Programing Challenge: Constructing a Tree Given Its Edges.

2014-01-07 Thread Xah Lee
Programing Challenge: Constructing a Tree Given Its Edges.
Show you are the boss.

here's plain text.
── ── ── ── ──

Problem: given a list of edges of a tree: [child, parent], construct the tree. 
Here's a sample input: [[0, 2], [3, 0], [1, 4], [2, 4]].

Here's a sample print of a tree data structure:


this means, the root node's name is 4. It has 2 branches, named 1 and 2. The 
branche named 2 has 1 children, named 0, and it has one children named 3. The 
node's names are given as integers, but you can assume them to be strings.

You can choose your own data structure for the output. For example, nested list 
with 1st element being the node name, or use nested hash of hash, where key is 
the node name, and value is its children.

Here's sample data structure in python, using hash of hash.

 4: {
  1: {},
  2: {
   0: {
3: {}

Other data structure are accepted.

Code it using your favorite language. I'll be able to look at and verify in 
Mathematica, Python, Ruby, Perl, PHP, JavaScript, Emacs Lisp, Java. But other 
langs, such as Clojure and other lisps, OCaml, Haskell, erlang, Fortress, APL, 
HOL, Coq, Lua, Factor, Rust, Julia … are very welcome. 〔☛ Proliferation of 
Computing Languages〕

You should be able to do this within 8 hours from scratch. Took me 5 hours.

Python solution will be posted in a week, on 2014-01-14 (or sooner if many 
showed solutions). Post your solution in comment (or link to github or 

Re: Learn Technical Writing from Unix Man in 10 Days

2012-04-29 Thread Xah Lee
On Apr 29, 7:43 pm, Jason Earl wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 28 2012, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  On Sat, 28 Apr 2012 14:55:42 -0700, Xah Lee wrote:

  Learn Technical Writing from Unix Man in 10 Days

  Quote from man apt-get:

          remove is identical to install except that packages are
          instead of installed.

  Do you also expect the documentation to define except, instead, is,
  to and the?

  If you don't know what install and remove means, then you need an
  English dictionary, not a technical manual.

 It is considerably worse than that.  If you look at what the
 documentation for apt-get actually says, instead of just the badly
 mangled version that Xah shares you would realize that the post was
 basically a bald-face troll.

 The rest of Xah's links in this particular article was even worse.  For
 the most part he was criticizing documentation flaws that have
 disappeared years ago.

 Heck, his criticism of Emacs' missing documentation has been fixed since
 Emacs 21 (the Emacs developers are currently getting ready to release
 Emacs 24).  His criticism of git's documentation is also grossly
 misleading. still has the empty directories, but
 has been the official home for git's documentation for years.

 I am sure that the rest of the examples are just as ridiculous.  I tend
 to like Xah's writing.  Heck, I even sent a few bucks his way as thanks
 for his Emacs Lisp tutorials.  However, that particular post was simply


jason, are you trolling me, or me you?



Learn Technical Writing from Unix Man in 10 Days

2012-04-28 Thread Xah Lee
Learn Technical Writing from Unix Man in 10 Days

Quote from man apt-get:

remove is identical to install except that packages are
instead of installed.


kicking is identical to kissing except that receiver is kicked
instead of kissed.

further readings:

• 〈The Idiocy of Computer Language Docs〉

• 〈Why Open Source Documentation is of Low Quality〉

• 〈Python Documentation Problems〉


so, i was reading man git. Quote:

Formatted and hyperlinked version of the latest git documentation
be viewed at

but if you go to that url, it shows a list of over one hundred fourty
empty dirs.

I guess unix/linux idiots can't be bothered to have correct
documentation. Inability to write is one thing, but they are unable to
maintain a link or update doc?

does this ever happens to Apple's docs? If it did, i don't ever recall
seeing it from 18 years of using Mac.

more records of careless dead link:

• 〈Hackers: Dead Links and Human Compassion?〉

• 〈Why Qi Lisp Fails and Clojure Succeeds〉

• 〈unix: Hunspell Path Pain〉

• 〈Python Doc URL disappearance〉

• 〈A Record of Frustration in IT Industry; Disappearing FSF URLs〉

John Carmack glorifying functional programing in 3k words

2012-04-26 Thread Xah Lee
John Carmack glorifying functional programing in 3k words

where was he ten years ago?

O, and btw, i heard that Common Lispers don't do functional
programing, is that right?

Fuck Common Lispers. Yeah, fuck them. One bunch of Fuckfaces. (and
Fuck Pythoners. Python fucking idiots.)

O, don't forget,

〈Programing: What are OOP's Jargons and Complexities (Object Oriented
Program as Functional Program)〉

please you peruse of it.

your servant, humbly


A Design Pattern Question for Functional Programers

2012-04-18 Thread Xah Lee
Functional programing is getting the presses in mainstream. I ran
across this dialogue where a imperative coder was trying to get into
functional programing:

  A: What are the design patterns that help structure functional

  B: Design patterns? Hey everyone, look at the muggle try to get the
wand to work!

〈Code Watch: Functional programming's smugness problem〉 (2012-04-16)
By By Larry O'brien. @

hi, my dearly beloved C++ java perl python hackers, design pattern
your mom!

further readings:

〈Why Software Suck〉

〈What is a Tech Geeker?〉

〈Book Review: Patterns of Software〉

〈Are You Intelligent Enough to Understand HTML5?〉


Emacs Lisp vs Perl: Validate Local File Links

2012-04-13 Thread Xah Lee
〈Emacs Lisp vs Perl: Validate Local File Links〉

a comparison of 2 scripts.

lots code, so i won't paste plain text version here.

i have some comments at the bottom. Excerpt:


«One thing interesting is to compare the approaches in perl and emacs

«For our case, regex is not powerful enough to deal with the problem
by itself, due to the nested nature of html. This is why, in my perl
code, i split the file by  into segments first, then, use regex to
deal with now the non-nested segment. This will break if you have a
title=x  href=z href=math.htmlmath/a. This cannot be worked
around unless you really start to write a real parser.»

«The elisp here is more powerful, not because of any lisp features,
but because emacs's buffer datatype. You can think of it as a
glorified string datatype, that you can move a cursor back and forth,
or use regex to search forward or backward, or save cursor positions
(index) and grab parts of text for further analysis.»


If you are a perl coder, and disagree, let me know your opinion.
(showing working code is very welcome) My comment about perl there
applies to python too. (python code welcome too.)


f python?

2012-04-08 Thread Xah Lee
hi guys,

sorry am feeling a bit prolifit lately.

today's show, is: 〈Fuck Python〉

Fuck Python
 By Xah Lee, 2012-04-08

fuck Python.

just fucking spend 2 hours and still going.

here's the short story.

so recently i switched to a Windows version of python. Now, Windows
version takes path using win backslash, instead of cygwin slash. This
fucking broke my find/replace scripts that takes a dir level as input.
Because i was counting slashes.

Ok no problem. My sloppiness. After all, my implementation wasn't
portable. So, let's fix it. After a while, discovered there's the
「os.sep」. Ok, replace 「/」 to 「os.sep」, done. Then, bang, all hell
went lose. Because, the backslash is used as escape in string, so any
regex that manipulate path got fucked majorly. So, now you need to
find a quoting mechanism. Then, fuck python doc incomprehensible
scattered comp-sci-r-us BNF shit. Then, fuck python for “os.path” and
“os” modules then string object and string functions inconsistent
ball. And FUCK Guido who wants to fuck change python for his idiotic
OOP concept of “elegance” so that some of these are deprecated.

So after several exploration of “repr()”, “format()”, “‹str›.count()”,
“os.path.normpath()”, “re.split()”, “len(” etc,
after a long time, let's use “re.escape()”. 2 hours has passed. Also,
discovered that “os.path.walk” is now deprecated, and one is supposed
to use the sparkling “os.walk”. In the process of refreshing my
python, the “os.path.walk” semantics is really one fucked up fuck.
Meanwhile, the “os.walk” went into incomprehensible OOP object and
iterators fuck.

now, it's close to 3 hours. This fix is supposed to be done in 10 min.
I'd have done it in elisp in just 10 minutes if not for my

This is Before

def process_file(dummy, current_dir, file_list):
   current_dir_level = len(re.split(/, current_dir)) -
len(re.split(/, input_dir))
   cur_file_level = current_dir_level+1
   if min_level = cur_file_level = max_level:
  for a_file in file_list:
 if\.html$, a_file, re.U) and
os.path.isfile(current_dir + / + a_file):
replace_string_in_file(current_dir + / + a_file)

 This is After

def process_file(dummy, current_dir, file_list):
   current_dir = os.path.normpath(current_dir)
   cur_dir_level = re.sub( ^ + re.escape(input_dir), ,
current_dir).count( os.sep)
   cur_file_level = cur_dir_level + 1
   if min_level = cur_file_level = max_level:
  for a_file in file_list:
 if\.html$, a_file, re.U) and
os.path.isfile(current_dir + re.escape(os.sep) + a_file):
replace_string_in_file(current_dir + os.sep + a_file)
# print %d %s % (cur_file_level, (current_dir + os.sep +

 Complete File

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python

# find  replace strings in a dir

import os, sys, shutil, re

# if this this is not empty, then only these files will be processed
my_files  = []

input_dir = c:/Users/h3/web/xahlee_org/lojban/hrefgram2/
input_dir = /cygdrive/c/Users/h3/web/zz
input_dir = c:/Users/h3/web/xahlee_org/

min_level = 2; # files and dirs inside input_dir are level 1.
max_level = 2; # inclusive

print_no_change = False

find_replace_list = [

uiframe style=width:100%;border:none src=
uiframe style=width:100%;border:none src=../footer.html/


def replace_string_in_file(file_path):
   Replaces all findStr by repStr in file file_path
   temp_fname = file_path + ~lc~
   backup_fname = file_path + ~bk~

   # print reading:, file_path
   input_file = open(file_path, rb)
   file_content = unicode(, utf-8)

   num_replaced = 0
   for a_pair in find_replace_list:
  num_replaced += file_content.count(a_pair[0])
  output_text = file_content.replace(a_pair[0], a_pair[1])
  file_content = output_text

   if num_replaced  0:
  print ◆ , num_replaced,  , file_path.replace(\\, /)
  shutil.copy2(file_path, backup_fname)
  output_file = open(file_path, r+b) # we do this way instead of “os.rename” to
preserve file creation date
  if print_no_change == True:
 print no change:, file_path

#  os.remove(file_path)
#  os.rename(temp_fname, file_path)

def process_file(dummy, current_dir, file_list):
   current_dir = os.path.normpath(current_dir)
   cur_dir_level = re.sub( ^ + re.escape(input_dir), ,
current_dir).count( os.sep)
   cur_file_level = cur_dir_level + 1
   if min_level = cur_file_level = max_level:
  for a_file in file_list:
 if\.html$, a_file, re.U) and
os.path.isfile(current_dir + re.escape(os.sep) + a_file):
replace_string_in_file(current_dir + os.sep + a_file)
# print %d %s

Re: f python?

2012-04-08 Thread Xah Lee
On Apr 8, 4:34 am, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:
 On Sun, 08 Apr 2012 04:11:20 -0700, Xah Lee wrote:


 I have read Xah Lee's post so that you don't have to.

 Shorter Xah Lee:

     I don't know Python very well, and rather than admit I made
      some pretty lousy design choices in my code, I blame Python.
      And then I cross-post about it, because I'm the most important
      person in the Universe.

 When the only tool you know how to use is a hammer, everything looks like
 a nail. Instead of using regexes (now you have two problems), use the
 right tool: to count path components, split the path, then count the
 number of path components directly.

 import os
 components = os.path.split(some_path)
 print len(components)

 No matter what separator the OS users, os.path.split will do the right
 thing. There's no need to mess about escaping separators so you can
 hammer it with the regex module, when Python comes with the perfectly
 functional socket-wrench you actually need.

Lol. i think you tried to make fun of me too fast.

check your code.

O, was it you who made fun of my python tutorial before? i was busy,
i'll have to get back on that down the road.


Re: f python?

2012-04-08 Thread Xah Lee
Xah Lee wrote:

« »

David Canzi wrote

«When Microsoft created MS-DOS, they decided to use '\' as the
separator in file names.  This was at a time when several previously
existing interactive operating systems were using '/' as the file name
separator and at least one was using '\' as an escape character.  As a
result of Microsoft's decision to use '\' as the separator, people
have had to do extra work to adapt programs written for Windows to run
in non-Windows environments, and vice versa.  People have had to do
extra work to write software that is portable between these
environments.  People have done extra work while creating tools to
make writing portable software easier.  And people have to do extra
work when they use these tools, because using them is still harder
than writing portable code for operating systems that all used '/' as
their separator would have been.»

namekuseijin wrote:

 yes, absolutely.  But you got 2 inaccuracies there:  1) Microsoft didn't 
 create DOS; 2) fucking DOS was written in C, and guess what, it uses \ as 
 escape character.  Fucking microsoft.

  So, when you say fuck Python, are you sure you're shooting at the
  right target?

 I agree.  Fuck winDOS and fucking microsoft.

No. The choice to use backslash than slash is actually a good one.

because, slash is one of the useful char, far more so than backslash.
Users should be able to use that for file names.

i don't know the detailed history of path separator, but if i were to
blame, it's fuck unix. The entirety of unix, unix geek, unixers, unix
fuckheads. Fuck unix.

〈On Unix Filename Characters Problem〉

〈On Unix File System's Case Sensitivity〉

〈UNIX Tar Problem: File Length Truncation, Unicode Name Support〉

〈What Characters Are Not Allowed in File Names?〉

〈Unicode Support in File Names: Windows, Mac, Emacs, Unison, Rsync,
USB, Zip〉

〈The Nature of the Unix Philosophy〉


how i loved lisp cons and UML and Agile and Design Patterns and Pythonic and KISS and YMMV and stopped worrying

2012-04-07 Thread Xah Lee
OMG, how i loved lisp cons and macros and UML and Agile eXtreme
Programing and Design Patterns and Anti-Patterns and Pythonic and KISS
and YMMV and stopped worrying.

〈World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics???〉

highly advanced plain text format follows, as a amenity for tech

World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics ???

Xah Lee, 2010-04-04

Starting in 2004, i regularly receive email asking me to participate a
conference, called “World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics
and Informatics” (WMSCI). Here's one of such email i got today:

Dear Xah Lee:

As you know the Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon affirmed that design is
an essential ingredient of the Artificial Sciences Ranulph Glanville,
president of the American Society for Cybernetics and expert in design
theory, affirms that “Research is a variety of design. So do research
as design. Design is key to research. Research has to be designed.” An
increasing number of authors are stressing the relationships between
Design and Research. Design is a mean for Research, and Research is a
mean for Design. Design and research are related via cybernetic loops
in the context of means-ends logic. Consequently, we invite you to
submit a paper/abstract and/ot to organize an invited session in the
International Symposium on Design and Research in the Artificial and
the Natural Sciences: DRANS 2010 (
which is being organized in the context of The 14th World Multi-
Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2010
(, 2010 in Orlando, Florida, USA.


Here's the first email i got from them from my mail archive:

Subject: Inviting you to participate in SCI 2005
Date: October 20, 2004 1:39:48 PM PDT

 Dear Dr. Xah Lee:

On behalf of the SCI 2005 Organizing Committee, I would like to invite
you to participate in the 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics (, which
will take place in Orlando, Florida, USA, from July 10-13, 2005.

Full text wmsci.txt.

I do not know this organization. I don't know how they got my email or
how they know that i'm involved in the computer science community.
(surely from trawling email addresses in science forums) Though, after
getting a few of their emails, one clearly gets a sense that it is a
scam, soliciting innocent idiotic academicians (many PhDs are

Here's what Wikipedia has to say about them: World Multiconference on
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. Here's a juicy quote:

WMSCI attracted publicity of a less favorable sort in 2005 when three
graduate students at MIT succeeded in getting a paper accepted as a
“non-reviewed paper” to the conference that had been randomly
generated by a computer program called SCIgen.[8] Documents generated
by this software have been used to submit papers to other similar
conferences. Compare to the Sokal affair.

WMSCI has been accused of using spam to advertise its conferences.[8]

Now and then, whenever i got their email, the curiosity in me do
lookup the several terms they used in the email, partly to check the
validity. For example, in this one, it mentions Herbert Simon. Another
one i recall i got recently mentioned Science 2.0. Both of the terms i
haven't heard of before.

One'd think that it is easy to tell scam from real science, but with
today's science proliferation, it's actually not that easy. Even if
you are a academic, it's rather common that many new science terms you
never heard of, because there are tremendous growth of new disciplines
or cross disciplines, along with new jargons. Cross-discipline is
rather common and natural, unlike in the past where science is more or
less clearly delineated hierarchy like Physics, Math, Chemistry,
Biology, etc and their sub-branches. However, many of today's new
areas is a bit questionable, sometimes a deliberate money-making
scheme, which i suppose is the case for WMSCI. Many of these, use
terms like “post-modern”, “science 2.0” to excuse themselves from the
rather strict judgment of classic science. Many of these terms such as
“systemics”, “cybernetics”, “infomatics” are vague. Depending on the
context, it could be a valid emerging science discipline, but it could
also be pure new-age hogwash. And sometimes, nobody really knows
today. Fledgling scientific fields may started off as pseudo-science
but later became well accepted with more solid theories. (e.g.
evolutionary psychology)

In the past 2 decades, there are quite a few cases where peer reviewed
papers published in respected journals are exposed as highly
questionable or deliberate hoax, arose massive debate on the peer
review system. The peer-review system itself can't hold all the blame,
but part of it has to do with the incredible growth of sciences

Re: Is Programing Art or Science?

2012-04-03 Thread Xah Lee
On Apr 3, 8:22 am, Rainer Weikusat wrote:
 Xah Lee writes:


  For example, “Is mathematics science or art?”, is the same type of
  question that has been broached by dabblers now and then.

this is the best reply in this thread!


Is Programing Art or Science?

2012-04-02 Thread Xah Lee
the refreshen of the blood, from Xah's Entertainment Enterprise, i
bring you:

〈Is Programing Art or Science〉

penned in the year of our lord two thousand and two, plain text
version follows.

Is Programing Art or Science?

Dear friends,

You mentioned the title of Donald Knuth's magnum opus Art of
Programming in the context of discussion that fringes on whether
programing is science or art. I'm quite pissed off at work at the
moment, so let me take the time to give some guide on this matter to
the daily programers.

At the bottom rung of programers, there's no question about whether
programing is science or art. Because monkey coders could not care
less. These folks ain't be reading this post, for they hardly will
have heard of lisp.

This leaves us with elite programers who have a smattering of
interests on cogitation and philosophical conundrums. So, is
programing a science or art?

For the programing morons, this question is associated with erudition.
It certainly is a hip subject among hackers such as those hardcore
Perl advocates and unix proponents, who would casually hint on such
realization, impressing a sophistication among peers.

Such a question is not uncommon among those curious. For example, “Is
mathematics science or art?”, is the same type of question that has
been broached by dabblers now and then. We can also detect such
dilemma in the titles conferred to blathering computer jockeys: which
one are thee: baccalaureate of science or baccalaureate of arts? It
really makes no fucking difference.

Ultimately, fantastically stupid questions like these are not
discussed by mathematicians nor philosophers. These are natural
language side-effects, trapping dummies to fuzz about nothing; not
unlike quotations.

For these computing jockeys, there remains the question of why Knuth
named his books the “Art” of Computer Programing, or why some
computing luminaries litter the caution that programing is as much a
art as science. What elite dimwits need to realize is that these
authors are not defining or correcting, but breaking precepts among
the automatons in programing industry.

To the readers of hip literature, words like science and art are
spellbinding, and the need to pigeonhole is imminent. Of these
ruminating class of people, the problem lies in their wanting of
originality. What fills their banal brain are the stale food of
thought that has been chewed and spewed. These above-average eggheads
mop up the scholastic tidbits of its day to mull and muse with fellow
eggheads. They could not see new perspectives. Could not understand
gists. Could not detect non-questions. They are the holder and passer
of knowledge, a bucket of pre-digested purees. Their train of thought
forever loops around established tracks — going nowhere, anytime!

So, is programing a art or science? is it art or science? I really
need to know.

 • Theory vs Practice
 • Jargons of IT Industry
 • The Lambda Logo Tour
 • English Lawers

PS don't forget to checkout: 〈From Why Not Ruby to Fuck Python, Hello
Ruby〉 @

yours humbly,


Google Tech Talk: lisp at JPL

2012-04-02 Thread Xah Lee
Dearly beloved lisperati,

I present you, Ron Garret (aka Erann Gat — aka Naggum hater and enemy
of Kenny Tilton), at Google Tech Talk

〈The Remote Agent Experiment: Debugging Code from 60 Million Miles
Google Tech Talk, (2012-02-14) Presented by Ron Garret. @

i just started watching, havn't done yet.

(thx jcs's blog for the news)

PS posted to python and perl forums too, because i think might be
interesting for lang aficionados . Reply to just your community


perldoc: the key to perl

2012-03-26 Thread Xah Lee
〈Perl Documentation: The Key to Perl〉

plain text follows

So, i wanted to know what the option perl -C does. So, here's perldoc
perlrun. Excerpt:

-C [*number/list*]
 The -C flag controls some of the Perl Unicode features.

 As of 5.8.1, the -C can be followed either by a number or
a list of
 option letters. The letters, their numeric values, and
effects are
 as follows; listing the letters is equal to summing the

 I 1   STDIN is assumed to be in UTF-8
 O 2   STDOUT will be in UTF-8
 E 4   STDERR will be in UTF-8
 S 7   I + O + E
 i 8   UTF-8 is the default PerlIO layer for input
 o16   UTF-8 is the default PerlIO layer for
output streams
 D24   i + o
 A32   the @ARGV elements are expected to be
strings encoded
   in UTF-8
 L64   normally the IOEioA are unconditional,
   the L makes them conditional on the locale
   variables (the LC_ALL, LC_TYPE, and LANG,
in the order
   of decreasing precedence) -- if the
variables indicate
   UTF-8, then the selected IOEioA are in
 a   256   Set ${^UTF8CACHE} to -1, to run the UTF-8
caching code in
   debugging mode.

 For example, -COE and -C6 will both turn on UTF-8-ness on
 STDOUT and STDERR. Repeating letters is just redundant,
 cumulative nor toggling.

 The io options mean that any subsequent open() (or
similar I/O
 operations) in the current file scope will have the
:utf8 PerlIO
 layer implicitly applied to them, in other words, UTF-8
is expected
 from any input stream, and UTF-8 is produced to any
output stream.
 This is just the default, with explicit layers in open()
and with
 binmode() one can manipulate streams as usual.

 -C on its own (not followed by any number or option
list), or the
 empty string  for the PERL_UNICODE environment
variable, has
 the same effect as -CSDL. In other words, the standard I/
O handles
 and the default open() layer are UTF-8-fied *but* only
if the
 locale environment variables indicate a UTF-8 locale.
 behaviour follows the *implicit* (and problematic) UTF-8
 of Perl 5.8.0.

