Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-08-02 Thread Michael Hoffman
Ron Adam wrote:

 PS. Could someone repost the links to the current pre-pep and the most 
 recent module version so I can look at it closer look?


Reinhold's version of the module is in Python CVS in 
nondist/sandbox/path. Jason Orendorff's version is at
Michael Hoffman

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-08-01 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
phil hunt wrote:
 On Sun, 31 Jul 2005 09:48:45 +0200, Reinhold Birkenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 An improvement to what? To how the class is implemented, or to how 
 it is used?

No, the second function is cleaner and more readable than the first,
 True, but the first function, at all of seven lines, is hardly 
 complicated. I mean, if anyone couldn't understand it, they'd never 
 make a programmer.
 If you mean the former, yes is it, due to the os.path module not 
 providing a function that does this. 
 If you mean the latter, I disagree, because I would then have to 
 call it with something like:
pn = normalizePath(Path(p), q)

That's easily helped by s/tp = p/tp = Path(p)/.
 I have no idea what that comment means.

That's short for replace 'tp = p' by 'tp = Path(p). sed-lingo ;)


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-08-01 Thread Michael Hoffman
Delaney, Timothy (Tim) wrote:

  Hey - paths are special enough to warrant additional syntax, aren't they?

I hope this is a joke :)
Michael Hoffman

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-08-01 Thread Ron Adam
Ivan Van Laningham wrote:

People can subclass Path and add it if they really want it.  They can use
Jason's original module.  My position is that the PEP without this use of
__div__ is (a) better as a standard module, and (b) improves the chance of
the PEP being accepted.

 I disagree.  Using __div__ to mean path concatenation is no worse than
 using __add__ to mean string concatenation, 

But '+' doesn't mean string concatenation, it means (calls the __add__ 
method) which when used with objects other than numeric types is usually 
an object join method.  It only means string concatenation when used 
with string objects.

In this case a path object is a string object that behaves somewhat like 
a list and somewhat like a string depending on how it's being accessed. 
  Maybe a string class isn't the best way to store a path.  It seems to 
me a list with string elements would work better.  I'm not sure why it 
was ruled out.  Maybe someone could clarify that for me.

I think it's a mistake to define '+' literally to mean string 
concatenation.  I believe the '/' will be considered a wart by many and 
a boon by others.  If I'm right, there will be endless discussions over 
it if it's implemented.  I'd rather not see that, so I'm still -1 
concerning '/' for that reason among others.


PS. Could someone repost the links to the current pre-pep and the most 
recent module version so I can look at it closer look?


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-31 Thread phil hunt
On Sat, 30 Jul 2005 19:01:49 +0200, Reinhold Birkenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
phil hunt wrote:

 def normalizePath(p, *pathParts):
 Normalize a file path, by expanding the user name and getting 
the absolute path..
@param p [string] = a path to a file or directory
@param pathParts [list of string] = optional path parts
@return [string] = the same path, normalized

p1 = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(p))
if len(pathParts)0:
   allPathParts = [ p1 ]
   p1 = os.path.join(*allPathParts)
p2 = os.path.abspath(p1)   
return p2
 normalisePath=normalizePath # alternate spelling 
 join=normalizePath # it works like os.path.join, but better  
 To be honest I don't see the point of having a Path class. That's 
 the way Java does it, and I find path handling in Java to be a lot 
 more of a hassle than in Python. (Actually, most things are more of 
 a hassle in Java, but that's another story).

You see, with the Path class the above function could be written as

def normalizePath(p, *pathParts):
 Normalize a file path, by expanding the user name and getting
the absolute path..
@param p [Path] = a path to a file or directory
@param pathParts [list of string/Path] = optional path parts
@return [Path] = the same path, normalized

tp = p.expanduser().abspath()
return tp.joinwith(*pathParts).abspath()

That's clearly an improvement, isn't it?

An improvement to what? To how the class is implemented, or to how 
it is used?

If you mean the former, yes is it, due to the os.path module not 
providing a function that does this. 

If you mean the latter, I disagree, because I would then have to 
call it with something like:

   pn = normalizePath(Path(p), q)

and then I would have the problem that (pn) isn't a string so 
calling a function to write some data into the file at that filename 
would no longer work, i.e. this:

   writeFile(pn, someData)

would become this:

   writeFile(pn.getString(), someData)

I don't see what having a Path type buys me. 

Email: zen19725 at zen dot co dot uk


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-31 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
phil hunt wrote:
 On Sat, 30 Jul 2005 19:01:49 +0200, Reinhold Birkenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
phil hunt wrote:

 def normalizePath(p, *pathParts):
 Normalize a file path, by expanding the user name and getting 
the absolute path..
@param p [string] = a path to a file or directory
@param pathParts [list of string] = optional path parts
@return [string] = the same path, normalized

p1 = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(p))
if len(pathParts)0:
   allPathParts = [ p1 ]
   p1 = os.path.join(*allPathParts)
p2 = os.path.abspath(p1)   
return p2
 normalisePath=normalizePath # alternate spelling 
 join=normalizePath # it works like os.path.join, but better  
 To be honest I don't see the point of having a Path class. That's 
 the way Java does it, and I find path handling in Java to be a lot 
 more of a hassle than in Python. (Actually, most things are more of 
 a hassle in Java, but that's another story).

You see, with the Path class the above function could be written as

def normalizePath(p, *pathParts):
 Normalize a file path, by expanding the user name and getting
the absolute path..
@param p [Path] = a path to a file or directory
@param pathParts [list of string/Path] = optional path parts
@return [Path] = the same path, normalized

tp = p.expanduser().abspath()
return tp.joinwith(*pathParts).abspath()

That's clearly an improvement, isn't it?
 An improvement to what? To how the class is implemented, or to how 
 it is used?

No, the second function is cleaner and more readable than the first,

 If you mean the former, yes is it, due to the os.path module not 
 providing a function that does this. 
 If you mean the latter, I disagree, because I would then have to 
 call it with something like:
pn = normalizePath(Path(p), q)

That's easily helped by s/tp = p/tp = Path(p)/.

 and then I would have the problem that (pn) isn't a string so 
 calling a function to write some data into the file at that filename 
 would no longer work, i.e. this:
writeFile(pn, someData)
 would become this:
writeFile(pn.getString(), someData)

Why? A Path is a string.


RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-31 Thread Tony Meyer
 Yes, I read and understood it.  Saying Don't read this if 
 you don't want to be offended doesn't make an offensive 
 statement inoffensive.

No, but it makes complaining that it was offensive pointless.

 I grant that Python is much easier to learn than other 
 programming languages; students can pick up the basics 
 rapidly.  Once the basics are mastered and mentoring is over, 
 reliance on guess and intuition is not a substitute for 
 documentation, or for reading the code if documentation is 
 not available.

Working with paths *is* the basics, especially since another strength of
Python is as a form of shell script.

 However, if 
 the intention here is to create something different from 
 Jason's original module, create something different and call 
 it by another name than path; don't attempt to guess what 
 Jason really meant.  It is not Pythonic to guess.

I believe the intent here is to add an OO path object to the standard
library.  If the intent was to add Jason's path module to the standard
library, then there would be no room for discussion about how it was.  No
doubt Reinhold can clarify the intent here.  Certainly there will be times
when what is suitable for a third-party module is not suitable for a
standard library module.



RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-31 Thread Tony Meyer
 Is classic Macintosh OS still supported on Python?

No.  At least, AFAIK, there is no intent to produce packages of new Python
versions for Mac pre OS X.  Old versions of Python still work, of course,
but whatever version of Path makes it into Python (if any) is extremely
unlikely to be supported on pre OS X Mac.
I agree with all that you said, however :)



RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-31 Thread Tony Meyer
 I agree. It's yuck.
 So don't use it.

If it were that simple, I wouldn't have bothered bringing it up.  I really
do believe this is a case of There should be one-- and preferably only one
--obvious way to do it (as well as Explicit is better than implicit and
Readability counts).

If it's there, people will use it, and that means that people will have to
know about it to understand that it means join and not divide (as some will
expect).  They'll to choose whether to use it (be explicit) or not, where
the only one obvious way would remove the need for the choice.

One could argue that since Although practicality beats purity and
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch also
apply here, although the latter will require Guido's answer, of course.



RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-31 Thread Tony Meyer
 While people are loathe to admit it, many stereotypes have 
 some basis in fact.  The problem is when people extend that to generalize 
 about others (especially in a negative way).

The intent was to use the basis-in-fact stereotype without having to explain
in detail the factual basis, which didn't seem particularly useful, nor
necessary.  I suppose that was wrong.  Since *I* am a Windows user and
developer, if it was insulting, I was also insulting myself.

For one person, at least, it seems that I needed to explain everything in as
much detail as you did.  Thanks for doing it for me :)

 That being said, there is a big difference between a Windows 
 *user* and a Windows *developer*.  I doubt many Windows *users* will
 be writing Python code. 

Python is a great language for beginners (look at the tutor list).  The
language should be kept as easy as possible for beginners to use, while not
limiting what experts can do (something to this effect was even said on
python-dev recently).  Lacking this __div__ hack doesn't limit experts, and
does make it more difficult for beginners.



RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-31 Thread Tony Meyer
 Above all, nobody can tell me that there's any programmer who 
 doesn't instantly recognize '/' as a directory separator.

There is a programmer who doesn't instantly recognise '/' as a directory

I teach programming.  The above is true.  I think that the statement any
programmer would instantly recognise '/' as division (and associate it
therewith) is much more likely to be true.



RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-31 Thread Delaney, Timothy (Tim)
I have to say, the examples of using / don't really suggest path
concatenation to me.

However, I think the problem is the use of whitespace. Specifically::

path = Path()
subdir = subdir
f = filname

path = path / subdir / f

looks more like division (even with the obvious names I've used). OTOH:

path = path/subdir/f

*does* look a lot more like path concatenation. So for some people it
may be how it is used.

On the gripping hand, the second example reads more like a regex to me
... ;)

OK - now for the silly suggestions ... I'm feeling tired ... methinks
Guido would not be happy if I suggested the following on python-dev ;)

For a relative path:

path = ./subdir/f
path = ../subdir/f

For an absolute path:

path = /dir/f

Both of these are currently syntax errors. Introduce the . and .. syntax
which map to calls to Path() and Path(os.path.dirname(os.cwd())
respectively,  and the unary division operator (which can either preceed
or follow the object). Hey - paths are special enough to warrant
additional syntax, aren't they?

Tim Delaney

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-31 Thread phil hunt
On Sun, 31 Jul 2005 09:48:45 +0200, Reinhold Birkenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 An improvement to what? To how the class is implemented, or to how 
 it is used?

No, the second function is cleaner and more readable than the first,

True, but the first function, at all of seven lines, is hardly 
complicated. I mean, if anyone couldn't understand it, they'd never 
make a programmer.

