Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-28 Thread Terry Reedy

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

And modules aren't callable. I've often thought they should be.

Modules are not callable because their class, module, has no __call__ 
instance method.  But (in 3.0, which is all I will check) you can 
subclass module and add one.

 m = type(__builtins__)
class 'module'
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__eq__', 
'__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', 
'__init__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', 
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', 

 class m2(m):
def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
print(self, args, kwds)

 mod = m2('mod') # only arg required by module.__init__
module 'mod' (built-in) (1, 2, 3) {'a': 4, 'b': 5}
 mod # did not override __repr__
module 'mod' (built-in)

So, roll your own to your taste.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-28 Thread Ben Finney
Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  And modules aren't callable. I've often thought they should be.
 Modules are not callable because their class, module, has no
 __call__ instance method. But (in 3.0, which is all I will check)
 you can subclass module and add one.

Works fine in Python 2.5.2 also::

Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Aug  8 2008, 11:09:00)
[GCC 4.3.1] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 module = type(__builtins__)
type 'module'
 '__call__' in dir(module)

 import sys
 class CallableModule(module):
... def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
... sys.stdout.write(%(self)r, %(args)r, %(kwargs)r\n % vars())
 '__call__' in dir(CallableModule)
 foo = CallableModule('foo')
 foo(1, 2, 3, a=4, b=5)
module 'foo' (built-in), (1, 2, 3), {'a': 4, 'b': 5}
module 'foo' (built-in)

 \“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though |
  `\  nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.” |
_o__) —Albert Einstein |
Ben Finney

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-27 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 22:15:43 -0700, Aahz wrote:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Steven D'Aprano  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, 25 Sep 2008 21:17:14 -0700, Aahz wrote:

 Seems to me that if all the module is used for is to store state,
 you're wasting a file on disk.  I personally prefer to use a class

I don't recognise the term class singleton. Can you explain please?
How is it different from an ordinary singleton?
 An ordinary singleton is instantiating the class multiple times yet
 returning the same instance object; a class singleton is simply using
 the class directly (like a module).

Amazing. That's *exactly* what I was thinking of when I first asked my 

Since I now no longer think I need such a beast, this is just academic 
curiosity, but given a class singleton, I'd like to be able to call it as 
if it were a function. Normally calling a class object returns an 
instance -- I wish to return something else. Is that just a matter of 
overriding __new__?

This seems to works:

 class ClassSingleton(object):
... thing = (0, 1, 2)
... def __new__(cls, *args):
... return len(args+cls.thing)
 ClassSingleton(1, 2, 4, 8, 16)

Is it really that easy?


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-27 Thread Ben Finney
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 22:15:43 -0700, Aahz wrote:
  An ordinary singleton is instantiating the class multiple times
  yet returning the same instance object; a class singleton is
  simply using the class directly (like a module).

Where is this class singleton terminology from? It seems redundant
to me. It also doesn't seem to have anything to do with what
singleton means as a pattern; using a class is simply using a

 Since I now no longer think I need such a beast

That's a relief :-)

 I'd like to be able to call [a class] as if it were a function.
 Normally calling a class object returns an instance -- I wish to
 return something else.

In that case, you *don't* want a class at all; the entire point of a
class is to define behaviour for instances.

Instead, you want to define a class whose *instances* are callable, by
defining the '__call__' method to do whatever it is you want.

 This seems to works:
  class ClassSingleton(object):
 ... thing = (0, 1, 2)
 ... def __new__(cls, *args):
 ... return len(args+cls.thing)
  ClassSingleton(1, 2, 4, 8, 16)

Horribly obfuscatory. Calling a class should return a new instance of
the class or something like it.

Instead, define it so the user instantiates the class by calling the
class, and *then* calls that non-class object, and so shouldn't expect
to get a new instance back:

 class CallableAppendor(object):
... thing = (0, 1, 2)
... def __call__(self, *args):
... return len(args + self.thing)
 appendor = CallableAppendor()
 appendor(1, 2, 4, 8, 16)

 \ “Pleasure's a sin, and sometimes sin's a pleasure.” —“Lord” |
  `\  George Gordon Noel Byron, _Don Juan_ |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-27 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:20:17 +1000, Ben Finney wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 22:15:43 -0700, Aahz wrote:
  An ordinary singleton is instantiating the class multiple times yet
  returning the same instance object; a class singleton is simply using
  the class directly (like a module).
 Where is this class singleton terminology from? 

I don't know. Googling on it brings up an awful lot of C++ and Java 
source code for regular Singletons. Perhaps Aahz can shed some light on 

 It seems redundant to
 me. It also doesn't seem to have anything to do with what singleton
 means as a pattern; using a class is simply using a class.

I don't see why this idiom causes such conceptual difficulty. There are 
classes with many instances; there are classes with a single instance 
(Singleton). Why should't there be classes with no instances?

A class is just an object. If you find yourself caring whether a 
particular object is a class, an instance or a function, then you have to 
ask yourself why you are worrying about the implementation details. Of 
course as the library writer, it's your job to worry about the 
implementation details, but ideally the library user shouldn't have to.

 Since I now no longer think I need such a beast
 That's a relief :-)
 I'd like to be able to call [a class] as if it were a function.
 Normally calling a class object returns an instance -- I wish to return
 something else.
 In that case, you *don't* want a class at all; the entire point of a
 class is to define behaviour for instances.

Classes encapsulate state + behaviour in one package, and they allow 
inheritance. That's a lot more than merely defining behaviour of 
instances. Instances in turn have the additional capability of being able 
to over-ride the class' state and behaviour:

class C(object):
x = 'spam'

c = C()
c.x = 'ham'  # doesn't touch C.x

If your instance doesn't do something the class can't do on it's own, why 
bother with the instance?

 Instead, you want to define a class whose *instances* are callable, by
 defining the '__call__' method to do whatever it is you want.

