Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-12-03 Thread Michael Torrie
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 But you're right, the convention of using verbs for functions isn't as 
 strong as the convention of using nouns for classes and types.

The idea that functions should be verbs is plain wrong, coming from the
traditional world of functional programming.   Since functions should
never have any side effects, ideally, they don't ever do anything to
something.  Rather they return a result.  I suppose if you were in a
language that had statements, that they could be the verbs.

One could argue that _methods_ should be verbs (which obviously doesn't
apply to Java and their over use of patterns to compensate for a weak
language) since methods are the means by which change to an object can
be effected.

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-12-03 Thread Michael Torrie
Steve Ferg wrote:
 Is there any particular reason why this might be a *bad* language-
 design idea?

Syntactically, using braces, begin/end blocks, python white space, and
your if/elif/then/endif structures, amounts to the same thing; they are
all equivalent.  Thus from a language pov, there's no compelling reason
to do one over the other.

One good reason to avoid the if/elif/then/endif syntax and its related
friends in a language (while/wend, do/loop, for/next) is that they
require parser support for what amounts to three or four versions of
precisely the same construct: the block.  Thus from a parser or compiler
point of view, it's far better and easier to have blocks begin and end
with something that is consistent and recognizable without a lot of
look-ahead or context.

I once started to write a parser for the QuickBasic language but found
very quickly that the grammar required a fair amount of token
look-ahead.  For example, if I found the token End, I had to look at
least one token ahead to find out if this was an end if or just an
end.  Also end could, if I recall, have an optional number parameter
that would set the exit errorlevel code.  Certainly QuickBasic was not
context-free and was not LL(1).

I'm not sure, but Python's grammar is LL(1) I think, and probably darn
close to context-free.

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-12-03 Thread Robert Kern

On 2009-12-03 14:56 PM, Michael Torrie wrote:

I'm not sure, but Python's grammar is LL(1) I think, and probably darn
close to context-free.

It is LL(1) after some non-formal postprocessing of the tokens to properly 
handle the indentation.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-12-03 Thread James Harris
On 3 Dec, 20:56, Michael Torrie wrote:
 Steve Ferg wrote:
  Is there any particular reason why this might be a *bad* language-
  design idea?

 Syntactically, using braces, begin/end blocks, python white space, and
 your if/elif/then/endif structures, amounts to the same thing; they are
 all equivalent.  Thus from a language pov, there's no compelling reason
 to do one over the other.

 One good reason to avoid the if/elif/then/endif syntax and its related
 friends in a language (while/wend, do/loop, for/next) is that they
 require parser support for what amounts to three or four versions of
 precisely the same construct: the block.  Thus from a parser or compiler
 point of view, it's far better and easier to have blocks begin and end
 with something that is consistent and recognizable without a lot of
 look-ahead or context.

I'm not disagreeing with the above paragraph but in the interests of
even handedness an advantage of the other method is ease for a human
to match begins and ends of large blocks. With statement or block
brackets such as begin ... end (Pascal) and { ... } (C)
because they are all the same it can be hard to see where each
construct ends. C programmers sometimes write

} /* for */
  } /* while */

or similar to indicate which construct the terminating brace is

 I once started to write a parser for the QuickBasic language but found
 very quickly that the grammar required a fair amount of token
 look-ahead.  For example, if I found the token End, I had to look at
 least one token ahead to find out if this was an end if or just an
 end.  Also end could, if I recall, have an optional number parameter
 that would set the exit errorlevel code.  Certainly QuickBasic was not
 context-free and was not LL(1).

 I'm not sure, but Python's grammar is LL(1) I think, and probably darn
 close to context-free.


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-20 Thread Aahz
In article,
Steve Ferg wrote:

Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for

Several templating systems, including Cheetah.
Aahz (   *

Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by
definition, not smart enough to debug it.  --Brian W. Kernighan

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Steve Howell
On the topic of switch statements and even-more-concise-then-we-have-
already if/elif/else/end constructs, I have to say that Python does
occasionally force you to write code like the code below.  Maybe
force is too strong a word, but Python lends itself to if/elif
blocks like below, which get the job done just fine, but which are not
syntactically pretty, due to the (el){0,1}if kind == duplication.
There are often cases where if/elif statements are just a smell that
you do not know how to do dictionary lookups, but if you converted the
below code to use dictionary lookups, you would complicate the code
almost as much as you abstracted the code, if not more, unless I am
just being very naive.  Anonymous methods would help to a certain
degree.  I am not saying I want either anonymous methods or switch
statements, but the lack of either in a language leads to very
procedural looking code when you use number-of-lines-of-code as a
(possibly dubious) metric.

Maybe this excerpt can be golfed down to something simpler, I would
love to see it!

if kind == 'dict':
return dictionary_schema(ast)
elif kind == 'list':
method = dictionary_schema(ast)
return lambda lst: map(method, lst)
elif kind == 'attr':
return ((lambda obj: getattr(obj, ast.field)), ast.field)
elif kind == 'key':
return (lambda obj: obj.get(ast.field), ast.field)
elif kind == 'as':
method, old_name = schema(ast.parent)
return (method, ast.synonym)
elif kind == 'call':
method, old_name = schema(ast.parent)
def call(obj):
return method(obj)()
return (call, old_name)
elif kind == 'recurse':
expr = ast.expr
kind = expr.kind
method, field_name = schema(ast.parent)
if kind in ['attr', 'key']:
new_method, new_field_name = schema(expr)
field_name = new_field_name
elif kind in ['dict', 'list']:
new_method = schema(expr)
raise Exception('unknown kind!')
def recurse(obj):
obj = method(obj)
return new_method(obj)
return (recurse, field_name)
raise Exception('unknown kind!')