 If you mean the former, yes is it, due to the os.path module not 
 providing a function that does this. 
 If you mean the latter, I disagree, because I would then have to 
 call it with something like:
pn = normalizePath(Path(p), q)

That's easily helped by s/tp = p/tp = Path(p)/.

I have no idea what that comment means.

 and then I would have the problem that (pn) isn't a string so 
 calling a function to write some data into the file at that filename 
 would no longer work, i.e. this:
writeFile(pn, someData)
 would become this:
writeFile(pn.getString(), someData)

Why? A Path is a string.

Aha, having read about path on the web, I know that now.

I also withdraw my objections; it looks like it could well have been 
useful on some of the projects I've worked on.

Email: zen19725 at zen dot co dot uk


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-30 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
 Hi All--
 Tony Meyer wrote:
 So far, there have been various statements that look like +0 for __div__,
 but no-one with a +1.  (And I've said this a couple of times now, which
 really is just trolling for a +1 from someone).
  It's not a question of saving characters, but readability which, as
  you've said, is a matter of opinion.
 I like / as a shortcut to joinwith().  I like it a lot.  I like it so
 much I'll give you a +2.

Add a +1 from me.

 (Those who are offended by sweeping generalisations should ignore this next
 I think it's also worth considering that Windows users are more clueless
 than users of posix systems.  The readability of __div__ comes from
 familiarity with posix filesystems; for a Windows user, \ would be the
 natural character.  So we're making things more readable for users that are
 already more likely figure things out, and less readable for users that have
 trouble figuring things out.
 This is not only bullshit, it's elitist bullshit.  Windows users are
 more clueless than users of posix systems.  Pfui.  Prove it or withdraw

Above all, nobody can tell me that there's any programmer who doesn't instantly
recognize '/' as a directory separator.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-30 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Tony Meyer wrote:
  (Those who are offended by sweeping generalisations should
  ignore this next bit)
 [...generalisation bit snipped...]
  This is not only bullshit, it's elitist bullshit.  Windows users are
  more clueless than users of posix systems.  Pfui.  Prove it
  or withdraw it.
 Sigh.  I guess you didn't read or understand the first sentence?

Yes, I read and understood it.  Saying Don't read this if you don't
want to be offended doesn't make an offensive statement inoffensive.

  This (readability without knowing the language/standard
  libraries) is a huge benefit of using Python.
  It's overrated.  It must be macho to say I learned Python without
  reading books.
 No it is not.  Have you used Python as pseudocode when teaching people how
 to program?  Many people have.  That's just one example.

I grant that Python is much easier to learn than other programming
languages; students can pick up the basics rapidly.  Once the basics are
mastered and mentoring is over, reliance on guess and intuition is not a
substitute for documentation, or for reading the code if documentation
is not available.

 People can subclass Path and add it if they really want it.  They can use
 Jason's original module.  My position is that the PEP without this use of
 __div__ is (a) better as a standard module, and (b) improves the chance of
 the PEP being accepted.

I disagree.  Using __div__ to mean path concatenation is no worse than
using __add__ to mean string concatenation, and it is both easy to
remember (once the manual is read) and easy to type.  Requiring users
who want / to mean what it has always meant in the path module is
neither easy nor intuitive.  On the face of it, Jason would seem to
agree, since he created / as a synonym for joinpath().  However, if the
intention here is to create something different from Jason's original
module, create something different and call it by another name than
path; don't attempt to guess what Jason really meant.  It is not
Pythonic to guess.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-30 Thread phil hunt
On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 14:38:23 +1200, Tony Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 def functions_which_modifies_some_file_in_place(path):
  output = open(path+'.tmp', 'w')
 I dont want a seperator inserted between path and the new extension.

Fair enough.  Forget using '+' for join, then (which I was never that keen
on - TIOWTDI), but I'm still -1 on using '/' for join.

I agree. It's yuck.

What's wrong with simply having each path-element as an argument to 
a function, e.g.

join(foo, bar, baz)

Email: zen19725 at zen dot co dot uk


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-30 Thread phil hunt
On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 14:48:55 +1200, Tony Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Would you really choose this:

p = Path() / build / a / very / very / long / path

Over this:

p = Path(os.path.join(build, a, very, very, long, path))

Or have the constructor accept multiple arguments.

?  A saving of six characters, and the second one is a lot clearer.  If
there was a os.path.joinPath (or whatever name) function that returned a
Path object rather than a string, then you'd get:

p = joinPath(build, a, very, very, long, path)


I have a little function I've written called normalizePath(). It 
expands users (~ and ~someuser), does os.path.join(), then gets 
the absolute path (os.path.abspath()) of the result. The code is

def normalizePath(p, *pathParts):
Normalize a file path, by expanding the user name and getting 
   the absolute path..
   @param p [string] = a path to a file or directory
   @param pathParts [list of string] = optional path parts
   @return [string] = the same path, normalized
   p1 = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(p))
   if len(pathParts)0:
  allPathParts = [ p1 ]
  p1 = os.path.join(*allPathParts)
   p2 = os.path.abspath(p1)   
   return p2
normalisePath=normalizePath # alternate spelling 
join=normalizePath # it works like os.path.join, but better  

To be honest I don't see the point of having a Path class. That's 
the way Java does it, and I find path handling in Java to be a lot 
more of a hassle than in Python. (Actually, most things are more of 
a hassle in Java, but that's another story).

Email: zen19725 at zen dot co dot uk


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-30 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 30 Jul 2005 14:10:52 +0200, Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:

 Above all, nobody can tell me that there's any programmer who doesn't 
 instantly recognize '/' as a directory separator.

Is classic Macintosh OS still supported on Python? Because Mac programmers
who haven't made the jump to OS X will probably instantly recognise ':' as
the directory separator, not '/'.

Acorn RISC OS developers may also instantly recognise '.' as the directory

And presumably mathematicians and numeric programmers who do very little
file input/output will probably instantly recognise '/' as the division

And I have no idea what directory separators are in use under file systems
that don't use ASCII or any extension to ASCII, eg the OS which has been
described as the most common operating system in the world, the Japanese
Real-time Operating System Nucleus, TRON. (Chances are you have at least
half a dozen devices in your home with embedded TRON.)

Still, your (modified) point that most Western programmers will quickly
recognise '/' as a directory separator is surely true. 

Even given that, I'm not convinced that it is a good idea to turn '/' into
a join-path operator. I don't have any good reasons for objecting
either, just a funny little feeling in the back of my head that says
that no good can ever come from allowing Path(C:\Windows)/



Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-30 Thread Brian Beck
Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
 I like / as a shortcut to joinwith().  I like it a lot.  I like it so
 much I'll give you a +2.

+1 here. Extremely practical.

Brian Beck
Adventurer of the First Order

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-30 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
phil hunt wrote:
 On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 14:38:23 +1200, Tony Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 def functions_which_modifies_some_file_in_place(path):
  output = open(path+'.tmp', 'w')
 I dont want a seperator inserted between path and the new extension.

Fair enough.  Forget using '+' for join, then (which I was never that keen
on - TIOWTDI), but I'm still -1 on using '/' for join.
 I agree. It's yuck.

So don't use it.

 What's wrong with simply having each path-element as an argument to 
 a function, e.g.
 join(foo, bar, baz)

Nothing's wrong, and you can do it this way too.

Path(foo, bar, baz) or
Path(foo).joinwith(bar, baz)


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-30 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
phil hunt wrote:

 def normalizePath(p, *pathParts):
 Normalize a file path, by expanding the user name and getting 
the absolute path..
@param p [string] = a path to a file or directory
@param pathParts [list of string] = optional path parts
@return [string] = the same path, normalized

p1 = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(p))
if len(pathParts)0:
   allPathParts = [ p1 ]
   p1 = os.path.join(*allPathParts)
p2 = os.path.abspath(p1)   
return p2
 normalisePath=normalizePath # alternate spelling 
 join=normalizePath # it works like os.path.join, but better  
 To be honest I don't see the point of having a Path class. That's 
 the way Java does it, and I find path handling in Java to be a lot 
 more of a hassle than in Python. (Actually, most things are more of 
 a hassle in Java, but that's another story).

You see, with the Path class the above function could be written as

def normalizePath(p, *pathParts):
 Normalize a file path, by expanding the user name and getting
the absolute path..
@param p [Path] = a path to a file or directory
@param pathParts [list of string/Path] = optional path parts
@return [Path] = the same path, normalized

tp = p.expanduser().abspath()
return tp.joinwith(*pathParts).abspath()

That's clearly an improvement, isn't it?


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-30 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sat, 30 Jul 2005 14:10:52 +0200, Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 Above all, nobody can tell me that there's any programmer who doesn't 
 instantly recognize '/' as a directory separator.
 Is classic Macintosh OS still supported on Python? Because Mac programmers
 who haven't made the jump to OS X will probably instantly recognise ':' as
 the directory separator, not '/'.
 Acorn RISC OS developers may also instantly recognise '.' as the directory

I didn't say that '/' is the native directory separator on every platform. But
other than ':' or '.', '/' is used as widely as URLs are, so it _will_ be
recognizable as a directory separator.

 And presumably mathematicians and numeric programmers who do very little
 file input/output will probably instantly recognise '/' as the division

Yes, they will. But they presumably will read the documentation of the path
module when using it (and, given that most operands will be strings, they won't
suspect division going on).

 And I have no idea what directory separators are in use under file systems
 that don't use ASCII or any extension to ASCII, eg the OS which has been
 described as the most common operating system in the world, the Japanese
 Real-time Operating System Nucleus, TRON. (Chances are you have at least
 half a dozen devices in your home with embedded TRON.)

Well, as long as Python doesn't run under TRON, that's not much of a point here.

 Still, your (modified) point that most Western programmers will quickly
 recognise '/' as a directory separator is surely true. 
 Even given that, I'm not convinced that it is a good idea to turn '/' into
 a join-path operator. I don't have any good reasons for objecting
 either, just a funny little feeling in the back of my head that says
 that no good can ever come from allowing Path(C:\Windows)/

Well, if you want to do such things, you surely don't need a path join anyway.

Just write C:\\Windows\\ + something in this case. The path join is there
for platform independence, and you will most certainly not write a Windows
path directly into the source if you want to be XP compatible.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-30 Thread Cliff Wells
On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 08:01 -0600, Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
 Tony Meyer wrote:
   (Those who are offended by sweeping generalisations should
   ignore this next bit)
  [...generalisation bit snipped...]
   This is not only bullshit, it's elitist bullshit.  Windows users are
   more clueless than users of posix systems.  Pfui.  Prove it
   or withdraw it.
  Sigh.  I guess you didn't read or understand the first sentence?
 Yes, I read and understood it.  Saying Don't read this if you don't
 want to be offended doesn't make an offensive statement inoffensive.

