Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-02-05 Thread Steve Holden
Paul Boddie wrote:
 Paul Rubin wrote:
 Right, the problem is if those methods start changing the private
 variable.  I should have been more explicit about that.

 class A:
def __init__(self):
   self.__x = 3
def foo(self):
   return self.__x

 class B(A): pass

 class A(B):
def bar(self):
  self.__x = 5   # clobbers private variable of earlier class named A
 Has this ever been reported as a bug in Python? I could imagine more
 sophisticated name mangling: something to do with the identity of the
 class might be sufficient, although that would make the tolerated
 subversive access to private attributes rather difficult.
It would also force the mangling to take place at run-time, which would 
probably affect efficiently pretty adversely (thinks: should really 
check that mangling is a static mechanism before posting this).

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Blog of Note:
See you at PyCon?


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-02-05 Thread Bart Ogryczak
 Coming from a C++ / C# background, the lack of emphasis on private data
 seems weird to me. I've often found wrapping private data useful to
 prevent bugs and enforce error checking..

 It appears to me (perhaps wrongly) that Python prefers to leave class
 data public.  What is the logic behind that choice?

Often it´s a question of efficiency. Function calls in Python are
bloody slow. There is no inline directive, since it´s intepreted,
not compiled. Eg. consider code like that:

class MyWhatever:
  def getSomeAttr(self):
   return self._someAttr
  def getSomeOtherAttr(self):
return self._someOtherAttr

[x.getSomeAttr() for x in listOfMyWhatevers if x.getSomeOtherAttr() ==

You´d get it running hundreds times faster doing it the wrong way:

[x._someAttr for x in listOfMyWhatevers if x._someOtherAttr ==


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-02-05 Thread Paul Rubin
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  class A(B):
 def bar(self):
   self.__x = 5   # clobbers private variable of earlier class named A
  Has this ever been reported as a bug in Python? I could imagine more
  sophisticated name mangling: something to do with the identity of the
  class might be sufficient, although that would make the tolerated
  subversive access to private attributes rather difficult.
 It would also force the mangling to take place at run-time, which
 would probably affect efficiently pretty adversely (thinks: should
 really check that mangling is a static mechanism before posting this).

I think it could still be done statically.  For example, the mangling
could include a random number created at compile time when the class
definition is compiled, that would also get stored in the class object.

I guess there are other ways to create classes than class statements
and those would have to be addressed too.

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-10 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 09 Jan 2007 10:27:56 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

  Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, 08 Jan 2007 13:11:14 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
   When you hear a programmer use the word probability -
   then its time to fire him, as in programming even the lowest
   probability is a certainty when you are doing millions of
   things a second.
  That is total and utter nonsense and displays the most appalling
  misunderstanding of probability, not to mention a shocking lack of common
  Strong words.
  If you don't understand you need merely ask, so let me elucidate:
  If there is some small chance of something occurring at run time that can
  cause code to fail - a low probability in all the accepted senses of the
  word - and a programmer declaims - There is such a low probability of
  that occurring and its so difficult to cater for that I won't bother
  - then am I supposed to congratulate him on his wisdom and outstanding
  common sense?
  Hardly. - If anything can go wrong, it will. - to paraphrase Murphy's law.
  To illustrate:
  If there is one place in any piece of code that is critical and not
  even if its in a relatively rarely called routine, then because of the high
  speed of operations, and the fact that time is essentially infinite,

 Time is essentially infinite? Do you really expect your code will still be
 in use fifty years from now, let alone a billion years?

My code does not suffer from bit rot, so it should outlast the hardware...

But seriously - for the sort of mistakes we make as programmers - it does
not actually need infinite time for the lightning to strike - most things that
will actually run overnight are probably stable - and if it takes say a week
of running for the bug to raise its head - it is normally a very difficult
problem to find and fix. A case in point - One of my first postings to
this newsgroup concerned an intermittent failure on a serial port - It was
never resolved in a satisfactory manner - eventually I followed my gut
feel, made some changes, and it seems to have gone away - but I expect
it to bite me anytime - I don't actually *know* that its fixed, and there is
not, as a corollary to your sum below here, any real way to know for

 I know flowcharts have fallen out of favour in IT, and rightly so -- they
 don't model modern programming techniques very well, simply because modern
 programming techniques would lead to a chart far too big to be practical.

I actually like drawing data flow diagrams, even if they are sketchy, primitive
ones, to try to model the inter process communications (where a process
may be just a python thread) - I find it useful to keep an overall perspective.

 But for the sake of the exercise, imagine a simplified flowchart of some
 program, one with a mere five components, such that one could take any of
 the following paths through the program:

 START - A - B - C - D - E
 START - A - C - B - D - E
 START - A - C - D - B - E
 START - E - D - C - B - A

 There are 5! (five factorial) = 120 possible paths through the program.

 Now imagine one where there are just fifty components, still quite a
 small program, giving 50! = 3e64 possible paths. Now suppose that there is
 a bug that results from following just one of those paths. That would
 match your description of lowest probability -- any lower and it would
 be zero.

 If all of the paths are equally likely to be taken, and the program takes
 a billion different paths each millisecond, on average it would take about
 1.5e55 milliseconds to hit the bug -- or about 5e44 YEARS of continual
 usage. If every person on Earth did nothing but run this program 24/7, it
 would still take on average almost sixty million billion billion billion
 years to discover the bug.

In something with just 50 components it is, I believe, better to try to
inspect the quality in, than to hope that random testing will show up
errors - But I suppose this is all about design, and about avoiding
doing known no - nos.

 But of course in reality some paths are more likely than others. If the
 bug happens to exist in a path that is executed often, or if it exists
 in many paths, then the bug will be found quickly. On the other hand, if
 the bug is in a path that is rarely executed, your buggy program may be
 more reliable than the hardware you run it on. (Cynics may say that isn't

Oh I am of the opposite conviction - Like the fellow of the Circuit Cellar
I forget his name ( Steve Circia (?) ) who said:  My favourite Programming
Language is Solder... I find that when I start blaming the hardware
for something that is going wrong, I am seldom right...

And this is true also for hardware that we make ourselves, that one would
expect to be buggy, because it is new and untested.  It is almost as if the
tools used in hardware design are somehow less buggy than a programmer's

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-10 Thread Gabriel Genellina

At Wednesday 10/1/2007 04:33, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

Oh I am of the opposite conviction - Like the fellow of the Circuit Cellar
I forget his name ( Steve Circia (?) ) who said:  My favourite Programming
Language is Solder..

Almost right: Steve Ciarcia.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. 
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
¡Probalo ya! 


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-09 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 08 Jan 2007 13:11:14 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

  When you hear a programmer use the word probability -
  then its time to fire him, as in programming even the lowest
  probability is a certainty when you are doing millions of
  things a second.

 That is total and utter nonsense and displays the most appalling
 misunderstanding of probability, not to mention a shocking lack of common


Strong words.

If you don't understand you need merely ask, so let me elucidate:

If there is some small chance of something occurring at run time that can
cause code to fail - a low probability in all the accepted senses of the
word - and a programmer declaims - There is such a low probability of
that occurring and its so difficult to cater for that I won't bother
- then am I supposed to congratulate him on his wisdom and outstanding
common sense?

Hardly. - If anything can go wrong, it will. - to paraphrase Murphy's law.

To illustrate:
If there is one place in any piece of code that is critical and not protected,
even if its in a relatively rarely called routine, then because of the high
speed of operations, and the fact that time is essentially infinite, it WILL
fail, sooner or later, no matter how miniscule the apparent probability
of it occurring on any one iteration is.

How is this a misunderstanding of probability?  - probability applies to any one
trial, so in a series of trials, when the number of trials is large enough - in
order of the inverse of the probability, then ones expectation must be that the
rare occurrence should occur...

There is a very low probability that any one gas molecule will collide with any
other one in a container - and  Surprise!  Surprise!  there is nevertheless
something like the mean free path...

That kind of covers the math, albeit in a non algebraic way, so as not to
confuse what Newton used to call Little Smatterers...