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Chris Rebert
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 1:15 AM, Steve Howell wrote:
 On the topic of switch statements and even-more-concise-then-we-have-
 already if/elif/else/end constructs, I have to say that Python does
 occasionally force you to write code like the code below.  Maybe
 force is too strong a word, but Python lends itself to if/elif
 blocks like below, which get the job done just fine, but which are not
 syntactically pretty, due to the (el){0,1}if kind == duplication.
 There are often cases where if/elif statements are just a smell that
 you do not know how to do dictionary lookups, but if you converted the
 below code to use dictionary lookups, you would complicate the code
 almost as much as you abstracted the code, if not more, unless I am
 just being very naive.

I'm gonna have to disagree and say using the dictionary dispatch
technique would clean it up a good bit.
Yes, it would entail creating several functions, but those functions
could then be documented (vs. the currently opaque code blocks); and
due to their separation and smaller length, they would be easier to
understand and test than the given code.
Additionally, the sheer length of the given code segment probably
constitutes a code smell in and of itself for the function containing
that code.


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Steve Howell
On Nov 18, 1:32 am, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 1:15 AM, Steve Howell wrote:
  On the topic of switch statements and even-more-concise-then-we-have-
  already if/elif/else/end constructs, I have to say that Python does
  occasionally force you to write code like the code below.  Maybe
  force is too strong a word, but Python lends itself to if/elif
  blocks like below, which get the job done just fine, but which are not
  syntactically pretty, due to the (el){0,1}if kind == duplication.
  There are often cases where if/elif statements are just a smell that
  you do not know how to do dictionary lookups, but if you converted the
  below code to use dictionary lookups, you would complicate the code
  almost as much as you abstracted the code, if not more, unless I am
  just being very naive.

 I'm gonna have to disagree and say using the dictionary dispatch
 technique would clean it up a good bit.
 Yes, it would entail creating several functions, but those functions
 could then be documented (vs. the currently opaque code blocks); and
 due to their separation and smaller length, they would be easier to
 understand and test than the given code.
 Additionally, the sheer length of the given code segment probably
 constitutes a code smell in and of itself for the function containing
 that code.

If you introduce seven tiny little methods, aren't you increasing the
length of the module by seven lines and introducing more complexity
with the dispatch mechanism? (Actually, it's 14 lines more if you put
a line of whitespace between your methods, and then you are also
blurring an important cue that each of the seven code blocks all
perform within the same context.)

I do agree with your point that separate methods lead to easier unit

I'm a little more skeptical about the documentation/understanding
argument, since code is often best understood within the context of
surrounding code.  I am also a bit skeptical of any coding technique
that leads to lexical duplication like {'attr': process_attr, 'key':
process_key, 'call': process_call}(ast); that is just replacing one
smell with another.  Of course, you could do something like __modules__
[kind](ast) too, but that gets a bit overly abstract for a simple

Having said all that, I'm gonna take your suggestion...thanks for the


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Steve Howell
On Nov 18, 1:32 am, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 1:15 AM, Steve Howell wrote:
  On the topic of switch statements and even-more-concise-then-we-have-
  already if/elif/else/end constructs, I have to say that Python does
  occasionally force you to write code like the code below.  Maybe
  force is too strong a word, but Python lends itself to if/elif
  blocks like below, which get the job done just fine, but which are not
  syntactically pretty, due to the (el){0,1}if kind == duplication.
  There are often cases where if/elif statements are just a smell that
  you do not know how to do dictionary lookups, but if you converted the
  below code to use dictionary lookups, you would complicate the code
  almost as much as you abstracted the code, if not more, unless I am
  just being very naive.

 I'm gonna have to disagree and say using the dictionary dispatch
 technique would clean it up a good bit.
 Yes, it would entail creating several functions, but those functions
 could then be documented (vs. the currently opaque code blocks); and
 due to their separation and smaller length, they would be easier to
 understand and test than the given code.
 Additionally, the sheer length of the given code segment probably
 constitutes a code smell in and of itself for the function containing
 that code.

Here's the rewrite.  The indirection from the definition of _dict to
the first use of _dict is a little painful (36 lines away), but apart
from that I am pleased with how the new code looks, so your points are
well taken:

kind = ast.kind
def _dict(ast):
return dictionary(ast, metavar)

def _list(ast):
ignore, code = dictionary(ast, 'item')
code = '[%s for item in %s]' % (code, metavar)
return label, code

def _attr(ast):
return ast.field, '%s.%s' % (metavar, ast.field)

def _key(ast):
return ast.field, '%s[%s]' % (metavar, repr(ast.field))

def _as(ast):
ignore, parent = _code_generate(ast.parent, metavar)
return ast.synonym, parent

def _call(ast):
parent_name, parent = _code_generate(ast.parent, metavar)
parent += '()'
return parent_name, parent

def _recurse(ast):
parent = ast.parent
expr = ast.expr
parent_name, parent = _code_generate(parent, metavar)
kind = expr.kind
if kind in ['attr', 'key', 'list']:
parent_name, parent = _code_generate(expr, parent,
subparent_name, subparent = _code_generate(expr,
parent = '(lambda %s:\n' % parent_name + indent_block
(subparent+')(%s)' % parent)
return parent_name, parent

dispatches = {
'dict': _dict,
'list': _list,
'attr': _attr,
'key': _key,
'as': _as,
'call': _call,
'recurse': _recurse,
if kind in dispatches:
return dispatches[kind](ast)
raise Exception('unknown kind!')


P.S. The underscores before the method names might look a little funny
for inner methods, but it's the nature of the code..._dict and _list
would lead to confusion with builtins, if not actual conflict.

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Simon Brunning
2009/11/17 sjm
 On Nov 16, 12:54 pm, Steve Ferg
 Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for

 Modern-day COBOL:

 IF      some-condition

RPG/400's SELEC statement:

Thing of beauty.