While people are loathe to admit it, many stereotypes have some basis in
fact.  The problem is when people extend that to generalize about others
(especially in a negative way).  It's probably true that, as a whole,
most Windows users are quite a bit less knowledgeable about their
systems than *nix users.  This is probably the result of Windows being
quite a bit more user-friendly than *nix systems (another
generalization!), hence demanding less of the user, and also, I suspect,
due to the fact that *nix users tend to be a self-selected crowd (they
chose *nix because they wanted to learn more, and are willing to accept
the larger demand the OS places on them in exchange for the added
flexibility it provides).  Of course, this is impossible to prove, but
anyone who's done support knows where the majority of the silly
questions come from.

That being said, there is a big difference between a Windows *user* and
a Windows *developer*.  I doubt many Windows *users* will be writing
Python code.  I would expect that any Windows *programmer* would have no
problem using / as a path delimiter (and in fact, Microsoft APIs have
supported / as a path delimiter since MS-DOS days).  Programmers are as
much a self-selected crowd as the *nix users and this puts them on par
with *nix developers.

 Using __div__ to mean path concatenation is no worse than
 using __add__ to mean string concatenation, and it is both easy to
 remember (once the manual is read) and easy to type.

I agree.  I like overloading as long as it makes sense when I read it.
Python's use of + to mean concatenation doesn't make me blink, nor
does overloading / in this case.  In fact, I'm surprised it's only now
been proposed.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] :: Web applications and hosting :: Linux, PostgreSQL and 
Python specialists ::


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-29 Thread Stefan Rank
[__div__ for .joinpath()]

on 29.07.2005 04:48 Tony Meyer said the following:
I, herewith, claim to have used it in the past.
But I am indifferent as to if its needed, it just looks natural to me.
 So far there seem to have been a few +0s, but no +1s...
What I use quite often is::

   path(__file__).dirname() / somesiblingfileiknowisthere

you do not have to think about trailing slashes or absolute vs. 
relative. and its much better than::

   from os.path import *
   join(dirname(__file__), somesiblingfileiknowisthere)
 In what way is this much better?

because of the 'object-orientedness'.
i hope we agree on that (that's the reason for a path PEP?).

the first is only sugar for the explicit::


and as i said +0

operator overloading is only good if it's intuitive for the majority.
(or Guido i suppose, in case this majority-person does not show up)


 Would you really choose this:
 p = Path() / build / a / very / very / long / path
(Path() is the current dir I think)
 Over this:
 p = Path(os.path.join(build, a, very, very, long, path))
 ?  A saving of six characters, and the second one is a lot clearer.  If
 there was a os.path.joinPath (or whatever name) function that returned a
 Path object rather than a string, then you'd get:
 p = joinPath(build, a, very, very, long, path)
 Which is better (clearer, more concise) than either of the others, IMO.

actually for explicitness i would choose: (original jorendorff)::

   p = path(build).joinpath(any, path, you, can, imagine)

or otherwise maybe::

   p = path(alpha) / and / omega


RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-29 Thread Tim Golden
[Tony Meyer]

| [Tim Golden]
|  Well, I actually had some correspondence with Jason on this 
|  very subject a year or so ago:
| [...]
|  Obviously, I don't know how much weight Jason's original 
|  ideas have on the prepped-for-syslib module, but it does 
|  support what other people have been saying: that the Path 
|  should behave like a string where a string is expected.
| Was that the whole email?  It certainly adds weight to '+' 
| having the normal
| string behaviour, but it didn't really say anything about why 
| '/' should be
| a shortcut for join.  Do you know if Jason had any reasoning 
| for this other
| than laziness wink?
| =Tony.Meyer

Well, he did add the following paragraph:

For example:  I haven't tried it, but I don't think the most obvious
two-line fix will necessarily work.  If you change __add__ to call
os.path.join(), you'll likely get infinite recursion, because os.path.join()
probably uses + to do its work.  Of course this is pretty easy to work
around; call it three lines.

which might explain why he *didn't* use __add__ but doesn't explain
whey he *did* use __div__. (There was more to the original email
but that was more to do with some wild-eyed ideas I'd had about
adding methods for file-locking and share-mounting to the path

FWIW, my own feeling is that / is an awkward fit and relies for
its ease-of-reading on the -- admittedly common but not universal -- 
use of that symbol as a path separator. I don't feel terribly strongly
about it, but I don't tend to use it in my own code.


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Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-29 Thread Peter Hansen
Tony Meyer wrote:
 Would you really choose this:
 p = Path() / build / a / very / very / long / path
 Over this:
 p = Path(os.path.join(build, a, very, very, long, path))

I'd choose neither, because both are contrived examples (who builds 
paths out of six literals like that?) and the second one is not 
something anyone would want, since it mixes Paths and old-style 
os.path.join() calls.

We're talking at this point about how Path should work, not whether it's 
preferable to os.path.join, even though that was really the point of 
Reinhard's original post.  Given that, then, of the following two I 
would prefer the first one, slightly:

   p = somePath / user.getFolder() / 'archive' / oldPath + '.bak'

   p = somePath.joinpath(user.getFolder(), 'archive', oldPath + '.bak')

 ?  A saving of six characters, and the second one is a lot clearer.  

It's not a question of saving characters, but readability which, as 
you've said, is a matter of opinion.

I find the former more readable.  Somewhat.  Not enough to make a big 
deal about it.

I can live with the latter, but as *someone who has used the path module 
already* I can only say that you might want to try it for a few months 
before condemning the approach using / as being unacceptable.


RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-29 Thread Tony Meyer
 We're talking at this point about how Path should work, not 
 whether it's preferable to os.path.join, even though that was
 really the point of Reinhard's original post.

That's not what I'm talking about.  I'm talking about whether __div__ should
be a shortcut to joinwith, or whether users should be forced to use joinwith

So far, there have been various statements that look like +0 for __div__,
but no-one with a +1.  (And I've said this a couple of times now, which
really is just trolling for a +1 from someone).

 It's not a question of saving characters, but readability which, as 
 you've said, is a matter of opinion.

(Those who are offended by sweeping generalisations should ignore this next

I think it's also worth considering that Windows users are more clueless
than users of posix systems.  The readability of __div__ comes from
familiarity with posix filesystems; for a Windows user, \ would be the
natural character.  So we're making things more readable for users that are
already more likely figure things out, and less readable for users that have
trouble figuring things out.

 I can live with the latter, but as *someone who has used the 
 path module already* I can only say that you might want to try it
 for a few months before condemning the approach using / as being

1.  ISTM that standard library modules should be as readable as possible,
even for those that don't use them.  If I'm reading the source for module X
and it uses a Path object, then it should be pretty straightforward to
understand what is happening without also having to read the Path
source/docs.  This (readability without knowing the language/standard
libraries) is a huge benefit of using Python.

2.  If I did use the Path module, then I wouldn't use __div__, because it
looks less readable to me.  I suppose I might find that I got annoyed typing
joinpath, but I doubt it.  Also, because I have followed this PEP, I know
that __div__ means joinwith, so if I read code that used path, I would
understand it - it's too late for me to try reading code as a 'fresh' user
and see if it confuses me or not.



Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-29 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Tony Meyer wrote:
 So far, there have been various statements that look like +0 for __div__,
 but no-one with a +1.  (And I've said this a couple of times now, which
 really is just trolling for a +1 from someone).
  It's not a question of saving characters, but readability which, as
  you've said, is a matter of opinion.

I like / as a shortcut to joinwith().  I like it a lot.  I like it so
much I'll give you a +2.

 (Those who are offended by sweeping generalisations should ignore this next
 I think it's also worth considering that Windows users are more clueless
 than users of posix systems.  The readability of __div__ comes from
 familiarity with posix filesystems; for a Windows user, \ would be the
 natural character.  So we're making things more readable for users that are
 already more likely figure things out, and less readable for users that have
 trouble figuring things out.

This is not only bullshit, it's elitist bullshit.  Windows users are
more clueless than users of posix systems.  Pfui.  Prove it or withdraw

 1.  ISTM that standard library modules should be as readable as possible,
 even for those that don't use them.  If I'm reading the source for module X
 and it uses a Path object, then it should be pretty straightforward to
 understand what is happening without also having to read the Path
 source/docs.  This (readability without knowing the language/standard
 libraries) is a huge benefit of using Python.

It's overrated.  It must be macho to say I learned Python without
reading books.  Next you'll tell me you never ask for directions when
you're lost.

 2.  If I did use the Path module, then I wouldn't use __div__, because it
 looks less readable to me.  I suppose I might find that I got annoyed typing
 joinpath, but I doubt it.  Also, because I have followed this PEP, I know
 that __div__ means joinwith, so if I read code that used path, I would
 understand it - it's too late for me to try reading code as a 'fresh' user
 and see if it confuses me or not.

Then that's your right, but don't try to take / away from people who use
it and like it.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-29 Thread Tony Meyer
 (Those who are offended by sweeping generalisations should 
 ignore this next bit)
[...generalisation bit snipped...]
 This is not only bullshit, it's elitist bullshit.  Windows users are
 more clueless than users of posix systems.  Pfui.  Prove it 
 or withdraw it.

Sigh.  I guess you didn't read or understand the first sentence?

 This (readability without knowing the language/standard
 libraries) is a huge benefit of using Python.
 It's overrated.  It must be macho to say I learned Python without
 reading books.

No it is not.  Have you used Python as pseudocode when teaching people how
to program?  Many people have.  That's just one example.

 Then that's your right, but don't try to take / away from 
 people who use it and like it.

People can subclass Path and add it if they really want it.  They can use
Jason's original module.  My position is that the PEP without this use of
__div__ is (a) better as a standard module, and (b) improves the chance of
the PEP being accepted.



RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-28 Thread Tony Meyer
 def functions_which_modifies_some_file_in_place(path):
  output = open(path+'.tmp', 'w')
 I dont want a seperator inserted between path and the new extension.

Fair enough.  Forget using '+' for join, then (which I was never that keen
on - TIOWTDI), but I'm still -1 on using '/' for join.



RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-28 Thread Tony Meyer
 I, herewith, claim to have used it in the past.
 But I am indifferent as to if its needed, it just looks natural to me.

So far there seem to have been a few +0s, but no +1s...

 What I use quite often is::
path(__file__).dirname() / somesiblingfileiknowisthere
 you do not have to think about trailing slashes or absolute vs. 
 relative. and its much better than::
from os.path import *
join(dirname(__file__), somesiblingfileiknowisthere)

In what way is this much better?  To me, this is much worse, because it is
not at all clear what it means (a *huge* benefit of using Python is that you
can read the code just like pseudocode).  It is immediately clear from the
second example that you are joining two things together.  The first one, you
could be joining, or you could be dividing.  Compare:

my_directory_string_object / somesiblingfileiknowisthere


my_directory_path_object / somesiblingfileiknowisthere

These look the same, but one will raise a TypeError, and the other will
result in a joined Path.  How do I tell which is which when reading source,
without explicitly saying that I'm using a Path object?

