Playability of a file in windows media player

2006-05-03 Thread sri2097
I want to check if a URL is playable or not (without actually playing
i.e. given a URL I want to write an automation script to figure it out
for me
if it's playable or not. If you give a bad/invalid URL for windows
player to play a pop-up window shows us that it cannot be played. So
I would want to catch that event.

I have found 2 ways to do this -


import win32com.client, win32api, sre, time

data = file(webclips.txt)
web_clips = data.readlines ()

shell = win32com.client.Dispatch(WScript.Shell)
shell.AppActivate(Windows Media Player)

print Total :, len(web_clips)

for webclip in web_clips:
shell.SendKeys(^u, 0)
shell.AppActivate(Open URL)


if shell.AppActivate(Windows Media Player):
webclip = webclip

print len(not_there)
print Not here: , not_there

In this way I manually fire Windows media player and do the checking.
But It's a brute force way of solving the problem (since for every URL
I keep a
time-out of 25 seconds). As a result it takes a lot of time.I had to
look for a
better solution. My second solution uses Windows much hyped ActiveX


from win32com.client import Dispatch,DispatchWithEvents

class WMPEvents:
def OnVisible(self,evt):
print OnVisible changed:,evt
def OnError(self,evt=None):
print OnError,evt
def OnMediaError(self,evt=None):
print OnMediaError,evt
def OnDisconnect(self,evt):
print OnDisconnect,evt
def OnStatusChange(self):
print OnStatusChange
def OnDisconnect(self,evt):
print Disconnect,evt
def OnBuffering(self,evt):
print OnBuffering changed:,evt
def OnOpenStateChange(self,evt=None):
print OnOpenStateChange ,evt

mp = DispatchWithEvents(WMPlayer.OCX, WMPEvents)
mp.settings.autoStart = True
webclip_playlist = mp.newPlaylist('Web_Clips', )

raw_web_clips = []
data = file(webclips.txt)
web_clips = data.readlines()

for url in web_clips:
tune = mp.newMedia(url)
mp.controls.playItem (tune)

raw_input(Press enter to stop playing)

This solution is much faster. But still I'm not able to solve it.
Initially I had
planned to use the OnOpenStateChange event to detect if a given URL
is in
a state just about to be opened. That's good enough for me to declare
that a
URL can be played. But as written in MSDN, they suggest not to rely on
changes as a definitive way to find details. So, I had to find an
There is an event called OnBuffering, i.e. when a link is found and
is just
about to be buffered this event (Boolean value) is triggered. But it
never seem
to happen.

I would be truly grateful if you can help in any way.


Attaching files in windows using Python.

2006-03-07 Thread sri2097
Hi all,
I have to select a particular file (using the 'Browse') button in
Windows. After this I need to populate the 'Open Dialogue Box' with the
path of the file I need (I have the entier path of the file I need).
Then I need to select the 'Open' Button.

Only after this the file I want is attached.

Any idea as to how this can be done using 'Win32 API's.

While looking for the proper answer to this I found that 'Mark
Hammond's'  Python for Windows documentation is not detail enough.

Any help in this regard would be much appreciated.


Re: Attaching files in windows using Python.

2006-03-07 Thread sri2097
Hi all,
I have got this far till now -

import win32gui, struct, array, string


def arrayToStrings(resultArray):
return list-of-strings corresponding to a char array,
   where each string is terminated by \000, and the whole
   list by two adjacent \000 bytes