Now how does all this show a shocking lack of common sense?

- Hendrik


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-09 Thread sturlamolden


 I let the user change the internal state of the engine, I have no
 assurances that my product (the engine) is doing its job...

How would you proceed to protect this inner states? In C++ private
members they can be accessed through a cast to void pointer. In Java it
can be done through introspection. In C# it can be done through
introspection or casting to void pointer in an 'unsafe' block. There is
no way you can protect inner states of an object, it is just an
illusion you may have.

Python have properties as well. Properties has nothing to do with
hiding attributes.


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-09 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 09 Jan 2007 10:27:56 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 08 Jan 2007 13:11:14 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

  When you hear a programmer use the word probability -
  then its time to fire him, as in programming even the lowest
  probability is a certainty when you are doing millions of
  things a second.

 That is total and utter nonsense and displays the most appalling
 misunderstanding of probability, not to mention a shocking lack of common
 Strong words.
 If you don't understand you need merely ask, so let me elucidate:
 If there is some small chance of something occurring at run time that can
 cause code to fail - a low probability in all the accepted senses of the
 word - and a programmer declaims - There is such a low probability of
 that occurring and its so difficult to cater for that I won't bother
 - then am I supposed to congratulate him on his wisdom and outstanding
 common sense?
 Hardly. - If anything can go wrong, it will. - to paraphrase Murphy's law.
 To illustrate:
 If there is one place in any piece of code that is critical and not protected,
 even if its in a relatively rarely called routine, then because of the high
 speed of operations, and the fact that time is essentially infinite, 

Time is essentially infinite? Do you really expect your code will still be
in use fifty years from now, let alone a billion years?

I know flowcharts have fallen out of favour in IT, and rightly so -- they
don't model modern programming techniques very well, simply because modern
programming techniques would lead to a chart far too big to be practical.
But for the sake of the exercise, imagine a simplified flowchart of some
program, one with a mere five components, such that one could take any of
the following paths through the program:

START - A - B - C - D - E
START - A - C - B - D - E
START - A - C - D - B - E
START - E - D - C - B - A

There are 5! (five factorial) = 120 possible paths through the program.

Now imagine one where there are just fifty components, still quite a
small program, giving 50! = 3e64 possible paths. Now suppose that there is
a bug that results from following just one of those paths. That would
match your description of lowest probability -- any lower and it would
be zero.

If all of the paths are equally likely to be taken, and the program takes
a billion different paths each millisecond, on average it would take about
1.5e55 milliseconds to hit the bug -- or about 5e44 YEARS of continual
usage. If every person on Earth did nothing but run this program 24/7, it
would still take on average almost sixty million billion billion billion
years to discover the bug.

But of course in reality some paths are more likely than others. If the
bug happens to exist in a path that is executed often, or if it exists
in many paths, then the bug will be found quickly. On the other hand, if
the bug is in a path that is rarely executed, your buggy program may be
more reliable than the hardware you run it on. (Cynics may say that isn't

You're project manager for the development team. Your lead developer tells
you that he knows this bug exists (never mind how, he's very clever) and
that the probability of reaching that bug in use is about 3e-64. 

If it were easy to fix, the developer wouldn't even have mentioned it.
This is a really hard bug to fix, it's going to require some major
changes to the program, maybe even a complete re-think of the program.
Removing this bug could even introduce dozens, hundreds of new bugs.

So okay Mister Project Manager. What do you do? Do you sack the developer,
like you said? How many dozens or hundreds of man-hours are you prepared
to put into this? If the money is coming out of your pocket, how much are
you willing to spend to fix this bug?


 How is this a misunderstanding of probability?  - probability applies to
 any one trial, so in a series of trials, when the number of trials is
 large enough - in the
 order of the inverse of the probability, then ones expectation must be
 that the rare occurrence should occur...

Even the lowest probability is a certainty is mathematically nonsense:
it just isn't true -- no matter how many iterations, the probability is
always a little less than one. And you paper over a hole in your argument
with when the number of trials is large enough -- if the probability is
small enough, large enough could be unimaginably huge indeed.

Or, to put it another way, while anything with a non-zero probability
_might_ happen (you might drop a can of soft drink on your computer,
shorting it out and _just by chance_ causing it to fire off a perfectly
formatted email containing a poem about penguins) we are justified in
writing off small enough probabilities as negligible. It's not that they
can't happen, but the chances of doing so are so small that we can rightly
expect to never see them happen.

You might like to read up on 

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Paul Boddie
Paul Rubin wrote:

 Right, the problem is if those methods start changing the private
 variable.  I should have been more explicit about that.

 class A:
def __init__(self):
   self.__x = 3
def foo(self):
   return self.__x

 class B(A): pass

 class A(B):
def bar(self):
  self.__x = 5   # clobbers private variable of earlier class named A

Has this ever been reported as a bug in Python? I could imagine more
sophisticated name mangling: something to do with the identity of the
class might be sufficient, although that would make the tolerated
subversive access to private attributes rather difficult.



Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Paul Rubin
Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Has this ever been reported as a bug in Python? I could imagine more
 sophisticated name mangling: something to do with the identity of the
 class might be sufficient, although that would make the tolerated
 subversive access to private attributes rather difficult.

If you mean the object id, I don't think you can use it for name
mangling, since the mangled names have to survive code marshalling
and you may end up with different object id's.

I've just never encountered any legitimate use for the subversive
access and if it's really necessary, it's better to do it through some
kind of well-designed reflection interface in the class, rather than
with a crock like name mangling.

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Duncan Booth
Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Paul Rubin wrote:

 Right, the problem is if those methods start changing the private
 variable.  I should have been more explicit about that.

 class A:
def __init__(self):
   self.__x = 3
def foo(self):
   return self.__x

 class B(A): pass

 class A(B):
def bar(self):
  self.__x = 5   # clobbers private variable of earlier class named A
 Has this ever been reported as a bug in Python? I could imagine more
 sophisticated name mangling: something to do with the identity of the
 class might be sufficient, although that would make the tolerated
 subversive access to private attributes rather difficult.
If it worries you then you can always check for it and disallow any 
hierarchies where it could be a problem. For that matter PyChecker ought to 
be able to catch this situation (maybe it already does, I haven't looked).

 class SafetyNet(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
print new,name
c = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
assert not name in [b.__name__ for b in c.__mro__[1:]]
return c

 __metaclass__ = SafetyNet
 class A: pass

new A
 class B(A): pass

new B
 class A(B): pass

new A

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#24, line 1, in module
class A(B): pass
  File pyshell#17, line 5, in __new__
assert not name in [b.__name__ for b in c.__mro__[1:]]


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 07 Jan 2007 23:49:21 -0800, Paul Rubin wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Just how often do you inherit from two identically-named classes
 both of which use identically-named private attributes?
 I have no idea how often if ever.

You've established that there's a name conflict when you do so, which
leads to bugs. So how often do you get bitten by that particular type of

 I inherit from library classes all
 the time, without trying to examine what superclasses they use.  If my
 subclass happens to have the same name as a superclass of some library
 class (say Tkinter) this could happen.  Whether it ever DOES happen, I
 don't know, I could only find out by examining the implementation
 details of every library class I ever use, and I could only prevent it
 by remembering those details.

class MySubClass(SomeSuperclass):
except AttributeError:
__my_private_attribute = some_value
raise ValueError(Name conflict with private attribute!)

Problem solved.


 That is an abstraction leak and is
 dangerous and unnecessary.  The name mangling scheme is a crock.  How
 often does anyone ever have a good reason for using it, 

Exactly. I never use it.

The truth of the matter is, MyClass.__private is not private at all. It is
still a public attribute with a slightly unexpected name. In other words,
if you want to code defensively, you should simply assume that Python has
no private attributes, and code accordingly.

Problem solved.



Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Paul Boddie
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 The truth of the matter is, MyClass.__private is not private at all. It is
 still a public attribute with a slightly unexpected name. In other words,
 if you want to code defensively, you should simply assume that Python has
 no private attributes, and code accordingly.