Most of the time, sure.

 This seems to works:
  class ClassSingleton(object):
 ... thing = (0, 1, 2)
 ... def __new__(cls, *args):
 ... return len(args+cls.thing) ...
  ClassSingleton(1, 2, 4, 8, 16)
 Horribly obfuscatory. Calling a class should return a new instance of
 the class or something like it.

Apart from the name, which I dislike, what is obfuscatory about it? 
Haven't you ever used factory functions or class builders? It's the same 
principle. Why do you care that ClassSingleton is a class instead of a 

I'm certainly not saying that we should use classes this way all the 
time, but the capability is there, and apparently not by accident. Guido 

__new__ must return an object. There's nothing that requires that it 
return a new object that is an instance of its class argument, although 
that is the convention. If you return an existing object of your class or 
a subclass, the constructor call will still call its __init__ method. If 
you return an object of a different class, its __init__ method will not 
be called.

 Instead, define it so the user instantiates the class by calling the
 class, and *then* calls that non-class object, and so shouldn't expect
 to get a new instance back:
  class CallableAppendor(object):
 ... thing = (0, 1, 2)
 ... def __call__(self, *args):
 ... return len(args + self.thing) ...
  appendor = CallableAppendor()
  appendor(1, 2, 4, 8, 16)

That's the right solution when the instance is able to override the state 
and/or behaviour of the class. Most uses of classes are like that:

class Spam(object):
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
def sing(self):
return spam *self.n +  glorious SPAM!!!

Because the behaviour (method 'sing') depends on state which is specific 
to the instance (attribute 'n'), it is right and proper to instantiate 
the class. The class 'Spam' is a constructor for instances, and the 
instances do all the work.

But my earlier example is not the same. In the example I gave, neither 
the behaviour nor the state depend on the instance: everything is 
specified in the class. Ben's variant behaves differently: the caller 
might override appendor.thing by hand. That is Ben's choice, of course, 
and it may be a valid one for many applications, but it's displaying 
different behaviour to my example.

In my example, the instance doesn't matter. I could write it like this:

 class CallableAppendor(object):
... thing = (0, 1, 2)
... @classmethod
... def __call__(cls, *args):
... return len(args + cls.thing)
 appendor = CallableAppendor()
 appendor.thing = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
 appendor(1, 2, 4, 8, 16)

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-27 Thread Aaron Castironpi Brady
On Sep 27, 5:33 am, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:20:17 +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
  Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 22:15:43 -0700, Aahz wrote:
   An ordinary singleton is instantiating the class multiple times yet
   returning the same instance object; a class singleton is simply using
   the class directly (like a module).

  Where is this class singleton terminology from?

 I don't know. Googling on it brings up an awful lot of C++ and Java
 source code for regular Singletons. Perhaps Aahz can shed some light on


 In my example, the instance doesn't matter. I could write it like this:

  class CallableAppendor(object):

 ...     thing = (0, 1, 2)
 ...     @classmethod
 ...     def __call__(cls, *args):
 ...         return len(args + cls.thing)
 ... appendor = CallableAppendor()
  appendor.thing = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
  appendor(1, 2, 4, 8, 16)


 but what's the purpose of instantiating the class?

I've used them (class singletons, adopting the term) as a Globals
namespace, but only to the end of tidying.  It makes it easy to
reassign immutables.

It is too bad 'CallableAppendor.__call__(1,2,4,8,16)' doesn't work as
expected.  That is, 'CallableAppendor(1,2,4,8,16)' dosen't call
'__call__'.  I have a workaround, which may be just what you're
looking for.

 class A(type):
... def __call__( self, *ar ):
... print 'call', self, ar
 class B(object):
... __metaclass__= A
call class '__main__.B' (3,)

Overriding the __call__ method of 'type' has the effect of giving you
a static __call__ method on a class-- a method which doesn't need an
instance to call.  Your behavior may be counterintuitive though, to
someone who wants to instantiate 'B', in this case, and proceed like a
normal object.  That is, they want to call a generic class and use it,
and also expect instances of B to behave as B.  You can't have both,
so either return B from B.__new__, or, to instantiate B, take the long
way and call B.__new__ directly.

__main__.B object at 0x009FDB70

Has anyone stepped through the C code to find out when the decision is
made to call which function, B.__new__ or A.__call__, when B is
called?  I'm happy that overriding type.__call__ produced the intended
results; it's always nice when things go right.

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-27 Thread Aahz
Ben Finney  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 22:15:43 -0700, Aahz wrote:

 An ordinary singleton is instantiating the class multiple times
 yet returning the same instance object; a class singleton is
 simply using the class directly (like a module).

Where is this class singleton terminology from? It seems redundant
to me. It also doesn't seem to have anything to do with what
singleton means as a pattern; using a class is simply using a

I don't remember where I picked it up, probably here some years ago.
The point of the terminology is to distinguish how the class is *used*,
in precise parallel with module singleton.

 I'd like to be able to call [a class] as if it were a function.
 Normally calling a class object returns an instance -- I wish to
 return something else.

In that case, you *don't* want a class at all; the entire point of a
class is to define behaviour for instances.

Absolutely agreed with your first clause, disagreed about the second
clause.  As I said earlier, the main point of a class singleton is to get
the effect of a module singleton without the need to create another file
on disk.  In that case there is no instance and therefore the point of
the class is no longer to define behavior for instances.

But you can't call a module, and classes have well-defined behavior for
calling them, so you shouldn't try to pervert a class singleton by
defining behavior for calling them.  In fact, I would recommend creating
an __init__() method that raises NotImplementedError precisely to prevent
this usage (or have a __new__() method that returns None, but I generally
prefer to recommend practices that work with classic classes).

One cute reason to prefer class singletons to module singletons is that
subclassing works well for creating multiple singletons.  But really,
the main reason I use class singletons is that they are the absolute
simplest way to get attribute access:

class Foo: pass = 'xyz'
if data ==
print !

