Iran slams Wiki-release as US psywar - WIKILEAKS is replacing those BIN LADEN communiques of CIA (the global ELITE) intended to threaten MASSES

2010-12-01 Thread small Pox
Iran slams Wiki-release as US psywar - WIKILEAKS is replacing those
BIN LADEN communiques of CIA (the global ELITE) intended to threaten

CIA is the criminal agency of the global elite.

They want to destroy the middle class from the planet and also create
a global tyranny of a police state.

Iran slams Wiki-release as US psywar
Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:56PM
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Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has questioned the recent
'leaked' documents published by Wikileaks website, describing them as
part of a US psychological warfare.

In response to a question by Press TV on Monday over the whistleblower
website's leaks, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said let me first
correct you. The material was not leaked, but rather released in an
organized effort.

The US administration releases documents and makes a judgment based
on them. They are mostly like a psychological warfare and lack legal
basis, President Ahmadinejad told reporters on Monday.

The documents will certainly have no political effects. Nations are
vigilant today and such moves will have no impact on international
relations, the Iranian chief executive added at the press briefing in

President Ahmadinejad stressed that the Wikileaks game is not even
worth a discussion and that no one would waste their time analysing

The countries in the region are like friends and brothers and these
acts of mischief will not affect their relations, he concluded.

Talks with the West

The president announced that aside from Brazil and Turkey a number of
other countries may take part in the new round of talks between Iran
and the P5+1 -- Britain, China, France, Russia, the US, plus Germany.

Human rights

They (Western powers) trample on the dignity of man, their identity
and real freedom. They infringe all of these and then they call it
human rights, Ahmadinejad said.

Earlier this month, the UN General Assembly's Third Committee accused
Iran of violating human rights regulations.

The 118-member Non-Aligned Movement and the 57-member Organization of
the Islamic Conference have condemned the resolution against the
Islamic Republic.

In 2005, the human rights [issue] got a new mechanism in the United
Nations ... human rights was pushed away and human rights was used for
political manipulation, Secretary General of Iran's High Council for
Human Rights Mohammed Javad Larijani told Press TV following the vote
on the resolution.

This is while the United Nations Human Rights Council reviewed the US
human rights record for the first time in its history. The council
then issued a document making 228 suggestions to the US to improve its
rights record.

IAEA 'leak'

The president said that Iran has always had a positive relationship
with the International Atomic Energy Agency but criticized the UN
nuclear agency for caving under pressure from the masters of power
and wealth.

The president said due to this pressure the IAEA has at times adopted
unfair and illegal stances against the Islamic Republic.

Their recent one (IAEA report) is better than the previous ones and
is closer to the truth but still all the facts are not reflected, he
added. Of course the latest report also has shortcomings, for example
all [of Iran's nuclear] information has been released and these are
secret and confidential documents belonging to the country.

Ahmadinejad said since Iran was following a policy of nuclear
transparency, it did not care about the leaks, but called the move

New world order

The world needs order … an order in which different people form
different walks of life enjoy equal rights and proper dignity, the
president said in his opening speech before taking questions form
Iranian and foreign journalist.

The president added that the world was already on the path to setting
up this order.

Iran isolation

When asked to comment on the US and Western media claims that Iran has
become highly isolated in the region despite an active diplomacy with
Persian Gulf littoral states, the president said the remarks were part
of the discourse of hegemony.

In the hegemonic discourse, it seems that concepts and words take on
different meanings than those offered by dictionaries, Ahmadinejad

When they say they have isolated Iran, it means that they themselves
are isolated and when they say Iran is economically weak, it means
that it has strengthened, the president reasoned.

When they say there is a dictatorship somewhere, it means that country
is really chosen by the people and vise a versa, the president further
noted, adding, I do not want to name names.