 You can use -C0 (or 0 for PERL_UNICODE) to explicitly
 all the above Unicode features.

 The read-only magic variable ${^UNICODE} reflects the
 value of this setting. This variable is set during Perl
startup and
 is thereafter read-only. If you want runtime effects, use
 three-arg open() (see open in perlfunc), the two-arg
 (see binmode in perlfunc), and the open pragma (see

 (In Perls earlier than 5.8.1 the -C switch was a Win32-
only switch
 that enabled the use of Unicode-aware wide system call
 APIs. This feature was practically unused, however, and
the command
 line switch was therefore recycled.)

 Note: Since perl 5.10.1, if the -C option is used on the
#! line,
 it must be specified on the command line as well, since
 standard streams are already set up at this point in the
 of the perl interpreter. You can also use binmode() to
set the
 encoding of an I/O stream.

reading that is like a adventure. It's like this:

The -C is a key to unlock many secrets. Just get it, and you'll be
good to go, except in cases you may need the inner key. You'll
find a
hinge in the key, open it, then there's a subkey. On the subkey,
there's a number. Take that number to the lock, it will open with
keyX. When you use keyX, it must be matched with the previous
key with 8th bit. keyX doesn't have a ID, but you can make one by
finding the number at the place you found the key C. Key C is
optional, but when inner key and keyX's number matches, it changes
nature of the lock. This is when you need to turn on keyMode …


a interesting Parallel Programing Problem: asciify-string

2012-03-06 Thread Xah Lee
here's a interesting problem that we are discussing at comp.lang.lisp.

〈Parallel Programing Problem: asciify-string〉

here's the plain text. Code example is emacs lisp, but the problem is

for a bit python relevancy… is there any python compiler that's
parallel-algorithm aware?

Parallel Programing Problem: asciify-string

Here's a interesting parallel programing problem.

Problem Description

The task is to change this function so it's parallelable. (code
example in emacs lisp)

(defun asciify-string (inputStr)
  Make Unicode string into equivalent ASCII ones.
  (setq inputStr (replace-regexp-in-string á\\|à\\|â\\|ä a
  (setq inputStr (replace-regexp-in-string é\\|è\\|ê\\|ë e
  (setq inputStr (replace-regexp-in-string í\\|ì\\|î\\|ï i
  (setq inputStr (replace-regexp-in-string ó\\|ò\\|ô\\|ö o
  (setq inputStr (replace-regexp-in-string ú\\|ù\\|û\\|ü u

Here's a more general description of the problem.

You are given a Unicode text file that's a few peta bytes. For certain
characters in the file, they need to be changed to different char.
(For example of practical application, see: IDN homograph attack ◇
Duplicate characters in Unicode.)

One easy solution is to simply use regex, as the above sample code, to
search thru the file sequentially, and perform the transfrom of a
particular set of chars, then repeat for each char chat needs to be

But your task is to use a algorithm parallelizable. That is, in a
parallel-algorithm aware language (e.g. Fortress), the compiler will
automatically span the computation to multiple processors.

Refer to Guy Steele's video talk if you haven't seen already. See: Guy
Steele on Parallel Programing.
Solution Suggestions

A better way to write it for parallel programing, is to map a char-
transform function to each char in the string. Here's a pseudo-code in
lisp by Helmut Eller:

(defun asciify-char (c)
  (case c
((? ? ? ?) ?a)
((? ? ? ?) ?e)
((? ? ? ?) ?i)
((? ? ? ?) ?o)
((? ? ? ?) ?u)
(t c)))

(defun asciify-string (string) (map 'string #'asciify-string string))

One problem with this is that the function “asciify-char” itself is
sequential, and not 100% parallelizable. (we might assume here that
there are billions of chars in Unicode that needs to be transformed)

It would be a interesting small project, if someone actually use a
parallel-algorithm-aware language to work on this problem, and report
on the break-point of file-size of parallel-algorithm vs sequential-

Anyone would try it? Perhaps in Fortress, Erlang, Ease, Alice, X10, or
other? Is the Clojure parallel aware?


are int, float, long, double, side-effects of computer engineering?

2012-03-05 Thread Xah Lee
some additional info i thought is relevant.

are int, float, long, double, side-effects of computer engineering?

Xah Lee wrote:
«… One easy way to measure it is whether a programer can read and
understand a program without having to delve into its idiosyncrasies.

Chris Angelico wrote:
«Neither the behavior of ints nor the behavior of IEEE floating point
is a quirk or an idiosyncracy. …»

they are computer engineering by-products. Are quirks and
idiosyncracies. Check out a advanced lang such as Mathematica. There,
one can learn how the mathematical concept of integer or real number
are implemented in a computer language, without lots by-products of
comp engineering as in vast majority of langs (all those that chalks
up to some IEEE. (which, sadly, includes C, C++, perl, python,
lisp, and almost all. (Common/Scheme lisp idiots speak of the jargon
“number tower” instead I.) (part of the reason almost all langs
stick to some I stuff is because it's kinda standard, and
everyone understand it, in the sense that unix RFC (aka really fucking
common) is wide-spread because its free yet technically worst. (in a
sense, when everybody's stupid, there arise a cost to not be

A friend asked: «Can you enlighten us as to Mathematica's way of
handling numbers, either by a post or a link to suitable
documentation? …»

what i meant to point out is that Mathematica deals with numbers at a
high-level human way. That is, one doesn't think in terms of float,
long, int, double. These words are never mentioned. Instead, you have
concepts of machine precision, accuracy. The lang automatically handle
the translation to hardware, and invoking exact value or infinite
precision as required or requested.

in most lang's doc, words like int, long, double, float are part of
the lang, and it's quick to mention IEEE. Then you have the wide-
spread overflow issue in your lang. In M, the programer only need to
think in terms of math, i.e. Real number, Integer, complex number,
precision, accuracy, etc.

this is what i meat that most lang deals with computer engineering by-
products, and i wished them to be higher level like M.


Re: are int, float, long, double, side-effects of computer engineering?

2012-03-05 Thread Xah Lee

On Mar 5, 9:26 pm, Tim Roberts wrote:
 Xah Lee wrote:

 some additional info i thought is relevant.

 are int, float, long, double, side-effects of computer engineering?

 Of course they are.  Such concepts violate the purity of a computer
 language's abstraction of the underlying hardware.  We accept that
 violation because of performance reasons.  There are, as you point out,
 languages that do maintain the purity of the abstraction, but that purity
 is ALWAYS at the expense of performance.

 I would also point out pre-emptively that there is nothing inherently wrong
 with asking us to accept an impure abstraction in exchange for performance.
 It is a performance choice that we choose to make.

while what you said is true, but the problem is that 99.99% of
programers do NOT know this. They do not know Mathematica. They've
never seen a language with such feature. The concept is alien. This is
what i'd like to point out and spread awareness.

also, argument about raw speed and fine control vs automatic
management, rots with time. Happened with auto memory management,
managed code, compilers, auto type conversion, auto extension of
array, auto type system, dynamic/scripting languages, etc.

i'd share this these talks:

〈Programing Language: Steve Yegge on Dynamic Languages〉

〈Guy Steele on Parallel Programing: Get rid of cons!〉

〈Ocaml Use in Industry (Janestreet Talk by Yaron Minsky)〉

〈Stephen Wolfram: The Background and Vision of Mathematica 〉


Re: lang comparison: in-place algorithm for reversing a list in Perl,Python, Lisp

2012-03-02 Thread Xah Lee

Xah Lee wrote:
«… One easy way to measure it is whether a programer can read and
understand a program without having to delve into its idiosyncrasies.

Chris Angelico wrote:
«Neither the behavior of ints nor the behavior of IEEE floating point
is a quirk or an idiosyncracy. …»

they are computer engineering by-products. Are quirks and
idiosyncracies. Check out a advanced lang such as Mathematica. There,
one can learn how the mathematical concept of integer or real number
are implemented in a computer language, without lots by-products of
comp engineering as in vast majority of langs (all those that chalks
up to some IEEE. (which, sadly, includes C, C++, java, perl,
python, lisp, and almost all. (lisp idiots speak of the jargon “number
tower” instead I.) (part of the reason almost all langs stick to
some I stuff is because it's kinda standard, and everyone
understand it, in the sense that unix RFC (aka really fucking common)
is wide-spread because its free yet technically worst. (in a sense,
when everybody's stupid, there arise a cost to not be stupid..


Re: New Science Discovery: Perl Idiots Remain Idiots After A Decade!New Science Discovery: Perl Idiots Remain Idiots After A Decade!

2012-03-02 Thread Xah Lee
On Mar 1, 3:00 am, Kiuhnm wrote:
 They did not make up the terminology, if that is what you are saying.
 The concepts of left and right associativity are well-known and accepted
 in TCS (Theoretical CS).

 Aho, Sethi and Ullman explain it this way in Compilers: Principles,
 Techniques and Tools:
 We say that the operator + associates to the left because an operand
 with plus signs on both sides of it is taken by the operator to its
 left. [...]
 And they also show parse trees similar to the ones I wrote above.

how do they explain when 2 operators are adjacent e.g. 「3 △ 6 ▲ 5 」?

do you happen to know some site that shows the relevant page i can
have a look?



On Mar 1, 3:00 am, Kiuhnm wrote:
 On 3/1/2012 1:02, Xah Lee wrote:

  i missed a point in my original post. That is, when the same operator
  are adjacent. e.g. 「3 ▲ 6 ▲ 5」.

  This is pointed out by Kiuhnm 〔〕 and Tim Bradshaw.

  though, i disagree the way they expressed it, or any sense this is
  different from math.

 They did not make up the terminology, if that is what you are saying.
 The concepts of left and right associativity are well-known and accepted
 in TCS (Theoretical CS).

 If you change the terminology, no one will understand you unless you
 provide your definitions every time (and then they may not accept them).

 Another way of saying that an operator is left-associative is that its
 parse tree is a left-tree, i.e. a complete tree where each right child
 is a leaf.
 For instance, (use a monospaced font)
    1 + 2 + 3 + 4
 gives you this left-tree:
      +   4
    +   3
   1 2
 while 1**2**3**4
 gives you this right-tree:
 1    **
     2    **
         3  4

 Aho, Sethi and Ullman explain it this way in Compilers: Principles,
 Techniques and Tools:
 We say that the operator + associates to the left because an operand
 with plus signs on both sides of it is taken by the operator to its
 left. [...]
 And they also show parse trees similar to the ones I wrote above.


Re: lang comparison: in-place algorithm for reversing a list in Perl,Python, Lisp

2012-03-01 Thread Xah Lee
On Mar 1, 7:04 am, Kaz Kylheku wrote:
 (floor (/ x y)) --[rewrite]-- (floor x y)

Thanks for this interesting point.

I don't think it's a good lang design, more of a lang quirk.

similarly, in Python 2.x,
will work when both x and y are integers. Also,
works too, but that // is just perlish unreadable syntax quirk.

similarly, in perl, either one
require POSIX; floor(x/y);
the require POSIX instead of Math is a quirk. But even, floor should
really be builtin.
using a perl hack

all of the above are quirks. They rely on computer engineering by-
products (such as int), or rely on the lang's idiosyncrasy. One easy
way to measure it is whether a programer can read and understand a
program without having to delve into its idiosyncrasies. Problem with
these lang idioms is that it's harder to understand, and whatever
advantage/optimization they provide is microscopic and temporary.

best is really floor(x/y).

idiomatic programing, is a bad thing. It was spread by perl, of
course, in the 1990s. Idiomatic lang, i.e. lang with huge number of
bizarre idioms, such as perl, is the worst.


New Science Discovery: Perl Idiots Remain Idiots After A Decade!New Science Discovery: Perl Idiots Remain Idiots After A Decade!

2012-02-29 Thread Xah Lee
New Science Discovery: Perl Idiots Remain Idiots After A Decade!

A excerpt from the new book 〈Modern Perl〉, just published, chapter 4
on “Operators”. Quote:

«The associativity of an operator governs whether it evaluates from
left to right or right to left. Addition is left associative, such
that 2 + 3 + 4 evaluates 2 + 3 first, then adds 4 to the result.
Exponentiation is right associative, such that 2 ** 3 ** 4 evaluates 3
** 4 first, then raises 2 to the 81st power. »

LOL. Looks like the perl folks haven't changed. Fundamentals of
serious math got botched so badly.

Let me explain the idiocy.

It says “The associativity of an operator governs whether it evaluates
from left to right or right to left.”. Ok, so let's say we have 2
operators: a white triangle △ and a black triangle ▲. Now, by the
perl's teaching above, let's suppose the white triangle is “right
associative” and the black triangle is “left associative”. Now, look
at this:

3 △ 6 ▲ 5

seems like the white and black triangles are going to draw a pistol
and fight for the chick 6 there. LOL.

Now, let me tell you what operator precedence is. First of all, let's
limit ourselfs to discuss operators that are so-called binary
operators, which, in our context, basically means single symbol
operator that takes it's left and right side as operands. Now, each
symbol have a “precedence”, or in other words, the set of operators
has a order. (one easy way to think of this is that, suppose you have
n symbols, then you give each a number, from 1 to n, as their order)
So, when 2 symbols are placed side by side such as 「3 △ 6 ▲ 5」, the
symbol with higher precedence wins. Another easy way to think of this
is that each operator has a stickiness level. The higher its level, it
more sticky it is.

the problem with the perl explanations is that it's one misleading
confusion ball. It isn't about “left/right associativity”. It isn't
about “evaluates from left to right or right to left”. Worse, the word
“associativity” is a math term that describe a property of algebra
that has nothing to do with operator precedence, yet is easily
confused with because it is a property about order of evaluation. (for
example, the addition function is associative, meaning: 「(3+6)+5 =

compare it with this:

〈Perl & Python: Complex Numbers〉

and for a good understanding of functions and operators, see:

〈What's Function, What's Operator?〉

Re: New Science Discovery: Perl Idiots Remain Idiots After A Decade!New Science Discovery: Perl Idiots Remain Idiots After A Decade!

2012-02-29 Thread Xah Lee
i missed a point in my original post. That is, when the same operator
are adjacent. e.g. 「3 ▲ 6 ▲ 5」.

This is pointed out by Kiuhnm 〔〕 and Tim Bradshaw.

though, i disagree the way they expressed it, or any sense this is
different from math.

to clarify, amend my original post, here's what's needed for binary
operator precedence:

① the symbols are ordered. (e.g. given a unique integer)

② each symbol is has either one of left-side stickness or right-side
stickness spec. (needed when adjacent symbols are the same.)

About the lisp case mentioned by Tim, e.g.  in「(f a b c)」, whether it
means 「(f (f a b) c)」 or 「(f a (f b c))」 . It is not directly relevant
to the context of my original post, because it isn't about to
operators. It's about function argument eval order. Good point,

the perl doc, is still misleading, terribly bad written. Becha ass!


On Feb 29, 4:08 am, Kiuhnm wrote:
 On 2/29/2012 9:09, Xah Lee wrote:

  New Science Discovery: Perl Idiots Remain Idiots After A Decade!

  A excerpt from the new book 〈Modern Perl〉, just published, chapter 4
  on “Operators”. Quote:

  «The associativity of an operator governs whether it evaluates from
  left to right or right to left. Addition is left associative, such
  that 2 + 3 + 4 evaluates 2 + 3 first, then adds 4 to the result.
  Exponentiation is right associative, such that 2 ** 3 ** 4 evaluates 3
  ** 4 first, then raises 2 to the 81st power. »

  LOL. Looks like the perl folks haven't changed. Fundamentals of
  serious math got botched so badly.

  Let me explain the idiocy.

  It says “The associativity of an operator governs whether it evaluates
  from left to right or right to left.”. Ok, so let's say we have 2
  operators: a white triangle △ and a black triangle ▲. Now, by the
  perl's teaching above, let's suppose the white triangle is “right
  associative” and the black triangle is “left associative”. Now, look
  at this:

  3 △ 6 ▲ 5

  seems like the white and black triangles are going to draw a pistol
  and fight for the chick 6 there. LOL.

 Sorry, but you're wrong and they're right.
 Associativity governs the order of evaluation of a group of operators
 If you write
 only the fact the '**' is right associative will tell you that the order is
 and not
 I remind you that 2^(3^4) != (2^3)^4.


lang comparison: in-place algorithm for reversing a list in Perl, Python, Lisp

2012-02-29 Thread Xah Lee
fun example.

in-place algorithm for reversing a list in Perl, Python, Lisp

plain text follows

What's “In-place Algorithm”?

Xah Lee, 2012-02-29

This page tells you what's “In-place algorithm”, using {python, perl,
emacs lisp} code to illustrate.

Here's Wikipedia In-place algorithm excerpt:

In computer science, an in-place algorithm (or in Latin in situ) is an
algorithm which transforms input using a data structure with a small,
constant amount of extra storage space. The input is usually
overwritten by the output as the algorithm executes. An algorithm
which is not in-place is sometimes called not-in-place or out-of-


Here's a python code for reversing a list. Done by creating a new
list, NOT using in-place:

# python
# reverse a list

list_a = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g]

list_length = len(list_a)
list_b = [0] * list_length

for i in range(list_length):
list_b[i] = list_a[list_length -1 - i]

print list_b
Here's in-place algorithm for reversing a list:

# python
# in-place algorithm for reversing a list

list_a = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g]

list_length = len(list_a)

for i in range(list_length/2):
x = list_a[i]
list_a[i] = list_a[ list_length -1 - i]
list_a[ list_length -1 - i] = x

print list_a

Here's a perl code for reversing a list. Done by creating a new list,
NOT using in-place:

# perl

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

my @listA = qw(a b c d e f g);

my $listLength = scalar @listA;
my @listB = ();

for ( my $i = 0; $i  $listLength; $i++ ) {
 $listB[$i] = $listA[ $listLength - 1 - $i];

print Dumper(\@listB);

# perl
# in-place algorithm for reversing a list.

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use POSIX; # for “floor”

my @listA = qw(a b c d e f g);

my $listLength = scalar @listA;

for ( my $i = 0; $i  floor($listLength/2); $i++ ) {
  my $x = $listA[$i];
  $listA[$i] = $listA[ $listLength - 1 - $i];
  $listA[ $listLength - 1 - $i] = $x;

print Dumper(\@listA);

emacs lisp

;; emacs lisp
;; reverse a array

(setq arrayA [a b c d e f g])

(setq arrayLength (length arrayA))

(setq arrayB (make-vector arrayLength 0))

(dotimes (i arrayLength )
  (aset arrayB i (aref arrayA (- (1- arrayLength) i)) )

(print (format %S arrayB))
;; emacs lisp
;; in-place algorithm for reversing a array

(setq arrayA [a b c d e f g])

(setq arrayLength (length arrayA))

(dotimes (i (floor (/ arrayLength 2)))
  (let (x)
(setq x (aref arrayA i))
(aset arrayA i (aref arrayA (- (1- arrayLength) i)))
(aset arrayA (- (1- arrayLength) i) x) ) )

(print (format %S arrayA))


Re: lang comparison: in-place algorithm for reversing a list in Perl, Python, Lisp

2012-02-29 Thread Xah Lee
On Feb 29, 9:01 pm, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:
 You don't need a temporary variable to swap two values in
 Python. A better way to reverse a list using more Pythonic idioms is:

 for i in range(len(list_a)//2):
     list_a[i], list_a[-i-1] = list_a[-i-1], list_a[i]

forgive me sir, but i haven't been at python for a while. :)
i was, actually, refreshing myself of what little polyglot skills i


Re: Questions about LISP and Python.

2011-12-05 Thread Xah Lee
On Dec 5, 4:31 am, Tim Bradshaw wrote:
 On 2011-12-05 11:51:11 +, Xah Lee said:

  python has more readible syntax, more modern computer language
  concepts, and more robust libraries. These qualities in turn made it

 Yet you still post here: why?

i don't like python, and i prefer emacs lisp. The primary reason is
that python is not functional, especially with python 3. The python
community is full of fanatics with their drivels. In that respect,
it's not unlike Common Lisp community and Scheme lisp community.

see also:

〈Python Documentation Problems〉

〈Computer Language Design: What's List Comprehension and Why is It

〈Lambda in Python 3000〉

〈What Languages to Hate〉

〈Xah on Programing Languages〉


Programing Language: latitude-longitude-decimalize

2011-11-29 Thread Xah Lee
fun programing exercise. Write a function “latitude-longitude-

It should take a string like this: 「37°26′36.42″N 06°15′14.28″W」.
The return value should be a pair of numbers, like this: 「[37.44345

Feel free to use perl, python, ruby, lisp, etc. I'll post a emacs lisp
solution in a couple of days.


question about speed of sequential string replacement vs regex or

2011-09-28 Thread Xah Lee
curious question.

suppose you have 300 different strings and they need all be replaced
to say aaa.

is it faster to replace each one sequentially (i.e. replace first
string to aaa, then do the 2nd, 3rd,...)
, or is it faster to use a regex with “or” them all and do replace one
shot? (i.e. 1ststr|2ndstr|3rdstr|... - aaa)

let's say the sourceString this replacement to be done on is 500k

Anyone? i suppose the answer will be similar for perl, python, ruby.

btw, the origin of this question is about writing a emacs lisp
function that replace ~250 html named entities to unicode char.


Re: question about speed of sequential string replacement vs regex or

2011-09-28 Thread Xah Lee
On Sep 28, 3:57 am, (Randal L. Schwartz) wrote:
  Xah == Xah Lee writes:

 Xah curious question.
 Xah suppose you have 300 different strings and they need all be replaced
 Xah to say aaa.

 And then suppose this isn't the *real* question, but one entirely of
 Fiction by Xah Lee.

 How helpful do you want to be?

it's a interesting question anyway.

the question originally came from when i was coding elisp of a
function that changes html entities to unicode char literal. The
problem is slightly complicated, involving a few questions about speed
in emacs. e.g. string vs buffer, and much more... i spent several
hours on this but it's probably too boring to detail (but i'll do so
if anyone wishes). But anyway, while digging these questions that's
not clear in my mind, i thought of why not generate a regex or
construct and do it in one shot, and wondered if that'd be faster. But
afterwards, i realized this wouldn't be applicable to my problem
because for my problem each string needs to be changed to a unique
string, not all to the same string.