Once it gets much more complicated than that, I prefer to use a smarter

Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours.  --Richard Bach

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-27 Thread Roy Smith

 One cute reason to prefer class singletons to module singletons is that
 subclassing works well for creating multiple singletons.  But really,
 the main reason I use class singletons is that they are the absolute
 simplest way to get attribute access:
 class Foo: pass = 'xyz'
 if data ==
 print !

I've often done something similar, creating a dummy class:

class Data:

just so I could create instances of it to hang attributes off of:

foo = Data() = 'xyz'

That's a trick I've been using since the Old Days (i.e. before new-style 
classes came along).  When I saw your example, my first thought was That's 
silly, now that there's new-style classes, you can just create an instance 
of object!.  Unfortunately, when I tried it, I discovered it didn't work.  
You *can* instantiate object, but you don't get a class instance, so you 
can't create attributes on it.

 x = object()
type 'object' = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: 'object' object has no attribute 'foo'

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-27 Thread Terry Reedy

Aahz wrote:

Ben Finney  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'd like to be able to call [a class] as if it were a function.
Normally calling a class object returns an instance -- I wish to
return something else.

In that case, you *don't* want a class at all; the entire point of a
class is to define behaviour for instances.

Absolutely agreed with your first clause, disagreed about the second
clause.  As I said earlier, the main point of a class singleton is to get
the effect of a module singleton without the need to create another file
on disk.

In 3.0, at least, one does not need a disk file to create a module.

 import types
 me = types.ModuleType('me') # type(__builtins__) works, no import
module 'me' (built-in)
 me.a = 1
 me.a + 1

That said, a blank class is even easier, and the representation is better.



Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-27 Thread Terry Reedy

Aaron Castironpi Brady wrote:

class A(type):

... def __call__( self, *ar ):
... print 'call', self, ar

class B(object):

... __metaclass__= A


call class '__main__.B' (3,)

Overriding the __call__ method of 'type' has the effect of giving you
a static __call__ method on a class-- a method which doesn't need an
instance to call.  Your behavior may be counterintuitive though, to
someone who wants to instantiate 'B', in this case, and proceed like a
normal object.  That is, they want to call a generic class and use it,
and also expect instances of B to behave as B.  You can't have both,
so either return B from B.__new__, or, to instantiate B, take the long
way and call B.__new__ directly.


__main__.B object at 0x009FDB70

Has anyone stepped through the C code to find out when the decision is
made to call which function, B.__new__ or A.__call__, when B is

For Python coded objects, ob(*args) in code translates to internal 
execution of type(ob).__call__(ob, *args) (without further 
translation!).  The interpreter compiles a statement at a time, without 
looking back to do type inferencing, and so does not know what type is 
being called or if it is even callable.

For B, B(*args) == type(B).__call__(B, *args) == A.__call__(B, *args). 
So there is no decision.

For C coded objects, I believe ob(*args) in Python code translate to a C 
call of the C equivalent of type(ob).tp_call (or something like that). 
From observation, type.tp_call acts something like this:

def __call__(cls, *args):
  if cls == type:
if len(*args):
  return arg[0].__class__
elif len(*args) == 3:
  return type.__new__(type, *args) # or maybe not pass type?
  raise TypeError('type() takes 1 or 3 arguments')
return cls.__new__(cls, *args)

So, for a normal class C (an instance of type), type.__call__ calls 

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-27 Thread Aaron Castironpi Brady
On Sep 27, 6:16 pm, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aaron Castironpi Brady wrote:
  class A(type):
  ...     def __call__( self, *ar ):
  ...             print 'call', self, ar
  class B(object):
  ...     __metaclass__= A
  call class '__main__.B' (3,)

  Overriding the __call__ method of 'type' has the effect of giving you
  a static __call__ method on a class-- a method which doesn't need an
  instance to call.  Your behavior may be counterintuitive though, to
  someone who wants to instantiate 'B', in this case, and proceed like a
  normal object.  That is, they want to call a generic class and use it,
  and also expect instances of B to behave as B.  You can't have both,
  so either return B from B.__new__, or, to instantiate B, take the long
  way and call B.__new__ directly.

  __main__.B object at 0x009FDB70

  Has anyone stepped through the C code to find out when the decision is
  made to call which function, B.__new__ or A.__call__, when B is

 For Python coded objects, ob(*args) in code translates to internal
 execution of type(ob).__call__(ob, *args) (without further
 translation!).  The interpreter compiles a statement at a time, without
 looking back to do type inferencing, and so does not know what type is
 being called or if it is even callable.

 For B, B(*args) == type(B).__call__(B, *args) == A.__call__(B, *args).
 So there is no decision.

 For C coded objects, I believe ob(*args) in Python code translate to a C
 call of the C equivalent of type(ob).tp_call (or something like that).
  From observation, type.tp_call acts something like this:

 def __call__(cls, *args):
    if cls == type:
      if len(*args):
        return arg[0].__class__
      elif len(*args) == 3:
        return type.__new__(type, *args) # or maybe not pass type?
        raise TypeError('type() takes 1 or 3 arguments')
      return cls.__new__(cls, *args)

 So, for a normal class C (an instance of type), type.__call__ calls

 Terry Jan Reedy

Oh, I see.  Then it's the class statement that calls type.__new__.

class A: ...
- A= type( 'A', ... )
- A= type.__call__( type, 'A', ... )
- A= type.__new__( type, 'A', ... )

Plus an iteration over the contents of 'namespace', to search for
properties that themselves have a __get__ method.  And returns an
unboundmethod instance of it, for a value of of that's hard to
concentrate on.  I jest.

