
2006-12-23 Thread Timothy Wu


Is Gdmodule used much at all in the Python community or are there
alternative packages more suitable for the purpose? I seem to find
documentation for Gdmodule ( to require prior
experience with the GD library in another language. Or at least, it's too
difficult for me to grasp.


ANN: gdmodule 0.54

2005-03-03 Thread Chris Gonnerman
Announcing the release of version 0.54 of the gdmodule for Python.
gdmodule is the "standard" module providing access to Thomas
Boutell's GD "Graphics Drawing" library.  This release includes many
bugfixes, and paves the way for another update in the near future to
support the newest GD versions.
Thanks to Greg Hewgill, Christopher Stone, Matti Jagula, Sadruddin 
Rejeb, and Betty Li for assisting in this release, either in terms
of reporting bugs or actually providing patches.

Due to the constant change in the GD library API, I keep all the old 
versions of gdmodule on my website alongside the current version.
You can download gdmodule from:
Chris Gonnerman