Re: question about speed of sequential string replacement vs regex or

2011-09-28 Thread Xah Lee
here's more detail about the origin of this problem. Relevant to emacs
lisp only.


in the definition of “replace-regexp-in-string”, there's this comment:

  ;; To avoid excessive consing from multiple matches in long strings,
  ;; don't just call `replace-match' continually.  Walk down the
  ;; string looking for matches of REGEXP and building up a (reversed)
  ;; list MATCHES.  This comprises segments of STRING which weren't
  ;; matched interspersed with replacements for segments that were.
  ;; [For a `large' number of replacements it's more efficient to
  ;; operate in a temporary buffer; we can't tell from the function's
  ;; args whether to choose the buffer-based implementation, though it
  ;; might be reasonable to do so for long enough STRING.]

note: «For a `large' number of replacements it's more efficient to
operate in a temporary buffer».

my question is, anyone got some idea, how “large” is large?

currently, i have a function replace-pairs-in-string which is
implemented by repeatedly calling “replace-pairs-in-string” like this:

(while ( ii (length pairs))
  (setq mystr (replace-regexp-in-string
   (elt tempMapPoints ii)
   (elt (elt pairs ii) 1)
   mystr t t))
  (setq ii (1+ ii))

When there are 260 pairs of strings to be replaced on a file that's
26k in size, my function takes about 3 seconds (which i think is too
slow). I'm at pain deciding whether my function should be implemented
like this or whether it should create a temp buffer. The problem with
temp buffer is that, if you repeatedly call it, the overhead of
creating buffer is going to make it much slower.

i was actually surprised that replace-regexp-in-string isn't written
in C, which i thought it was.

is there technical reason the replace-regexp-in-string isn't C? (i
suppose only because nobody every did it and the need for speed didn't
suffice?) and also, shouldn't there also be a replace-in-string
(literal, not regex)? because i thought implementing replacement for
string should be much simpler and faster, because buffers comes with
it a whole structure such as “point”, text properties, buffer names,
buffier modifier, etc.


On Sep 28, 5:28 am, Xah Lee wrote:
 On Sep 28, 3:57 am, (Randal L. Schwartz) wrote:

   Xah == Xah Lee writes:

  Xah curious question.
  Xah suppose you have 300 different strings and they need all be replaced
  Xah to say aaa.

  And then suppose this isn't the *real* question, but one entirely of
  Fiction by Xah Lee.

  How helpful do you want to be?

 it's a interesting question anyway.

 the question originally came from when i was coding elisp of a
 function that changes html entities to unicode char literal. The
 problem is slightly complicated, involving a few questions about speed
 in emacs. e.g. string vs buffer, and much more... i spent several
 hours on this but it's probably too boring to detail (but i'll do so
 if anyone wishes). But anyway, while digging these questions that's
 not clear in my mind, i thought of why not generate a regex or
 construct and do it in one shot, and wondered if that'd be faster. But
 afterwards, i realized this wouldn't be applicable to my problem
 because for my problem each string needs to be changed to a unique
 string, not all to the same string.



Re: What Programing Language are the Largest Website Written In?

2011-08-02 Thread Xah Lee
On Jul 31, 11:38 am, gavino wrote:
 On Jul 13, 1:04 pm, ccc31807 wrote:

  On Jul 12, 7:54 am, Xah Lee wrote:

   maybe this will be of interest.

   〈What Programing Language Are the Largest Website Written 

  About five years ago, I did some pretty extensive research, and
  concluded that the biggest sites were written serverside with JSP.
  Obviously, this wouldn't include The Biggest site, but if you were a
  big, multinational corporation, or listed on the NYSE, you used JSP
  for your web programming.

  I doubt very seriously PHP is used for the biggest sites -- I'd still
  guess JSP, or maybe a MS technology (not VB), but it's only a guess.


 facebook is php

 myspace is microsoft

 aol was tcl and aolserver c embedding tcl interp

 priceline is lisp

 reddit is python was lisp orig

 amazon was perl

 livejournal was perl

thanks Kevin. Rarely seen you useful. :)


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-21 Thread Xah Lee
On Jul 19, 11:14 am, Thomas Jollans wrote:
 I thought I'd have some fun with multi-processing:

Nice joke. ☺

 Here's a sane version:

hi thomas,

i still cant get your code to work. I have a dir named xxdir with a
single test file xx.txt,with this content:


when i run your code

it simply exit and doesn't seem to do anything. I modded your code to
print the file name it's proccessing. Apparently it did process it.

my python isn't strong else i'd dive in. Thanks.

I'm on Python 3.2.1. Here's a shell log:

 h3@H3-HP 2011-07-21 05:20:30 ~/web/xxst/find_elisp/validate matching
 h3@H3-HP 2011-07-21 05:20:34 ~/web/xxst/find_elisp/validate matching
c:/Users/h3/web/xxst/find_elisp/validate matching brackets/xxdir
 h3@H3-HP 2011-07-21 05:21:59 ~/web/xxst/find_elisp/validate matching
py3 --version
Python 3.2.1
 h3@H3-HP 2011-07-21 05:27:03 ~/web/xxst/find_elisp/validate matching


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-21 Thread Xah Lee
On Jul 19, 11:07 am, Thomas Jollans wrote:
 On 19/07/11 18:54, Xah Lee wrote:

  On Sunday, July 17, 2011 2:48:42 AM UTC-7, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
  On Jul 17, 12:47 am, Xah Lee wrote:
  i hope you'll participate. Just post solution here. Thanks.

  just installed py3.
  there seems to be a bug.
  in this file

  there's a mismatched double curly quote. at position 28319.

  the python code above doesn't seem to spot it?

  here's the elisp script output when run on that dir:

  Error file: c:/Users/h3/web/xahlee_org/p/time_machine/tm-ch04.html
  [“ 28319]
  Done deal!

 That script doesn't check that the balance is zero at the end of file.


 --- ../       2011-07-19 20:05:13.0 +0200
 +++ ../   2011-07-19 20:03:14.0 +0200
 @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
          elif c in closers:
              if not stack or c != stack.pop():
                  return i
 +    if stack:
 +        return i
      return -1

  def scan(directory, encoding='utf-8'):

Thanks a lot for the fix Raymond.

Though, the code seems to have a minor problem.
It works, but the report is wrong.
e.g. output:

30068: c:/Users/h3/web/xahlee_org/p/time_machine\tm-ch04.html

that 30068 position is the last char in the file.
The correct should be 28319. (or at least point somewhere in the file
at a bracket char that doesn't match.)

Today, i tried 3 more scripts. 2 fixed python3 versions, 1 ruby, all
failed again. I've reported the problems i encounter at python or ruby
newsgroups. If you are the author, a fix is very much appreciated.
I'll get back to your code and eventually do a blog of summary of all
different lang versions.

Am off to test that elaborate perl regex now... cross fingers.

 Xah. Mood: quite discouraged.

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-21 Thread Xah Lee


On Jul 18, 12:09 am, Rouslan Korneychuk wrote:
 I don't know why, but I just had to try it (even though I don't usually
 use Perl and had to look up a lot of stuff). I came up with this:

      (\()(?matched)([\}\]”›»】〉》」』]|$) |
      (\{)(?matched)([\)\]”›»】〉》」』]|$) |
      (\[)(?matched)([\)\}”›»】〉》」』]|$) |
      (“)(?matched)([\)\}\]›»】〉》」』]|$) |
      (‹)(?matched)([\)\}\]”»】〉》」』]|$) |
      («)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›】〉》」』]|$) |
      (【)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›»〉》」』]|$) |
      (〈)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›»】》」』]|$) |
      (《)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›»】〉」』]|$) |
      (「)(?matched)([\)\}\]”›»】〉》』]|$) |
      \((?matched)\) |
      \{(?matched)\} |
      \[(?matched)\] |
      “(?matched)” |
      ‹(?matched)› |
      «(?matched)» |
      【(?matched)】 |
      〈(?matched)〉 |
      《(?matched)》 |
      「(?matched)」 |
      『(?matched)』 |

 If the pattern matches, there is a mismatched bracket. $1 is set to the
 mismatched opening bracket. $-[1] is its location. $2 is the mismatched
 closing bracket or '' if the bracket was never closed. $-[2] is set to
 the location of the closing bracket or the end of the string if the
 bracket wasn't closed.

 I didn't write all that manually; it was generated with this:

 my @open = ('\(','\{','\[','“','‹','«','【','〈','《','「','『');
 my @close = ('\)','\}','\]','”','›','»','】','〉','》','」','』');

 (0 .. $#open)).')(?(DEFINE)(?matched(?:'.join('|',map
 {$open[$_].'(?matched)'.$close[$_]} (0 ..

Thanks for the code.

are you willing to make it complete and standalone? i.e. i can run it
like this:

perl dirPath

and it prints any file that has mismatched pair and line/column number
or the char position?

i'd do it myself but so far i tried 5 codes, 3 fixes, all failed. Not
a complain, but it does take time to gather the code, of different
langs by different people, properly document their authors and
original source urls, etc, and test it out on my envirenment. All
together in the past 3 days i spent perhaps a total of 4 hours running
several code and writing back etc and so far not one really worked.

i know perl well, but your code is a bit out of the ordinary ☺. If
past days have been good experience, i might dive in and study for


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-21 Thread Xah Lee
Ok. Here's a preliminary report.

〈Lisp, Python, Perl, Ruby … Code to Validate Matching Brackets〉

it's taking too much time to go thru.

right now, i consider only one valid code, by Raymond Hettinger (with
minor edit from others).

right now, there's 2 other possible correct solution. One by Robert
Klemme but requires ruby19 but i only have ruby18x. One by Thomas
Jollans in Python 3 but didn't run on my machine perhaps due to some
unix/Windows issue, yet to be done.

the other 3 or 4 seems to be incomplete or just suggestion of ideas.

i haven't done extensive testing on my own code neither.
I'll revisit maybe in a few days.

Feel free to grab my report and make it nice. If you would like to fix
your code, feel free to email.


On Jul 21, 7:26 am, Ian Kelly wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 6:58 AM, Xah Lee wrote:
  Thanks a lot for the fix Raymond.

 That fix was from Thomas Jollans, not Raymond Hettinger.

  Though, the code seems to have a minor problem.
  It works, but the report is wrong.
  e.g. output:

  30068: c:/Users/h3/web/xahlee_org/p/time_machine\tm-ch04.html

  that 30068 position is the last char in the file.
  The correct should be 28319. (or at least point somewhere in the file
  at a bracket char that doesn't match.)
 Previously you wrote:
  If a file has mismatched matching-pairs, the script will display the
  file name, and the  line number and column number of the first
  instance where a mismatched bracket occures. (or, just the char number
  instead (as in emacs's “point”))

 I submit that as the file contains no mismatched brackets (only an
 orphan bracket), the output is correct to specification (indeed you
 did not define any output for this case), if not necessarily useful.

 In other words, stop being picky.  You may be willing to spend an hour
 or moe on this, but that doesn't mean anybody else is.  Raymond gave
 you a basically working Python solution, but forgot one detail.
 Thomas fixed that detail for you but didn't invest the time to rewrite
 somebody else's function to get the output correct.  Continuing to
 harp on it at this point is verging on trolling.

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-21 Thread Xah Lee

On Jul 21, 9:43 am, wrote:

 1. Is the following string considered legal?

 [ { ( ] ) }

 Note: Each type of brace opens and closes in the proper sequence. But
 inter-brace opening and closing does not make sense.


 Or must a closing brace always balance out with the most recent opening
 brace like so?

 [ { ( ) } ]


 2. If there are multiple unclosed braces at EOF, is the answer you're
 looking for the position of the first open brace that hasn't been closed
 out yet?

well, as many pointed out, i really haven't thought it out well.

originally, i just want to know the position of a un-matched char.

i haven't taken the time to think about what really should be the
desired behavior. For me, the problem started because i wanted to use
the script to check my 5k html files, in particular, classic novels
that involves double curly quotes and french quotes. So, the desired
behavior is one based on the question of what would best for the user
to see in order to correct a bracket mismatch error in a file. (which,
can get quite complex for nested syntax, because, usually, once you
have one missed, it's all hell from there. I think this is similar to
the problem when a compiler/interpreter encounters a bad syntax in
source code, and thus the poplar situation where error code of
computer programs are hard to understand...)

but anyway, just for this exercise, the requirement needn't be
stringent. I still think that at least the reported position should be
a matching char in the file. (and if we presume this, then only my
code works. LOL)

PS this is a warmup problem for writing a HTML tag validator. I looked
high and lo in past years, but just couldn't find a script that does
simple validation in batch. The w3c one is based on SGML, really huge
amount of un-unstandable irregular historical baggage. XML lexical
validator is much closer, but still not regular. I simply wanted one
just like the match-pair validator in our problem, except the opening
char is not a single char but string of the form xyz … and the
*matching* closing one is of the form /xyz, and with just one
exception: when a tag has “/” in ending such as br/ then it is
skipped (i.e. not considered as opening or closing).

I'll be writing this soon in elisp… since i haven't studied parsers, i
had hopes that parser expert would show some proper parser solutions…
in particular i think such can be expressed in Parsing Expression
Grammar in just a few lines… but so far no deity came forward to show
the light. lol

getting ranty… it's funny, somehow the tech geekers all want regex to
solve the problem. Regex, regex, regex, a 40 years old deviant bastard
that by some twist of luck became a tool for matching text patterns.
One bloke came forward to show-off a perl regex obfuscation. That's
like, lol. But it might be good for the lulz if his code is actually
complete and worked. Then, you have a few who'd nonchalantly remark
“O, you just need push-down automata”. LOL, unless they show actual
working code, its Automata their asses.

folks, don't get angry with me. I'm a learner. I'm curious. I always
am eager to learn. And there's always things we can learn. Don't get
into a fit and do the troll dance in a pit with me. Nobody's gonna
give a shit if you think u knew it all. If u are not the master of one
thousand and one languages yet, you can learn with me. ☺ troll


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-20 Thread Xah Lee
i've just cleaned up my elisp code and wrote a short elisp tutorial.


〈Emacs Lisp: Batch Script to Validate Matching Brackets〉

plain text version follows. Please let me know what you think.

am still working on going thru all code in other langs. Will get to
the ruby one, and that perl regex, and the other fixed python ones.
(possibly also the 2 common lisp codes but am not sure they are
runnable as is or just some non-working showoff. lol)

Emacs Lisp: Batch Script to Validate Matching Brackets

Xah Lee, 2011-07-19

This page shows you how to write a elisp script that checks thousands
of files for mismatched brackets.

The Problem


I have 5 thousands files containing many matching pairs. I want to to
know if any of them contains mismatched brackets.


The matching pairs includes these: () {} [] “” ‹› «» 〈〉 《》 【】 〖〗 「」

The program should be able to check all files in a dir, and report any
file that has mismatched bracket, and also indicate the line number or
positon where a mismatch occurs.

For those curious, if you want to know what these brackets are, see:

• Syntax Design: Use of Unicode Matching Brackets as Specialized
• Intro to Chinese Punctuation with Computer Language Syntax

For other notes and conveniences about dealing with brackets in emacs,

• Emacs: Defining Keys to Navigate Brackets
• “extend-selection” at A Text Editor Feature: Extend Selection by
Semantic Unit
• “select-text-in-quote” at Suggestions on Emacs's mark-word


Here's outline of steps.

• Go thru the file char by char, find a bracket char.
• Check if the one on stack is a matching opening char. If so
remove it. Else, push the current onto the stack.
• Repeat the above till no more bracket char in the file.
• If the stack is not empty, then the file got mismatched
brackets. Report it.
• Do the above on all files.

Here's some interesting use of lisp features to implement the above.

Define Matching Pair Chars as “alist”

We begin by defining the chars we want to check, as a “association
list” (aka “alist”). Like this:

(setq matchPairs '(
   (( . ))
   ({ . })
   ([ . ])
   (“ . ”)
   (‹ . ›)
   (« . »)
   (【 . 】)
   (〖 . 〗)
   (〈 . 〉)
   (《 . 》)
   (「 . 」)
   (『 . 』)

If you care only to check for curly quotes, you can remove elements
above. This is convenient because some files necessarily have
mismatched pairs such as the parenthesis, because that char is used
for many non-bracketing purposes (e.g. ASCII smiley).

A “alist” in lisp is basically a list of pairs (called key and value),
with the ability to search for a key or a value. The first element of
a pair is called its key, the second element is its value. Each pair
is a “cons”, like this: (cons mykey myvalue), which can also be
written using this syntax: (mykey . myvalue) for more easy reading.

The purpose of lisp's “alist” is similar to Python's dictionary or
Pretty Home Page's array. It is also similar to hashmap, except that
alist can have duplicate keys, can search by values, maintains order,
and alist is not intended for massive number of elements. Elisp has a
hashmap datatype if you need that. (See: Emacs Lisp Tutorial: Hash

(info (elisp) Association Lists)

Generate Regex String from alist

To search for a set of chars in emacs, we can read the buffer char-by-
char, or, we can simply use “search-forward-regexp”. To use that,
first we need to generate a regex string from our matchPairs alist.

First, we defines/declare the string. Not a necessary step, but we do
it for clarity.

(setq searchRegex )

Then we go thru the matchPairs alist. For each pair, we use “car” and
“cdr” to get the chars and “concat” it to the string. Like this:

 (lambda (mypair) 
   (setq searchRegex (concat searchRegex (regexp-quote (car mypair))
| (regexp-quote (cdr mypair)) |) )

Then we remove the ending “|”.

(setq searchRegex (substring searchRegex 0 -1)) ; remove the ending

Then, change | it to \\|. In elisp regex, the | is literal. The “regex
or” is \|. And if you are using regex in elisp, elisp does not have a
special regex string syntax, it only understands normal strings. So,
to feed to regex \|, you need to espace the first backslash. So, your
regex needs to have \\|. Here's how we do

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-19 Thread Xah Lee
On Jul 18, 7:07 pm, Billy Mays wrote:
 On 7/18/2011 7:56 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

  Billy Mays wrote:

  On 07/17/2011 03:47 AM, Xah Lee wrote:

  I gave it a shot.  It doesn't do any of the Unicode delims, because
  let's face it, Unicode is for goobers.

  Goobers... that would be one of those new-fangled slang terms that the young
  kids today use to mean its opposite, like bad, wicked and sick,

  I mention it only because some people might mistakenly interpret your words
  as a childish and feeble insult against the 98% of the world who want or
  need more than the 127 characters of ASCII, rather than understand you
  meant it as a sign of the utmost respect for the richness and diversity of
  human beings and their languages, cultures, maths and sciences.

 TL;DR version: international character sets are a problem, and Unicode
 is not the answer to that problem).

 As long as I have used python (which I admit has only been 3 years)
 Unicode has never appeared to be implemented correctly.  I'm probably
 repeating old arguments here, but whatever.

 Unicode is a mess.  When someone says ASCII, you know that they can only
 mean characters 0-127.  When someone says Unicode, do the mean real
 Unicode (and is it 2 byte or 4 byte?) or UTF-32 or UTF-16 or UTF-8?
 When using the 'u' datatype with the array module, the docs don't even
 tell you if its 2 bytes wide or 4 bytes.  Which is it?  I'm sure that
 all the of these can be figured out, but the problem is now I have to
 ask every one of these questions whenever I want to use strings.

 Secondly, Python doesn't do Unicode exception handling correctly. (but I
 suspect that its a broader problem with languages) A good example of
 this is with UTF-8 where there are invalid code points ( such as 0xC0,
 0xC1, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, ..., 0xFF, but you already knew that, as
 well as everyone else who wants to use strings for some reason).

 When embedding Python in a long running application where user input is
 received, it is very easy to make mistake which bring down the whole
 program.  If any user string isn't properly try/excepted, a user could
 craft a malformed string which a UTF-8 decoder would choke on.  Using
 ASCII (or whatever 8 bit encoding) doesn't have these problems since all
 codepoints are valid.

 Another (this must have been a good laugh amongst the UniDevs) 'feature'
 of unicode is the zero width space (UTF-8 code point 0xE2 0x80 0x8B).
 Any string can masquerade as any other string by placing  few of these
 in a string.  Any word filters you might have are now defeated by some
 cheesy Unicode nonsense character.  Can you just just check for these
 characters and strip them out?  Yes.  Should you have to?  I would say no.

 Does it get better?  Of course! international character sets used for
 domain name encoding use yet a different scheme (Punycode).  Are the
 following two domain names the same: té , ?  Who

 I suppose I can gloss over the pains of using Unicode in C with every
 string needing to be an LPS since 0x00 is now a valid code point in
 UTF-8 (0x for 2 byte Unicode) or suffer the O(n) look up time to do
 strlen or concatenation operations.

 Can it get even better?  Yep.  We also now need to have a Byte order
 Mark (BOM) to determine the endianness of our characters.  Are they
 little endian or big endian?  (or perhaps one of the two possible middle
 endian encodings?)  Who knows?  String processing with unicode is
 unpleasant to say the least.  I suppose that's what we get when we
 things are designed by committee.

 But Hey!  The great thing about standards is that there are so many to
 choose from.


might check out my take

〈Xah's Unicode Tutorial〉

especially good for emacs users.

if you grew up with english, unicode might seem complex or difficult
due to unfamiliarity.

but for asian people, when you dont have alphabets, it's kinda strange
to think that a byte is char. The notion simply don't exist and
impossible to establish. There are many encodings for chinese before
unicode. Even today, unicode isn't used in taiwan or china. Taiwan
uses big5, china uses GB18030, which contains all chars of unicode.

~8 years ago i thought that it'd be great if china adopted unicode
sometimes in the future... so that we all just have one charset to
deal with. But that's never gonna happen. On the contrary, am thinking
now there's the possibility that the world adopts GB18030 someday. lol
if you go to for traffic ranking, a good percentage of the
top few are chinese these days. more and more as i observed since mid

by the way, here's what these matching pairs are used for.

‹french quote›
«french quote»

the 〈〉 《》 are chinese brackets used for book titles etc. (CD, TV
program, show title, etc.)
the 「」 『』 are traditional chinese quotes, like english's ‘sinle
curly’, “double

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-19 Thread Xah Lee
On Sunday, July 17, 2011 2:48:42 AM UTC-7, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 On Jul 17, 12:47 am, Xah Lee wrote:
  i hope you'll participate. Just post solution here. Thanks.

just installed py3.
there seems to be a bug.
in this file

there's a mismatched double curly quote. at position 28319.

the python code above doesn't seem to spot it?

here's the elisp script output when run on that dir:

Error file: c:/Users/h3/web/xahlee_org/p/time_machine/tm-ch04.html
[“ 28319]
Done deal!


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-19 Thread Xah Lee

On Jul 18, 10:12 am, Billy Mays wrote:
 On 07/17/2011 03:47 AM,XahLee wrote:


 I gave it a shot.  It doesn't do any of the Unicode delims, because
 let's face it, Unicode is for goobers.

 import sys, os

 pairs = {'}':'{', ')':'(', ']':'[', '':'', ':', '':''}
 valid = set( v for pair in pairs.items() for v in pair )

 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(sys.argv[1]):
      for name in filenames:
          stack = [' ']
          with open(os.path.join(dirpath, name), 'rb') as f:
              chars = (c for line in f for c in line if c in valid)
              for c in chars:
                  if c in pairs and stack[-1] == pairs[c]:
          print (Good if len(stack) == 1 else Bad) + ': %s' % name


as Ian Kelly mentioned, your script fail because it doesn't report the
position or line/column number of  first mismatched bracket. This is
rather significant part to this small problem. Avoiding unicode also
lessen the value of this exercise, because handling unicode in python
isn't trivial, at least with respect to this small exercise.