Perhaps what Steven is looking for is a subclass of 'type' that does
not give this default behavior of 'unboundmethoding' everything it
can.  That is, defaulting to 'staticmethod' or 'classmethod', and
perhaps offering a 'boundmethod' decorator for the exceptions.

For the case of '__call__', which he does want to control, that could
merely call B.__call__, instead of B.__new__.  Untested:

 class A(type):
... def __call__( self, *ar ):
... return self.__call__( *ar )


... return self.__call__( self, *ar )

Which would come through to 'B' as:

 class B(object):
... __metaclass__= A
... def __call__( cls, *ar ).

This is because self == B in the example.  This makes me scowl.  Very

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-27 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 17:41:42 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

 In 3.0, at least, one does not need a disk file to create a module.
   import types
   me = types.ModuleType('me') # type(__builtins__) works, no import
 module 'me' (built-in)
   me.a = 1
   me.a + 1

Seems to work for Python 2.5 as well.

 That said, a blank class is even easier, and the representation is

And modules aren't callable. I've often thought they should be.


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-26 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 25 Sep 2008 21:17:14 -0700, Aahz wrote:

 Seems to me that if all the module is used for is to store state, you're
 wasting a file on disk.  I personally prefer to use a class singleton.

I don't recognise the term class singleton. Can you explain please? How 
is it different from an ordinary singleton?

For the record, I ended up deciding that I didn't need any special 
objects or metaclass programming, just a factory function which returned 
a regular instance. But reading the thread has been a good education for 
me, thanks folks.


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-26 Thread Aahz
Steven D'Aprano  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Thu, 25 Sep 2008 21:17:14 -0700, Aahz wrote:

 Seems to me that if all the module is used for is to store state, you're
 wasting a file on disk.  I personally prefer to use a class singleton.

I don't recognise the term class singleton. Can you explain please? How 
is it different from an ordinary singleton?

An ordinary singleton is instantiating the class multiple times yet
returning the same instance object; a class singleton is simply using
the class directly (like a module).

Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours.  --Richard Bach

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-25 Thread Aahz
Dennis Lee Bieber  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 21 Sep 2008 22:39:47 GMT, Steven D'Aprano
[EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the following in
 What do you call such a class?

   A wasted definition... The same functionality is achieved by just
creating and importing a module. Your class methods would just be
functions within the module; class level attributes would be module
level objects (access with global if writing to them, use a _ to
indicate internal)

Seems to me that if all the module is used for is to store state, you're
wasting a file on disk.  I personally prefer to use a class singleton.

Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours.  --Richard Bach

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-23 Thread Craig Allen

usegrammers are just those that use grammars, but misspell it.

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Rhamphoryncus
On Sep 21, 4:39 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of using
 the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use the class
 directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used as a function
 that keeps state from one call to the next.

 The problem is that I don't know what to call such a thing! Abstract
 class isn't right, because that implies that you should subclass the
 class and then instantiate the subclasses.

 What do you call such a class?

If defining it as a normal class, it is a namespace.  Just a way to
cluster multiple globals into a single global.  The borg pattern does
the same thing, but with a 12 page treatise on why it shouldn't do
exactly what it's doing.

If using a factory you should probably be using an instance; the fact
that your instance is a class is a relatively minor implementation
detail.  Indeed, the only reason to have a class is to have your
methods bound when looked up.

You might want a metaclass to cripple it, preventing subclassing and
whatnot.  *shrug*.

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of using 
the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use the class 
directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used as a function 
that keeps state from one call to the next.

The problem is that I don't know what to call such a thing! Abstract 
class isn't right, because that implies that you should subclass the 
class and then instantiate the subclasses.

What do you call such a class?

Err... A possible design smell ?-)

More seriously: this looks quite like a singleton, which in Python is 
usually implemented way more simply using a module and plain functions.

Do you have a use case for specializing this class ?


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:12:38 +1000, James Mills wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Calvin Spealman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I call it an obvious misuse and misunderstanding of why you'd use a
 class in the first place. Either create an instance and not make these
 things classmethods or just share the stuff in a module-level set of
 variables. But the instantiating is the best options. Your class
 attributes might not be globals, but you're still using global state
 and you should avoid it where you can.
 I concur. Use a _proper_  state object that you share amongst your other

But that's precisely what I want to avoid: I don't want the objects to 
share *any* state, not even their class. I'm not trying for a Borg or 
Singleton: the user can call the factory as many times as they want, but 
the objects returned shouldn't share any state. I don't know if what I 
want has a name. Judging from people's reactions, I'd say probably not.

(For the pedantic: the instances will all have the same methods, but 
I'm not including methods as state.)

 For instance, in many of my systems and applications I write, I
 often have an Environment instance, which is a container object that
 holds other objects required by parts of the system. Every other
 component/object in the system that is instantiated recievees exactly
 one instnace of thie Environment called, env.
 Accessing shared states amongst components/objects within the system is
 as simple as this:
 class Foo(object):
def __init__(self, env, *args, **kwargs):
   self.env = env
def foo(self):
   if self.env.some_state:
  print Do something useful

Seems wasteful to me. Why give every instance it's own instance-level 
reference to the shared object? Why not make env a class attribute, set 
once, instead of every time you instantiate the class?

class Foo(object):
env = env

But in any case, this is not the behaviour I want. It's the opposite of 
the behaviour I want. I don't want the objects to share state. I'm not 
exactly sure what I said that has given so many people the impression 
that I do.


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Ben Finney

Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I don't want the objects to share state. I'm not exactly sure what I
 said that has given so many people the impression that I do.


Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Essentially, the class is used as a function that keeps state from
 one call to the next.

Perhaps if you say what you want that isn't provided by any of a
function, a module, or a class. Specifically, what state you want to
track, and why it's so important that the state not be available to
the instances.

