[issue9506] sqlite3 mogrify - return query string

2010-08-04 Thread Kurt Schwehr

New submission from Kurt Schwehr schw...@ccom.unh.edu:

Psycopg2 has a mogrify method on the cursor that returns the string that would 
be sent to the database for an execute.  Any chance that could be added to 
pysqlite?  It's definitely helpful for debugging and is a fantastic tool when 
teaching people databases.

components: Extension Modules
messages: 112790
nosy: goatbar
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: sqlite3 mogrify - return query string
type: feature request
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.1

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Pulling arrays from database for plotting

2009-08-12 Thread Kurt Schwehr
Hi all,

What's the best way to pull arrays from a database for plotting?
Right now, this is what I do, but can it be done simpler / more

ipython -pylab
import sqlite3
cx = sqlite3.connect('20080407.decimated.db3')
a = array( [tuple(row) for row in cx.execute('SELECT cg_offset,
delta_t_sec FROM bs_time WHERE recvr=2;')] )
x = a[:,0]
y = a[:,1]

However, if I try to plot it directly using transpose, it hangs:

import sqlite3
cx = sqlite3.connect('20080407.decimated.db3')
plot(array( [tuple(row) for row in cx.execute('SELECT cg_offset,
delta_t_sec FROM bs_time WHERE recvr=2;')] ).transpose())

It is that plot just doesn't know what to do with a 2D array?  Then I
tried this and it works, but is long and confusing to the uninitiated.

plot(*array( [tuple(row) for row in cx.execute('SELECT cg_offset,
delta_t_sec FROM bs_time WHERE recvr=2;')] ).T)

In [4]: a
array([[  2.4000e+01,   0.e+00],
   [  2.5000e+01,  -1.e+00],
   [  3.4000e+01,   0.e+00],
   [  8.6384e+04,   2.e+01],
   [  8.6394e+04,   2.e+01],
   [  8.6404e+04,   2.e+01]])

In [5]: a.transpose()
array([[  2.4000e+01,   2.5000e+01,   3.4000e+01, ...,
  8.6384e+04,   8.6394e+04,   8.6404e+04],
   [  0.e+00,  -1.e+00,   0.e+00, ...,
  2.e+01,   2.e+01,   2.e+01]])


A superclass using a child classes' methods

2009-06-24 Thread Kurt Schwehr
I'm trying to build an OO system for encoding and decoding
datapackets.  I'd like the parent class to have an encode function
that uses each of the child classes' packing methods.  It appears that
this works for attributes of children accessed by the parent, but not
for methods.  Is that right?  For attributes I found this example,
where the alphabet attribute is set in the child, but used in the


Should I just set an attribute in the child class and then call the
super's functionality making is pull the data from the attribute?


Re: A superclass using a child classes' methods

2009-06-24 Thread Kurt Schwehr

Thanks for the excellent response setting me straight.  Now to figure
out what dumb thing I did to make my code not work...


On Jun 24, 12:23 pm, Jean-Michel Pichavant jeanmic...@sequans.com
 Kurt Schwehr wrote:
  I'm trying to build an OO system for encoding and decoding
  datapackets.  I'd like the parent class to have an encode function
  that uses each of the child classes' packing methods.  It appears that
  this works for attributes of children accessed by the parent, but not
  for methods.

[clear example of it working]

 Declaring the foo method at the Parent level is not required. But it's a
 good practice: explicit  implicit and it helps to write proper



pysqlite2 fetching from select different than pysqlite?

2006-07-27 Thread schwehr
Hi All,

I have some old pysqlite 1.x code that uses a pattern like this:

cu.execute('SELECT weight FROM weights WHERE samplename=foo)
row = cu.fetchone()

It seems like lookups by name are no longer supported in pysqlite2.  Is
that true?  And if not, and I want to do a SELECT * FROM table and go
through name by name, how can I do this?

Hopefully this is not a FAQ somewhere that I've overlooked!



Re: pysqlite2 fetching from select different than pysqlite?

2006-07-27 Thread schwehr
Thanks Tim!  That works well.  As a followup, is there a standard
compliant way to ask what fields are in the table?


Tim Golden wrote:

 | I have some old pysqlite 1.x code that uses a pattern like this:
 | cu.execute('SELECT weight FROM weights WHERE samplename=foo)
 | row = cu.fetchone()
 | weight=row['weight']


 you have to specify a .row_factory before running the select


Re: pysqlite2 fetching from select different than pysqlite?

