Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-16 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Now that I understand what the semantics of cout  Hello world are, I 
don't have any problem with it either. It is a bit weird, Hello world 
 cout would probably be better, but it's hardly the strangest design in 
any programming language, and it's probably influenced by input 
redirection using  in various shells.

I find it strange that you would prefer:

Hello world  cout 
cout  Hello world 

The latter seems to me to be more in line with normal assignment: -
Take what is on the right and make the left the same.
I suppose it is because we read from left to right that the first one seems 
better to you.
Another instance of how different we all are.

It goes down to the assembler - there are two schools:

mova,b  - for Intel like languages, this means move b to a
mova,b  - for Motorola like languages, this means move a to b

Gets confusing sometimes.

- Hendrik


Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-16 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 09:24:36 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Now that I understand what the semantics of cout  Hello world are, I
don't have any problem with it either. It is a bit weird, Hello world
 cout would probably be better, but it's hardly the strangest design
any programming language, and it's probably influenced by input
redirection using  in various shells.
 I find it strange that you would prefer:
 Hello world  cout
 cout  Hello world
 The latter seems to me to be more in line with normal assignment: - Take
 what is on the right and make the left the same. 

I don't like normal assignment. After nearly four decades of mathematics 
and programming, I'm used to it, but I don't think it is especially good. 
It confuses beginners to programming: they get one set of behaviour 
drilled into them in maths class, and then in programming class we use 
the same notation for something which is almost, but not quite, the same. 
Consider the difference between:

y = 3 + x
x = z

as a pair of mathematics expressions versus as a pair of assignments. 
What conclusion can you draw about y and z?

Even though it looks funny due to unfamiliarity, I'd love to see the 
results of a teaching language that used notation like:

3 + x - y
len(alist) - n
Widget(1, 2, 3).magic - obj

for assignment. My prediction is that it would be easier to learn, and 
just as good for experienced coders. The only downside (apart from 
unfamiliarity) is that it would be a little bit harder to find the 
definition of a variable by visually skimming lines of code: your eyes 
have to zig-zag back and forth to find the end of the line, instead of 
running straight down the left margin looking for myvar =  But it 
should be easy enough to search for - myvar.

 I suppose it is because
 we read from left to right that the first one seems better to you.



Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-16 Thread Douglas Alan
On Aug 16, 4:22 am, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:

 I don't like normal assignment. After nearly four decades of mathematics
 and programming, I'm used to it, but I don't think it is especially good.
 It confuses beginners to programming: they get one set of behaviour
 drilled into them in maths class, and then in programming class we use
 the same notation for something which is almost, but not quite, the same.
 Consider the difference between:

 y = 3 + x
 x = z

 as a pair of mathematics expressions versus as a pair of assignments.
 What conclusion can you draw about y and z?

Yeah, the syntax most commonly used for assignment today sucks. In the
past, it was common to see languages with syntaxes like

   y - y + 1


   y := y + 1


   let y = y + 1

But these languages have mostly fallen out of favor. The popular
statistical programming language R still uses the

   y - y + 1

syntax, though.

Personally, my favorite is Lisp, which looks like

   (set! y (+ y 1))


   (let ((x 3)
 (y 4))
 (foo x y))

I like to be able to read everything from left to right, and Lisp does
that more than any other programming language.

I would definitely not like a language that obscures assignment by
moving it over to the right side of lines.



Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-16 Thread Erik Max Francis

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
I don't like normal assignment. After nearly four decades of mathematics 
and programming, I'm used to it, but I don't think it is especially good. 
It confuses beginners to programming: they get one set of behaviour 
drilled into them in maths class, and then in programming class we use 
the same notation for something which is almost, but not quite, the same. 
Consider the difference between:

y = 3 + x
x = z

as a pair of mathematics expressions versus as a pair of assignments. 
What conclusion can you draw about y and z?

What you're saying is true, but it's still a matter of terminology.  The 
symbol = means different things in different contexts, and mathematics 
and programming are very different ones indeed.  The problem is 
compounded with early languages which lazily confused the two in 
different context, such as (but not exclusive to) BASIC using = for both 
assignment and equality testing in what are in esssence totally 
unrelated contexts.