 \   “I love and treasure individuals as I meet them, I loathe and |
  `\ despise the groups they identify with and belong to.” —George |
_o__) Carlin, 2007 |
Ben Finney

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:11:58 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
 I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of
 using the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use
 the class directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used
 as a function that keeps state from one call to the next.
 The problem is that I don't know what to call such a thing! Abstract
 class isn't right, because that implies that you should subclass the
 class and then instantiate the subclasses.
 What do you call such a class?
 Err... A possible design smell ?-)
 More seriously: this looks quite like a singleton, which in Python is
 usually implemented way more simply using a module and plain functions.

I really don't know why everyone thinks I want a Singleton. I want to 
uncouple objects, not increase the coupling.

Consider a factory function:

def factory(x):  # a toy example
alist = [x]
def foo():
return alist
return foo

Now suppose we instantiate the factory (for lack of a better term):

 f1 = factory(0)
 f2 = factory(0)

Even though f1 and f2 have the same behaviour, they are obviously not the 
same object. And although both return a list [0], it is not the same list:

 f1() == f2() == [0]
 f1() is f2()

They have a (very little) amount of state, which is *not* shared:

 L = f1()
[0, 1]

But there's only a limited amount of state that functions carry around. I 
can give them more state like this:

 f1.attr = 'x'

but it isn't good enough if the function needs to refer to it's own 
state, because functions can only refer to themselves by name and the 
factory can't know what name the function will be bound to. 

As far as I know, the only objects that know how to refer to themselves 
no matter what name they have are classes and instances. And instances 
share at least some state, by virtue of having the same class.

(Pedants will argue that classes also share state, by virtue of having 
the same metaclass. Maybe so, but that's at a deep enough level that I 
don't care.)

I'm now leaning towards just having factory() instantiate the class and 
return the instance, instead of having to do metaclass chicanery. Because 
the class is built anew each time by the factory, two such instances 
aren't actually sharing the same class. I think that will reduce 
confusion all round (including mine!).

Hopefully now that I've explained what I want in more detail, it won't 
seem so bizarre. Factory functions do it all the time. Is there a name 
for this pattern?

Thanks to everyone who commented, your comments helped me reason out a 
better alternative to what I first suggested.


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread James Mills
On 22 Sep 2008 09:07:43 GMT, Steven D'Aprano
 But that's precisely what I want to avoid: I don't want the objects to
  share *any* state, not even their class. I'm not trying for a Borg or
  Singleton: the user can call the factory as many times as they want, but
  the objects returned shouldn't share any state. I don't know if what I
  want has a name. Judging from people's reactions, I'd say probably not.

Snce when are users ever involved
in programming problems or programming
languages ?


-- Problems are solved by method

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Steven D'Aprano a écrit :

On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:11:58 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

Steven D'Aprano a écrit :

I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of
using the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use
the class directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used
as a function that keeps state from one call to the next.

The problem is that I don't know what to call such a thing! Abstract
class isn't right, because that implies that you should subclass the
class and then instantiate the subclasses.

What do you call such a class?

Err... A possible design smell ?-)

More seriously: this looks quite like a singleton, which in Python is
usually implemented way more simply using a module and plain functions.

I really don't know why everyone thinks I want a Singleton.

May I quote you ?

Instead of using the class to creating an instance and then operate on 
it, I use the class directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class 
is used as a function that keeps state from one call to the next.

I want to 
uncouple objects, not increase the coupling.

Consider a factory function:

def factory(x):  # a toy example
alist = [x]
def foo():
return alist
return foo

Now suppose we instantiate the factory (for lack of a better term):

f1 = factory(0)
f2 = factory(0)

Even though f1 and f2 have the same behaviour, they are obviously not the 
same object. And although both return a list [0], it is not the same list:

f1() == f2() == [0]


f1() is f2()


They have a (very little) amount of state, which is *not* shared:

L = f1()

[0, 1]



But there's only a limited amount of state that functions carry around. I 
can give them more state like this:

f1.attr = 'x'

but it isn't good enough if the function needs to refer to it's own 
state, because functions can only refer to themselves by name and the 
factory can't know what name the function will be bound to. 

Then define your own callable type.

As far as I know, the only objects that know how to refer to themselves 
no matter what name they have are classes and instances. And instances 
share at least some state, by virtue of having the same class.

Is that a problem in your use case, and if so, why ???

(Pedants will argue that classes also share state, by virtue of having 
the same metaclass. Maybe so, but that's at a deep enough level that I 
don't care.)

I'm now leaning towards just having factory() instantiate the class and 
return the instance, instead of having to do metaclass chicanery. Because 
the class is built anew each time by the factory, two such instances 
aren't actually sharing the same class. I think that will reduce 
confusion all round (including mine!).

Hopefully now that I've explained what I want in more detail, it won't 
seem so bizarre. Factory functions do it all the time. Is there a name 
for this pattern?

Thanks to everyone who commented, your comments helped me reason out a 
better alternative to what I first suggested.

Glad to know you found something helpful in all these answers, but as 
far as I'm concerned, I'm afraid I still fail to understand what exactly 
you're after...


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Tim Rowe
2008/9/22 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Steven D'Aprano a écrit :

 On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:11:58 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano a écrit :

 I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of
 using the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use
 the class directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used
 as a function that keeps state from one call to the next.

Sounds to me like a functor, aka a function object:

Tim Rowe

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Tim Rowe a écrit :

2008/9/22 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Steven D'Aprano a écrit :

On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:11:58 +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

Steven D'Aprano a écrit :

I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of
using the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use
the class directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used
as a function that keeps state from one call to the next.

Sounds to me like a functor, aka a function object:

Ok, then the simple solution is to implement a callable type (__call__ 
method), possibly with appropriate support for the descriptor protocol 
if it's meant to be usable as a method.


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On 22 Sep, 10:32, Steven D'Aprano

 but it isn't good enough if the function needs to refer to it's own
 state, because functions can only refer to themselves by name and the
 factory can't know what name the function will be bound to.

