Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-26 Thread Tim Rowe
 I like the latter two styles, particularly the last one. That way you
 can see at a glance that those member variables are defined in the
 super class.

I like the second style because it makes it leaves the 2-d
implementation hidden, which is the whole point of encapsulation.

 But then I am a fan of Hungarian notation, which many
 programmers can't stand.

Is it that programmers can't stand it, or is it that they can't stand
it when it's imposed when not needed? As a pseudo type system for
languages with no typing it's pretty useful. To the extent that a
language provides typing it's useless verging on dangerous because it
can get out of synch with the actual type. I believe that any case of
Hungarian notation being useful is evidence of a flaw in the language
being used -- but arguably all languages are flawed in some way or
other, so Hungarian /can/ be useful. At this level I don't recognise a
difference between System and Applications Hungarian, by the way --
the difference is eliminated if you declare types corresponding to the
meanings, which is commonplace in, for example, Ada.

Tim Rowe

Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-26 Thread Scott David Daniels

Tim Rowe wrote:

... I like the second style because it makes it leaves the 2-d
implementation hidden, which is the whole point of encapsulation.

I like the second as well, in that it it allows the parent to update any
related data structures (for example, updating a display).  However, I
am a bit nervous about changing the signature of the move message, and
would be more tempted to add a move3d, for multiple inheritance reasons.

But then I am a fan of Hungarian notation, which many
programmers can't stand.

Is it that programmers can't stand it, or is it that they can't stand
it when it's imposed when not needed? 

Well, I tend to be one who hates Hungarian.  I spent a long time being
a fan of strong typing.  Then, I felt the compiler would enforce the
typing, and the Hungarian muddied the readability of the expressions.
I felt that you should define a type for distance_in_yards, and not have
that confusable with distance_in_meters (though you might provide an
automatic conversion.

Now, I feel strong-typing systems cannot express the type relationships
that I want as a programmer in the face of sub-typing, and I hold
no hope that (A) such a language will appear, or (B) that the strong
majority of the bugs I produce in Python will be caught by a statically
typed system.  I do however, still find the neddling little text
annotations in the variable naming to be irritating noise that distracts
from the readability of the expressions.

The kinds of type systems that I want(ed) is most closely expressed by
F-Bounded polymorphism, and that doesn't manage to be both expressive
enough and computationally feasible to use as a production type system.
For example, I'd like to type a sort function or a project function,
and all I've seen looks like its fit will feel more like a suit of armor
than a shirt.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-25 Thread TheFlyingDutchman
         If you're building an extension tree, you'll either have to supply
 layers of getter/setter methods, or hand-mangle references to attributes
 defined in the superclass.

         Say you start with a Point2D class, and make the X, Y coordinates
 double underscore.

         Now extend it to a Point3D class via inheritance. The 3D class
 will not be able to access (set) the X, Y values without a setter method
 defined in the parent OR by unmangling the parent names.

         If you'd used the common convention of single underscore as don't
 touch if you're an outsider, the 3D extension can be considered an
 insider and directly access the X, Y

         Which would you rather read in a 3D point class derived by extending
 a 2D point?

         def move(self, xmod, ymod, zmod):
                 self._z += zmod
                 self._y += ymod
                 self._x += xmod


         def move(self, xmod, ymod, zmod):
                 super(Point3D, self).move(xmod, ymod)
                 self._z += zmod


         def move(self, xmod, ymod, zmod):
                 self._Point2D__x += xmod
                 self._Point2D__y += ymod
                 self.__z += zmod

         Speaking for myself, I'd prefer the first
         Wulfraed        Dennis Lee Bieber               KD6MOG
         (Bestiaria Support Staff:     

I like the latter two styles, particularly the last one. That way you
can see at a glance that those member variables are defined in the
super class. But then I am a fan of Hungarian notation, which many
programmers can't stand.

Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-24 Thread TheFlyingDutchman
On Jan 23, 8:57 am, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Fri, 23 Jan 2009 01:48:32 -0800 (PST), TheFlyingDutchman declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:

  abstraction. In Python, all class attributes are public but names may
  be mangled to discourage unauthorized access, but otherwise not
  prevented. It is up to the designer to provide the appropriate
  interfaces to the data so that the client programmer does not have to
  resort to manipulating the encapsulated data attributes.

         Double underscore mangling was not implemented to discourage
 unauthorized access. Its primary purpose is to prevent name space
 conflicts when an extended subclass and its parent class use the same
 name for an attribute, but that attribute is not of the same meaning.
 Using the __ prefix means BOTH attributes are part of the instance, but
 the subclass only see's its variant and should make calls into
 superclass methods to modify the parent variant.

         Python convention is that a single underscore -- which does NOT
 perform name mangling -- is the indicator meant to discourage
 unauthorized access.

Is there a significant performance hit with using the double
underscore for signifying a variable you want to be private? It seems
like it is advantageous that someone trying for direct access has to
use a different notation, which will help to emphasize that it
shouldn't be access directly.


Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-23 Thread TheFlyingDutchman

 * No getters and setters. Python takes a very permissive approach to
 class attributes, taking the philosophy we're all adults here. It's
 easy to change a public attribute to a private attribute with a getter/
 setter if you need to, so there's nothing to be gained by writing getters
 for straight attribute access. It just makes things slow.

If adding a getter/setter made data private, then per a tenet of
Object Oriented Programming, there would be something to be gained
from it. But I don't see getter/setters would do that.

The statically typed object oriented languages, like Java, C++ and C#,
all permit member data and functions to be public - allowing a
programmer to implement a we're all adults here programming
philosophy if they so choose. However, they also allow a programmer to
make member data and functions private, thus allowing the
implementation one of the tenets of OOP. I don't use Ruby, a
dynamically typed language like Python, but from a web search it
appears that Ruby does allow at least data to be declared private. But
it appears that a user of a class can get around this private
declaration by writing their own methods and adding them to the class

In his book Core Python Programming, noted Python expert and PyCon
speaker Wesley J. Chun makes the following statements regarding one of
the main principles of Object Oriented Programming (OOP):

Encapsulation describes the concept of data/information hiding and
providing interfaces or accessor functions to the data attributes.
Direct access to data by any client, bypassing the interfaces, goes
against the principles of encapsulation, but the programmer is free to
allow such access. As part of the implementation, the client should
not even know how the data attributes are architected within the
abstraction. In Python, all class attributes are public but names may
be mangled to discourage unauthorized access, but otherwise not
prevented. It is up to the designer to provide the appropriate
interfaces to the data so that the client programmer does not have to
resort to manipulating the encapsulated data attributes.

Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-22 Thread Aahz
In article,
Paul Rubin  http://phr...@nospam.invalid wrote:
Chris Rebert writes:
attribution deleted by Paul Rubin:

 class Calculator(): ...

 Delete the 3 Java-ish accessor methods; good Python style just uses
 the attributes directly (i.e. self.operator instead of

I think I would get rid of the whole Calculator class unless there
was a good reason to keep it (i.e. you are going to have several
Calculators active in the program simultaneously).  Just write
straightforward imperative code without bothering with the OO stuff
that is mandatory in Java.

IMO good reason is simply that using a class makes keeping track of
namespaces easier, e.g. if you add a memory capability.  I think that if
there's clearly an object that you will be manipulating, a class is
usually the right approach even if it doesn't look like it's needed.
Aahz (   *

Weinberg's Second Law: If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote 
programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.

Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-19 Thread Rhodri James
On Sun, 18 Jan 2009 02:24:51 -, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Let me re-write your code in a more Pythonic way. This is not the only
way to do this, and it probably isn't the best way, but it may give you a
flavour for the way Python is usually written.

import sys
import operator

class Calculator():
dispatch = {  # dispatch table mapping symbol to function
'+': operator.add,
'-': operator.sub,
'*': operator.mul,
'/': operator.truediv,
def __init__(self):
self.operator = sys.argv[1]
self.arg1 = int(sys.argv[2])
self.arg2 = int(sys.argv[3])

If you want the test code to work, I think you mean:

def __init__(self, op, arg1, arg2):
self.operator = op
self.arg1 = arg1
self.arg2 = arg2

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeeste Herder to the Masses

A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-17 Thread elhombre
Hello, below is my first fragment of working python code. As you can see it 
is very java like as that is all I know. Is this the right approach to be 

Should I be taking a different approach? Thanks in advance.

import sys

class Calculator():

   def __init__(self):
   self.operator = sys.argv[1]
   self.arg1 = sys.argv[2]
   self.arg2 = sys.argv[3]

   def getOperator(self):
   return sys.argv[1]

   def getArg1(self):
   return sys.argv[2]

   def getArg2(self):
   return sys.argv[3]

   def calculate(self):
   if self.getOperator() == '+' :
   return int(self.getArg1()) + int(self.getArg2())
   elif self.getOperator() == '*' :
   return int(self.getArg1()) * int(self.getArg2())
   elif self.getOperator() == '/' :
   return int(self.getArg1()) / int(self.getArg2())
   elif self.getOperator() == '-' :
   return int(self.getArg1()) - int(self.getArg2())
   return 'Wrong argument supplied'

x = Calculator()
y = x.calculate()
print y 


Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-17 Thread Chris Rebert
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 5:11 PM, elhombre wrote:
 Hello, below is my first fragment of working python code. As you can see it
 is very java like as that is all I know. Is this the right approach to be
 Should I be taking a different approach? Thanks in advance.

 import sys

 class Calculator():

   def __init__(self):
   self.operator = sys.argv[1]
   self.arg1 = sys.argv[2]
   self.arg2 = sys.argv[3]

   def getOperator(self):
   return sys.argv[1]

   def getArg1(self):
   return sys.argv[2]

   def getArg2(self):
   return sys.argv[3]

Delete the 3 Java-ish accessor methods; good Python style just uses
the attributes directly (i.e. self.operator instead of

   def calculate(self):
   if self.getOperator() == '+' :
   return int(self.getArg1()) + int(self.getArg2())
   elif self.getOperator() == '*' :
   return int(self.getArg1()) * int(self.getArg2())
   elif self.getOperator() == '/' :
   return int(self.getArg1()) / int(self.getArg2())
   elif self.getOperator() == '-' :
   return int(self.getArg1()) - int(self.getArg2())
   return 'Wrong argument supplied'

Rather than have a long if-elif-else chain like this, you can use a
dictionary with functions as values. For example:

def add(x, y):
return x + y

def sub(x, y):
return x - y

OPER2FUNC = {'+' : add, '-' : sub}
print OPER2FUNC['+'](3,4) #== 7

You can use the same technique with the functions in the `operator`
module to significantly shorten your calculate() method.


Follow the path of the Iguana...

Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-17 Thread Paul Rubin
Chris Rebert writes:
  class Calculator(): ...

 Delete the 3 Java-ish accessor methods; good Python style just uses
 the attributes directly (i.e. self.operator instead of

I think I would get rid of the whole Calculator class unless there was
a good reason to keep it (i.e. you are going to have several
Calculators active in the program simultaneously).  Just write
straightforward imperative code without bothering with the OO stuff
that is mandatory in Java.

 Rather than have a long if-elif-else chain like this, you can use a
 dictionary with functions as values. For example:
 def add(x, y):
 return x + y

These functions are already defined in the operator module, and you
can also define them inline with the lambda operator.

Here is my version of the program:

import sys
from operator import add, mul, sub, div

op, x, y = sys.argv[1:4]

opdict = {'+': add, '*': mul, '-': sub, '/': div}

  func = opdict[op]
except KeyError:
  print 'wrong argument supplied'

print func(int(x), int(y))

Note that like the original, it doesn't check for valid numeric args.

Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-17 Thread Chris Rebert
On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Paul Rubin wrote:
 Chris Rebert writes:
 Rather than have a long if-elif-else chain like this, you can use a
 dictionary with functions as values. For example:

 def add(x, y):
 return x + y

 These functions are already defined in the operator module, and you
 can also define them inline with the lambda operator.

Did you completely skip over the last sentence of my email? I
specifically mentioned the `operator` module.


Follow the path of the Iguana...

Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-17 Thread John Machin
On Jan 18, 12:11 pm, elhombre wrote:
 Hello, below is my first fragment of working python code. As you can see it
 is very java like as that is all I know. Is this the right approach to be
 Should I be taking a different approach? Thanks in advance.

 import sys

 class Calculator():

     def __init__(self):
         self.operator = sys.argv[1]
         self.arg1 = sys.argv[2]
         self.arg2 = sys.argv[3]

Try this:

def __init__(self, operator, arg1, arg2):
self.operator = operator
self.arg1 = arg1
self.arg2 = arg2

Then you can do
x1 = Calculator('+', '1.0', '2.0')
x2 = Calculator('-', '666', '42')
x3 = Calculator(*sys.argv[1:4])
if you're really desperate to use the command line args.

     def getOperator(self):
         return sys.argv[1]

Chris has already told you to give such accessor functions the flick,
but it should have done
return self.operator


Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-17 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 18 Jan 2009 11:11:45 +1000, elhombre wrote:

 Hello, below is my first fragment of working python code. As you can see
 it is very java like as that is all I know. Is this the right approach
 to be taking?

You might find it very useful to read:

 Should I be taking a different approach? Thanks in advance.

This is obviously a very minimal program, so I won't criticise you for 
failing to do any error checking :-) However, I will make some broad 

* No getters and setters. Python takes a very permissive approach to 
class attributes, taking the philosophy we're all adults here. It's 
easy to change a public attribute to a private attribute with a getter/
setter if you need to, so there's nothing to be gained by writing getters 
for straight attribute access. It just makes things slow.

* Don't return error values, raise an exception. Setting up a 
try...except block is really fast in Python, almost as fast as a pass 
statement (according to my tests). Catching the exception itself is slow, 
but most of the time you won't care about that.

Let me re-write your code in a more Pythonic way. This is not the only 
way to do this, and it probably isn't the best way, but it may give you a 
flavour for the way Python is usually written.

import sys
import operator
class Calculator():
dispatch = {  # dispatch table mapping symbol to function
'+': operator.add,
'-': operator.sub,
'*': operator.mul,
'/': operator.truediv,
def __init__(self):
self.operator = sys.argv[1]
self.arg1 = int(sys.argv[2])
self.arg2 = int(sys.argv[3])
def calculate(self):
func = self.dispatch[self.operator]
return func(self.arg1, self.arg2)

if __name__ == '__main__':
# run this block only when running as a script, not
# when the module is being imported (say, for testing).
x = Calculator('+', 23, 42)
y = x.calculate()
except KeyError:
print Unrecognised operator '%s' % x.operator
print y


Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-17 Thread elhombre
Chris Rebert wrote in message

On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 5:11 PM, elhombre wrote:


Rather than have a long if-elif-else chain like this, you can use a
dictionary with functions as values. For example:

def add(x, y):
   return x + y

def sub(x, y):
   return x - y

OPER2FUNC = {'+' : add, '-' : sub}
print OPER2FUNC['+'](3,4) #== 7

You can use the same technique with the functions in the `operator`
module to significantly shorten your calculate() method.


Thanks very much Chris. That is much more concise ! I have a lot of reading 
to do and a different mindset to work towards. 


Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-17 Thread elhombre

Paul Rubin http://phr...@nospam.invalid wrote in message

Chris Rebert writes:

 class Calculator(): ...

