Re: Plumbing behind super()

2019-06-29 Thread Thomas Jollans

On 30/06/2019 01:15, wrote:

Whoops. Now I need to figure out how the interpreter knows that change_a is a 
method and knows what self to feed it. I'm assuming that's in the cell 
variables similar to what super()'s doing as explained here. I haven't 
implemented cell variables so this is where I'm stuck in a sand pit.

Look up descriptors.

Actually, carefully (re)read all of


Re: Plumbing behind super()

2019-06-29 Thread adam . preble
Thanks for the replies from everybody. It looks like I should double check 
super_init and see what truck is coming from that which will hit me with a 
gotcha later. I'm very naively right now plucking the class from my locals and 
I was able to proceed in the very, very short term.

I think I would have run into something like this earlier but I was doing 
something else incorrectly with self references in general. I was having my 
byte code push the object reference on the stack for method calls instead of 
using a naive one.

For example:

Disregarding unrelated code, it disassembles to this in a 3.6 intepreter:
  3   6 LOAD_FAST0 (m)
  8 LOAD_ATTR1 (change_a)
 10 LOAD_CONST   1 (2)

I have been doing an oopsies of trying to push the self reference on the stack 
for the method. So I'm doing something like:
  3   6 LOAD_FAST0 (m)
  8 LOAD_ATTR1 (change_a)
  X LOAD_FAST0 (m)
 10 LOAD_CONST   1 (2)

Whoops. Now I need to figure out how the interpreter knows that change_a is a 
method and knows what self to feed it. I'm assuming that's in the cell 
variables similar to what super()'s doing as explained here. I haven't 
implemented cell variables so this is where I'm stuck in a sand pit.

Re: Plumbing behind super()

2019-06-28 Thread Thomas Jollans

On 28/06/2019 02:13, wrote:

I'm trying to mimick Python 3.6 as a .NET science project and have started to 
get into subclassing. The super() not-a-keyword-honestly-guys has tripped me 
up. I have to admit that I've professionally been doing a ton Python 2.7, so 
I'm not good on my Python 3.6 trivia yet. I think I have the general gist of 
this, but want some affirmation.

If you use super() in a method, all it does is load super as a global on to the 
interpreter stack and call it without any arguments. So I'm left to wonder how 
it's able to figure anything out when it's being literally given nothing...

Python is open source, so let's open the source!

The magic happens when super() is constructed, in super_init

Once super_getattro is called, the super object has already been set up, 
and it already knows which object/class to look at.

As you can see, super_init takes the calling frame and checks the first 
argument of the previous call, which, when called from a method, will 
generally be 'self'

There's some additional code that, I think, handles being called from a 
closure (but I don't know the C api well enough to be sure)

We can sort-of emulate this in pure Python with the inspect module


def not_quite_super():
    f = inspect.stack()[1].frame
    obj = list(f.f_locals.values())[0]
    print(type(obj), obj)

class A:
    def __init__(self, a=0, b=1):
    c = a + b # this is just to add some more locals to the mix



Once you have the caller object, the rest is just like calling super() 
with arguments.

I'm not actually sure that Python example above is guaranteed to work, 
but I *think* it should in versions where dicts are ordered (3.6+). 
Obviously it doesn't handle all the cases super() handles.

except that it's not being given literally nothing:

static PyObject *
super_getattro(PyObject *self, PyObject *name)

I was thinking maybe self has become more special in Python 3.6, but I don't think that's 
true since I've ported code to Python3 before that had inner classes where I'd use 
"inner_self" to disambiguate with the outer self. And though I thought it was 
so at first, it just turned out I screwed up my little code snippet to expose it. If self 
was special then I presume I could find it in my lookups and inject it.

So how do I go from CALL_FUNCTION on a super() global without anything else on 
the stack to somehow having all the information I need? Is there something 
tracking that I'm in an object scope when calling stuff?


Re: Plumbing behind super()

2019-06-27 Thread adam . preble
I was wrong in the last email because I accidentally in super_gettro instead of 

Just for some helper context:

>>> class Foo:
...   pass
>>> class Bar(Foo):
...   def __init__(self):
... super().__init__()
... self.a = 2
>>> dis(Bar)
Disassembly of __init__:
  3   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (super)
  4 LOAD_ATTR1 (__init__)

  4  10 LOAD_CONST   1 (2)
 12 LOAD_FAST0 (self)
 14 STORE_ATTR   2 (a)
 16 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

I originally set a breakpoint at super_getattro so I was seeing it getting the 
self pointer from TOS, but I think I needed super_init--especially since that 
is getting called from a CALL_FUNCTION opcode, instead of super_getattro and 
it's LOAD_ATTR. I think that's from the self.a assignment.