 As far as I know, the only objects that know how to refer to themselves
 no matter what name they have are classes and instances. And instances
 share at least some state, by virtue of having the same class.

Here is a simple way to make a function able to refer to its own

def bindfunction(f):
def bound_f(*args, **kwargs):
return f(bound_f, *args, **kwargs)
bound_f.__name__ = f.__name__
return bound_f

... def foo(me, x):
... me.attr.append(x)
... return me.attr
 foo.attr = []
[3, 5]


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Tim Rowe
2008/9/22 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Sounds to me like a functor, aka a function object:

 Ok, then the simple solution is to implement a callable type (__call__
 method), possibly with appropriate support for the descriptor protocol if
 it's meant to be usable as a method.

Yes -- and instantiate the thing and keep the state in the instance,
rather than keeping the state in the class, so that it's possible to
safely have more than one of them if a later design change calls for
it (probably what led people off onto the sidetrack of thinking a
singleton was called for).  That's the classic way of implementing a
class [to be] used as a function.

Tim Rowe

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Aaron Castironpi Brady
On Sep 22, 8:45 am, Tim Rowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2008/9/22 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Sounds to me like a functor, aka a function object:

  Ok, then the simple solution is to implement a callable type (__call__
  method), possibly with appropriate support for the descriptor protocol if
  it's meant to be usable as a method.

 Yes -- and instantiate the thing and keep the state in the instance,
 rather than keeping the state in the class, so that it's possible to
 safely have more than one of them if a later design change calls for
 it (probably what led people off onto the sidetrack of thinking a
 singleton was called for).  That's the classic way of implementing a
 class [to be] used as a function.

 Tim Rowe

I think you are either looking for a class that has a generator, or a
generator that has a reference to itself.

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Matimus
On Sep 21, 3:39 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of using
 the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use the class
 directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used as a function
 that keeps state from one call to the next.

 The problem is that I don't know what to call such a thing! Abstract
 class isn't right, because that implies that you should subclass the
 class and then instantiate the subclasses.

 What do you call such a class?


It actually sounds like you are doing something similar to the
monostate pattern. In Java the monostate pattern is usually
implemented by creating a class that only has static functions and
variables. You _can_ instantiate it, but every instance will share the
same state. In that way it is very similar to the Singleton pattern

In Python I haven't found a need for monostate, since you can override
__new__ and return exactly the same instance. However, you you wanted
to be able to inherit a monostate object and share some of the state
between the class and subclass it might still be useful.

Perhaps if you post some example code?


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Terry Reedy

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Consider a factory function:

def factory(x):  # a toy example
alist = [x]
def foo():
return alist
return foo

Now suppose we instantiate the factory (for lack of a better term):

f1 = factory(0)
f2 = factory(0)

Your factory is returning closures.  This is the functional equivalent 
of a class returning instances.

class factory(object):
  def __init__(self, x):
self.alist = [x]
  def __call__(self):
return self.alist

Even though f1 and f2 have the same behaviour, they are obviously not the 
same object. And although both return a list [0], it is not the same list:

f1() == f2() == [0]


f1() is f2()


same results

They have a (very little) amount of state, which is *not* shared:

L = f1()

[0, 1]



same results

But there's only a limited amount of state that functions carry around.

That is why Python has class statements.

 And instances share at least some state, by virtue of having the same 

If the only class attributes are methods and you do mutate the class, 
then the fact that f1.__class__ is f2.__class__ is not really shared state.

[from a later post]
But that's precisely what I want to avoid: I don't want the objects to
share *any* state, not even their class.

Unless you can show how sharing an immutable __class__ attribute is an 
actual impediment, this strike me as artificial pedantry and unnecessary 
self handcuffing.  And you obviously can make that attribute effectively 
immutable by ignoring it and also not changing the class itself.  It is 
just internal, implementation-defined bookkeeping.

The identity of immutable objects is irrelevant.  If part of your 
'unshared state' for each instance were a string, and two instances 
happened to have the same string value, would you be upset because the 
interpreter happened to use the same string object instead of two string 
objects with the same value?  Ditto for numbers, tuples, and so on.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Aaron Castironpi Brady a écrit :

On Sep 22, 8:45 am, Tim Rowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2008/9/22 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Sounds to me like a functor, aka a function object:

Ok, then the simple solution is to implement a callable type (__call__
method), possibly with appropriate support for the descriptor protocol if
it's meant to be usable as a method.

Yes -- and instantiate the thing and keep the state in the instance,
rather than keeping the state in the class, so that it's possible to
safely have more than one of them if a later design change calls for
it (probably what led people off onto the sidetrack of thinking a
singleton was called for).  That's the classic way of implementing a
class [to be] used as a function.

Tim Rowe

I think you are either looking for a class that has a generator, or a
generator that has a reference to itself.


Going back to robot-mode, Aaron ?

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Aaron Castironpi Brady
On Sep 22, 2:38 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
 Aaron Castironpi Brady a écrit :

  On Sep 22, 8:45 am, Tim Rowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  2008/9/22 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Sounds to me like a functor, aka a function object:
  Ok, then the simple solution is to implement a callable type (__call__
  method), possibly with appropriate support for the descriptor protocol if
  it's meant to be usable as a method.
  Yes -- and instantiate the thing and keep the state in the instance,
  rather than keeping the state in the class, so that it's possible to
  safely have more than one of them if a later design change calls for
  it (probably what led people off onto the sidetrack of thinking a
  singleton was called for).  That's the classic way of implementing a
  class [to be] used as a function.

  Tim Rowe

  I think you are either looking for a class that has a generator, or a
  generator that has a reference to itself.


 Going back to robot-mode, Aaron ?

Not getting the same sense of soul as from my usual posts.  I guess
so.  Might even drop the name change, too... while I'm at it.  One
more word from you about it and I'm starting a thread, and calling it,
Python and my sense of 'soul'.  Ha ha.

