Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-18 Thread rusi
On Apr 18, 4:40 am, Mark Janssen wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 8:55 PM, rusi wrote:
  Circular just means recursive and recursion is the bedrock for

 Rercursion the bedrock of language-design.  I don't think so.

Imperative programmers may be forgiven for not understanding how
pervasive the idea of recursion is in CS.
For example most C programmers dont understand that the standard
definition of linked list is not just recursive, its mutually
pointer points to struct
struct contains pointer

I have a collection of some of the variety of the uses of recursion in
CS here:

Or see the first line of
recursion theory is by definition the same subject as computation

Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-18 Thread rusi
On Apr 17, 11:43 pm, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:

 You won't gain that from the *grammar* of the language. Grammar is only part
 of the story, and in some ways, the least important part. If I tell you
 that the grammar of English includes:


 that alone is not going to help you understand the differences between
 a wise man and a wise guy, or peanut oil and baby oil.

Heh!! Cute example. [I'll remember it when I am teaching]

  My question:  what did the interpreter
  have to do to evaluate the expression x and y and return a value of
  zero? I know the lexical analyzer has to parse the stream of characters
  into tokens.  I presume this parsing generates the toxens x, y, and, and

 Well, yes, but you're being awfully reductionist here. I'm the first to be
 in favour of curiosity for curiosity's sake, but I'm not sure that getting
 bogged down at such a low level this early in your Python learning
 experience is a good idea. *shrug* No skin off my nose though.

Good to be reductionist sometime (and stop being reductionist rest of
the time)

That is to say good to know the general lay of the land for what
happens inside a language implementation.
Broadly speaking it goes like this:
1. Lexical analysis -- separating into tokens/lexemes, removing
comments, (special for python, making sense of the indentation
2. Syntax analysis -- building the parse tree (at least in principle)
for the program that accords with the grammar
Convert the (concrete) parse tree into an abstract syntax tree (AST)
3. Semantic analysis (Type-checking): Not much of typechecking in
python just things like checking Name error
In a more usual (statically typed) language like C/java etc the AST
gets 'decorated' with type information
Once you are here, the undesirable cases have been weeded out and the
program (if correct) has been annotated well enough (decorated AST)
4. Code generation/Interpretation using a straightforward recursive
walk down the decorated AST
5. An optimizing compiler may do more with the output of 4 (also
between 3 and 4)

Languages like C put the above 1-5 into a box called 'compiler-proper'
and stick a preprocessor before and assembler and linker after.
So while it is good to ask about the lexer, it is also the most boring
and irrelevant part of the system (to paraphrase Steven)

Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 8:57 PM, Bruce McGoveran wrote:
 These are terms that appear in section 5 (Expressions) of the Python online 
 documentation.  I'm having some trouble understanding what, precisely, these 
 terms mean.  I'd appreciate the forum's thoughts on these questions:

 1.  Section 5.2.1 indicates that an identifier occurring as an atom is a 
 name.  However, Section 2.3 indicates that identifiers are names.  My 
 question:  can an identifier be anything other than a name?

Yes.  For example:

from a import b

Here a is an identifier but not a name, as it does not carry
object-binding semantics.

 2.  Section 5.3 defines primaries as the most tightly bound operations of 
 Python.  What does this mean?

Tightly bound here refers to operator precedence.  For example, we
say that the multiplication operator binds more tightly [to the
surrounding operands] than the arithmetic operator, because the
multiplication takes precedence.  This section defines that the most
tightly bound operations in Python are attribute references,
subscriptions, slices and calls; these always take precedence over
other neighboring operations.

 In particular, if an atom is a primary, what operation is the atom performing 
 that leads to the label most tightly bound?

An atom doesn't perform an operation.  The grammar defines that a
primary can be just an atom, so that anywhere in the grammar that
expects a primary, a simple atom with no primary operation performed
on it can equally be used.

Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Dave Angel

On 04/16/2013 10:57 PM, Bruce McGoveran wrote:

These are terms that appear in section 5 (Expressions) of the Python online 
documentation.  I'm having some trouble understanding what, precisely, these 
terms mean.  I'd appreciate the forum's thoughts on these questions:

3.  Section 5.3.1 offers this definition of an attributeref:
 attributeref ::= primary . identifier

Now, I was at first a little concerned to see the non-terminal primary on the 
right hand side of the definition, since primary is defined to include 
attributeref in section 5.3 (so this struck me as circular).  Am I correct in 
thinking attributeref is defined this way to allow for situations in which the 
primary, whether an atom, attributeref (example:  an object on which a method 
is called that returns another object), subscription, slicing, or call, returns 
an object with property identifier?