 Problem solved.

Well, it isn't really solved - it's more avoided than anything else.

Still, if one deconstructs the use of private data in various
programming languages, one can identify the following roles (amongst

 1. The prevention of access to data from program sections
not belonging to a particular component.
(The classic keep out mechanism.)
 2. The enforcement of distinct namespaces within components.
(Making sure that subclass attributes and superclass attributes
can co-exist.)
 3. To support stable storage layouts and binary compatibility.

Most Python adherents don't care too much about #1, and Python isn't
driven by the need for #3, mostly due to the way structures (modules,
classes, objects) are accessed by the virtual machine. However, one
thing which does worry some people is #2, and in a way it's the
forgotten but more significant benefit of private data.

Before I became completely aware of the significance of #2, I remember
using various standard library classes which are meant to be subclassed
and built upon, thinking that if I accidentally re-used an attribute
name then the operation of such classes would be likely to fail in
fairly bizarre ways. Of course, a quick browse of the source code for
sgmllib.SGMLParser informed me of the pitfalls, and I'm sure that
various tools could also be informative without the need to load into a text editor, but if I had been fully aware of the
benefits of private attributes and could have been sure that such
attributes had been used (again, a tool might have given such
assurances) then I wouldn't have needed to worry.

So I suppose that to code accordingly in the context of your advice
involves a manual inspection of the source code of superclasses or the
usage of additional tools. Yet I suppose that this isn't necessarily
unusual behaviour when working with large systems.



Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Paul Rubin
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I have no idea how often if ever.
 You've established that there's a name conflict when you do so, which
 leads to bugs. So how often do you get bitten by that particular type of bug?

I don't know.  Likely zero, possibly not.  I'm sure I've written many
bugs that have never been detected by me or anyone else.  I've
probably written bugs that crashed an application for some user but
they just cursed me out and never bothered to tell me about the crash.
Maybe I've even written bugs that leaked a user's private data without
the user noticing, but discovered by some attacker intercepting the
data who is cackling about the bug while keeping it secret.  There's
no way for me to think I'll ever find out.

I'd much prefer to be able to say of any type of bug, the number is
exactly zero as a known fact, because it's inherent in Python's design
that it's impossible to have that type of bug.  Language designs
should aim to let programmers say things like that as often as possible.

 class MySubClass(SomeSuperclass): ...
 raise ValueError(Name conflict with private attribute!) 
 Problem solved.

No good, Python allows creating classes and attributes on the fly.
The superclass could create its private variable after the subclass is created.

 The truth of the matter is, MyClass.__private is not private at all. It is
 still a public attribute with a slightly unexpected name. In other words,
 if you want to code defensively, you should simply assume that Python has
 no private attributes, and code accordingly.
 Problem solved.

Well, problem moved, not problem solved.  Now you have the problem
of having to know the names of every attribute any related class might
use when you write your own class.  That is why other languages have
private variables and Python has name mangling--to solve a real problem.
Except Python's solution is a leaky kludge.

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you want to write bug-free code, pessimism is the name of the game.

A healthy touch of paranoia does not come amiss either...

And even then things foul up in strange ways because your head
is never quite literal enough.

When you hear a programmer use the word probability -
then its time to fire him, as in programming even the lowest 
probability is a certainty when you are doing millions of 
things a second.

But this is off topic, really - I don't think that hiding things make 
much difference, especially as the python hiding is not absolute.

- Hendrik


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread hg
sturlamolden wrote:

 The designers of Java, C++, C#, Ada95, Delphi, etc. seem to think that
 if an object's 'internal' variables or states cannot be kept private,
 programmers get an irresistible temptation to mess with them in
 malicious ways. But if you are that stupid, should you be programming
 in any language? The most widely used language is still C, and there is
 no concept of private data in C either, nor is it needed.

void test(void)
  static int i;

Do you agree that i is private to test ?



Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-01-08, Paul Rubin http wrote:
 Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I'd be quite concerned about the design environment rather than the
 immediate code... Probably need something ugly like...
 from mod1 import B as B1
 from mod2 import B as B2
 class A(B1, B2):

 Interesting.  I just tried that. contains:

 class B:
 def foo(self): self.__x = 'mod1' contains:

 class B:
 def bar(self): self.__x = 'mod2'

 And the test is:

 from mod1 import B as B1
 from mod2 import B as B2

 class A(B1, B2): pass

 a = A()
 print a._B__x
 print a._B__x

 Sure enough, mod2 messes up mod1's private variable.

When faced with this situation, is there any way to proceed
besides using composition instead?

Neil Cerutti
We've got to pause and ask ourselves: How much clean air do we really need?
--Lee Iacocca

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-01-08, hg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sturlamolden wrote:

 The designers of Java, C++, C#, Ada95, Delphi, etc. seem to think that
 if an object's 'internal' variables or states cannot be kept private,
 programmers get an irresistible temptation to mess with them in
 malicious ways. But if you are that stupid, should you be programming
 in any language? The most widely used language is still C, and there is
 no concept of private data in C either, nor is it needed.

 void test(void)
   static int i;

 Do you agree that i is private to test ?

In C one uses the pointer to opaque struct idiom to hide data.
For example, the standard FILE pointer.

Neil Cerutti

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Jussi Salmela
Neil Cerutti kirjoitti:
 On 2007-01-08, hg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sturlamolden wrote:

 The designers of Java, C++, C#, Ada95, Delphi, etc. seem to think that
 if an object's 'internal' variables or states cannot be kept private,
 programmers get an irresistible temptation to mess with them in
 malicious ways. But if you are that stupid, should you be programming
 in any language? The most widely used language is still C, and there is
 no concept of private data in C either, nor is it needed.

 void test(void)
   static int i;

 Do you agree that i is private to test ?
 In C one uses the pointer to opaque struct idiom to hide data.
 For example, the standard FILE pointer.

To surlamolden: I don't know how you define private, but if one defines 
in C an external static variable i.e. a variable outside any functions, 
on the file level, the scope of the variable is that file only.

To hg: One does not need in C the static keyword to make a variable 
defined inside a function i.e. a so called 'automatic variable' private 
to that test. Automatic variables are private to their function by 
definition. The static keyword makes the variable permanent i.e. it 
keeps its value between calls but it is of course private also.

To Neil Cerutti: If a programmer in C has got a pointer to some piece of 
memory, that piece is at the mercy of the programmer. There's no data 
hiding at all in this case.

To whom it may concern: please stop comparing C and Python with regard 
to privacy and safety. They are two different worlds altogether. Believe 
me: I've been in this world for 2.5 years now after spending 19 years in 
the C world.


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Chris Mellon
Private data in the C++ and Java OO worlds is so taught so much and
emphasized so often that people have started thinking of it as being
desirable for its own sake. But the primary motivation for it grew out
of the need to maintain compatible interfaces. These languages rely on
a great deal of shared information between provides and clients of
interfaces in order to work correctly - public/private interfaces are
simply a reflection of that requirement (and the fact that your
clients still need to see the stuff you declare as private is an
example of a leak in that abstraction).

Python doesn't have these problems, so the only use for private
information is to warn your clients away from access to certain names.
There's no need for compiler enforcement of that, as a convention is
just as effective.

The remaining arguments are generally outgrowths of but my code is
SECRET, which just isn't true in general, even less true of Python,
and not really a healthy attitude anyway.

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Paul Boddie
Chris Mellon wrote:
 Private data in the C++ and Java OO worlds is so taught so much and
 emphasized so often that people have started thinking of it as being
 desirable for its own sake. But the primary motivation for it grew out
 of the need to maintain compatible interfaces.

This is generally true, yes.


 Python doesn't have these problems, so the only use for private
 information is to warn your clients away from access to certain names.
 There's no need for compiler enforcement of that, as a convention is
 just as effective.

You'll have to be more clear, here. If you're writing a subclass of
some other class then any usage of private attributes in the superclass
potentially provides the benefit of a free choice in attribute names in
the subclass. If you wanted to warn people away from certain names, it
would be the public attributes that would require the warning, noting
that your clients in this context includes people extending classes
as well as those merely instantiating and using them.