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Aaron Castironpi Brady a écrit :

On Sep 22, 2:38 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers


Going back to robot-mode, Aaron ?

Not getting the same sense of soul as from my usual posts.  I guess
so.  Might even drop the name change, too...

Don't !-)

while I'm at it.  One
more word from you about it  and I'm starting a thread, and calling it,
Python and my sense of 'soul'.  Ha ha.

Please bear with me - and understand that the above half-backed 
half-joke was also an implicit aknowledgement of the recent changes in 
your mode of communication. I should have added a wink, I think...


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Aaron Castironpi Brady
On Sep 22, 3:28 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
 Aaron Castironpi Brady a écrit :

  On Sep 22, 2:38 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers
  Going back to robot-mode, Aaron ?

  Not getting the same sense of soul as from my usual posts.  I guess
  so.  Might even drop the name change, too...

 Don't !-)

  while I'm at it.  One
  more word from you about it  and I'm starting a thread, and calling it,
  Python and my sense of 'soul'.  Ha ha.

 Please bear with me - and understand that the above half-backed
 half-joke was also an implicit aknowledgement of the recent changes in
 your mode of communication. I should have added a wink, I think...

I can attribute it to a change in environment.  Going back to robot
mode would imply one wasn't always in it, and as such I interpreted a
tacit compliment.  Thank you for the compliment, Bruno.  I don't
suppose starting a thread is much of a threat, after all... at least
in isolation.

Regardless, as I've stated, I find the feedback valuable that there
seems (to people) to be more than one context that I'm writing from,
and I appreciate the chance to learn about it.  It's an observation an
erst friend made once that one can never perceive oneself directly.
(Whether that's a virtue depends on what difference there is between
self-conscious, and self-aware.)

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:41:46 +1000, James Mills wrote:

 On 22 Sep 2008 09:07:43 GMT, Steven D'Aprano
 But that's precisely what I want to avoid: I don't want the objects to
  share *any* state, not even their class. I'm not trying for a Borg or
  Singleton: the user can call the factory as many times as they want,
  but the objects returned shouldn't share any state. I don't know if
  what I want has a name. Judging from people's reactions, I'd say
  probably not.
 Snce when are users ever involved
 in programming problems or programming languages ?

What an astounding question.

Consider a class. There are the programmers who write the class, and 
there are the programmers (possibly the same people, but not necessarily) 
who use the class. The second set of people, the programmers who use the 
class, are *users* of the class. What else would they be?


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Aaron Castironpi Brady
On Sep 22, 5:32 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:41:46 +1000, James Mills wrote:
  On 22 Sep 2008 09:07:43 GMT, Steven D'Aprano
  But that's precisely what I want to avoid: I don't want the objects to
   share *any* state, not even their class. I'm not trying for a Borg or
   Singleton: the user can call the factory as many times as they want,
   but the objects returned shouldn't share any state. I don't know if
   what I want has a name. Judging from people's reactions, I'd say
   probably not.

  Snce when are users ever involved
  in programming problems or programming languages ?

 What an astounding question.

 Consider a class. There are the programmers who write the class, and
 there are the programmers (possibly the same people, but not necessarily)
 who use the class. The second set of people, the programmers who use the
 class, are *users* of the class. What else would they be?



Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread MRAB
On Sep 22, 11:46 pm, Aaron \Castironpi\ Brady
 On Sep 22, 5:32 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:41:46 +1000, James Mills wrote:
   On 22 Sep 2008 09:07:43 GMT, Steven D'Aprano
   But that's precisely what I want to avoid: I don't want the objects to
    share *any* state, not even their class. I'm not trying for a Borg or
    Singleton: the user can call the factory as many times as they want,
    but the objects returned shouldn't share any state. I don't know if
    what I want has a name. Judging from people's reactions, I'd say
    probably not.

   Snce when are users ever involved
   in programming problems or programming languages ?

  What an astounding question.

  Consider a class. There are the programmers who write the class, and
  there are the programmers (possibly the same people, but not necessarily)
  who use the class. The second set of people, the programmers who use the
  class, are *users* of the class. What else would they be?



And professionals are programmers, amateurs are amgrammers and newbies
are newgrammers? :-)

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Aaron Castironpi Brady
On Sep 22, 6:55 pm, MRAB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 22, 11:46 pm, Aaron \Castironpi\ Brady

  On Sep 22, 5:32 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:41:46 +1000, James Mills wrote:
On 22 Sep 2008 09:07:43 GMT, Steven D'Aprano
But that's precisely what I want to avoid: I don't want the objects to
 share *any* state, not even their class. I'm not trying for a Borg or
 Singleton: the user can call the factory as many times as they want,
 but the objects returned shouldn't share any state. I don't know if
 what I want has a name. Judging from people's reactions, I'd say
 probably not.

Snce when are users ever involved
in programming problems or programming languages ?

   What an astounding question.

   Consider a class. There are the programmers who write the class, and
   there are the programmers (possibly the same people, but not necessarily)
   who use the class. The second set of people, the programmers who use the
   class, are *users* of the class. What else would they be?



 And professionals are programmers, amateurs are amgrammers and newbies
 are newgrammers? :-)

Not to be rude, but no.  Usegrammers usegram.

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-22 Thread Craig Allen
 Snce when are users ever involved
 in programming problems or programming
 languages ?

since the begining, the first users are programmers, users of your

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-21 Thread James Mills

Wouldn't a normal class called State
suffice for storing state between calls ?
And ... Creating a state instance ?

For example:

class State(object):
   State() - new state object

   Creates a new state object that is suitable
   for holding different states of an application.
   Usefull in state-machines.