 __div__ is actually very convenient to build / a / very 
 / very / long / path

Would you really choose this:

p = Path() / build / a / very / very / long / path

Over this:

p = Path(os.path.join(build, a, very, very, long, path))

?  A saving of six characters, and the second one is a lot clearer.  If
there was a os.path.joinPath (or whatever name) function that returned a
Path object rather than a string, then you'd get:

p = joinPath(build, a, very, very, long, path)

Which is better (clearer, more concise) than either of the others, IMO.



RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-28 Thread Tony Meyer
[using __div__ to mean join]

 I'm not too happy with it, too, but do we have alternatives? 
 As paths are strings, we can hardly override the '+' operator,
 so there's not much operators left.
 Of course, one can use joinwith() if he doesn't like '/'.

My argument is that the alternative is to not provide an operator for this,
and to force people to use the appropriate join function (joinwith, I
gather).  Not everything needs to have an operator! (In Python, at least

Consider the 'discussion' regarding '@' and decorators.  It's pretty clear
that the Python community really isn't in favour of overloading characters
with a lot of different meanings, and would much prefer being explicit
(explicit is better than implicit, and all that).  (Guido disagreed in this
particular case, of course, but I believe that is an exception).

I don't speak for python-dev or know for sure, but I suspect that the PEP
would have a greater chance of acceptance (the goal, I presume) if this
__div__ hackery wasn't in it.



RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-28 Thread Tony Meyer
 Well, I actually had some correspondence with Jason on this 
 very subject a year or so ago:
 Obviously, I don't know how much weight Jason's original 
 ideas have on the prepped-for-syslib module, but it does 
 support what other people have been saying: that the Path 
 should behave like a string where a string is expected.

Was that the whole email?  It certainly adds weight to '+' having the normal
string behaviour, but it didn't really say anything about why '/' should be
a shortcut for join.  Do you know if Jason had any reasoning for this other
than laziness wink?



Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-27 Thread Toby Dickenson
On Wednesday 27 July 2005 05:37, Meyer, Tony wrote:

 I can see that this would make sense in some situations, but ISTM that it
 would make a great deal more sense (and be much more intuitive) to have
 concatenation include the separator character (i.e. be join).  

def functions_which_modifies_some_file_in_place(path):
 output = open(path+'.tmp', 'w')

I dont want a seperator inserted between path and the new extension.

Toby Dickenson

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-27 Thread Ron Adam
Toby Dickenson wrote:
 On Wednesday 27 July 2005 05:37, Meyer, Tony wrote:
I can see that this would make sense in some situations, but ISTM that it
would make a great deal more sense (and be much more intuitive) to have
concatenation include the separator character (i.e. be join).  
 def functions_which_modifies_some_file_in_place(path):
  output = open(path+'.tmp', 'w')
 I dont want a seperator inserted between path and the new extension.

My impression of '+', is it always join like objects...

str+str - str
list+list - list
tuple+tuple - tuple

So ...

path+path - path

In all current cases, (that I know of), of differing types, '+' raises 
an error.

Question:  Is a path object mutable?

Would the += operator create an new object or modify the original?

p = path('C://somedir//somefile')

p+='.zip'  what would this do?

p[-1]+='.zip'  Or this?

Cheer's Ron.

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-27 Thread Michael Hoffman
Ron Adam wrote:

 In all current cases, (that I know of), of differing types, '+' raises 
 an error.

Not quite:

  hello  + uworld
u'hello world'
  4.5 + 5

 Question:  Is a path object mutable?


This should answer the rest of your questions.
Michael Hoffman

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-27 Thread Ron Adam
Michael Hoffman wrote:
 Ron Adam wrote:
 In all current cases, (that I know of), of differing types, '+' raises 
 an error.
 Not quite:
   hello  + uworld
 u'hello world'
   4.5 + 5
 Question:  Is a path object mutable?
 This should answer the rest of your questions.

Yes it does, thanks.

In the case of numeric types, it's an addition and not a join.  I should 
have specified in 'all cases, (I know of), where '+' is used to join 
objects, but I thought that was clear from the context of the 
discussion.  I haven't needed to use unicode yet, so it didn't come to mind.

Although it raises other questions...  ;-)

Could a string prefix be used with paths as well?

path = pC://somedir//somefile

Would that clash with the 'u' prefix?  Or would we need a 'p' and a 'up' 
prefix to differentiate the two?

(Just a thought. I'm +0 on this, but this seems to be a new string type, 
and file operations are frequent and common.)

You could have both behaviors with the '+'.

 path_a + path_b  -  join path_b to path_a using separator.

 path + string -  append string to path (no separator)

 string + path -  prepends string to path (no separator)

This would be similar, (but not exactly like), how u'text'+'text' and 
'text'+u'text' work.  They both return unicode strings given a standard 
string.  It would allow the following to work.

 path = path('C:')+path('somedir')+path('somefile.txt')+'.zip'

 -   'C://somedir//'

So I guess the question here is which of these is preferable with '+'?

1.  Strings act like paths when one is a path.  They will be joined with 
a separator.

2.  Paths are joined with separators *and* a string is prepended or 
postpended as is with no separator.

3.  All path objects (and strings) act like strings.  No separator is 
used when joining path objects with '+'.

(Seems like #3 defeats the purpose of path a bit to me.)

I'm +1 on #2 after thinking about it.



Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-27 Thread Peter Hansen
Ron Adam wrote:
 Michael Hoffman wrote:
 Ron Adam wrote:
 In all current cases, (that I know of), of differing types, '+' 
 raises an error.

 Not quite:
   hello  + uworld
 u'hello world'
   4.5 + 5

 In the case of numeric types, it's an addition and not a join.  I should 
 have specified in 'all cases, (I know of), where '+' is used to join 
 objects, but I thought that was clear from the context of the 
 discussion.  I haven't needed to use unicode yet, so it didn't come to 

I believe Michael intended to show that 4.5 + 5 actually represents 
using + with two different types, specifically a float and an int, thus 
giving at least two common cases where errors are not raised.

(While the issue of addition vs. join is merely a (human) language 
issue... one could just as well say that those two numbers are being 
joined by the +.)


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-27 Thread Ron Adam
Peter Hansen wrote:
 Ron Adam wrote:
 Michael Hoffman wrote:

 Ron Adam wrote:

 In all current cases, (that I know of), of differing types, '+' 
 raises an error.

 Not quite:
   hello  + uworld
 u'hello world'
   4.5 + 5

 In the case of numeric types, it's an addition and not a join.  I 
 should have specified in 'all cases, (I know of), where '+' is used to 
 join objects, but I thought that was clear from the context of the 
 discussion.  I haven't needed to use unicode yet, so it didn't come to 
 I believe Michael intended to show that 4.5 + 5 actually represents 
 using + with two different types, specifically a float and an int, thus 
 giving at least two common cases where errors are not raised.

Yes, I got that distinction.

Yet, concatenation isn't addition.  Yes, they have some conceptual 
similarities, but they are two different operations that happen to use 
the same symbol for convenience.  Three if you count lists and tuples 
join as being different from string concatinattion.

 (While the issue of addition vs. join is merely a (human) language 
 issue... one could just as well say that those two numbers are being 
 joined by the +.)


It's also a Python language issue.  ;-)


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-26 Thread Ron Adam
Peter Hansen wrote:
 Michael Hoffman wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:

 Tony Meyer wrote:

 Do people really like using __div__ to mean join?  

 I'm not too happy with it, too, but do we have alternatives? ...
 Of course, one can use joinwith() if he doesn't like '/'.

 I've used the path module pretty extensively and always use 
 joinpath(). Personally, I'm -0 on __div__, but I suppose if anyone 
 here claimed to have used in the past, rather than it just being some 
 novelty that might be a good idea, that would be good enough for 
 keeping it.
 I've tried it both ways, and ended up accepting / as a useful and clean 
 approach, though as a general rule I find operator-overloading to be 
 fairly hideous and to lead to Perlish code.  This one I resisted for a 
 while, then found it fairly pleasant, making it perhaps the exception to 
 the rule...
 Perhaps it's just that in code that builds paths out of several 
 components, it seemed quite straightforward to read when it used / 
 instead of method calls.
 For example, from one program:
scripts = userfolder / scriptfolder
scriptpath = scripts / self.config['system']['commandfile']
 instead of what used to be:
scripts = userfolder.joinpath(scriptfolder)
scriptpath = scripts.joinpath(self.config['system']['commandfile'])
 Even so I'm only +0 on it.

I think the '+' is used as a join for both strings and lists, so it 
would probably be the better choice as far as consistency with the 
language is concerned.


As for features we don't have yet, you could use an inerator. 
Something that gets stuff a little bit at a time.

If you combine an iterator with a inerator, you would have a itinerator 
which would be quite useful for managing 'flight-paths'.   ;-)

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-26 Thread Peter Hansen
Ron Adam wrote:
 Tony Meyer wrote:
 Do people really like using __div__ to mean join?  

 I think the '+' is used as a join for both strings and lists, so it 
 would probably be the better choice as far as consistency with the 
 language is concerned.

The issue with that is that as long as we are subclassing strings, the + 
is already defined for a useful operation and the subclass probably 
shouldn't be changing the way that works.


RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-26 Thread Tim Golden
[Peter Hansen]
| Ron Adam wrote:
|  Tony Meyer wrote:
|  Do people really like using __div__ to mean join?  
|  I think the '+' is used as a join for both strings and lists, so it 
|  would probably be the better choice as far as consistency with the 
|  language is concerned.
| The issue with that is that as long as we are subclassing 
| strings, the + 
| is already defined for a useful operation and the subclass probably 
| shouldn't be changing the way that works.

Well, I actually had some correspondence with Jason on this
very subject a year or so ago:


| Not sure if it's a bug or a feature, but __add__ does a + on the two
| strings/paths while the __div__ does a join. The principal difference from
| my point of view is that if I add two absolute paths:  [...]

| Well... from my point of view, it's a feature... :)
| The purpose of + is (for example) to add extensions to the end of filenames:
| p = path('C:\\blorpl\\flarg.txt')
| z = p + '.zip'
| Without it, this would be pretty awkward.
| (path.__add__ is overloaded only to make this operation return a path
| object.  Otherwise it would return a plain string.)
| The other purpose of + is so that a path behaves just like a string for all
| string operations.  This means you can safely pass a path object to any
| function that expects a string.


Obviously, I don't know how much weight Jason's original ideas have on
the prepped-for-syslib module, but it does support what other people
have been saying: that the Path should behave like a string where a
string is expected.


