Re: Can I get a value's name

2009-05-15 Thread Ken Seehart

jalanb3 wrote:

Context for this question arises from some recent code. In particular the 
replace_line method, which takes in a regexp to look for, and a replacement 
for when it matches.

It is supposed to work for single lines only (we add ^ and $ to the regexp), so 
arguments which have '\n' in them are not accepted.

So at start of the method we search for such bad chars, and the code ends up 
something like this:

def replace_line(pattern,replacement):
errors = '\n' in pattern and [ 'pattern' ] or []
errors += '\n' in replacement and [ 'replacement' ] or []
values = [ locals()[e] for e in errors ]
# etc, etc, and eventually:
print 'Argument %s is bad : %s' % (errors[0],values[0])

And the question arises from that locals() line:
Given a variable name I can use locals() to get the value
Is there a way to do it the other way round
Given the value, can I get the variable name ?

For example, suppose I had started like this (using the variables, not strings 
with their names)

def replace_line(pattern,replacement):
values = '\n' in pattern and [ pattern ] or []
values += '\n' in replacement and [ replacement ] or []

Can I later get the name pattern via values[0]?

If this was an array in another language:
Of course not, values[0] is a copy of the value
so the connection to the variable is lost
But, AFAIK, in Python values[0] is just a rename of pattern
so there might be a way to get through to the original variable
No, values[0] gives a reference to the value stored at index 0 of the 
values array, which does not contain the name.
In particular, the name and all other information about the expression 
itself is lost.  A value generally does not contain the
pattern or any kind of name information (although class, method, and 
function instances contain some symbolic information in them).

Study the concept of 'references' and all of this will become more clear.

The only way to do something like what you want would be to search 
globals() or locals() for the value (depending on the context), but that 
would be an extremely ugly hack.  Chances are that if you want to do 
this, you need to rethink the problem instead.

# horribly bad, but sort of working, code follows:

foo = 'find me!'

def find_var(x):
   '''returns the name associated with a value'''
   for k,v in globals().items():
   if v == x:
   return k

print find_var(foo)

Note that a value can have several different names (and unnamed 
references) pointing at it, so the above code is not very general, but 
it may illustrate some interesting points.

My guess is that your entire approach may need rethinking.  What is the 
ultimate objective of your project?

Thank you for reading this far.
If you were now to start writing, I'd be very grateful indeed.



Re: Can I get a value's name

2009-05-11 Thread Scott David Daniels

jalanb3 wrote:

... Given a variable name I can use locals() to get the value
Is there a way to do it the other way round
Given the value, can I get the variable name ?

(1) Yes you can in some cases.
(2) You should not, things do not inherently have a name.

With that prelude:
def find_names(value, dictionary):
for name, val in dictionary.items():
if val is value: # note: is, not ==
yield name

x = 123456
y = 123456 * 3 // 3
z = 123456.0
q = y
print list(find_names(y, locals()))

--Scott David Daniels

Re: Can I get a value's name

2009-05-11 Thread John O'Hagan
On Mon, 11 May 2009, jalanb3 wrote:


 def replace_line(pattern,replacement):
 errors = '\n' in pattern and [ 'pattern' ] or []
 errors += '\n' in replacement and [ 'replacement' ] or []
 values = [ locals()[e] for e in errors ]
 # etc, etc, and eventually:
 print 'Argument %s is bad : %s' % (errors[0],values[0])

 And the question arises from that locals() line:
 Given a variable name I can use locals() to get the value
 Is there a way to do it the other way round
 Given the value, can I get the variable name ?

 For example, suppose I had started like this (using the variables, not
 strings with their names)

 def replace_line(pattern,replacement):
 values = '\n' in pattern and [ pattern ] or []
 values += '\n' in replacement and [ replacement ] or []

 Can I later get the name pattern via values[0]?


def replace_line(pattern,replacement):
values = '\n' in pattern and [ pattern ] or []
values += '\n' in replacement and [replacement] or []
print [i for i in loc if loc[i] is pattern if pattern in values]

will print ['pattern'] if the value of pattern is in values (if there's a 
newline in pattern). Is that what you're after?



Re: Can I get a value's name

2009-05-11 Thread Alan Brogan
Thank you Ken for your help answer

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 8:11 PM, Ken Seehart wrote:
 jalanb3 wrote:

 def replace_line(pattern,replacement):
    values = '\n' in pattern and [ pattern ] or []
    values += '\n' in replacement and [ replacement ] or []

 Can I later get the name pattern via values[0]?


  A value generally does not contain the
 pattern or any kind of name information (although class, method, and
 function instances contain some symbolic information in them).

That's why I took the question seriously at all:
 It was an entirely different project - pulling info out of
tracebacks into logs.
And I can get names from a reference for classes, modules, ...
Why not variables ?

 Study the concept of 'references' and all of this will become more clear.

I shall dive into that koan :-)

 The only way to do something like what you want would be to search globals()
 or locals() for the value (depending on the context), but that would be an
 extremely ugly hack.

 Chances are that if you want to do this, you need to
 rethink the problem instead.

That does seem reasonable, but before I started writing Python it
would never occurred to me to add some attributes on to an object
whose definition I've never seen. So - unlikely, but I wouldn't rule
it out.


 Note that a value can have several different names (and unnamed references)
 pointing at it,

Ah - there's  the rub !

All it takes (from my earlier example) is
fred = pattern
values += [ fred ]

Now which is the real name of values[0]?
In my example I would have wanted pattern, and now whatever ugly
hack we used to get at the name is turning into an complex module.

 so the above code is not very general, but it may illustrate
 some interesting points.

Thanks - it does indeed.

 My guess is that your entire approach may need rethinking.  What is the
 ultimate objective of your project?

Find out what some other Pythonista have thought about this problem

OTOH: the actual objective was to remove the redundancy of using the
string pattern when I already have a perfectly good eponymous
variable.  On balance I think allowing a little bit of redundancy is
prudent in this case :-)