On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:00:42 AM UTC+1, Debbie wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am new to Python, and wondering if you could help me with python based
> coding for the IPSA (Power system analysis software). I have a electrical
> distribution network with generators, buses and loads, on which I am
> performing the load flow analysis every 1 hour for a period of 1 year.
> The code to perform instantaneous load/power flow analysis is given below. I
> need to modify it such that I can perform this load flow analysis every 1
> hour for a period of 1 year. Please help.
> from ipsa import *
> ipsasys = IscInterface()
> net = ipsasys.ReadFile("refinery.iif")
> bok = net.DoLoadFlow();
> if bok:
> busbars = net.GetBusbars()
> print "Load Flow results:"
> print ""
> print "BusName Vmag(kV)"
> print ""
> for bus in busbars.itervalues():
> name = bus.GetName()
> vm = bus.GetVoltageMagnitudekV()
> res = "%-8s %10.5f" % (name, vm)
> print res
> else:
> print "Load Flow failed!"
> Regards,
> Debbie
Hi Debbie,
Just found your question. I work for Ipsa and, among other things, provide
support for the scripting side.
The quickest way to achieve what you want is to adjust the loads on the network
and perform a load flow. The sequence would be roughly as follows;
for hours in year():
# set load values
loads = net.GetLoads()
for load in loads().itervalues:
# set new value for each load to represent the next hour of data
load.SetDValue(IscLoad.ReactiveMVAr, next_MVAr_value)
load.SetDValue(IscLoad.RealMW, next_MW_value)
# do something with these results
The above code obviously won't work and will need tweaking, but should give you
the idea. The next version of Ipsa (2.3.2) will have load profiles in so will
give a different way of achieving the same results, as well as speed
As Robert mentioned, the best place for Ipsa support is to go onto the website
(www.ipsa-power.com) and check the Support of Education pages or check the
LinkedIn group Ipsa Power Software Group at
Hope this helps,