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RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-26 Thread Meyer, Tony
[using __div__ to mean join]

 I think the '+' is used as a join for both strings
 and lists, so it would probably be the better choice
 as far as consistency with the language is concerned.



RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-26 Thread Meyer, Tony
 Do people really like using __div__ to mean join?  

 I think the '+' is used as a join for both strings and lists, so it 
 would probably be the better choice as far as consistency with the 
 language is concerned.

 The issue with that is that as long as we are subclassing
 strings, the + is already defined for a useful operation
 and the subclass probably shouldn't be changing the way that works.

But a Path isn't a string, it's string-like.  I presume (but am too lazy to 
check) that at the moment using '+' on two Paths gives a Path that concatenates 
the __str__ versions of the Paths, like:

 Path(/foo/bar) + Path(/cat/dog)

I can see that this would make sense in some situations, but ISTM that it would 
make a great deal more sense (and be much more intuitive) to have concatenation 
include the separator character (i.e. be join).


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Tony Meyer wrote:
 Open issues:
 What about path * 4?
 If you keep the current join meaning of __div__, then assigning any sort of
 multiplication meaning to __mul__ would not be a good idea, IMO.  It's
 natural to expect that __div__ and __mul__ are opposites.  I suppose this
 means that you could make __mul__ mean split (and f(*tuple) does do
 splitting of a sort), but I don't know what splitting by 4 would mean,

Yes. I think I'll not attach any meaning to it. If used, it will have the same
meaning as string * 4.

 Do people really like using __div__ to mean join?  On the python-dev
 discussion, Just van Rossum spoke out against it, but there weren't (IIRC)
 any other comments, either pro or con.

I'm not too happy with it, too, but do we have alternatives? As paths are 
we can hardly override the '+' operator, so there's not much operators left.

Of course, one can use joinwith() if he doesn't like '/'.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Andrew Dalke wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 Okay. While a path has its clear use cases and those don't need above 
 it may be that some brain-dead functions needs them.
 Consider this code, which I think is not atypical.

Okay, convinced.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 the arguments in the previous thread were convincing enough, so I made the
 Path class inherit from str/unicode again.

Current change:

* Add base() method for converting to str/unicode.
* Allow compare against normal strings.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Michael Hoffman
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:

 * Add base() method for converting to str/unicode.

Michael Hoffman

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Michael Hoffman
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 Tony Meyer wrote:

Do people really like using __div__ to mean join?  On the python-dev
discussion, Just van Rossum spoke out against it, but there weren't (IIRC)
any other comments, either pro or con.
 I'm not too happy with it, too, but do we have alternatives? As paths are 
 we can hardly override the '+' operator, so there's not much operators left.
 Of course, one can use joinwith() if he doesn't like '/'.

I've used the path module pretty extensively and always use joinpath(). 
Personally, I'm -0 on __div__, but I suppose if anyone here claimed to 
have used in the past, rather than it just being some novelty that might 
be a good idea, that would be good enough for keeping it.
Michael Hoffman

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Stefan Rank
on 25.07.2005 10:44 Michael Hoffman said the following:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
Tony Meyer wrote:
Do people really like using __div__ to mean join?
Of course, one can use joinwith() if he doesn't like '/'.
 Personally, I'm -0 on __div__, but I suppose if anyone here claimed to 
 have used in the past, rather than it just being some novelty that might 
 be a good idea, that would be good enough for keeping it.

I, herewith, claim to have used it in the past.

But I am indifferent as to if its needed, it just looks natural to me.

What I use quite often is::

   path(__file__).dirname() / somesiblingfileiknowisthere

you do not have to think about trailing slashes or absolute vs. 
relative. and its much better than::

   from os.path import *
   join(dirname(__file__), somesiblingfileiknowisthere)

__div__ is actually very convenient to build / a / very / very / 
long / path (of course assuming the parts are strings not known 


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Stefan Rank wrote:
 on 25.07.2005 10:44 Michael Hoffman said the following:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
Tony Meyer wrote:
Do people really like using __div__ to mean join?
Of course, one can use joinwith() if he doesn't like '/'.
 Personally, I'm -0 on __div__, but I suppose if anyone here claimed to 
 have used in the past, rather than it just being some novelty that might 
 be a good idea, that would be good enough for keeping it.
 I, herewith, claim to have used it in the past.
 But I am indifferent as to if its needed, it just looks natural to me.
 What I use quite often is::
path(__file__).dirname() / somesiblingfileiknowisthere
 you do not have to think about trailing slashes or absolute vs. 
 relative. and its much better than::
from os.path import *
join(dirname(__file__), somesiblingfileiknowisthere)
 __div__ is actually very convenient to build / a / very / very / 
 long / path (of course assuming the parts are strings not known 

Even knowing the parts that can be helpful if you want to be cross-platform.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Peter Hansen
Michael Hoffman wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 Tony Meyer wrote:
 Do people really like using __div__ to mean join?  

 I'm not too happy with it, too, but do we have alternatives? ...
 Of course, one can use joinwith() if he doesn't like '/'.
 I've used the path module pretty extensively and always use joinpath(). 
 Personally, I'm -0 on __div__, but I suppose if anyone here claimed to 
 have used in the past, rather than it just being some novelty that might 
 be a good idea, that would be good enough for keeping it.

I've tried it both ways, and ended up accepting / as a useful and clean 
approach, though as a general rule I find operator-overloading to be 
fairly hideous and to lead to Perlish code.  This one I resisted for a 
while, then found it fairly pleasant, making it perhaps the exception to 
the rule...

Perhaps it's just that in code that builds paths out of several 
components, it seemed quite straightforward to read when it used / 
instead of method calls.

For example, from one program:

scripts = userfolder / scriptfolder
scriptpath = scripts / self.config['system']['commandfile']

instead of what used to be:

scripts = userfolder.joinpath(scriptfolder)
scriptpath = scripts.joinpath(self.config['system']['commandfile'])

Even so I'm only +0 on it.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Peter Hansen
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 Current change:
 * Add base() method for converting to str/unicode.

Would basestring() be a better name?  Partly because that seems to be 
exactly what it's doing, but more because there are (or used to be?) 
other things in Path that used the word base, such as basename.

-1 on that specific name if it could be easily confused with basename 
types of things.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Peter Hansen
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
  Peter Hansen wrote:
  Would basestring() be a better name?


Of these choices, the latter would be preferable.

  Alternative is to set a class attribute Base of the
  Path class. Or export PathBase as a name from the module
  (but that's not quite useful, because I
  expect Path to be imported via from os.path import Path).

I don't understand how that would work.  An attribute on the *class*? 
What would it be, a callable?  So mypath.Base(mypath) or something? 
Please elaborate...

What about just .basestring, as a read-only attribute on the Path object?


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Peter Hansen wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
   Peter Hansen wrote:
   Would basestring() be a better name?
 Of these choices, the latter would be preferable.
   Alternative is to set a class attribute Base of the
   Path class. Or export PathBase as a name from the module
   (but that's not quite useful, because I
   expect Path to be imported via from os.path import Path).
 I don't understand how that would work.  An attribute on the *class*? 
 What would it be, a callable?  So mypath.Base(mypath) or something? 
 Please elaborate...

[_base is str or unicode]

class Path:
Base = _base

So you could do Path.Base(mypath) or mypath.Base(mypath).

 What about just .basestring, as a read-only attribute on the Path object?

Reasonable, though the term as such is preoccupied too.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread skip

Reinhold Right, that was a concern of mine, too.
Reinhold tobase?
Reinhold tostring?
Reinhold tobasestring?

If we're on a filesystem that understands unicode, would somepath.tostring()
return a unicode object or a string object encoded with some
to-be-determined encoding?

Why not just add __str__ and __unicode__ methods to the class and let the
user use str(somepath) or unicode(somepath) as needed?

Or am I missing something fundamental about what the base() method is
supposed to do?


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
 Reinhold Right, that was a concern of mine, too.
 Reinhold tobase?
 Reinhold tostring?
 Reinhold tobasestring?
 If we're on a filesystem that understands unicode, would somepath.tostring()
 return a unicode object or a string object encoded with some
 to-be-determined encoding?

Whatever the base of the Path object is. It selects its base class based on

 Why not just add __str__ and __unicode__ methods to the class and let the
 user use str(somepath) or unicode(somepath) as needed?
 Or am I missing something fundamental about what the base() method is
 supposed to do?

It should provide an alternative way of spelling Path.__bases__[0](path).


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Andrew Dalke
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 Current change:
 * Add base() method for converting to str/unicode.

Now that [:] slicing works, and returns a string,
another way to convert from path.Path to str/unicode
is path[:]



Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Bengt Richter
On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 11:19:25 -0400, Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Michael Hoffman wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 Tony Meyer wrote:
 Do people really like using __div__ to mean join?  

 I'm not too happy with it, too, but do we have alternatives? ...
 Of course, one can use joinwith() if he doesn't like '/'.
 I've used the path module pretty extensively and always use joinpath(). 
 Personally, I'm -0 on __div__, but I suppose if anyone here claimed to 
 have used in the past, rather than it just being some novelty that might 
 be a good idea, that would be good enough for keeping it.

I've tried it both ways, and ended up accepting / as a useful and clean 
approach, though as a general rule I find operator-overloading to be 
fairly hideous and to lead to Perlish code.  This one I resisted for a 
while, then found it fairly pleasant, making it perhaps the exception to 
the rule...

Perhaps it's just that in code that builds paths out of several 
components, it seemed quite straightforward to read when it used / 
instead of method calls.

For example, from one program:

scripts = userfolder / scriptfolder
scriptpath = scripts / self.config['system']['commandfile']

instead of what used to be:

scripts = userfolder.joinpath(scriptfolder)
scriptpath = scripts.joinpath(self.config['system']['commandfile'])

Even so I'm only +0 on it.

(;-) How about a __use_adjacent_operand__ op with simple expression
white-space-separated adjacency implying it? Then you could leave out the '/'
and write

 scripts = userfolder scriptfolder
 scriptpath = scripts self.config['system']['commandfile']

Hm, if you made that __hadjacent__ for horizontal whitespace, and __vadjacent__ 
if the
white space included '\n', then you could form even two-dimensional arrays 
without all that
of punctuation (except that you'd need an explicit ending ';' for the above or 
() most likely for 2D)

1 2 3
4 5 6

BTW, more OT, wouldn't '|' be more platform-neutral as the joining operator?


Bengt Richter

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Bengt Richter
On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 17:33:51 +0200, Reinhold Birkenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Peter Hansen wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 Current change:
 * Add base() method for converting to str/unicode.
 Would basestring() be a better name?  Partly because that seems to be 
 exactly what it's doing, but more because there are (or used to be?) 
 other things in Path that used the word base, such as basename.
 -1 on that specific name if it could be easily confused with basename 
 types of things.

