ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-05 Thread aum
Hi all,

I looked at a few genetic algorithms/genetic programming packages for
Python, and found them somewhat convoluted, complicated and
counter-intuitive to use.

So I've written a genetic algorithms package which I hope will be more
approachable to beginners.

The first release of pygene is up at:

The package includes full api documentation, and an implementation of
the travelling salesman problem, plus a couple of simpler cases.




Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-05 Thread Erik Max Francis
aum wrote:

> I looked at a few genetic algorithms/genetic programming packages for
> Python, and found them somewhat convoluted, complicated and
> counter-intuitive to use.
> So I've written a genetic algorithms package which I hope will be more
> approachable to beginners.
> The first release of pygene is up at:
> The package includes full api documentation, and an implementation of
> the travelling salesman problem, plus a couple of simpler cases.

I only scanned through the API documentation, but it looks like only 
genetic algorithms are supported, not full genetic programming.  Is this 
not the case?

I've been planning on releasing my stack-based genetic programming 
system Psi (implemented in Python) at some point in the future, FYI.

Erik Max Francis && [EMAIL PROTECTED] &&
San Jose, CA, USA && 37 20 N 121 53 W && AIM erikmaxfrancis
   When in doubt, win the trick.
   -- Edmund Hoyle

Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-06 Thread aum
On Mon, 05 Dec 2005 23:45:30 -0800, Erik Max Francis wrote:

> I only scanned through the API documentation, but it looks like only 
> genetic algorithms are supported, not full genetic programming.

Correct. Organisms of a species have a fixed genome.

> I've been planning on releasing my stack-based genetic programming 
> system Psi (implemented in Python) at some point in the future, FYI.

Has it got an approachable API? Good doco? Examples understandable by
newbies? Hope so. There's a lot of good software that gets ruined because
insufficient work has been put in to its usability and comprehensibility.




Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-06 Thread malv
How is your package different from a nn package? Is this an addon for
genetic programming or does it include the standard nn components as
well, such as backprop etc?
Not being very familiar with genetic programming, forgive me my naive
question, I could not immediately find the answer.
Thank you,


Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-06 Thread Erik Max Francis
aum wrote:

> Correct. Organisms of a species have a fixed genome.

My bad, you had mentioned in the announcement that you had looked at 
genetic programming systems but didn't claim that pygene was itself a 
genetic programming system.  I misread that; my apologies.

 >> I've been planning on releasing my stack-based genetic programming
 >> system Psi (implemented in Python) at some point in the future, FYI.
> Has it got an approachable API? Good doco? Examples understandable by
> newbies? Hope so. There's a lot of good software that gets ruined because
> insufficient work has been put in to its usability and comprehensibility.

That's what I'm working on while polishing it for release.  It's also 
the case that a well-designed class hierarchy will help folks understand 
the tools that are available to them.  "Understandable by newbies" isn't 
all that a high a priority for me when writing complex software; what's 
useful is writing software that's easily used by someone familiar with 
the general concepts, familiar with programming, and familiar with the 
language that the project is implemented in.  You can't teach all things 
simultaneously; I'm not sure creating a genetic programming (or genetic 
algorithms) system that's useful to "newbies" (whatever that means) is 
even a useful goal in and of itself.

Erik Max Francis && [EMAIL PROTECTED] &&
San Jose, CA, USA && 37 20 N 121 53 W && AIM erikmaxfrancis
   As far as I'm concerned, being any gender is a drag.
   -- Patti Smith

Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-06 Thread Peter Hansen
aum wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Dec 2005 23:45:30 -0800, Erik Max Francis wrote:
>>I only scanned through the API documentation, but it looks like only 
>>genetic algorithms are supported, not full genetic programming.
> Correct. Organisms of a species have a fixed genome.

I've done just enough work in genetic algorithms (and a token amount in 
genetic programming) to be perplexed by this comment.  Are you 
suggesting that genetic programming is somehow not related to genetic 

My understanding is that (said perhaps somewhat simplistically) genetic 
programming is an application of genetic algorithms in which the genomes 
are treated as describing the structure of a program whose execution 
basically results in the fitness level for that genome.

If that's a reasonably accurate statement (or, I suppose, even if it's 
not), would you please clarify how your "fixed genome" comment relates 
to any of this?



Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-06 Thread Erik Max Francis
Peter Hansen wrote:

> I've done just enough work in genetic algorithms (and a token amount in 
> genetic programming) to be perplexed by this comment.  Are you 
> suggesting that genetic programming is somehow not related to genetic 
> algorithms?
> My understanding is that (said perhaps somewhat simplistically) genetic 
> programming is an application of genetic algorithms in which the genomes 
> are treated as describing the structure of a program whose execution 
> basically results in the fitness level for that genome.
> If that's a reasonably accurate statement (or, I suppose, even if it's 
> not), would you please clarify how your "fixed genome" comment relates 
> to any of this?

You're not replying to me, but I'm the one that elicited that comment. 
(I was originally asking the question because I misinterpreted the first 
sentence of his announcement about pygene to mean that pygene was a 
genetic programming system, but that was never his claim.)

A genetic algorithm involves manipulating "programs" which consist of a 
fixed amount of homogeneous data, for instance, an array of neural 
network weights, or the coefficients to an equation.  Genetic 
programming involves manipulating general programs, usually as some form 
of tree.  The classic model for genetic programming, from Koza, is where 
the programs to be manipulated are Lisp s-expressions.

pygene implemented a genetic algorithm system, not genetic a programming 
system, hence his response.  It was only my interpretation of his 
introductory comment that led anyone to believe otherwise.

Erik Max Francis && [EMAIL PROTECTED] &&
San Jose, CA, USA && 37 20 N 121 53 W && AIM erikmaxfrancis
   Men live by forgetting -- women live on memories.
   -- T.S. Eliot

Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-06 Thread Peter Hansen
Erik Max Francis wrote:
> You're not replying to me, but I'm the one that elicited that comment. 
> (I was originally asking the question because I misinterpreted the first 
> sentence of his announcement about pygene to mean that pygene was a 
> genetic programming system, but that was never his claim.)
> A genetic algorithm involves manipulating "programs" which consist of a 
> fixed amount of homogeneous data, for instance, an array of neural 
> network weights, or the coefficients to an equation.  Genetic 
> programming involves manipulating general programs, usually as some form 
> of tree.  The classic model for genetic programming, from Koza, is where 
> the programs to be manipulated are Lisp s-expressions.

Okay, good, I already knew all that then, except perhaps that key word 

Perhaps I've long been using the wrong label, but I've been doing what 
I've considered to be "genetic algorithms" and yet working with 
sometimes variable amounts of sometimes heterogeneous data.  I've just 
considered it to be more sophisticated than the "coefficients in an 
equation" class of genetic algorithms, but perhaps I've been operating 
in a gray area between mainstream genetic algorithms and genetic 

The genomes are certainly not source, nor translatable to source or AST 
or anything resembling such, in any computer language.   Neither, 
however, could they be described as heterogenous, and for some problems 
I've been varying the quantity of genetic material in my genomes.  Thus 
my preoccupation with that "fixed".



Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-06 Thread Erik Max Francis
Peter Hansen wrote:

> Okay, good, I already knew all that then, except perhaps that key word 
> "fixed".
> Perhaps I've long been using the wrong label, but I've been doing what 
> I've considered to be "genetic algorithms" and yet working with 
> sometimes variable amounts of sometimes heterogeneous data.  I've just 
> considered it to be more sophisticated than the "coefficients in an 
> equation" class of genetic algorithms, but perhaps I've been operating 
> in a gray area between mainstream genetic algorithms and genetic 
> programming.
> The genomes are certainly not source, nor translatable to source or AST 
> or anything resembling such, in any computer language.   Neither, 
> however, could they be described as heterogenous, and for some problems 
> I've been varying the quantity of genetic material in my genomes.  Thus 
> my preoccupation with that "fixed".

Well, as I'm sure you suspect, there's no "official" definition of 
either term, and there aren't many rigorous definitions in any case. 
Coefficients in a function or weights in a neural network are classic 
examples of a genetic algorithm, but those aren't the only things that 
would be considered genetic algorithms, although obviously at some point 
you'd get into some question about what they were.  That there are a 
fixed number of "genes" to be manipulated in general algorithms is also 
not set in stone (though it is typical).  For instance, you might be 
looking for a function of the form

sum_i^n a_i x^i

where it might make sense to have n vary in a genetic algorithm system.

