Re: Design Ideals Goals Python 3 - Forest for the trees

2010-12-26 Thread Alice Bevan–McGregor
So do the new changes(to the GIL) nullify concerns raised by David 
Beazely here

Ah, good catch.  I had watched the recorded presentation some time ago. 
Yes, the rewritten GIL should alleviate those problems.  Instead of 
simply releasing and re-acquiring the GIL, it releases, then determines 
thread scheduling using the brainfuck algorithm instead of leaving it 
up to the kernel in the brief instant the GIL is unassigned (which 
often doesn't context switch to another thread, thus the performance 

(I beleive that algorithm, whose name -is- accurate, was the winner of 
the long, long discussion on the Python ticket.)

Some projects have been using and requiring psyco to gain speed 
improvements in python 
however it seems that the developer is not active on this project 
anymore and is more active on PyPy

I've never really attempted to use JIT optimizers due to the fact that 
all of my development and production environments are 64-bit, and I 
haven't found one yet that supports 64-bit properly.  Relying on dead 
projects, however, is an issue of larger scope than mere portability.  

A program such as AVSP which relies on 
psyco what would be a good proposition to use when taking the project 
to python 3.0 if psyco will remain unavailable?

I'd take the same approach Python 3 itself did; rewrite it for Python 3 
and take the opportunity to remove excessive backwards compatibility 
cruft, streamline algorithms, etc.  With a suite of existing 
unit/functional tests, that possibility is the ultimate in test-driven 
development.  ;)  It would also follow the write clean code, then 
profile and optimize where actually needed philosophy.

Obviously that recommendation won't be the best solution for every project.

With all of the FOSS projects I really, really care about I'm writing 
from near-scratch (the code, if not the algorithms) with 2.6+ and 3.1+ 
polygot (no conversion tools like 2to3, and no split packaging) 
compatibility as a primary design goal.  So far it's working out quite 

- Alice


Re: Design Ideals Goals Python 3 - Forest for the trees

2010-12-26 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Dec 26, 5:34 am, Alice Bevan–McGregor wrote:

 I've never really attempted to use JIT optimizers due to the fact that
 all of my development and production environments are 64-bit, and I
 haven't found one yet that supports 64-bit properly.  Relying on dead
 projects, however, is an issue of larger scope than mere portability.  

The PyPy JIT supports x86_64.  It's still being improved, but it does
provide real speedups in some cases already.


Design Ideals Goals Python 3 - Forest for the trees

2010-12-25 Thread flebber

I was hoping someone could shed some (articles, links) in regards
python 3 design ideals. I was searching guido's blog which has his
overarching view of Python from an early development perspective

I was interested in what the design goals/philosphy was of Python 3
from a birds eye view, forest for the trees approach.

i can safely assume one goal was speed improvement as in the blog he
noted Don’t fret too much about performance--plan to optimize later
when needed. So I assume that means that Python had developed to a
point where that was needed.

But performance wouldn't be the over-arching criteria for the change.
Just curious.

Re: Design Ideals Goals Python 3 - Forest for the trees

2010-12-25 Thread Tim Harig
On 2010-12-26, flebber wrote:
 I was hoping someone could shed some (articles, links) in regards
 python 3 design ideals. I was searching guido's blog which has his
 overarching view of Python from an early development perspective

 I was interested in what the design goals/philosphy was of Python 3
 from a birds eye view, forest for the trees approach.

This is rather old; but you might watch:

if you haven't seen it already.

Re: Design Ideals Goals Python 3 - Forest for the trees

2010-12-25 Thread Alice Bevan–McGregor

I was interested in what the design goals/philosphy was of Python 3
from a birds eye view, forest for the trees approach.

I think I can safely point to the Zen of Python[1] as many of the 
points therein directly apply to the simplifiation, clarification, and 
goals of Python 3.  Most notably:

:: Beautiful is better than ugly.

E.g. dict.iteritems, dict.iterkeys, dict.itervalues?  Strip 'iter' and 
it's fixed.

:: Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.

Ever get hung up on core Python modules with title caps?  Yeah, those 
are fixed.

:: There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.

E.g. urllib, urllib2, urllibX… yeah, that's been fixed, too.  :)

:: Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

Numerous modules have been merged, or moved into more manageable (and 
logical) namespaces.

I can safely assume one goal was speed improvement as in the blog he 
noted Don’t fret too much about performance--plan to optimize later 
when needed. So I assume that means that Python had developed to a

point where that was needed.

The Python GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) has been getting a lot of 
negative attention over the last little while, and was recently fixed 
to be far more intelligent (and efficient) in Python 3.2.  There are 
numerous other performance improvements, for which yo ucan examine the 
change logs.

But performance wouldn't be the over-arching criteria for the change. 
Just curious.

Clarification, simplification, specivity, efficiency, … just be more 

Note that I'm not a core Python contributor or have ever communicated 
with the BDFL: this is just the viewpoint of somoene doing her 
darnd'est to encourage Python 3 support.  ;)  All of the new projects I 
work on are Python 2.6+ and Python 3.1+ compatible.  (Arguments against 
dual-compatible polygot code can go to /dev/null for the purposes of 
this thread.)

- Alice



Re: Design Ideals Goals Python 3 - Forest for the trees

2010-12-25 Thread flebber
On Dec 26, 4:56 pm, Alice Bevan–McGregor wrote:
  I was interested in what the design goals/philosphy was of Python 3
  from a birds eye view, forest for the trees approach.

 I think I can safely point to the Zen of Python[1] as many of the
 points therein directly apply to the simplifiation, clarification, and
 goals of Python 3.  Most notably:

 :: Beautiful is better than ugly.

 E.g. dict.iteritems, dict.iterkeys, dict.itervalues?  Strip 'iter' and
 it's fixed.

 :: Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.

 Ever get hung up on core Python modules with title caps?  Yeah, those
 are fixed.

 :: There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.

 E.g. urllib, urllib2, urllibX… yeah, that's been fixed, too.  :)

 :: Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

 Numerous modules have been merged, or moved into more manageable (and
 logical) namespaces.

  I can safely assume one goal was speed improvement as in the blog he
  noted Don’t fret too much about performance--plan to optimize later
  when needed. So I assume that means that Python had developed to a
  point where that was needed.

 The Python GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) has been getting a lot of
 negative attention over the last little while, and was recently fixed
 to be far more intelligent (and efficient) in Python 3.2.  There are
 numerous other performance improvements, for which yo ucan examine the
 change logs.

  But performance wouldn't be the over-arching criteria for the change.
  Just curious.

 Clarification, simplification, specivity, efficiency, … just be more

 Note that I'm not a core Python contributor or have ever communicated
 with the BDFL: this is just the viewpoint of somoene doing her
 darnd'est to encourage Python 3 support.  ;)  All of the new projects I
 work on are Python 2.6+ and Python 3.1+ compatible.  (Arguments against
 dual-compatible polygot code can go to /dev/null for the purposes of
 this thread.)

         - Alice


So do the new changes(to the GIL) nullify concerns raised by David
Beazely here

Some projects have been using and requiring psyco to gain speed
improvements in python
however it seems that the developer is not active on this project
anymore and is more active on PyPy

A program such as AVSP which relies on
psyco what would be a good proposition to use when taking the project
to python 3.0 if psyco will remain unavailable?