Simon B.

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Simon Forman
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 4:15 AM, Steve Howell wrote:
 On the topic of switch statements and even-more-concise-then-we-have-
 already if/elif/else/end constructs, I have to say that Python does
 occasionally force you to write code like the code below.  Maybe
 force is too strong a word, but Python lends itself to if/elif
 blocks like below, which get the job done just fine, but which are not
 syntactically pretty, due to the (el){0,1}if kind == duplication.
 There are often cases where if/elif statements are just a smell that
 you do not know how to do dictionary lookups, but if you converted the
 below code to use dictionary lookups, you would complicate the code
 almost as much as you abstracted the code, if not more, unless I am
 just being very naive.  Anonymous methods would help to a certain
 degree.  I am not saying I want either anonymous methods or switch
 statements, but the lack of either in a language leads to very
 procedural looking code when you use number-of-lines-of-code as a
 (possibly dubious) metric.

 Maybe this excerpt can be golfed down to something simpler, I would
 love to see it!

        if kind == 'dict':
            return dictionary_schema(ast)
        elif kind == 'list':
            method = dictionary_schema(ast)
            return lambda lst: map(method, lst)
        elif kind == 'attr':
            return ((lambda obj: getattr(obj, ast.field)), ast.field)
        elif kind == 'key':
            return (lambda obj: obj.get(ast.field), ast.field)
        elif kind == 'as':
            method, old_name = schema(ast.parent)
            return (method, ast.synonym)
        elif kind == 'call':
            method, old_name = schema(ast.parent)
            def call(obj):
                return method(obj)()
            return (call, old_name)
        elif kind == 'recurse':
            expr = ast.expr
            kind = expr.kind
            method, field_name = schema(ast.parent)
            if kind in ['attr', 'key']:
                new_method, new_field_name = schema(expr)
                field_name = new_field_name
            elif kind in ['dict', 'list']:
                new_method = schema(expr)
                raise Exception('unknown kind!')
            def recurse(obj):
                obj = method(obj)
                return new_method(obj)
            return (recurse, field_name)
            raise Exception('unknown kind!')

This code is perhaps not a great example of your point.  Every
(el){0,1}if clause (other than the ones in the 'recurse' branch) end
in return statements, so the el's are pointless.

FWIW I might write it like so:

class ASTthing:

def processAST(self, ast, kind):
method = getattr(self, 'do_' + kind)
except AttributeError:
raise Exception('unknown kind!')

self.ast = ast

return method()

def do_dict(self):
return dictionary_schema(self.ast)

def do_list(self):
method = dictionary_schema(self.ast)
return lambda lst: map(method, lst)

def do_attr(self):
field_name = self.ast.field
return lambda obj: getattr(obj, field_name), field_name

def do_key(self):
field_name = self.ast.field
return lambda obj: obj.get(field_name), field_name

def do_as(self):
method, old_name = schema(self.ast.parent)
return method, self.ast.synonym

def do_call(self):
method, old_name = schema(self.ast.parent)
return lambda obj: method(obj)(), old_name

def do_recurse(self):
expr = self.ast.expr
kind = expr.kind

method, field_name = schema(self.ast.parent)

if kind in 'attrkey':
new_method, field_name = schema(expr)

elif kind in 'dictlist':
new_method = schema(expr)

raise Exception('unknown kind!')

def recurse(obj):
obj = method(obj)
return new_method(obj)

return recurse, field_name

IMO, that's more pythonic and less complicated.

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 09:33:38 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:

 Is there any particular reason why this might be a *bad* language-
 design idea?
 It is about as far from OO as one could get. Whether or not that is
 bad depends on the use case.

That's crazy talk. IF...ENDIF is *syntax*, not a programming model. How 
is this hypothetical Python-like syntax not object oriented?

class Parrot:
def speak(self):
if is None:
name = Polly
name =
return %s wants a cracker! % name

Syntax controls *how* you instruct the compiler, the programming model 
controls *what* you instruct the compiler to do.


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 01:53:50 -0800, Steve Howell wrote:

 On Nov 18, 1:32 am, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 1:15 AM, Steve Howell
  On the topic of switch statements and
  even-more-concise-then-we-have- already if/elif/else/end constructs,
  I have to say that Python does occasionally force you to write code
  like the code below.  Maybe force is too strong a word, but Python
  lends itself to if/elif blocks like below, which get the job done
  just fine, but which are not syntactically pretty, due to the
  (el){0,1}if kind == duplication. There are often cases where
  if/elif statements are just a smell that you do not know how to do
  dictionary lookups, but if you converted the below code to use
  dictionary lookups, you would complicate the code almost as much as
  you abstracted the code, if not more, unless I am just being very

 I'm gonna have to disagree and say using the dictionary dispatch
 technique would clean it up a good bit. Yes, it would entail creating
 several functions, but those functions could then be documented (vs.
 the currently opaque code blocks); and due to their separation and
 smaller length, they would be easier to understand and test than the
 given code. Additionally, the sheer length of the given code segment
 probably constitutes a code smell in and of itself for the function
 containing that code.

 If you introduce seven tiny little methods, aren't you increasing the
 length of the module by seven lines and introducing more complexity with
 the dispatch mechanism? (Actually, it's 14 lines more if you put a line
 of whitespace between your methods, and then you are also blurring an
 important cue that each of the seven code blocks all perform within the
 same context.)

Dear me, the 1960s called, they want their controversy over structured 
programming back *wink*

Yes, you increase the length of the module by having function headers. 
You also increase the length of the module by using meaningful names 
instead of calling everything a, b, c etc. We're not playing code 
golf, there's no reward for making unreadable code.

