Re: GUI programming with python

2008-08-27 Thread rynt
On Aug 26, 10:49 am, John Fabiani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alan Franzoni wrote:
> > zamil was kind enough to say:
> > [cut]
> > 

See the following link on the Python website.

Google this list for GUI


Re: What Python looks like

2008-08-05 Thread rynt
On Aug 4, 12:06 pm, iu2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a little bit strange post, but I'm curious...
> I learned Python from its tutorial step by step, and practicing
> writing small scripts.
> I haven't seen a Python program before knowing Python.
> I'm curious, what did Python code look like to those of you who have
> seen a bunch of Python code for the first time before knowing Python?
> (I can tell, for example, that seeing perl for the first time looked
> like C with many $$$, I could see "if" and "for" and "while" but they
> were meaningless. Or Lisp for the first time looked like many words,
> no operators, how could that make a program???)
> Thanks

I stumbled across Python in 2000 when I ran accross GNUe.  I decided
to look into Python at that time, and was impressed that the code was
readable, and, understandable - even before I looked at the language
and library refs.  I had been working in a subset of Basic and Delphi
at the time.  I really don't like Pascal or C/C++ with all of the
BEGIN/END and braces.  I don't work in Python full time, but do use it
for scripting, and "hobby" programming. One heck of a cool language!


Re: Python Written in C?

2008-07-21 Thread rynt
On Jul 20, 3:50 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm just learning about Python now and it sounds interesting. But I
> just read (on the Wiki page) that mainstream Python was written in C.
> That's what I was searching for: Python was written in what other
> language?
> See, my concern was something like: OK, if Python is so hot, then,
> hopefully someone is writing it in assembly language for each MPU chip
> out there. Otherwise, if, say, they've written it in C#, then it looks
> like the REAL, generally useful language to learn is C# and Python is
> akin to Visual Basic or something: a specialty languagewhereas
> REAL WORLD programmers who want to be generally useful go and learn
> C#.
> So I was suspecting the Python compiler or interpreter is written in a
> REAL language like C#. So, Wiki says it's written in C! It's almost as
> if it were an intentional trick...write your own, new language in an
> OLD, real world language that is passe. Compile it into executable
> modules of course, so it is a real, working compiler, alright. But the
> SOURCE is some old, high level language which no one wants to use
> anymore! So now you've got a hot new language package and no one can
> say "well, it is written in, the SOURCE code is written in, a REAL
> language." No, it's not! The source is some outdated language and
> compiler and no one is going to prefer learning THAT to learning your
> hot new language!
> I'm not dissing Python, here. Just noting that, if it is written in C,
> that throws a curve at me in trying to balance the value of learning
> Python vs. some other major language.

You're either ---
A.  A Troll
B.  A young, immature programmer trying to show off
C.  A total idiot.

Who cares what language a language is written in as long as you can be
productive - which you certainly can be in Python.


Web Framework suggestions for a RIA type application for managing lab specimens

2008-05-09 Thread rynt
Hello all.

I'm Looking for suggestions for which Python web framework(e.g.
Django, Turbogears,etc.) would work best to develop a cross platform
browser based system to manage lab specimens.

Requirements are:
a. highly secure
b. run on internet or intranet
e. RDBMS read/write intensive
d. be able to work on-line or off-line (with automatic updates to db
when coming back on-line)
e. be able to print reports and labels using a variety of
printers(laser, deskjet, label printers)
f. have a rich set of desktop-like components

Perhaps a web based app isn't the way to go.  Arguments for and
against gratefully accepted.

Pros and Cons for any frameworks gratefully accepted.

Perhaps a framework isn't really what's needed here, but a combination
of different web components and technologies?

Anyway, I'm grateful for any ideas you may be able to give me.



Re: Please help - Tkinter not doing anything

2008-05-04 Thread rynt
WxWidgets, Tkinter, PyQT are all cross platform.  Also have a look at
for more GUI frameworks.


>On May 4, 4:59 am, Protected <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 4, 12:18 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On May 4, 5:22 am, Protected <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I had previously ran the import line. I prepended it to the example
> > > code I'm trying to run every time but it did not help, still nothing
> > > happens. With or without var before 'root'. I'm pasting the code in
> > > IDLE and using Windows XP as written in the first post.
> > Tkinter doesn't work if you type the statements in IDLE. I don't
> > remember the specifics of it, but essentially it doesn't work because
> > IDLE is itself a Tkinter app. You have to type it at the Python
> > command line or save it in a file. BTW, if you're on Windows, you
> > should definitely check wxPython. I used to work with Tkinter,
> > struggling with it all the time only to get a lame result most of the
> > time. Then I switched to wxPython, and in the same week I was learning
> > it I did a better GUI than I ever did in Tkinter (with months of
> > work!). I feel it makes it easier to make your program have a better
> > structure and design, and thus lets you focus on the actual task of
> > the program, rather than in the GUI itself. Plus, on Windows, you'll
> > get the widgets to look more natively, like any good quality
> > application there is on Windows.
> Ah, but is it cross platform?
> (Thanks for letting me know about IDLE.)- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Re: how to finish a while loop...

2008-02-19 Thread rynt
Wouldn't hurt to send an email or message, along with the code, to
Fabio Zdronzy, the maintainer of PyDev explaining what happened.
He'll probably see this thread, but then again, maybe not.


On Feb 19, 5:35 pm, icarus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > To the original poster what environment are you running this in?
>             Linux.  Xubuntu if that matters.
> > When I put your program in notepad and run it from the windows command
> > prompt it works.
>             yeah yeah...same here.
> After I got the tip that it actually worked, I went into the eclipse
> directory where the program lives, ran it there from the shell, and it
> worked.  Meaning, I didn't modify anything on the file itself (by
> accident or on purpose).
> > But when I paste it into eclipse and run it
> > eclipse's console, it doesn't work because answer seems to have a
> > stray '\r' carriage return (CR) and therefore the comparison to 'no'
> > fails.
>           I get no 'compile' errors there.
>           I get regular execution but it just doesn't change the
> condition to False at the very end.
>           Therefore it loops forever.  I used other values like zeros
> and ones to make sure I could print the values when the interpreter
> got down to that line.  Everything checked.  Just didn't change the
> condition on the main loop.


Re: Read from Windows Address Book (.wab file format) ?

2007-05-12 Thread rynt
On May 12, 11:30 am, 詹光耀 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I wonder if there's any Python module that could read from .wab file.
> I googled but found nothing useful. Any idea? Thanks :)
> Rio

Hi Rio,

Don't know if there's a python module for this, but this link,

defines the MS API for the address book, so you could roll your own.

If all you need is to read the data though, you could export the
address data into a CSV file (Python DOES have a module for this) or
VCard format.  IIRC, someone on this newsgroup was talking about VCard
just the other day.