Even though it looks funny due to unfamiliarity, I'd love to see the 
results of a teaching language that used notation like:

3 + x - y
len(alist) - n
Widget(1, 2, 3).magic - obj

for assignment. My prediction is that it would be easier to learn, and 
just as good for experienced coders.

This really isn't new at all.  Reverse the arrow and the relationship to 

y - x + 3

(and use a real arrow rather than ASCII) and that's assignment in APL 
and a common representation in pseudocode ever since.  Change it to := 
and that's what Pascal used, as well as quite a few mathematical papers 
dealing with iterative computations, I might add.

Once you get past the point of realizing that you really need to make a 
distinction between assignment and equality testing, then it's just a 
matter of choosing two different operators for the job.  Whether it's 
-/= or :=/= or =/== or -/= (with reversed behavior for assignment) is 
really academic and a matter of taste at that point.

Given the history of programming languages, it doesn't really look like 
the to-be-assigned variable being at the end of expression is going to 
get much play, since not a single major one I'm familiar with does it 
that way, and a lot of them have come up with the same convention 
independently and haven't seen a need to change.

Erik Max Francis
 San Jose, CA, USA  37 18 N 121 57 W  AIM/Y!M/Skype erikmaxfrancis
  Get there first with the most men.
   -- Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, 1821-1877

Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-16 Thread Erik Max Francis

Douglas Alan wrote:

Personally, my favorite is Lisp, which looks like

   (set! y (+ y 1))

For varying values of Lisp.  `set!` is Scheme.

Erik Max Francis
 San Jose, CA, USA  37 18 N 121 57 W  AIM/Y!M/Skype erikmaxfrancis
  Get there first with the most men.
   -- Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, 1821-1877

Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-16 Thread Douglas Alan
On Aug 16, 4:48 am, Erik Max Francis wrote:
 Douglas Alan wrote:
  Personally, my favorite is Lisp, which looks like

     (set! y (+ y 1))

 For varying values of Lisp.  `set!` is Scheme.

Yes, I'm well aware!

There are probably as many different dialects of Lisp as all other
programming languages put together.


Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-16 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 01:41:41 -0700, Douglas Alan wrote:

 I like to be able to read everything from left to right, and Lisp does
 that more than any other programming language.
 I would definitely not like a language that obscures assignment by
 moving it over to the right side of lines.

One could argue that left-assigned-from-right assignment obscures the 
most important part of the assignment, namely *what* you're assigning, in 
favour of what you're assigning *to*.

In any case, after half a century of left-from-right assignment, I think 
it's worth the experiment in a teaching language or three to try it the 
other way. The closest to this I know of is the family of languages 
derived from Apple's Hypertalk, where you do assignment with:

put somevalue into name

(Doesn't COBOL do something similar?)

Beginners found that *very* easy to understand, and it didn't seem to 
make coding harder for experienced Hypercard developers.


Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-16 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
On Sunday 16 August 2009 12:18:11 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 In any case, after half a century of left-from-right assignment, I think
 it's worth the experiment in a teaching language or three to try it the
 other way. The closest to this I know of is the family of languages
 derived from Apple's Hypertalk, where you do assignment with:

 put somevalue into name

 (Doesn't COBOL do something similar?)


move banana to pineapple.

move accountnum in inrec to accountnum in outrec.

move corresponding inrec to outrec.

It should all be upper case of course...

I cannot quite recall, but I have the feeling that in the second  form, of 
was also allowed instead of in, but it has been a while now so I am 
probably wrong.

The move was powerful - it would do conversions for you based on the types of 
the operands - it all just worked.

- Hendrik

Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-16 Thread MRAB

Douglas Alan wrote:

C++ also allows for reading from stdin like so:

   cin  myVar;

I think the direction of the arrows probably derives from languages
like APL, which had notation something like so:

 myVar - 3
 [] - myVar

- was really a little arrow symbol (APL didn't use ascii), and the
first line above would assign the value 3 to myVar. In the second
line, the [] was really a little box symbol and represented the
terminal.  Assigning to the box would cause the output to be printed
on the terminal, so the above would output 3.  If you did this:

 [] - myVar

It would read a value into myVar from the terminal.

APL predates Unix by quite a few years.

No, APL is strictly right-to-left.

- x

means goto x.

Writing to the console is:

[] - myVar

Reading from the console is:

myVar - []

Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-16 Thread Douglas Alan
On Aug 16, 8:45 am, MRAB wrote:

 No, APL is strictly right-to-left.

