[issue6983] Add specific get_platform() for freebsd

2011-12-23 Thread Stef Walter

Stef Walter s...@memberwebs.com added the comment:

Good plan.

So the issue is:

 * Platform specific eggs are built containing a path that has the full
   patch level of the freebsd kernel, like 8.2-RELEASE-p2. The -p2
   part is updated for every security patch of FreeBSD.
 * Thus when you apply a security patch to FreeBSD, platform specific
   eggs built for that version of FreeBSD (before the security patch
   was applied) are no longer considered compatible.

FYI, FreeBSD has an unwritten policy of keeping all 8.x releases
backwards compatible with one another. So platform specific eggs built
for 8.1 would work without inherent problems on 8.2 or 8.3.

But at the very least, platform specific eggs should not be dependent on
the patch level of the FreeBSD kernel.

On 11/20/2011 03:38 PM, Éric Araujo wrote:
 Éric Araujo mer...@netwok.org added the comment:
 This is still a bothersome issue, but we've taken to patching every version 
 of python
 downstream before deploying them. All for a simple three line patch.
 Sorry about the unsatisfactory situation.  Could we start anew and define 
 exactly what the problem is, so that distutils2 can be free of it?  (I’m 
 afraid distutils can’t be changed: even undocumented, the platform string 
 used for FreeBSD is certainly used by tools out there that we don’t want to 
 break.  I second the suggestion to bring up the issue to the projects 
 responsible for eggs, i.e. setuptools and distribute, not distutils.)
 Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[ANN] Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Scripting Language For Android (SL4A) convenience library

2011-11-28 Thread Stef Mientki


The information on ADB / SL4A is quiet overwhelming.
Despite that, especially for people, not familiar with Linux, it's not an easy task to get their 
first program running.
This library allows you to easy upload and run Python files on a Android device, without pressing 
any button on the Android device.

After installing SL4A and Py4A on the Android device, and ADB on the hostmachine, it's just a matter 
of connecting the USB cable between Android device and host-PC, and run the program.

One of the simplest program that will run out of the box (without touching any button on the Android 
device) :

# *
from adb_sl4a_support import ADB_Connection

ADB = ADB_Connection ()
print ADB

# Create a simple program
Simple_Program = 
import android
droid = android.Android (( '%s', %s ))
droid.makeToast ( Wasn't that easy?)
 % ( ADB.SL4A_Servers [-1][0], ADB.SL4A_Servers [-1][1] )

# execute the program (this will run the program from the host PC !!)
exec ( Simple_Program )
# *

you can find the library here:


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Scripting Language For Android (SL4A) convenience library

2011-11-27 Thread Stef Mientki


The information on ADB / SL4A is quiet overwhelming.
Despite that, especially for people, not familiar with Linux, it's not an easy task to get their 
first program running.
This library allows you to easy upload and run Python files on a Android device, without pressing 
any button on the Android device.

After installing SL4A and Py4A on the Android device, and ADB on the hostmachine, it's just a matter 
of connecting the USB cable between Android device and host-PC, and run the program.

One of the simplest program that will run out of the box (without touching any button on the Android 
device) :

# *
from adb_sl4a_support import ADB_Connection

ADB = ADB_Connection ()
print ADB

# Create a simple program
Simple_Program = 
import android
droid = android.Android (( '%s', %s ))
droid.makeToast ( Wasn't that easy?)
 % ( ADB.SL4A_Servers [-1][0], ADB.SL4A_Servers [-1][1] )

# execute the program (this will run the program from the host PC !!)
exec ( Simple_Program )
# *

you can find the library here:


Re: (don't bash me too hard) Python interpreter in JavaScript

2011-11-15 Thread Stef Mientki

On 15-11-2011 21:37, Passiday wrote:


I am looking for a way how to bring Python interpreter to JavaScript, in order 
to provide a web-based application with python scripting capabilities. The app 
would have basic IDE for writing and debugging the python code, but the 
interpretation, of course, would be done in JavaScript. I'd like to avoid any 
client-server transactions, so all the interpretation should take place on the 
client side. The purpose of all this would be to create educational platform 
for learning the programming in python.

I hoped somebody already had done something like this, but I couldn't google up 
anything. I've found some crazy project emulating PC in JavaScript (and even 
running Linux on top of it), but not a python interpreter.

Of course, I could take the python source and brutally recode it in JavaScript, 
but that seems like awful lot of work to do. Any ideas how I should proceed 
with this project?

skulpt ?


[issue6983] Add specific get_platform() for freebsd

2011-10-09 Thread Stef Walter

Stef Walter s...@memberwebs.com added the comment:

Shrug. I guess you can close it.

This is still a bothersome issue, but we've taken to patching every version of 
python downstream before deploying them. All for a simple three line patch.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

how to make a nested list

2011-09-15 Thread Stef Mientki


I need a nested list, like this

 A= [ [None,None], [None,None], [None, None] ]
 A[2][0] =77
[[None, None], [None, None], [77, None]]

Because the list is much larger, I need a shortcut (ok I can use a for loop)
So I tried
 B = 3 * [ [ None, None ]]
 B[2][0] = 77
[[77, None], [77, None], [77, None]]

which doesn't work as expected.

any suggestions ?


and becomes or and or becomes and

2011-05-22 Thread Stef Mientki

must of us will not use single bits these days,
but at first sight, this looks funny :

 a and b
 a  b
 a or b
 a | b


maybe useful : datetime conversion

2011-05-20 Thread Stef Mientki

using datetimes from a lot of different sources,
in many languages,
I had about 30 python helper routines,
which I now packed in one class,
much simpler.
Although I used the Delphi date-format as the base,
it shouldn't be difficult to rewrite the class for another type.

The input can be one of the following types :
  - None: the current date-time is used
  - 3.9 : a Delphi datetime
  - 3   : a Delphi datetime
  - 3.9   : a Delphi datetime as a string
  - 3,9   : a Delphi datetime as a (Dutch) string
  - 20-5-11  : short year notation
  - 20-05-2011   : long year notation
  - 2009-09-24 10:12:24  : Access string
  - datetime.datetime ( 2011, 1, 15 )
  - time.struct_time
  - wx.DateTime
  - time.time()  (through method from_time)

Maybe someone can use it.


import time
import datetime
import wx

Delphi_Date_0 = datetime.date ( *time.strptime ( '30-12-1899', '%d-%m-%Y' )[0:3]).toordinal()

class Delphi_Date ( float ) :
  def __new__ ( self, Something = None ) :

Class meant to handle any datetime type, and converts it basically to
a Delphi DateTime (float: number of days since 1-1-1900).

The input can be one of the following types :
  - None: the current date-time is used
  - 3.9 : a Delphi datetime
  - 3   : a Delphi datetime
  - 3.9   : a Delphi datetime as a string
  - 3,9   : a Delphi datetime as a (Dutch) string
  - 20-5-11  : short year notation
  - 20-05-2011   : long year notation
  - 2009-09-24 10:12:24  : Access string
  - datetime.datetime ( 2011, 1, 15 )
  - time.struct_time
  - wx.DateTime

with extra methods, also the following can be used
  - from_time   : time.time float

The following output methods are available
  - to_time ()
  - to_datetime ()
  - to_String ( self , Format = %d-%m-%Y )
  - to_String_Short ()
  - to_String_Date_Time_Short ()
  - to_String_Time_Short ()
  - to_String_Date_Time ()
  - to_wxTime ()
  - to_Iso ()

# The current date-time is used, if no parameter is specified
if Something is None :
  Something = datetime.datetime.now ()

# floating point is assumed to be a Delphi datetime
# to specify a time.time float, use the method from_time
# Delphi_Date().from_time ( time.time()
# which is equivalent to
# Delphi_Date()
if isinstance ( Something, float ) :
  Value = Something

# sometimes a Delphi datetime is stored as an integer
elif isinstance ( Something, int ) :
  Value = Something

# A string can represent a lot of things
elif isinstance ( Something, basestring ) :

  # a float or integer,
  # also the Ducth notation where deceimal separator is a comma
  try :
Value = float ( Something.replace(',','.') )
  except :

# a string as a short year notation
try :
  Value = datetime.datetime.strptime ( Something, '%d-%m-%y' )
except ValueError :

  # a string as a long year notation
Value = datetime.datetime.strptime ( Something, '%d-%m-%Y' )
  except :

# a string as a (Dutch) Access notation
try :
  # Access string : 2009-09-24 00:00:00
  Value =  datetime.datetime.strptime ( Something.split(' ')[0], %Y-%m-%d )
except :
  Value = Delphi_Date_0
  import traceback

Value = Value.toordinal() - Delphi_Date_0

# datetime.datetime ()
elif isinstance ( Something, datetime.datetime ) :
  Value = Something.toordinal() - Delphi_Date_0

# time.struct_time
elif isinstance ( Something, time.struct_time ) :
  Value = time.mktime ( Something )
  DT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp ( Value )
  Value = DT.toordinal() - Delphi_Date_0

# wx.DateTime
elif isinstance ( Something, wx.DateTime ) :
  DT = datetime.date ( Something.GetYear (),
   Something.GetMonth () + 1,
   Something.GetDay () )
  Value = DT.toordinal() - Delphi_Date_0

else :
  print type(Something), Something
  raise error ( 'aap' )

return float.__new__ ( self, Value )

  def from_time ( self, Time ) :
DT = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp ( Time )
return Delphi_Date ( DT )

  def to_time ( self ):
return time.mktime ( self.to_datetime().timetuple() )

  def to_datetime ( self ) :
#return datetime.datetime.fromordinal ( int ( round ( self + Delphi_Date_0 )))
return datetime.datetime.fromordinal ( self + Delphi_Date_0 )

  def to_String ( self , Format = %d-%m-%Y ) :
DT = self.to_datetime()
try :
  return DT.strftime ( Format )
except :
  return '01-01-1900'


is there an autocompletion like Dasher ?

2011-05-07 Thread Stef Mientki

I would like to have a autocompletion / help /snippet system like Dasher :


anyone seen such a component ?


Re: is there an autocompletion like Dasher ?

2011-05-07 Thread Stef Mientki
On 08-05-2011 01:28, Dan Stromberg wrote:

 On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Stef Mientki stef.mien...@gmail.com
 mailto:stef.mien...@gmail.com wrote:


 I would like to have a autocompletion / help /snippet system like Dasher :


 anyone seen such a component ?

 Ummm...  For what OS and what hardware?
Windows desktop (and webbrowser would be nice)
   Do you need something that was written in Python?



Re: What do you use with Python for GUI programming and why?

2011-03-12 Thread Stef Mientki
On 11-03-2011 22:45, Dan Stromberg wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 12:54 PM, Fred Pacquier xne...@fredp.lautre.net
 mailto:xne...@fredp.lautre.net wrote:

 Robert sigz...@gmail.com mailto:sigz...@gmail.com said :

  Is there a push to one toolkit or the other?

 If you are just now getting started, I would honestly suggest you save a
 whole lot of time and dive straight into PyQt. I've tried most 'em over 
 years (including some now discontinued), and in my experience Qt is way
 above the rest, especially as far as consistency and productivity are
 concerned. The Python bindings are very mature and well maintained, and go
 a long way attenuating the evil C++ roots.

 I havent tried Nokia's equivalent (PySide). I'm not sure what its fate 
 turn out, given the company's change of heart and Microsoft honeymoon. At
 least PyQt is't going anywhere soon.

 Didn't Nokia acquire Trolltech (and hence the rights to much if not all of 
 Qt) in 2008?
yep, and they just sold the commercial part of QT to Digia.