The dispatch mechanism is no more complicated than a series of if...elif 
statements. In fact, you can replace an arbitrary number of if x == y 
statements with a *single* lookup:

if x == 1:
return 27
elif x == 2:
return 14
elif x == 5:
return 7
return -1

becomes the single line:

return {1: 27, 2: 14, 5: 7}.get(x, -1)

(although for more complicated examples, you would put the dict into its 
own line, or even lines).

Dispatching isn't a panacea. You can't (easily) replace a series of 
if...elif statements where the conditions being tested aren't equality 
tests, e.g.:

if 0 = x = 1:
return 27
elif 1  x  1.5 or x == 2:
return 14
elif ...

is hard to turn into a dispatcher. But it's still a very useful technique 
when it applies.

 I do agree with your point that separate methods lead to easier unit
 I'm a little more skeptical about the documentation/understanding
 argument, since code is often best understood within the context of
 surrounding code.

That depends on the code. In particular, it depends on how coupled the 
code is. Ideally, you should have loosely coupled code, not highly 
coupled. If the code is loosely coupled, then there's no problem with 
understanding it in isolation. If the code is highly coupled, then it is 
hard to refactor it into a separate function, but that's a side-effect of 
the original problem, namely the high degree of coupling.

As a general rule, if you need to know the context of the surrounding 
code to understand a function, you have too much coupling.

 I am also a bit skeptical of any coding technique
 that leads to lexical duplication like {'attr': process_attr, 'key':
 process_key, 'call': process_call}(ast); that is just replacing one
 smell with another.

But how is that different from this?

if condition(x, 'attr'):
return process_attr(x)(ast)
elif condition(x, 'key'):
return process_key(x)(ast)
elif ...

Lexical duplication is one of the weakest code smells around, because it 
is so prone to false negatives. You often can't avoid referring to the 
same lexical element multiple times:

def sinc(x):
if x != 0:
return sin(x)/x
return 1

That's four references to x in a four line function. Is this a problem? 
No, of course not.


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Steve Howell
On Nov 18, 2:22 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 02:06:49 -0800, Steve Howell wrote:
  P.S. The underscores before the method names might look a little funny
  for inner methods, but it's the nature of the code..._dict and _list
  would lead to confusion with builtins, if not actual conflict.

 Then name them something sensible that tells what they do!

 The convention (which you break at your peril) is that functions are
 verbs, and classes are nouns. Even handle_dict is better than _dict --
 the latter looks like you're calling a private mapping type.

Do you verbify functions with no side effects?  Do you prefer
calculate_cosine(angle) to cosine(angle)?

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Steve Howell
On Nov 18, 3:02 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 That depends on the code. In particular, it depends on how coupled the
 code is. Ideally, you should have loosely coupled code, not highly
 coupled. If the code is loosely coupled, then there's no problem with
 understanding it in isolation. If the code is highly coupled, then it is
 hard to refactor it into a separate function, but that's a side-effect of
 the original problem, namely the high degree of coupling.

Different blocks of an if/elif/elif/elif/elif/end are never directly
coupled to each other, since you know that only one of the blocks is
gonna execute.  The blocks inherently do not effect each other.

What you really achieve by extracting the code from an inside an elif
block into a method is decoupling the elif block from the code ABOVE
the if.  This in and of itself is a good thing, of course, because you
get a nice clean namespace in the extracted method, and you make the
coupling between the code ABOVE the if and the extracted method
explicit by specifying which parameters get passed.  And in the case
of my original code, all seven methods that were extracted only
depended on a single parameter, the variable I was calling ast, so
it was easy to dispatch them all using the same mechanism.  (In my
case I didn't achieve much in terms of cleaning the local namespace,
since the only variable defined above the if/elif/elif/elif/end was
kind, but I did make my code less brittle to future changes.)

I am not going to defend if/elif/elif/elif/elif/end too vigorously
here.  There are obvious advantages to extracting methods, even
methods that only ever get called from one parent.  I do not miss
switch statements one bit in Python.  I am little more ambivalent
about anonymous methods.  It pains me just a tiny bit whenever I have
write code like this:

dispatches = {
'dict': handle_dict,
'list': handle_list,
'attr': handle_attr,
'key':  handle_key,
'as':   handle_as,
'call': handle_call,
if kind in dispatches:
return dispatches[kind](ast)
raise Exception('unknown kind!')

I have used the idiom that Simon suggested in an earlier post, shown
below, but it is still brittle to name changes in a way that anonymous
methods are not, because you can't break an inline anonymous method
with a name change (the benefits on anonymity!!):

method = getattr(self, 'do_' + kind)
except AttributeError:
raise Exception('unknown kind!')

self.ast = ast

return method()


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 15:58:24 -0800, Steve Howell wrote:

 On Nov 18, 2:22 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 02:06:49 -0800, Steve Howell wrote:
  P.S. The underscores before the method names might look a little
  funny for inner methods, but it's the nature of the code..._dict and
  _list would lead to confusion with builtins, if not actual conflict.

 Then name them something sensible that tells what they do!

 The convention (which you break at your peril) is that functions are
 verbs, and classes are nouns. Even handle_dict is better than _dict
 -- the latter looks like you're calling a private mapping type.

 Do you verbify functions with no side effects?  Do you prefer
 calculate_cosine(angle) to cosine(angle)?

Neither, I prefer cos(angle).

Mathematical functions are a special case. They have been around since 
long before computers, and there is a whole different tradition for them. 
(The tradition is that most functions are named after Euler, or the first 
person to discover them after Euler.)

But you're right, the convention of using verbs for functions isn't as 
strong as the convention of using nouns for classes and types. Functions 
that return some property of a noun are often named after the property:

len(x) rather than get_len(x)
sqrt(x) rather than calculate_sqrt(x)

and similar.