I added other unicode brackets to your list of brackets, but it seems
your code still fail to catch a file that has mismatched curly quotes.
(e.g. )

LOL Billy.


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-19 Thread Xah Lee

On Jul 18, 2:59 pm, Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
 Ian Kelly wrote:
  Billy Mays wrote:
  I gave it a shot.  It doesn't do any of the Unicode delims, because let's
  face it, Unicode is for goobers.

  Uh, okay...

  Your script also misses the requirement of outputting the index or row
  and column of the first mismatched bracket.

 Thanks to Python's expressiveness, this can be easily remedied (see below).  

 I also do not follow Billy's comment about Unicode.  Unicode and the fact
 that Python supports it *natively* cannot be appreciated enough in a
 globalized world.

 However, I have learned a lot about being pythonic from his posting (take
 those generator expressions, for example!), and the idea of looking at the
 top of a stack for reference is a really good one.  Thank you, Billy!

 Here is my improvement of his code, which should fill the mentioned gaps.
 I have also reversed the order in the report line as I think it is more
 natural this way.  I have tested the code superficially with a directory
 containing a single text file.  Watch for word-wrap:

 # encoding: utf-8
 Created on 2011-07-18

 @author: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn, based on an idea of
 Billy Mays
 in news:j01ph6$knt$
 import sys, os

 pairs = {u'}': u'{', u')': u'(', u']': u'[',
          u'”': u'“', u'›': u'‹', u'»': u'«',
          u'】': u'【', u'〉': u'〈', u'》': u'《',
          u'」': u'「', u'』': u'『'}
 valid = set(v for pair in pairs.items() for v in pair)

 if __name__ == '__main__':
     for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(sys.argv[1]):
         for name in filenames:
             stack = [' ']

             # you can use chardet etc. instead
             encoding = 'utf-8'

             with open(os.path.join(dirpath, name), 'r') as f:
                 reported = False
                 chars = ((c, line_no, col) for line_no, line in enumerate(f)
 for col, c in enumerate(line.decode(encoding)) if c in valid)
                 for c, line_no, col in chars:
                     if c in pairs:
                         if stack[-1] == pairs[c]:
                             if not reported:
                                 first_bad = (c, line_no + 1, col + 1)
                                 reported = True

             print '%s: %s' % (name, (good if len(stack) == 1 else bad
 '%s' at %s:%s % first_bad))

Thanks for the fix.
Though, it seems still wrong.

On the file

there is a mismatched curly double quote at 28319.

the script reports:
tm-ch04.html: bad ')' at 68:2

that doesn't seems right. Line 68 is empty. There's no opening or
closing round bracket anywhere close. Nearest are lines 11 and 127.

Maybe Billy Mays's algorithm is wrong.

 Xah (fairly discouraged now, after running 3 python scripts all

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-19 Thread Xah Lee
On Jul 17, 8:31 am, Thomas Jollans wrote:
 On Jul 17, 9:47 am,XahLee wrote:


  folks, this one will be interesting one.

  the problem is to write a script that can check a dir of text files
  (and all subdirs) and reports if a file has any mismatched matching

  • The files will be utf-8 encoded (unix style line ending).

  • If a file has mismatched matching-pairs, the script will display the
  file name, and the  line number and column number of the first
  instance where a mismatched bracket occures. (or, just the char number
  instead (as in emacs's “point”))

  • the matching pairs are all single unicode chars. They are these and
  nothing else: () {} [] “” ‹› «» 【】 〈〉 《》 「」 『』
  Note that ‘single curly quote’ is not consider matching pair here.

  • You script must be standalone. Must not be using some parser tools.
  But can call lib that's part of standard distribution in your lang.

  Here's a example of mismatched bracket: ([)], (“[[”), ((, 】etc. (and
  yes, the brackets may be nested. There are usually text between these

  I'll be writing a emacs lisp solution and post in 2 days. Ι welcome
  other lang implementations. In particular, perl, python, php, ruby,
  tcl, lua, Haskell, Ocaml. I'll also be able to eval common lisp
  (clisp) and Scheme lisp (scsh), Java. Other lang such as Clojure,
  Scala, C, C++, or any others, are all welcome, but i won't be able to
  eval it. javascript implementation will be very interesting too, but
  please indicate which and where to install the command line version.

  I hope you'll find this a interesting “challenge”. This is a parsing
  problem. I haven't studied parsers except some Wikipedia reading, so
  my solution will probably be naive. I hope to see and learn from your
  solution too.

  i hope you'll participate. Just post solution here. Thanks.

 I thought I'd have some fun with multi-processing:

hi Thomas. I ran the program, all cpu went max (i have a quad), but
after i think 3 minutes nothing happens, so i killed it.

is there something special one should know to run the script?

I'm using Python 3.2.1 on Windows 7.


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-19 Thread Xah Lee
On Jul 19, 10:33 am, Billy Mays wrote:
 On 07/19/2011 01:14 PM,XahLee wrote:

  I added other unicode brackets to your list of brackets, but it seems
  your code still fail to catch a file that has mismatched curly quotes.
  (e.g. )

  LOL Billy.


 I suspect its due to the file mode being opened with 'rb' mode.  Also,
 the diction of characters at the top, the closing token is the key,
 while the opening one is the value.  Not sure if thats obvious.

 Also returning the position of the first mismatched pair is somewhat
 ambiguous.  File systems store files as streams of octets (mine do
 anyways) rather than as characters.  When you ask for the position of
 the the first mismatched pair, do you mean the position as per
 file.tell() or do you mean the nth character in the utf-8 stream?

 Also, you may have answered this earlier but I'll ask again anyways: You
 ask for the first mismatched pair, Are you referring to the inner most
 mismatched, or the outermost?  For example, suppose you have this file:


 Would the ( be the first mismatched character or would the ]?

yes i haven't been precise. Thanks for brining it up.

thinking about it now, i think it's a bit hard to define precisely. My
elisp code actually reports the “)”, so it's wrong too. LOL


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-18 Thread Xah Lee

On Jul 17, 12:47 am, Xah Lee wrote:

 folks, this one will be interesting one.

 the problem is to write a script that can check a dir of text files
 (and all subdirs) and reports if a file has any mismatched matching

Ok, here's my solution (pasted at bottom). I haven't tried to make it
elegant or terse, yet, seeing that many are already much elegent than
i could possibly do so with my code.

my solution basically use a stack. (i think all of us are doing
similar) Here's the steps:

• Go thru the file char by char, find a bracket char.
• check if the one on stack is a matching opening char. If so remove
it. Else, push the current onto the stack.
• Repeat the above till end of file.
• If the stack is not empty, then the file got mismatched brackets.
Report it.
• Do the above on all files.

Many elegant solutions. Raymond Hettinger is very quick, posted a
solution only after a hour or so when i posted it. Many others are
very short, very nice. Thank you all for writing them. I haven't
studied them yet. I'll run them all and post a summary in 2 days. (i
have few thousands files to run this test thru, many of them have
mismatched brackets. So i have good data to test with.)

PS we still lack a perl, Scheme lisp, tcl, lua versions. These
wouldn't be hard and would be interesting to read.  If you are picking
up one of these lang, this would be a good exercise.  Haskell too. I
particularly would like to see a javascript version ran from command
line. Maybe somebody can put this exercise to Google folks ... they
are like the js gods.

also, now that we have these home-brewed code, how'd a parser expert
do it? Is it possible to make it even simpler by using some parser
tools? (have no idea what those lex yacc do, or modern incarnations)
I've also been thinking whether this can be done with Parsing
Expression Grammar. That would make the code semantics really elegant
(as opposed home-cooked stack logic).


;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
;; 2011-07-15, Xah Lee
;; go thru a file, check if all brackets are properly matched.
;; e.g. good: (…{…}… “…”…)
;; bad: ( [)]
;; bad: ( ( )

(setq inputDir ~/web/xahlee_org/p/) ; must end in slash

(defvar matchPairs '() a alist. For each air, the car is opening
char, cdr is closing char.)

(setq matchPairs '(
   (( . ))
   ({ . })
   ([ . ])
   (“ . ”)
   (‹ . ›)
   (« . »)
   (【 . 】)
   (〈 . 〉)
   (《 . 》)
   (「 . 」)
   (『 . 』)

(defvar searchRegex  regex string of all pairs to search.)
(setq searchRegex )
 (lambda (mypair) 
   (setq searchRegex (concat searchRegex (regexp-quote (car mypair))
| (regexp-quote (cdr mypair)) |) )

(setq searchRegex (replace-regexp-in-string |$  searchRegex t
t)) ; remove the ending “|”

(setq searchRegex (replace-regexp-in-string | \\| searchRegex t
t)) ; change | to \\| for regex “or” operation

(defun my-process-file (fpath)
  process the file at fullpath fpath ...
  (let (myBuffer (ii 0) myStack ξchar ξpos)

(setq myStack '() ) ; each element is a vector [char position]
(setq ξchar )

(setq myBuffer (get-buffer-create  myTemp))
(set-buffer myBuffer)
(insert-file-contents fpath nil nil nil t)

(goto-char 1)
(while (search-forward-regexp searchRegex nil t)
  (setq ξpos (point)  )
  (setq ξchar (buffer-substring-no-properties ξpos (- ξpos 1))  )

  ;; (princ (format -\nfound char: %s
\n ξchar) )

  (let ((isClosingCharQ nil) (matchedOpeningChar nil) )
(setq isClosingCharQ (rassoc ξchar matchPairs))
(when isClosingCharQ (setq matchedOpeningChar (car
isClosingCharQ) ) )

;; (princ (format isClosingCharQ is: %s\n isClosingCharQ) )
;; (princ (format matchedOpeningChar is: %s\n
matchedOpeningChar) )

 (car myStack) ; not empty
 (equal (elt (car myStack) 0) matchedOpeningChar )
  ;; (princ (format matched this bottom item on stack: %s
\n (car myStack)) )
  (setq myStack (cdr myStack) )
;; (princ (format did not match this bottom item on
stack: %s\n (car myStack)) )
(setq myStack (cons (vector ξchar ξpos) myStack) ) )
  ;; (princ current stack:  )
  ;; (princ myStack )
  ;; (terpri )

(when (not (equal myStack nil))
  (princ Error file: )
  (princ fpath)
  (print (car myStack) )
(kill-buffer myBuffer)

;; (require 'find-lisp)

(let (outputBuffer)
  (setq outputBuffer *xah match pair output* )
  (with-output-to-temp-buffer outputBuffer
(mapc 'my-process-file (find-lisp-find-files inputDir \\.html$))
(princ Done deal!)

a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-17 Thread Xah Lee

folks, this one will be interesting one.

the problem is to write a script that can check a dir of text files
(and all subdirs) and reports if a file has any mismatched matching

• The files will be utf-8 encoded (unix style line ending).

• If a file has mismatched matching-pairs, the script will display the
file name, and the  line number and column number of the first
instance where a mismatched bracket occures. (or, just the char number
instead (as in emacs's “point”))

• the matching pairs are all single unicode chars. They are these and
nothing else: () {} [] “” ‹› «» 【】 〈〉 《》 「」 『』
Note that ‘single curly quote’ is not consider matching pair here.

• You script must be standalone. Must not be using some parser tools.
But can call lib that's part of standard distribution in your lang.

Here's a example of mismatched bracket: ([)], (“[[”), ((, 】etc. (and
yes, the brackets may be nested. There are usually text between these

I'll be writing a emacs lisp solution and post in 2 days. Ι welcome
other lang implementations. In particular, perl, python, php, ruby,
tcl, lua, Haskell, Ocaml. I'll also be able to eval common lisp
(clisp) and Scheme lisp (scsh), Java. Other lang such as Clojure,
Scala, C, C++, or any others, are all welcome, but i won't be able to
eval it. javascript implementation will be very interesting too, but
please indicate which and where to install the command line version.

I hope you'll find this a interesting “challenge”. This is a parsing
problem. I haven't studied parsers except some Wikipedia reading, so
my solution will probably be naive. I hope to see and learn from your
solution too.

i hope you'll participate. Just post solution here. Thanks.


What Programing Language are the Largest Website Written In?

2011-07-12 Thread Xah Lee

maybe this will be of interest.

〈What Programing Language Are the Largest Website Written In?〉


i don't remember how, but today i suddenly got reminded that Facebook
is written in PHP. So, on the spur of the moment, i twitted:

  “Remember folks, the world's largest sites {Facebook, Wikipedia,
“Yahoo!”, etc} are written in Pretty Home Page!”

and followed with:

  “To Chinese friends, what's Baido, QQ, Taobao, Sina written in?”

Then, this question piqued me, even i tried to not waste my time. But
it overpowered me before i resisted, becuase i quickly spend 15 min to
write this list (with help of Google):

1 Google ◇ Java
2 Facebook ◇ PHP
3 YouTube ◇ Python
4 Yahoo! ◇ PHP
5 ◇ Java
6 ◇ C/C++. perl/python/ruby
7 Wikipedia ◇ PHP
8 Windows Live
9 ◇ Scala and Ruby?
10 ◇ ?
11 ◇ ?
13 LinkedIn ◇ PHP?
15 ◇ ?
16 ◇ ?
17 ◇ ?
18 ◇ PHP
22 ◇ ?
23 (Russian) ◇ ?
24 Bing ◇ ?
27 ◇ ?
28 网易 ◇ ?
29 ◇ Java?
31 新浪微博 ◇ ?
32 ◇ ?
34 ◇ ?
35 ◇ perl
36 ◇ ?
38 ◇ Objective J?
39 ◇ ?
41 ◇ ?
43 搜狐网 ◇ ?
44 ◇ ?
45 ◇ ?
46 ◇ PHP
47 (porn) ◇ ?
48 (porn) ◇ ?
56 土豆网 ◇ ?
81 ◇ ? ◇ PHP, Perl, C++

the numbers is site ranking, from (missing ones are mostly
duplicates, such as google japan, google india, etc.)

i think notable interest is that twitter stands out, with Scala and

Those with perl are probably going back to the first dot com era (aka
Web 1.0, ~1995 to ~2002). At that time, perl was basically the only
game in town (secondarily: Java). (i don't recall what amazon and ebay
were in... was it perl or php? how about

most php follows starting in early 2000s, that's when PHP quietly
surpassed perl in all battle fronts.

it'd be interesting to know what some of the chinese sites uses, and
porn sites (e.g. livejasmin, xvideos, youporn)

as for Microsoft sites... are they in C/C++ and or dotnet?


Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-11 Thread Xah Lee


On Jul 11, 6:51 am, jvt wrote:
 I might as well toss my two cents in here.  Xah, I don't believe that
 the functional programming idiom demands that we construct our entire
 program out of compositions and other combinators without ever naming
 anything.  That is much more the province of so-called function-
 level programming languages like APL/J and to a more limited extent
 concatenative languages where data (but not code) is mostly left
 without names.

 Functional programming, in my mind, is about identifying reproducibly
 useful abstractions, _naming them_, and constructing other
 abstractions from them.  Your piece of code above probably needs to be
 factored out into named pieces so that the composition is more
 sensible.  If a piece of code isn't comprehensible, it might be
 because it isn't using the right abstractions in the right way, not
 because the notion of functional programming is itself problematic.

 One might instead provide a nightmare nest of procedural code and
 claim that procedural programming has problems. Of course, this
 particular kind of problem might be less common in procedural code,
 since it depends heavily on naming and side effecting values, but it
 isn't hard to find procedural code with a long list of operations and
 namings wherein the chose names are random or otherwise unrelated to
 the problem domain.  My adviser in grad school used to name variables
 after pieces of furniture in dutch, but that didn't cause me to
 impeach the _notion_ of procedural code.

hi jvt,

of course, you are right. But i wasn't criticising functional
programing in anyway.

was just putting out my tale as a caution, to those of us — e.g.
academic scheme lispers and haskell types — who are perpetually
mangling their code for the ultimate elegant constructs.

but speaking on this now... as you guys may know, i was a naive master
of Mathematica while being absolute illiterate in computer science or
any other lang. (see 〈Xah Lee's Computing Experience (Impression Of
Lisp from Mathematica)〉 @
) When i didn't know anything about lisp, i thought lisp would be
similar, or even better, as a highlevel lang in comparison to
Mathematica. In retrospect now, i was totally wrong.

lisp, or scheme lisp, is a magnitude more highlevel in comparison to C
or C derivatives such as C++, Java. However, in comparison to
Mathematica, it's one magnitude low level. (it pains me to see lisp
experts here talking about cons and macros all day, even bigshot names
such as one Paul Graham and in lisp books praising lisp macros. Quite

over the years, i had curiosity whether perhaps ML/OCaml, Haskell,
would be equivalent high-level as Mathematica as i thought.
Unfortunately, my study of them didn't went far. (best result is my
incomplete 〈OCaml Tutorial〉 @ ) Am
not qualified to comment on this, but i think that even Haskell,
OCaml, are still quite low in comparison to Mathematica.

it's funny, in all these supposedly modern high-level langs, they
don't provide even simple list manipulation functions such as union,
intersection, and the like. Not in perl, not in python, not in lisps.
(sure, lib exists, but it's a ride in the wild) It's really
exceedingly curious to me. And it seems that lang authors or its
users, have all sorts of execuse or debate about whether those should
be builtin if you force them to answer. (i.e. they don't get it)
While, we see here regularly questions about implementing union etc
with follow up of wild answers and re-invention the thousandth time.
Of course, Mathematica has Union, Intersection, and a host of others
some 20 years ago, and today it has a complete set of combinatorics
functions as *builtin* functions (as opposed to add-on libs of second-
rate quality). (this is not a question. No need to suggest some
possible reasons why lang might not want to have a whole set of list
manipulation builtin. You (the lisper/python/perl regulars and other
lang fans) are a complete idiot, that's what i'm saying. COMPLETE
IDIOT. (actually, this is not surprising, since genius and true
thinkers are rare and few. (such as myself. As they say, beyond the

i also wondered, if Mathematica is truely a magnitude higher level
than lisp, why we don't see any computer scientists talk about it? (of
course there are, but almost non-existant in comparison to, say,
academic publications on Scheme, Haskell, even Java) I think the
reason is social, again. Proprietary langs isn't a revue of
academicians, together with the fact that Stephen Wolfram goes about
as if the entire science of computer science comprises of himself.

Want Mathematica? Pay $2k+.

recently i spent several days studying and watching a talk by Douglas
Crockford.  it is incredible. He went thru history, and explained, how
it is the very people in computing community who laughed and stifled

Re: emacs lisp text processing example (html5 figure/figcaption)

2011-07-05 Thread Xah Lee
On Jul 4, 12:13 pm, S.Mandl wrote:
 Nice. I guess that XSLT would be another (the official) approach for
 such a task.
 Is there an XSLT-engine for Emacs?

 -- Stefan

haven't used XSLT, and don't know if there's one in emacs...

it'd be nice if someone actually give a example...


Re: emacs lisp text processing example (html5 figure/figcaption)

2011-07-05 Thread Xah Lee
On Jul 5, 12:17 pm, Ian Kelly wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 12:36 AM, Xah Lee wrote:
  So, a solution by regex is out.

 Actually, none of the complications you listed appear to exclude
 regexes.  Here's a possible (untested) solution:

 div class=img
 ((?:\s*img src=[^.]+\.(?:jpg|png|gif) alt=[^]+ width=[0-9]+
 \s*p class=cpt((?:[^]|(?!/p))+)/p

 and corresponding replacement string:


 I don't know what dialect Emacs uses for regexes; the above is the
 Python re dialect.  I assume it is translatable.  If not, then the
 above should at least work with other editors, such as Komodo's
 Find/Replace in Files command.  I kept the line breaks here for
 readability, but for completeness they should be stripped out of the
 final regex.

 The possibility of nested HTML in the caption is allowed for by using
 a negative look-ahead assertion to accept any tag except a closing
 /p.  It would break if you had nested p tags, but then that would
 be invalid html anyway.


that's fantastic. Thanks! I'll try it out.


Re: emacs lisp text processing example (html5 figure/figcaption)

2011-07-05 Thread Xah Lee
On Jul 5, 12:17 pm, Ian Kelly wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 12:36 AM, Xah Lee wrote:
  So, a solution by regex is out.

 Actually, none of the complications you listed appear to exclude
 regexes.  Here's a possible (untested) solution:

 div class=img
 ((?:\s*img src=[^.]+\.(?:jpg|png|gif) alt=[^]+ width=[0-9]+
 \s*p class=cpt((?:[^]|(?!/p))+)/p

 and corresponding replacement string:


 I don't know what dialect Emacs uses for regexes; the above is the
 Python re dialect.  I assume it is translatable.  If not, then the
 above should at least work with other editors, such as Komodo's
 Find/Replace in Files command.  I kept the line breaks here for
 readability, but for completeness they should be stripped out of the
 final regex.

 The possibility of nested HTML in the caption is allowed for by using
 a negative look-ahead assertion to accept any tag except a closing
 /p.  It would break if you had nested p tags, but then that would
 be invalid html anyway.


emacs regex supports shygroup (the 「(?:…)」) but it doesn't support the
negative assertion 「?!…」 though.

but in anycase, i can't see how this part would work
p class=cpt((?:[^]|(?!/p))+)/p



emacs lisp text processing example (html5 figure/figcaption)

2011-07-04 Thread Xah Lee
OMG, emacs lisp beats perl/python again!

Hiya all, another little emacs lisp tutorial from the tiny Xah's Edu

〈Emacs Lisp: Processing HTML: Transform Tags to HTML5 “figure” and
“figcaption” Tags〉

plain text version follows.


Emacs Lisp: Processing HTML: Transform Tags to HTML5 “figure” and
“figcaption” Tags

Xah Lee, 2011-07-03

Another triumph of using elisp for text processing over perl/python.

The Problem


I want batch transform the image tags in 5 thousand html files to use
HTML5's new “figure” and “figcaption” tags.

I want to be able to view each change interactively, while optionally
give it a “go ahead” to do the whole job in batch.

Interactive eye-ball verification on many cases lets me be reasonably
sure the transform is done correctly. Yet i don't want to spend days
to think/write/test a mathematically correct program that otherwise
can be finished in 30 min with human interaction.


HTML5 has the following new tags: “figure” and “figcaption”. They are
used like this:

img src=cat.jpg alt=my cat width=167 height=106
figcaptionmy cat!/figcaption

(For detail, see: HTML5 “figure” & “figurecaption” Tags Browser

On my website, i used a similar structure. They look like this:

div class=img
img src=cat.jpg alt=my cat width=167 height=106
p class=cptmy cat!/p

So, i want to replace them with the HTML5's new tags. This can be done
with a regex. Here's the “find” regex:

div class=img
?img src=\([^.]+?\)\.jpg alt=\([^]+?\) width=\([0-9]+?\)
p class=cpt\([^]+?\)/p

Here's the replacement string:

img src=\1.jpg alt=\2 width=\3 height=\4

Then, you can use “find-file” and dired's “dired-do-query-replace-
regexp” to work on your 5 thousand pages. Nice. (See: Emacs:
Interactively Find & Replace String Patterns on Multiple Files.)