2006-07-27 Thread schwehr
Perfect.  Thanks much!


 from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite

 db = sqlite.connect (:memory:)
 db.row_factory = sqlite.Row

 db.execute (CREATE TABLE x (i INTEGER, code VARCHAR (10), name VARCHAR

 for row in db.execute (PRAGMA TABLE_INFO ('x')):
   print row['name'], row['type']


Re: pysqlite2 fetching from select different than pysqlite?

2006-07-27 Thread schwehr

Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

   cursor.description -- after an .execute() has selected data.

Thanks Dennis,  The desciription works, but gives some funky results,
but with python it is not a big deal.


(('activity_id', None, None, None, None, None, None),
 ('case_id', None, None, None, None, None, None),
 ('incident_dt', None, None, None, None, None, None),
 ('activity_type', None, None, None, None, None, None),
 ('vessel_id', None, None, None, None, None, None),
 ('waterway_name', None, None, None, None, None, None),
 ('event_type', None, None, None, None, None, None),
 ('event_class', None, None, None, None, None, None),
 ('event_subclass', None, None, None, None, None, None),
 ('activity_role', None, None, None, None, None, None),
 ('damage_status', None, None, None, None, None, None),
 ('latitude', None, None, None, None, None, None),
 ('longitude', None, None, None, None, None, None))


Re: Detecting socket connection failure

2006-07-19 Thread schwehr
Hi Dieter,

Thanks for the feedback.  Were you also using mac osx?  I am wondering
at what level this bug is occuring.


Dieter Maurer wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes on 10 Jul 2006 08:42:11 -0700:
  I've tried to RTFM this and am having no luck.First off, I am using
  Mac OSX 10.4.7 with python 2.4.2 from fink.  I am trying to connect to
  a server that should be rejecting connections and I was surprised when
  it did not throw an exception or do something otherwise equally nasty.
  It just connects and never returns any data.  First, the proof that
  something is there and rejecting the connection (or is it that this
  thing actually accepts the connection and then drops it?)...
  telnet localhost 31414
  Connected to localhost.
  Escape character is '^]'.
  Connection closed by foreign host.

 What you see here is that the connection was opened successfully
 (the connect succeeded) and then closed again.

  In [1]: import socket, select
  In [2]: remote = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  In [3]: remote.connect(('localhost',31414))
  In [4]: remote.recv(200)
  Out[4]: ''

 The means, that you see the same in Python:
 recv returning an empty string indicates that the connection
 was closed.

  In [5]: r,w,e=select.select([remote],[remote],[remote],1)
  In [6]: print r,w,e
  [socket._socketobject object at 0x7e48d0] [socket._socketobject
  object at 0x7e48d0] []

 I have seen something similar recently:

   I can write (send to be precise) to a socket closed by
   the foreign partner without error
   (but of course, the written data does not arrive at the remote side).
   Only the second send raises an exception.
   I expect this is a TCP bug.


Detecting socket connection failure

2006-07-10 Thread schwehr
Hi All,

I've tried to RTFM this and am having no luck.First off, I am using
Mac OSX 10.4.7 with python 2.4.2 from fink.  I am trying to connect to
a server that should be rejecting connections and I was surprised when
it did not throw an exception or do something otherwise equally nasty.
It just connects and never returns any data.  First, the proof that
something is there and rejecting the connection (or is it that this
thing actually accepts the connection and then drops it?)...

telnet localhost 31414
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

Now if I fire up ipython and try to connect...

In [1]: import socket, select

In [2]: remote = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)

In [3]: remote.connect(('localhost',31414))

In [4]: remote.recv(200)
Out[4]: ''

In [5]: r,w,e=select.select([remote],[remote],[remote],1)

In [6]: print r,w,e
[socket._socketobject object at 0x7e48d0] [socket._socketobject
object at 0x7e48d0] []

In [7]: remote.recv(200)
Out[7]: ''

So it looks like it will for ever say that it is ready for read and
write, but really is not.  How do I detect this case?  The recv may
really not have any data for a long time, so a recv of no bytes is not
a way to test the connection status.  This is probably a FAQ, but I
can't figure it out.



+= append class operator

2006-04-19 Thread schwehr
Hi All,

This is probably a FAQ, but is there an operator mapping for += for
classes?  Or does a += b get converted to a = a + b?  I would like to
make this operator faster for the BitVector class, but I don't see +=
in http://docs.python.org/lib/operator-map.html

I could always create an append method, but += is nice and concise.



Re: += append class operator

2006-04-19 Thread schwehr
Awesome.  Thanks!



