Re: Using a Callback Function - ftplib

2009-08-19 Thread seldan24
On Aug 18, 6:02 am, Nitebirdz wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 11:10:25AM -0700, seldan24 wrote:

  I didn't even notice the higher level methods.  I changed the
  retrieval line to:


  This works great.  The result is even captured in an array.  I really
  have no idea what the difference between a LIST and NLST is within
  FTP.  Never delved that deep into it.  I did notice that an NLST will
  return a specific FTP code if a file doesn't exist, whereas a LIST
  doesn't.  So, I ended up using NLST as that'll generate an
  ftplib.error_perm exception.  Based on if the job cares if a file is
  not available or not (some do, some don't), I'll either exit, or
  continue on with the file loop.

 The following thread from a NetBSD mailing list may help clarify this

 NLST returns a machine-readable list of names, while LIST returns a
 human-readable list.  Hene the presence of the FTP code in the case of


Thanks for the information.  I knew it stood for 'named list' but had
no idea how that differed from the standard.  I appreciate the link.

Using a Callback Function - ftplib

2009-08-17 Thread seldan24

I'm utterly confused by something which is most likely trivial.  I'm
attempting to connect to an FTP server, retrieve a list of files, and
store than in an array.  I.e.:

import ftplib

ftp = ftplib.FTP(server)
ftp.login(user, pass)
ftp.retrlines('NLST ' + testfile*.txt)

The above example works fine... and would return a list of any files
that match testfile*.txt to standard out.  The issue is I don't want
that to go to stdout, I'd rather capture them within an array so I can
retrieve them later.

If I try something like:

my_files = ftp.retrlines('NLST ' + testfile*.txt)

Then, my_files, will just print out the return code of the FTP NLST
command.  I'm trying to get the file names themselves.  Now, I've read
through the ftplib module section of the Python documentation and it
says that, by default, the output goes to sys.stdout unless a callback
function is used.  Here is where I get utterly lost.  I can certainly
see the files being outputted to sys.stdout, but don't know how to
capture that output... i.e.


Will show to the screen, but I can't catch it!  I'm sure this is
trivial... any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Using a Callback Function - ftplib

2009-08-17 Thread seldan24
On Aug 17, 1:51 pm, David wrote:
 Il Mon, 17 Aug 2009 10:43:33 -0700 (PDT), seldan24 ha scritto:


  I'm utterly confused by something which is most likely trivial.  I'm
  attempting to connect to an FTP server, retrieve a list of files, and
  store than in an array.  I.e.:

  import ftplib

  ftp = ftplib.FTP(server)
  ftp.login(user, pass)

 Why bother with retrlines? Use the provided higer level fuctions:

 remotefiles = []

 or, if you prefer nlst

 remotefiles = ftp.nlst()


I didn't even notice the higher level methods.  I changed the
retrieval line to:


This works great.  The result is even captured in an array.  I really
have no idea what the difference between a LIST and NLST is within
FTP.  Never delved that deep into it.  I did notice that an NLST will
return a specific FTP code if a file doesn't exist, whereas a LIST
doesn't.  So, I ended up using NLST as that'll generate an
ftplib.error_perm exception.  Based on if the job cares if a file is
not available or not (some do, some don't), I'll either exit, or
continue on with the file loop.

Anyway, thanks again, works perfectly, next time I'll try to scroll
down and read a bit more prior to posting!

Re: Python Equivalent for dd fold

2009-07-16 Thread seldan24
On Jul 15, 1:48 pm, Emile van Sebille wrote:
 On 7/15/2009 10:23 AM MRAB said...

  On Jul 15, 12:47 pm, Michiel Overtoom wrote:
  seldan24 wrote:
  what can I use as the equivalent for the Unix 'fold' command?
  def fold(s,len):
       while s:
           print s[:len]

  You might still need to tweak the above code as regards how line endings
  are handled.

 You might also want to tweak it if the strings are _really_ long to
 simply slice out the substrings as opposed to reassigning the balance to
 a newly created s on each iteration.


Thanks for all of the help.  I'm almost there.  I have it working now,
but the 'fold' piece is very slow.  When I use the 'fold' command in
shell it is almost instantaneous.  I was able to do the EBCDIC-ASCII
conversion usng the decode method in the built-in str type.  I didn't
have to import the codecs module.  I just decoded the data to cp037
which works fine.

So now, I'm left with a large file, consisting of one extremely long
line of ASCII data that needs to be sliced up into 35 character
lines.  I did the following, which works but takes a very long time:

f = open(ascii_file, 'w')
while ascii_data:
ascii_data = ascii_data[len:]

I know that Emile suggested that I can slice out the substrings rather
than do the gradual trimming of the string variable as is being done
by moving around the length.  So, I'm going to give that a try... I'm
a bit confused by what that means, am guessing that slice can break up
a string based on characters; will research.  Thanks for the help thus
far.  I'll post again when all is working fine.