Right, that was a concern of mine, too.

Alternative is to set a class attribute Base of the Path class. Or export
PathBase as a name from the module (but that's not quite useful, because I
expect Path to be imported via from os.path import Path).


Bengt Richter

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-25 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Bengt Richter wrote:

 BTW, more OT, wouldn't '|' be more platform-neutral as the joining operator?

I, on the other hand, would certainly prefer U+01C1.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-24 Thread Michael Hoffman
Peter Hansen wrote:

 Point taken.  What about ditching the file part, since it is redundant 
 and obvious that a file is in fact what is being accessed.  Thus: 
 .read_bytes(), .read_text(), .write_lines() etc.

+1. Although I've always been somewhat -0 on these methods to start with.
Michael Hoffman

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-24 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Peter Hansen wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 [on comparing Paths and stings]
 Do you have a use case for the comparison? Paths should be compared only
 with other paths.
 I can think of lots, though I don't know that I've used any in my 
 existing (somewhat limited) code that uses Path, but they all involve 
 cases where I would expect, if comparisons were disallowed, to just wrap 
 the string in a Path first, even though to me that seems like it should 
 be an unnecessary step:
if mypath.splitpath()[0] == 'c:/temp':
if 'tests' in mypath.dirs():
and lots of other uses which start by treating a Path as a string
first, such as by doing .endswith('')

endswith is okay, since it is an inherited method from str.

 Any of these could be resolved by ensuring both are Paths, but then I'm 
 not sure there's much justification left for using a baseclass of 
 basestring in the first place:
if mypath.splitpath()[0] == Path('c:/temp'):

But you must admit that that't the cleaner solution.

if Path('tests') in mypath.dirs():
 Question: would this latter one actually work?  Would this check items 
 in the list using comparison or identity?  Identity would simply be 
 wrong here.

Yes, it works. I didn't do anything to make it work, but Path seems to inherit
the immutableness from str.

 [on removing properties in favour of methods for volatile data]
 My line of thought is that a path may, but does not need to refer to an
 existing, metadata-readable file. For this, I think a property is not
 Fair enough, though in either case an attempt to access that information 
 leads to the same exception.  I can't make a strong argument in favour 
 of properties (nor against them, really).


 What about iteration and indexing? Should it support
 for element in path or for char in path or nothing?
 As John Roth suggests, the former seems a much more useful thing to do. 
   The latter is probably as rarely needed as it is with regular strings 
 (which I believe is roughly never in Python).
 [on .read_file_bytes() etc]
 I think it is not exactly bad that these names are somehow outstanding,
 as that demonstrates that something complex and special happens.
 Point taken.  What about ditching the file part, since it is redundant 
 and obvious that a file is in fact what is being accessed.  Thus: 
 .read_bytes(), .read_text(), .write_lines() etc.

Hm. Is it so clear that a it's about a file? A path can point to anything,
so I think it's better to clearly state that this is only for a file at the
path, if it exists.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-24 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 the arguments in the previous thread were convincing enough, so I made the
 Path class inherit from str/unicode again.

Further changes by now:

* subdirs() is now dirs().
* fixed compare behaviour for unicode base (unicode has no rich compare)
* __iter__() iterates over the parts().
* the following methods raise NotImplemented:
  capitalize, expandtabs, join, splitlines, title, zfill

Open issues:

What about the is* string methods?

What about __contains__ and __getitem__?

What about path * 4?


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-24 Thread Michael Hoffman
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:

 * __iter__() iterates over the parts().
 * the following methods raise NotImplemented:
   capitalize, expandtabs, join, splitlines, title, zfill

Why? They *are* implemented. I do not understand this desire to wantonly 
break basestring compatiblity for the sake of breaking compatibility.

Once you break compatibility with basestring you can no longer use a 
path anywhere that you could have used a str or unicode before. With 
compatibility broken, the only possible supported way of passing paths 
to third-party functions will be to cast the path with 
path.__bases__[0](mypath) before passing it anywhere else. You can't 
even use str() because you don't know what the base class of the path 
is. What a pain.

 From the original documentation:

os.path.join doesn't map to path.join(), because there's a string method 
with that name. Instead it's path.joinpath(). This is a nuisance, but 
changing the semantics of base class methods is worse. (I know, I tried 
it.) The same goes for split().

It ain't broke. Please stop breaking it.
Michael Hoffman

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-24 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
  the arguments in the previous thread were convincing enough, so I made the
  Path class inherit from str/unicode again.


 * the following methods raise NotImplemented:
   capitalize, expandtabs, join, splitlines, title, zfill

If path inherits from str or unicode, why not leave these?  I can
certainly see uses for capitalize(), title() and zfill() when trying to
coerce Windows to let me use the case that I put there in the first
place;-)  What if I wanted to take a (legitimate) directory name
'parking\tlot' and change it to 'parkinglot'?

 Open issues:
 What about the is* string methods?

What about them?  What makes you think these wouldn't be useful? 
Imagine directory names made up of all numbers; wouldn't it be useful to
know which directories in a tree of, say, digital camera images,
comprise all numbers, all hex numbers, or alpha only?
 What about __contains__ and __getitem__?

I find it hard to imagine what would be returned when asking a path for
say, path[c:], other than the index. n=path[c:] = 0 ? 
 What about path * 4?

This one makes my brain hurt, I admit;-)

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-24 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Michael Hoffman wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 * __iter__() iterates over the parts().
 * the following methods raise NotImplemented:
   capitalize, expandtabs, join, splitlines, title, zfill
 Why? They *are* implemented. I do not understand this desire to wantonly 
 break basestring compatiblity for the sake of breaking compatibility.

 Once you break compatibility with basestring you can no longer use a 
 path anywhere that you could have used a str or unicode before. With 
 compatibility broken, the only possible supported way of passing paths 
 to third-party functions will be to cast the path with 
 path.__bases__[0](mypath) before passing it anywhere else. You can't 
 even use str() because you don't know what the base class of the path 
 is. What a pain.
  From the original documentation:
 os.path.join doesn't map to path.join(), because there's a string method 
 with that name. Instead it's path.joinpath(). This is a nuisance, but 
 changing the semantics of base class methods is worse. (I know, I tried 
 it.) The same goes for split().
 It ain't broke. Please stop breaking it.

Okay. While a path has its clear use cases and those don't need above methods,
it may be that some brain-dead functions needs them.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-24 Thread Peter Hansen
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 Peter Hansen wrote:
   if mypath.splitpath()[0] == 'c:/temp':


   if mypath.splitpath()[0] == Path('c:/temp'):
 But you must admit that that't the cleaner solution.

Cleaner?  Not at all.  I'd say it's the more expressive solution, 
perhaps, but I definitely wouldn't choose the word cleaner for 
something which, to me, adds fairly unnecessary text.

But it's clearly a subjective matter, and as the one of us not involved 
in doing the real work here, I'll bow to your judgement on the matter. ;-)


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-24 Thread Mike Meyer
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 17:51:31 -0600, John Roth wrote:

 I also like to know the number of elements, which seems to make
 sense as len(path). Again, the number of characters in the path seems
 to be utterly useless information - at least, I can't imagine a use for
 There are (were?) operating systems that could only deal with a maximum
 length for pathnames. If I recall correctly, and I probably don't, Classic
 Mac (pre-OS X) was limited to file names of 31 or fewer characters and no
 more than 250-odd for the entire pathname. At the very least, some file
 manager routines would work and some would not.

Are. But I think they're a lot longer now.

bhuda% grep PATH_MAX /usr/include/sys/syslimits.h
#define   PATH_MAX 1024   /* max bytes in pathname */


Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-24 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Peter Hansen wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 Peter Hansen wrote:
   if mypath.splitpath()[0] == 'c:/temp':
   if mypath.splitpath()[0] == Path('c:/temp'):
 But you must admit that that't the cleaner solution.
 Cleaner?  Not at all.  I'd say it's the more expressive solution, 
 perhaps, but I definitely wouldn't choose the word cleaner for 
 something which, to me, adds fairly unnecessary text.
 But it's clearly a subjective matter, and as the one of us not involved 
 in doing the real work here, I'll bow to your judgement on the matter. ;-)

I'm in no way the last instance on this.
For example, everyone with CVS access is free to change the files ;)

Honestly, I'm in constant fear that allowing too much and loading too much
features won't increase the acceptance of python-dev wink


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-24 Thread Michael Hoffman
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:

 I'm in no way the last instance on this.
 For example, everyone with CVS access is free to change the files ;)

I don't have CVS write access :(, so I'll have to keep kibitzing for now.

 Honestly, I'm in constant fear that allowing too much and loading too much
 features won't increase the acceptance of python-dev wink

What do you mean by this? To me code like this:

if _base is str:
 def __eq__(self, other):
 return isinstance(other, Path) and _base.__eq__(self, other)
 # Unicode has no rich compare methods
 def __cmp__(self, other):
 if isinstance(other, Path):
 return _base.__cmp__(self, other)
 return NotImplemented

is the feature that you do not need: the feature of not returning True. 
You don't need this feature, and I consider it to be harmful. It breaks 
duck-typing unnecessarily, and means that people who want to use some 
other path library, or just str/unicode as they do today cannot compare 
those paths against stdlib Paths.

We should retain the design principle of the original that Path 
objects should be drop-in replacements for the str or unicode objects 
they replace, as much as possible. We cannot predict all the things 
people are doing with strings today, and attempting to do so can only 
lead to bugs.

In the current implementation, the only cases where a path object cannot 
be used as a drop-in replacement for a string are (a) some extension 
modules, and (b) code that tests the object class using type() instead 
of using isinstance(). I think these are unavoidable but other 
incompatibilities, like changing the semantics of comparisons or join() 
are avoidable.

I've started a Wiki page for design principles and discussion here:
Michael Hoffman

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-24 Thread Andrew Dalke
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 Okay. While a path has its clear use cases and those don't need above methods,
 it may be that some brain-dead functions needs them.


Consider this code, which I think is not atypical.

import sys

def _read_file(filename):
  if filename == -:
# Can use '-' to mean stdin
return sys.stdin
return open(filename, rU)

def file_sum(filename):
  total = 0
  for line in _read_file(filename):
total += int(line)
  return total

(Actually, I would probably write it

def _read_file(file):
  if isinstance(file, basestring):
if filename == -:
  # Can use '-' to mean stdin
  return sys.stdin
  return open(filename, rU)
  return file


Because the current sandbox Path doesn't support
the is-equal test with strings, the above function
won't work with a filename = path.Path(-).  It
will instead raise an exception saying
  IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '-'

(Yes, the code as-is can't handle a file named '-'.
The usual workaround (and there are many programs
which support '-' as an alias for stdin) is to use ./-

% cat  './-'
This is a file
% cat ./-
This is a file
% cat -
I'm typing directly into stdin.
I'm typing directly into stdin.