 The remaining arguments are generally outgrowths of but my code is
 SECRET, which just isn't true in general, even less true of Python,
 and not really a healthy attitude anyway.

I don't care about secret attributes, and the namespace privacy aspect
doesn't bother me enough to use private attributes anyway, especially
since I'm the author of most of the superclasses I'm extending. But
either providing namespace privacy or convenient tools to mitigate
namespace sharing seems fairly important to me, at least.



Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2007-01-08, Jussi Salmela [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Neil Cerutti kirjoitti:
 In C one uses the pointer to opaque struct idiom to hide data.
 For example, the standard FILE pointer.

 To Neil Cerutti: If a programmer in C has got a pointer to some
 piece of memory, that piece is at the mercy of the programmer.
 There's no data hiding at all in this case.

That's somewhat disingenuous. You get just as much data hiding
with an opaque data type in C as you get in C++ or Java.

Neil Cerutti
Potluck supper: prayer and medication to follow. --Church Bulletin Blooper

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wow, I got a lot more feedback than I expected!

I can see both sides of the argument, both on technical merits, and
more philosophical merits.  When I first learned C++ I felt
setters/getters were a waste of my time and extra code.  When I moved
to C# I still felt that, and with their 'Property syntax I perhaps
felt it more.  What changed my mind is when I started placing logic in
them to check for values and throw expections or (hopefully) correct
the data. That's probably reason one why I find it weird in Python

Reason two is, as the user of a class or API I *don't care* what is
going on inside. All I want visible is the data that I can change.  The
'_' convention is nice.. I do see that.  I guess my old OOP classes are
hard to forget about. I feel that the state of an object should be
stable and valid at all times, and if its going into an unstable
state - error then, not later.  That's why I like being able to protect
parts of an instances state. If, as a provider of a calculation engine,
I let the user change the internal state of the engine, I have no
assurances that my product (the engine) is doing its job...


I appreciate all the feed back and enjoyed reading the discussion. It
helps me understand why Python community has chosen the road they have.
- Thanks.


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
 Wow, I got a lot more feedback than I expected!
 I can see both sides of the argument, both on technical merits, and
 more philosophical merits.  When I first learned C++ I felt
 setters/getters were a waste of my time and extra code.  When I moved
 to C# I still felt that, and with their 'Property syntax I perhaps
 felt it more.  What changed my mind is when I started placing logic in
 them to check for values and throw expections or (hopefully) correct
 the data. That's probably reason one why I find it weird in Python

Python does have properties too. The point is that you can as well start 
with a plain attribute, then turn it into a computed one when (and if) 

 Reason two is, as the user of a class or API I *don't care* what is
 going on inside.

Very true... until you have a legitimate reason to mess with 
implementation because of a use case the author did not expect.

 All I want visible is the data that I can change.  The
 '_' convention is nice.. I do see that.  I guess my old OOP classes are
 hard to forget about.

Access restriction is not a mandatory part of OO. Of course, objects are 
supposed to be treated as black boxes, but that's also true of a 
binary executable, and nothing (technically) prevents you to open it 
with an hex editor and hack it as you see fit... But then, you would not 
complain about strange bugs, would you ?-)

 I feel that the state of an object should be
 stable and valid at all times,

That's fine. Just remember that, in Python, methods are attributes too, 
and can be dynamically modified too. So when thinking about object 
state, don't assume it only implies data attributes. Heck, you can 
even dynamically change the *class* of a Python object...

 and if its going into an unstable
 state - error then, not later.  That's why I like being able to protect
 parts of an instances state. If, as a provider of a calculation engine,
 I let the user change the internal state of the engine, I have no
 assurances that my product (the engine) is doing its job...

If you follow the convention, you are not responsible for what happens 
to peoples messing with implementation. period. Just like you're not 
responsible for what happens if someone hack your binary executable with 
an hex editor.

Welcome to Python, anyway.

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 08 Jan 2007 13:11:14 +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

 When you hear a programmer use the word probability -
 then its time to fire him, as in programming even the lowest 
 probability is a certainty when you are doing millions of 
 things a second.

That is total and utter nonsense and displays the most appalling
misunderstanding of probability, not to mention a shocking lack of common



Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread sturlamolden

Jussi Salmela wrote:

 To surlamolden: I don't know how you define private, but if one defines
 in C an external static variable i.e. a variable outside any functions,
 on the file level, the scope of the variable is that file only.

Sure, in C you can hide instances inside an object image by declaring
them static. But the real virtue of static declarations is to assist
the compiler.

My definition of 'private' for this thread is the private attribute
provided by C++, Java and C#. When I program C I use another idiom,


and it works just as well. The same idiom works for Python as well.

 To hg: One does not need in C the static keyword to make a variable
 defined inside a function i.e. a so called 'automatic variable' private
 to that test. Automatic variables are private to their function by
 definition. The static keyword makes the variable permanent i.e. it
 keeps its value between calls but it is of course private also.

 To Neil Cerutti: If a programmer in C has got a pointer to some piece of
 memory, that piece is at the mercy of the programmer. There's no data
 hiding at all in this case.

 To whom it may concern: please stop comparing C and Python with regard
 to privacy and safety. They are two different worlds altogether. Believe
 me: I've been in this world for 2.5 years now after spending 19 years in
 the C world.


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-08 Thread Andrea Griffini
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 That is total and utter nonsense and displays the most appalling
 misunderstanding of probability, not to mention a shocking lack of common

While I agree that the programming job itself is not
a program and hence the consider any possibility
simply doesn't make any sense I can find a bit of
truth in the general idea that *in programs* it is
dangerous to be deceived by probability.

When talking about correctness (that should be the
main concern) for a programmer almost never means
yes and almost always means not (probability
of course for example kicks in about efficency).

Like I said however this reasoning doesn't work
well applied to the programming process itself
(that is not a program... as programmers are not
CPUs; no matter what bigots of software engineering
approaches are hoping for).
Private variables are about the programming process,
not the program itself; and in my experience the
added value of C++ private machinery is very low
(and the added cost not invisible).
When working in C++ I like much more using
all-public abstract interfaces and module-level
all-public concrete class definitions (the so
called compiler firewall idiom).

Another thing on the same line of though of
private members (that should help programmers)
but for which I never ever saw *anything but costs*
is the broken idea of const correctness of C++.
Unfortunately that is not something that can be
avoided completely in C++, as it roots in the core
of the language.


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Andrea Griffini
Paul Rubin wrote:

  Yes I've had plenty of
 pointer related bugs in C programs that don't happen in GC'd
 languages, so GC in that sense saves my ass all the time.

My experience is different, I never suffered a lot for
leaking or dangling pointers in C++ programs; and on
the opposite I didn't expect that fighting with object
leaking in complex python applications was that difficult
(I've heard of zope applications that just gave up and
resorted to the reboot every now and then solution).

With a GC if you just don't plan ownership and disposal
carefully and everything works as expected then you're
saving some thinking and code, but if something goes
wrong then you're totally busted.
The GC leaky abstraction requires you to be lucky to
work well, but unfortunately IMO as code complexity
increases one is never lucky enough.


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   __ (two leading underscores) results in name-mangling. This /may/ be
 used to specify private data, but is really more useful when one is
 designing with multiple super classes:

Trouble with this is you can have two classes with the same name,
perhaps because they were defined in different modules, and then the
name mangling fails to tell them apart.

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Ben Artin

 Coming from a C++ / C# background, the lack of emphasis on private data
 seems weird to me. I've often found wrapping private data useful to
 prevent bugs and enforce error checking..
 It appears to me (perhaps wrongly) that Python prefers to leave class
 data public.  What is the logic behind that choice?
 Thanks any insight.

One thing that the other posters didn't mention is that if you access data 
members of a class in C++ you end up with a very tight coupling with that 
If the class later changes so that the data is no longer part of the public 
interface, then every user of the class has to change the code and recompile.