Re: packaging question - documentation

2006-04-01 Thread schwehr
Sorry about not being clear.  I have been downloading quite a few
packages for examples, but have not found a good example of man page
building from optparse.

   - setup.py
   - seismic
- __init.py__
- bulk of the code *.py
   - scripts
- programs that go in bin/the users executable path (no .py


packaging question - documentation

2006-03-31 Thread schwehr
Hi All,

I am rearranging the layout of one of my python projects so that it
more closely conforms to how most python projects seem to work.   I now
have a structure like this:

   - setup.py
   - seismic
- bulk of the code
   - scripts
- programs that go in bin

I am using OptionParser, help2man, groff and man2html to provide man
pages.  Everything was sitting in the top level directory, so it was
clear where to put these, but where do I put the foo.help2man files
that contain extra text for the man pages?   If I put it in scripts,
that is pretty easy to cope with, but I was thinking about a docs
directory, but then the build process might be more difficult.  Or
should I be putting in another string in each executable that contains
this extra man page info?  Then it would show up in epydoc as well.
Maybe something like

__help2man__ = '''
Kurt Schwehr



The --coord-unit option is designed to allow use of databases that
exclude the CoordUnit field.  This field is probably the same for all
traces in the majority of SEGY data files, so most segy-py drivers
will want to exclude coordunit from the short list (see segysql.py).
The values are taken from page 14 of the SEG-Y Rev 1 specification

  -1 = Follow field 89-90 of the trace header
   1 = Length (meters or feet) [NOT supported]
   2 = Seconds of arc
   3 = Degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS) [NOT SUPPORTED]

I am still in the middle of shuffling the tree about, but it is
available here...


Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!  I am still trying to
understand the best practices for python packaging.



Building files within a package

2006-03-23 Thread schwehr
Hi All,

I am creating a python package that contains a whole pile of functions
that build lookup tables.  Since these lookup tables will not be
changing, I would like to have setup.py create a lut_static.py fie from
the lookup table code (lut.py).  What is the best way to do this so
that when I install the package the static tables get build?  It
basically looks like this

  lut_static.py - want to generate this from lut.py

For development, it is easy enough for me to have a Makefile in foo
that creates lut_static.py when ever lut.py is changed, but I would
like to make setup.py handle this so if someone tweaks the lut.py and
reinstalls it, they don't have to know about foo/Makefile



passing artibrary strings into a database

2005-11-27 Thread schwehr
Hi All,

I was wondering if there is a helper library out there that will nicely
encode artibrary text so that I can put in into a TEXT field in a
database and then retrieve it without getting into trouble with ',,new
lines or  other such things that would foul the sql insert call and or
be a security hazard?  This feels like a newbee type question, but I
haven't found anything with a quick search.



Re: passing artibrary strings into a database

2005-11-27 Thread schwehr
Thanks!  Looks like I need to get a newer version of pysqlite into the
fink package tree since pysqlite 1.0.1 does not appear support that


Math markup in code documentation?

2005-10-25 Thread schwehr
Done any one have a way (and examples) of how to do math markups in the
docstrings of function and class definitions such that the equations
get typeset in the generated html documentation?  I'll take any markup
system that'll do the job... MathML or LaTeX possible?

I'd like to start doing a better job of documenting the equations and
units being used in pmag-py (http://schwehr.org/software/pmag) for
processing paleomagnetic data.

AND on the longest of long shots... anyone have any opensource python
for matching bulk composition to minerals?  Nah, I thought not.



Re: Math markup in code documentation?

2005-10-25 Thread schwehr
Awesome!!!  When did doxygen start supporting python?  I was really
into doxygen last year, but stopped using it when I started doing a lot
of coding in python.



keeping unit test info out of pydoc -w?

2005-10-16 Thread schwehr
Hi All,

Is there an easy way to keep the unittest stuff out of the
documentation that gets generated by pydoc -w?  I just want to exclude
the Methods inherited from unittest.TestCase: section.



latex/bibtex python paper?

2005-07-06 Thread schwehr
Hi All,

Does anyone have a good template that I might use for writing a python
paper in latex/bibtex?  I've got the paper mostly done, but am having
issues with the references.  I am definitely not an expert at
latex/bibtex.  Right now, I have references defined like this:

  title = {imp -- Access the import internals},
  journal = http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-imp.html;,
  author = {Python Software Foundation},
  year = {2005}

When I cite these, I get something like this (Foundation[2005]).  Is
anyone willing to offer up a tarball of a complete paper with sty and
bst that would make for a nice python paper?