 I'm not at all sure Qt's future is as bright as one might wish for.  They've 
 already declared that
 Qt will not be ported to Windows Mobile in any official way, and of course 
 mobile (not necessarily
 Windows Mobile) is where just about everything is headed.
And Nokia is talking with Micraosoft about using theirs Phone 7

 Actually, for something that's very cross-platform, you might check this out:
 http://radicalbreeze.com/  Bryan can be a bit of a goober, but it sounds like 
 he's successfully
 implemented a great idea for quickly and easily writing cross-platform 
another way of reaching the same goal,
is to use a wrapper that supports the different backends.
As I found wxPython much too difficult (I was a Delphi guy),
I started directly with a wrapper when I started using wxPython a few years ago.
In the meanwhile I've extended (very experimental) the wrapper so it not only 
supports wxPython, but
also PyJamas, PySide and PyGUi.


 Illumination even gives you the full Adobe Flex, Android Java, iOS Obj-C and 
 Python source code
 to the projects you create.  Making it a great way to prototype new projects, 
 or learn new languages.

 I've still got a soft spot for Pyjamas though - it's opensource.


SQLite server using execnet ?

2011-02-20 Thread Stef Mientki

knowing that SQllite is not a client/server database,
still want to see if a simple client/server setup would solve my current 
problems for the moment
(because I love the simplicity of SQLlite,
and planned to go to a client / server database in the future)

Now I wonder if anyone has considered  to use Python execnet-module to realize 
a simple SLQlite
client / server application.

If I look at the documentation of execnet,
(and I realize that I'm a great optimist)
it would take between 20 and 50 lines of Python code.

thanks very much for your opinions.
Stef Mientki


Re: Trying to decide between PHP and Python

2011-01-04 Thread Stef Mientki

 As to choice between Python and PHP, I would say learn anything but PHP. 
 Even Perl has fewer tentacles than PHP.
type this in  a form field





Re: NameError: global name 'btn_Matlab' is not defined ?

2010-12-29 Thread Stef Mientki
On 28-12-2010 15:15, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 28 Dec 2010 14:34:19 +0100, Stef Mientki wrote:


 Never seen this before and I've no explanation whatsoever (Python 2.6)

 I've some dynamic generated code,
 one of objects generated is a wx.Button, called 'btn_Matlab'.
 How do you generate the code?

 What code is generated? What does it do?

 After the code is generated, I can see that the button is created in the
 local namespace
print locals()['btn_Matlab']

 wx._controls.Button; proxy of Swig Object of type 'wxButton *' at

 but if I try to print the button (at exactly the same location), I get
 an error

 print btn_Matlab

 NameError: global name 'btn_Matlab' is not defined ?

 Why isn't the compiler first checking the local namespace ? any clues ?

 My guess is that you've declared btn_Matlab as global, and then 
 dynamically created a local with the same name using exec or similar.

thanks Stevem,

I found a solution.
I indeed tried to inject local variables from a stack a few levels deeper,
which doesn't seem to be possible (or reliable).
The documentation isn't overwhelming about that point, exec and eval doesn't 
mention anything,
but execfile warms for this issue.
The code now looks something like this:

  self.p_locals  = sys._getframe ( StackUp ).f_locals
  self.p_globals = sys._getframe ( StackUp ).f_globals

  Component = eval ( defi[1], self.p_globals, self.p_locals ) ( Parent, 
**Extra )

  self.p_globals[ 'Component' ] = Component
  if 'self' in defi[0] :
exec ( '%s = Component' %( defi[0] ), self.p_globals, self.p_locals )
  else :
exec ( '%s = Component' %( defi[0] ), self.p_globals)



Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-29 Thread Stef Mientki
On 30-12-2010 02:03, rantingrick wrote:
 On Dec 29, 6:41 pm, Gerry Reno gr...@verizon.net wrote:
 wxPython looks good but I don't see anyone developing support for things
 like smartphones.
 No wx is not the answer to our problems
Just partial ;-)

Why not write a (Pythonic) wrapper and choose what will be under neat it ?

My personal situation at this moment:

* for desktop applications we basically use wxPython
* the use of sizers in wxPython is not easy and full of cross-pointers with 
useless names.
  Therefor we already used a wrapper for wxPython.
* for components missing in wxPython, we embed PySide-QT and Delphi 
components in wxPython
* for server-side web applications we use web2py
* for client-side web applications we use PyJamas
* for mobile devices we use PocketPyGUI
* as PySide-QT is making a huge progress at the moment and has improved 
licenses, (and might be
  usable for mobile devices) we might want to  move gradually from wxPython 
to PySide-QT

Right at this moment, I'm writing a new wrapper, that already can handle (in a 
simple way) wxPython
and PySide-QT(partial).
After this works fully, PyJamas and Web2pY will be added (PockectPyGui can 
probably fully be
replaced by QT)



NameError: global name 'btn_Matlab' is not defined ?

2010-12-28 Thread Stef Mientki

Never seen this before and I've no explanation whatsoever (Python 2.6)

I've some dynamic generated code,
one of objects generated is a wx.Button, called 'btn_Matlab'.

After the code is generated, I can see that the button is created in the local 
   print locals()['btn_Matlab']

wx._controls.Button; proxy of Swig Object of type 'wxButton *' at 0x3602d28 

but if I try to print the button (at exactly the same location), I get an error

print btn_Matlab

NameError: global name 'btn_Matlab' is not defined ?

Why isn't the compiler first checking the local namespace ?
any clues ?

Stef Mientki

Re: PyUNO [Was: Read / Write OpenOffice SpreadSheet ?]

2010-12-17 Thread Stef Mientki
On 17-12-2010 17:02, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
 On Fri, 2010-12-17 at 10:19 +0100, Torsten Mohr wrote:
 Thanks, i read about it but as i understood it, UNO needs Python 2.3.x and 
 i'd like to base on something actual.
 I do not *believe* this is true.

 http://pypi.python.org/pypi/cloudooo/1.0.9 for instance is Python 2.6
 and uses PyUNO.

 I would strongly recommend against floundering about in OOo's very
 complex XML files - it is trivially easy to render a document unusable.

looks great,
but is there something alike for Windows ?

Stef Mientki

Re: python-parser running Beautiful Soup needs to be reviewed

2010-12-12 Thread Stef Mientki
I've no opinion.
 I'm just struggling with BeautifulSoup myself, finding it one of the 
 toughest libs I've seen ;-)

 Really? While I'm by no means an expert, I find it very easy to work with. 
 It's very well
 structured IMHO.
I think the cause lies in the documentation.
The PySide documentation is much easier to understand (at least for me)



Re: python-parser running Beautiful Soup needs to be reviewed

2010-12-11 Thread Stef Mientki
On 11-12-2010 17:24, Martin Kaspar wrote:
 Hello commnity

 i am new to Python and to Beatiful Soup also!
 It is told to be a great tool to parse and extract content. So here i

 I want to take the content of a td-tag of a table in a html
 document. For example, i have this table

 table class=bp_ergebnis_tab_info
  This is a sample text

  This is the second sample text

 How can i use beautifulsoup to take the text This is a sample text?

 Should i make use
 soup.findAll('table' ,attrs={'class':'bp_ergebnis_tab_info'}) to get
 the whole table.

 See the target 

 Well - what have we to do first:

 The first thing is t o find the table:

 i do this with Using find rather than findall returns the first item
 in the list
 (rather than returning a list of all finds - in which case we'd have
 to add an extra [0]
 to take the first element of the list):

 table = soup.find('table' ,attrs={'class':'bp_ergebnis_tab_info'})

 Then use find again to find the first td:

 first_td = soup.find('td')

 Then we have to use renderContents() to extract the textual contents:

 text = first_td.renderContents()

 ... and the job is done (though we may also want to use strip() to
 remove leading and trailing spaces:

 trimmed_text = text.strip()

 This should give us:

 print trimmed_text
 This is a sample text

 as desired.

 What do you think about the code? I love to hear from you!?
I've no opinion.
I'm just struggling with BeautifulSoup myself, finding it one of the toughest 
libs I've seen ;-)

So the simplest solution I came up with:

Text = 
table class=bp_ergebnis_tab_info
 This is a sample text

 This is the second sample text

Content = BeautifulSoup ( Text )
print Content.find('td').contents[0].strip()
 This is a sample text

And now I wonder how to get the next contents !!



is it possible to see if a class has a decorator ?

2010-12-06 Thread Stef Mientki

I would like to know if a class definition has a decorator,
is that possible ?

And if so, is it possible to determine the name of these decorator(s) ?

Stef Mientki

Re: is it possible to see if a class has a decorator ?

2010-12-06 Thread Stef Mientki
On 06-12-2010 12:08, Ben Finney wrote:
 Stef Mientki stef.mien...@gmail.com writes:

 I would like to know if a class definition has a decorator,
 I'm not sure what this question means.

 Applying a decorator to a class definition produces a normal class.

 Classes don't “have” decorators; classes can be returned by a decorator
 function, but AFAIK the resulting class doesn't “have” the decorator in
 any sense.

 is that possible ?
 The return value of a decorator isn't special in any way, AFAIK.

 Any function can return a class object or a function object, and any
 function can be used as a decorator.

 The only thing that makes a function a decorator is how it is used in
 the code; but it doesn't leave a trace that I know of.

 Now, what is it you're trying to do? Perhaps there's a better solution
 we can come up with.

Thanks Ben,
here some more explanation.

I've a number of (dynamic) applications,
launched from a central wrapper.
All these modules have a class Start, which launches the application and 
embeds them in the
wrapper application.

Module 1:
class Start ():

Module 2:
class Start ():

When the wrapper application is started, it looks for all dynamic modules 
(without importing them),
and list these application in a hierarchical tree.
In the above axmple,
I would like to know that the class Start in Module 2 has the decorator  
Auth, *without
importing the module*,
(so depending on the user logged in, I can decide to add or not add the module 
to the hierarchical

Stef Mientki


Re: is it possible to see if a class has a decorator ?

2010-12-06 Thread Stef Mientki
On 06-12-2010 16:04, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:
 Stef Mientki wrote:
 On 06-12-2010 12:08, Ben Finney wrote:
 Stef Mientki stef.mien...@gmail.com writes:

 I would like to know if a class definition has a decorator,
 I'm not sure what this question means.

 Applying a decorator to a class definition produces a normal class.

 Classes don't “have” decorators; classes can be returned by a decorator
 function, but AFAIK the resulting class doesn't “have” the decorator in
 any sense.

 is that possible ?
 The return value of a decorator isn't special in any way, AFAIK.

 Any function can return a class object or a function object, and any
 function can be used as a decorator.

 The only thing that makes a function a decorator is how it is used in
 the code; but it doesn't leave a trace that I know of.

 Now, what is it you're trying to do? Perhaps there's a better solution
 we can come up with.

 Thanks Ben,
 here some more explanation.

 I've a number of (dynamic) applications,
 launched from a central wrapper.
 All these modules have a class Start, which launches the application and 
 embeds them in the
 wrapper application.

 Module 1:
 class Start ():

 Module 2:
 class Start ():

 When the wrapper application is started, it looks for all dynamic modules 
 (without importing them),
 and list these application in a hierarchical tree.
 In the above axmple,
 I would like to know that the class Start in Module 2 has the decorator  
 Auth, *without
 importing the module*,
 (so depending on the user logged in, I can decide to add or not add the 
 module to the
 hierarchical tree).

 Stef Mientki

 You best bet is to parse the source file.
thanks, I was afraid of that.



Re: A web site using Python

2010-12-06 Thread Stef Mientki
On 04-12-2010 15:54, hid...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am working on a tool that can create an application like that without write 
 server code, but the
 system is write in Python3.1

very interesting, could you give us some more information about the project

for the OP:
with web2py, your site could be up within an hour.


Re: Which non SQL Database ?