If I start using the path.Path then in order to use
this function my upstream code must be careful on
input to distinguish between filenames which are
really filenames and which are special-cased pseudo

Often the code using the API doesn't even know which
names are special.  Even if it is documented,
the library developer may decide in the future to
extend the list of pseudo filenames to include, say,
environment variable style expansion, as

Perhaps the library developer should have come up
with a new naming system to include both types of
file naming schemes, but that's rather overkill.

As a programmer calling the API should I convert
all my path.Path objects to strings before using it?
Or to Unicode?  How do I know which filenames will
be treated specially through time?

Is there a method to turn a path.Path into the actual
string?  str() and unicode() don't work because I
want the result to be unicode if the OSPython build
support it, otherwise string.

Is that library example I mentioned brain-dead?
I don't think so.  Instead I think you are pushing
too much for purity and making changes that will
cause problems - and hard to fix problems - with
existing libraries.

Here's an example of code from an existing library
which will break in several ways if it's passed a
path object instead of a string.  It comes from


This is mostly a wrapper around the various useful classes in the
standard mailbox module, to do some intelligent guessing of the
mailbox type given a mailbox argument.

+foo  -- MH mailbox +foo
+foo,bar  -- MH mailboxes +foo and +bar concatenated
+ALL  -- a shortcut for *all* MH mailboxes
/foo/bar  -- (existing file) a Unix-style mailbox
/foo/bar/ -- (existing directory) a directory full of .txt and .lorien
/foo/bar/ -- (existing directory with a cur/ subdirectory)
 Maildir mailbox
/foo/Mail/bar/ -- (existing directory with /Mail/ in its path)
 alternative way of spelling an MH mailbox


def getmbox(name):
Return an mbox iterator given a file/directory/folder name.

if name == -:
return [get_message(sys.stdin)]

if name.startswith(+):
# MH folder name: +folder, +f1,f2,f2, or +ALL
name = name[1:]
import mhlib
mh = mhlib.MH()
if name == ALL:
names = mh.listfolders()
elif ',' in name:
names = name.split(',')
names = [name]
mboxes = []
mhpath = mh.getpath()
for name in names:
filename = os.path.join(mhpath, name)
mbox = mailbox.MHMailbox(filename, get_message)
if len(mboxes) == 1:
return iter(mboxes[0])
return _cat(mboxes)

if os.path.isdir(name):
# XXX Bogus: use a Maildir if /cur is a subdirectory, else a MHMailbox
# if the pathname contains /Mail/, else a DirOfTxtFileMailbox.
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(name, 'cur')):
mbox = mailbox.Maildir(name, get_message)
elif name.find(/Mail/) = 0:
mbox = mailbox.MHMailbox(name, get_message)
mbox = DirOfTxtFileMailbox(name, get_message)
fp = open(name, rb)
mbox = mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox(fp, get_message)
return iter(mbox)

It breaks with the current sandbox path because:
  - a path can't be compared to -
  - range isn't supported, as name = name[1:]

note that this example uses __contains__ (, in name)

Is this function brain-dead?  Is it reasonable that people might
want to pass a path.Path() directly to it?  If not, what's
the way 

RE: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-24 Thread Tony Meyer
 Open issues:
 What about path * 4?

If you keep the current join meaning of __div__, then assigning any sort of
multiplication meaning to __mul__ would not be a good idea, IMO.  It's
natural to expect that __div__ and __mul__ are opposites.  I suppose this
means that you could make __mul__ mean split (and f(*tuple) does do
splitting of a sort), but I don't know what splitting by 4 would mean,

Do people really like using __div__ to mean join?  On the python-dev
discussion, Just van Rossum spoke out against it, but there weren't (IIRC)
any other comments, either pro or con.

I'm -1, myself.  Apart from TIOOTDI, it doesn't seem a natural use for the
'/' character.  I suppose that it looks nice, when one is used to posix
paths, but not everyone is, and I'm sure that more people would expect some
sort of division (the exact opposite!) than join.



[path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-23 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld

the arguments in the previous thread were convincing enough, so I made the
Path class inherit from str/unicode again.

It still can be found in CVS: 

One thing is still different, though: a Path instance won't compare to a regular

Other minor differences, as requested on python-dev, are:

* size property - getsize() method.
* atime/mtime/ctime properties - atime()/mtime()/ctime() methods

* dirname() method - directory property
* no parent property
* basename() method - basename property
* no name property

* listdir() method - children() method
* there is still a listdir() method, but with the semantics of os.listdir
* dirs() method - subdirs() method
* joinpath() method - added alias joinwith()
* splitall() method - parts() method

* Default constructor: Path() == Path(os.curdir)
* staticmethod Path.getcwd() - Path.cwd()

* bytes() / lines() / text() - read_file_{bytes,lines,text} methods
* write_{bytes,lines,text} - write_file_{bytes,lines,text} methods

These may be removed though.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-23 Thread Peter Hansen
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 One thing is still different, though: a Path instance won't compare to a 

Could you please expand on what this means?  Are you referring to doing 
 and = type operations on Paths and strings, or == and != or all those 
or something else entirely?

 Other minor differences, as requested on python-dev, are:
 * size property - getsize() method.
 * atime/mtime/ctime properties - atime()/mtime()/ctime() methods

What does this mean?  The .size property and a getsize() method both 
already exist (in my copy of anyway) and do the same thing. 
Same with the other ones mentioned above.  Is someone working from an 
out-of-date copy of

 * dirs() method - subdirs() method

Given that .files() exists, and returns a list of the files contained in 
a path which represents a folder, why would one want to use subdirs() 
instead of just dirs() to do the same operation for contained folders?
If subdirs() is preferred, then I suggest subfiles() as well.  Otherwise 
the change seems arbitrary and ill-conceived.

 * joinpath() method - added alias joinwith()
 * splitall() method - parts() method

This reminds me of the *one* advantage I can think of for not 
subclassing basestring, though it still doesn't make the difference in 
my mind:  strings already have split(), so Jason had to go with 
splitpath() for the basic split operation to avoid a conflict.  A 
minor wart I guess.

 * Default constructor: Path() == Path(os.curdir)

To construct an empty path then one can still do Path('') ?

 * staticmethod Path.getcwd() - Path.cwd()
 * bytes() / lines() / text() - read_file_{bytes,lines,text} methods
 * write_{bytes,lines,text} - write_file_{bytes,lines,text} methods

Under Linux isn't it possible to open and read from directories much as 
with files?  If that's true, the above would seem to conflict with that 
in some way.  As with the the .subdirs() suggestion above, these changes 
seem to me somewhat arbitrary.  .bytes() and friends have felt quite 
friendly in actual use, and I suspect .read_file_bytes() will feel quite 
unwieldy.  Not a show-stopper however.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-23 Thread Robert Kern
Peter Hansen wrote:

 Under Linux isn't it possible to open and read from directories much as 
 with files?

Not really, no.

Python 2.3.4 (#2, Jan  5 2005, 08:24:51)
[GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-5)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  d = open('/usr/bin')
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-23 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Peter Hansen wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 One thing is still different, though: a Path instance won't compare to a 
 Could you please expand on what this means?  Are you referring to doing 
  and = type operations on Paths and strings, or == and != or all those 
 or something else entirely?

All of these. Do you need them?

 Other minor differences, as requested on python-dev, are:
 * size property - getsize() method.
 * atime/mtime/ctime properties - atime()/mtime()/ctime() methods
 What does this mean?  The .size property and a getsize() method both 
 already exist (in my copy of anyway) and do the same thing. 
 Same with the other ones mentioned above.  Is someone working from an 
 out-of-date copy of

No. But the size of a file is somewhat volatile, and does not feel like
a property of the path to it. Remember: the path is not the file. Same
goes with the xtime() methods.

Different is the basename/directory/etc.: as long as the path stays the same,
these properties will stay the same.

 * dirs() method - subdirs() method
 Given that .files() exists, and returns a list of the files contained in 
 a path which represents a folder, why would one want to use subdirs() 
 instead of just dirs() to do the same operation for contained folders?
 If subdirs() is preferred, then I suggest subfiles() as well.  Otherwise 
 the change seems arbitrary and ill-conceived.

Well, I think that's right. Will change back to dirs().

 * joinpath() method - added alias joinwith()
 * splitall() method - parts() method
 This reminds me of the *one* advantage I can think of for not 
 subclassing basestring, though it still doesn't make the difference in 
 my mind:  strings already have split(), so Jason had to go with 
 splitpath() for the basic split operation to avoid a conflict.  A 
 minor wart I guess.

At the moment, I think about overriding certain string methods that make
absolutely no sense on a path and raising an exception from them.

 * Default constructor: Path() == Path(os.curdir)
 To construct an empty path then one can still do Path('') ?


 * staticmethod Path.getcwd() - Path.cwd()
 * bytes() / lines() / text() - read_file_{bytes,lines,text} methods
 * write_{bytes,lines,text} - write_file_{bytes,lines,text} methods
 Under Linux isn't it possible to open and read from directories much as 
 with files?  If that's true, the above would seem to conflict with that 
 in some way.  As with the the .subdirs() suggestion above, these changes 
 seem to me somewhat arbitrary.  .bytes() and friends have felt quite 
 friendly in actual use, and I suspect .read_file_bytes() will feel quite 
 unwieldy.  Not a show-stopper however.

It has even been suggested to throw them out, as they don't have so much to
do with a path per se. When the interface is too burdened, we'll have less
chance to be accepted. Renaming these makes clear that they are not operations
on the path, but on a file the path points to.

Phillip J. Eby suggested these to be set_file_xxx and get_file_xxx to 
that they do not read or write a stream; how about that?



Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-23 Thread Peter Hansen
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 Peter Hansen wrote (on Paths not allowing comparison with strings):
Could you please expand on what this means?  Are you referring to doing 
 and = type operations on Paths and strings, or == and != or all those 
or something else entirely?
 All of these. Do you need them?

I believe so.  If they are going to be basestring subclasses, why should 
they be restricted in any particular way?  I suppose that if you wanted 
to compare a Path to a string, you could just wrap the string in a Path 
first, but if the Path is already a basestring subclass, why make 
someone jump through that particular hoop?

Other minor differences, as requested on python-dev, are:

* size property - getsize() method.
* atime/mtime/ctime properties - atime()/mtime()/ctime() methods

What does this mean?  The .size property and a getsize() method both 
already exist (in my copy of anyway) and do the same thing. 
Same with the other ones mentioned above.  Is someone working from an 
out-of-date copy of
 No. But the size of a file is somewhat volatile, and does not feel like
 a property of the path to it. Remember: the path is not the file. Same
 goes with the xtime() methods.

Oh, so your original text was meant to imply that those properties *were 
being removed*.  That wasn't at all clear to me.