It is circular.  Nothing wrong with that.  It means that not only can 
you use


but also


without any explicit limit.  if a non-circular definition were to be 
attempted, you might need a few dozen rules, just to cover what someone 
*might* happen to use in an expression.  Of course normally, one doesn't 
go much beyond a.b.c in a single expression.


Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 16 Apr 2013 19:57:25 -0700, Bruce McGoveran wrote:

 These are terms that appear in section 5 (Expressions) of the Python
 online documentation.  I'm having some trouble understanding what,
 precisely, these terms mean.  I'd appreciate the forum's thoughts on
 these questions:
 1.  Section 5.2.1 indicates that an identifier occurring as an atom is a
 name.  However, Section 2.3 indicates that identifiers are names.  My
 question:  can an identifier be anything other than a name?

Yes and no.

According to the Python grammar as documented, no, identifiers are just 
another name for, er, name.

But according to common practice, yes, we call many things identifiers:

x  # a bare name, or identifier according to the grammar

x.attr  # name with an attribute, or attributeref

x[key]  # name with a subscript, or subscription

x[5]  # name with an indexed subscript, or slicing

x[start:stop:step]  # name with a slice subscript

 2.  Section 5.3 defines primaries as the most tightly bound operations
 of Python.  What does this mean?

It means that primaries are evaluated at the highest priority. For 
example, given:


that is evaluated as:

(x.a) + b

rather than:

x . (a+b)

In particular, if you have a variable:

name = Fred

then will look for an attribute name, *not* x.Fred.

 In particular, if an atom is a
 primary, what operation is the atom performing that leads to the label
 most tightly bound?  To put it a different way, I think of atoms as
 things (i.e. identifiers).


 The documentation makes me think atoms
 actually do something, as opposed to being things (I think I have in my
 mind the difference between a noun and a verb as I write this).

The only thing they do is be evaluated.

 3.  Section 5.3.1 offers this definition of an attributeref:
 attributeref ::= primary . identifier
 Now, I was at first a little concerned to see the non-terminal primary
 on the right hand side of the definition, since primary is defined to
 include attributeref in section 5.3 (so this struck me as circular).  Am
 I correct in thinking attributeref is defined this way to allow for
 situations in which the primary, whether an atom, attributeref (example:
  an object on which a method is called that returns another object),
 subscription, slicing, or call, returns an object with property

Yes. It means you can write things like this:


and have it evaluated from left to right.

With respect, I think you may be confusing yourself unnecessarily with an 
excessive concern for the formal grammar of Python. You may find it makes 
a lot more sense in practice than it makes in theory. I strongly 
recommend you open up an interactive interpreter and just play around 
with the syntax and see what happens.


Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Bruce McGoveran
Thank you all for your thoughtful replies.  I appreciate your collective 
insight.  I didn't mean to cast the concept of recursion in a negative light - 
I'm actually comfortable with the concept, at least to some extent, and I 
appreciate the need for its use in this documentation.  I also appreciate the 
need to play with expressions at the command line, to gain a feel for how 
expressions are evaluated.  My interest in the language's formal description 
arises merely out of a desire to understand as precisely as possible what 
happens when I hit enter at the command line, or when I run a module.  
Your answers to my initial questions in this thread and the ones I posed in 
another thread (Understanding Boolean Expressions) have lead me to some 
follow-up questions.  Suppose I'm working at the command line, and I bind x to 
the value 1 and y to the value 0.  Suppose I next type x and y and hit enter.  
Python returns 0 (zero).  I'm glad I checked this before sending in this post 
because I thought it would return a value of False based on the presence of the 
and operand.  My question:  what did the interpreter have to do to evaluate the 
expression x and y and return a value of zero?
I know the lexical analyzer has to parse the stream of characters into tokens.  
I presume this parsing generates the toxens x, y, and, and a NEWLINE.  Beyond 
that, things get a little fuzzy, and it occurs to me that this fuzziness is the 
result of my looking at the expression x and y knowing full well what each 
token means and what I want done with them, whereas the interpreter won't know 
these things until it can parse the character stream and sort the tokens into 
some recognizable (and syntactically correct) order.
As I look at it, the expression x and y has two atoms, namely x and y.  x and y 
are also primaries, and they represent the most tightly bound parts of this 
expression (meaning they bind more tightly to their underlying objects than to 
the and operator).   Incidentally, how does Python figure out that the x and y 
in this expression refer to the x and y I previously bound to integer values?  
I know there's a symbol table in each execution frame.  How does Python know to 
go to that table and check for x and y?
The and token represents an operator, a boolean operator to be specific.  As I 
look at the grammar for and_test in section 5.10 of the documentation, it would 
appear that the and_test resolves via not_test's definition to two comparisons, 
which in turn resolve to or_expr, and then via a series of binary bitwise 
definitions to shift_expr, then to a_expr, then to m_expr, then to u_expr, to 
power, and then primary, and then to atom, which lands us finally at 
non-terminal identifiers (i.e. x and y themselves).  
Questions:  In working through these steps, what I have actually demonstrated?  
Is this how Python deconstructs an and statement with two operands?  Do I take 
from the fact that the progression from and_test to identifier involved 
reference to bitwise operators that the boolean testing of x and y involves a 
bitwise comparison of x and y?  I have to admit these questions are a little 
confusing; this may reflect the fact I am not exactly sure what it is I am 
trying to ask.  In general terms, I am trying to understand how Python evalutes 
the expression x and y in this context.
For my sanity's sake (and, perhaps, for yours) I will stop there.  I send 
thanks in advance for any thoughts you have on my questions.