2010-12-05 Thread Stef Mientki
On 04-12-2010 23:42, Jorge Biquez wrote:
 Hello all.

 Newbie question. Sorry.

 As part of my process to learn python I am working on two personal 
 applications. Both will do it
 fine with a simple structure of data stored in files. I now there are lot of 
 databases around I
 can use but I would like to know yoor advice on what other options you would 
 consider for the job
 (it is training so no pressure on performance). One application will run as a 
 desktop one,under
 Windows, Linux, Macintosh, being able to update data, not much, not complex, 
 not many records. The
 second application, running behind  web pages, will do the same, I mean, 
 process simple data,
 updating showing data. not much info, not complex. As an excersice it is more 
 than enough I guess
 and will let me learn what I need for now.
 Talking with a friend about what he will do (he use C only) he suggest to 
 take a look on dBase
 format file since it is a stable format, fast and the index structure will be 
 fine or maybe go
 with BD (Berkley) database file format (I hope I understood this one 
 correctly) . Plain files it
 is not an option since I would like to have option to do rapid searches.

 What would do you suggest to take a look? If possible available under the 3 

 Thanks in advance for your comments.

 Jorge Biquez

You should take a look at one of the database wrappers.
I use the DAL of Web2Py,
the main advantages are
- easy use of database (more easy than SQL)
- easy migration of database structure (is done automatically)
- same interface on desktop and in web applications
- all major database (including SQLite and Postgres) supported and can be 
switched easily


Re: building a web interface

2010-11-20 Thread Stef Mientki
On 20-11-2010 23:40, Shel wrote:

 I am pretty new to all this. I have some coding experience, and am
 currently most comfortable with Python.  I also have database design
 experience with MS Access, and have just created my first mySQL db.

 So right now I have a mySQL db structure and some Python code. My end
 goal is to create a browser-based interactive fiction/game thing. My
 code is currently just using dummy data rather than pulling in data
 from the db, but I think/hope it won't be too big of a deal to
 interact with the db through Python (famous last words...).

 My main problem right now is how to do the web interface. I don't know
 much about web architecture, unfortunately. I think I need a CGI

 What I would really like is to find a GUI tool to design the interface
 that would have customizable templates or drag-and-drop elements or
 something, so I wouldn't have to code much by hand. Something easy, if
 such a tool exists.

 Also would prefer something that I would be able to install/use
 without having much access to the server where the site will be hosted
 (on a university server that I don't have control over). I don't fully
 understand how a lot of the tools I have been looking at work, but it
 seems like they're often things where you'd have to get an
 administrator to do stuff on the server (is that right?), which I
 would prefer to avoid.

 It looks like Django has some sort of standalone implementation, but
 I'm not clear on how that would work or how much of a learning curve
 there would be for using it.

 If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, I would really appreciate

 Hope my questions make sense. I don't really know what I'm doing, so
 could be they're a bit silly. I apologize if that's the case, and
 please let me know if you need any additional informmation.

you might take a look at web2py,
it can be handled quit low level,
runs perfectly on a the build python server,
and you switch to almost any database at any time


Re: What was your strategy?

2010-11-14 Thread Stef Mientki
On 14-11-2010 23:32, Jorge Biquez wrote:
 Hello all.
 Quick question. I know some of you are with Python since started, some other 
 maybe later.

 I was wondering if you can share what was the strategy you followed to master 
 Python (Yes I know I
 have to work hard study and practice a lot). I mean did you use special 
 books, special sites, a
 plan to learn each subject in a special way. I would like to know, if 
 possible, comments specially
 from some of you who in the past had other languages, frameworks and 
 platforms and left (almost)
 all of them and stayed with Python.

 Thanks in advance

 Jorge Biquez

I think you have to start with determining a goal, some kind of application you 
want or like to create.
Learning to program without a goal (which good well be school assignments) is 
in my opinion fruitless.

Secondly you've to decide if the application will be an old fashion desktop 
application or a modern
web application,
or maybe even, it should start as a desktop application and should be easily be 
converted to a
webappplication in the future.
(btw I mainly write desktop applications ;-)

When you've a goal and a global scope, you can find the right tools: language 
(Python of course),
IDE, framework, etc.

Stef Mientki


is there an Python equivalent for the PHP super globals like $_POST, $_COOKIE ?

2010-11-11 Thread Stef Mientki

finally got Python running at my server.

Now I would like to replace the PHP server scripts with Python ( for easier 

But I can't find how th get to PHP's equivalent of $_Post and $_Cookie ?
Google finds lots of links, but I can't find the answer.

Stef Mientki

Re: is there an Python equivalent for the PHP super globals like $_POST, $_COOKIE ?

2010-11-11 Thread Stef Mientki
On 11-11-2010 19:01, Steve Holden wrote:
 On 11/11/2010 9:22 AM, Stef Mientki wrote:

 finally got Python running at my server.

 Now I would like to replace the PHP server scripts with Python ( for easier 

 But I can't find how th get to PHP's equivalent of $_Post and $_Cookie ?
 Google finds lots of links, but I can't find the answer.

 Stef Mientki

 Moving from one language to anther is not just a matter of
 transliterating the code. Of you try that you will end up with a messy
 code base that looks like PHP written in Python.
Steve I agree with you,
but  replacing a number of 3 to 10 lines of code scripts won't create a mess ;-)



Re: is there an Python equivalent for the PHP super globals like $_POST, $_COOKIE ?

2010-11-11 Thread Stef Mientki
On 11-11-2010 19:36, david wright wrote:

 *From:* Stef Mientki stef.mien...@gmail.com
 *To:* python-list@python.org
 *Sent:* Thu, November 11, 2010 10:20:03 AM
 *Subject:* Re: is there an Python equivalent for the PHP super globals like 

 On 11-11-2010 19:01, Steve Holden wrote:
  On 11/11/2010 9:22 AM, Stef Mientki wrote:
  finally got Python running at my server.
  Now I would like to replace the PHP server scripts with Python ( for 
  easier maintenance).
  But I can't find how th get to PHP's equivalent of $_Post and $_Cookie ?
  Google finds lots of links, but I can't find the answer.
  Stef Mientki
  Moving from one language to anther is not just a matter of
  transliterating the code. Of you try that you will end up with a messy
  code base that looks like PHP written in Python.
 - Steve I agree with you,
 - but  replacing a number of 3 to 10 lines of code scripts won't create a 
 mess ;-)

 So, assuming you want the 'straight ahead' (i.e. no framework, like Django) 
 your looking
 at vanilla CGI programming.

 form = cgi.FieldStorage() # parse query string, handles decoding and GET and 

 print pname:, form[name].value

thanks David,
looks that was what I was looking for,
I'll investigate all the properties of Fieldstorage.

 Enjoy! :)


Re: JavaScript vs Python

2010-11-09 Thread Stef Mientki
On 09-11-2010 10:25, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In message mailman.757.1289287828.2218.python-l...@python.org, Chris 
 Rebert wrote:

 On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 10:52 PM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro
 l...@geek-central.gen.nz wrote:

 Because JavaScript is actually a decent language in its own right.
 The Good Parts of it anyway.
 Python, too, has its good parts, you have to admit...
And there's a (or even more) Python to JS compilers,
I never heard of a JS to Python compiler.


Re: utf-8 coding sometimes it works, most of the time it don't work.

2010-09-22 Thread Stef Mientki
hello Uli,

thanks, I think you hit the nail on it's head,
PyScripter indeed changes default encoding
but ..

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Ulrich Eckhardt eckha...@satorlaser.comwrote:

 Stef Mientki wrote:
  When running this python application from the command line ( or launched
  from another Python program), the wrong character encoding (probably
  windows-1252) is used.

 Rule #1: If you know the correct encoding, set it yourself. This
 particularly applies to files you open yourself (use the codec module). In
 the case of your program, I guess the stream with the faulty encoding is
 stdin/stdout, who's encoding is guessed by Python, but which you can
 override. Check sys.stdin.encoding.

So I guess it's using the windows default, which is windows-1252,
and it's ReadOnly so I can't change it.

Can you tell me how I change the default Python encoding,
or how to set the encoding in Popen, this is the statement I use to launch
my program

subprocess.Popen ( [ 'python', Filename ] )

Stef Mientki

  When I run this program from PyScripter ( either internal engine or
  engine), MSHTML shows the correct character encoding,

 Interesting, I would say that PyScripter sets up the environment
 differently, so that Python guesses a different encoding. Also make sure
 both are calling the same Python, I get 'cp850' or 'US-ASCII' depending on
 whether I call the native MS Windows Python or the Cygwin Python.

  In the main file, and in the major files that constains strings I've
  the following 2 lines:
  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

 This shouldn't matter. This just tells Python that the sourcecode itself is
 encoded in UTF-8 and that you want to use Unicode names in your string
 literals, it doesn't affect the output of your program.


 Sator Laser GmbH
 Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Föcking, Amtsgericht Hamburg HR B62 932



utf-8 coding sometimes it works, most of the time it don't work.

2010-09-21 Thread Stef Mientki


I've a pyjamas application (python to javascript translator),
that can be run (as pure python) in MSHTML (IE Com interface) .

When running this python application from the command line ( or launched from 
another Python program),
the wrong character encoding (probably windows-1252) is used.

When I run this program from PyScripter ( either internal engine or remote 
MSHTML shows the correct character encoding,

In the main file, and in the major files that constains strings I've added the 
following 2 lines:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

From the Pyjamas and PyScripter group I've no answer untill now.

any clues where to look for the problem ?

Stef Mientki


Re: is there a way to get the encoding of python file

2010-09-13 Thread Stef Mientki
 On 12-09-2010 19:28, Robert Kern wrote:
 On 9/12/10 4:14 AM, Stef Mientki wrote:

 Is it possible to get the encoding of a python file from the first source 
 (if there's any),
 after importing it ( with '__import__' )

 # -*- coding: windows-1252 -*-

 The regular expression used to match the encoding declaration is given here:


yes, but then I've to read the first line of the file myself.

In the meanwhile I found  another (better ?) solution, (I'm using Python 2.6)

Place these 2 lines at the top of the file
# -*- coding: windows-1252 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

or these
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

then you always get the correct unicode string back.


is there a way to get the encoding of python file

2010-09-12 Thread Stef Mientki

Is it possible to get the encoding of a python file from the first source line,
(if there's any),
after importing it ( with '__import__' )

# -*- coding: windows-1252 -*-



Re: is there a library/program that converts sqlite database from windows-1252 to utf-8 ?

2010-09-12 Thread Stef Mientki
 On 12-09-2010 00:07, Robert Kern wrote:
 On 9/11/10 4:45 PM, Stef Mientki wrote:
   On 11-09-2010 21:11, Robert Kern wrote:
 SQLite internally stores its strings as UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoded Unicode. So 
 it's not clear what
 you mean when you say the database is windows-1252. Can you be more 
 I doubt that, but I'm not sure ...

 From the documentation, it looks like SQLite does not attempt to validate the 
 input as UTF-8
 encoded, so it is possible that someone pushed in raw bytes. See Support for 
 UTF-8 and UTF-16 in
 the following page:


 For some databases written by other programs and
 written with Python, with
  cursor = self.conn.cursor ()
  self.conn.text_factory = str

 Can only be read back with with text_factory = str
 then the resulting string columns contains normal strings with windows 1252 
 coding, like
 character 0xC3

 You can probably use

   self.conn.text_factory = lambda x: x.decode('windows-1252')

 to read the data, though I've never tried to use that API myself.

 You will need to write a program yourself that opens one connection to your 
 existing database for
 reading and another connection to another database (using the defaults) for 
 writing. Then iterate
 over your tables and copy data from one database to the other.