In Python, on the other hand, if I have a piece of public data that I later 
decide to replace with an accessor method, I can do that without changing any 
the code that uses the class. 

So, insistence on private data in C++ is a good thing because it reduces the 
level of coupling between a class and its clients. In Python, this is not an 
issue, because the same loose coupling can be obtained with data as well as 
accessor methods, and therefore public data is used when possible and private 
data when necessary.



If this message helped you, consider buying an item
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I changed my name:

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
On 07 Jan 2007 02:01:44 -0800, Paul Rubin wrote:
 Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
__ (two leading underscores) results in name-mangling. This /may/ be
  used to specify private data, but is really more useful when one is
  designing with multiple super classes:

 Trouble with this is you can have two classes with the same name,
 perhaps because they were defined in different modules, and then the
 name mangling fails to tell them apart.

What is the chance of having to inherit from two classes from
different modules but with exactly the same name *and* the same
instance variable name?

Of course you're being very pessimistic or extremely unlucky.


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Felipe Almeida Lessa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 What is the chance of having to inherit from two classes from
 different modules but with exactly the same name *and* the same
 instance variable name?
 Of course you're being very pessimistic or extremely unlucky.

If you want to write bug-free code, pessimism is the name of the game.

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread robert
 Coming from a C++ / C# background, the lack of emphasis on private data
 seems weird to me. I've often found wrapping private data useful to
 prevent bugs and enforce error checking..

What is the use of private declarations, if the names themselves are not 
verbose about it?

= You'll always search the class definition/doc to check if the member is 
below private or you wait for compiler errors. If you still want to override, 
you have to declare 'friends' and all that school boy stuff.

= Its not useful and efficient for programmers but probably more fulfilled 
teachers lust itching disciples, when those languages where invented.

Moreover, in those languages there is more or less a clash of namespaces: All 
globals, module globals, members, local variables and possibly 
'with'-variables. This confusion mixed with private declarations will soon 
provide a situation where one looses overview, what variable exactly was meant.

The syntax in Python with _'s and 'self.' and true modularization and minimal 
magic namespace behavior, but with explicit self-similiar access to objects, 
modules, functions and everything is overall most clear und effective. After 
all I don't know another language which behaves so well in this regard. 

Even Ruby (little positive: it has not even the 'global' variable declaration) 
is much more ill below the line in that modules,classes, methods/functions.. 
are not objects but namespaces, messages etc. - thus self-similarity is so 
broken, that this which will actually limit the power and scalability of this 


 It appears to me (perhaps wrongly) that Python prefers to leave class
 data public.  What is the logic behind that choice?
 Thanks any insight.

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread bearophileHUGS
Paul Rubin:
 Python certainly makes you spend more of your attention worrying
 about possible attribute name collisions between classes and their
 superclasses. And Python's name mangling scheme is leaky and
 bug-prone if you ever re-use class names.

 Trouble with this is you can have two classes with the same name,
 perhaps because they were defined in different modules, and then the
 name mangling fails to tell them apart.

Without changing Python syntax at all I think this situation may be
improved. Instead of Python applying name mangling to names with __
before them, it can manage them as private, a higher level kind of
management. And then if it's useful a new built-in function may be
invented to access such private attributes anyway. I think this may
solve your problem. (This is for Py3.0). Maybe a metaclass can be
invented to simulate such behavior to test and try it before modifying
the language itself.



Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On 06 Jan 2007 17:38:06 -0800, Paul Rubin http wrote:
 BJörn Lindqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 It is given that emphasizing private data (encapsulation) leads to
 more internal complexity and more lines of code because you have to
 write getters and setters and stuff.

 You can have public variables in Java if you choose to.  Writing
 private variables with public setters and getters is just a style choice.

Privates with getters/setters are (as I think someone else hinted) pretty
pointless. The interesting stuff is the private data that *is* private, i.e.
not meant for users at all.

But yes, I don't mind not having 'private:' in Python. I don't have
compile-time type checking anyway. In fact, I don't always know what the
attributes of my objects /are/ until runtime.

And besides, this is pretty close to a compile-time check:

  find -name \*.py | \
  xargs egrep '\._[_a-z]' | \
  fgrep -v self._


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/  R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Thomas Ploch
Jorgen Grahn schrieb:
 On 06 Jan 2007 17:38:06 -0800, Paul Rubin http wrote:
 BJörn Lindqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 It is given that emphasizing private data (encapsulation) leads to
 more internal complexity and more lines of code because you have to
 write getters and setters and stuff.
 You can have public variables in Java if you choose to.  Writing
 private variables with public setters and getters is just a style choice.
 Privates with getters/setters are (as I think someone else hinted) pretty
 pointless. The interesting stuff is the private data that *is* private, i.e.
 not meant for users at all.

Not really pointless, since you can hide your data structures that you
don't want to be fiddled around with (which for me is almost the only
point to use it).

 But yes, I don't mind not having 'private:' in Python. I don't have
 compile-time type checking anyway. In fact, I don't always know what the
 attributes of my objects /are/ until runtime.

Me neither, although I have to say that the '__' prefix comes pretty
close to being 'private' already. It depends on the definition of
private. For me, private means 'not accessible from outside the



Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Thomas Ploch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Me neither, although I have to say that the '__' prefix comes pretty
 close to being 'private' already. It depends on the definition of
 private. For me, private means 'not accessible from outside the

class A:
  __x = 3

class B(A):
  __x = 4   # ok

class C(B):
  __x = 5   # oops!

Consider that the above three class definitions might be in separate
files and you see how clumsy this gets.  

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Thomas Ploch
Paul Rubin schrieb:
 Thomas Ploch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Me neither, although I have to say that the '__' prefix comes pretty
 close to being 'private' already. It depends on the definition of
 private. For me, private means 'not accessible from outside the

 class A:
   __x = 3
 class B(A):
   __x = 4   # ok
 class C(B):
   __x = 5   # oops!
 Consider that the above three class definitions might be in separate
 files and you see how clumsy this gets.  

I don't understand why this should be oops, even if they are in
different files.

  a = A()
  print a._A__x
  b = B()
  print b._B__x
  c = C()
  print c._C__x
 ['_A__x', '_B__x', '_C__x', '__doc__', '__module__']
  print c._A__x
  print c._B__x

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread sturlamolden

 Coming from a C++ / C# background, the lack of emphasis on private data
 seems weird to me. I've often found wrapping private data useful to
 prevent bugs and enforce error checking..

 It appears to me (perhaps wrongly) that Python prefers to leave class
 data public.  What is the logic behind that choice?

The designers of Java, C++, C#, Ada95, Delphi, etc. seem to think that
if an object's 'internal' variables or states cannot be kept private,
programmers get an irresistible temptation to mess with them in
malicious ways. But if you are that stupid, should you be programming
in any language? The most widely used language is still C, and there is
no concept of private data in C either, nor is it needed.

As mentioned in other replies, it is not rocket science to access a
class private data. In C++ you can cast to void*, in Java and C# you
can use reflection. C++ is said to be an unsafe language because
programmers can, using a few tricks, mess with the vtables. But how
many really do that?

In Python variables are kept in strict namespaces. You can ask the
compiler to name mangle a variable by prepending underscores. The
variable then becomes just as 'private' as a C++ private variable,
because as previously mentioned, 'private' variables in C++ can be
accessed through a cast to void*.


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Paul Boddie
Paul Rubin wrote:

 class A:
   __x = 3

 class B(A):
   __x = 4   # ok

 class C(B):
   __x = 5   # oops!

 Consider that the above three class definitions might be in separate
 files and you see how clumsy this gets.

What are you trying to show with the above? The principal benefit of
using private attributes set on either the class or the instance is to
preserve access, via self, to those attributes defined in association
with (or within) a particular class in the inheritance hierarchy, as
opposed to providing access to the most overriding definition of an
attribute. This is demonstrated more effectively with a method on class

  class A:
  __x = 3
  def f(self):
  print self.__x # should always refer to A.__x

  class B(A):
  __x = 4

  class C(B):
  __x = 5

Here, instances of A, B and C will always print the value of A.__x when
the f method is invoked on them. Were a non-private attribute to be
used instead, instances of A, B and C would print the overridden value
of the attribute when the f method is invoked on them.



Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Thomas Ploch
sturlamolden schrieb:
 Coming from a C++ / C# background, the lack of emphasis on private data
 seems weird to me. I've often found wrapping private data useful to
 prevent bugs and enforce error checking..

 It appears to me (perhaps wrongly) that Python prefers to leave class
 data public.  What is the logic behind that choice?
 The designers of Java, C++, C#, Ada95, Delphi, etc. seem to think that
 if an object's 'internal' variables or states cannot be kept private,
 programmers get an irresistible temptation to mess with them in
 malicious ways. But if you are that stupid, should you be programming
 in any language? The most widely used language is still C, and there is
 no concept of private data in C either, nor is it needed.

There is a kind of this concept in C with 'static' declarations.

 As mentioned in other replies, it is not rocket science to access a
 class private data. In C++ you can cast to void*, in Java and C# you
 can use reflection. C++ is said to be an unsafe language because
 programmers can, using a few tricks, mess with the vtables. But how
 many really do that?

Exactly, if they were available, a lot more would do that. I think this
is the point. Programmers who can do that normally are sensible towards
that people who have designed this or that knew what they were doing.
But there are enough people that don't have a clue and _will_ fiddle
around and then flame all kind of mailing lists with requests for help
cause they did it wrong.


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Andrea Griffini a écrit :
 Paul Rubin wrote:
   Yes I've had plenty of
 pointer related bugs in C programs that don't happen in GC'd
 languages, so GC in that sense saves my ass all the time.
 My experience is different, I never suffered a lot for
 leaking or dangling pointers in C++ programs; and on
 the opposite I didn't expect that fighting with object
 leaking in complex python applications was that difficult
 (I've heard of zope applications that just gave up and
 resorted to the reboot every now and then solution).
Zope is a special case here, since it relies on an object database...

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Paul Rubin a écrit :
 Felipe Almeida Lessa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
What is the chance of having to inherit from two classes from
different modules but with exactly the same name *and* the same
instance variable name?

Of course you're being very pessimistic or extremely unlucky.
 If you want to write bug-free code, pessimism is the name of the game.

Not to pretend my own code is always totally bug-free, but I found that, 
with languages like Python, I usually got better results starting with 
the simplest possible implementation, and only then adding some 
'defensive' boilerplate where it makes sens (that is mostly resources 
acquisition/release) - an approach that I would certainly not advocate 
when it comes to coding in C...

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Sebastian 'lunar' Wiesner
[ Thomas Ploch [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

 sturlamolden schrieb:
 Coming from a C++ / C# background, the lack of emphasis on private
 data seems weird to me. I've often found wrapping private data
 useful to prevent bugs and enforce error checking..

 It appears to me (perhaps wrongly) that Python prefers to leave
 data public.  What is the logic behind that choice?
 The designers of Java, C++, C#, Ada95, Delphi, etc. seem to think
 that if an object's 'internal' variables or states cannot be kept
 private, programmers get an irresistible temptation to mess with them
 in malicious ways. But if you are that stupid, should you be
 programming in any language? The most widely used language is still
 C, and there is no concept of private data in C either, nor is it
 There is a kind of this concept in C with 'static' declarations.
 As mentioned in other replies, it is not rocket science to access a
 class private data. In C++ you can cast to void*, in Java and C# you
 can use reflection. C++ is said to be an unsafe language because
 programmers can, using a few tricks, mess with the vtables. But how
 many really do that?
 Exactly, if they were available, a lot more would do that. I think
 this is the point. Programmers who can do that normally are sensible
 towards that people who have designed this or that knew what they were
 doing. But there are enough people that don't have a clue and _will_
 fiddle around and then flame all kind of mailing lists with requests
 for help cause they did it wrong.

Those people deserve to fail for being just extraordinary stupid...

Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters.
  (Rosa Luxemburg)

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Thomas Ploch
Sebastian 'lunar' Wiesner schrieb:
 Those people deserve to fail for being just extraordinary stupid...

Yes, but there are a lot of them around...


P.S.: I don't mean they are around here. :-)

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread John Nagle
sturlamolden wrote:
Coming from a C++ / C# background, the lack of emphasis on private data
seems weird to me. I've often found wrapping private data useful to
prevent bugs and enforce error checking..

It appears to me (perhaps wrongly) that Python prefers to leave class
data public.  What is the logic behind that choice?
 The designers of Java, C++, C#, Ada95, Delphi, etc. seem to think that
 if an object's 'internal' variables or states cannot be kept private,
 programmers get an irresistible temptation to mess with them in
 malicious ways.

 If you're not clear on encapsulation issues, you probably haven't
done extensive maintenance programming on code written by others.
Finding out who can mess with a variable when debugging the code of
others is not fun.

 Because Python doesn't have explicit declarations, scope of variables is
a touchy issue.  If you write x = 1 within a function, that will
create a local x if x doesn't exist, or alter a global x if x was
previously created in the global context.  But at least global variables
are local to the namespace; we don't have clashes across files.  So
it's not too bad.  JavaScript has the convention that newly created
variables are global by default.  Big mistake.

 The underscore thing makes sense.  Single underscore
variables are protected in the C++ sense, and double underscore
variables are private, not visible from inherited classes.
It's hard to misuse such variables by accident.  I'd be tempted
to prohibit access to underscore variables other than via self._x
forms, so they'd be inaccessable outside the object.  It's undesirable
from a maintenance standpoint to have an unenforced convention like
a lead underscore.  The maintenance programmer can't trust its meaning.

 As Python grows up, and larger systems are written in it, these
issues become more important.

John Nagle

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Andrea Griffini
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

  ... and on
 the opposite I didn't expect that fighting with object
 leaking in complex python applications was that difficult
 (I've heard of zope applications that just gave up and
 resorted to the reboot every now and then solution).

 Zope is a special case here, since it relies on an object database...

Just to clarify my post... I found by being punched myself
in the nose what does it mean to have a complex python
application that suffers from object leaking; it's not
something I only read about zope programs.

But why zope applications would be a special case ?


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Thomas Ploch a écrit :
 sturlamolden schrieb:
As mentioned in other replies, it is not rocket science to access a
class private data. In C++ you can cast to void*, in Java and C# you
can use reflection. C++ is said to be an unsafe language because
programmers can, using a few tricks, mess with the vtables. But how
many really do that?
 Exactly, if they were available, a lot more would do that.

Do you have any concrete evidence ? FWIW, I've seen a *lot* of Python 
code, and very very few uses of _implementation stuff - most of them 
being legitimate.

 I think this
 is the point. Programmers who can do that normally are sensible towards
 that people who have designed this or that knew what they were doing.
 But there are enough people that don't have a clue and _will_ fiddle
 around and then flame all kind of mailing lists with requests for help
 cause they did it wrong.

The fact is that there's no cure for stupidity. If you want a language 
explicitly designed to protect dummies from themselves, you know where 
to find it. Why should normally intelligent peoples have to suffer from 
this ? Are you going to forbid hammers because dummies could smash their 
fingers then complain ?

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Gabriel Genellina
On 7 ene, 16:13, John Nagle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Because Python doesn't have explicit declarations, scope of variables is
 a touchy issue.  If you write x = 1 within a function, that will
 create a local x if x doesn't exist, or alter a global x if x was
 previously created in the global context.  But at least global variables
 are local to the namespace; we don't have clashes across files.  
No, `x=1` always uses a local variable x, unless an (explicit!) global
statement was in effect in the same block. This, and the explicit self,
make very clear which x you are referring to.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Andrea Griffini a écrit :
 Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
   ... and on
 the opposite I didn't expect that fighting with object
 leaking in complex python applications was that difficult
 (I've heard of zope applications that just gave up and
 resorted to the reboot every now and then solution).