# perhaps a loop of string.split would be faster...
while len(astr) and astr[0]!='\000':
return manyStrings

def szFrom(anarray):
return the string-pointer (sz) corresponding to a char
   array, 0 (null pointer) if no array

if anarray: return anarray.buffer_info()[0]
else: return 0

def arrayFrom(astring,additional=0):
return a char array built from a string, plus 0
   or more \000 bytes as filler

if not astring: astring=''
return array.array('c',astring+additional*'\000')

def arrayMulti(stringlist):
return a char array built from many strings, each
   separated by a \000 byte, and two \000's at the end

return arrayFrom(string.join(stringlist,'\000'),2)

def buildOfn(resultarray,filters=None,initdir=None,title=None,
build an OPENFILENAME struct as a string, with several
   options and a given result-array for the string[s] that
   will result from the GetOpenFileName call

if multisel: flags=flags|OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT
if oldlook: flags=flags~OFN_EXPLORER
return struct.pack(
76, 0, 0,   # size, owner-hwnd, hinstance
szfilter, 0, 0, 0,  # filter, custom-filter,
szfile, maxfile,# file, max-file
0, 0,   # file-title, max-file-title
szinitdir, sztitle, # initial-dir, dialog-title
flags, 0, 0,# flags, file-offset, file-extension
0,  # def-ext
0, 0, 0)# cust-data, func-hook, template-name

def openNames(forsave=0,filters=None,initdir=None,title=None,
return a list of filenames for open or save, given
   interactively by the user through a common-dialog; if
   more than 1 string is returned, the first is the directory,
   followed by the filenames.

if forsave: isok=win32gui.GetSaveFileName(ofn)
else: isok=win32gui.GetOpenFileName(ofn)
if not isok: return []
return arrayToStrings(resultBuffer)

def _test():
return openNames(
filters=('Texts and scripts','*.txt;*.py','Py stuff','*.py*')

if __name__=='__main__':
print _test()

But hear the Dialogue_box stops and waits for the user to select a
file. But Since I have the entire path of the file, How do I pass it to
the file name to populate the box automatically instead of the user
manually selecting a file.

Any further help will be appreciated.



2006-02-22 Thread sri2097
Hi, I need to get to a particular page in a website. The site uses
cookeis and naturally I had to use cookielib since urllib2 does not
support cookies. But even after adding the cookies to the headers, I
keep getting a error message from the web-site saying that - 'My
Browser has disabled cookies and I cannot access the page'. Here is the
code I wrote -

cookie_obj = cookielib.CookieJar()

# First page
socket = urllib2.Request(;)
data = urllib2.urlopen(socket).read()
print data

# Second page
socket =
data = urllib2.urlopen(socket).read()
print data

# Third Page
socket =
data = urllib2.urlopen(socket).read()
print data

Is there anything wrong in the above done code. I printed out the all
the HTML headers in each stage to see if the cookie is getting added or
not. I found out that the cookies are not getting added. But when I do I get a list of all the headers wherein I can
see 'Set-Cookie' tag and the cookie value.

Anyone got any suggestions ?


Link List in Python

2006-01-12 Thread sri2097
Hi all, I have written a Link list implementation in Python (Although
it's not needed with Lists and Dictionaries present. I tried it just
for the kicks !). Anyway here is the code -

# Creating a class comprising of node in Link List.
class linklist:
def __init__(self, data=None,link=None): = data = link

def __str__(self):
return str(

def printing(node):
print -*80
print ([data][link] --- [data][link] and so on till the end)
print -*80
while 1:
node =
# Printing the last node and exiting.
print (All nodes printed)

def assigning():
global node1, node2, node3, node4
node1 = linklist([raw_input(Enter name: ), raw_input(Enter
address: )])
node2 = linklist([raw_input(Enter name: ), raw_input(Enter
address: )])
node3 = linklist([raw_input(Enter name: ), raw_input(Enter
address: )])
node4 = linklist([raw_input(Enter name: ), raw_input(Enter
address: )])
# Checking to see if all the are getting populated.
print node1
print node2
print node3
print node4

def linking(): = node2 = node3 = node4
# Passing the node1 to the print function so that it prints the
rest of the nodes using the links.

if __name__ == __main__:

Doubt -
Now, Here I needed only 4 nodes. But what if I need more nodes. Is
there any way to create the number of nodes at runtime. Since I plan to
'import' this module later. I wouldn't know how many nodes I need even
before executing it. So, my doubt is - Is there any way to create 'n'
number of object (here nodes) at runtime ?