 You may also be able to simply dump the database to a text file using 
 sqlite3 bad-database.db
 .dump  bad-sql.sql, read the text file into Python as a string, decode it 
 from windows-1252 to
 unicode and then encode it as utf-8 and write it back out. Then use sqlite3 
 .read good-sql.sql to create the new database. I've never tried such a 
 thing, so it may not work.

Yes, I think I've to do somethhing like that,
to conserve the structure and field types, it's even more complex.


is there a library/program that converts sqlite database from windows-1252 to utf-8 ?

2010-09-11 Thread Stef Mientki
Stef Mientki

Re: is there a library/program that converts sqlite database from windows-1252 to utf-8 ?

2010-09-11 Thread Stef Mientki
 On 11-09-2010 21:11, Robert Kern wrote:
 SQLite internally stores its strings as UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoded Unicode. So 
 it's not clear what
 you mean when you say the database is windows-1252. Can you be more 
I doubt that, but I'm not sure ...
For some databases written by other programs and
written with Python, with
cursor = self.conn.cursor ()
self.conn.text_factory = str

Can only be read back with with text_factory = str
then the resulting string columns contains normal strings with windows 1252 
coding, like character 0xC3

Reading these databases with text_factory = unicode,
results in exceptions, when such a string with 0xC3 is encountered.

As I want to switch completely to unicode,
to prevent these kind of problems in the future.



are there pros or contras, keeping a connection to a (sqlite) database ?

2010-09-08 Thread Stef Mientki

I wrap my database in some class, and on creation of the instance, a connection 
to the database is
and will stay connected until the program exists, something like this:

self.conn = sqlite3.connect ( self.filename )

Now I wonder if there are pros or contras to keep the connection to the 
database continuously  open ?

Stef Mientki


Re: State Machines in Python

2010-09-04 Thread Stef Mientki
 On 04-09-2010 15:36, Jack Keegan wrote:
 Hi girls  guys,

 Just joined the group. I'm new to Python but been picking it up pretty easy. 
 I love it! I'm hoping
 to use it to make a controlling application for an experiment. Basically I 
 want to use it to
 interface with some data acquisition (DAQ) hardware to accept incoming 
 signals and respond sending
 signals to the outputs. I'm looking for an efficient State Machine algorithm 
 as I need the timing
 to be as good as possible.
What is as good as possible, 1 usec, 1 msec ?
What operating system are you using ?
Are you planning feedback ?
For a comparison, I did a few years ago sampling in Python, with NI cards (they 
ensure time accuracy
which can never be achieved in software),
50 kHz (divided over 1 to 8 channels), 32 bit, storage and graphical display, 
and processor activity
was about 10%.

Maybe you should also look at what those radio guys from gnu radio achive.


 As there is no switch statement in Python, I've been looking around for a 
 good implementation.
 Most of the algorithms I've come across seem to be based on parsing 
 applications. I'd like
 something more suited to my needs. I'd like to avoid excessive use of 
 'if-elif-else' statements as
 each would have to be checked to find the right conditions which would have 
 an time overhead
 involved. I have seen an implementation of the switch using dictionaries but 
 someone had commented
 that creating and throwing away dictionaries also comes at a cost.
 I was wondering if any of you could advise or point me in the right direction.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.




what is this kind of string: b'string' ?

2010-09-01 Thread Stef Mientki
 in winpdb I see strings like this:

a = b'string'
type 'str'

what's the b doing in front of the string ?

Stef Mientki

Re: Python Editor or IDE ActiveX control

2010-08-26 Thread Stef Mientki
 On 27-08-2010 00:22, Thomas Jollans wrote:
 On Thursday 26 August 2010, it occurred to Sathish S to exclaim:
 Hi Ppl,

 Is there any python IDE or editor that has an ActiveX control which could
 be embed in other Windows applications. I'm basically looking to write a
 application that can show the indentations of python, change the color of
 keywords etc on a application, which will save this python script and run
 it from command prompt.
 It sounds to me like you're just looking for any old halfway decent 
 programmer's editor that happens to have syntax definitions for Python.

 I'd suggest you have a look at Scintilla. Quite a good editing control, I 
 don't think it comes wrapped in ActiveX or anything like that, just interface 
 it in your favourite language using the DLL's C API.
Scintilla is full embedded in wxPython.

Re: Save/load like matlab?

2010-08-23 Thread Stef Mientki
 On 23-08-2010 21:44, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:
 I wonder if there is a way to save and load all python variables just like
 matlab does, so I can build a code step by step by loading previous states.

 I am handling a python processing code for very large files and multiple
 processing steps. Each time I find a bug, I have to run the whole thing
 again, which is time consuming.
 Perhaps pickle is the thing you are looking for?

or even cpickle which is lot faster


does someone has a binary 32-bit windows installer for arac ?

2010-08-16 Thread Stef Mientki
Stef Mientki

Re: Opinions please -- how big should a single module grow?

2010-07-09 Thread Stef Mientki
 On 09-07-2010 06:37, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 This is a style question rather than a programming question.

 How large (how many KB, lines, classes, whatever unit of code you like to 
 measure in) should a module grow before I should break it up into a 
 package? I see that, for example, decimal.py is  3000 lines of code, so 
 I can assume that 3 KLOC is acceptable. Presumably 3000 KLOC is not. 
 Where do you draw the line?

 For the purposes of the discussion, you should consider that the code in 
 the module really does belong together, and that splitting it into sub-
 modules would mean arbitrarily separating code into separate files.

interesting question.
From the answers already given, I assume it doesn't matter, as long as all the 
functionality in that
module is related.

Would it be a good idea to split a module in 2 parts,
part 1 : everything that would normally accessible from the outside
part 2 : everything that is only used inside the module

I think in this way a user of the module (that doesn't know the module yet) has 
a far more easier

Stef Mientki

Re: Anyone using GPG or PGP encryption/signatures in your Python apps?

2010-07-02 Thread Stef Mientki
 On 02-07-2010 09:39, geremy condra wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:48 AM,  pyt...@bdurham.com wrote:
 Curious if any of you are using GPG or PGP encryption and/or signatures
 in your Python apps?
 Yes; disclaimer: I'm the author of evpy and am currently working on a
 openssl wrapper proposed for inclusion in the stdlib.
Great Geremy !,
but it's difficult to find,
and I couldn't find any documentation.
Did I not look at the right places ?

Stef Mientki

Hwy doesn't len(None) return zero ?

2010-06-30 Thread Stef Mientki

I've lot of functions that returns their result in some kind of tuple / list / 
and if there is no result, these functions return None.
Now I'm often what to do something if I've more than 1 element in the result.
So I test:

   if len ( Result )  1 :

But to prevent exceptions, i've to write ( I often forget)
if Result and ( len ( Result )  1 ) :

So I wonder why len is not allowed on None
and if there are objections to extend the len function .

Stef Mientki

Re: Hwy doesn't len(None) return zero ?

2010-06-30 Thread Stef Mientki
 On 30-06-2010 20:56, Gary Herron wrote:
 On 06/30/2010 11:39 AM, Stef Mientki wrote:

 I've lot of functions that returns their result in some kind of tuple / list 
 / array,
 and if there is no result, these functions return None.
 Now I'm often what to do something if I've more than 1 element in the result.
 So I test:

if len ( Result )  1 :

 But to prevent exceptions, i've to write ( I often forget)
 if Result and ( len ( Result )  1 ) :

 So I wonder why len is not allowed on None
 and if there are objections to extend the len function .

 Stef Mientki

 Because the natural interpretation of len only makes sense for concepts such 
 as a container or
 collection.  The value None is no such thing.  Assigning a meaning to 
 len(None) begs the question
 of meanings for len(True), len(False), len(3.14), len(sys), ...   This is a 
 slippery slope, best

 But there are solutions:

 1. Have your functions return [] or () or whatever.If they are to return 
 a list, and the list
 may be empty, [] is correct.

thanks guys,
I think that will be the best idea.

 2.  If you insist on a function returning a list sometimes and other values 
 at other times (such
 as None), then be prepared to write your code which uses the result with test 
 to determine which
 type was returned.  Fortunately  that's not hard, as your one example shows.

 3.  Create a test function Empty(Result) which does what you want returning a 
 boolean and write
 your tests as:
 if Empty(Result): ...

 Gary Herron


Re: Will and Abe's Guide to Pyjamas

2010-06-15 Thread Stef Mientki
On 14-06-2010 17:53, lkcl wrote:
  oh look - there's a common theme, there: web technology equals
 useless :)
 this is getting sufficiently ridiculous, i thought it best to
 summarise the discussions of the past few days, from the perspective
 of four-year-olds:


and how does this fit in ?



Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-06 Thread Stef Mientki
Aren't all programms going webbased in the near future ?
And if so, wouldn't it be better to hook to GWT or something like that
(I can't oversee all the conesquences)?
Stef Mientki

On 06-06-2010 04:22, ant wrote:
 I get the strong feeling that nobody is really happy with the state of
 Python GUIs.
 Tkinter is not widely liked, but is widely distributed. WxPython and
 PyGtk are both
 powerful, but quirky in different ways. PyQt is tied to one platform.
 And there are
 dozens more.

 Whether or not we like graphics programming, it's not going to go
 away. I get the
 uneasy feeling whenever I start a new project that there should be a
 'better' GUI
 than the ones I currently use (WxPython and PyGtk).

 Fragmentation is our enemy. Our resources are being dissipated. Is it
 not time to
 start again? We have shown that it is possible to do the right thing,
 by creating Python3.

 I ask the group; should we try to create a new GUI for Python, with
 the following

 - Pythonic
 - The default GUI (so it replaces Tkinter)
 - It has the support of the majority of the Python community
 - Simple and obvious to use for simple things
 - Comprehensive, for complicated things
 - Cross-platform
 - Looks good (to be defined)
 - As small as possible in its default form

 If so, what are the next steps?

 The Python SIG on GUIs closed years ago. Should that be revived?

 This is A Modest Proposal (J. Swift). In a sense, I am suggesting
 we eat our own babies.

 But don't we owe it to the community?


Re: Ugly modification of a class, can it be done better ?

2010-05-26 Thread Stef Mientki
On 21-05-2010 03:27, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Sorry for breaking threading, but Stef's original post has not come 
 through to me.

 On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 8:13 PM, Stef Mientki stef.mien...@gmail.com
 So I want to change the behavior of the class dynamically. I've done it
 by adding a global variable (Base_Grid_Double_Click) in the module,
 initial set to None,
 but can be changed by the main program to some callback function. (see
 the code below)
 How is this supposed to work? If you have *one* global, then *every* 
 instance will see the same setting.
But that's exactly what I need ;-)
The problem is a little more complicated,
I've several frame-works,
that searches for specific modules (applications) in a specific directory.
The frame work should determine what should happen (e.g. on a
doubleclick of a grid cell) in these modules (application),
but the frame work has no idea what kind of instances are in these modules.
The same module can be used in different frame-works (or even
stand-alone) and the behavior of e.g. a doubleclick,
can differ, depending on the frame work.
Describing the situation above, I realize that the concept is already
spaghetti in itself ;-)
but for a modular system this works like a charm.
So for the moment I'll stick to the orginal solution.

thank you all for the responses.
Stef Mientki

  To change it dynamically, you enter a 
 nightmare world of having to save the global, modify it, then restore it, 
 every single time. Trust me, I've been there, this is the *worst* way of 
 programming. This is why object oriented inheritance was invented, to 
 escape this nonsense!

 The first thing is to make the callback specific to the class, not 
 global. Why does your printing code need access to the callback that 
 handles double-clicking on a grid? It doesn't! So don't give it that 
 access (at least, not easy access). Put the callback in the class.

 class MyClass:
 callback = None
 def method(self, *args):
 if self.callback is None:

 Now if you want to apply a callback to some instances, and not others, it 
 is totally simple:

 red = MyClass()
 blue = MyClass()
 red.callback = my_callback_function

 and you're done.