On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 10:57:25 PM UTC-4, Bruce McGoveran wrote:
 These are terms that appear in section 5 (Expressions) of the Python online 
 documentation.  I'm having some trouble understanding what, precisely, these 
 terms mean.  I'd appreciate the forum's thoughts on these questions:
 1.  Section 5.2.1 indicates that an identifier occurring as an atom is a 
 name.  However, Section 2.3 indicates that identifiers are names.  My 
 question:  can an identifier be anything other than a name?
 2.  Section 5.3 defines primaries as the most tightly bound operations of 
 Python.  What does this mean?  In particular, if an atom is a primary, what 
 operation is the atom performing that leads to the label most tightly 
 bound?  To put it a different way, I think of atoms as things (i.e. 
 identifiers).  The documentation makes me think atoms actually do something, 
 as opposed to being things (I think I have in my mind the difference between 
 a noun and a verb as I write this).  Perhaps the doing in this case (or 
 binding, if you like) is linking (binding) the identifier to the underlying 
 object?  I think it might help if I had a better working notion of what a 
 primary is.
 3.  Section 5.3.1 offers this definition of an attributeref:
 attributeref ::= primary . identifier
 Now, I was at first a little concerned to see the non-terminal primary on the 
 right hand side of the definition, since primary is defined to include 

Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Wow, that's some impressive wall of text! Splitting your comments up into a
few paragraphs would make it much easier to read :-)

My comments below...

On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 10:15:02 -0700, Bruce McGoveran wrote:

 Thank you all for your thoughtful replies.  I appreciate your collective
 insight.  I didn't mean to cast the concept of recursion in a negative
 light - I'm actually comfortable with the concept, at least to some
 extent, and I appreciate the need for its use in this documentation.  I
 also appreciate the need to play with expressions at the command line,
 to gain a feel for how expressions are evaluated.  My interest in the
 language's formal description arises merely out of a desire to
 understand as precisely as possible what happens when I hit enter at the
 command line, or when I run a module. 

You won't gain that from the *grammar* of the language. Grammar is only part
of the story, and in some ways, the least important part. If I tell you
that the grammar of English includes:


that alone is not going to help you understand the differences between
a wise man and a wise guy, or peanut oil and baby oil.

I'm not saying that syntax and grammar is unimportant, but it is independent
of the *semantics* of the program, and really its the semantics (the
meaning) of code that is important. One can easily imagine four languages
where the identical operation was written as:

attribute of name

Contrariwise, just because two languages have ostensibly the same syntax for
something, doesn't mean they are doing the same thing. E.g. there are
subtle differences between attribute lookup name.attribute in Java and

 Your answers to my initial
 questions in this thread and the ones I posed in another thread
 (Understanding Boolean Expressions) have lead me to some follow-up
 questions.  Suppose I'm working at the command line, and I bind x to the
 value 1 and y to the value 0.  Suppose I next type x and y and hit
 enter.  Python returns 0 (zero).  I'm glad I checked this before sending
 in this post because I thought it would return a value of False based on
 the presence of the and operand.

The command line is actually irrelevant here. With one or two minor
exceptions, Python will do the same thing whether you are working
interactively or not. The main differences are that at the interactive
prompt, Python will automatically print the result of any expression which
is not otherwise bound to a value, and also bind it to the variable
name _. (A single underscore.) Other interactive command prompts may do
more, or less.

