Re: Friday Finking: 'main-lines' are best kept short

2019-09-13 Thread boB Stepp
On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 10:59 PM DL Neil via Python-list
> Ref:
> Mastering Object-oriented Python, S Lott
> Copyright © 2014 Packt Publishing

Side note:  When I looked this up I saw on Amazon that there is a
second edition out targeting Python 3.7.  It was published June of
this year.


Re: Friday Finking: 'main-lines' are best kept short

2019-09-13 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 13Sep2019 15:58, DL Neil  wrote:
Is it a good idea to keep a system's main-line* code as short as 
possible, essentially consigning all of 'the action' to application and 
external packages and modules?

Generally yes.

* my choice of term: "main-line", may be taken to mean:
- the contents of main(),
- the 'then clause' of an if __name__ == __main__: construct,
- a script.

Taking these out of order:

I don't like "if __name__ == '__main__':" to be more than a few lines.  
If it gets past about 4 or 5 then I rip it out into a main() function 
and use:

 if __name__ == '__main__':

and put "def main(argv):" at the top of the module (where it is 
glaringly obvious).

Once at that stage, where you have a or a "def main()" is 
based _entirely_ on whether this is a module or a package. There is no 
other criterion for me.

[... snip ...]
Doesn't the author thus suggest that the script (main-line of the 
program) should be seen as non-importable? is generally something you would never import, any more than 
you would want to import the _body_ of a main() function.  Particularly 
because it will run things that have side effects; a normal import 
should not.

Doesn't he also suggest that the script not contain anything that 
might be re-usable?

That is a very similar statement, or at least tightly tied in. If you 
can't import because it actually runs the main programme, 
then you can't import it to make use of resuable things. Therefore 
reusable things should not have their definitions in

Accordingly, the script calls packages/modules which are both 
importable and re-usable.

None of which discounts the possibility of having other 'main-lines' 
to execute sub-components of the (total) application, should that be 

An issue with 'main-line' scripts is that they can become difficult to 
test - or to build, using TDD and pytest (speaking personally). Pytest 
is great for unit tests, and can be used for integration testing, but 
the 'higher up' the testing pyramid we go, the less effectual it 
becomes (please don't shoot me, pytest is still an indispensable 
tool!) Accordingly, if 'the action' is pushed up/out to modules, this 
will ease the testing, by access and by context!

Yes. So ideally your "main" should be fairly skeletal, calling out to 
components defined elsewhere.

To round things out, I seem to be structuring projects as:

-- docs (sub-directory)
-- .git (sub-directory)
-- etc


I don't have a top level in the project source tree; I 
_hate_ having python scripts in the top level because they leak into the 
import namespace courtesy of Python's sys.path including the current 
directory. belongs in the package, and that is down a level 
(or so) from the main source tree.

Part of making the top-level "projectV2" directory almost-irrelevant in 
day-to-day dev-work is that contains very little, typically 
three stages:

1 config (including start logging, etc, as appropriate)
2 create the applications central/action object
3 terminate

Nary an if __name__ == __main__ in sight (per my last "Wednesday 
Wondering"), because "the plan" says there is zero likelihood of the 
"main-line" being treated as a (re-usable) module! (and any 
refactoring would, in any case, involve pushing such code out to a 
(re-usable) module!

As alluded to earlier, the "if __main__ == '__main__':" is entirely an 
idiom to support main-programme semantics in a module. In a package you 
have a and no need for the idiom.

When it comes to execution, the command (excluding any 
switches/options) becomes:

[~/Projects]$ python3 projectV2

And there's your use case for the top level I prefer:

 python3 -m projectv2

where the projectv2 package is found via the sys.path.

In production projectv2 would be installed somewhere sensible, and in 
development I've a little "dev" shell function which presumes it is in 
the project top level and sets $PATH, $PYTHPATH etc to allow "python3 -m 
projectv2" to find the package. So in dev I go:

 dev python3 -m projectv2

The advantage here is that if I don't prefix things with "dev" I get the 
official installed projectv2 (whatever that means - it couldeasily be my 
personal ~/bin etc), and with the "dev" prefix I get the version in my 
development tree. So that I don'trun the dev stuff by accident (which is 
one reason I eschew the virtualenv "activate" script - my command line 
environment should not be using the dev environment inless I say so, 
because "dev" might be broken^Wincompatible).