 If you have lots of instances that use the same callback? Make a subclass.

 class MyDottedClass(MyClass):

 red = MyClass()
 blue = MyClass()
 red_with_green_dots = MyDottedClass()
 blue_with_green_dots = MyDottedClass()

 MyDottedClass.callback = dotted_callback

 And now all the dot instances will use the same callback without 
 effecting the undotted instances. What to change them all to use a 
 different behaviour?

 MyDottedClass.callback = something_different

 and now they all change, again without effecting the undotted instances.

 Is this a valid construction ( sorry I'm not a programmer), or are
 there better ways to accomplish similar dynamic behavior ?
 Of course you're a programmer! You're writing programs, aren't you?



Ugly modification of a class, can it be done better ?

2010-05-20 Thread Stef Mientki

This might be a strange question, but as a practical guy, I'm not
searching for the best solution, but for a practical solution.

I've a class which I've used very extensively.
Now I want to extend that class with an action on a double click event,
but that action is determined by the main program.
Normally I would create an derived class and add that specific action.
But I find it too much effort in this specific case, half of the
instances need the extension, half of it dont.
So I want to change the behavior of the class dynamically.
I've done it by adding a global variable (Base_Grid_Double_Click) in the
initial set to None,
but can be changed by the main program to some callback function.
(see the code below)
Is this a valid construction ( sorry I'm not a programmer),
or are there better ways to accomplish similar dynamic behavior ?

Stef Mientki

#== module grid_library ==

Base_Grid_Double_Click = None

class Base_Grid ( wx.grid.Grid ) :
  def __init__ ( self, 

self.Bind ( gridlib.EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK , self._On_Double_Click )

  def _On_Double_Click ( self, event ) :
if Base_Grid_Double_Click :
  Row = event.Row
  Col = event.Col
  Col_Label = self.GetColLabelValue ( Col )
  Row_Label = self.GetRowLabelValue ( Row )
  Base_Grid_Double_Click ( self.GetCellValue ( Row, Col ),
   Col_Label, Row_Label )
else :
  event.Skip ()


Re: wxPython: How to get letter colour from TextCtrl

2010-05-17 Thread Stef Mientki
On 17-05-2010 23:29, D. Schramm wrote:

 I've got a problem getting the colour of a single letter within the
 TextCtrl widget:

 letterstyle = wx.TextAttr()
 color = letterstyle.GetTextColour()
 print color

 This should display the colour value of the very first letter in the
 very first line of the TextCtrl. But no matter what I try, it always
 returns the value (-1, -1, -1, 255).

 Any help?

AFAIK, TextAttributes are just onw way, you can set them, but never read
them back.


 Thanks in advance,

 Dennis Schramm


Re: Do any debuggers support edit and continue?

2010-05-12 Thread Stef Mientki
On 12-05-2010 19:42, Joel Koltner wrote:
 Just curious... in Microsoft's Visual Studio (and I would presume some
 other tools), for many languages (both interpreted and compiled!)
 there's an edit and conitnue option that, when you hit a breakpoint,
 allows you to modify a line of code before it's actually executed.

 Does any Python debugger support this feature?  Being an interpreted
 language it doesn't seem like it would necessarily be too onerous to
 support?  It'd be quite handy in that, especially if you hit a
 breakpoint due to the interpreter throwing an error, you could fix
 just the line in question and keep going, rather than having to stop
 the entire program, fix the line, and then run again and potentially
 kill a bunch of time getting the program back into the same state.

 ---Joel Koltner

winpdb perhaps ?


how to make a piece of code lowercase, except strings / comment ?

2010-05-06 Thread Stef Mientki

I use Python with some simplifications and a few extensions,
as a scripting language for non-programmers.

One of the simplifications is that the language should be case-insensitive.
This is done by making the code lowercase.
But now the strings in the code are also converted to lowercase.

Is there an easy way to make a piece of code lowercase,
except all string items (single / double /triple quoted and comment) ?

Stef Mientki


rfind bug ?

2010-04-21 Thread Stef Mientki

With the following code, I would expect a result of 5 !!

 a= 'word1 word2 word3'
 a.rfind(' ',7)

Is this a bug ?



Re: rfind bug ?

2010-04-21 Thread Stef Mientki
On 21-04-2010 10:56, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:51 AM, Stef Mientki stef.mien...@gmail.com wrote:
 With the following code, I would expect a result of 5 !!

 a= 'word1 word2 word3'
 a.rfind(' ',7)

 Is this a bug ?
 No. Don't you think someone would have found such an obvious bug by now?
if it's not a bug,
then the start index has no meaning ...
... and some would call that a bug.


Re: rfind bug ?

2010-04-21 Thread Stef Mientki
On 21-04-2010 12:33, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
 * Chris Rebert:
 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:59 AM, Stef Mientki
 stef.mien...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 21-04-2010 10:56, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:51 AM, Stef Mientki
 stef.mien...@gmail.com wrote:
 With the following code, I would expect a result of 5 !!

 a= 'word1 word2 word3'
 a.rfind(' ',7)


 Is this a bug ?

 No. Don't you think someone would have found such an obvious bug by

 if it's not a bug,
 then the start index has no meaning ...
 ... and some would call that a bug.

 Ah, I neglected to take your use of .rfind()'s second parameter into

 As can be interpolated from the part of the docs James quotes:
 s.rfind(' ', 7) === s[7:].rfind(' ') + 7 # overlooking the 'not
 present' case

 That is, the second parameter to .rfind(), namely `start`, is relative
 to the *left* end of the string, not the right end. I can see how this
 might be unintuitive, but it does make the API more uniform.

 It seems that the OP also thought it was relative to the left end of
 the string.

 The difference is what it signifies: start of search, or end of search.

 With rfind the start parameter signifies the end of the search, and
 conversely, the third parameter end signifies where the search
 starts. :-)

thanks Alf,
that's indeed what I was missing.



 - Alf


Can this be done simpler ?

2010-04-19 Thread Stef Mientki

I want to use Python to give users the possibility to analyze data and
create their custom reports.
So I want a very simple language definition for the user, like :
- the script must be case-insensitive
- user-words are automatically translated into function names
- users strings, should be entered without the quotes, so these strings will
be defined as names

Now the code below seems to fulfill these wishes (in real life, the number
of dummy procedures is about 40),
but I always wonder if there's an easier way to achieve the same effect.

Stef Mientki

def _Meting ( Nr, Test, Subschaal ) :

here the real calculation will be done

global Result
Result += str ( Nr ) + ': ' + Test + '/' + Subschaal + '\n'

# Dummy procedures to add the extra argument Nr
def _Meting_1 ( *args, **kwargs ) :
_Meting ( 1, *args, **kwargs )

def _Meting_2 ( *args, **kwargs ) :
_Meting ( 2, *args, **kwargs )
# end of dummy procedures

# These are names definied by the user, retrieved from a database
Meting_Namen = {}
Meting_Namen [1] = 'Voormeting'
Meting_Namen [2] = 'Nameting'

# Make the user definied names available in the current namespace
for Meting in Meting_Namen :
Name = Meting_Namen [ Meting ].lower ()   # 'voormeting'
exec ( Name + '= _Meting_' + str ( Meting ) )

# Another set of strings should be available as names (also retrieved from a
test1 = 'Test1'
fat = 'Fat'

# Storage for the results
Result = ''

# Script entered by the user
Code = Voormeting ( Test1, fat )

# execute the user script in the current namespace  (make code
exec ( Code.lower () )

# for test print the result
print Result

finding objects in a piece of functional code ?

2010-04-10 Thread Stef Mientki

I would like to translate some functional description into some standard
class object,
so it can be used as a basic building brick into a larger piece of code.

Suppose the functional description is:

Name = 'Test_Function'
Out = 3 * In

That's all I would like to write.
So it should be translated into something :

class Test_Function ( basic_buidling_brick ) :
Orginal_Description = 
Name = 'Test_Function'
Out = 3 * In

def Run ( self, Inputs ) :
Output = 3 * Input
return Output

One of the tasks is to find all objects in the functional code.,
so the translator can ask additional information for input/output/memory
The best I can think of is something like this:

 exec('A=3; B=4; C=A*B; print A,B,C',my)
3 4 12
 for item in my :
...   if item not in my2 :
... print item

But this doesn't work, if I use a not yet definied variable (like In
in the example above).

Are there better ways ?

Or even better are there programs or libraries that can perfom such a
translation ?

Stef Mientki


Re: case insensitive list ?

2010-04-06 Thread Stef Mientki
On 05-04-2010 19:23, Robert Kern wrote:
 On 2010-04-05 12:17 PM, Stef Mientki wrote:

 AFAIK there's no case insensitive list in Python.
 By case insentive I mean that that sort and memebr of is case

 Does soeone has a implementation of sucha case insensitive list ?

 mylist.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower())
 any(x.lower() == lowercase_query for x in mylist)

thanks Robert,
your code works perfectly,
but I was thinking of something more easy to repeat and mor eidentical
to existing lists.
Or in other words, I want to use exactly the same commands and operators
as with normal lists,
like this
_List = NoCase_List ( 'coala', 'donky' )
My_List.append ( 'Aap' )
My_List.append ( 'aapje' )
My_List.append ( 'beerthe' )
My_List.append ( 'BEER' )
print My_List
My_List.sort ()
print My_List
My_List.append ( 'aapJ' )
print My_List
print My_List.index ( 'beer' )
print 'beer' in My_List
print 'beert' in My_List

After some trial and error the code below, gives almost the desired results.

The only problem I see for now,
is that replacing the items-list in wxpython widgets don't work,
so I'l  ask my question to the wxPython list.


class NoCase_List ( list ) :
  Case Insensitive List :
  The methods sort and index are case insensitive.
  The in operator works also case insensitive.
  After the list is sorted once,
  appending a new item keeps the list sorted.
  def __init__ ( self, *args, **kwargs ):
self.Sorted = False
list.__init__ ( self )
if isinstance ( args[0], list ) :
  for item in args [0] :
self.append ( item )
else :
  self.append ( args[0] )

  def append ( self, value ) :
list.append ( self, value )
if self.Sorted :
  self.sort ()

  def sort ( self, *args, **kwargs ) :
self.Sorted = True
def _sort ( a, b ) :
  return cmp ( a.lower(), b.lower() )
return list.sort ( self, _sort )

  def index ( self, value ) :
value = value.lower()
for i, item in enumerate ( self ) :
  if item.lower() == value :
return i
else :
  return -1

  def __contains__ ( self, value ) :
return self.index ( value ) = 0


case insensitive list ?

2010-04-05 Thread Stef Mientki

AFAIK there's no case insensitive list in Python.
By case insentive I mean that that sort and memebr of is case insensitive.

Does soeone has a implementation of sucha case insensitive list ?

Stef Mientki

Re: Python is cool!!

2010-03-24 Thread Stef Mientki

On 23-03-2010 17:55, Jose Manuel wrote:

I have been learning Python, and it is amazing  I am using the
tutorial that comes with the official distribution.

At the end my goal is to develop applied mathematic in engineering
applications to be published on the Web, specially on app. oriented to
simulations and control systems, I was about to start learning Java
but I found Python which seems easier to learn that Java.

Would it be easy to integrate Python in Web pages with HTML? I have
read many info on Internet saying it is, and I hope so 

Any opinion

you might take a look at http://www.sagemath.org/

Re: Visual Python programming and decompilers?

2010-03-11 Thread Stef Mientki

On 11-03-2010 19:38, Ludolph wrote:

Hi Guys

At work I have been exposed to a Agile Platform called OutSystems. It
allows you to visually program your web applications
http://i.imgur.com/r2F0i.png and I find the idea very intriguing.