 Zope is a special case here, since it relies on an object database...
 Just to clarify my post... I found by being punched myself
 in the nose what does it mean to have a complex python
 application that suffers from object leaking; it's not
 something I only read about zope programs.
 But why zope applications would be a special case ?

1/ because of how Zope and the ZODB work
2/ because Zope is an unusually complex Python application.

FWIW, I've never had any memory problem with other Python applications 
and/or frameworks I've used so far (ie: in the past seven years) - most 
of them being somewhat 'simpler' than if they had been implemented in C 
or C++...

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
John Nagle a écrit :
 sturlamolden wrote:

 Coming from a C++ / C# background, the lack of emphasis on private data
 seems weird to me. I've often found wrapping private data useful to
 prevent bugs and enforce error checking..

 It appears to me (perhaps wrongly) that Python prefers to leave class
 data public.  What is the logic behind that choice?

 The designers of Java, C++, C#, Ada95, Delphi, etc. seem to think that
 if an object's 'internal' variables or states cannot be kept private,
 programmers get an irresistible temptation to mess with them in
 malicious ways.
 If you're not clear on encapsulation issues,

encapsulation != data hiding

 you probably haven't
 done extensive maintenance programming on code written by others.

I did.

 Finding out who can mess with a variable when debugging the code of
 others is not fun.

# before
class Toto(object):
   def __init__(self, x):
 self._x = x

# after
class Toto(object):
   def __init__(self, x):
 self._x = x

   def _x():
 def fget(self):
   return self._real_x
 def fset(self, value):
   import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
   self._real_x = value
 return property(**locals)

This is of course a braindead implementation - a better one would use 
either the inspect module of the sys._getframe() hack to retrieve useful 
debug infos (left as an excercice to the reader...)

 Because Python doesn't have explicit declarations, scope of 
 variables is
 a touchy issue.


  If you write x = 1 within a function, that will
 create a local x if x doesn't exist, or alter a global x if x was
 previously created in the global context.

Err... May I suggest you to read these two pages:

  But at least global variables
 are local to the namespace; we don't have clashes across files.  So
 it's not too bad.  JavaScript has the convention that newly created
 variables are global by default.  

Unless preceded by the 'var' keyword...

 Big mistake.

Mmm... which one ?

 The underscore thing makes sense.  Single underscore
 variables are protected in the C++ sense, and double underscore
 variables are private, not visible from inherited classes.
 It's hard to misuse such variables by accident.  I'd be tempted
 to prohibit access to underscore variables other than via self._x
 forms, so they'd be inaccessable outside the object. 

class Foo(object):
   def __init__(self, x):
 self._x = x
   def __repr__(self):
 return Foo %s % self._x

def bar(self):
   self.y = self._x

from foo import Foo
from bar import bar = bar

f = Foo([42])
print f

 It's undesirable
 from a maintenance standpoint to have an unenforced convention

If it's a convention, it doesn't have to be inforced. If it's inforced, 
it's not a convention anymore.

While we're at it, I've found it very valuable to be able to mess with 
implementation when doing maintenance on somewhat large (and somewhat 
messy) Python systems...

 a lead underscore.  The maintenance programmer can't trust its meaning.
 As Python grows up, and larger systems are written in it, these
 issues become more important.

If you go that way, then you'll also want to introduce declarative 
static typing and remove all possibility to dynamically modify classes 
or add/replace attributes and/or methods on a per-instance basis. If you 
want Java, you know where to find it.

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 07 Jan 2007 04:09:13 -0800, Paul Rubin wrote:

 Felipe Almeida Lessa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 What is the chance of having to inherit from two classes from
 different modules but with exactly the same name *and* the same
 instance variable name?
 Of course you're being very pessimistic or extremely unlucky.
 If you want to write bug-free code, pessimism is the name of the game.

I wonder whether Paul uses snow chains all year round, even in the blazing
summer? After all, if you want to drive safely, pessimism is the name of
the game.

In the last couple of weeks comp.lang.python has had (at least) two
practical examples of the pros and cons of private attributes.

The pro: there was discussion about replacing the optparse module's
implementation with argparse, leaving the interface the same. This was
complicated by the fact that optparse exposes its internal variables,
making the job of duplicating the interface significantly harder. However
this was surely a design choice, not an accident. Having private
attributes won't save you if you choose not to make your attributes

The con: there was a fellow who (for some reason) actually needed to
access a class' private attributes. To the best of my knowledge, he was
over 18 and, while new to Python, an experienced programmer, so I believe
him when he said he had eliminated all other alternatives. (And if he
were wrong, if he was incompetent -- Not My Problem. It isn't for me to
take a hammer off him so he doesn't hit his thumb with it.) In his case,
Python's name mangling of private attributes was an inconvenience, not a

Compared to all the what-ifs and maybes and hypotheticals in this
thread, there were two practical cases that revolved around private
variables. In one, we see that they aren't a panacea: data hiding doesn't
help when the data isn't hidden. In the other, we see that one developer's
private attribute is just what another developer needs to solve a problem.



Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Consider that the above three class definitions might be in separate
  files and you see how clumsy this gets.
 What are you trying to show with the above? The principal benefit of
 using private attributes set on either the class or the instance is to
 preserve access, via self, to those attributes defined in association
 with (or within) a particular class in the inheritance hierarchy, as
 opposed to providing access to the most overriding definition of an
 attribute. This is demonstrated more effectively with a method on class A:

Right, the problem is if those methods start changing the private
variable.  I should have been more explicit about that.

class A:
   def __init__(self):
  self.__x = 3
   def foo(self):
  return self.__x

class B(A): pass

class A(B):
   def bar(self):
 self.__x = 5   # clobbers private variable of earlier class named A

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  If you want to write bug-free code, pessimism is the name of the game.
 I wonder whether Paul uses snow chains all year round, even in the blazing
 summer? After all, if you want to drive safely, pessimism is the name of
 the game.

No.  I'm willing to accept a 10**-5 chance of hitting a freak
snowstorm in summer, since I drive in summer at most a few hundred
times a year, so it will take me 100's of years before I'm likely to
encounter such a storm.  There are millions of drivers, so if they all
take a similar chance, then a few times a year we'll see in the paper
that someone got caught in a storm, which is ok.  Usually there's no
real consequence beyond some inconvenience of waiting for a tow truck.

Tow truck or ambulance operators, on the other hand, should keep
chains available all year around, since they have to service the needs
of millions of users, have to be ready for freak summer storms.

As a software developer wanting to deploy code on a wide scale, I'm
more like a tow truck operator than an individual car driver.
Alternatively, as a coder I drive a lot more often.  If some Python
misfeature introduces a bug with probability 10**-5 per line of code,
then a 100 KLoc program is likely to have such a bug somewhere.  It
doesn't take 100's of years.

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I'd be quite concerned about the design environment rather than the
 immediate code... Probably need something ugly like...
 from mod1 import B as B1
 from mod2 import B as B2
 class A(B1, B2):

Interesting.  I just tried that. contains:

class B:
def foo(self): self.__x = 'mod1' contains:

class B:
def bar(self): self.__x = 'mod2'

And the test is:

from mod1 import B as B1
from mod2 import B as B2

class A(B1, B2): pass

a = A()
print a._B__x
print a._B__x

Sure enough, mod2 messes up mod1's private variable.

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 07 Jan 2007 19:30:05 -0800, Paul Rubin wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  If you want to write bug-free code, pessimism is the name of the game.
 I wonder whether Paul uses snow chains all year round, even in the blazing
 summer? After all, if you want to drive safely, pessimism is the name of
 the game.
 No.  I'm willing to accept a 10**-5 chance of hitting a freak
 snowstorm in summer, since I drive in summer at most a few hundred
 times a year, so it will take me 100's of years before I'm likely to
 encounter such a storm.  There are millions of drivers, so if they all
 take a similar chance, then a few times a year we'll see in the paper
 that someone got caught in a storm, which is ok.  Usually there's no
 real consequence beyond some inconvenience of waiting for a tow truck.
 Tow truck or ambulance operators, on the other hand, should keep
 chains available all year around, since they have to service the needs
 of millions of users, have to be ready for freak summer storms.
 As a software developer wanting to deploy code on a wide scale, I'm
 more like a tow truck operator than an individual car driver.
 Alternatively, as a coder I drive a lot more often.  If some Python
 misfeature introduces a bug with probability 10**-5 per line of code,
 then a 100 KLoc program is likely to have such a bug somewhere.  It
 doesn't take 100's of years.