Likewise, conversion functions are often named after the return result:

int(x) returns an int
str(x) returns a str

these are actually types, not functions, in Python

But I'm not sure what naming convention you used. It seems fairly 
arbitrary to me, but whatever it is, it clashes with built-ins, which is 
a good sign that you need a different set of names. Since naming the 
functions with leading underscores also clashes with the convention that 
such functions are private, that's a further sign that you should use a 
different naming convention. At the point that you are apologizing for 
the convention you use, maybe you should rethink it.

But of course it's your code, and you're free to use whatever convention 
you like.


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Steve Howell
On Nov 18, 3:02 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Lexical duplication is one of the weakest code smells around, because it
 is so prone to false negatives. You often can't avoid referring to the
 same lexical element multiple times:

 def sinc(x):
     if x != 0:
         return sin(x)/x
     return 1

The existence of one code sample where lexical duplication is a false
negative should not get you into the habit of disregarding it all

In my rewritten code, here is the smell:

dispatches = {
'dict': _dict,
'list': _list,
'attr': _attr,
'key': _key,
'as': _as,
'call': _call,
'recurse': _recurse,
if kind in dispatches:
return dispatches[kind](ast)
raise Exception('unknown kind!')

There is nothing wrong with the code taken out of context, but one of
the first things that lexical duplication should alert you to is the
fact that you are creating code that is brittle to extension.  In my
example, the reference to _dict is 36 lines of code away from its
implementation, which forces indirection on the reader.  So maybe the
methods in between def _dict and _dict are too long.  I can pretty
quickly rule that out, as the methods average about four lines each.

So maybe the dispatch method is calling out the need for a class, as
Simon suggested in another post.  I also wonder if an inline decorator
is in order.

One thing I promise not to do is revert the code to if/elif/elif.  :)


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Steve Howell
On Nov 18, 5:13 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 15:58:24 -0800, Steve Howell wrote:
  On Nov 18, 2:22 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 02:06:49 -0800, Steve Howell wrote:
   P.S. The underscores before the method names might look a little
   funny for inner methods, but it's the nature of the code..._dict and
   _list would lead to confusion with builtins, if not actual conflict.

 But I'm not sure what naming convention you used. It seems fairly
 arbitrary to me, but whatever it is, it clashes with built-ins, which is
 a good sign that you need a different set of names. Since naming the
 functions with leading underscores also clashes with the convention that
 such functions are private, that's a further sign that you should use a
 different naming convention. At the point that you are apologizing for
 the convention you use, maybe you should rethink it.

 But of course it's your code, and you're free to use whatever convention
 you like.

The code in question, with the _list and _dict, is used as a part of
mini-compiler-like-thingy that generates code from an expression
syntax.  If you've ever worked with code to implement compilers,
interpreters, VMs, etc., you probably know the naming challenges
involved.  The whole reason I mentioned the wierd names in a P.S.
was to say that I realized it was a little wierd, and it was kind of
besides the point.  But I have enjoyed your responses.  They are
slightly pedantic, of course, but in a good way!  Makes me think about
the code more...

If you want more context on the code itself (apart from if/elif
discussion and other digressions), I describe it in more detail here:

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 17:14:27 -0800, Steve Howell wrote:

 In my rewritten code, here is the smell:
 dispatches = {
 'dict': _dict,
 'list': _list,
 'attr': _attr,
 'key': _key,
 'as': _as,
 'call': _call,
 'recurse': _recurse,
 if kind in dispatches:
 return dispatches[kind](ast)
 raise Exception('unknown kind!')
 There is nothing wrong with the code taken out of context, but one of
 the first things that lexical duplication should alert you to is the
 fact that you are creating code that is brittle to extension.

Really? It is very simple to extend it by adding another key:item to the 

 In my
 example, the reference to _dict is 36 lines of code away from its
 implementation, which forces indirection on the reader.

It gets worse -- the reference to the in operator is in a completely 
different module to the implementation of the in operator, which may be 
in a completely different language! (C in this case.)

I'm being sarcastic, of course, but I do have a serious point. I'm not 
impressed by complaints that the definition of the function is oh-so-very-
far-away from where you use it. Well duh, that's one of the reasons we 
have functions, so they can be used anywhere, not just where they're 

If a function *only* makes sense immediately where you use it, then the 
level of coupling is too great and you should either reduce the coupling 
or bite the bullet and live with all the hassles of inline code. (Code 
duplication, difficulty in testing, etc.)

Of course it would be convenient if, having noticed the reference to 
(say) function _recurse, you could see its definition without needing to 
do more than just glance up a line or two. But you should rarely need to 
care about the implementation -- that's another point of functions. You 
should be able to treat _recurse as a black box, just as you use the 
built-in function len as a black box without needing to see its 
implementation every time you use it.


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-18 Thread Steve Howell
On Nov 18, 5:42 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 17:14:27 -0800, Steve Howell wrote:
  In my rewritten code, here is the smell:

      dispatches = {
              'dict': _dict,
              'list': _list,
              'attr': _attr,
              'key': _key,
              'as': _as,
              'call': _call,
              'recurse': _recurse,
      if kind in dispatches:
          return dispatches[kind](ast)
          raise Exception('unknown kind!')

  There is nothing wrong with the code taken out of context, but one of
  the first things that lexical duplication should alert you to is the
  fact that you are creating code that is brittle to extension.

 Really? It is very simple to extend it by adding another key:item to the

Easy for me to extend, of course, since I wrote the code.  It's the
maintainers I am worried about.  I can make their lives easier, of
course, by changing the text of the exception to say something like

   Silly maintenance programmer, you now have to update the dispatch

I have no problem with that.