Delete the 3 Java-ish accessor methods; good Python style just uses
the attributes directly (i.e. self.operator instead of

I think I would get rid of the whole Calculator class unless there was
a good reason to keep it (i.e. you are going to have several
Calculators active in the program simultaneously).  Just write
straightforward imperative code without bothering with the OO stuff
that is mandatory in Java.

Rather than have a long if-elif-else chain like this, you can use a
dictionary with functions as values. For example:

def add(x, y):
return x + y

These functions are already defined in the operator module, and you
can also define them inline with the lambda operator.

Here is my version of the program:

   import sys
   from operator import add, mul, sub, div

   op, x, y = sys.argv[1:4]

   opdict = {'+': add, '*': mul, '-': sub, '/': div}

 func = opdict[op]
   except KeyError:
 print 'wrong argument supplied'

   print func(int(x), int(y))

Note that like the original, it doesn't check for valid numeric args.

Good point about the class. I really only did that to begin to learn the 
class syntax. I had not added any exception handling as I was taking it a 
step at a time. Most of the first few hours were spent mucking around with 
TextMate, Netbeans and Wing IDE. I finally got Netbeans working to the point 
where something would run.

Thanks very much Paul. 


Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-17 Thread elhombre
John Machin wrote in message

On Jan 18, 12:11 pm, elhombre wrote:
Hello, below is my first fragment of working python code. As you can see 

is very java like as that is all I know. Is this the right approach to be
Should I be taking a different approach? Thanks in advance.

import sys

class Calculator():

def __init__(self):
self.operator = sys.argv[1]
self.arg1 = sys.argv[2]
self.arg2 = sys.argv[3]

Try this:

def __init__(self, operator, arg1, arg2):
   self.operator = operator
   self.arg1 = arg1
   self.arg2 = arg2

Then you can do
x1 = Calculator('+', '1.0', '2.0')
x2 = Calculator('-', '666', '42')
x3 = Calculator(*sys.argv[1:4])
if you're really desperate to use the command line args.

def getOperator(self):
return sys.argv[1]

Chris has already told you to give such accessor functions the flick,
but it should have done
   return self.operator

Thanks John.


Re: A java hobbyist programmer learning python

2009-01-17 Thread elhombre

Steven D'Aprano wrote in message 

On Sun, 18 Jan 2009 11:11:45 +1000, elhombre wrote:

Hello, below is my first fragment of working python code. As you can see
it is very java like as that is all I know. Is this the right approach
to be taking?

You might find it very useful to read:

Should I be taking a different approach? Thanks in advance.

This is obviously a very minimal program, so I won't criticise you for
failing to do any error checking :-) However, I will make some broad

* No getters and setters. Python takes a very permissive approach to
class attributes, taking the philosophy we're all adults here. It's
easy to change a public attribute to a private attribute with a getter/
setter if you need to, so there's nothing to be gained by writing getters
for straight attribute access. It just makes things slow.

* Don't return error values, raise an exception. Setting up a
try...except block is really fast in Python, almost as fast as a pass
statement (according to my tests). Catching the exception itself is slow,
but most of the time you won't care about that.

Let me re-write your code in a more Pythonic way. This is not the only
way to do this, and it probably isn't the best way, but it may give you a
flavour for the way Python is usually written.

import sys
import operator

class Calculator():
   dispatch = {  # dispatch table mapping symbol to function
   '+': operator.add,
   '-': operator.sub,
   '*': operator.mul,
   '/': operator.truediv,
   def __init__(self):
   self.operator = sys.argv[1]
   self.arg1 = int(sys.argv[2])
   self.arg2 = int(sys.argv[3])
   def calculate(self):
   func = self.dispatch[self.operator]
   return func(self.arg1, self.arg2)

if __name__ == '__main__':
   # run this block only when running as a script, not
   # when the module is being imported (say, for testing).
   x = Calculator('+', 23, 42)
   y = x.calculate()
   except KeyError:
   print Unrecognised operator '%s' % x.operator
   print y


Excellent links. Thanks Steven ! 