 My question:  what did the interpreter
 have to do to evaluate the expression x and y and return a value of
 zero? I know the lexical analyzer has to parse the stream of characters
 into tokens.  I presume this parsing generates the toxens x, y, and, and

Well, yes, but you're being awfully reductionist here. I'm the first to be
in favour of curiosity for curiosity's sake, but I'm not sure that getting
bogged down at such a low level this early in your Python learning
experience is a good idea. *shrug* No skin off my nose though.

The answer is going to depend on the implementation. There are at least four
major implementations of Python these days, and another dozen or two
obsolete, experimental or minor implementations. (Oh, and let me apologise
in advance to anyone whose implementation I haven't listed as major.)

CPython is the implementation you are probably using; Jython runs on top of
the Java virtual machine, IronPython runs on top of the Dot Net virtual
machine, and PyPy runs on the deepest, darkest voodoo known to Mankind. But
essentially, any implementation will have to perform all or most of these

* Parse the source code into tokens. CPython generates an AST, Abstract
Syntax Tree. What that means in practice, I have no idea. This is
relatively new: some versions back, the syntax was essentially identical,
but there was no AST involved.

* From the tokens, or the AST, generate byte code. Or machine code, if your
compiler is clever enough.

* Execute the byte code in some virtual machine, or the machine code
directly on your CPU, as the case may be.

You can view the byte code using the dis module, e.g.:

py import dis
py code = compile('x = 1; y = 0; print x and y', '', 'exec')
py dis.dis(code)
  1   0 LOAD_CONST   0 (1)
  3 STORE_NAME   0 (x)
  6 LOAD_CONST   1 (0)
  9 STORE_NAME   1 (y)
 12 LOAD_NAME0 (x)
 18 LOAD_NAME1 (y)
 23 LOAD_CONST   2 (None)

If you run this under another implementation of Python, such as WPython, or
even a different version of CPython, you may get completely 

Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Mark Janssen
On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 8:55 PM, rusi wrote:
 On Apr 17, 7:57 am, Bruce McGoveran wrote:
 3.  Section 5.3.1 offers this definition of an attributeref:
 attributeref ::= primary . identifier

 One general comment I will make is regarding your distress at what you
 call 'circular'
 Circular just means recursive and recursion is the bedrock for

Rercursion the bedrock of language-design.  I don't think so.  From
what I know, a well-defined language ends at its symbols.  It makes no
use of infinities.

 You cannot hope to define an infinite object such as the python
 language (there are an infinite number of python programs) with a
 finite specification

You've committed two grave sins in C.S.:  Conflating a programming
language (an infinite object such as python language) with a program
written in that language (there are an infinite number of python
programs).   These two are entirely separate (at least anything
implemented on a real computer).  Further, you've made a silly
description of python an infinite object such as the python
language.  A programming language that is well defined has complete,
finite, specification.  The fact that there are an endless number of
programs that can be made from such is irrelevant to the language

 -- a useful language definition must start and
 end and preferably fit in one's pocket!

Likewise, a language specification must end in its symbols.

 The trick is to find ways of making an inifinite object finitely

There is no trick involved.

 So much of language design is a generalization of Peano's
 method of defining (designing?) natural numbers:
 a. 0 is a natural number
 b. If x is a natural number then the successor of x (informally x+1)
 is a natural number

Well now you're getting to the root of the confusion and what I'm
arguing within the C.S. community:  there must be clear distinction
between lambda calculii and programming languages rooted in actual
hardware implementations.  While, traditionally, the field has not
made much of a distinction, in practice the computational architecture
is different.  One of these has a connection to reality and the other
not as much ;^).

In any case, talking about the mathematical realm *as a realm of
Platonic thought* is irrelevant to the discussion of program spaces
where *things actually get done*.

This is what this list (python) has not figured out yet, because they
look up to the theoretical C.S. field and it hasn't yet been

Tacoma, Washington

Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread alex23
On Apr 18, 9:40 am, Mark Janssen wrote:
 This is what this list (python) has not figured out yet, because they
 look up to the theoretical C.S. field and it hasn't yet been

No one here idolises the theoretical C.S. field. They *use* Python
to *get things done*, not to engage in pointless masturbation.

Please keep your computer pseudo-science nonsense to your own threads,
don't use it to derail others.

Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Ian Kelly
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Mark Janssen wrote:
 Rercursion the bedrock of language-design.  I don't think so.  From
 what I know, a well-defined language ends at its symbols.  It makes no
 use of infinities.

From what I know, you can't have a Turing-complete language without
some form of recursion.  So yeah, it's pretty damn important in
language design.

 You cannot hope to define an infinite object such as the python
 language (there are an infinite number of python programs) with a
 finite specification

 You've committed two grave sins in C.S.:

You've just committed the grave sin of being needlessly hyperbolic.