However, the problem here is more complicated. The image file may be
jpg or png or gif. Also, there may be more than one image per group.
Also, the caption part may also contain complicated html. Here's some

div class=img
img src=cat1.jpg alt=my cat width=200 height=200
img src=cat2.jpg alt=my cat width=200 height=200
p class=cptmy 2 cats/p

div class=img
img src=jamie_cat.jpg alt=jamie's cat width=167 height=106
p class=cptjamie's cat! Her blog is a href=

So, a solution by regex is out.


The solution is pretty simple. Here's the major steps:

Use “find-lisp-find-files” to traverse a dir.
For each file, open it.
Search for the string div class=img
Use “sgml-skip-tag-forward” to jump to its closing tag.
Save the positions of these tag begin/end positions.
Ask user if she wants to replace. If so, do it. (using “delete-
region” and “insert”)

Here's the code:

;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
;; 2011-07-03
;; replace image tags to use html5's “figure”  and “figcaption” tags.

;; Example. This:
;; div class=img…/div
;; should become this
;; figure…/figure

;; do this for all files in a dir.

;; rough steps:
;; find the div class=img
;; use sgml-skip-tag-forward to move to the ending tag.
;; save their positions.

(defun my-process-file (fpath)
  process the file at fullpath FPATH ...
  (let (mybuff p1 p2 p3 p4 )
(setq mybuff (find-file fpath))

(goto-char 0) ;; in case buffer already open

(while (search-forward div class=\img\ nil t)
(setq p2 (point) )
(backward-char 17) ; beginning of “div” tag
(setq p1 (point) )

(forward-char 1)
(sgml-skip-tag-forward 1) ; move to the closing tag
(setq p4 (point) )
(backward-char 6) ; beginning of the closing div tag
(setq p3 (point) )
(narrow-to-region p1 p4)

(when (y-or-n-p replace?)
(delete-region p3 p4 )
(goto-char p3)
(insert /figure)

(delete-region p1 p2 )
(goto-char p1)
(insert figure)
(widen) ) ) ) )

(when (not (buffer-modified-p mybuff)) (kill-buffer mybuff) )

) )

(require 'find-lisp)

(let (outputBuffer)
  (setq outputBuffer *xah img/figure replace output* )
  (with-output-to-temp-buffer outputBuffer
(mapc 'my-process-file (find-lisp-find-files ~/web/xahlee_org/
emacs/ \\.html$))
(princ Done deal!)
) )

Seems pretty simple right?

The “p1” and “p2” variables are the positions of start/end of div
class=img. The “p3” and “p4” is the start/end of it's closing tag /

We also used a little trick with “widen” and “narrow-to-region”. It
lets me see just the part that i'm interested. It narrows to the
beginning/end of the div.img. This makes eye-balling a bit easier.

The real time

what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow

2011-06-28 Thread Xah Lee
this will be of interest to those bleeding-edge pythoners.

“what… is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?”


Re: Keyboard Layout: Dvorak vs Colemak: is it Worthwhile to Improve the Dvorak Layout?

2011-06-18 Thread Xah Lee
On Jun 18, 4:06 am, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 01:09, Xah Lee wrote:
  thanks. didn't know about Ducky keyboard. Looks good. Also nice to
  hear your experience about Truly Ergonomic keyboard.

 I like it, see my first-hour review 

very nice review! and on too — the hardcore keyboard mod site!
I enjoyed reading it.

  no actually i don't know how to make normal letter keys as (ctrl, alt)
  modifiers. You'll need a usb hid remapper. (there's a couple for mac
  os x i linked on my site but i couldn't verify cuz am now on a 6 years
  old powerpc with outdated mac os x) For Windows, Microsoft made a
  layout maker. I haven't used it so i don't know if it allows mapping
  letter keys as modifier. Have you tried it?

 I use Kubuntu Linux.

i only started to use linux this month, from 10 years hiatus. First
thing to do there is remap keys to the way i like of course. But am
not familiar on how-to there. Seems xmodmap is becoming obsolete and
XKB is in place. There's a couple nice sites about XKB but havn't had
a chance to study them yet. May i ask you a few questions down the
road? (maybe we can add each other on google talk or some social

(off to email)


Re: Keyboard Layout: Dvorak vs Colemak: is it Worthwhile to Improve the Dvorak Layout?

2011-06-17 Thread Xah Lee
On Jun 14, 7:50 am, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 10:21, Elena wrote:
  On 13 Giu, 06:30, Tim Roberts wrote:
  Studies have shown that even a
  strictly alphabetical layout works perfectly well, once the typist is

  Once the user is acclimated to move her hands much  more (about 40%
  more for Qwerty versus Dvorak), that is.

 And disproportionate usage of fingers. On QWERTY the weakest fingers
 (pinkies) do almost 1/4 of the keypresses when modifier keys, enter,
 tab, and backspace are taken into account.

 I'm developing a QWERTY-based layout that moves the load off the
 pinkies and onto the index 

 There is a Colemak version in the works as well.

u r aware that there are already tens of layouts, each created by
programer, thinking that they can create the best layout?

if not, check
〈Computer Keyboards, Layouts, Hotkeys, Macros, RSI ⌨〉

on layout section. Lots people all creating layouts.

also, you want to put {Enter, Tab}, etc keys in the middle, but I
don't understand from ur website how u gonna do that since it requires
keyboard hardware modification. e.g. r u creating key layout on PC
keyboard or are you creating hardware keyboard Key layout? The former
is a dime a million, the latter is rare but also there are several
sites all trying to do it. Talk is cheap, the hardest part is actually
to get money to finance and manufacture it. The latest one, which i
deem good, is Truely Ergonomic keyboard. It sells for $200 and is in
pre-order only now.


Re: Keyboard Layout: Dvorak vs Colemak: is it Worthwhile to Improve the Dvorak Layout?

2011-06-17 Thread Xah Lee
On Jun 15, 5:43 am, rusi wrote:
 On Jun 15, 5:32 pm, Dotan Cohen wrote:

  Thanks. From testing small movements with my fingers I see that the
  fourth finger is in fact a bit weaker than the last finger, but more
  importantly, it is much less dexterous. Good to know!

 Most of the piano technique-icians emphasis, especially those of the
 last century like Hanon, was to cultivate 'independence' of the
 fingers.  The main target of these attacks being the 4th finger.

 The number of potential-pianists who ruined their hands and lives
 chasing this holy grail is unknown

Hi rusi, am afaid going to contradict what u say here.

i pretty much mastered Hanon 60. All of it, but it was now 8 years
ago. The idea that pinky is stronger than 4th is silly. I can't fathom
any logic or science to support that. Perhaps what u meant is that in
many situations the use of pinky can be worked around because it in at
the edge of your hand so you can apply chopping motion or similar.
(which, is BAD if you want to develope piano finger skill) However,
that's entirely different than saying pinky being stronger than 4th.

there's many ways we can cookup tests right away to see. e.g. try to
squeeze a rubber ball with 4th and thumb. Repeat with pink + thumb.
Or, reverse exercise by stretching a rubber band wrapped on the 2
fingers of interest. You can easy see that pinky isn't stronger.


Re: Keyboard Layout: Dvorak vs Colemak: is it Worthwhile to Improve the Dvorak Layout?

2011-06-17 Thread Xah Lee

On Jun 17, 2:26 pm, Dotan Cohen wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 20:43, Xah Lee wrote:
  u r aware that there are already tens of layouts, each created by
  programer, thinking that they can create the best layout?

 Yes. Mine is better :)
 Had Stallman not heard of VI when he set out to write Emacs?

  if not, check
  〈Computer Keyboards, Layouts, Hotkeys, Macros, RSI ⌨〉

  on layout section. Lots people all creating layouts.

  also, you want to put {Enter, Tab}, etc keys in the middle, but I
  don't understand from ur website how u gonna do that since it requires
  keyboard hardware modification. e.g. r u creating key layout on PC
  keyboard or are you creating hardware keyboard Key layout? The former
  is a dime a million, the latter is rare but also there are several
  sites all trying to do it. Talk is cheap, the hardest part is actually
  to get money to finance and manufacture it. The latest one, which i
  deem good, is Truely Ergonomic keyboard. It sells for $200 and is in
  pre-order only now.

 I ordered the Truley Ergonomic keyboard, I waited for half a year
 after delivery was supposed to happen to request my money back. Too
 many delays, so in the end I bought a Ducky mechanical (Cherry Browns)

 I am writing a software keyboard layout. I'm actually having a hard
 time moving the modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl) to a new location. If you
 know how to do that I would much appreciate some advice, I'll post the
 problem here or in private mail.

 Thanks, Lee. (or should that be Thanks, Xah?)

thanks. didn't know about Ducky keyboard. Looks good. Also nice to
hear your experience about Truly Ergonomic keyboard.

no actually i don't know how to make normal letter keys as (ctrl, alt)
modifiers. You'll need a usb hid remapper. (there's a couple for mac
os x i linked on my site but i couldn't verify cuz am now on a 6 years
old powerpc with outdated mac os x) For Windows, Microsoft made a
layout maker. I haven't used it so i don't know if it allows mapping
letter keys as modifier. Have you tried it?

i don't know much about the subject but from what i read am guessing
it's possible, because each key just send up/down signals. (whether
you are using usb or ps/2 makes a difference too.)

(am assumbing above that you want to put modifiers in normal letter
key positions. But if all you want to do is swap modifier among
themselves, that's pretty easy. Lots of tools to do that for mac and

But even if you succeded in putting modifiers to letter key positions,
you may run into problems with key ghosting, because the circuits are
desigend to prevent ghosting on qwerty layout only (with mod keys in
their normal positions). Unless your keyboard is actually full n-key-

maybe some of these are useful info, but maybe you are quite beyond
that. Thanks for your info too. Good luck.

 just Xah

Re: Keyboard Layout: Dvorak vs Colemak: is it Worthwhile to Improve the Dvorak Layout?

2011-06-14 Thread Xah Lee

On Jun 13, 6:45 pm, Gregory Ewing wrote:
 Chris Angelico wrote:
  And did any of the studies take into account the fact that a lot of
  computer users - in all but the purest data entry tasks - will use a
  mouse as well as a keyboard?

 What I think's really stupid is designing keyboards with two
 big blocks of keys between the alphabetic keys and the mouse.
 Back when standard-grade keyboards didn't usually have a
 built-in numeric keypad, it was much easier to move one's
 right hand back and forth between the keyboard and mouse.

 Nowadays I find myself perpetually prone to off-by-one errors
 when moving back to the keyboard. :-(

numerical keypad is useful to many. Most people can't touch type. Even
for touch typist, many doesn't do the number keys. So, when they need
to type credit, phone number, etc, they go for the number pad. Also, i
think the number pad esentially have become a calculator for vast
majority of computer users. These days, almost all keyboard from
Microsoft or Logitech has a Calculator button near the number pad to
launch it.

i myself, am a qwerty typist since ~1987, also worked as data entry
clerk for a couple of years. Am a dvorak touch typist since 1994. (and
emacs since 1997) However, i never learned touch type the numbers on
the main section till i think ~2005. Since about 2008, the numerical
keypad is used as extra function keys.


Re: Keyboard Layout: Dvorak vs Colemak: is it Worthwhile to Improve the Dvorak Layout?

2011-06-14 Thread Xah Lee
On Jun 13, 6:19 am, Steven D'Aprano 〔steve〕 wrote:

│ I don't know if there are any studies that indicate how much of a
│ programmer's work is actual mechanical typing but I'd be surprised
if it
│ were as much as 20% of the work day. The rest of the time being
│ planning, debugging, communicating with customers or managers,
│ documentation, testing, committing code, sketching data schemas on
│ whiteboard ... to say nothing of the dreaded strategy meetings.

you can find the study on my site. URL in the first post of this


Re: Keyboard Layout: Dvorak vs. Colemak: is it Worthwhile to Improve the Dvorak Layout?

2011-06-14 Thread Xah Lee

Ba Wha 13, 7:23 nz, Ehfgbz Zbql 〔ehfgbzcz...@tznvy.pbz〕 jebgr:
│ Qibenx -- yvxr djregl naq nal bgure xrlobneq ynlbhg -- nffhzrf gur
│ pbzchgre vf n glcrjevgre.
│ Guvf zrnaf va rssrpg ng yrnfg gjb pbafgenvagf, arprffnel sbe gur
│ glcrjevgre ohg abg sbe gur pbzchgre:
│ n. Gur glcvfg pna glcr bayl 1 xrl ng n gvzr
│ o. Bar (xrl)fgebxr trarengrf rknpgyl 1 yrggre
│ Rkprcgvbaf gb [n] ner Fuvsg (Pgey) rgp ohg pyrneyl va ehaavat hfr
│ ner gur rkprcgvba abg gur ehyr.
│ │ Jurer fcrrq ernyyl vf ivgny, fhpu nf sbe pbheg fgrabtencuref,
fcrpvny zrpunavpny
│ │ fubegunaq znpuvarf fhpu nf fgrabglcrf ner hfrq, pbfgvat gubhfnaqf
bs qbyynef ohg nyybjvat
│ │ gur glcvfg gb ernpu fcrrqf bs bire 300 jcz.
│ Lrf, vafgehzragf yvxr fgrabglcrf fcrrq hc glcvat ol hanffhzvat [n]
│ Yvxrjvfr cvnavfgf pna or fnvq (naq frra) gb qb zber ng gur cvnab
│ glcvfgf ng n pbzchgre orpnhfr pubeqf ner cneg bs gur 'nyybjrq
│ ynathntr'.
│ Nffhzcgvba [o] yvxrjvfr vf haarprffnevyl erfgevpgvir ba n pbzchgre.
│ Guvax bs nyy gur 'nooeri/favccrg/fubegsbez/grzcyngr' flfgrzf yvxr
│ lnfavccrg, grkgzngr-favccrgf, rznpf/iv nooerif rgp.
│ Sbe beqvanel Ratyvfu gurer ner guvatf yvxr 
│ Sbe rknzcyr gur zbfg pbzzba jbeqf (rfgvzngrq gb or nebhaq 40% bs
│ Ratyvfu) ner fubegsbezrq nf:
│ o = ohg
│ p = jvgu
│ q = unq
│ r = guvf
│ s = bs
│ t = gung
│ u = gur
│ w = juvpu
│ a = naq
│ ...rgp rgp hcgb
│ m = jnf
│ gura pbzzba cuenfrf
│ noyr gb  = po
│ unq orra = qa
│ qb abg   = qk
│ qvq abg  = rk
│ qbrf abg = qfk
│ rgp
│ Pyrneyl, sbe cebtenzzref guvf vf hayvxryl gb or zhpu hfr --
│ cebtenzzvat ynathntrf ner abg Ratyvfu.
│ Ohg ohg vg vf pregnvayl na bcra dhrfgvba jurgure vs gur ercrngvat
│ cnggreaf va cebtenzzvat ynathntrf ner pncgherq vagb fbzr flfgrz, gur
│ erfhygvat orarsvg jbhyq or n zrer zvpeb-bcgvzvmngvba be fbzrguvat
│ fvtavsvpnag.  V unir frra fbzr tbbq cebtenzzref fjrne ol
│ rznpf-lnfavccrgf, grkgzngr-favccrgf rgp.

gurer'f fcrpvny vachg qrivprf qrfvtarq sbe pubeqvat, pnyyrq pubeqvat
xrlobneq. Gurer'f qngnunaq. Ybbx hc Jvxvcrqvn sbe n yvfg.

gurer'f nyfb xvarfvf naq bguref gung jbexf jvgu sbbg crqnyf. Fb, vg'f
yvxr pubeqvat jvgu lbhe srrg gbb. Rire frra gubfr penml betnavfg jvgu
srrg ohfl ba 30 crqnyf?

unir lbh gevrq ibvpr vachg? Jvaqbjf pbzrf jvgu vg. Cerggl tbbq.
Gubhtu, qbrfa'g jbex fb jryy jvgu nccf vzcyrzragrq bhgfvqr bs ZF'f
senzrjbex, fhpu nf rznpf.

fbzr cebtenzre'f fbyhgvbaf:

〈Pryroevgl Cebtenzref jvgu EFV (Ercrgvgvir Fgenva Vawhel)〉


Re: Keyboard Layout: Dvorak vs. Colemak: is it Worthwhile to Improve the Dvorak Layout?

2011-06-14 Thread Xah Lee
for some reason, was unable to post the previous message. (but can
post others) So, the message is rot13'd and it works. Not sure what's
up with Google groups. (this happened a few years back once.
Apparantly, the message content  might have something to do with it
because rot13 clearly works. Yet, the problem doesnt seem to be my
name or embedded url, since it only happens with the previous message)

Keyboard Layout: Dvorak vs Colemak: is it Worthwhile to Improve the Dvorak Layout?

2011-06-11 Thread Xah Lee
(a lil weekend distraction from comp lang!)

in recent years, there came this Colemak layout. The guy who created
it, Colemak, has a site, and aggressively market his layout. It's in
linuxes distro by default, and has become somewhat popular.

I remember first discovering it perhaps in 2007. Me, being a Dvorak
typist since 1994, am curious on what he has to say about comparison.
I recall, i was offended seeing how he paints a bias in peddling his

So, here, let me repaint his bias. Here it is, and judge for yourself.

〈Keyboard Layout: Dvorak vs Colemak: is it Worthwhile to Improve the
Dvorak Layout?〉

here's a interesting excerpt:

Just How Much Do You Type?

Many programers all claim to type 8 or 10 hours a day. They may be
sitting in front of the computer all day, but the time their fingers
actually dance on keyboard is probably less than 1 hour per day.

Contrast data-entry clerks. They are the real typists. Their fingers
actually type, continuously, for perhaps 6 hours per day.

It is important get a sense of how much you actually type. This you
can do by logging you keystrokes using a software.

Let's assume a pro typist sustain at 60 wpm. 60 wpm is 300 strokes per
min, or 18k per hour. Suppose she works 8 hours a day, and assume just
3 hours actually typing. 18k × 3 = 54k chars per day. With this
figure, you can get a sense of how many “hours” you actually type per

I sit in front of computer on average 13 hours per day for the past
several years. I program and write several blogs. My actual typing is
probably double or triple of average day-job programers. From my emacs
command frequency log for 6 months in 2008, it seems i only type 17k
strokes per day. That's 31% of the data-entry clerk scenario above.
Or, i only type ONE hour a day!

I was quite surprised how low my own figure is. But thinking about it…
it make sense. Even we sit in front of computer all day, but the
actual typing is probably some miniscule percentage of that. Most of
the time, you have to chat, lunch, run errands, browse web, read docs,
run to the bathroom. Perhaps only half of your work time is active
coding or writing (emails; docs). Of that duration, perhaps majority
of time you are digesting the info on screen. Your whole day's typing
probably can be done in less than 20 minutes if you just type

If your typing doesn't come anywhere close to a data-entry clerk, then
any layout “more efficient” than Dvorak is practically meaningless.


uhmm... your chance to spit on me

2011-06-10 Thread Xah Lee
Dear lisp comrades, it's Friday!

Dear Xah, your writing is:

• Full of bad grammar. River of Hiccups.

• Stilted. Chocked under useless structure and logic.

• WRONG — Filled with uncouth advices.

• Needlessly insulting. You have problems.

• Simply stinks. Worthless.

• Mediocre. Just like everybody, admit it.

• I love it.

• Your writing is pro!

• you are genius! one of the great expositor, eassyist.

• Dude, you are full of shit. I've not seen a crank quite like

Vote at:

 (i code python small time too)

Re: English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

2011-05-26 Thread Xah Lee
On May 26, 4:20 am, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
 Did your mom tell you to recursively clean up your room?.

that had me L O L!

i think i'll quote in my unix hating blogs sometimes, if you don't
mind. ☺


Re: English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

2011-05-25 Thread Xah Lee
On May 24, 3:06 pm, Rikishi42 wrote:
 On 2011-05-24, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

  I think that is a patronizing remark that under-estimates the
  intelligence of lay people and over-estimates the difficulty of
  understanding recursion.

  Why would you presume this to be related to intelligence? The point was
  not about being *able* to understand, but about *needing* to understand
  in order to use.

  Maybe they don't need to understand recursion. So what?

 I think you should read the earlier posts again, this is drifting so far
 from what I intended.

 What I mean is: I'm certain that over the years I've had more than one
 person come to me and ask what 'Do you wish to delete this directory
 recursively?' meant. BAut never have I been asked to explain what 'Do you
 wish to delete this directory and it's subdirs/with all it's contents?'
 meant. Never.

  Recursion is a perfectly good English word, no more technical than
  accelerate or incinerate or dissolve or combustion. Do people
  need to know the word combustion when they could say burn instead?

 It wasn't about the word, but about the nature of the function. Besides, if
 the chance exists of a confusion between a recursive job and the fact the
 job is done using a recursive function... I would try staying away from the

 Why not use 'delete a directory'. It's obvious the content gets binned, too.

 Do you know many people who incinerate leaves and branches in their garden?
 I burn them.

  Do they need to know the words microwave oven when they could be saying
  invisible rays cooking thing?

 The word oven has existed for ages, microwave is just a name for the type of
 oven. Not even a description, just a name.

  I wonder whether physicists insist that cars should have a go faster
  pedal because ordinary people don't need to understand Newton's Laws of
  Motion in order to drive cars?

 Gas pedal. Pedal was allraedy known when the car was invented. The simple
 addition of gas solved that need. Oh, and it's break pedal, not
 descellarator. (sp?)

  Who are you to say that people shouldn't be exposed to words you deem
  that they don't need to know?

 I'm one of the 'people'. You say exposed to, I say bothered/bored with.

 I have nothing against the use of a proper, precise term. And that word can
 be a complex one with many, many sylables (seems to add value, somehow).

 But I'm not an academic, so I don't admire the pedantic use of terms that
 need to be explained to 'lay' people. Especially if there is a widespread,
 usually shorter and much simpler one for it. A pointless effort if
 pointless, even when comming from a physicist.  :-)

very well said, Rikishi42.

this one is probably the most intelligent post in this thread.


Re: English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

2011-05-25 Thread Xah Lee
On May 25, 12:26 am, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
 * Rikishi42 (Wed, 25 May 2011 00:06:06 +0200)

  On 2011-05-24, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
   I think that is a patronizing remark that under-estimates the
   intelligence of lay people and over-estimates the difficulty of
   understanding recursion.

   Why would you presume this to be related to intelligence? The point was
   not about being *able* to understand, but about *needing* to understand
   in order to use.

   Maybe they don't need to understand recursion. So what?

  I think you should read the earlier posts again, this is drifting so far
  from what I intended.

  What I mean is: I'm certain that over the years I've had more than one
  person come to me and ask what 'Do you wish to delete this directory
  recursively?' meant. BAut never have I been asked to explain what 'Do you
  wish to delete this directory and it's subdirs/with all it's contents?'
  meant. Never.

 Naming something in the terms of its implementation details (in this
 case recursion) is a classical WTF.