Which would also distinguish between project-versions, if relevant. 
More importantly, changes to application version numbers do not 
require any changes to import statements! (and when users don't wish 
to be expected to remember 

Friday Finking: 'main-lines' are best kept short

2019-09-12 Thread DL Neil via Python-list
(this follows some feedback from the recent thread: "WedWonder: Scripts 
and Modules" and commences a somewhat-related topic/invitation to 

Is it a good idea to keep a system's main-line* code as short as 
possible, essentially consigning all of 'the action' to application and 
external packages and modules?

* my choice of term: "main-line", may be taken to mean:
- the contents of main(),
- the 'then clause' of an if __name__ == __main__: construct,
- a script.

In a previous thread I related some ?good, old days stories. When we 
tried to break monolithic programs down into modular units, a 'rule of 
thumb' was "one page-length" per module (back in the mainframe days our 
code was 'displayed' on lineflo(w) (continuous stationery) which was 66 
- call it 60, lines per page - and back-then we could force a page-break 
where it suited us!). Then when we moved to time-share screens (80 
characters by 24 lines), we thought that a good module-length should 
conform to screen-size. These days I have a large screen mounted in 
'portrait mode', so on that basis I'm probably back to 50~60 lines (yes, 
these old eyes prefer a larger font - cue yet more cheeky, age-ist 
comments coming from my colleagues...)

Likely I have also picked-up and taken-to-heart the *nix mantra of code 
doing 'one job, and doing it well' (and hence the extensive powers of 
redirects, piping, etc - in Python we 'chain' code-units together with 
"import"). Accordingly, I tend to err on the side of short units of 
code, and thus more methods/functions than others might write.

In "Mastering Object-oriented Python" the author discusses "Designing a 
main script and the __main__ module" (Ch17):

A top-level main script will execute our application. In some cases, we 
may have multiple main scripts because our application does several 
things. We have three general approaches to writing the top-level main 
• For very small applications, we can run the application with python3.3 . This is the style that we've shown you in most examples.
• For some larger applications, we'll have one or more files that we 
mark as executable with the OS chmod +x command. We can put these 
executable files into Python's scripts directory with our 
installation. We run these applications with at the 
command line.

• For complex applications, we might add a module in the
application's package. To provide a tidy interface, the standard library
offers the runpy module and the -m command-line option that will use 
this specially named module. We can run this with python3.3 -m some_app.

[explanation of "shebang" line - the second approach, above]

Creating a __main__ module
To work with the runpy interface, we have a simple implementation. We 
add a small module to our application's top-level package. 
We have emphasized the design of this top-level executable script file.
We should always permit refactoring an application to build a larger, 
more sophisticated composite application. If there's functionality 
buried in , we need to pull this into a module with a clear, 
importable name so that it can be used by other applications.

A module should be something small like the following code:

import simulation
with simulation.Logging_Config():
with simulation.Application_Config() as config:
main= simulation.Simulate_Command()
main.config= config

We've done the minimum to create the working contexts for our 
application. All of the real processing is imported from the package. 
Also, we've assumed that this module will never be imported.
This is about all that should be in a __main__ module. Our goal is to 
maximize the reuse potential of our application.


We shouldn't need to create composite Python applications via the 
command-line API. In order to create a sensible composition of the 
existing applications, we might be forced to refactor stats/ 
to remove any definitions from this module and push them up into the 
package as a whole.


Doesn't the author thus suggest that the script (main-line of the 
program) should be seen as non-importable?

Doesn't he also suggest that the script not contain anything that might 
be re-usable?

Accordingly, the script calls packages/modules which are both importable 
and re-usable.

None of which discounts the possibility of having other 'main-lines' to 
execute sub-components of the (total) application, should that be 

An issue with 'main-line' scripts is that they can become difficult to 
test - or to build, using TDD and pytest (speaking personally). Pytest 
is great for unit tests, and can be used for integration testing, but 
the 'higher up' the testing pyramid we go, the less effectual it becomes 
(please don't