Re: Matplotlib on Leopard Mac OS

2008-11-27 Thread martin . laloux

You must install numpy or scipy before installing matplotlib. If you
do not want to do it yourself you cand download
Scipy superpack
This shell script will install recent SVN builds of Numpy (1.3) and
Scipy (0.7), as well as Matplotlib (0.98), iPython (0.8.3) and PyMC
(2.0 beta) for OS X 10.5 (Leopard) on Intel Macintosh.


Re: Matplotlib on Leopard Mac OS

2008-11-27 Thread martin . laloux

You must install numpy or scipy before installing matplotlib. If you
do not want to do it yourself you cand download
Scipy superpack
This shell script will install recent SVN builds of Numpy (1.3) and
Scipy (0.7), as well as Matplotlib (0.98), iPython (0.8.3) and PyMC
(2.0 beta) for OS X 10.5 (Leopard) on Intel Macintosh.


Matplotlib on Leopard Mac OS

2008-11-26 Thread Massi
Hi everyone, I've got some problems trying to install matplotlib on my
mac (Leopard OS). I'm following the instructions I found in the
official site to install it from the egg file (http://, but when I run
easy_install ./matplotlib-0.98.3-py2.5-macosx-10.3.egg, I get this
error message:

matplotlib: 0.98.3
python: 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 15 2008, 22:57:26)
4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)]
  platform: darwin

* numpy 1.1 or later is required; you have
error: Setup script exited with 1

In fact I did install numpy 1.2.1, so I can't understand why it
doesn't fin it! Any help? Thanks in advance.