As a complete distinct example, if you're talking about a virtual 
machine architecture like Redcode (for Core Wars) with mutation applied 
(VENUS is an example of this kind of investigation from the early 
1990s), then that would probably be considered genetic algorithms, not 
genetic programming.  A general distinction (though not the only one) 
might be that with genetic algorithms, the manipulation of the data is 
uniform and completely without reference to its internal makeup.  In 
genetic programming, care has to be taken to preserve program legitimacy.

If you went into detail I could probably tell you whether or not what 
you're doing is "obviously" a genetic algorithm, or "obviously" an 
instance of genetic programming, or somewhere in between.  Without 
internal structure it's probably more likely closer to genetic algorithms.

Not that distinction is that big to begin with; both use very similar 
concepts in order to get from a random population of programs to a 
solution that is ideally fit (if possible), including many of the 
genetic operators (like mutation or crossover) and the way that programs 
are tested for fitness and how fit or unfit individuals are selected for 
or against for a new population.  That being said, for many problems, it 
seems that genetic programming has a greater ability to produce 
solutions to much more complex problems (where often you do not even 
know the high-level form that they will take -- something you need to 
decide to put together a genetic algorithm).

Recent developments, with stack-based languages like those used by 
Spector, have allowed the introduction of types naturally into genetic 
programming, which has a great deal of promise for allowing even more 
involves solutions to complex problems.

Erik Max Francis && [EMAIL PROTECTED] &&
San Jose, CA, USA && 37 20 N 121 53 W && AIM erikmaxfrancis
   I want to know God's thought; the rest are details.
   -- Albert Einstein

Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-07 Thread aum
On Tue, 06 Dec 2005 22:44:39 -0800, Erik Max Francis wrote:

> Peter Hansen wrote:
>> Okay, good, I already knew all that then, except perhaps that key word 
>> "fixed".

One thing I should say here is that pygene is a collection of
inter-related classes for populations, organisms, gametes and genes.

Users are encouraged to subclass off these to address the
problems they're trying to solve.

For instance, the BaseGene class is completely agnostic about the actual
data contained in the gene. Any BaseGene subclass only has to implement
the methods:
 - __add__ - produce phenotype effect of combining a given gene pair
 - mutate - apply a random mutation to the gene
 - randomValue - set the gene's value to a legal random value

As for the gene's value - as long as the above 3 methods are supplied in a
subclass, the gene can hold any object - just as long as one's Organism
subclass' '.fitness()' method can understand what the gene class'
'.__add__()' method returns.

A Gene subclass could even hold an AST for a program to be generated.

It wasn't my original intention to support genetic programming, but in
theory at least, pygene could be extended into a GP system.

Hmm, it's tempting to try a bit of GP, perhaps initially generating
code for a tiny language like BrainFuck, then work up to Forth, Factor and




Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-07 Thread Peter Hansen
Erik Max Francis wrote:
> If you went into detail I could probably tell you whether or not what 
> you're doing is "obviously" a genetic algorithm, or "obviously" an 
> instance of genetic programming, or somewhere in between.  Without 
> internal structure it's probably more likely closer to genetic algorithms.

You're certainly correct there.  The leap to GP is much farther than my 
stuff is from GA.

>... for many problems, it
> seems that genetic programming has a greater ability to produce 
> solutions to much more complex problems (where often you do not even 
> know the high-level form that they will take -- something you need to 
> decide to put together a genetic algorithm).

I agree, and I look forward to seeing Psi some time, if just to help me 
learn more in the area.  Thanks again for the comments.



Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-07 Thread Erik Max Francis
Peter Hansen wrote:

> You're certainly correct there.  The leap to GP is much farther than my 
> stuff is from GA.

I'm curious what sort of heterogeneous data setup you had.

> I agree, and I look forward to seeing Psi some time, if just to help me 
> learn more in the area.  Thanks again for the comments.

Sure thing.  Obviously I'll post an announcement here when it's ready.