The super_init code melted my brain! It looks like it's grabbing the current 
frame and interrogating it to find __class__. I think I have the same amount of 
visibility and similar structure in what I'm writing but... woah.

Re: Plumbing behind super()

2019-06-27 Thread Random832
On Thu, Jun 27, 2019, at 23:32, wrote:
> On Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 8:30:21 PM UTC-5, DL Neil wrote:
> > I'm mystified by "literally given nothing".
> I'm focusing there particularly on the syntax of writing "super()" 
> without any arguments to it. However, internally it's getting fed stuff.

Any function which is defined inside a class and accesses 'super' is provided a 
'cell variable' (i.e. nonlocal) called __class__, which super inspects on the 
stack to identify the class (along with finding the self argument)

>>> class C:
...  def foo(): super

You can also provide this cell manually by defining it as a nested function 
inside another function which has a local variable __class__.

>>> def bar():
...  __class__ = C
...  return lambda self: super()
>>> bar()(C())
, >

You can see all this happening in

Re: Plumbing behind super()

2019-06-27 Thread adam . preble
On Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 8:30:21 PM UTC-5, DL Neil wrote:
> I'm mystified by "literally given nothing".

I'm focusing there particularly on the syntax of writing "super()" without any 
arguments to it. However, internally it's getting fed stuff.

> If a class has not defined an attribute, eg self.my_attribute, but the 
> base class has defined an attribute of that name, then self.my_attribute 
> will as initialised by the base class. Welcome to the intricacies of 
> managing scope!

I'm thinking my problem was more fundamental here. I finally got the debugger 
to bypass all the calls to the internal super() implementation that are done on 
startup and run instead just a bit of user-specified code. It's looking like 
super() actually gobbles the self pointer that goes on to the stack when 
__init__ is first created and replaces it when its done by returning it again. 
I think. Maybe.

Re: Plumbing behind super()

2019-06-27 Thread DL Neil

On 28/06/19 12:13 PM, wrote:

I'm trying to mimick Python 3.6 as a .NET science project and have started to 
get into subclassing. The super() not-a-keyword-honestly-guys has tripped me 
up. I have to admit that I've professionally been doing a ton Python 2.7, so 
I'm not good on my Python 3.6 trivia yet. I think I have the general gist of 
this, but want some affirmation.

If you use super() in a method, all it does is load super as a global on to the 
interpreter stack and call it without any arguments. So I'm left to wonder how 
it's able to figure anything out when it's being literally given nothing...


I was thinking maybe self has become more special in Python 3.6, but I don't think that's 
true since I've ported code to Python3 before that had inner classes where I'd use 
"inner_self" to disambiguate with the outer self. And though I thought it was 
so at first, it just turned out I screwed up my little code snippet to expose it. If self 
was special then I presume I could find it in my lookups and inject it.

So how do I go from CALL_FUNCTION on a super() global without anything else on 
the stack to somehow having all the information I need? Is there something 
tracking that I'm in an object scope when calling stuff?

You are missing quite a bit by not becoming familiar with Python2 -> 3 

I'm mystified by "literally given nothing".

1 All 'new' classes descend from object.
2 class Son( Father ):... literally gives 'Father'

(At present) The base class must have been defined (frame on the stack) 
before it may be referenced.

Self does not require super, it refers to the class itself.

If a class has not defined an attribute, eg self.my_attribute, but the 
base class has defined an attribute of that name, then self.my_attribute 
will as initialised by the base class. Welcome to the intricacies of 
managing scope!

Regards =dn

Plumbing behind super()

2019-06-27 Thread adam . preble
I'm trying to mimick Python 3.6 as a .NET science project and have started to 
get into subclassing. The super() not-a-keyword-honestly-guys has tripped me 
up. I have to admit that I've professionally been doing a ton Python 2.7, so 
I'm not good on my Python 3.6 trivia yet. I think I have the general gist of 
this, but want some affirmation.

If you use super() in a method, all it does is load super as a global on to the 
interpreter stack and call it without any arguments. So I'm left to wonder how 
it's able to figure anything out when it's being literally given nothing...

except that it's not being given literally nothing:

static PyObject *
super_getattro(PyObject *self, PyObject *name)

I was thinking maybe self has become more special in Python 3.6, but I don't 
think that's true since I've ported code to Python3 before that had inner 
classes where I'd use "inner_self" to disambiguate with the outer self. And 
though I thought it was so at first, it just turned out I screwed up my little 
code snippet to expose it. If self was special then I presume I could find it 
in my lookups and inject it.

So how do I go from CALL_FUNCTION on a super() global without anything else on 
the stack to somehow having all the information I need? Is there something 
tracking that I'm in an object scope when calling stuff?