 On the other hand, it's by far not the only WTF in Unix. For instance,
 how often have you read unlink instead of delete? Or directory
 instead of folder, pointing out that directory is the correct term
 because a directory is just a listing and does not contain the actual
 files. Of course these implementation details will never matter to
 anyone except under the rarest conditions.


well said.

half of posts in this thread are from idiots. just incredible, but
again, its newsgroups ... what am i thinking ...


Re: English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

2011-05-24 Thread Xah Lee
On May 23, 9:28 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 2:20 PM, Xah Lee wrote:
  why don't you file a bug report? In GNU Emacs 23.2, it's under the
  Help menu. I suppose it's the same in other emacs distro.

 Because I do not consider its behaviour to be errant. And I suspect
 its main developers won't either. That's why I suggested you grab the
 sources and make The Perfect Emacs.

why don't you try ?



Re: English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

2011-05-23 Thread Xah Lee
On May 22, 4:32 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Xah Lee wrote:
  the context is this: In emacs directory manager (aka dired), when you
  call dired-do-delete on a directory, emacs prompts, this way:
  “Recursive delete of xx? (y or n)”

 But in order to make your point (such as it is), you are ignoring the
 fact that there are other uses of the term 'recurse' or 'recursive',
 and consistency and clarity are important. I don't see emacs offering
 me a chance to do a non-recursive delete; the only issue here seems to
 be that it's explicit that it is going to destroy an entire branch of
 the directory tree. If this is such a problem, grab the emacs sources
 and change that string - it probably occurs in exactly one place in
 the code. Voila! You now have The One True Perfect Emacs, the ultimate
 text editor, because it no longer tells you that it's working

 *removes tongue from cheek after saying that last sentence*

 Chris Angelico

why don't you file a bug report? In GNU Emacs 23.2, it's under the
Help menu. I suppose it's the same in other emacs distro.


Re: English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

2011-05-22 Thread Xah Lee
Xah wrote:
«In the emacs case: “Recursive delete of xx? (y or n) ”, what could it
possibly mean by the word “recursive” there? Like, it might delete the
directory but not delete all files in it?

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard wrote:
 It might *try* to delete the directory but not any of its contents,

you mean theoretically you see a possibility if the dir is implement
as stilted as unix, but never in your life you find yourself might
want to do it?


Functional Programing: stop using recursion, cons. Use map vectors

2011-05-22 Thread Xah Lee

this is important but i think most lispers and functional programers
still don't know it.

Functional Programing: stop using recursion, cons. Use map  vectors.

〈Guy Steele on Parallel Programing〉

btw, lists (as cons, car, cdr) in the lisp world has always been some
kinda cult. Like, if you are showing some code example and you
happened to use lisp vector datatype and not cons (lists) and it
doesn't really matter in your case, but some lisper will always rise
up to bug you, either as innocent curious question or attacking you
for not “understanding” lisp. (just as other idiocies happen in other
lang that lispers see but other langs don't see)

it's interesting to me that all other high level langs: Mathematica,
perl, python, php, javascript, all don't have linked list as lisp's
list. It's also curious that somehow lispers never realises this. I've
been having problems with lisp's cons ever since i'm learning Scheme
Lisp in 1998 (but mostly the reason is language design at syntax and
lack of abstraction level in calling “cons, car, cdr” stuff, without
indexing mechanism). Realizing the algorithmic property and parallel-
execution issues of linked list is only recent years.


Re: English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

2011-05-22 Thread Xah Lee
On May 22, 3:46 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 6:22 AM, Xah Lee wrote:
  Xah wrote:
  «In the emacs case: “Recursive delete of xx? (y or n) ”, what could it
  possibly mean by the word “recursive” there? Like, it might delete the
  directory but not delete all files in it?

  Jonathan de Boyne Pollard wrote:
  It might *try* to delete the directory but not any of its contents,

  you mean theoretically you see a possibility if the dir is implement
  as stilted as unix, but never in your life you find yourself might
  want to do it?

 There's a difference between working with a directory itself and
 working with files inside it. Generally, if you copy or delete a
 directory, you will want to recurse. But if you want to, for instance,
 wipe out all files whose names end with a tilde, then you might want
 to recurse and you might not. So it makes sense to offer the user a
 choice, and if recursive action is the only one that makes sense, at
 least acknowledge that the operation might take an arbitrarily long
 time. (Ever done a recursive operation on / on a large file system?
 Takes just a little bit longer than a non-recursive one under the same

the context is this: In emacs directory manager (aka dired), when you
call dired-do-delete on a directory, emacs prompts, this way:
“Recursive delete of xx? (y or n)”


English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

2011-05-17 Thread Xah Lee
might be of interest.

〈English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively〉

English Idiom in Unix: Directory Recursively

Xah Lee, 2011-05-17

Today, let's discuss something in the category of lingustics.

You know how in unix tools, when you want to delete the whole
directory and all sub-directories and files in it, it's referred as

For example, when you want to delete the whole dir in emacs, it
prompts this message: “Recursive delete of xx? (y or n) ”. (Note: to
be able to delete whole dir in emacs in dired, you'll first need to
turn it on. See: emacs dired tutorial.)

Here's another example. A quote from “rsync” man page:

 This would recursively transfer all files from the directory …
 -r, --recursive recurse into directories
 This tells rsync to copy directories recursively.  See also --
dirs (-d).

Here's a quote from “cp”'s man page:

 -R, -r, --recursive
  copy directories recursively

and lots of other tools has a “-r” option, and they all refer to it as

Though, if you think about it, it's not exactly a correct description.
“Recursive”, or “recursion”, refers to a particular type of algorithm,
or a implementation using that algorithm. Obviously, to process all
directory's content does not necessarily mean it must be done by a
recursive algorithm. A iteration can do it as well and it's easy to
have the full behavior and properties in the result as a recursive
approach, such as specifying depth order, level to dive into, etc.
(because, dir is a tree, and recursive algorithm is useful for walking
the tree data structure but is not necessary, because a tree can be
laid out flat. Any path order taken by a recursive approach can be
done by just enumerating the nodes in sequence. In fact, iteration
approach can be faster and simpler in many aspects. (i wrote a article
about this some 10 years ago, see: Trees and Indexes.) Note: this
thought about tree and its nodes as a set of node addresses can be
applied to any tree data structure, such as lisp's nested syntax, XML.
See: Programing Language: Fundamental Problems of Lisp.)

If you look at Windows or Mac OS X world, i don't think they ever
refer to dealing with whole dir as “recursive” in user interface. For
example, in Windows Vista, while changing properties of a folder, it
has this message:

Apply changes to this folder only.
Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files.

Note the second choice. In unix, it would say “Apply changes to this
folder recursively.”

So, the word “recursive” used in unixes may be technically incorrect,
but more so, it's just not the right phrase. Because, we want to
communicate whether the whole content of a directory are processed,
not about certain algorithm or how it is implemented. A simple “all
the dir's branches/contents” or similar would be more apt.

Recently i was chatting in Second Life with someone (Sleeves). She's
typing, while i'm on voice. In part of our conversation, i said “you
sounded fine”. Note that it's technically incorrect, because she's
typing, not on voice. So she didn't actually make any “sound”. But to
say “you typed fine”, or “you chatted fine”, won't get the message

That's idiom. When you interpret a idiom logically, it doesn't make
much sense, but people understand the particular phrase better anyway.
I suspect the “directory recursively” is also a idiom. It seems so
natural and really gets the point across, without any ill effects.
Even if the implementation actually used a iteration, it doesn't seems
to matter.

So the interesting question is, why this idiom works? Or, how it

I think, among programers (which all unix users are in the 1970s),
every one knows the concept of recursion, and many unix tools on dir
probably are implemented with a recursive algorithm. When you say “…
recursively”, the point gets across, because we all understand it,
even when we are not actually talking about implementation. The phrase
“… directory recursively” is short and memorable, while “… directory
and all its contents” or “… directory and all its branches” or “…
directory and all its sub-directories and files” are wordy and

Idiocy Of Unix Copy Command
Emacs Lisp Suggestion: Function to Copy/Delete a Directory
How to rsync, unison, wget, curl
Hunspell Tutorial
Mac OS X Resource Fork and Command Line Tips
ImageMagick Tutorial
Making System Calls in Perl and Python
Unix And Literary Correlation
The Unix Pestilence
To An Or Not To An
On “I” versus “i” (capitalization of first person pronoun)
On the Postposition of Conjunction in Penultimate Position of a
What's Passive Voice? What's Aggressive Voice?
Why You Should Avoid The Jargon “Tail Recursion”
Why You should Not Use The Jargon Lisp1 and Lisp2

Re: Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages

2011-03-05 Thread Xah Lee
,         bar,       0x01dc,     0x01fc  
     ]       };
     key CAPS {  [ Caps_Lock     ]       };
     // End alphanumeric section

     include level3(win_switch)
     include level3(menu_switch)


 In fine.. you fire up an xterm.. issue a ‘setxkbmap apl’ command from
 the shell prompt and you're in business.

 I used it daily for about a month before I switched to APLX - aka micro
 APL.. and as I had zero problems.. So, I suspect it is 100% A+

 Initially, I thought of writing a python wrapper that would handle
 conversion from Unicode to A+'s peculiar brand of latin1 and back (among
 other things) but never had the time.

hi Chris,

i created a page dedicated to creating math symbol layouts for
different langs.
I linked to your post.

I wonder if you would let me mirror your X code on my site? Or, if you
place it on somewhere more permanent or dedicate page such as git, i'd
link to that. Thanks.


Re: Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages

2011-02-28 Thread Xah Lee
On Feb 28, 7:30 pm, rusi wrote:
 On Feb 28, 11:39 pm, Dotan Cohen wrote:

  You miss the canonical bad character reuse case: = vs ==.

  Had there been more meta keys, it might be nice to have a symbol for
  each key on the keyboard. I personally have experimented with putting
  the symbols as regular keys and the numbers as the Shifted versions.
  It's great for programming.

 Hmmm... Clever!
 Is it X or Windows?
 Can I have your setup?

hi Russ,

there's a programer's dvorak layout i think is bundled with linux.

or you can do it with xmodmap on X-11 or AutoHotKey on Windows, or
within emacs... On the mac, you can use keyboardMaestro, Quickeys, or
just write a os wide config file yourself. You can see tutorials and
sample files for all these here

i'd be interested to know what Dotan Cohen use too.

i tried the swapping number row with symbols a few years back. didn't
like it so much because numbers are frequently used as well,
especially when you need to enter a series of numbers. e.g. heavy
math, or dates 2010-02-28. One can use the number pad but i use that
as extra programable buttons.


 One problem we programmers face is that keyboards were made for
 typists not programmers.
 Another is that when we move from 'hi-level' questions eg code reuse
 -- to lower and lower -- eg ergonomics of reading and writing code --
 the focus goes from the center of consciousness to the periphery and
 we miss how many inefficiencies there are in our semi-automatic


Re: Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages

2011-02-18 Thread Xah Lee
On 2011-02-16, Xah Lee  wrote:
│ Vast majority of computer languages use ASCII as its character set.
│ This means, it jams multitude of operators into about 20 symbols.
│ Often, a symbol has multiple meanings depending on contex.

On 2011-02-17, rantingrick wrote:

On 2011-02-17, Cthun wrote:
│ And you omitted the #1 most serious objection to Xah's proposal,
│ rantingrick, which is that to implement it would require unrealistic
│ things such as replacing every 101-key keyboard with 10001-key
│ and training everyone to use them. Xah would have us all replace our
│ workstations with machines that resemble pipe organs, rantingrick,
│ perhaps the cockpits of the three surviving Space Shuttles. No doubt
│ they'd be enormously expensive, as well as much more difficult to
│ to use, rantingrick.

keyboard shouldn't be a problem.

Look at APL users.
they are happy campers.

Look at Mathematica, which support a lot math symbols since v3 (~1997)
before unicode became popular.
〈How Mathematica does Unicode?〉

word processors, also automatically do symbols such as “curly quotes”,
trade mark sign ™, copyright sing ©, arrow →, bullet •, ellipsis …
etc, and the number of people who produce document with these chars
are probably more than the number of programers.

in emacs, i recently also wrote a mode that lets you easily input few
hundred unicode chars.
〈Emacs Math Symbols Input Mode (xmsi-mode)〉

the essence is that you just need a input system.

look at Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Islamic. They happily type
without requiring that every symbol they use must have a corresponding
key on keyboard. Some lang, such as Chinese, that's impossible or

when a input system is well designd, it could be actually more
efficient than
keyboard combinations to typo special symbols (such as in Mac OS X's
opt key, or
Windows's AltGraph). Because a input system can be context based, that
it looks
at adjacent text to guess what you want.

for example, when you type = in python, the text editor can
automatically change it to ≥ (when it detects that it's appropriate,
e.g. there's a “if” nearby)

Chinese phonetic input system use this
extensively. Abbrev system in word processors and emacs is also a form
this. I wrote some thought about this here:

〈Designing a Math Symbols Input System〉

Xah Lee

Re: Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages

2011-02-18 Thread Xah Lee

Chris Jones wrote:
«.. from a quite different perspective it may be worth noting that
practically all programming languages (not to mention the attached
documentation) are based on the English language. And interestingly
enough, most any software of note appears to have come out of cultures
where English is either the native language, or where the native
language is either relatively close to English.. Northern Europe
mostly.. and not to some small extent, countries where English is well-
established as a universal second language, such as India. Always
struck me as odd that a country like Japan for instance, with all its
achievements in the industrial realm, never came up with one single
major piece of software.»

btw, english is one of the two of India's official lang. It's used
between Indians, and i think it's rare or non-existent for a college
in india that uses local dialect. (this is second hand knowledeg. I
learned this in Wikipedia and experience with indian co-workers)

i also wondered about why japan doesn't seems to have created major
software or OS. Though, Ruby is invented in Japan. I do think they
have some OSes just not that popular... i think for special purposes
OSes, they have quite a lot ... from Mitsubishi, NEC, etc... in their
huge robotics industry among others. (again, this is all second hand

... i recall having read non-english comp lang that appeared

Xah Lee

Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages

2011-02-16 Thread Xah Lee
might be interesting.

〈Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages (ASCII Jam;
Unicode; Fortress)〉

Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages (ASCII Jam;
Unicode; Fortress)

Xah Lee, 2011-02-05, 2011-02-15

Vast majority of computer languages use ASCII as its character set.
This means, it jams multitude of operators into about 20 symbols.
Often, a symbol has multiple meanings depending on contex. Also, a
sequence of chars are used as a single symbol as a workaround for lack
of symbols. Even for languages that use Unicode as its char set (e.g.
Java, XML), often still use the ~20 ASCII symbols for all its
operators. The only exceptions i know of are Mathematica, Fortress,
APL. This page gives some examples of problems created by symbol

Symbol Congestion Workarounds

Multiple Meanings of a Symbol

Here are some common examples of a symbol that has multiple meanings
depending on context:

In Java, [ ] is a delimiter for array, also a delimiter for getting a
element of array, also as part of the syntax for declaring a array

In Java and many other langs, ( ) is used for expression grouping,
also as delimiter for arguments of a function call, also as delimiters
for parameters of a function's declaration.

In Perl and many other langs, : is used as a separator in a ternary
expression e.g. (test ? yes : no), also as a namespace separator
(e.g. use Data::Dumper;).

In URL, / is used as path separators, but also as indicator of
protocol. e.g.

In Python and many others,  is used for “less than” boolean operator,
but also as a alignment flag in its “format” method, also as a
delimiter of named group in regex, and also as part of char in other
operators that are made of 2 chars, e.g.:  = = .

Examples of Multip-Char Operators

Here are some common examples of operators that are made of multiple
characters: ||  == = != ** =+ =* := ++ -- :: // /* (* …

Fortress & Unicode

The language designer Guy Steele recently gave a very interesting
talk. See: Guy Steele on Parallel Programing. In it, he showed code
snippets of his language Fortress, which freely uses Unicode as

For example, list delimiters are not the typical curly bracket {1,2,3}
or square bracket [1,2,3], but the unicode angle bracket ⟨1,2,3⟩.
(See: Matching Brackets in Unicode.) It also uses the circle plus ⊕ as
operator. (See: Math Symbols in Unicode.)

Problems of Symbol Congestion

I really appreciate such use of unicode. The tradition of sticking to
the 95 chars in ASCII of 1960s is extremely limiting. It creates
complex problems manifested in:

* String Escape mechanism (C's backslash \n, \/, …, widely
* Complex delimiters for strings. (Python's triple quotes and
perl's variable delimiters q() q[] q{} m//, and heredoc. (See: Strings
in Perl and Python ◇ Heredoc mechanism in PHP and Perl.)
* Crazy leaning toothpicks syndrome, especially bad in emacs
* Complexities in character representation (See: Emacs's Key
Notations Explained (/r, ^M, C-m, RET, return, M-, meta) ◇ HTML
entities problems. See: HTML Entities, Ampersand, Unicode, Semantics.)
* URL Percent Encoding problems and complexities: Javascript
Encode URL, Escape String

All these problems occur because we are jamming so many meanings into
about 20 symbols in ASCII.

See also:

* Computer Language Design: Strings Syntax
* HTML6: Your JSON and SXML Simplified

Most of today's languages do not support unicode in function or
variable names, so you can forget about using unicode in variable
names (e.g. α=3) or function names (e.g. “lambda” as “λ” or “function”
as “ƒ”), or defining your own operators (e.g. “⊕”).

However, there are a few languages i know that do support unicode in
function or variable names. Some of these allow you to define your own
operators. However, they may not allow unicode for the operator
symbol. See: Unicode Support in Ruby, Perl, Python, javascript, Java,
Emacs Lisp, Mathematica.


Re: How to Write grep in Emacs Lisp (tutorial)

2011-02-11 Thread Xah Lee
On Feb 11, 2:06 am, Alexander Gattin wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 08, 2011 at 05:32:05PM +, Icarus

 Sparry wrote:
  The key thing which makes this 'modern' is the
  '+' at the end of the command, rather than '\;'.
  This causes find to execute the grep once per
  group of files, rather than once per file.

 many thanks to you, man!

 I'm surprised to find out that this works on HP-UX
 B.11.31 and SunOS 5.9 (but not on HP Tru64 UNIX

Is HP-UX still alive?

lol. in 2000 i ported our ecommerce web app from Solaris to it. Am not
exactly thrilled. At the time, i vaguely recall, the HP sales guys
come to us and tells us they have this heart-beat technology ...


Re: How to Write grep in Emacs Lisp (tutorial)

2011-02-08 Thread Xah Lee
On Feb 8, 9:32 am, Icarus Sparry wrote:
 On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 13:51:54 +0100, Petter Gustad wrote:
  Xah Lee writes:

  problem with find xargs is that they spawn grep for each file, which
  becomes too slow to be usable.

  find . -maxdepth 2 -name '*.html -print0 | xargs -0 grep whatever

  will call grep with a list of filenames given by find, only a single
  grep process will run.


 This is getting off-topic for the listed newsgroups and into (although the question was originally posed in a MS
 windows context).

 The 'modern' way to do this is
 find . -maxdepth 2 -name '*.html' -exec grep whatever {} +

 The key thing which makes this 'modern' is the '+' at the end of the
 command, rather than '\;'. This causes find to execute the grep once per
 group of files, rather than once per file.

Nice. When was the + introduced?


Guy Steele on Parallel Programing

2011-02-05 Thread Xah Lee
might be interesting.

〈Guy Steele on Parallel Programing〉


Guy Steele on Parallel Programing

Xah Lee, 2011-02-05

A fascinating talk by the well respected computer scientist Guy
Steele. (famously known as one of the author of Scheme Lisp)

How to Think about Parallel Programming: Not! (2011-01-14) By Guy
Steele. @

The talk is a bit long, at 70 minutes. The first 26 minutes he goes
thru 2 computer programs written for 1970's machines. It's quite
interesting to see how software on punch card works. For most of us,
we never seen a punch card. He actually goes thru it “line by line”,
actually “hole by hole”. Watching it, it gives you a sense of how
computers are like in the 1970s.

At 00:27, he starts talking about “automating resource management”,
and quickly to the main point of his talk, as in the title, about what
sort of programing paradigms that are good for parallel programing.
Here, parallel programing means solving a problem by utilizing
multiple CPU or nodes (as in clusters or grid). This is important
today, because CPU don't get much faster anymore; instead, each our
computer are getting more CPU (multi-core).

In the rest 40 min of the talk, he steps thru 2 programs that solves a
simple problem of splitting a sentence into words. First program is
typical sequential style, using do-loop (accumulator). The second
program is written in his language Fortress, using functional style.
He then summarizes a few key problems with traditional programing
patterns, and introduces a few critical programing patterns that he
thinks is critical for programing languages to automate parallel

In summary, as a premise, he believes that programers should not worry
about parallelism at all, but the programing language should
automatically do it. Then, he illustrates that there are few
programing patterns that we must stop using, because if you do write
your code in such paradigm, then it would be very hard to parallelize
the code, either manually or by machine AI.

If you are a functional programer and read FP news in the last couple
of years, his talk doesn't cover much new. However, i find it very
interesting, because:

* ① This is the first time i see Guy Steele talk. He talks
slightly fast. Very bright guy.
* ② The detailed discussion of punch card code on 1970's machine
is quite a eye-opener for those of us who's not in that era.
* ③ You get to see Fortress code, and its use of fancy unicode
* ④ Thru the latter half of talk, you get a concrete sense of some
critical “do's & don'ts” in coding paradigms about what makes
automated parallel programing possible or impossible.

In much of 2000s, i did not understand why compilers couldn't just
automatically do parallelism. I thought about it in 2009, and realized
why. See: Why Must Software Be Rewritten For Multi-Core Processors?.

Parallel Computing vs Concurrency Problems

Note that parallel programing and concurrency problem are not the same

Parallel programing is about writing code that can use multiple CPU.
Concurrency problems is about problems of concurrent computations
using the same resource or time (e.g. race condition, file locking).
See: Parallel computing ◇ Concurrency (computer science)

Fortress & Unicode

It's interesting that Fortress language freely uses unicode chars. For
example, list delimiters are not the typical {} or [], but the unicode
angle bracket 〈〉. (See: Matching Brackets in Unicode.) It also uses
the circle plus ⊕ as operator. (See: Math Symbols in Unicode.)

I really appreciate such use of unicode. The tradition of sticking to
the 95 chars in ASCII of 1960s is extremely limiting. It creates
complex problems manifested in:

* String Escape mechanism (C's “\n”, widely adopted.)

* Complex delimiters (Python's triple quotes and perl's variable
delimiters q() q[] q{} m//, and heredoc. (See: Strings in Perl and
Python ◇ Heredoc mechanism in PHP and Perl.)

* Crazy leaning toothpick syndrome, especially bad in emacs regex.

* Complexities in character representation (See: Emacs's Key
Notations Explained (/r, ^M, C-m, RET, return, M-, meta) ◇ HTML
entities problems. See: HTML Entities, Ampersand, Unicode, Semantics.)

