Python and stale file handles

2008-04-16 Thread tgiles
Hi, All!

I started back programming Python again after a hiatus of several
years and run into a sticky problem that I can't seem to fix,
regardless of how hard I try- it it starts with tailing a log file.

Basically, I'm trying to tail a log file and send the contents
elsewhere in the script (here, I call it processor()). My first
iteration below works perfectly fine- as long as the log file itself
(logfile.log) keeps getting written to.

I have a shell script constantly writes to the logfile.log... If I
happen to kill it off and restart it (overwriting the log file with
more entries) then the python script will stop sending anything at all

import time, os

def processor(message,address):
#do something clever here

#Set the filename and open the file
filename = 'logfile.log'
file = open(filename,'r')

#Find the size of the file and move to the end
st_results = os.stat(filename)
st_size = st_results[6]

while 1:
where = file.tell()
line = file.readline()
if not line:
print line, # already has newline
data = line
if not data:
print Sending message ',data,'.



This is perfectly normal behavior since the same thing happens when I
do a tail -f on the log file. However, I was hoping to build in a bit
of cleverness in the python script- that it would note that there was
a change in the log file and could compensate for it.

So, I wrote up a new script that opens the file to begin with,
attempts to do a quick file measurement of the file (to see if it's
suddenly stuck) and then reopen the log file if there's something
dodgy going on.

However, it's not quite working the way that I really intended it to.
It will either start reading the file from the beginning (instead of
tailing from the end) or just sit there confuzzled until I kill it


import time, os

filename = logfile.log

def processor(message):
# do something clever here

def checkfile(filename):
file = open(filename,'r')
print checking file, first pass
pass1 = os.stat(filename)
pass1_size = pass1[6]


print file check, 2nd pass
pass2 = os.stat(filename)
pass2_size = pass2[6]
if pass1_size == pass2_size:
print reopening file
file = open(filename,'r')
print file is OK

while 1:
where = file.tell()
line = file.readline()
print reading file, where
if not line:
print sleeping here
print seeking file here
# print line, # already has newline
data = line
print readying line
if not data:
print no data, breaking here
print sending line

So, have any thoughts on how to keep a Python script from bugging out
after a tailed file has been refreshed? I'd love to hear any thoughts
you my have on the matter, even if it's of the 'that's the way things
work' variety.

Cheers, and thanks in advance for any ideas on how to get around the


Converting argv to variable

2006-07-22 Thread tgiles
(now that I've posted in the wrong flipping newsgroup the first thing,
here's my question to the lovely python folks)

I've taken a year off (or so) using Python and the first thing I run
into utterly stumped me. Been too long and none of the searches I've
done seems to have helped any.
Basically, I'm trying to create a little script which will make a new
directory, using the argument passed to it to give the directory a


import sys, os

newDirectory = str(sys.argv[1:])

currentPath =  str(os.getcwd())

create =  currentPath + '/' + newDirectory

print create

# os.mkdir(create)

Now, in a perfect universe I would get an output something like the
following (if I run the script with the argument 'python':


However, Python still hangs on to all the fluff and prints out
something else:


I know there must be some way to convert the argument to a 'normal'
variable, but it escapes me how to do so. Any pointers? 