Although not as low level as you want,
and here an overview of similar packages


Re: String is ASCII or UTF-8?

2010-03-09 Thread Stef Mientki

On 09-03-2010 18:02, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* C. Benson Manica:

Hours of Googling has not helped me resolve a seemingly simple
question - Given a string s, how can I tell whether it's ascii (and
thus 1 byte per character) or UTF-8 (and two bytes per character)?
This is python 2.4.3, so I don't have getsizeof available to me.

Generally, if you need 100% certainty then you can't tell the encoding 
from a sequence of byte values.

However, if you know that it's EITHER ascii or utf-8 then the presence 
of any value above 127 (or, for signed byte values, any negative 
values), tells you that it can't be ascii, 

AFAIK it's completely impossible.
UTF-8 characters have 1 to 4 bytes / byte.
I can create ASCII strings containing byte values between 127 and 255.


hence, must be utf-8. And since utf-8 is an extension of ascii nothing 
is lost by assuming ascii in the other case. So, problem solved.

If the string represents the contents of a file then you may also look 
for an UTF-8 represention of the Unicode BOM (Byte Order Mark) at the 
beginning. If found then it indicates utf-8 for almost-sure and more 
expensive searching can be avoided. It's just three bytes to check.

Cheers  hth.,

- Alf


Re: String is ASCII or UTF-8?

2010-03-09 Thread Stef Mientki

On 09-03-2010 18:36, Robert Kern wrote:

On 2010-03-09 11:12 AM, Stef Mientki wrote:

On 09-03-2010 18:02, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* C. Benson Manica:

Hours of Googling has not helped me resolve a seemingly simple
question - Given a string s, how can I tell whether it's ascii (and
thus 1 byte per character) or UTF-8 (and two bytes per character)?
This is python 2.4.3, so I don't have getsizeof available to me.

Generally, if you need 100% certainty then you can't tell the encoding
from a sequence of byte values.

However, if you know that it's EITHER ascii or utf-8 then the presence
of any value above 127 (or, for signed byte values, any negative
values), tells you that it can't be ascii,

AFAIK it's completely impossible.
UTF-8 characters have 1 to 4 bytes / byte.
I can create ASCII strings containing byte values between 127 and 255.

No, you can't. ASCII strings only have characters in the range 0..127. 
You could create Latin-1 (or any number of the 8-bit encodings out 
there) strings with characters 0..255, yes, but not ASCII.

Probably, and according to wikipedia you're right.
I think I've to get rid of my old books,
Borland turbo Pascal 4 (1987) has an ASCII table of 256 characters,
while the small letters say 7-bit  ;-)


Re: How to transmit a crash report ?

2010-02-23 Thread Stef Mientki

On 23-02-2010 15:21, Thomas wrote:

On Feb 22, 9:27 pm, MRABpyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com  wrote:

Stef Mientki wrote:


in my python desktop applications,
I'ld like to implement a crash reporter.
By redirecting the sys.excepthook,
I can detect a crash and collect the necessary data.
Now I want that my users sends this information to me,
and I can't find a good way of doing this.

The following solutions came into my mind:
(most of my users are on Windows, and the programs are written in Python

1. mailto:
doesn't work if the the user didn't install a default email client,
or if the user uses a portable email client (that isn't started yet)
Besides this limits the messages to small amounts of data.

2.other mail options: smtp
AFAIK such a solution needs smtp authorization, and therefor I've to put
my username and password in the desktop application.

Try reading the documentation for Python's smtplib module.

You don't need to provide any password.


3. http-post
Although post is also limited in size,
I could store information in cookies (don't know yet how), and cookies
are sent parallel to the post message.
On the server site I can use a small php script, that stores the
post-data, cookies and/or send's a (long) email.

are there better options ?- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Try http://code.activestate.com/recipes/442459/

Apparently there's something terrible wrong on my system, because I do 
need username and password :-(

First, a script that works without username and password.
I guess it works, because the smtp_server is the smtp server of my 
provider, and I'm in that domain of my provider,

so it won't work for a random user of my program.
  if Test ( 4 ) :
import smtplib
from email.mime.text  import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

body = 'test_body'
subject  = 'test_subject'
mail_to  = 's.mien...@ru.nl'
mail_from = 'stef.mien...@gmail.com'

msg = MIMEMultipart ( 'alternative' )
msg [ 'To'  ] = mail_to
msg [ 'From'] = mail_from
msg [ 'Subject' ] = subject

part1 = MIMEText ( body, 'plain' )
msg.attach ( part1 )

smtp_server = 'mail.upcmail.nl'
session = smtplib.SMTP ( smtp_server )
session.sendmail ( mail_from, [mail_to], msg.as_string() )

Using smtp on google , works only if I support username and password:
  if Test ( 5 ) :
import smtplib
from email.mime.text  import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

body = 'test_body'
subject  = 'test_subject'
mail_to  = 's.mien...@ru.nl'
mail_from = 'stef.mien...@gmail.com'

msg = MIMEMultipart ( 'alternative' )
msg [ 'To'  ] = mail_to
msg [ 'From'] = mail_from
msg [ 'Subject' ] = subject

part1 = MIMEText ( body, 'plain' )
msg.attach ( part1 )

smtp_server = 'smtp.gmail.com'
session = smtplib.SMTP ( smtp_server, 587 )
session.ehlo ( mail_from )
session.starttls ()
session.ehlo ( mail_from )
session.login (username, password )
session.sendmail ( mail_from, [mail_to], msg.as_string() )

And her a number of different tries with localhost / mail :
  if Test ( 6 ) :
import smtplib
from email.mime.text  import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

body = 'test_body'
subject  = 'test_subject'
mail_to  = 's.mien...@ru.nl'
mail_from = 'stef.mien...@gmail.com'

msg = MIMEMultipart ( 'alternative' )
msg [ 'To'  ] = mail_to
msg [ 'From'] = mail_from
msg [ 'Subject' ] = subject

part1 = MIMEText ( body, 'plain' )
msg.attach ( part1 )

session = smtplib.SMTP ( 'localhost' )

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\Data_Python_25\support\mail_support.py, line 375, in module
session = smtplib.SMTP ( smtp_server )
  File P:\Python26\lib\smtplib.py, line 239, in __init__
(code, msg) = self.connect(host, port)
  File P:\Python26\lib\smtplib.py, line 295, in connect
self.sock = self._get_socket(host, port, self.timeout)
  File P:\Python26\lib\smtplib.py, line 273, in _get_socket
return socket.create_connection((port, host), timeout)
  File P:\Python26\lib\socket.py, line 514, in create_connection
raise error, msg
error: [Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target 
machine actively refused it

#session = smtplib.SMTP ( 'localhost', 25 )
#session = smtplib.SMTP ( 'mail', 25 )
session = smtplib.SMTP ( 'mail', 1025 )

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\Data_Python_25\support\mail_support.py, line 377, in module
session = smtplib.SMTP ( 'mail', 1025 )
  File P:\Python26\lib\smtplib.py, line 239, in __init__
(code, msg) = self.connect(host, port)
  File P:\Python26\lib\smtplib.py, line 295, in connect

How to transmit a crash report ?

2010-02-22 Thread Stef Mientki


in my python desktop applications,
I'ld like to implement a crash reporter.
By redirecting the sys.excepthook,
I can detect a crash and collect the necessary data.
Now I want that my users sends this information to me,
and I can't find a good way of doing this.

The following solutions came into my mind:
(most of my users are on Windows, and the programs are written in Python 

1. mailto:
doesn't work if the the user didn't install a default email client,
or if the user uses a portable email client (that isn't started yet)
Besides this limits the messages to small amounts of data.

2.other mail options: smtp
AFAIK such a solution needs smtp authorization, and therefor I've to put 
my username and password in the desktop application.

3. http-post
Although post is also limited in size,
I could store information in cookies (don't know yet how), and cookies 
are sent parallel to the post message.
On the server site I can use a small php script, that stores the 
post-data, cookies and/or send's a (long) email.

are there better options ?

Stef Mientki


Re: Is there a way to continue after an exception ?

2010-02-21 Thread Stef Mientki

On 21-02-2010 03:51, Ryan Kelly wrote:

On Sun, 2010-02-21 at 13:17 +1100, Lie Ryan wrote:

On 02/21/10 12:02, Stef Mientki wrote:

On 21-02-2010 01:21, Lie Ryan wrote:

On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 12:52 AM, Stef Mientki

stef.mien...@gmail.com  wrote:


I would like my program to continue on the next line after an uncaught
is that possible ?

Stef Mientki


That reminds me of VB's On Error Resume Next


I think that's what I'm after ...

A much better approach is to use callbacks, the callbacks determines
whether to raise an exception or continue execution:

def handler(e):
 if datetime.datetime.now()= datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 21):
 raise Exception('The world has ended')
 # else: ignore, it's fine

def add_ten_error_if_zero(args, handler):
 if args == 0:
 return args + 10

print add_ten_error_if_zero(0, handler)
print add_ten_error_if_zero(10, handler)
print add_ten_error_if_zero(0, lambda e: None) # always succeeds

Or if you don't like having to explicitly manage callbacks, you can try
the withrestart module:


It tries to pinch some of the good ideas from Common Lisp's
error-handling system.

   from withrestart import *

   def add_ten_error_if_zero(n):
   #  This gives calling code the option to ignore
   #  the error, or raise a different one.
   with restarts(skip,raise_error):
   if n == 0:
   raise ValueError
   return n + 10

   # This will raise ValueError
   print add_ten_error_if_zero(0)

   # This will print 10
   with Handler(ValueError,skip):
   print add_ten_error_if_zero(0)

   # This will exit the python interpreter
   with Handler(ValueError,raise_error,SystemExit):
   print add_ten_error_if_zero(0)




thanks Ryan (and others),

your description of withstart  was very informative,
and I think I understand why it's impossible what I want
(something like madExcept for Delphi / C / C++, see
*http://www.madshi.net/madExceptDescription.htm )
It are not the bugs that you can predict / expect to catch,
but the uncaught bugs.

So made some first steps,
and this seems to be sufficient for now,
if you're interested, look here,



Is there a way to continue after an exception ?

2010-02-20 Thread Stef Mientki


I would like my program to continue on the next line after an uncaught 

is that possible ?

Stef Mientki

Re: ANN: obfuscate

2010-02-09 Thread Stef Mientki

On 10-02-2010 00:09, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:

* David Robinow:
On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 5:10 PM, Simon Brunning 
si...@brunningonline.net wrote:

On 9 February 2010 16:29, Robert Kern robert.k...@gmail.com wrote:

On 2010-02-09 09:37 AM, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:

If the code base stabilizes in a production version after losing the
alphas and betas they would be a great addition to the stdlib, I


I agree. Why wait? Put them in the stdlib now!

Can we please stop this?

I agree.

sorry I don't,
unless Python is only meant for the very well educated people in encryption.

I haven't looked at the code but the functionality that's listed is 
useful, e.g. in a Usenet client, and it's fun to play around with for 
a beginner.

I neither did look at the code,
but as a beginner with just 3 years of experience in Python,
I've tried several scrambling libs, for a quick and dirty use.
All were much too difficult, so I made my own xor-something.
Coming from Delphi, a scrambling lib is working is less than 10 minutes, 
without the need of any knowledge of encryption.
I prefer Python over Delphi, but some things are made very complex in 


Also, for example, Christian Heimes wrote else-thread: «Your work 
should be interesting for everybody who has read Simon Sing's The 
Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum» (and 
I for one have that book).