Erik Max Francis && [EMAIL PROTECTED] &&
San Jose, CA, USA && 37 20 N 121 53 W && AIM erikmaxfrancis
   Heaven and Hell / Is on Earth
   -- Salt-n-Pepa

Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-08 Thread Erik Max Francis
malv wrote:

> How is your package different from a nn package? Is this an addon for
> genetic programming or does it include the standard nn components as
> well, such as backprop etc?
> Not being very familiar with genetic programming, forgive me my naive
> question, I could not immediately find the answer.

No one answered your question, so I will:  Neural networks and genetic 
algorithms/programming are not closely related.  A neural network is a 
model comprising a network of artificial neurons, and signals propagate 
from inputs, through the neurons of the network (which typically 
consists of several layers), and finally to the outputs.  Algorithms 
exist to allow neural networks to be trained, so that given a set of 
inputs and desired outputs, one can iteratively come up with a neural 
network (of sufficient complexity) that satisfies that criterion. 
Neural networks can be used for things like pattern recognition and the 

Genetic algorithms/programming is an approach whereby you can start with 
a population of random programs, apply artificial selection by keeping 
those that do better at a task than others and genetic modification like 
mutation and crossover (simulation sexual reproduction) to create 
diversity, ultimately resulting (hopefully) in programs that are adept 
at the task.

They could be used in conjunction with one another (for instance, a 
genetic algorithm where the program is represented by an array of neural 
network weights), but beyond intermixing ideas they really aren't related.

Erik Max Francis && [EMAIL PROTECTED] &&
San Jose, CA, USA && 37 20 N 121 53 W && AIM erikmaxfrancis
   I never could have predicted / That I'd feel this way
   -- India Arie

Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-08 Thread malv
Thank you kindly, Erik.


Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-08 Thread Erik Max Francis
malv wrote:

> Thank you kindly, Erik.

Sure thing.

Erik Max Francis && [EMAIL PROTECTED] &&
San Jose, CA, USA && 37 20 N 121 53 W && AIM erikmaxfrancis
   It is only the poor who are forbidden to beg.
   -- Anatole France

Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-10 Thread eXt
Erik Max Francis wrote:
> Sure thing.  Obviously I'll post an announcement here when it's ready.
I'm really happy to see that someone is working on Python based GP 
implementation :) I'm currently trying to get into GP world (I'm the GP 
newbie you talked about :P) and, as I'm a Python programmer, I look 
towards Python based solutions. Unfortunately there are no active Python 
GP projects (maybe except Pyro, but I'm not sure how GP is implemented 
there) so I'm forced to play with Java based systems, which isn't what I 

Are you able to give any approximated date of PSI release?




Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-10 Thread Erik Max Francis
eXt wrote:

> I'm really happy to see that someone is working on Python based GP 
> implementation :) I'm currently trying to get into GP world (I'm the GP 
> newbie you talked about :P) and, as I'm a Python programmer, I look 
> towards Python based solutions. Unfortunately there are no active Python 
> GP projects (maybe except Pyro, but I'm not sure how GP is implemented 
> there) so I'm forced to play with Java based systems, which isn't what I 
> like.
> Are you able to give any approximated date of PSI release?

Unfortunately I can't give a precise date.  If I have the time, a 
polished working system with at least the basics should only take a week 
or so to finish up.  Unfortunately, I have a big deadline coming up in 
my day job, so I'm probably not going to get much time to work on it for 
the next week or two.  Hopefully I'll have a basic system ready by New 
Year's, but I can't really make any promises.  The best way to encourage 
me to get it done is probably to keep me talking about it :-).

Erik Max Francis && [EMAIL PROTECTED] &&
San Jose, CA, USA && 37 20 N 121 53 W && AIM erikmaxfrancis
   You are my martyr / I'm a vestige of a revolution
   -- Lamya

Re: ANN: pygene - genetic algorithms package

2005-12-10 Thread eXt
Erik Max Francis wrote:
> Unfortunately I can't give a precise date.  If I have the time, a 
> polished working system with at least the basics should only take a week 
> or so to finish up.  Unfortunately, I have a big deadline coming up in 
> my day job, so I'm probably not going to get much time to work on it for 
> the next week or two.  Hopefully I'll have a basic system ready by New 
> Year's, but I can't really make any promises.
Sure, I understand You :). Thanks for answer.

>  The best way to encourage 
> me to get it done is probably to keep me talking about it :-).
As I did :)