 Conflating a programming
 language (an infinite object such as python language) with a program
 written in that language (there are an infinite number of python
 programs).   These two are entirely separate (at least anything
 implemented on a real computer).

Mathematically, a language (e.g. a programming language) is a set of
well-formed strings (i.e. programs) constructed from the symbols of an
alphabet (i.e. tokens).  For most languages, this set is infinite;
saying the Python language is infinite is equivalent to saying
there are an infinite number of Python programs.

 Further, you've made a silly
 description of python an infinite object such as the python
 language.  A programming language that is well defined has complete,
 finite, specification.  The fact that there are an endless number of
 programs that can be made from such is irrelevant to the language

A finite, non-recursive grammar can only hope to accept a finite
number of strings.  To have an infinite language, the defining grammar
must then be either infinite (not practical) or recursive.

 Well now you're getting to the root of the confusion and what I'm
 arguing within the C.S. community:  there must be clear distinction
 between lambda calculii and programming languages rooted in actual
 hardware implementations.  While, traditionally, the field has not
 made much of a distinction, in practice the computational architecture
 is different.  One of these has a connection to reality and the other
 not as much ;^).

 In any case, talking about the mathematical realm *as a realm of
 Platonic thought* is irrelevant to the discussion of program spaces
 where *things actually get done*.

Of course it's relevant.  Without theory we would not have big-Oh
notation or efficient data structures or regular expressions or
context-free grammars; languages like Python would be harder to
invent.  I'm sure one could come up with a myriad other examples, but
that's enough for me.

Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Mark Janssen
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:29 PM, alex23 wrote:
 On Apr 18, 9:40 am, Mark Janssen wrote:
 This is what this list (python) has not figured out yet, because they
 look up to the theoretical C.S. field and it hasn't yet been

 No one here idolises the theoretical C.S. field. They *use* Python
 to *get things done*, not to engage in pointless masturbation.

Woah!  no one you say  Interesting...


Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Mark Janssen
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Mark Janssen 
 Rercursion the bedrock of language-design.  I don't think so.  From
 what I know, a well-defined language ends at its symbols.  It makes no
 use of infinities.

 From what I know, you can't have a Turing-complete language without
 some form of recursion.  So yeah, it's pretty damn important in
 language design.

A Turing-complete language generally has items that are defined in
terms of other, simpler items, but this is not called recursion in any
C.S. paper I know.
In C.S. of my world, recursion is a specific term that is related to
functional calculii.  This type of recursion is sometimes often found
in imperative/iterative languages, but is rooted in the fomer.

 Conflating a programming
 language (an infinite object such as python language) with a program
 written in that language (there are an infinite number of python
 programs).   These two are entirely separate (at least anything
 implemented on a real computer).

 Mathematically, a language (e.g. a programming language) is a set of
 well-formed strings (i.e. programs) constructed from the symbols of an
 alphabet (i.e. tokens).

Mathematically, perhaps, but from C.S. theory, a language is a
fully-specified set of expressions and tokens which are considered
valid -- it's grammar.

 For most languages, this set is infinite;

This set is always finite, as you can see on the specification for
Python's language.

 saying the Python language is infinite is equivalent to saying
 there are an infinite number of Python programs.

I don't think Guido would agree that the Python language is
infinite, but then perhaps he doesn't care either.

 A finite, non-recursive grammar can only hope to accept a finite
 number of strings.

Is the language we're speaking in now one with a finite, non-recursive grammar?

Tacoma, Washington

Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 18/04/2013 01:41, Mark Janssen wrote:

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:29 PM, alex23 wrote:

On Apr 18, 9:40 am, Mark Janssen wrote:

This is what this list (python) has not figured out yet, because they
look up to the theoretical C.S. field and it hasn't yet been

No one here idolises the theoretical C.S. field. They *use* Python
to *get things done*, not to engage in pointless masturbation.

Woah!  no one you say  Interesting...


IMHO very few cos we all know that practically beats purity.

If you're using GoogleCrap™ please read this

Mark Lawrence


Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 18/04/2013 02:04, Mark Janssen wrote:

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Mark Janssen wrote:

Rercursion the bedrock of language-design.  I don't think so.  From
what I know, a well-defined language ends at its symbols.  It makes no
use of infinities.

 From what I know, you can't have a Turing-complete language without
some form of recursion.  So yeah, it's pretty damn important in
language design.

A Turing-complete language generally has items that are defined in
terms of other, simpler items, but this is not called recursion in any
C.S. paper I know.
In C.S. of my world, recursion is a specific term that is related to
functional calculii.  This type of recursion is sometimes often found
in imperative/iterative languages, but is rooted in the fomer.