- Alf


Re: Dreaming of new generation IDE

2010-02-03 Thread Stef Mientki
 Yes, it certainly does.  Not that you'll get many Pythonistas to confess
 to that fact.  Somehow those who brag about the readability and
 expressiveness of source code just cannot admit that:

 class.method(sting name, int count)

 - is *obviously* more expressive than -

 class.method(name, count)

 Oh, well.

 This is obvious even in the Python documentation itself where one
 frequently asks oneself Uhh... so what is parameter X supposed to be...
 a string... a list... ?

But I thought that was the one of beauties of Python, you don't need to know
if the input parameter is a list or a string.


Re: Dreaming of new generation IDE

2010-02-03 Thread Stef Mientki
Finally I develop a feeling that strong instrumentation / tools can

 bring us the best of two worlds. That I am dreaming on is an absolute
 new type/class of IDE suitable for Python and potentially for other
 dynamic-type languages. Instead of current text-oriented IDEs, it
 should be a database-centric

I don't see what the advantage of the use of a database is in a fairly
linear hierarchical structure like python objects and modules.

and resemble current CAD systems instead
 of being just fancy text editor. Source text should be an output
 product of that CAD and not a source material itself.

You mean something like LabView ?

(btw, my dreams ends up in the same needs)

Re: Dreaming of new generation IDE

2010-02-03 Thread Stef Mientki

On 03-02-2010 16:48, Vladimir Ignatov wrote:

I don't see what the advantage of the use of a database is in a fairly
linear hierarchical structure like python objects and modules.

Imagine simple operation like method renaming in a simple dumb
environment like text editor + grep. Now imagine how simple it can be
if system knows all your identifiers and just regenerates relevant
portions of text from internal database-alike representation.

I think every IDE (not older than 20 years) does that already.


Re: Dreaming of new generation IDE

2010-02-03 Thread Stef Mientki

On 03-02-2010 18:21, Vladimir Ignatov wrote:

Imagine simple operation like method renaming in a simple dumb
environment like text editor + grep. Now imagine how simple it can be
if system knows all your identifiers and just regenerates relevant
portions of text from internal database-alike representation.


I think every IDE (not older than 20 years) does that already.

And fix every reference to it in all files? For python? I don't think
so. I even don't think this is possible at all.

with tools like inspect it certainly should be possible

  That if several
different objects have a similar named method? How will IDE classify
calls and renames only some of calls and not others?

yep, you're right,
the IDE's I use have as the beste  search / select / rename.

But how often do you must/want to rename something (mature) ?


Vladimir Ignatov


how to decode rtf characterset ?

2010-02-01 Thread Stef Mientki


I want to translate rtf files to unicode strings.
I succeeded in remove all the tags,
but now I'm stucked to the special accent characters,
like :


the character ó is represented by the string r\'f3,
or in bytes: 92, 39,102, 51

so I think I need a way to translate that into the string r\xf3
but I can't find a way to accomplish that.

Any suggestions are very welcome.

Stef Mientki


class viewer ?

2010-01-10 Thread Stef Mientki


I'd like to have a class viewer, something different from pydoc,
and I wonder if someone has made something similar.

from the given class, it's ancestors and it's derived classes,
I'ld like to get the following information in a tree like structure:

- the file were the class is definied
- the attributes, split in inherited / created / overriden
- the methodes, split in inherited / created / overriden
- the files were instances of the class are created
- and probably I forget a few

any suggestions ?

Stef Mientki


Re: how do I set a Python installation as the default under windows ?

2009-12-20 Thread Stef Mientki

Steve Holden wrote:

Stef Mientki wrote:


I just upgraded from Python 2.5 to 2.6.
Most of the things work,
but I'm struggling with one issue,
when I start Python in a command window,
it still uses Python 2.5.

Is there a way to get Python 2.6 as my default Python environment ?

Stef Mientki

It's a matter of replacing C:\Python25 with C:\Python26 in your PATH
environment variable, which is what the Windows command processor uses
to fined executable programs.

Thanks Steve,
that works exactly as you say.


 It's normal to add both the directory the
interpreter lives in /and/  its Scripts subdirectory, so you may have
two replacements to make. See


for more. If anyone has any good updates to that document I'll be happy
to make them (or give you permission to make them ...). It was written a
long time ago, and I'm not sure it's had much love. In particular
there'll not be anything relating to Windows 7.



how to go back from 2.6.4 to 2.6.2 under windows ?

2009-12-20 Thread Stef Mientki


I've just upgraded my system from Python 2.5 to 2.6.4,
and installed the latest packages of a lot of libraries.

Now one essential package (VPython) only works with Python 2.6.2.
I tried to install Python 2.6.2 over this 2.6.4 installation,
and indeed the readme file says it's 2.6.2,
but the python and pythonw are still 2.6.4.
Why is that so ??

Now assume that a number of packages (because compiled with 2.6.4) will 
not work correctly with 2.6.2.

Is that correct ?

So the best way would be to reinstall everything ??

Stef Mientki


Re: how to go back from 2.6.4 to 2.6.2 under windows ?

2009-12-20 Thread Stef Mientki

Benjamin Kaplan wrote:

On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Stef Mientki stef.mien...@gmail.com wrote:


I've just upgraded my system from Python 2.5 to 2.6.4,
and installed the latest packages of a lot of libraries.

Now one essential package (VPython) only works with Python 2.6.2.
I tried to install Python 2.6.2 over this 2.6.4 installation,
and indeed the readme file says it's 2.6.2,
but the python and pythonw are still 2.6.4.
Why is that so ??

Now assume that a number of packages (because compiled with 2.6.4) will not
work correctly with 2.6.2.
Is that correct ?

2.6.4 is just a bugfix release- it's binary compatible with the other
2.6 releases. So any package that worked under 2.6.2 shouid also work
under 2.6.4 unless a new bug was introduced or it relied on a bug that
was fixed. And any package that works under 2.6.4 will also work under
2.6.2 without recompiling unless it hits one of the bugs that was

thanks Benjamin,

Then VPython must hit one of the bugs that were fixed.
On a second machine,
- I removed Python 2.6.4 (without removing all other libraries)
- installed Python 2.6.2 (without reïnstalling all the libraries)
and indeed the VPython library works as expected.

So I guess this is a reasonable approach,
and all libraries should work well,
unless one of these libraries has a work around for one of the bugs 
fixed between 2.6.2 and 2.6.4.



So the best way would be to reinstall everything ??

Stef Mientki



Re: how to go back from 2.6.4 to 2.6.2 under windows ?

2009-12-20 Thread Stef Mientki

So I guess this is a reasonable approach,
and all libraries should work well,
unless one of these libraries has a work around for one of the bugs
fixed between 2.6.2 and 2.6.4.

Let VPython people know about this problem. People should be able to 
run it on the latest patched 2.6.

Well this is the first line on the VPython download page ;-)
To use Visual 5.13 with Python 2.6, use Python 2.6.2, NOT later 
versions such as Python 2.6.3 or Python 2.6.4 or Python 3.x:


how do I set a Python installation as the default under windows ?

2009-12-19 Thread Stef Mientki


I just upgraded from Python 2.5 to 2.6.
Most of the things work,
but I'm struggling with one issue,
when I start Python in a command window,
it still uses Python 2.5.

Is there a way to get Python 2.6 as my default Python environment ?

Stef Mientki

Re: pyZui - anyone know about this?

2009-12-11 Thread Stef Mientki

Donn wrote:

On Friday 11 December 2009 12:38:46 Daniel Fetchinson wrote:

Youtube has a link 'Send message' on the profile of users, maybe
sending a message to the person who uploaded the video will give you a
useful response.

I'm a Tube-tard so that never crossed my mind. Will give it a go.


please let us know when you find more information about the project.
Stef Mientki

Re: Bored.

2009-12-01 Thread Stef Mientki

Floris Bruynooghe wrote:

On Nov 30, 11:52 pm, Stef Mientki stef.mien...@gmail.com wrote:

Well I thought that after 2 years you would know every detail of a
language ;-)

Ouch, I must be especially stupid then!



Sorry if I insulted you Floris!
btw, I'm too still learning Python after I started 2 years ago.





Re: Bored.

2009-11-30 Thread Stef Mientki

Necronymouse wrote:

Hello, I am learning python for about 2 years and I am bored. Not with
python but I have a little problem, when i want to write something I
realise that somebody had alredy written it! So i don´t want to make a
copy of something but i wanna get better in python skills. Don´t you
know what I should do?

---sorry for my english, I ´m from czech rep...
Well I thought that after 2 years you would know every detail of a 
language ;-)

A few ideas ( or better said the things that I'm still missing, and I 
guess every one can name a  few different ones )

- PyJamas needs a lot of extensions
- Simultanuous recording of  camera and sound (and preferable other 
signals) is completely missing

- Rich editor or ( embedding of open office)
- a system-wide mind mapper
- graphical design package a la LabView

There's also a Python site, were projects are submitted that needs 
something ( some even pay a little),

but I can't remember where it is :-(


Re: Bored.

2009-11-30 Thread Stef Mientki

John Bokma wrote:

Stef Mientki stef.mien...@gmail.com wrote:

There's also a Python site, were projects are submitted that needs 
something ( some even pay a little),

but I can't remember where it is :-(

OP: A Python program to find it :D


that was the mind mapper I mentioned :-)




Re: python gui builders

2009-11-25 Thread Stef Mientki

Shawn Wheatley wrote:

It's not quite all encompassing, but I found this link last year when
looking for a similar comparison of Python GUIs:

Tkinter, Qt, GTK, IronPython... I think the only thing missing is
Jython w/ Swing or SWT. Check it out.
Instead of *hello* world examples, I was thinking of  *real* world 

something like this,
which in a good GUI package should be doable in about 100 lines of code.



On Nov 18, 5:11 pm, Stef Mientki stef.mien...@gmail.com wrote:

Wouldn't it be nice
if each fan of some form of GUI-package,
would post it's code (and resulting images) for generating one or two
standard GUI-forms ?


Re: plotting arrow in python

2009-11-21 Thread Stef Mientki

rudra wrote:

Dear friends,
I am very new in python. Actually, I think I will not do much python
then using it to plotting data. I have not done any real thing in
python, so plz be easy. Now , the problem
I have a data set:
0.0 0.0 0.1
0.0 0.1 0.1
0.1 0.0 0.5

like that! the first two column are coordinate and 3rd one is
magnitude of moment (say: x y,m)!! so what i want to do is draw an
arrow of magnitude(m) in the position (x,y).
I know how python read array, and how to draw an array(via
matplotlib)...but totally confused with this one.
can you people plz help?

maybe take a look at VPython

Re: python gui builders

2009-11-18 Thread Stef Mientki

Simon Hibbs wrote:

On 18 Nov, 07:51, sturlamolden sturlamol...@yahoo.no wrote:



PyQT is GPL for now, but Qt itself is available under the LGPL as is
PySide. Eventualy PySide, which tracks the PyQT API, will supplant it
and the issue will be moot. For now it can be a problem, but PyQT
developer licenses are very afordable at only a few hundred dollars.
If a commercial project can't aford that, it's got problems.

Only you can know enough to make an informed decision. Wx does look
more usable than last time I used it for a project and is a fine
option too, for me though QT is the gold standard against all others
are measured, and generaly found wanting.

Simon Hibbs

Wouldn't it be nice
if each fan of some form of GUI-package,
would post it's code (and resulting images) for generating one or two 
standard GUI-forms ?

Then everyone can judge the differences,
and see what's simple and not  so simple !!

And of course I'm willing to contribute the wxPython (wrapped in some 
convenience procedures) for it.



Re: imputil.py, is this a bug ?