      - x

 means goto x.

 Writing to the console is:

      [] - myVar

 Reading from the console is:

      myVar - []

Ah, thanks for the correction. It's been 5,000 years since I used APL!


Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-16 Thread Douglas Alan
On Aug 16, 6:18 am, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:

 On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 01:41:41 -0700, Douglas Alan wrote:

  I would definitely not like a language that obscures assignment by
  moving it over to the right side of lines.

 One could argue that left-assigned-from-right assignment obscures the
 most important part of the assignment, namely *what* you're assigning, in
 favour of what you're assigning *to*.

The most important things are always the side-effects and the name-

In a large program, it can be difficult to figure out where a name is
defined, or which version of a name a particular line of code is
seeing. Consequently languages should always go out of their way to
make tracking this as easy as possible.

Side effects are also a huge issue, and a source of many bugs. This is
one of the reasons that that are many functional languages that
prohibit or discourage side-effects. Side effects should be made as
obvious as is feasible.

This is why, for instance, in Scheme, variable assignment as an
exclamation mark in it. E.g.,

   (set! x (+ x 1))

The exclamation mark is to make the fact that a side effect is
happening there stand out and be immediately apparent. And C++
provides the const declaration for similar reasons.

 In any case, after half a century of left-from-right assignment, I think
 it's worth the experiment in a teaching language or three to try it the
 other way. The closest to this I know of is the family of languages
 derived from Apple's Hypertalk, where you do assignment with:

 put somevalue into name

That's okay with me, but only because the statement begins with put,
which lets you know at the very beginning of the line that something
very important is happening. You don't have to scan all the way to the
right before you notice.

Still, I would prefer

   let name = somevalue

as the let gives me the heads up right away, and then immediately
after the let is the name that I might want to be able to scan for


Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-16 Thread Nobody
On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 05:05:01 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Now that I understand what the semantics of cout  Hello world are, I 
 don't have any problem with it either. It is a bit weird, Hello world 
  cout would probably be better,

Placing the stream on the LHS allows the main forms of  to be
implemented as methods of the ostream class. C++ only considers the LHS
operand when attempting to resolve an infix operator as a method.

Also,  and  are left-associative, and that cannot be changed by
overloading. Having the ostream on the LHS allows the operators to be

cout  Hello  ,   world  endl

equivalent to:

(((cout  Hello)  , )  world)  endl

[operator returns the ostream as its result.]

Even if you could make  right-associative, the values would have to be
written right-to-left:

endl  world  ,   Hello  cout
endl  (world  (,   (Hello  cout)))


Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-15 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
On Friday 14 August 2009 18:11:52 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 07:07:31 -0700, Aahz wrote:
  I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
  right there.  --Steve Gonedes

 Assuming that's something real, and not invented for humour, I presume
 that's describing something possible in C++. Am I correct? What the hell
 would it actually do???

It would shift cout left Hello World times.
It is unclear if the shift wraps around or not.

It is similar to a banana *holding his hands apart about a foot* this colour.

- Hendrik

Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-15 Thread Chris Rebert
On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 4:47 AM, Hendrik van wrote:
 On Friday 14 August 2009 18:11:52 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 07:07:31 -0700, Aahz wrote:
  I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
  right there.  --Steve Gonedes

 Assuming that's something real, and not invented for humour, I presume
 that's describing something possible in C++. Am I correct? What the hell
 would it actually do???

 It would shift cout left Hello World times.
 It is unclear if the shift wraps around or not.

 It is similar to a banana *holding his hands apart about a foot* this colour.

 - Hendrik

I think you managed to successfully dereference the null pointer there...


Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-15 Thread Douglas Alan
On Aug 14, 10:25 pm, Dave Angel wrote:

 Benjamin Kaplan wrote:

  On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Douglas Alan darkwate...@gmail.comwrote:

  P.S. Overloading left shift to mean output does indeed seem a bit
  sketchy, but in 15 years of C++ programming, I've never seen it cause
  any confusion or bugs.

  The only reason it hasn't is because people use it in Hello World. I bet
  some newbie C++ programmers get confused the first time they see  used to

People typically get confused by a *lot* of things when they learn a
new language. I think the better metric is how people fare with a
language feature once they've grown accustomed to the language, and
how long it takes them to acquire this familiarity.