Conflating a programming
language (an infinite object such as python language) with a program
written in that language (there are an infinite number of python
programs).   These two are entirely separate (at least anything
implemented on a real computer).

Mathematically, a language (e.g. a programming language) is a set of
well-formed strings (i.e. programs) constructed from the symbols of an
alphabet (i.e. tokens).

Mathematically, perhaps, but from C.S. theory, a language is a
fully-specified set of expressions and tokens which are considered
valid -- it's grammar.

For most languages, this set is infinite;

This set is always finite, as you can see on the specification for
Python's language.

saying the Python language is infinite is equivalent to saying
there are an infinite number of Python programs.

I don't think Guido would agree that the Python language is
infinite, but then perhaps he doesn't care either.

A finite, non-recursive grammar can only hope to accept a finite
number of strings.

Is the language we're speaking in now one with a finite, non-recursive grammar?

Thanks for reminding me that I must add food for the trolls to the 
bottom of my shopping list.

If you're using GoogleCrap™ please read this

Mark Lawrence


Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 9:40 AM, Mark Janssen wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 8:55 PM, rusi wrote:
 On Apr 17, 7:57 am, Bruce McGoveran wrote:
 3.  Section 5.3.1 offers this definition of an attributeref:
 attributeref ::= primary . identifier

 One general comment I will make is regarding your distress at what you
 call 'circular'
 Circular just means recursive and recursion is the bedrock for

 Rercursion the bedrock of language-design.  I don't think so.  From
 what I know, a well-defined language ends at its symbols.  It makes no
 use of infinities.

There's a difference between infinite and recursive, though. I was
defining a function (it converted from JSON to an internal format) and
wanted to explain that not all of JSON would reliably round-trip (ie
be able to be translated to the internal format and then back again).
To describe what _would_ round-trip correctly, I used this simple yet
technically illegal description:

typedef valid string|array(valid)|object(string:valid)

In other words, a string is valid, and a list/array of valid elements
is valid, and a dictionary/mapping/object with string keys and valid
elements is valid. It's a recursive definition, but it can't go
infinite (self-references aren't valid - though this isn't stated by
the typedef); however, it can go arbitrarily deep.


Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 18:33:09 -0600, Ian Kelly wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Mark Janssen wrote:
 Rercursion the bedrock of language-design.  I don't think so.  From
 what I know, a well-defined language ends at its symbols.  It makes no
 use of infinities.
 From what I know, you can't have a Turing-complete language without
 some form of recursion.  So yeah, it's pretty damn important in language

Incorrect. Early Fortran, which was definitely Turing complete, was 
incapable of using recursion. But that doesn't matter, since any 
recursive algorithm can be re-written as iteration. So long as a language 
can iterate an indefinite number of times, it may be Turing complete.

(Languages which can only iterate a fixed number of times cannot be 
Turing complete.)

Hell, Turing machines themselves are not recursive. Since they don't have 
a concept of functions, they don't have a concept of functions that call 
themselves. A Turing machine only has a couple of trivial operations:

* read a cell
* write a cell
* advance the tape
* change direction

and so it's grammar is correspondingly trivial. Actually, talking about 
the grammar of a Turing machine is probably wrong. In practice, Turing 
machines are specified as a finite (and usually small) table of states 
and cells. See here for examples:

So it isn't even correct to say that recursion is necessary for a 
language's *grammar*. However, for any real-world practical language 
(there's a reason that no practical language is based on Turing machines) 
recursive grammars are extraordinarily useful.

 A finite, non-recursive grammar can only hope to accept a finite number
 of strings.  To have an infinite language, the defining grammar must
 then be either infinite (not practical) or recursive.

I don't believe that is true, so long as the grammar has a concept of 
zero or more of some syntactic element. For example, suppose your 
grammar has a concept of integers, defined recursively as either a digit, 
or a digit followed by an integer:


This can be defined more naturally as a digit followed by zero or more 



Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Ian Kelly
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 7:04 PM, Mark Janssen wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Mark Janssen 
 Rercursion the bedrock of language-design.  I don't think so.  From
 what I know, a well-defined language ends at its symbols.  It makes no
 use of infinities.

 From what I know, you can't have a Turing-complete language without
 some form of recursion.  So yeah, it's pretty damn important in
 language design.

 A Turing-complete language generally has items that are defined in
 terms of other, simpler items, but this is not called recursion in any
 C.S. paper I know.
 In C.S. of my world, recursion is a specific term that is related to
 functional calculii.  This type of recursion is sometimes often found
 in imperative/iterative languages, but is rooted in the fomer.