Python Equivalent for dd fold

2009-07-15 Thread seldan24

I have a shell script, that I'm attempting to convert to Python.  It
FTP's files down from an AS/400 machine.  That part is working fine.
Once the files arrive, the script converts them from EBCDIC to ASCII
and then formats their line width based on a pre-determined size.

For example, if I have the file TESTFILE and I know it should be
formatted to 32 characters/line, I run:


Luckily, the files have the packed decimal format common in COBOL
programs converted already prior to reaching me, so all I have to do
is the conversion and line width formatting.  The above works fine,
and I know I could (and may) just embed it using subprocess.Popen.
This, I've figured out how to do.  But, ideally, I'd like to convert
as much shell to native Python as possible, so that I can learn more.

I think I can figure out the first part by using the codecs module...
found some information on Google related to that.  My question is,
what can I use as the equivalent for the Unix 'fold' command?  I don't
really need to know how to do it, just a push in the right direction.


Re: Python Equivalent for dd fold

2009-07-15 Thread seldan24
On Jul 15, 12:47 pm, Michiel Overtoom wrote:
 seldan24 wrote:
  what can I use as the equivalent for the Unix 'fold' command?

 def fold(s,len):
      while s:
          print s[:len]

 s=A very long string indeed. Really that long? Indeed.


 A very lon
 g string i
 ndeed. Rea
 lly that l
 ong? Indee


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Wow, I feel like a dork.  I should have done more research prior to
posting.  Anyway, thanks for the advice.  The trouble with Python is
that things make 'too much' sense.  Loving this language.

Re: Best Way to Handle All Exceptions

2009-07-13 Thread seldan24
On Jul 13, 10:33 am, MRAB wrote:
 seldan24 wrote:

  I'm fairly new at Python so hopefully this question won't be too
  awful.  I am writing some code that will FTP to a host, and want to
  catch any exception that may occur, take that and print it out
  (eventually put it into a log file and perform some alerting action).
  I've figured out two different ways to do this, and am wondering which
  is the best (i.e. cleanest, 'right' way to proceed).  I'm also trying
  to understand exactly what occurs for each one.

  The first example:

  from ftplib import FTP
      ftp = FTP(ftp_host)
      ftp.login(ftp_user, ftp_pass)
  except Exception, err:
      print err

  This works fine.  I read through the documentation, and my
  understanding is that there is a built-in exceptions module in python,
  that is automatically available in a built-in namespace.  Within that
  module is an 'Exception' class which would contain whatever exception
  is thrown.  So, I'm passing that to the except, along with err to hold
  the value and then print it out.

 There isn't an exceptions module; exceptions are part of the language.

  The second example:

  from ftplib import FTP
  import sys
      ftp = FTP(ftp_host)
      ftp.login(ftp_user, ftp_pass)
      print sys.exc_info()

 This is called a bare exception handler. It's virtually never the
 right way to do it.

  Here I, for the most part, get the same thing.  I'm not passing
  anything to except and just printing out the exception using a method
  defined in the sys module.

  So, I'm new to Python... I've made it this far and am happy, but want
  to make sure I'm coding correctly from the start.  Which method is the
  better/cleaner/more standard way to continue?  Thanks for any help.

 You should use the most specific exception possible because at lot of
 things could raise an exception:


 Traceback (most recent call last):
    File pyshell#0, line 1, in module
 NameError: name 'foo' is not defined
 except Exception, e:
      print *** Caught an exception ***
      print e

 *** Caught an exception ***
 name 'foo' is not defined- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Thank you both for your input.  I want to make sure I get started on
the right track.  For this particular script, I should have included
that I would take the exception contents, and pass those to the
logging module.  For this particular script, all exceptions are fatal
and I would want them to be.  I just wanted a way to catch them and
log them prior to program termination.  I can understand why folks
should always specify exact exceptions where possible if they plan on
doing something with them, but I just want to log and terminate (and
alarm) when any exception, irregardless of what it is, occurs; that's
why I'm using the catch-all approach.  I most likely should have put
in an exit() in my snippet; sorry about that.

I did notice that Python allows different objects to be thrown.  This
threw me off a bit because, at first, I was expecting everything to
come through as nice, easy tuples.  It turns out that ftplib throws
some class from the sockets module (my terminology may be off here).
As for terminology, sorry about the 'exceptions' misuse.  The Python
documentation refers to 'exceptions' as a module, albeit built-in, so
I used that language accordingly (link to doc:

Anyway, thanks again for the help and advice, it is greatly