  In my
  example, the reference to _dict is 36 lines of code away from its
  implementation, which forces indirection on the reader.

 It gets worse -- the reference to the in operator is in a completely
 different module to the implementation of the in operator, which may be
 in a completely different language! (C in this case.)

 I'm being sarcastic, of course, but I do have a serious point. I'm not
 impressed by complaints that the definition of the function is oh-so-very-
 far-away from where you use it. Well duh, that's one of the reasons we
 have functions, so they can be used anywhere, not just where they're

The slippery slope here is that every block of code that you ever
write should be extracted out into a method.  Now I am all in favor of
tiny methods, but the whole point of if/elif/elif/elif/elif/end code
is that you are actually calling out to the maintenance programmer
that this code is only applicable in certain conditions.  That's why
if statements are called conditionals!  You are actually telling
the maintenance programmer that is only sensible to use these
statements under these conditions.  It is actually extremely explicit.

Now I'm being sarcastic too, but I also have a serious point.  Nine
times out of ten if/elif/elif/end calls out the smell of spaghetti
code.  But it can also occasionally be a false negative.  It can be a
case of avoiding premature abstraction and indirection.


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-17 Thread sjm
On Nov 16, 12:54 pm, Steve Ferg
 Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for

Modern-day COBOL:

IF  some-condition

The period is also meaningful as a statement terminator in COBOL,
so it's not as clean as one might like.

I, too, like the Python way.

  Steve J. Martin

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-17 Thread nn
On Nov 16, 11:54 am, Steve Ferg
 This is a question for the language mavens that I know hang out here.
 It is not Python related, except that recent comparisons of Python to
 Google's new Go language brought it to mind.

 NOTE that this is *not* a suggestion to change Python.  I like Python
 just the way it is.  I'm just curious about language design.

 For a long time I've wondered why languages still use blocks
 (delimited by do/end, begin/end, { } , etc.) in ifThenElse statements.

 I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
 would be nice and intuitive:

     if condition then
         do stuff
     elif condition then
         do stuff
         do stuff

 Note that you do not need block delimiters.

 Obviously, you could make a more Pythonesque syntax by using a colon
 rather then then for the condition terminator.  You could make it
 more PL/I-like by using do, etc.

 You can write shell scripts using if ... fi, but other than that I
 don't recall a language with this kind of syntax.

 Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for

 Is there any particular reason why this might be a *bad* language-
 design idea?

I personally like the END X syntax (not that I would want it for
Python mind you). It makes it easier to read programs backwards.
Foxpro used that syntax form extensively:


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-17 Thread steven.oldner
Along the COBOl line is ABAP, the 4gl language from SAP.

If today = 'Mon'.
  message 'oh boy'.
elseif today = 'Wed'.
  message 'Hump day'.
elseif today = 'Fri'.
  message 'TGIF'.
  message 'get to work'.

The period is the statement teminator. Indentation and separte lines
are just to make it readable.


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-17 Thread TerryP
On Nov 16, 4:54 pm, Steve Ferg wrote:
 This is a question for the language mavens that I know hang out here.
 It is not Python related, except that recent comparisons of Python to
 Google's new Go language brought it to mind.

 NOTE that this is *not* a suggestion to change Python.  I like Python
 just the way it is.  I'm just curious about language design.

 For a long time I've wondered why languages still use blocks
 (delimited by do/end, begin/end, { } , etc.) in ifThenElse statements.

 I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
 would be nice and intuitive:

     if condition then
         do stuff
     elif condition then
         do stuff
         do stuff

 Note that you do not need block delimiters.

 Obviously, you could make a more Pythonesque syntax by using a colon
 rather then then for the condition terminator.  You could make it
 more PL/I-like by using do, etc.

 You can write shell scripts using if ... fi, but other than that I
 don't recall a language with this kind of syntax.

 Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for

 Is there any particular reason why this might be a *bad* language-
 design idea?

If you search Google, you will likely find some huge comparason of if
or flow control statements in general, in zillions of languages.

I personally like

if expr [then | { | do | :]
  the code
[done | } | ]

As long as it starts with if and is immediately followed by expr, I
could care less about the rest, unless someone forgets to document
it ;-). Lisps cond is also sexy.

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-17 Thread Dotan Cohen
2009/11/16 Steve Ferg
 This is a question for the language mavens that I know hang out here.
 It is not Python related, except that recent comparisons of Python to
 Google's new Go language brought it to mind.

 NOTE that this is *not* a suggestion to change Python.  I like Python
 just the way it is.  I'm just curious about language design.

 For a long time I've wondered why languages still use blocks
 (delimited by do/end, begin/end, { } , etc.) in ifThenElse statements.

 I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
 would be nice and intuitive:

    if condition then
        do stuff
    elif condition then
        do stuff
        do stuff

 Note that you do not need block delimiters.

 Obviously, you could make a more Pythonesque syntax by using a colon
 rather then then for the condition terminator.  You could make it
 more PL/I-like by using do, etc.

 You can write shell scripts using if ... fi, but other than that I
 don't recall a language with this kind of syntax.

 Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for

PHP has exactly this:

if (condition) {
   // stuff
} elseif (otherContition) {
  // otherStuff
} elseif (yetAnotherCondition) {
  // yetOtherStuff

Furthermore, PHP has the switch statement:

switch ($i) {
case 0:
echo i equals 0;
case 1:
echo i equals 1;
case 2:
echo i equals 2;

The break commands end the switch, and they can be removed to have
multiple matches perform multiple functions.

 Is there any particular reason why this might be a *bad* language-
 design idea?

It is about as far from OO as one could get. Whether or not that is
bad depends on the use case.

Dotan Cohen

Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread Steve Ferg
This is a question for the language mavens that I know hang out here.
It is not Python related, except that recent comparisons of Python to
Google's new Go language brought it to mind.