You are thinking of recursive procedures.  Recursion is the more
general concept of self-repetition.  In a programming language, it can
be implemented by recursive procedures, or it can equivalently be
implemented by looping constructs.

Incidentally, in computability theory (also known as recursion
theory), recursive is basically a synonym for computable, which
relates back to my point that recursion is necessary for
Turing-completeness; a Turing-complete language is one that can
compute any computable (i.e. recursive) function.

 Conflating a programming
 language (an infinite object such as python language) with a program
 written in that language (there are an infinite number of python
 programs).   These two are entirely separate (at least anything
 implemented on a real computer).

 Mathematically, a language (e.g. a programming language) is a set of
 well-formed strings (i.e. programs) constructed from the symbols of an
 alphabet (i.e. tokens).

 Mathematically, perhaps, but from C.S. theory, a language is a
 fully-specified set of expressions and tokens which are considered
 valid -- it's grammar.

Sorry, but as computer science *is* math, the computer science
definition is the same as the mathematical one.  See for example this
CS paper which formally defines language as I described:

 For most languages, this set is infinite;

 This set is always finite, as you can see on the specification for
 Python's language.

No, the set of valid Python programs is not finite.

 saying the Python language is infinite is equivalent to saying
 there are an infinite number of Python programs.

 I don't think Guido would agree that the Python language is
 infinite, but then perhaps he doesn't care either.

 A finite, non-recursive grammar can only hope to accept a finite
 number of strings.

 Is the language we're speaking in now one with a finite, non-recursive 

No, English is also recursive.

Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread Ian Kelly
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Incorrect. Early Fortran, which was definitely Turing complete, was
 incapable of using recursion. But that doesn't matter, since any
 recursive algorithm can be re-written as iteration. So long as a language
 can iterate an indefinite number of times, it may be Turing complete.

You're also confusing recursion with recursive programming.  See
the response I just gave to Mark.

Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-17 Thread 88888 Dihedral
Ian於 2013年4月17日星期三UTC+8下午3時21分00秒寫道:
 On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 8:57 PM, Bruce McGoveran
  These are terms that appear in section 5 (Expressions) of the Python online 
  documentation.  I'm having some trouble understanding what, precisely, 
  these terms mean.  I'd appreciate the forum's thoughts on these questions:
  1.  Section 5.2.1 indicates that an identifier occurring as an atom is a 
  name.  However, Section 2.3 indicates that identifiers are names.  My 
  question:  can an identifier be anything other than a name?
 Yes.  For example:
 from a import b
 Here a is an identifier but not a name, as it does not carry
 object-binding semantics.
  2.  Section 5.3 defines primaries as the most tightly bound operations of 
  Python.  What does this mean?
 Tightly bound here refers to operator precedence.  For example, we
 say that the multiplication operator binds more tightly [to the
 surrounding operands] than the arithmetic operator, because the
 multiplication takes precedence.  This section defines that the most
 tightly bound operations in Python are attribute references,
 subscriptions, slices and calls; these always take precedence over
 other neighboring operations.
  In particular, if an atom is a primary, what operation is the atom 
  performing that leads to the label most tightly bound?
 An atom doesn't perform an operation.  The grammar defines that a
 primary can be just an atom, so that anywhere in the grammar that
 expects a primary, a simple atom with no primary operation performed
 on it can equally be used.

An atom can not be divided into further details.
An atom can be created and cloned or just referenced 
in some relations.

An object is composed of atoms linked in someway.

Of course, one can box those atoms of an object 
to make the object immutable at least in some situations
to be named and used.

Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-16 Thread Bruce McGoveran
These are terms that appear in section 5 (Expressions) of the Python online 
documentation.  I'm having some trouble understanding what, precisely, these 
terms mean.  I'd appreciate the forum's thoughts on these questions:

1.  Section 5.2.1 indicates that an identifier occurring as an atom is a name.  
However, Section 2.3 indicates that identifiers are names.  My question:  can 
an identifier be anything other than a name?

2.  Section 5.3 defines primaries as the most tightly bound operations of 
Python.  What does this mean?  In particular, if an atom is a primary, what 
operation is the atom performing that leads to the label most tightly bound?  
To put it a different way, I think of atoms as things (i.e. identifiers).  The 
documentation makes me think atoms actually do something, as opposed to being 
things (I think I have in my mind the difference between a noun and a verb as I 
write this).  Perhaps the doing in this case (or binding, if you like) is 
linking (binding) the identifier to the underlying object?  I think it might 
help if I had a better working notion of what a primary is.