That's an irrelevant argument. We're not talking about random bugs in
random places of code, we're talking about one specific type of bug which
can only occur in a handful of very restricted set of circumstances, e.g.
you have to inherit from two classes which not only have exactly the same
name but they also have the same private attribute.

Your argument is that Python's strategy for dealing with private
attributes is insufficiently pessimistic, because it doesn't deal with
those circumstances. Fine. I agree. Python isn't pessimistic. Does it need
to be? Just how often do you inherit from two identically-named classes
both of which use identically-named private attributes?

You suggested that coders (and by extension, Python) should behave with
equal pessimism whether they are subclassing two identically-named
classes or not. That's equivalent to the argument that one should use snow
chains whether it is snowing or not -- it only considers the benefit of
the extra protection, without considering the costs.

Python's private attribute handling balances convenience and protection,
giving more weight to convenience, trading off some protection. And
convenience gives increased productivity, easier debugging, few bugs
overall, and other Good Things. It would probably change the character of
Python unacceptably much to push that balance the other way.

Don't get me wrong, it is a good thing for you to alert people to the
circumstances that Python's strategy breaks down, so that they can use
snow chains in those circumstances. And, hey, if somebody reads this
thread and is motivated to find a better strategy that doesn't change the
nature of the language by too much, great. (This happened once before:
multiple inheritance was broken in classic classes, and new classes where
added partly to fix that.)

But chances are, the majority of Pythonistas will think that having to
use snow chains once in a very great while is an acceptable trade-off to
the smooth ride Python gives the rest of the time.

Steven D'Aprano 


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-07 Thread Paul Rubin
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Just how often do you inherit from two identically-named classes
 both of which use identically-named private attributes?

I have no idea how often if ever.  I inherit from library classes all
the time, without trying to examine what superclasses they use.  If my
subclass happens to have the same name as a superclass of some library
class (say Tkinter) this could happen.  Whether it ever DOES happen, I
don't know, I could only find out by examining the implementation
details of every library class I ever use, and I could only prevent it
by remembering those details.  That is an abstraction leak and is
dangerous and unnecessary.  The name mangling scheme is a crock.  How
often does anyone ever have a good reason for using it, except maybe
in something like a debugger that can just as easily reach inside the
actual class descriptors and get all the variables out?

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-06 Thread Thomas Ploch
 Coming from a C++ / C# background, the lack of emphasis on private data
 seems weird to me. I've often found wrapping private data useful to
 prevent bugs and enforce error checking..
 It appears to me (perhaps wrongly) that Python prefers to leave class
 data public.  What is the logic behind that choice?
 Thanks any insight.

Python doesn't prefer public data in classes. It leaves the choice to
the programmer. You can define your own private instance variables (or
functions) by using a '__' prefix:

class Foo:
def __init__(self, data):
self.__data = data

def get_data(self):
return self.__data

  f = Foo('bar')
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 AttributeError: Foo instance has no attribute '__data'


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-06 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Coming from a C++ / C# background, the lack of emphasis on private data
 seems weird to me. I've often found wrapping private data useful to
 prevent bugs and enforce error checking..
 It appears to me (perhaps wrongly) that Python prefers to leave class
 data public.  What is the logic behind that choice?

Private data is a convention, not a strict enforcement, for both Java 
and C++.

Depending on your C++ compiler, a simple

#define private public

will give you access to all data you want. Besides the fact that casting 
to a void* pointer and just accessing the private parts isn't rocket 

The same applies to java, for whatever reasons (I presume 
serialization), you can access private fields via reflection.

In python, private members are usually declared using a single or double 
underscore. And the basic idea is: if you tamper with this, you've been 
warned. Which is the way coding between consenting adults should be.

To be honest: I've stumbled over more cases of unescessary hoops to jump 
through due to private declarations than bugs caused of me exploiting 
things I've been told by the compiler not to tamper with it.

Summary: not important, forget about it, enjoy python!


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-06 Thread skip

time Coming from a C++ / C# background, the lack of emphasis on private
time data seems weird to me.

Python doesn't try to protect you from the authors of the code you use.  You
should be intelligent enough to use it wisely.  On the flip side, the lack
of truly private data and methods means the original author of a piece of
code doesn't need to anticipate all future uses to which the code will be
put.  Here are a couple items along the lines of we're all adults here.


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-06 Thread BJörn Lindqvist
On 6 Jan 2007 16:07:05 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Coming from a C++ / C# background, the lack of emphasis on private data
 seems weird to me. I've often found wrapping private data useful to
 prevent bugs and enforce error checking..

 It appears to me (perhaps wrongly) that Python prefers to leave class
 data public.  What is the logic behind that choice?

Google for python for consenting adults

Or ask yourself the opposite question. Why does C++ and C# prefer more
private data? It is given that emphasizing private data
(encapsulation) leads to more internal complexity and more lines of
code because you have to write getters and setters and stuff. With
that in mind, why do you think that data encapsulation makes code less
error prone? Can you prove it? Or do you have anecdotal evidence of
where data encapsulation saved your ass?

IMHO, that data hiding is good, is one of those ideas that have been
repeated so much that virtually everyone thinks it is true.  But
Python proves that it isn't necessarily so.

mvh Björn

Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-06 Thread Stefan Schwarzer
On 2007-01-07 01:54, BJörn Lindqvist wrote:
 Google for python for consenting adults

 Or ask yourself the opposite question. Why does C++ and C# prefer more
 private data? It is given that emphasizing private data
 (encapsulation) leads to more internal complexity and more lines of
 code because you have to write getters and setters and stuff. With
 that in mind, why do you think that data encapsulation makes code less
 error prone? Can you prove it? Or do you have anecdotal evidence of
 where data encapsulation saved your ass?

 IMHO, that data hiding is good, is one of those ideas that have been
 repeated so much that virtually everyone thinks it is true.  But
 Python proves that it isn't necessarily so.

I think attributes (callable or not) which relate to the
abstraction of the class should be public (special methods
or without leading underscore). Attributes that are there for a
specific implementation of the abstraction should be private.

The internal implementation of a class is more-often changed
in incompatible ways than the abstraction, so distiguishing
between a public and a private interface will probably save
you from reworking the clients of a class if you prefer the
public interface. It will also make the client code easier to

Admittedly, there are special cases where you want to access
private attributes, e. g. debugging; that's ok.

In summary, the distinction between public and non-public
attributes IMHO makes sense, but I don't think that the
distinction should be enforced by the language as in C++
or Java.


Re: Why less emphasis on private data?

2007-01-06 Thread Paul Rubin
BJörn Lindqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 It is given that emphasizing private data (encapsulation) leads to
 more internal complexity and more lines of code because you have to
 write getters and setters and stuff.

You can have public variables in Java if you choose to.  Writing
private variables with public setters and getters is just a style choice.

 Or do you have anecdotal evidence of where data encapsulation saved
 your ass?

There are certainly applications that can't live without it, like
browser applets.

As for it saving my ass, there's no way to know, it's like asking
whether garbage collection has saved my ass.  Yes I've had plenty of
pointer related bugs in C programs that don't happen in GC'd
languages, so GC in that sense saves my ass all the time.  I've also
had bugs in Python programs that would have been prevented by better
use of encapsulation (including in the stdlib).  Python certainly
makes you spend more of your attention worrying about possible
attribute name collisions between classes and their superclasses.  And
Python's name mangling scheme is leaky and bug-prone if you ever
re-use class names.  Overall, I think Python would gain from having
better support for encapsulation and C++-like casting between class