* URL Percent Encoding problems and complexities: Javascript
Encode URL, Escape String

All these problems occur because we are jamming so many meanings into
about 20 symbols in ASCII.

See also:

* Computer Language Design: Strings Syntax
* HTML6: Your JSON and SXML Simplified

Was this page useful to you?

Also, almost all of today's languages do not support unicode in
function or variable names, so you can forget about using unicode in
variable names (e.g. α=3) or function names (e.g. “lambda” as “λ” or
“function” as “ƒ”), or defining your own

Re: do you know what's CGI? (web history personal story)

2011-01-15 Thread Xah Lee
   Avatar was very disappointing (Both in graphics and story) but maybe i
   expect too much...?

  The story was clearly Pocahontas… in Space!, which was very disappointing.

 I have to disagree..

Loly. At this point, i must voice Xah's Point Of View.

〈Avatar and District 9 Movie Review〉

Avatar and District 9 Movie Review

Xah Lee, 2010-01-07


Went to watch the movie Avatar (2009 film) in theater today.

Boo. On a scale of 1 to 10, i'd say this is no more than 7. This movie
is totally predicable, stereotypical, intellectually shallow. The 3D
effect isn't impressive at all, and about the only thing that is
positive about this movie is the imaginative flora and fauna.

This movies garnered raving reviews, both by critics as well as being
a highly successful money maker. But it's so disappointing to me that
i have to think about where to begin.

3D Effect

Ok, lets begin at some easy criticisms, the 3D tech. I recall, back in
late 1970s or early 1980s when i was about 10 or so, my mom's mom took
me to see one of the first 3D film, in Taiwan, a kung fu film. I
vividly recall that i physically dodged when the weapons swung towards
me from the screen. Yeah, a lot people did that. That, is the effect
of good 3D on you. But now, after 30 years, one'd suppose that the 3D
tech has improved vastly, which it has. However, watching Avatar, i
hardly get ANY 3D sense at all. In fact, i absolutely don't feel any
3D sense, perhaps a little, if i force my self to feel it, thru its 3D
glasses. (I did not watch it on iMax)

What's wrong? I don't know. Perhaps the 3D tech is different. I don't
remember which 3D films i've watched back 30 years ago, but am
guessing that some 3D tech are designed to have a exaggerated
perspectivity, and am guessing the 3D tech used in this movie is
designed to be more mellow or wide angle. But over all, i say bah.


Ok, now i might disclose some of this movie's plot, and so here's your
“spoiler” warning, but, the movie is so formula driven and
stereotypical that it doesn't matter much.

The movie, in one sentence, is about Western powers with high tech
wanting to take over gold from some primitive, indigenous people, for
their riches in their land. Yeah, that's it. And, yes, there's a hero,
who gradually realized that this isn't right, and fell in love with
one of the beautiful chick from the indigenous people (you guessed
right, the daughter of a chieftain!), and saved the tribe, with the
help of local animals and magical nature.

The movies runs 2.5 hours. I didn't particular cry “move on already”
at any point, but nor did the long movie had my attention wholly

There are no characters. All are shallow. The bad guys, in this case,
the corporation head and the head of marines, are just what they are.
The corporation head has eyes on gold, and that's his only concern.
The marines head has bulky muscles, and is all about toughness. The
hero, is just that, with good heart, and handsome to boot, courageous,
always miraculously succeeds against all odds, and gets his girl. The
heroin, in this case a alien race chick, is of course beautiful as
much beauty we can put on a feline humanoid. And what's she like?
Well, a beautiful woman, with concerns of loyalty of her man, love of
her family, her people, a caring of nature. Actually had sex with the
half-human half-alien hero. (inter-species porn anyone?)

Where is the Science in Sci-Fi?

What about the story line? Well, the human animals want this million-
dollar land inhabited by primitive tribes. The human animals created
what's called a “avatar”, which is a humanoid creature grown from bio-
tubes that has mixed DNA from humans and the native feline-like
humanoid aliens. The avatar is connected and controlled by a sleeping
human. When one is awake, the other goes to sleep. Thru the avatars,
it is thought that they can persuade the feline humanoids to move out.
But the diplomatic cunning didn't work out, of course, and violence is
resorted to. The hero fell in love with the heroin, and grew the sense
of American Justice, and defended the primitive feline-humanoids with
the help of miracle nature.

The Sci-Fi aspect of the avatar concept is all interesting. How does
the avatar work? How's it grown? How long does it take? How's the
technology to control or connect it? What's the biology of the alien?
What they eat? Well, this movie isn't concerned about these things,
only that these settings qualify it as Sci-Fi flick.

Another interesting aspect of sci-fi is that the plants and animals on
this alien place have some sort bio-wire grown from their body, that
allows direct animal-to-animal communication or animal-to-plant. For
example, the feline-humanoid can connect her bio-wire grown from her

do you know what's CGI? (web history personal story)

2011-01-14 Thread Xah Lee
some extempore thought.

Do you know what is CGI?

Worked with Mathematica for 5 hours yesterday. Fantastic! This old
hand can still do something! lol. My plane curve packages soon to be
out n am gonna be rich.

...gosh what godly hours i've spend on Mathematica in 1990s. Surprised
to find that i even Unproctected builtin symbols to fix things. (get
rid of asymptotes in ParametricPlot) (Draft notes as i go: Mathematica
Version 3 to Version 7 Conversion Notes)

... i recall, i stopped doing Mathematica in 1998 because it's a
career dead-end as a programing lang, and dived into the utterly
idiotic Perl  unix  mysql world. (See: The Unix Pestilence ◇ Xah
Lee's Computing Experience (Impression Of Lisp from Mathematica).)

Well, dead-end just as Emacs Lisp i'm spending my nights with in the
past 4 years. LOL. And on that note, same thing can be said with
haskell, OCaml.

Though, fringe langs are picking up these days. Remember Python, ruby,
in year 2000? Who'd imagined they'd become mainstream. But it took 10+
years. (See: Language, Purity, Cult, and Deception.)

Also got reminded my age recently. Someone on stackoverflow is asking
about what are those “A:” and “B:” drives on Windows. (anyone heard of
floppy drives?) In another incident, i was chatting to a friend, and
the topic went to internet tech in 1990s, and i was telling him about
how PHP (aka Pretty Home Page) came about, then naturally i discussed
CGI. After a while, i realized, those who are around 20 years old
today were under 10 in the 1990s. They wouldn't know what was CGI, and
no amount of explanation can tell them exactly it was like, because it
has become HISTORY — if you didn't live it, you can't feel it.

 Xah ∑

Re: opinion: comp lang docs style

2011-01-06 Thread Xah Lee
On Jan 4, 3:17 pm, wrote:
 On 01/04/2011 01:34 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

  On 1/4/2011 1:24 PM, an Arrogant Ignoramus wrote:

  what he called
  a opinion piece.

  I normally do not respond to trolls, but while expressing his opinions,
  AI made statements that are factually wrong at least as regards Python
  and its practitioners.

 Given that most trolls include factually false statements,
 the above is inconsistent.  And speaking of arrogant, it
 is just that to go around screaming troll about a posting
 relevant to the newsgroup it was posted in because you don't
 happen to agree with its content.  In doing so you lower
 your own credibility.  (Which is also not helped by your
 Arrogant Ignoramus name-calling.)


i called them idiots, he calls me Artificial Intelligence ☺. fair

 No.  The language reference (LR) and standard library reference
 (SLR) must stand on their own merits.  It is nice to have a good
 tutorial for those who like that style of learning.  But it should
 be possible for a programmer with a basic understanding of computers
 and some other programming languages to understand how to program
 in python without referring to tutorials, explanatory websites,
 commercially published books, the source code, etc.

yes exactly.

the best python reference to me is

Richard Gruet's quick ref:

on the python doc, afaik people complains all the time, and i know at
least 3 times in different years people have tried to bring up
projects to fix it, all shot down with spit badly by python priests,
of course.

just 2 days ago, i was pissed due to python doc url disappearance too


opinion: comp lang docs style

2011-01-04 Thread Xah Lee
a opinion piece.

〈The Idiocy of Computer Language Docs〉

The Idiocy of Computer Language Docs

Xah Lee, 2011-01-03

Worked with Mathematica for a whole day yesterday, after about 10
years hiatus. Very nice. Mathematica lang and doc, is quite unique.
Most other langs drivel with jargons, pettiness, comp-sci
pretentiousness, while their content is mathematically garbage.
(unixism mumble jumple (perl, unix), or “proper”-engineering OOP
fantasy (java), or impractical and ivory-tower adacemician idiocy as
in Scheme  Haskell ( currying, tail recursion, closure, call-cc,
lisp1 lisp2, and monad monad monad!)) (See: What are OOP's Jargons and
Complexities ◇ Language, Purity, Cult, and Deception.)

Mathematica, in its doc, is plain and simple. None of the jargon and
pretention shit. Very easy to understand. Yet, some of its function's
technical aspects are far more scholarly abstruse than any other lang
(dealing with advanced math special functions that typically only a
few thousand people in the world understand.).

A Gander into the Idiocies

Here's a gander into the doc drivel in common langs.


In unix man pages, it starts with this type of garbage:

   gzip [ -acdfhlLnNrtvV19 ] [-S suffix] [ name ...  ]
   gunzip [ -acfhlLnNrtvV ] [-S suffix] [ name ...  ]
   zcat [ -fhLV ] [ name ...  ]

   zip  [-aabcddeeffghjkllmoqrrstuvvwx...@$]  [--
longoption  ...]   [-b path] [-n suf
   fixes] [-t date] [-tt date] [zipfile [file ...]]  [-xi

Here, the mindset of unix idiots, is that somehow this “synopsis” form
is technically precise and superior. They are thinking that it
captures the full range of syntax in the most concise way. In
practice, it's seldomly read. It's actually not accurate as one'd
thought; no program can parse it and agree with the actual behavior.
It's filled with errors, incomprehensible to human. Worse of all, the
semantic of unix software's options are the worst rape to any possible
science in computer science. See: The Nature of the Unix Philosophy ◇
Unix Pipe As Functional Language ◇ Unix zip Utility Path Problem.


In Python, you see this kinda garbage:

7.1. The if statement

The if statement is used for conditional execution:
if_stmt ::=  if expression : suite
 ( elif expression : suite )*
 [else : suite]


Here, the mindset of the python idiots is similar to the unix tech
geekers. They think that using the BNF notation makes their doc more
clear and precise. The fact is, there are so many variations of BNF
each trying to fix other's problem. BNF is actually not used as a
computer language for syntax description. It's mostly used to
communicate syntax to humans. Like regex, there are so many
variations. But worse than regex in the sense that there are actually
not many actual implementations of BNF. Real word syntax description
language are usually nothing close to BNF. See: Pattern Matching vs
Lexical Grammar Specification.

This incomprehensible BNF notation is the only thing you get if you
want to know the basic syntax of “if”, “for”, “while”, “lambda”, or
other basic constructs of python.


In perl, you see this type of drivel:

A Perl program consists of a sequence of declarations and
statements which run from the top to the bottom. Loops, subroutines
and other control structures allow you to jump around within the code.

Perl is a free-form language, you can format and indent it however
you like. Whitespace mostly serves to separate tokens, unlike
languages like Python where it is an important part of the syntax.

Many of Perl's syntactic elements are optional. Rather than
requiring you to put parentheses around every function call and
declare every variable, you can often leave such explicit elements off
and Perl will figure out what you meant. This is known as Do What I
Mean, abbreviated DWIM. It allows programmers to be lazy and to code
in a style with which they are comfortable.

Perl borrows syntax and concepts from many languages: awk, sed, C,
Bourne Shell, Smalltalk, Lisp and even English. Other languages have
borrowed syntax from Perl, particularly its regular expression
extensions. So if you have programmed in another language you will see
familiar pieces in Perl. They often work the same, but see perltrap
for information about how they differ.


Notice they introduced you to their lingo “DWIM”. Juvenile humor is a
characteristics of perl's docs. It's a whole cult. They have “perl
republic”, “state of the onion”, “apocalypse”, “perl monger”, “perl
golf”, etc.(See: Larry Wall and Cults.) Another trait is irrelevant
rambling. For example, in the above you see

Re: Google AI challenge: planet war. Lisp won.

2010-12-22 Thread Xah Lee
On Dec 20, 10:06 pm, Jon Harrop wrote:
 Wasn't that the challenge where they wouldn't even accept solutions
 written in many other languages (including both OCaml and F#)?

Ocaml is one of the supported lang. See:

there are 12 teams using OCaml. See:
(click on the lang to see all teams using that lang)



Google AI challenge: planet war. Lisp won.

2010-12-02 Thread Xah Lee
discovered this rather late.

Google has a AI Challenge: planet wars.

it started sometimes 2 months ago and ended first this month.

the winner is Gábor Melis, with his code written in lisp.

Congrats lispers!

Gábor wrote a blog about it here

(not sure if this has been mentioned here but quick search didn't find

 Xah ∑ ☄

Re: Land Of Lisp is out

2010-10-28 Thread Xah Lee

On Oct 28, 12:59 am, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-
central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message,

 TheFlyingDutchman wrote:
  On Oct 27, 4:55 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand

  Would it be right to say that the only Lisp still in common use is the
  Elisp built into Emacs?

  There is a new version of Lisp called Clojure that runs on the Java
  Virtual Machine (JVM) that is on the upswing.

 Now is not exactly a good time to build new systems crucially dependent on
 the continuing good health of Java though, is it?

java's been receiving shit in recent years... Sun went belly up, Apple
bans it, Oracle sues... but one thing to note that it is currently the
most popular lang, or top 3, among C, C++. And java is certainly
better than these 2. Sad to know, but java, along with its jvm, is
likely to be with us for a while.

btw, interesting to know that the landoflisp site mentioned Common
Lisp, Scheme lisp, clojure, arc lisp, and emacs lisp in the vid too,
but didn't newLisp or Qi lisp.

here's my fav part of the comics

Conrad is certainly a fervent lisp lover. ( as is Peter Seibel ) Conrad is also a comics artist. The
landoflisp is going all over on twitter yesterday and apparantly many
already ordered it. Hope he does very well.


Re: Land Of Lisp is out

2010-10-28 Thread Xah Lee
On Oct 28, 1:42 am, (Pascal J. Bourguignon)
wrote: (Stefan Hübner) writes:
  Would it be right to say that the only Lisp still in common use is the 
  built into Emacs?

  Clojure ( is a Lisp on the JVM. It's gaining more and
  more traction.

 There are actually 2 REAL Lisp on the JVM:

 - abcl

 - CLforJava

lol. He said REAL!

how about the 10 Scheme Lisps on JVM? guess they are UNREAL. lol

btw, who cross posted this thread to python? i call troll!


Re: is list comprehension necessary?

2010-10-28 Thread Xah Lee
On Oct 27, 5:46 pm, rantingrick wrote:
 On Oct 26, 4:31 am, Xah Lee wrote:

  recently wrote a article based on a debate here. (can't find the
  original thread on Google at the moment)

 Hey all you numbskulls who are contributing the annoying off-topic
 chatter about Report Lab need to...



when i saw the thread got quietly hijacked to about PDF... it was
funny. But yeah, they need to get a life.


is list comprehension necessary?

2010-10-26 Thread Xah Lee
recently wrote a article based on a debate here. (can't find the
original thread on Google at the moment)

• 〈What's List Comprehension and Why is it Harmful?〉

it hit reddit.

though, i don't find the argument there informative.

For python, i can understand that it might be preferred, due to the
special syntax, being more in sync with python because of the
imperative hints in keywords. (e.g. those “for”, “if” in it.) But for
more pure functional lang (e.g. haskell), i think lc is pretty bad.

here's the plain text version of my essay

What's List Comprehension and Why is it Harmful?

Xah Lee, 2010-10-14

This page explains what is List Comprehension, with examples from
several languages, with my opinion on why the jargon and concept of
“list comprehension” are unnecessary, and harmful to functional
What is List Comprehension?

Here's a example of List Comprehension (LC) in python:

S = [2*n for n in range(0,9) if ( (n % 2) == 0)]
print S
# prints [0, 4, 8, 12, 16]

It generates a list from 0 to 9 by 「range(0,9)」, then remove the odd
numbers by 「( (n % 2) == 0)」, then multiply each element by 2 in
「2*n」, then returns a list.

Python's LC syntax has this form:

[myExpression for myVar in myList if myPredicateExpression]

In summary, it is a special syntax for generating a list, and allows
programers to also filter and apply a function to the list, but all
done using expressions.

In functional notation, list comprehension is doing this:

map( f, filter(list, predicate))

Other languages's LC are similiar. Here are some examples from
Wikipedia. In the following, the filter used is 「x^2  3」, and the
「2*x」 is applied to the result.

s = [ 2*x | x - [0..], x^2  3 ]


seq { for x in 0..100 do if x*x  3 then yield 2*x } ;;


[? 2 * x | x - 0 -- max_int ; x * x  3 ?];;


(take 20 (for [x (iterate inc 0) :when ( (* x x) 3)] (* 2 x)))

Common Lisp

(loop for x from 1 to 20 when ( (* x x) 3) collect (* 2 x))


S = [2*X || X - lists:seq(0,100), X*X  3].


val s = for (x - Stream.from(0); if x*x  3) yield 2*x

Here's how Wikipedia explains List comprehension. Quote:

A list comprehension is a syntactic construct available in some
programming languages for creating a list based on existing lists.

The following features makes up LC:

* (1) A flat list generator, with the ability to do filtering and
applying a function.
* (2) A special syntax in the language.
* (3) The syntax uses expressions, not functions.

Why is List Comprehension Harmful?

• List Comprehension is a opaque jargon; It hampers communication, and
encourage mis-understanding.

• List Comprehension is a redundant concept in programing. It is a
very simple list generator. It can be easily expressed in existing
functional form 「map(func, filter(list, predicate))」 or imperative
form e.g. perl: 「for (0..9) { if ( ($_ % 2) == 0) {push @result,
$_*2 }}」.

• The special syntax of List Comprehension as it exists in many langs,
are not necessary. If a special purpose function is preferred, then it
can simply be a plain function, e.g 「LC(function, list, predicate)」.
Map + Filter = List Comprehension Semantics

The LC's semantics is not necessary. A better way and more in sync
with functional lang spirit, is simply to combine plain functions:

map( f, filter(list, predicate))

Here's the python syntax:

map(lambda x: 2*x , filter( lambda x:x%2==0, range(9) ) )
# result is [0, 4, 8, 12, 16]

In Mathematica, this can be written as:

Map[ #*2 , select[ra...@9, EvenQ]]

In Mathematica, arithemetic operations can be applied to list
directely without using Map explicitly, so the above can be written

select[ra...@9, EvenQ] * 2

in my coding style, i usually write it in the following syntactically
equivalent forms:

(#*2 ) @ (Select[#, EvenQ]) @ Range @ 9


9 // Range  // (Select[#, EvenQ])  // (#*2 )

In the above, we sequence functions together, as in unix pipe. We
start with 9, then apply “Range” to it to get a list from 1 to 9, then
apply a function that filters out odd numbers, then we apply a
function to multiply each number by 2. The “//” sign is a postfix
notation, analogous to bash's “|”, and �...@” is a prefix notation that's
the reverse of “|”.

(See: Short Intro of Mathematica For Lisp Programers.)
List Comprehension Function Without Special Syntax

Suppose we want some “list comprehension” feature in a functional
lang. Normally, by default this can be done by

 map(func, filter(inputList, Predicate))

but perhaps this usage is so frequent that we want to create a new
function for it, to make it more convenient, and perhaps easier to
make the compiler to optimize more. e.g.

 LC(func, inputList, Predicate)

this is about whether a lang should create a new convenient function
that otherwise require 3 function

how to name a function in a comp lang (design)

2010-10-20 Thread Xah Lee
A great piece about terminology in computer languages.

* 〈The Poetry of Function Naming〉 (2010-10-18) By Stephen Wolfram.

See also:

• 〈The Importance of Terminology's Quality In Computer Languages〉

where i gave some examples of the naming.

 Xah ∑ ☄

Re: how to name a function in a comp lang (design)

2010-10-20 Thread Xah Lee
On Oct 20, 4:52 am, Marc Mientki wrote:
 Am 20.10.2010 13:14, schrieb Xah Lee:

  See also:

  • 〈The Importance of Terminology's Quality In Computer Languages〉

  where i gave some examples of the naming.

    I'd like to introduce a blog post by Stephen Wolfram, on the design
 process of Mathematica. In particular, he touches on the importance of
 naming of functions.

    The functions in Mathematica, are usually very well-named, in
 contrast to most other computing languages.

    Let me give a few example. [...]

thanks for your post. didn' t know you also use Mathematica.

on the aspect of function naming, i think Mathematica is rather unique
in its philosophy. Am not aware any other lang old or new follows a
similar philosophy... possibly except javascript.

 It is much easier to improve something good than to invent from scratch.
 When Lisp was born, Stephen Wolfram was still wearing diapers.

 For your information: Mathematica was my first Lisp-like language. I
 used it about 10 years almost every day and I love it because of the
 beauty of the concept. But Mathematica has two serious problems: first,
 there is only one implementation and it is commercial, and secondly,
 Mathematica is very, very slowly and does not generate executable code
 that can be used without Mathematica itself. Thus, comparisons to other
 languages, such as Lisp are not fair.

you are right... thought these aspects don't have much to do with
function naming.

i tend to think that Mathematica is that way due to a unique mind,
Stephen Wolfram. And if i may say, i share much mindset with him with
respect to many lang design issues. (or rather, Mathematica was my
first lang for about 6 years too) But i think rather, Mathematica's
lang design philosophy more has to do with certain pure mathematician
mindset.  This is somewhat similar to how haskell is a lang designed
such that it is much independent of any concept of hardware. Same here
with Mathematica, but on the naming aspect, Mathematica's function
names is designed without even much relation to comp sci lingoes, but
rather, the essense of ideas captured in a mathematical way.

 Xah ∑ ☄

Re: toy list processing problem: collect similar terms

2010-10-14 Thread Xah Lee

On Sep 25, 9:05 pm, Xah Lee wrote:
 here's a interesting toy list processing problem.

 I have a list of lists, where each sublist is labelled by
 a number. I need to collect together the contents of all sublists
 the same label. So if I have the list

 ((0 a b) (1 c d) (2 e f) (3 g h) (1 i j) (2 k l) (4 m n) (2 o p) (4 q
 r) (5 s t))

 where the first element of each sublist is the label, I need to

 ((a b) (c d i j) (e f k l o p) (g h) (m n q r) (s t))

thanks all for many interesting solutions. I've been so busy in past
month on other computing issues and writing and never got around to
look at this thread. I think eventually i will, but for now just made
a link on my page to point to here.

now we have solutions in perl, python, ruby, common lisp, scheme lisp,
mathematica. I myself would also be interested in javascript perhps
i'll write one soon. If someone would go thru all these solution and
make a good summary with consistent format/names of each solution...
that'd be very useful i think. (and will learn a lot, which is how i
find this interesting)

PS here's a good site that does very useful comparisons for those
learning multiple langs.

