Problem using urllib to download images

2008-11-03 Thread tstrogen
I am using Python 2.6 on Mac OS 10.3.9.
I have been trying to use:
image = urllib.URLopener()
image.retrieve(url, filename)
to download images from websites. I am able to do so, and end up with
the appropriate file. However, when I try to open the file, I get an
error message. It's something about corrupted data, and an
unrecognised file.
Anyone know what I'm talking about/had similar experiences?

Re: Problem using urllib to download images

2008-11-03 Thread tstrogen
Then perhaps it's a problem with my os.
[18:16:33 Mon Nov 03] python
Python 2.6 (trunk:66714:66715M, Oct  1 2008, 18:36:04)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5370)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import urllib
 url = ''
 filename = 'logo.gif'
 image = urllib.URLopener()
 image.retrieve(url, filename)
('logo.gif', httplib.HTTPMessage instance at 0x5196e8)
And here's the error message I get when I try to open it: File Error:
Couldn't open the file. It may be corrupt or a file format that
Preview doesn't recognize..
I have had a similar result trying  to open it with other programs.

Re: Problem using urllib to download images

2008-11-03 Thread tstrogen
 That's because you downloaded some HTML and saved it in a file named
 logo.gif.  That's unlikely to work in any image viewing program.  Try
 opening the file you downloaded in a text editor and you'll see.


Aha, so the first param is the file, and second is the name you save
the files as. Thankyou, for pointing out my stupid mistake. I was
confused by trying to replicate a program called ''
off of I thought that the first param was the page
containing the file, and the second was the file. And that the file
would simply be saved as it's name on the website. Thanks again.