Hello everyone! It has been a l-o-n-g time -- nine years in fact --since I last
participated on this mailing list.
At that time, I was trying to write a door/external for my PC-ANSI,
Macintosh-based BBS. Thanks to some of the folks here, I got it done
although I eventually lost the module a number of years later when I left
BBSing behind, because I assumed it to be dead.
Anyway, just recently I put my BBS back online again for the fourth time since
1993, and I am again endeavoring to write a new python-based external -- a game
-- for my BBS.
Before I continue, let me inform you that I am 70 years old, I am NOT a
programmer, and I do not know any programming languages. Yes, I am a newbie, a
noob, a greenhorn. :) So, if anyone here is willing to help me, you are going
to need a lot of patience . like ChatGPT :)
Following the coding example of another open-source external that was written
for my BBS, I have made some significant progress, thanks in large part to
spending hours and hours chatting with ChatGPT over the past two days.
However, due my lack of expertise, and even though ChatGPT had me try all sorts
of functions and codes and methods, there is one very perplexing issue which
has prevented me from further development on my game. Even ChatGPT couldn't
figure it out.
But before I get into the meat of the matter and waste everyone's time here, I
need to address several questions to all of you Python brainiacs. )
Is there anyone -- or any group of someones -- amongst this noble assemblage,
who meets all of the following qualifications:
1. You are very familiar with Mac OS 9.2.2
2. You are either moderately or very familiar with Hermes II BBS software.
3. You are very familiar with the Jython 2 environment, which I am told is
based on Python 2 and NOT Python 3.
If you meet all three of those qualifications, then you may possibly be able to
help me to overcome the mysterious obstacle I am now facing. Once I see what
kind of responses I get, I will be very happy to share my nagging problem with
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Here is to hoping that my coding
genius is out there, ready and eager to come to my aid.
Thank you in advance.
Kind regads,
Bill Kochman