 Actually, I've seen it cause confusion, because of operator precedence.  
 The logical shift operators have a fairly high level priority, so
 sometimes you need parentheses that aren't obvious.  Fortunately, most
 of those cases make compile errors.

I've been programming in C++ so long that for me, if there's any
confusion, it's the other way around. I see  or  and I think I/
O. I don't immediately think shifting. Fortunately, shifting is a
pretty rare operation to actually use, which is perhaps why C++
reclaimed it for I/O.

On the other hand, you are right that the precedence of  is messed
up for I/O. I've never seen a real-world case where this causes a bug
in C++ code, because the static type-checker always seems to catch the
error. In a dynamically typed language, this would be a much more
serious problem.


P.S. I find it strange, however, that anyone who is not okay with
abusing operator overloading in this manner, wouldn't also take
umbrage at Python's overloading of + to work with strings and lists,
etc. Numerical addition and sequence concatenation have entirely
different semantics.

Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-15 Thread John Haggerty
I guess the problem is---does it actually matter?

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 07:07:31 -0700, Aahz wrote:

  I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
  right there.  --Steve Gonedes

 Assuming that's something real, and not invented for humour, I presume
 that's describing something possible in C++. Am I correct? What the hell
 would it actually do???



Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-15 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:00:23 -0700, Douglas Alan wrote:

 So, as far as I can tell, Python has no real authority to throw stones
 at C++ on this little tiny particular issue.

I think you're being a tad over-defensive. I asked a genuine question 
about a quote in somebody's signature. That's a quote which can be found 
all over the Internet, and the poster using it has (as far as I know) no 
official capacity to speak for Python -- while Aahz is a high-profile, 
well-respected Pythonista, he's not Guido.

Now that I understand what the semantics of cout  Hello world are, I 
don't have any problem with it either. It is a bit weird, Hello world 
 cout would probably be better, but it's hardly the strangest design in 
any programming language, and it's probably influenced by input 
redirection using  in various shells.


Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-15 Thread Douglas Alan
On Aug 16, 1:05 am, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 On Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:00:23 -0700, Douglas Alan wrote:
  So, as far as I can tell, Python has no real authority to throw stones
  at C++ on this little tiny particular issue.

 I think you're being a tad over-defensive.

Defensive? Personally, I prefer Python over C++ by about a factor of
100X. I just find it a bit amusing when someone claims that some
programming language has a particular fatal flaw, when their own
apparently favorite language has the very same issue in an only
slightly different form.

 the poster using it has (as far as I know) no official capacity to speak
 for Python

I never thought he did. I wasn't speaking literally, as I'm not under
the opinion that any programming language has any literal authority or
any literal ability to throw stones.

 Now that I understand what the semantics of cout  Hello world are, I
 don't have any problem with it either. It is a bit weird, Hello world cout
 would probably be better, but it's hardly the strangest design in
 any programming language, and it's probably influenced by input
 redirection using  in various shells.

C++ also allows for reading from stdin like so:

   cin  myVar;

I think the direction of the arrows probably derives from languages
like APL, which had notation something like so:

 myVar - 3
 [] - myVar

- was really a little arrow symbol (APL didn't use ascii), and the
first line above would assign the value 3 to myVar. In the second
line, the [] was really a little box symbol and represented the
terminal.  Assigning to the box would cause the output to be printed
on the terminal, so the above would output 3.  If you did this:

 [] - myVar

It would read a value into myVar from the terminal.

APL predates Unix by quite a few years.


OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 07:07:31 -0700, Aahz wrote:

 I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
 right there.  --Steve Gonedes

Assuming that's something real, and not invented for humour, I presume 
that's describing something possible in C++. Am I correct? What the hell 
would it actually do???


Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-14 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-08-14, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 07:07:31 -0700, Aahz wrote:

 I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
 right there.  --Steve Gonedes

 Assuming that's something real, and not invented for humour, I presume 
 that's describing something possible in C++. Am I correct?

Yes.  In C++, the  operator is overloaded.  Judging by the
context in which I've seen it used, it does something like
write strings to a stream.

 What the hell
 would it actually do???

IIRC in C++, 

   cout  Hello world;

is equivalent to this in C:

   printf(Hellow world);

or this in Python:

   print hellow world

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! Bo Derek ruined
  at   my life!

Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-14 Thread MRAB

Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2009-08-14, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 07:07:31 -0700, Aahz wrote:

I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
right there.  --Steve Gonedes
Assuming that's something real, and not invented for humour, I presume 
that's describing something possible in C++. Am I correct?

Yes.  In C++, the  operator is overloaded.  Judging by the
context in which I've seen it used, it does something like
write strings to a stream.

What the hell
would it actually do???

IIRC in C++, 

   cout  Hello world;

It also returns cout, so you can chain them:

cout  Hello,   name  '\n';

is equivalent to this in C:

   printf(Hellow world);

or this in Python:

   print hellow world


Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-14 Thread Douglas Alan
On Aug 14, 12:17 pm, Grant Edwards inva...@invalid wrote:

 On 2009-08-14, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

  On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 07:07:31 -0700, Aahz wrote:

  I saw `cout' being shifted Hello world times to the left and stopped
  right there.  --Steve Gonedes

  Assuming that's something real, and not invented for humour, I presume
  that's describing something possible in C++. Am I correct?

 Yes.  In C++, the  operator is overloaded.  Judging by the
 context in which I've seen it used, it does something like
 write strings to a stream.

There's a persistent rumor that it is *this* very abuse of
overloading that caused Java to avoid operator overloading all

But then then Java went and used + as the string concatenation
operator. Go figure!


P.S. Overloading left shift to mean output does indeed seem a bit
sketchy, but in 15 years of C++ programming, I've never seen it cause
any confusion or bugs.


Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-14 Thread Erik Max Francis

Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2009-08-14, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

What the hell
would it actually do???

IIRC in C++, 

   cout  Hello world;

is equivalent to this in C:

   printf(Hellow world);

or this in Python:

   print hellow world

Well, plus or minus newlines.

Erik Max Francis
 San Jose, CA, USA  37 18 N 121 57 W  AIM/Y!M/Skype erikmaxfrancis
  It's hard to say what I want my legacy to be when I'm long gone.
   -- Aaliyah

Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-14 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-08-14, Erik Max Francis wrote:
 Grant Edwards wrote:
 On 2009-08-14, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 What the hell
 would it actually do???
 IIRC in C++, 
cout  Hello world;
 is equivalent to this in C:
printf(Hellow world);
 or this in Python:
print hellow world

 Well, plus or minus newlines.

And a few miscellaneous typos...

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I don't understand
  at   the HUMOUR of the THREE

Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-14 Thread Erik Max Francis

Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2009-08-14, Erik Max Francis wrote:

Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2009-08-14, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

What the hell
would it actually do???
IIRC in C++, 

   cout  Hello world;

is equivalent to this in C:

   printf(Hellow world);

or this in Python:

   print hellow world

Well, plus or minus newlines.

And a few miscellaneous typos...

... and includes and namespaces :-).

Erik Max Francis
 San Jose, CA, USA  37 18 N 121 57 W  AIM/Y!M/Skype erikmaxfrancis
  It's hard to say what I want my legacy to be when I'm long gone.
   -- Aaliyah

Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-14 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Douglas Alan darkwate...@gmail.comwrote:

 P.S. Overloading left shift to mean output does indeed seem a bit
 sketchy, but in 15 years of C++ programming, I've never seen it cause
 any confusion or bugs.

The only reason it hasn't is because people use it in Hello World. I bet
some newbie C++ programmers get confused the first time they see  used to

Re: Re: OT Signature quote [was Re: Unrecognized escape sequences in string literals]

2009-08-14 Thread Dave Angel

Benjamin Kaplan wrote:

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Douglas Alan darkwate...@gmail.comwrote:


P.S. Overloading left shift to mean output does indeed seem a bit
sketchy, but in 15 years of C++ programming, I've never seen it cause
any confusion or bugs.

The only reason it hasn't is because people use it in Hello World. I bet
some newbie C++ programmers get confused the first time they see  used to

Actually, I've seen it cause confusion, because of operator precedence.  
The logical shift operators have a fairly high level priority, so 
sometimes you need parentheses that aren't obvious.  Fortunately, most 
of those cases make compile errors.

C++ has about 17 levels of precedence, plus some confusing associative 
rules.  And operator overloading does *NOT* change precedence.

