Re: Custom Tkinter scrollbar

2007-11-24 Thread Hunter . lennon
I ended up giving up on doing the scrollbar as a separate class, which
is probably for the best.  This is the pertinent code for what I
wanted, and it does what I need it to do.  I found the canvas-moving-w- program helpful in getting started with this; some of the
code is directly from that example.  I'm posting my code on the off
chance someone will find something of use in it.

#Constants for the scrollbar icon range.
self.UPPER_LIMIT = 160
self.LOWER_LIMIT = 334

#Prepare pictures
self.upArrow = tk.PhotoImage (upArrow, file =
self.scrollIcon = tk.PhotoImage (scrollIcon, file =
self.downArrow = tk.PhotoImage (downArrow, file =

#Main Canvas = tk.Canvas (parent, width = 388, height = 408,
borderwidth = - 2) (0, 0, image = self.shell_image,
  anchor = tk.NW) (361, 9, image = self.exit_image,
  anchor = tk.NW, tags = Exit)

#Inner frame that contains a canvas.
#This is what is scrolled by the scrollbar.
self.masteryFrame = tk.Frame (parent, borderwidth = -2)
self.masteryCanvas = tk.Canvas (self.masteryFrame, width =
326, height = 218,
scrollregion =
(0,0,326,439), borderwidth = -2)
self.masteryCanvas.create_image (0, 0, image =
masteryFrame, anchor = tk.NW) (22, 135, window =
  width = 326, height = 218,
anchor = tk.NW)

#Scrollbar (350, 136, image = self.upArrow,
anchor = tk.NW,
 tags = upArrow) (357, 160, image =
self.scrollIcon, tags = scroll) (350, 343, image = self.downArrow,
anchor = tk.NW,
 tags = downArrow) (scroll, Button-1,
self.mouseDown) (scroll, B1-Motion,
self.mouseMove) (upArrow, ButtonRelease-1,
self.stepUp) (downArrow, ButtonRelease-1,
self.stepDown) (Exit, Button-1, self.close) (side = tk.LEFT)

def mouseDown (self, event):
#Scrollbar Function
#Remember where the mouse went down
self.lastx = event.x
self.lasty = event.y

def mouseMove (self, event):
#Scrollbar Function
#Whatever the mouse is over is automatically tagged as
current by tk.
#Only moves vertically.
#Keep the cursor in bounds:
if event.y = self.UPPER_LIMIT and event.y =
self.LOWER_LIMIT:, 0, event.y - self.lasty)
self.lasty = event.y
elif event.y  self.UPPER_LIMIT:, 357, self.UPPER_LIMIT )
self.lasty = event.y
elif event.y  334:, 357, self.LOWER_LIMIT)
self.lasty = event.y
self.masteryCanvas.yview_moveto (self.scrollbarPosition())

def stepUp (self, event):
#Scrollbar Function
#Move up one row or to the top, whichever is less.
#43.5 causes the canvas to move one row.
next = (scroll)[1] - 43.5
if next = self.UPPER_LIMIT: (scroll, 357, next)
else: (scroll, 357, self.UPPER_LIMIT)
self.masteryCanvas.yview_moveto (self.scrollbarPosition())

def stepDown (self, event):
#Scrollbar Function
#Move down one row or to the bottom, whichever is less.
#43.5 causes the canvas to move one row.
next = (scroll)[1] + 43.5
if next = self.LOWER_LIMIT: scroll, 357, next)
else: scroll, 357, self.LOWER_LIMIT)
self.masteryCanvas.yview_moveto (self.scrollbarPosition())

def scrollbarPosition (self):
#Scrollbar Function that computes movement
#Return a value between 0 and .5 for moving the canvas.
yCoord = (scroll)[1]
length = self.LOWER_LIMIT - self.UPPER_LIMIT
current = yCoord - self.UPPER_LIMIT
current /= 2
#print current / length
return (current / length)

Re: Custom Tkinter scrollbar

2007-11-15 Thread jim-on-linux
On Wednesday 14 November 2007 18:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to create a custom scrollbar using particular images, which
 will then be placed on a canvas to control another window on the
 canvas.   Right now I am inheriting from scrollbar, but I do the
 movement with custom functions.  When I create it and put in into
 the canvas with canvas.create_window a standard scrollbar shows
 in the correct spot and my custom one is outside of the canvas.

 All I have right now is something that moves like a scrollbar but
 has no effect on other objects.

 Can anyone give me some advice or point me to a guide for this?  Is
 it even possible?  Can I create a widget that mimics a scrollbar,
 or would that be more difficult?  I have been unable to find
 anything online and would appreciate any help.

Sounds to me that you want a navigation window for a chosen image.  
Gimp imaging program has such a window.  Check out how gimp works 
with multiple images.

You might want to work with a toolbar that opens a navigation window 
for each image.

For an explanation on how scrolling works check out a book by O'Reilly 
written by Mark Lutz, Programming Python, look up programming 



Custom Tkinter scrollbar

2007-11-14 Thread Hunter . lennon
I want to create a custom scrollbar using particular images, which
will then be placed on a canvas to control another window on the
canvas.   Right now I am inheriting from scrollbar, but I do the
movement with custom functions.  When I create it and put in into the
canvas with canvas.create_window a standard scrollbar shows in the
correct spot and my custom one is outside of the canvas.

All I have right now is something that moves like a scrollbar but has
no effect on other objects.

Can anyone give me some advice or point me to a guide for this?  Is it
even possible?  Can I create a widget that mimics a scrollbar, or
would that be more difficult?  I have been unable to find anything
online and would appreciate any help.