I understand the reasoning, but I'm unsure I agree with it.  I fully 
accept that the path is not the file, and yet I have a feeling this is a 
pedanticism: most of the time when one is dealing with the _file_ one is 
concerned with the content, and not much else.  When one is dealing with 
the _path_ one often wants to check the size, the modification time, and 
so forth.  For example, once one has the file open, one very rarely is 
interested in when it was last modified.

In other words, I feel once again that Jason's original intuition here 
was excellent, and that he chose practicality over purity in appropriate 
ways, in a very Pythonic fashion.  I confess to feeling that the 
suggested changes are being proposed by those who have never actually 
tried to put to use in practical code, though I'm sure that's 
not the case for everyone making those suggestions.

Still, once again this doesn't seem a critical issue to me and I'm happy 
with either approach, if it means Path gets accepted in the stdlib.

 At the moment, I think about overriding certain string methods that make
 absolutely no sense on a path and raising an exception from them.

That would seem reasonable.  It seems best to be very tolerant about 
what makes no sense, though istitle() would surely be one of those to 
go first.  Also capitalize() (in spite of what Windows Explorer seems to 
do sometimes), center(), expandtabs(), ljust(), rjust(), splitlines(), 
title(), and zfill().  Hmm... maybe not zfill() actually.  I could 
imagine an actual (if rare) use for that.

.bytes() and friends have felt quite 
friendly in actual use, and I suspect .read_file_bytes() will feel quite 
unwieldy.  Not a show-stopper however.
 It has even been suggested to throw them out, as they don't have so much to
 do with a path per se. When the interface is too burdened, we'll have less
 chance to be accepted. Renaming these makes clear that they are not operations
 on the path, but on a file the path points to.

Here again I would claim the practicality over purity argument.  When 
one has a Path, it is very frequently because one intends to open a file 
object using it and do reads and writes (obviously).  Also very often, 
the type of reading and writing one wants to do is an all at once type 
of thing, as those methods support.  They're merely a convenience, to 
save one doing the Path(xxx).open('rb').read thing when one can merely 
do Path(xxx).bytes(), in much the same way that the whole justification 
for Path() is that it bundles useful and commonly used operations 
together into one place.

 Phillip J. Eby suggested these to be set_file_xxx and get_file_xxx to 
 that they do not read or write a stream; how about that?

If they are there, they do exactly what they do, don't they?  And they 
do and file.write() operations, with slight nuances in the 
mode passed to open() or the way the data is manipulated.  Why would one 
want to hide that, making it even harder to tie these operations 
together with what is really going on under the covers?  I think the 
existing names, or at least ones with _read_ and _write_ in them 
somewhere are better than set/get alternatives.  It's just rare in 
Python to encounter names quite as cumbersome as _write_file_bytes().

It might be good for those involved to discuss and agree on the 
philosophy/principles behind using Path in the first place.  If it's one 
of pragmatism, then the arguments in favour of strictly differentiating 
between path- and file- related operations should probably not be given 
as much weight as those in favour of simple and convenient access 

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-23 Thread Mike Meyer
Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 * staticmethod Path.getcwd() - Path.cwd()
 * bytes() / lines() / text() - read_file_{bytes,lines,text} methods
 * write_{bytes,lines,text} - write_file_{bytes,lines,text} methods
 Under Linux isn't it possible to open and read from directories much
 as with files?

The OS doesn't matter - python won't let you open a directory as a
file, even if the underlying OS will. The comment in
Objects/fileobject.c is:

/* On Unix, fopen will succeed for directories.
   In Python, there should be no file objects referring to
   directories, so we need a check.  */

I think - but I'm not positive, and don't have a Linux box handy to
check on - that this comment is false if your Unix is really Linux.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-23 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Peter Hansen wrote:
 Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 Peter Hansen wrote (on Paths not allowing comparison with strings):
Could you please expand on what this means?  Are you referring to doing 
 and = type operations on Paths and strings, or == and != or all those 
or something else entirely?
 All of these. Do you need them?
 I believe so.  If they are going to be basestring subclasses, why should 
 they be restricted in any particular way?  I suppose that if you wanted 
 to compare a Path to a string, you could just wrap the string in a Path 
 first, but if the Path is already a basestring subclass, why make 
 someone jump through that particular hoop?

Do you have a use case for the comparison? Paths should be compared only
with other paths.

Other minor differences, as requested on python-dev, are:

* size property - getsize() method.
* atime/mtime/ctime properties - atime()/mtime()/ctime() methods

What does this mean?  The .size property and a getsize() method both 
already exist (in my copy of anyway) and do the same thing. 
Same with the other ones mentioned above.  Is someone working from an 
out-of-date copy of
 No. But the size of a file is somewhat volatile, and does not feel like
 a property of the path to it. Remember: the path is not the file. Same
 goes with the xtime() methods.
 Oh, so your original text was meant to imply that those properties *were 
 being removed*.  That wasn't at all clear to me.
 I understand the reasoning, but I'm unsure I agree with it.  I fully 
 accept that the path is not the file, and yet I have a feeling this is a 
 pedanticism: most of the time when one is dealing with the _file_ one is 
 concerned with the content, and not much else.  When one is dealing with 
 the _path_ one often wants to check the size, the modification time, and 
 so forth.  For example, once one has the file open, one very rarely is 
 interested in when it was last modified.

My line of thought is that a path may, but does not need to refer to an
existing, metadata-readable file. For this, I think a property is not

 In other words, I feel once again that Jason's original intuition here 
 was excellent, and that he chose practicality over purity in appropriate 
 ways, in a very Pythonic fashion.  I confess to feeling that the 
 suggested changes are being proposed by those who have never actually 
 tried to put to use in practical code, though I'm sure that's 
 not the case for everyone making those suggestions.
 Still, once again this doesn't seem a critical issue to me and I'm happy 
 with either approach, if it means Path gets accepted in the stdlib.
 At the moment, I think about overriding certain string methods that make
 absolutely no sense on a path and raising an exception from them.
 That would seem reasonable.  It seems best to be very tolerant about 
 what makes no sense, though istitle() would surely be one of those to 
 go first.  Also capitalize() (in spite of what Windows Explorer seems to 
 do sometimes), center(), expandtabs(), ljust(), rjust(), splitlines(), 
 title(), and zfill().  Hmm... maybe not zfill() actually.  I could 
 imagine an actual (if rare) use for that.

I'll look into it. What about iteration and indexing? Should it support
for element in path or for char in path or nothing?

.bytes() and friends have felt quite 
friendly in actual use, and I suspect .read_file_bytes() will feel quite 
unwieldy.  Not a show-stopper however.
 It has even been suggested to throw them out, as they don't have so much to
 do with a path per se. When the interface is too burdened, we'll have less
 chance to be accepted. Renaming these makes clear that they are not 
 on the path, but on a file the path points to.
 Here again I would claim the practicality over purity argument.  When 
 one has a Path, it is very frequently because one intends to open a file 
 object using it and do reads and writes (obviously).  Also very often, 
 the type of reading and writing one wants to do is an all at once type 
 of thing, as those methods support.  They're merely a convenience, to 
 save one doing the Path(xxx).open('rb').read thing when one can merely 
 do Path(xxx).bytes(), in much the same way that the whole justification 
 for Path() is that it bundles useful and commonly used operations 
 together into one place.
 Phillip J. Eby suggested these to be set_file_xxx and get_file_xxx to 
 that they do not read or write a stream; how about that?
 If they are there, they do exactly what they do, don't they?  And they 
 do and file.write() operations, with slight nuances in the 
 mode passed to open() or the way the data is manipulated.  Why would one 
 want to hide that, making it even harder to tie these operations 
 together with what is really going on under the covers?  I think the 
 existing names, or at least ones with _read_ and _write_ in them 
 somewhere are better than set/get alternatives. 

Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-23 Thread John Roth

Reinhold Birkenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'll look into it. What about iteration and indexing? Should it support
 for element in path or for char in path or nothing?

I frankly can't think of a use for iterating over the characters in
the path, but I have a number of programs that check elements,
iterate over them and index them (frequently backwards).

I also like to know the number of elements, which seems to make
sense as len(path). Again, the number of characters in the path seems
to be utterly useless information - at least, I can't imagine a use for

John Roth



Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-23 Thread Peter Hansen
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
[on comparing Paths and stings]
 Do you have a use case for the comparison? Paths should be compared only
 with other paths.

I can think of lots, though I don't know that I've used any in my 
existing (somewhat limited) code that uses Path, but they all involve 
cases where I would expect, if comparisons were disallowed, to just wrap 
the string in a Path first, even though to me that seems like it should 
be an unnecessary step:

   if mypath.splitpath()[0] == 'c:/temp':

   if 'tests' in mypath.dirs():

   and lots of other uses which start by treating a Path as a string
   first, such as by doing .endswith('')

Any of these could be resolved by ensuring both are Paths, but then I'm 
not sure there's much justification left for using a baseclass of 
basestring in the first place:

   if mypath.splitpath()[0] == Path('c:/temp'):

   if Path('tests') in mypath.dirs():

Question: would this latter one actually work?  Would this check items 
in the list using comparison or identity?  Identity would simply be 
wrong here.

[on removing properties in favour of methods for volatile data]
 My line of thought is that a path may, but does not need to refer to an
 existing, metadata-readable file. For this, I think a property is not

Fair enough, though in either case an attempt to access that information 
leads to the same exception.  I can't make a strong argument in favour 
of properties (nor against them, really).

 What about iteration and indexing? Should it support
 for element in path or for char in path or nothing?

As John Roth suggests, the former seems a much more useful thing to do. 
  The latter is probably as rarely needed as it is with regular strings 
(which I believe is roughly never in Python).

[on .read_file_bytes() etc]
 I think it is not exactly bad that these names are somehow outstanding,
 as that demonstrates that something complex and special happens.

Point taken.  What about ditching the file part, since it is redundant 
and obvious that a file is in fact what is being accessed.  Thus: 
.read_bytes(), .read_text(), .write_lines() etc.


Re: [path-PEP] Path inherits from basestring again

2005-07-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 17:51:31 -0600, John Roth wrote:

 I also like to know the number of elements, which seems to make
 sense as len(path). Again, the number of characters in the path seems
 to be utterly useless information - at least, I can't imagine a use for

There are (were?) operating systems that could only deal with a maximum
length for pathnames. If I recall correctly, and I probably don't, Classic
Mac (pre-OS X) was limited to file names of 31 or fewer characters and no
more than 250-odd for the entire pathname. At the very least, some file
manager routines would work and some would not.

If you are printing the pathname, you may care about the length so that
you can truncate it:

longname = C:\really\really\really\really\really\long\path\name.txt
if len(longname)  30:
# do magic here
print C:\really\ ... \path\name.txt
print longname