NOTE that this is *not* a suggestion to change Python.  I like Python
just the way it is.  I'm just curious about language design.

For a long time I've wondered why languages still use blocks
(delimited by do/end, begin/end, { } , etc.) in ifThenElse statements.

I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
would be nice and intuitive:

if condition then
do stuff
elif condition then
do stuff
do stuff

Note that you do not need block delimiters.

Obviously, you could make a more Pythonesque syntax by using a colon
rather then then for the condition terminator.  You could make it
more PL/I-like by using do, etc.

You can write shell scripts using if ... fi, but other than that I
don't recall a language with this kind of syntax.

Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for

Is there any particular reason why this might be a *bad* language-
design idea?

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread Robin Becker

Steve Ferg wrote:

if condition then
do stuff
elif condition then
do stuff
do stuff

Note that you do not need block delimiters.

Obviously, you could make a more Pythonesque syntax by using a colon
rather then then for the condition terminator.  You could make it
more PL/I-like by using do, etc.

You can write shell scripts using if ... fi, but other than that I
don't recall a language with this kind of syntax.

Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for


modern sh seems to use this with fi as endif eg

$ if true; then
 echo true
 elif false; then
 echo false
 echo hostile logic

Robin Becker


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread James Harris
On 16 Nov, 16:54, Steve Ferg wrote:
 This is a question for the language mavens that I know hang out here.
 It is not Python related, except that recent comparisons of Python to
 Google's new Go language brought it to mind.

 NOTE that this is *not* a suggestion to change Python.  I like Python
 just the way it is.  I'm just curious about language design.

 For a long time I've wondered why languages still use blocks
 (delimited by do/end, begin/end, { } , etc.) in ifThenElse statements.

 I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
 would be nice and intuitive:

     if condition then
         do stuff
     elif condition then
         do stuff
         do stuff

 Note that you do not need block delimiters.

 Obviously, you could make a more Pythonesque syntax by using a colon
 rather then then for the condition terminator.  You could make it
 more PL/I-like by using do, etc.

 You can write shell scripts using if ... fi, but other than that I
 don't recall a language with this kind of syntax.

 Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for

 Is there any particular reason why this might be a *bad* language-
 design idea?

There are some. For example, Ada uses similar. See

These other newsgroups may be of interest:


The latter is used by people designing programming languages where you
can find knowledgeable comments aplenty.


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread Adrian Cherry
Steve Ferg wrote in

 This is a question for the language mavens that I know hang
 out here. It is not Python related, except that recent
 comparisons of Python to Google's new Go language brought it
 to mind. 
 NOTE that this is *not* a suggestion to change Python.  I
 like Python just the way it is.  I'm just curious about
 language design. 
 For a long time I've wondered why languages still use blocks
 (delimited by do/end, begin/end, { } , etc.) in ifThenElse
 I've often thought that a language with this kind of
 block-free syntax would be nice and intuitive:
 if condition then
 do stuff
 elif condition then
 do stuff
 do stuff
 Note that you do not need block delimiters.
 Obviously, you could make a more Pythonesque syntax by using
 a colon rather then then for the condition terminator. 
 You could make it more PL/I-like by using do, etc.
 You can write shell scripts using if ... fi, but other than
 that I don't recall a language with this kind of syntax.
 Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for
 Is there any particular reason why this might be a *bad*
 language- design idea?

I believe MATLAB has similar if syntax - please correct me if I'm 


The if function can be used alone or with the else and elseif 
functions. When using elseif and/or else within an if statement, 
the general form of the statement is

if expression1
elseif expression2


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread MRAB

Steve Ferg wrote:

This is a question for the language mavens that I know hang out here.
It is not Python related, except that recent comparisons of Python to
Google's new Go language brought it to mind.

NOTE that this is *not* a suggestion to change Python.  I like Python
just the way it is.  I'm just curious about language design.

For a long time I've wondered why languages still use blocks
(delimited by do/end, begin/end, { } , etc.) in ifThenElse statements.

I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
would be nice and intuitive:

if condition then
do stuff
elif condition then
do stuff
do stuff

Note that you do not need block delimiters.

Obviously, you could make a more Pythonesque syntax by using a colon
rather then then for the condition terminator.  You could make it
more PL/I-like by using do, etc.

You can write shell scripts using if ... fi, but other than that I
don't recall a language with this kind of syntax.

Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for

Is there any particular reason why this might be a *bad* language-
design idea?

Ada and Turing have:

if condition then
do stuff
elsif condition then
do stuff
do stuff
end if

Comal has:

if condition then
do stuff
elif condition then
do stuff
do stuff
end if

Modula-2 has:

if condition then
do stuff
elsif condition then
do stuff
do stuff

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread Robin Becker

Robin Becker wrote:

modern sh seems to use this with fi as endif eg

$ if true; then
  echo true
  elif false; then
  echo false
  echo hostile logic

I meant to say that since sh uses this construct it cannot be too bad as a 
language construct since the world is built with sh and bash and similar.

Of course that's a bad argument since there's more cobol than everything else 
put together (allegedly).

Robin Becker

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread Nobody
On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 08:54:28 -0800, Steve Ferg wrote:

 For a long time I've wondered why languages still use blocks
 (delimited by do/end, begin/end, { } , etc.) in ifThenElse statements.
 I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
 would be nice and intuitive:
 if condition then
 do stuff
 elif condition then
 do stuff
 do stuff
 Note that you do not need block delimiters.

 Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for

BBC BASIC V had if/then/else/endif (it didn't have elif).

make has if/else/else/endif (it doesn't have a dedicated elif, but
else if ... behaves like elif rather than starting a nested if).