3.  Section 5.3.1 offers this definition of an attributeref:
attributeref ::= primary . identifier

Now, I was at first a little concerned to see the non-terminal primary on the 
right hand side of the definition, since primary is defined to include 
attributeref in section 5.3 (so this struck me as circular).  Am I correct in 
thinking attributeref is defined this way to allow for situations in which the 
primary, whether an atom, attributeref (example:  an object on which a method 
is called that returns another object), subscription, slicing, or call, returns 
an object with property identifier?

These are, I know, long-winded questions.  I appreciate in advance any thoughts 
the group can offer.

The relevant documentation link is:


Re: Atoms, Identifiers, and Primaries

2013-04-16 Thread rusi
On Apr 17, 7:57 am, Bruce McGoveran wrote:
 These are terms that appear in section 5 (Expressions) of the Python online 
 documentation.  I'm having some trouble understanding what, precisely, these 
 terms mean.  I'd appreciate the forum's thoughts on these questions:

 1.  Section 5.2.1 indicates that an identifier occurring as an atom is a 
 name.  However, Section 2.3 indicates that identifiers are names.  My 
 question:  can an identifier be anything other than a name?

 2.  Section 5.3 defines primaries as the most tightly bound operations of 
 Python.  What does this mean?  In particular, if an atom is a primary, what 
 operation is the atom performing that leads to the label most tightly 
 bound?  To put it a different way, I think of atoms as things (i.e. 
 identifiers).  The documentation makes me think atoms actually do something, 
 as opposed to being things (I think I have in my mind the difference between 
 a noun and a verb as I write this).  Perhaps the doing in this case (or 
 binding, if you like) is linking (binding) the identifier to the underlying 
 object?  I think it might help if I had a better working notion of what a 
 primary is.

 3.  Section 5.3.1 offers this definition of an attributeref:
     attributeref ::= primary . identifier

 Now, I was at first a little concerned to see the non-terminal primary on the 
 right hand side of the definition, since primary is defined to include 
 attributeref in section 5.3 (so this struck me as circular).  Am I correct in 
 thinking attributeref is defined this way to allow for situations in which 
 the primary, whether an atom, attributeref (example:  an object on which a 
 method is called that returns another object), subscription, slicing, or 
 call, returns an object with property identifier?

 These are, I know, long-winded questions.  I appreciate in advance any 
 thoughts the group can offer.

 The relevant documentation link is:


The specific details of python grammar I am not deeply familiar with,
so I'll leave others to comment.
One general comment I will make is regarding your distress at what you
call 'circular'
Circular just means recursive and recursion is the bedrock for
You cannot hope to define an infinite object such as the python
language (there are an infinite number of python programs) with a
finite specification -- a useful language definition must start and
end and preferably fit in one's pocket!
The trick is to find ways of making an inifinite object finitely
generated. So much of language design is a generalization of Peano's
method of defining (designing?) natural numbers:
a. 0 is a natural number
b. If x is a natural number then the successor of x (informally x+1)
is a natural number

Note 1. that if we take the above as a definition of natural no. then
its a recursive definition, in particular b. You can call it circular
if you like. Just drop the pejorative color.
Note 2. We need to add the 'informally' because + needs to be defined
in terms of the above definition and not the other way round, else we
get a bad case of recursion. Such a definition would run as
0 + y = y
Sx + y = S(x+y)
(read Sx as successor of x)

Coming closer to your question, consider the 3 expressions:
A: 2*x + 3*y
B: (2*x) + 3*y
C: 2*(x+3)*y

Informally we may say that A and B are the same whereas C is
Formally all three are different.
Not only are they different as strings, their parse-trees are
different. Their evaluations as defined by the python interpreter may
give the same value to A and B... thats a separate question from yours
which is really a syntax question.

A is an a_expr because 2*x is an m_expr and 3*y is an m-expr
Since an m-expr is (a trivial instance of an) a_expr therefore 2*x is
an a_expr
Since one way of making an a_expr is by doing a_expr + m_expr (note
the recursion) therefore 2*x + 3*y is an a_expr

In short Ive described the derivation:
a_expr - a_expr + m_expr - a_expr + 3*y - m_expr + 3*y - 2*x + 3*y

The derivation of B would be longer involving fact that (2*x) is a
parent-form therefore atom
atom - enclosure - enclosure - parenth_form - (expr_list) -
- (conditional-e) - (or_test) - (and_test) - (or-exp) - (xor-
exp) - (and-exp) - (shift-e) - (a_expr)

[And now I got fedup of following the grammar but hopefully you get
the idea!]