2009-11-07 Thread Stef Mientki

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Fri, 06 Nov 2009 18:33:37 -0300, Stef Mientki 
stef.mien...@gmail.com escribió:

I get an error compiling with pyjamas, in the standard module 
imputil, _import_top_module

Note that imputil is undocumented in 2.5, deprecated in 2.6 and 
definitively gone in 3.0

AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'import_top'

def _import_top_module(self, name):
# scan sys.path looking for a location in the filesystem that 

# the module, or an Importer object that can import the module.
for item in sys.path:
if isinstance(item, _StringType):
module = self.fs_imp.import_from_dir(item, name)
module = item.import_top(name)
if module:
return module
return None

It seems that elements of sys.path can be of the type unicode
so by adding the next 2 lines, everything works ok.
elif isinstance ( item, basestring ) :
module = self.fs_imp.import_from_dir ( str(item), name)

is this a bug ?
(I'm using Python 2.5.2 on Windows )

Yes, seems to be a bug. But given the current status of imputil, it's 
not likely to be fixed; certainly not in 2.5 which only gets security 
fixes now.

I cannot test it at this moment, but I'd use the unicode item directly 
(that is, self.fs_imp.import_from_dir(item, name)). Or perhaps 
item.encode(sys.getdefaultfilesystemencoding()). str(item) 
definitively won't work with directory names containing non-ascii 

Why are you using imputil in the first place?

thanks Gabriel,
well PyJamas is using (a copy) of it and I bumped into problems using 

I'll send this message to the PyJamas developers,
because this stuff is far beyond my knowledge.


Doesn't MS-Windows likes Python ? (or: why more than 20 sec delay when running a program from Python)

2009-11-01 Thread Stef Mientki


I've an AutoIt program that set some switches in the LAN settings.

When I launch the AutoIt executable, the settings are changed immediately.

When I launch the AutoIt executable from python (which is the intention),
it hangs for about 20 seconds, before any action appears on the screen.

Analyzing the script, shows that it hangs on the next 2 lines:

  Run ( control.exe ncpa.cpl )
  WinWait( Network Connections)

Transfering the Run command to Python, it hangs on the next subprocess call
 subprocess.call ( [ rcontrol.exe,  ncpa.cpl ])

Does anyone have a clue, why starting a process takes 20 seconds longer 
when ran from Python ?

And even more important, is there a work around ?

Stef Mientki

Re: How can module determine its own path?

2009-10-30 Thread Stef Mientki

Robert Kern wrote:

On 2009-10-30 12:19 PM, kj wrote:

How can a module determine the path of the file that defines it?
(Note that this is, in the general case, different from sys.argv[0].)


but for modules launched with execfile, __file__ doesn't exists.


Re: How can module determine its own path?

2009-10-30 Thread Stef Mientki

Robert Kern wrote:

On 2009-10-30 18:40 PM, Stef Mientki wrote:

Robert Kern wrote:

On 2009-10-30 12:19 PM, kj wrote:

How can a module determine the path of the file that defines it?
(Note that this is, in the general case, different from sys.argv[0].)


but for modules launched with execfile, __file__ doesn't exists.

Modules launched from execfile() using a properly initialized 
namespace dict do.

but how do I configure a properly initialized namespace dict  (other 
than my current namespace) ?

Stef Mientki

Re: Embedded python on systems without python installed

2009-10-27 Thread Stef Mientki

KillSwitch wrote:

I have python successfully embedded in a program I wrote.

What files do I need and where do I need to put them so that it can
run on systems that don't have python installed?

I embed python in Delphi apps, and the only thing I add is python24.dll,
which I put in the same directory as the Delphi executable,
(but i you want a less clean install, you can put the dll also in the 
windows directory)


Re: Embedded python on systems without python installed

2009-10-27 Thread Stef Mientki

KillSwitch wrote:

I have python successfully embedded in a program I wrote.

What files do I need and where do I need to put them so that it can
run on systems that don't have python installed?

I embed python in Delphi apps, and the only thing I add is python24.dll,
which I put in the same directory as the Delphi executable,
(but if you want a less clean install, you can put the dll also in the 
windows directory)


Does someone has a 5-line working example of SOAP server request ?

2009-10-26 Thread Stef Mientki


I want to ask some simple queries to a SOAP server ( through wdsl). The 
ICT department advised me to use a dot-net environment, because that 
should be able to handle wdsl automatically. As I have a quite large 
Python desktop application and I still don't understand what a dot-net 
program is, I prefer to add SOAP to my existing Python desktop application.

Reading Dive into Python, the chapter SOAP web services, I estimated 
that would be very doable, without  diving to deep in  the details of 
SOAP and other web-protocols. But following the instructions in that 
book, I couldn't get it working. I also noticed that the libraries they 
suggest pyXML, fpconst, SOAPpy are relatively old 4,5 years, so these 
libs are either perfect or dead. So I tried some other libraries lxml, 
zsi,soaplib, but probably due to a lack of detailed knowledge of the 
soap protocol and it's usage, I couldn't get anything working.

So could someone tell me what libraries I need to perform a SOAP query ?
Is there a 5-line (Dive into Python had a 4-line example ;-) that can 
show the SOAP query is working ?

(btw I use Python 2.5 on Windows if that matters)

Stef Mientki


Unicode again ... default codec ...

2009-10-20 Thread Stef Mientki


As someone else already said,
every time I think : now I understand it completely, and a few weeks 
later ...

Form the thread how to write a unicode string to a file ?
and my specific situation:

- reading data from Excel, Delphi and other Windows programs and unicode 

- using wxPython, which forces unicode
- writing to Excel and other Windows programs

almost all answers, directed to the following solution:
- in the python program, turn every string as soon as possible into unicode
- in Python all processing is done in unicode
- at the end, translate unicode into the windows specific character set 
(if necessary)

The above approach seems to work nicely,
but manipulating heavily with string like objects it's a crime.
It's impossible to change all my modules from strings to unicode at once,
and it's very tempting to do it just the opposite : convert everything 
into strings !

# adding unicode string and windows strings, results in an error:
my_u = u'my_u'
my_w = 'my_w' + chr ( 246 )
x = my_s + my_u

# to correctly handle the above ( in my situation), I need to write the 
following code (which my code quite unreadable

my_u = u'my_u'
my_w = 'my_w' + chr ( 246 )
x = unicode ( my_s, 'windows-1252' )  + my_u

# converting to strings gives much better readable code:
my_u = u'my_u'
my_w = 'my_w' + chr ( 246 )
x = my_s + str(my_u)

until I found this website:

By settings the default encoding:
I now can go to unicode much more elegant and almost fully automatically:
(and I guess the writing to a file problem is also solved)
# now the manipulations of strings and unicode works OK:
my_u = u'my_u'
my_w = 'my_w' + chr ( 246 )
x = my_s + my_u

The only disadvantage is that you've to put a special named file into 
the Python directory !!

So if someone knows a more elegant way to set the default codec,
I would be much obliged.



Re: how to write a unicode string to a file ?

2009-10-17 Thread Stef Mientki

Stephen Hansen wrote:

although this is a very good explanation,
and showing character encoding isn't that easy ;-)
thanks very much !
Wasn't aware of the SQLite pragma.

also thanks to the others who replied.


Re: how to write a unicode string to a file ?

2009-10-16 Thread Stef Mientki

Stephen Hansen wrote:
On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Stef Mientki stef.mien...@gmail.com 
mailto:stef.mien...@gmail.com wrote:


By writing the following unicode string (I hope it can be send on
this mailing list)


to a file

   fh.write ( line )

I get the following error:

 UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xfc'
in position 9: ordinal not in range(128)

How should I write such a string to a file ?

First, you have to understand that a file never really contains 
unicode-- not in the way that it exists in memory / in python when you 
type line = u'Bücken'. It contains a series of bytes that are an 
encoded form of that abstract unicode data.

There's various encodings you can use-- UTF-8 and UTF-16 are in my 
experience the most common. UTF-8 is an ASCII-superset, and its the 
one I see most often.

So, you can do:

  import codecs
  f = codecs.open('filepath', 'w', 'utf-8')

To read such a file, you'd do codecs.open as well, just with a 'r' 
mode and not a 'w' mode.

Thanks guys,
I didn't know the codecs module,
and the codecs seems to be a good solution,
at least it can safely write a file.
But now I have to open that file in Excel 2000 ... 2007,
and I get something completely wrong.
After changing codecs to latin-1 or windows-1252,
everything works fine.

Which of the 2 should I use latin-1 or windows-1252 ?

And a more general question, how should I organize my Python programs ?
In general I've data coming from Excel, Delphi, SQLite.
In Python I always use wxPython, so I'm forced to use unicode.
My output often needs to be exported to Excel, SPSS, SQLite.
So would this be a good design ?

Excel|  convertwxPython  convertExcel
Delphi   |===to  ===   in ===   to  === SQLite
SQLite   |  unicodeunicode   latin-1SPSS

Stef Mientki

Now, that uses a file object created with the codecs module which 
operates with theoretical unicode streams. It will automatically take 
any passed in unicode strings, encode them in the specified encoding 
(utf8), and write the resulting bytes out.

You can also do that manually with a regular file object, via:


If you are reading such a file later with a normal file object (e.g., 
not one created with codecs.open), you would do:

  f = open('filepath', 'rb')
  byte_data = f.read()
  uni_data = byte_data.decode(utf8)

That will convert the byte-encoded data back to real unicode strings. 
Be sure to do this even if it doesn't seem you need to if the file 
contains encoded unicode data (a thing you can only know based on 
documentation of whatever produced that file)... for example, a UTF8 
encoded file might look and work like a completely normal ASCII file, 
but if its really UTF8... eventually your code will break that one 
time someone puts in a non-ascii character. Since UTF8 is an ASCII 
superset, its indistinguishable from ASCII until it contains a 
non-ASCII character.




how to write a unicode string to a file ?

2009-10-15 Thread Stef Mientki


By writing the following unicode string (I hope it can be send on this 
mailing list)


to a file

fh.write ( line )

I get the following error:

 UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xfc' in 
position 9: ordinal not in range(128)

How should I write such a string to a file ?

Stef Mientki


Re: organizing your scripts, with plenty of re-use

2009-10-13 Thread Stef Mientki


The key is to put all the core functionality into a package, and 
place the package where Python can find it. Also, it's a good idea 
to use relative imports from inside the package. There is no need to 
juggle with sys.path nor even set PYTHONPATH nor import __main__ nor 
play any strange games; it Just Works (tm).

please don't get angry,
I'm not a programmer, I'm just a human ;-)

Hierarchical choices are done on todays knowledge, tomorrow we might 
have different views and want/need to arrange things in another way.

An otter may become a reptile ;-)
So from the human viewpoint the following should be possible (and is 
for example possible in Delphi)

- I can move the complete project anywhere I like and it should still 
work without any modifications (when I move my desk I can still do my 

Move a complete package anywhere along the PYTHONPATH and it will 
still work.  Check.

- I can move any file in he project to any other place in the project 
and again everything should work without any modifications ( when I 
rearrange my books, I can still find a specific book)

Move any file in any directory to any other spot in that same 
directory and it will still work.  Check.  ;-)

sub ;-)

Humans are a lot smarter than computers.  Even 'just humans'.  ;-)  If 
you move your book, then can't find it on the last shelf it used to be 
on, you look on other shelves, you look on your desk, you look on the 
coffe table, you look in your car, etc, etc, and so forth.  If you 
move a file in a package to somewhere else, and you don't tell the 
package where it's at, it's not going to start looking all over the 
hard-drive for it.

I didn't say whole the world;-)
  If that were the case you would have to be extra careful to have 
every module's name be distinct, and then what's the point of having 

Yes, I still wonder !



In my humble opinion if these actions are not possible, there must be 
redundant information in the collection. The only valid reason for 
redundant information is to perform self healing (or call it error 
correction), and here we have a catch-22.

Stef Mientki


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