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Note: The views expressed and the links provided on our comment pages
are the personal views of individual contributors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of Press TV.
check this out
11/30/2010 9:18:05 AMit is a coincidence 

Iran slams Wiki-release as US psywar - WIKILEAKS is replacing those BIN LADEN communiques of CIA (the global ELITE) intended to threaten MASSES

2010-11-30 Thread small Pox
Iran slams Wiki-release as US psywar - WIKILEAKS is replacing those
BIN LADEN communiques of CIA (the global ELITE) intended to threaten

CIA is the criminal agency of the global elite.

They want to destroy the middle class from the planet and also create
a global tyranny of a police state.

Iran slams Wiki-release as US psywar
Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:56PM
Share | Email | Print
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has questioned the recent
'leaked' documents published by Wikileaks website, describing them as
part of a US psychological warfare.

In response to a question by Press TV on Monday over the whistleblower
website's leaks, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said let me first
correct you. The material was not leaked, but rather released in an
organized effort.

The US administration releases documents and makes a judgment based
on them. They are mostly like a psychological warfare and lack legal
basis, President Ahmadinejad told reporters on Monday.

The documents will certainly have no political effects. Nations are
vigilant today and such moves will have no impact on international
relations, the Iranian chief executive added at the press briefing in

President Ahmadinejad stressed that the Wikileaks game is not even
worth a discussion and that no one would waste their time analysing

The countries in the region are like friends and brothers and these
acts of mischief will not affect their relations, he concluded.

Talks with the West

The president announced that aside from Brazil and Turkey a number of
other countries may take part in the new round of talks between Iran
and the P5+1 -- Britain, China, France, Russia, the US, plus Germany.

Human rights

They (Western powers) trample on the dignity of man, their identity
and real freedom. They infringe all of these and then they call it
human rights, Ahmadinejad said.

Earlier this month, the UN General Assembly's Third Committee accused
Iran of violating human rights regulations.

The 118-member Non-Aligned Movement and the 57-member Organization of
the Islamic Conference have condemned the resolution against the
Islamic Republic.

In 2005, the human rights [issue] got a new mechanism in the United
Nations ... human rights was pushed away and human rights was used for
political manipulation, Secretary General of Iran's High Council for
Human Rights Mohammed Javad Larijani told Press TV following the vote
on the resolution.

This is while the United Nations Human Rights Council reviewed the US
human rights record for the first time in its history. The council
then issued a document making 228 suggestions to the US to improve its
rights record.

IAEA 'leak'

The president said that Iran has always had a positive relationship
with the International Atomic Energy Agency but criticized the UN
nuclear agency for caving under pressure from the masters of power
and wealth.

The president said due to this pressure the IAEA has at times adopted
unfair and illegal stances against the Islamic Republic.

Their recent one (IAEA report) is better than the previous ones and
is closer to the truth but still all the facts are not reflected, he
added. Of course the latest report also has shortcomings, for example
all [of Iran's nuclear] information has been released and these are
secret and confidential documents belonging to the country.

Ahmadinejad said since Iran was following a policy of nuclear
transparency, it did not care about the leaks, but called the move

New world order

The world needs order … an order in which different people form
different walks of life enjoy equal rights and proper dignity, the
president said in his opening speech before taking questions form
Iranian and foreign journalist.

The president added that the world was already on the path to setting
up this order.

Iran isolation

When asked to comment on the US and Western media claims that Iran has
become highly isolated in the region despite an active diplomacy with
Persian Gulf littoral states, the president said the remarks were part
of the discourse of hegemony.

In the hegemonic discourse, it seems that concepts and words take on
different meanings than those offered by dictionaries, Ahmadinejad

When they say they have isolated Iran, it means that they themselves
are isolated and when they say Iran is economically weak, it means
that it has strengthened, the president reasoned.

When they say there is a dictatorship somewhere, it means that country
is really chosen by the people and vise a versa, the president further
noted, adding, I do not want to name names.

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Note: The views expressed and the links provided on our comment pages
are the personal views of individual contributors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of Press TV.
check this out
11/30/2010 9:18:05 AMit is a coincidence