   The way this works is rather simple. You create a new
   state object, and simply set the state. If the state
   doesn't exist, it's added to it's internal data
   structure. The reason this is done is so that
   comparing states is consistent, and you can't just
   compare with a non-existent state.

   def __init__(self):
  initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

  self._states = {}
  self._next = 0

  # Default States


   def __repr__(self):
 return State: %s % self._state
  except AttributeError:
 return State: ???

   def __str__(self):
  return self._state

   def __eq__(self, s):
  return s in self._states and self._state == s

   def __lt__(self, s):
  return s in self._states and self._state == s and \
self._states[s]  self._states[self._state]

   def __gr__(self, s):
  return s in self._states and self._state == s and \
self._states[s]  self._states[self._state]

   def _add(self, s):
  self._states[s] = self._next
  self._next = self._next + 1

   def set(self, s):
  S.set(s) - None

  Set the current state to the specified state given by s,
  adding it if it doesn't exist.

  if s not in self._states:

  self._state = s


On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 8:39 AM, Steven D'Aprano
 I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of using
 the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use the class
 directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used as a function
 that keeps state from one call to the next.

 The problem is that I don't know what to call such a thing! Abstract
 class isn't right, because that implies that you should subclass the
 class and then instantiate the subclasses.

 What do you call such a class?


-- Problems are solved by method

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-21 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Fixing top-posting.

On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 08:54:43 +1000, James Mills wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 8:39 AM, Steven D'Aprano
 I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of
 using the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use
 the class directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used
 as a function that keeps state from one call to the next.

 Wouldn't a normal class called State
 suffice for storing state between calls ? And ... Creating a state
 instance ?
 For example:

That's a rather big example for a rather small question.

Yes, a normal class would work in many cases. In this case, the class 
itself is being produced by a factory function, and it's output is an 
iterator. Having to call:

cls = factory()
instance = cls()
result = instance()

to get anything done seems excessive, even if you write it as a one-liner 
result = factory()()().

I'm not wedded to the idea, there are alternatives (perhaps the factory 
should instantiate the class and return that?) but I assume others have 
used this design and have a name for it.


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-21 Thread James Mills
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 9:05 AM, Steven D'Aprano
 I'm not wedded to the idea, there are alternatives (perhaps the factory
 should instantiate the class and return that?) but I assume others have
 used this design and have a name for it.

The problem is, I don't see why you're using a class
to store state in the first place.


-- Problems are solved by method

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-21 Thread Calvin Spealman
I call it an obvious misuse and misunderstanding of why you'd use a class in
the first place. Either create an instance and not make these things
classmethods or just share the stuff in a module-level set of variables. But
the instantiating is the best options. Your class attributes might not be
globals, but you're still using global state and you should avoid it where
you can.

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 6:39 PM, Steven D'Aprano 

 I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of using
 the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use the class
 directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used as a function
 that keeps state from one call to the next.

 The problem is that I don't know what to call such a thing! Abstract
 class isn't right, because that implies that you should subclass the
 class and then instantiate the subclasses.

 What do you call such a class?


Read my blog! I depend on your acceptance of my opinion! I am interesting!
Follow me if you're into that sort of thing:

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-21 Thread bearophileHUGS
Steven D'Aprano:
 I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of using
 the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use the class
 directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used as a function
 that keeps state from one call to the next.

You may use a module too for that, with normal functions inside, plus
module variables that keep the state. Modules can't be instantiated, I


Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-21 Thread James Mills
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 9:39 AM, Calvin Spealman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I call it an obvious misuse and misunderstanding of why you'd use a class in
 the first place. Either create an instance and not make these things
 classmethods or just share the stuff in a module-level set of variables. But
 the instantiating is the best options. Your class attributes might not be
 globals, but you're still using global state and you should avoid it where
 you can.

I concur. Use a _proper_  state object that you share
amongst your other objects. For instance, in many of
my systems and applications I write, I often have
an Environment instance, which is a container
object that holds other objects required by parts
of the system. Every other component/object in the
system that is instantiated recievees exactly one
instnace of thie Environment called, env.

Accessing shared states amongst components/objects
within the system is as simple as this:

class Foo(object):

   def __init__(self, env, *args, **kwargs):
  self.env = env

   def foo(self):
  if self.env.some_state:
 print Do something useful

env = Environment()
foo = Foo(env)


-- Problems are solved by method

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-21 Thread Aaron Castironpi Brady
On Sep 21, 6:05 pm, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fixing top-posting.

 On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 08:54:43 +1000, James Mills wrote:
  On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 8:39 AM, Steven D'Aprano
  I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of
  using the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I use
  the class directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is used
  as a function that keeps state from one call to the next.



  Wouldn't a normal class called State
  suffice for storing state between calls ? And ... Creating a state
  instance ?

  For example:


 That's a rather big example for a rather small question.

 Yes, a normal class would work in many cases. In this case, the class
 itself is being produced by a factory function, and it's output is an
 iterator. Having to call:

 cls = factory()
 instance = cls()
 result = instance()

 to get anything done seems excessive, even if you write it as a one-liner
 result = factory()()().

 I'm not wedded to the idea, there are alternatives (perhaps the factory
 should instantiate the class and return that?) but I assume others have
 used this design and have a name for it.


Do you want anything from it that a dictionary doesn't have, besides
the dot-member access?

Re: What do you call a class not intended to be instantiated

2008-09-21 Thread Ben Finney
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have a class which is not intended to be instantiated. Instead of
 using the class to creating an instance and then operate on it, I
 use the class directly, with classmethods. Essentially, the class is
 used as a function that keeps state from one call to the next.

Classes aren't designed to keep state; state is kept in instances.

I think you want Alex Martelli's 'Borg' pattern
which is a class where each instance shares the same state.

 \ “Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “I think so, |
  `\ Brain, but there's still a bug stuck in here from last time.” |
_o__)   —_Pinky and The Brain_ |
Ben Finney