 Is there any particular reason why this might be a *bad* language-
 design idea?

Blocks can be useful for other reasons (e.g. limiting variable scope), so
if you already have them, you don't need to provide dedicated blocks
for control constructs.


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread MRAB

Nobody wrote:

On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 08:54:28 -0800, Steve Ferg wrote:

For a long time I've wondered why languages still use blocks
(delimited by do/end, begin/end, { } , etc.) in ifThenElse statements.

I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
would be nice and intuitive:

if condition then
do stuff
elif condition then
do stuff
do stuff

Note that you do not need block delimiters.

Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for

BBC BASIC V had if/then/else/endif (it didn't have elif).

I forgot about that one. :-(

I used to do this in order if I wanted to avoid a lot of indentation:

WHEN condition
do something
WHEN condition
do something
do something

make has if/else/else/endif (it doesn't have a dedicated elif, but
else if ... behaves like elif rather than starting a nested if).

Is there any particular reason why this might be a *bad* language-
design idea?

Blocks can be useful for other reasons (e.g. limiting variable scope), so
if you already have them, you don't need to provide dedicated blocks
for control constructs.


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 8:54 AM, Steve Ferg wrote:
 This is a question for the language mavens that I know hang out here.
 It is not Python related, except that recent comparisons of Python to
 Google's new Go language brought it to mind.

 NOTE that this is *not* a suggestion to change Python.  I like Python
 just the way it is.  I'm just curious about language design.

 For a long time I've wondered why languages still use blocks
 (delimited by do/end, begin/end, { } , etc.) in ifThenElse statements.

 I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
 would be nice and intuitive:

    if condition then
        do stuff
    elif condition then
        do stuff
        do stuff

 Note that you do not need block delimiters.
 Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for


if count  10
  puts Try again
elsif tries == 3
  puts You lose
  puts Enter a number


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread r
On Nov 16, 10:54 am, Steve Ferg

 I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
 would be nice and intuitive:

     if condition then
         do stuff
     elif condition then
         do stuff
         do stuff

WHY? Python's syntax is by far the most elegant of all, no need to
show the end of a block. Python is the smartest kid on the block. And
are you saying you would rather type then instead of : and endif
instead of \n?

No thanks!


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread Edward A. Falk
In article,
Steve Ferg wrote:
I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
would be nice and intuitive:

if condition then
do stuff
elif condition then
do stuff
do stuff

Note that you do not need block delimiters.

then, else, and endif *are* the block delimiters

-Ed Falk,

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread Robert Kern

On 2009-11-16 14:40 PM, Edward A. Falk wrote:

Steve  wrote:

I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
would be nice and intuitive:

ifcondition  then
do stuff
elifcondition  then
do stuff
do stuff

Note that you do not need block delimiters.

then, else, and endif *are* the block delimiters

I think he meant that you don't need *extra* block delimiters or generic block 
delimiters like {}.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread Barry W Brown
On Nov 16, 10:54 am, Steve Ferg
 This is a question for the language mavens that I know hang out here.
 It is not Python related, except that recent comparisons of Python to
 Google's new Go language brought it to mind.

 NOTE that this is *not* a suggestion to change Python.  I like Python
 just the way it is.  I'm just curious about language design.

 For a long time I've wondered why languages still use blocks
 (delimited by do/end, begin/end, { } , etc.) in ifThenElse statements.

 I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
 would be nice and intuitive:

     if condition then
         do stuff
     elif condition then
         do stuff
         do stuff

 Note that you do not need block delimiters.

 Obviously, you could make a more Pythonesque syntax by using a colon
 rather then then for the condition terminator.  You could make it
 more PL/I-like by using do, etc.

 You can write shell scripts using if ... fi, but other than that I
 don't recall a language with this kind of syntax.

 Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for

 Is there any particular reason why this might be a *bad* language-
 design idea?

Fortran95.  You can even label the IF...END IF structure -- handy for
immense blocks.

This is not a criticism of Python (or of Fortran).

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread Erik Max Francis

r wrote:

On Nov 16, 10:54 am, Steve Ferg

I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
would be nice and intuitive:

if condition then
do stuff
elif condition then
do stuff
do stuff

WHY? Python's syntax is by far the most elegant of all, no need to
show the end of a block. Python is the smartest kid on the block. And
are you saying you would rather type then instead of : and endif
instead of \n?

No thanks!

You clipped out the part where he explicitly said it was not a 
suggestion to change Python.

Erik Max Francis
 San Jose, CA, USA  37 18 N 121 57 W  AIM/Y!M/Skype erikmaxfrancis
  Mona Lisa / Come to discover / I am your daughter
   -- Lamya

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread Erik Max Francis

Steve Ferg wrote:

I've often thought that a language with this kind of block-free syntax
would be nice and intuitive:

if condition then
do stuff
elif condition then
do stuff
do stuff

Note that you do not need block delimiters.

Obviously, you could make a more Pythonesque syntax by using a colon
rather then then for the condition terminator.  You could make it
more PL/I-like by using do, etc.

You can write shell scripts using if ... fi, but other than that I
don't recall a language with this kind of syntax.

It's the same syntax, with `fi` written instead of `endif` -- not sure 
why the difference in keyword is that big of a deal to you.

As others have pointed out, either way, there are quite a few languages 
that use this type of syntax.

Erik Max Francis
 San Jose, CA, USA  37 18 N 121 57 W  AIM/Y!M/Skype erikmaxfrancis
  Mona Lisa / Come to discover / I am your daughter
   -- Lamya

Re: Language mavens: Is there a programming with if then else ENDIF syntax?

2009-11-16 Thread alex23
Steve Ferg wrote:
 Does anybody know a language with this kind of syntax for


 Is there any particular reason why this might be a *bad* language-
 design idea?