* 〈Lisp: Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure, Emacs Lisp〉
* 〈Scripting Languages: PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Smalltalk〉
* 〈Scripting Languages: Bash, Tcl, Lua, JavaScript, Io〉
* 〈Platform Languages: C, C++, Objective C, Java, C#〉
* 〈ML: Standard ML, OCaml, F#, Scala, Haskell〉

 Xah ∑ ☄

Re: Unicode Support in Ruby, Perl, Python, Emacs Lisp

2010-10-09 Thread Xah Lee

On Oct 9, 3:45 pm, Sean McAfee wrote:
 Xah Lee writes:
  Perl's exceedingly lousy unicode support hack is well known. In fact
  it is the primary reason i “switched” to python for my scripting needs
  in 2005. (See: Unicode in Perl and Python)

 I think your assessment is antiquated.  I've been doing Unicode
 programming with Perl for about three years, and it's generally quite
 wonderfully transparent.

you are probably right. The last period i did serious perl is 1998 to
2004. Since, have pretty much lost contact with perl community.

i have like 5 years of 8 hours day experience with perl... the app we
wrote is probably the largest perl web app at the time, say within the
top 10 largest perl web apps, during the dot com days.

spend 2 years with python about 2005, 2006, but mostly just personal

my dilema is this... i am really tired of perl, so i thougth python is
my solution. Comparing the syntax, semantics, etc, i really do find
python better, but to know python as well as i know perl, or, to know
a lang really as a expert (e.g. intimately familiar with all the ins
and outs of constructs, idioms, their speeds, libraries out there,
their nature, which are used, their bugs etc), takes years. So,
whenever i have this psychological urge to totally ditch perl and hug
python 100% ... but it takes a huge amount of time to dig into a lang
well again, so sometimes i thought of sticking with my perl due to my
existing knowledge and forthwith stop wasting valuable time, but then,
whenever i work in perl with its hack nature and crooked community
(all those mongers fuck), especially the syntax for nested list/hash
that's more than 3 levels (and my code almost always rely on nested
list/hash to do things since am a functional programer), and compare
to python's syntax on nested structure, i ask my self again, is this
shit really what i want to keep on at?

and python 3 comes in, and over the years i learned, that Guido really
hates functional programing (he understands it nil), and python is
moving more innto oop mumbo jumbo with more special syntaxes and
special semantics. (and perl is trivially far more capable at
functional programing than python) So, this puts a damnation in my
mental struggle for python.

in the end i really haven't decided on anything, as usual... it's not
really concrete, answerable question anyway, it's just psy struggle on
some fuzzy ideal about efficiency and perfect lang.

and there's ruby... (among others) and because i'm such a douchbag for
langs, now and then i suppose i waste my time to venture and read
about ruby, the unconcious execuse is that maybe ruby will turn out to
simply solve all my life's problems, but nagging in the back of my
mind is the reality that, yeah, go spend 3 years 8 hours a day on
ruby, then possibly it'll be practically useful to me as i do with
perl already, and, no, it won't bring you anything extra as far as
lang goes, for that you go to OCaml/F#, erlang, Mathematica ... and
who knows what kinda hidden needle in the eye i'll discover on my road
in ruby.

btw, this is all just a geek's mental disorder, common with many who's
into lang design and beauty etc type of shit. (high percentage of this
crowd hang in newsgroups) But the reality is that, this psychological
problem really don't have much practical justification ... it's just
fret, fret, fret. Fret, fret, fret. Years of fretting, while others
have written great apps all over the web.

in practice, i do not even have a need for perl or python in my work
since about 2006, except a few find/replace scripts for text
processing that i've written in the past. And, since about 2007, i've
been increasingly writing lots and lots more in elisp. (and this emacs
beast, is really a true love more than anything) So these days, almost
all of my scripts are in elisp. (and my job these days is mainly just
text processing programing)

• 〈Xah on Programing Languages〉

 On the programmers' web site, I flag questions with
 the unicode tag, and of questions that mention a specific language,
 Python and C++ seem to come up the most often.

  I'll have to say, as far as text processing goes, the most beautiful
  lang with respect to unicode is emacs lisp. In elisp code (e.g.
  Generate a Web Links Report with Emacs Lisp ), i don't have to declare
  none of the unicode or encoding stuff. I simply write code to process
  string or buffer text, without even having to know what encoding it
  is. Emacs the environment takes care of all that.

 It's not quite perfect, though.  I recently discovered that if I enter a
 Chinese character using my Mac's Chinese input method, and then enter
 the same character using a Japanese input method, Emacs regards them as
 different characters, even though they have the same Unicode code point.
 For example, from describe-char:

   character: 一 (43323, #o124473, #xa93b

Unicode Support in Ruby, Perl, Python, Emacs Lisp

2010-10-08 Thread Xah Lee
here's my experiences dealing with unicode in various langs.

Unicode Support in Ruby, Perl, Python, Emacs Lisp

Xah Lee, 2010-10-07

I looked at Ruby 2 years ago. One problem i found is that it does not
support Unicode well. I just checked today, it still doesn't. Just do
a web search on blog and forums on “ruby unicode”. e.g.: Source,
Source, Source, Source.

Perl's exceedingly lousy unicode support hack is well known. In fact
it is the primary reason i “switched” to python for my scripting needs
in 2005. (See: Unicode in Perl and Python)

Python 2.x's unicode support is also not ideal. You have to declare
your source code with header like 「#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-」, and you
have to declare your string as unicode with “u”, e.g. 「u林花謝了春紅」. In
regex, you have to use unicode flag such as 「'\.html
$',child,re.U)」. And when processing files, you have to read in with
「unicode(,'utf-8')」, and printing out unicode you have to
do「outF.write(outtext.encode('utf-8'))」. If you are processing lots of
files, and if one of the file contains a bad char or doesn't use
encoding you expected, your python script chokes dead in the middle,
you don't even know which file it is or which line unless your code
print file names.

Also, if the output shell doesn't support unicode or doesn't match
with the encoding specified in your python print, you get gibberish.
It is often a headache to figure out the locale settings, what
encoding the terminal support or is configured to handle, the encoding
of your file, the which encoding the “print” is using. It gets more
complex if you are going thru a network, such as ssh. (most shells,
terminals, as of 2010-10, in practice, still have problems dealing
with unicode. (e.g. Windows Console, PuTTY. Exception being Mac's
Apple Terminal.))

Python 3 supposedly fixed the unicode problem, but i haven't used it.
Last time i looked into whether i should adopt python 3, but
apparently it isn't used much. (See: Python 3 Adoption) (and i'm quite
pissed that Python is going more and more into OOP mumbo jumbo with
lots ad hoc syntax (e.g. “views”, “iterators”, “list comprehension”.))

I'll have to say, as far as text processing goes, the most beautiful
lang with respect to unicode is emacs lisp. In elisp code (e.g.
Generate a Web Links Report with Emacs Lisp ), i don't have to declare
none of the unicode or encoding stuff. I simply write code to process
string or buffer text, without even having to know what encoding it
is. Emacs the environment takes care of all that.

It seems that javascript and PHP also support unicode well, but i
don't have extensive experience with them. I suppose that elisp, php,
javascript, all support unicode well because these langs have to deal
with unicode in practical day-to-day situations.

for links, see

 Xah ∑ ☄

Re: (and scheme lisp) x Python and modern langs [was Re: gossip, Guy Steel, Lojban, Racket]

2010-09-29 Thread Xah Lee
On Sep 29, 11:02 am, namekuseijin wrote:
 On 28 set, 19:38, Xah Lee wrote:

  • “list comprehension” is a very bad jargon; thus harmful to
  functional programing or programing in general. Being a bad jargon, it
  encourage mis-communication, mis-understanding.

 I disagree:  it is a quite intuitive term to describe what the
 expression does.

what's your basis in saying that “list comprehension” is intuitive?

any statics, survery, research, references you have to cite?

to put this in context, are you saying that lambda, is also intuitive?
“let” is intuitive? “for” is intuitive? “when” is intuitive? I mean,
give your evaluation of some common computer language termilogies, and
tell us which you think are good and which are bad, so we have some
context to judge your claim.

For example, let us know, in your view, how good are terms: currying,
lisp1 lisp2, tail recursion, closure, subroutine, command, object. Or,
perhaps expound on the comparative merits and meaning on the terms
module vs package vs add-on vs library. I would like to see your view
on this with at least few paragraphs of analysis on each. If you, say,
write a essay that's at least 1k words on this topic, then we all can
make some judgement of your familiarity and understanding in this

Also, “being intuitive” is not the only aspect to consider whether a
term is good or bad. For example, emacs's uses the term “frame”. It's
quite intuitive, because frame is a common english word, everyone
understands. You know, door frame, window frame, picture frame, are
all analogous to emacs's “frame” on a computer. However, by some turn
of history, in computer software we call such as “window” now, and by
happance the term “window” also has a technical meaning in emacs, what
we call “split window” or “pane” today. So, in emacs, the term “frame”
and “window” is confusing, because emacs's “frame” is what we call
“window”, while emacs's “window” is what me might call a pane of a
split window. So here, is a example, that even when a term is
intuitive, it can still be bad.

as another example, common understanding by the target group the term
is to be used is also a important aspect. For example, the term
“lambda”, which is a name of greek char, does not convey well what we
use it for. The word's meaning by itself has no connection to the
concept of function. The char happens to be used by a logician as a
shorthand notation in his study of what's called “lambda
calculus” (the “calculus” part is basically 1700's terminology for a
systematic science, especially related to mechanical reasoning).
However, the term “lambda” used in this way in computer science and
programing has been long and wide, around 50 years in recent history
(and more back if we trace origins). So, because of established use,
here it may decrease the level of what we might think of it as a bad
jargon, by the fact that it already become a standard usage or
understanding. Even still, note that just because a term has establish
use, if  the term itself is very bad in many other aspects, it may
still warrant a need for change. For one example of a reason, the
argon will be a learning curve problem for all new generations.

You see, when you judge a terminology, you have to consider many
aspects. It is quite involved. When judging a jargon, some question
you might ask are:

• does the jargon convey its meaning by the word itself? (i.e. whether
the jargon as a word is effective in communication)

• how long has been the jargon in use?

• do people in the community understand the jargon? (e.g. what

each of these sample questions can get quite involved. For example, it
calls for expertise in linguistics (many sub-fields are relevant:
pragmatics, history of language, etymology), practical experience in
the field (programing or computer science), educational expertise
(e.g. educators, professors, programing book authors/teachers),
scientific survey, social science of communication...

also, you may not know, there are bodies of professional scientists
who work on terminologies for publication. It is not something like “O
think it's good, becus it is intuitive to me.”.

I wrote about 14 essays on various jargons in past decade. You can
find them on my site.

i removed your arguments on other parts about “list comprehension”,
because i didn't find them valuable. (barely read them) However, i
appreciate your inputs on the “do” in Scheme lisp has a functional
usage, and some other misc chat info from the beginning of this thread
on comp.lang.lisp.

 Xah ∑ ☄

Re: toy list processing problem: collect similar terms

2010-09-28 Thread Xah Lee
On Sep 27, 9:34 pm, John Bokma wrote:
 Seebs writes:

 fup set to poster

  On 2010-09-28, John Bokma wrote:
  Seebs writes:
  On 2010-09-26, J?rgen Exner wrote:
  It was livibetter who without any motivation or reasoning posted Python
  code in CLPM.

  Not exactly; he posted it in a crossposted thread, which happened to 
  CLPM and other groups, including comp.lang.python.

  It is quite possible that he didn't know about the crossposting.

  Oh, he does. It has been Xah's game for years.

  But did livibetter know about it?  I wasn't defending Xah, who is indeed
  at the very least clueless and disruptive.

 Heh, he's not clueless, the problem is that he knows exactly what he's
 doing. And like most spammers, very hard to get rid off.

  But I was sort of defending
  the poster who was accused of posting Python code in CLPM, because that
  poster may not have understood the game.

 Ah, clear. Well, the problem is somewhat also in CLPM where people
 somehow have to reply to messages like this :-(. And I am sure Xah
 laughes his ass off each time it happens.

Hi John Bokma,

can you stop this?

doesn't seems fruitful to keep on this.

if you don't like my posts, ignore them? i don't post in
comp.lang.python or comp.lang.perl.misc that often... maybe have done
so 5 times this year.

i visited your home page
and there are really a lot beautiful photos.

this isn't bribery or something like that. I've been annoyed by you,
of course, but it's not fruitful to keep going on this.


 Xah ∑ ☄

Re: (and scheme lisp) x Python and modern langs [was Re: gossip, Guy Steel, Lojban, Racket]

2010-09-28 Thread Xah Lee
xah wrote:
 in anycase, how's “do” not imperative?

On Sep 28, 6:27 am, namekuseijin wrote:
  how's “do” a “named let”? can you show example or reference of that
  proposal? (is it worthwhile?)

 I'll post it again in the hope you'll read this time:

 (do ((i 0 (+ 1 i))  ; i initially 1, (+ 1 i) at each step
      (r 0 (+ i r))) ; r initially 0, (+ i r) at each step
   (( i 5) r))      ; when i5, return r
 = 15

 it's merely a macro (syntax) that gets transformed into this:
 (let loop ((i 0)
            (r 0))
   (if ( i 5) r
     (loop (+ 1 i) (+ i r
 = 15

 which is merely a macro that essentially gets transformed into this:
 ((lambda (loop)
    (loop loop 0 0))
  (lambda (loop i r)
    (if ( i 5) r
        (loop loop (+ 1 i) (+ i r)
 = 15

 which, as you can see, is merely function application.  There's
 nothing there except evaluation of arguments, application of arguments
 to function and function return.  It's not because they chose `do', or
 `for' or `while' for naming such syntax, that it behaves the same as
 their imperative homographs.

  as i said, regarding do: “do” in general in any lang is simply
  impreative. We don't even have to know the details. I don't care
  whatnot fuck proposal from whatnot lisp of what's actually going on.
  If it is named “do”, it is imperative.

 It's not:  one can name factorial do.  It's just a name.  Who doesn't
 like do?  It's short, to the point...

ultimately, all lang gets transformed at the compiler level to become
machine instructions, which is imperative programing in the ultimate

You say that “do” is merely macro and ultimately function application.
But to what level should we go down this chain on how the language
actually works when evaluating a function in source code?

any functional lang, quickly becomes imperative when compiled to some
intermediate code or interpreted. In a sense, it can't be any other
way. Functions are abstract mathematical ideas, while “do” loop or any
instruction are actual steps of algorithms.

 Xah ∑ ☄

Re: (and scheme lisp) x Python and modern langs [was Re: gossip, Guy Steel, Lojban, Racket]

2010-09-28 Thread Xah Lee

On Sep 28, 12:07 pm, namekuseijin wrote:
 On 28 set, 14:56, Xah Lee wrote:

  ultimately, all lang gets transformed at the compiler level to become
  machine instructions, which is imperative programing in the ultimate

  You say that “do” is merely macro and ultimately function application.
  But to what level should we go down this chain on how the language
  actually works when evaluating a function in source code?

  any functional lang, quickly becomes imperative when compiled to some
  intermediate code or interpreted. In a sense, it can't be any other
  way. Functions are abstract mathematical ideas, while “do” loop or any
  instruction are actual steps of algorithms.

 That is true as of Mathematica too.  Difference being that do in
 scheme is pretty-much user-level syntax.  If you look in most (good)
 implementations sources, do and let are defined in scheme itself, not
 C or lower-level:  C code only deals with transforming lambda
 application and tail calls into proper gotos.

 So, as far as we're talking about scheme, haskell or Mathematica code,
 it's all functional in its abstraction context.

 do syntax does allow for imperative commands to be issued in scheme,
 just like let.  It does not mean it was used in said examples nor that
 do is automatically inherently imperative just because of choice of
 name.  imperative do - (do (steppers ...) (final-condition? result)
 malign-imperative-code-here ...)

 so, now that we got it clear why do in scheme is not (inherently)
 imperative why were you bashing useful (at times) functional syntax in
 the form of list comprehensions again?

le's get precise. The argument i want to make, is this:

• “list comprehension” is a very bad jargon; thus harmful to
functional programing or programing in general. Being a bad jargon, it
encourage mis-communication, mis-understanding.

• “list comprehension” is a redundant concept in programing. The
concept is of historical interest. e.g. when people talk about the
history of computer languages. The LC can simply be filter(map(func,
list), predicate).

• The special syntax of “list comprehension” as it exists in many
langs, are not necessary. It can simply be a plain function, e.g
LC(function, list, filter).

I gave a stand-alone explanation of these points at:

Do you disagree or agree with the above?

This is the point _I_ want to argue about, but you don't seem to admit
any part of it, but you seems to want to discuss about “do” in Scheme
lisp being functional.

So, perhaps we can now focus on this subject:

The “do” in Scheme lisp is not imperative, or, it can be considered as

Alright. To be honest, i haven't had enough experience to comment on,
but in general, i understand the example you've given, and i disagree.

Full report on your argument on this is given at:

Now, in your message (quoted above), you made further argument on
this. I think the main point is this, quote:

«do syntax does allow for imperative commands to be issued in scheme,
just like let.  It does not mean it was used in said examples nor that
do is automatically inherently imperative just because of choice of
name.  imperative do - (do (steppers ...) (final-condition? result)
malign-imperative-code-here ...)»

i don't think your argument is forceful enough.

It appears that by this argument you even say that “let” is not

Here, the issue verges on what is functional? What is a function? If a
function in lisp is defined as macro, does it ceases to be considered
as a function? Likewise, if a lisp's has “for” loop that is defined as
a macro, is that “for” now considered a function?

this is getting quite iffy. What level or aspect are we considering?
In each lang, usually they define certain terms specifically to the
lang, and to various degree of precision. For eample, the term
“object” means very different things in a technical way in different
langs. Same for the word “function”, “keyword”, “command”, “module”,
“package” ...

So, overall, i consider your argument for “do” in Scheme lisp being
functional is weak, or trivial. It seems to be a pet peeve. You got
annoyed because i seem to have ignored it entirely. But i got annoyed
by you because you don't get the point about what i consider more
significant opinion on “list comprehension”, which you totally ignored
and kept at hacking the “do” in Scheme lisp.

 Xah ∑ ☄

Re: (and scheme lisp) x Python and modern langs [was Re: gossip, Guy Steel, Lojban, Racket]

2010-09-27 Thread Xah Lee

 For instance, this is far more convenient:

 [x+1 for x in [1,2,3,4,5] if x%2==0]

 than this:

 map(lambda x:x+1,filter(lambda x:x%2==0,[1,2,3,4,5]))

How about this:

 LC(func, inputList, P)

compared to

 [func for myVar in inputList if P]

the functional form is:

• shorter
• not another idiysyncratic new syntax

now, a separate issue. Suppose we want some “list comprehension”
feature in a functional lang.
Normally, by default this can be done by

 filter( map(func, inputList), Predicate)

but perhaps this usage is so frequent that we want to create a new
fuction for it, to make it more convenient, and perhaps easier to make
the compiler to optimize more. e.g.

 LC(func, inputList, Predicate)

this is about whether a lang should create a new convenient function
that otherwise require 2 function combinations. Common Lisp vs Scheme
Lisp are the typical example of extreme opposites.

note, there's no new syntax involved.

Now, let's consider another separated issue related to so-called “list
Suppose we decided that generating list by a filter is so frequently
used that it worth it to create a new func for it.

 LC(func, inputList, Predicate)

Now, in functional langs, in general a design principle is that you
want to reduce the number of function unless you really need. Because,
any combination of list related functions could potentionally be a new
function in your lang. So, if we really think LC is useful, we might
want to generalize it. e.g. in

 LC(func, inputList, Predicate)

is it worthwhile say to add a 4th param, that says return just the
first n? (here we presume the lang doesn't support list of infinite
elements) e.g.

 LC(func, inputList, Predicate, n)

what about partition the list to m sublists?

 LC(func, inputList, Predicate, n, m)

what about actualy more generalized partition, by m sublist then by m1
sublist then by m2 sublist?

 LC(func, inputList, Predicate, n, list(m,m1,m2,...))

what about sorting? maybe that's always used together when you need a

 LC(func, inputList, Predicate, n, list(m,m1,m2,...), sortPredcate)

what if actually frequently we want LC to map parallel to branches?

 LC(func, inputList, Predicate, n, list(m,m1,m2,...), sortPredcate,

what if ...

you see, each of these or combination of these can be done by default
in the lang by sequenceing one or more functions (i.e. composition).
But when we create a new function, we really should think a lot about
its justification, because otherwise the lang becomes a bag of
functions that are non-essential, confusing.

In summary:

• “list comprehension” is a bad jargon.

• The concept of “list comprehension” is redundant. There's no
justification for the concept to exist except historical.

• The syntax of “list comprehension” in most lang is ad hoc syntax.

for those who find imperative lang good, then perhaps “list
comprehension” is good, because it adds another idiosyncratic syntax
to the lang, but such is with the tradition of imperative langs. The
ad hoc syntax aids in reading code by various syntactical forms and
hint words such as “[... for ... in ...]”.

 Xah ∑ ☄

Re: (and scheme lisp) x Python and modern langs [was Re: gossip, Guy Steel, Lojban, Racket]

2010-09-27 Thread Xah Lee
On Sep 27, 12:11 pm, namekuseijin wrote:
 On 27 set, 16:06, Xah Lee wrote: 2010-09-27

   For instance, this is far more convenient:
   [x+1 for x in [1,2,3,4,5] if x%2==0]
   than this:
   map(lambda x:x+1,filter(lambda x:x%2==0,[1,2,3,4,5]))

  How about this:


 how about this:  read before replying.


i read your post quite carefully, and rather thought i replied well.
In fact, i really wanted to tell you “read before replying” before but
refrained from making any of that expression.

here's 2 previous posts about list compre.


Re: toy list processing problem: collect similar terms

2010-09-26 Thread Xah Lee

On Sep 25, 11:17 pm, Paul Rubin no.em...@nospam.invalid wrote:
 Python solution follows (earlier one with an error cancelled).  All
 crossposting removed since crossposting is a standard trolling tactic.

     from collections import defaultdict

     def collect(xss):
         d = defaultdict(list)
         for xs in xss:
         return list(v for k,v in sorted(d.items()))

     y = [[0,'a','b'], [1,'c','d'], [2,'e','f'], [3,'g','h'], [1,'i','j'],
          [2,'k','l'], [4,'m','n'], [2,'o','p'], [4,'q','r'], [5,'s','t']]

     print collect(y)

Hi Paul,

thanks for your solution, and thanks to many other who provided
solutions. It'll take some time to go thru them.

btw, i disagree about your remark on crossposting. For those
interested, you can read in the following:

• 〈Cross-posting amp; Language Factions〉

if anyone wants to argue with me about this, there's a my blog link at
the bottom of the page where you can leave a comment. Feel free to use

i'll go over the solutions and post if i have anything interesting to
say. ☺ Possbly will select some to show on my site with credit of

 Xah ∑ ☄

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