Any general criticisms about the code are also welcome...


Re: Removing Duplicate entries in a file...

2006-01-10 Thread sri2097
Thanx Mike, My problem solved !! I loaded the entire file contnets into
list and my job was a piece of cake after that.



Re: Removing Duplicate entries in a file...

2006-01-07 Thread sri2097
Hi there, I'm just curious to know as to how the changes you have
suggested will solve the problem. Instead of appending (what I was
doing), now we are opening and storing the files in 'binary' format.
All the other entries in my file will be gone when I write into the
file again.

What I actuall need is this -

I have some dictionary values stored in a file. I retrieve these
entries based on the key value specified by the user. Now if I want to
modify the values under a particular key, I first search if that key
exists in the file and if yes retrieve the values associated with the
key and modify them. Now when I re-insert this modified key-value pair
back in the file. I have 2 entries now (one is the old wntry and the
second is the new modified one). So if I search for that key the next
time I'll have 2 entries for it. That's not what we want. So how do I
remove the old entry without the other values getting deleted ? In
other words, keeping the other entries as it is, I want to update a
particular key-value pair.

Let me know in case any bright idea strikes...


Removing Duplicate entries in a file...

2006-01-06 Thread sri2097
Hi all, I'm storing number of dictionary values into a file using the
'cPickle' module and then am retrieving it. The following is the code
for it  -

# Code for storing the values in the file
import cPickle

book = {raw_input(Name: ): [int(raw_input(Phone: )),
raw_input(Address: )] }
file_object = file(database, 'w+')
cPickle.dump(book, file_object)

# Code for retrieving values and modifiing them.
tobe_modified_name = raw_input(Enter name to be modified: )
file_object = file(database)

while file_object.tell() != EOFError:
stored_dict = cPickle.load(file_object)
if stored_dict.has_key(tobe_modified_name):
print (Entry found !)
# I want to modify the values retrieved from the file and
then put it back to the file   without duplicate entry.
file_object = file(database, 'a+')
except EOFError:

Now, my problem is after finding the entry in the file, I want to make
changes to the 'values' under the searched 'key' and then insert it
back to the file. But in doing so I'm having duplicate entries for the
same key. I want to remove the previous key and value entry in the file
and key the latest one.  How to solve this problem ?

I actually thought of 2 ways -

1) In Java there is something called 'file_pointer' concept where in
after you find the entry you are looking for you move all the entries
below this entry. Then you get the searched entry at the bottom of the
file. After this truncate the file by a certain bytes to remove the old
entry. Can we do this in Python using the file.truncate([size]) method

2) Although this is a really crappy way but nevertheless I'll put it
across. First after finding the entry you are looking for in the file,
make a copy of this file without the entry found in the previous file.
Make the changes to the 'values' under this key and insert this into
the second file what you have created. Before exiting delete the first

Are there any more ways to solve my problem ? Any criticisms are


Re.'Compressing folders in Windows using Python'

2006-01-02 Thread sri2097
Hi all,This is in reply to the 'Compressing folders in Windows using
Python' query I raised y'day.

I figured out that windows does not allow command line zipping so I
started looking for alternatives.

I found some modules in Perl which does zipping. I guess it goes by the
name 'gzip'. I plan to write the zipping feature in Perl and import it
into Python.

Thanx a lot for all those who took time to answer my query. If you find
any loophole in the above approach feel free to drop me mail...



Compressing folders in Windows using Python.

2006-01-01 Thread sri2097
I'm trying to zip a particular fiolder and place the zipped folder into
a target folder using python. I have used the following command in

zip_command = 'zip -qr %s %s' % (target, ' '.join(source))

I execute this using os.command(zip_command). It works fine...

But when I run this script in Windows XP, I get an error while
executing the above zip command. What command is there to zip files in
Windows? Or is there any other problem ?
