd attached to 
logger is leaking.

How can I close for the same for logger object.

Thanks and Regards,
Ravindra M

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