Re: HELP: Searching File Manager written in Python

2005-10-12 Thread Andrew Markebo
Checked Total Commander? 

Has an sort of open API to plugins, and either do a python 'proxy' or
maybe just execute a script.

Next step might be using win32com or SWIG to set up the interface..

Just some ideas.

 Everything that was magical was just a way of describing the world in
words it couldn't ignore.
- "Pyramids" by Terry Pratchett


Re: HELP: Searching File Manager written in Python

2005-10-12 Thread anton
To answer to you both:

The Norton Commander was a popular file manager for DOS,
but the idea of the 2 window concept is still used by a lot of

On Linux the one I use is Midnight Commander (mc).

On Windows there are the 7-zip file manager see
(7-zip is also a new compression format which is very good, there
exist also a linux command line version)

- Speed Commander is also a Windows filemanager.

- Atol is based on GTK runs on Linux and Windows
but is not written in python or cannot run commands
(I also get always error messages at startup that some drives are
missing, perhaps my cdrom or my zip drive, but this happens with
Gimp too -> so I believe GTK is the problem)

But actually I work on Windows, thats why I am searching
something which works on windows or better on Windows and Linux

Perhaps some Python+wxWindows Application would be best.

There exist a port of Atol to python+wxPython on:

But the project is stopped and abandonware ...

 Thanks a lot  for now :-) I will have a look on your suggestions.



Re: HELP: Searching File Manager written in Python

2005-10-11 Thread phil_nospam_schmidt
I don't know about Norton Commander either. But, have you looked at


Re: HELP: Searching File Manager written in Python

2005-10-11 Thread Chris F.A. Johnson
On 2005-10-11, anton wrote:
> I am googeling some hours now ... still without result.
> So I have a question:
> Does somebody know a filemanager:
>  - which looks like Norton Commander/7-Zip Filemanager

What does Norton Commander/7-Zip look like?

>  - where I can add python scripts which I can execute
>on a selected file

I use gentoo (the file manager, not the Linux distro). It's not
written in Python, but you can define buttons that will run any
commands you like with the selected file[s] as arguments.

Chris F.A. Johnson 
Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, 2005, Apress


HELP: Searching File Manager written in Python

2005-10-11 Thread anton

I am googeling some hours now ... still without result.

So I have a question:

Does somebody know a filemanager:

 - which looks like Norton Commander/7-Zip Filemanager

 - where I can add python scripts which I can execute
   on a selected file

I already looked at wxpyatol but its not what I search, and its no
more developped.


