Re: cgi subprocess, cannot get output

2006-04-25 Thread James Stroud
Jakub Piotr Nowak wrote:
> Hello,
> In the following cgi program, I cannot get subprocess output.
> I print the header, flush stdout to prepare it to new content,
> but variable 'o' is always empty.
> Could somebody help me with that? 
> def main():
>   print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
>   sys.stdout.flush()
>   if form.has_key('sentence'):
> input = form['sentence'].value
> o = Popen(['./tinki', input], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
> result = cgi.escape(o)
> results['xmlfile'] = result
> results['sentence'] = input
>   content['output'] = (output % results)
>   print template % content
> Best regards,

What kind of script is tinki? I had a bitch of a problem like this with 
perl and ended up just writing to a file. No idea why I couldn't get the 


James Stroud
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Re: cgi subprocess, cannot get output

2006-04-26 Thread Jakub Piotr Nowak
Dnia 26.04.2006 James Stroud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napisa³/a:
} Jakub Piotr Nowak wrote:
}> Hello,
}> In the following cgi program, I cannot get subprocess output.
}> I print the header, flush stdout to prepare it to new content,
}> but variable 'o' is always empty.
}> Could somebody help me with that? 
}> [...mniam...]
}> Best regards,
} What kind of script is tinki? I had a bitch of a problem like this with 
} perl and ended up just writing to a file. No idea why I couldn't get the 
} stdout.

Tinki is a natural language parser. It takes a sentence as a
command line argument and prints xml file to stdout. 

Thanks for the hint, I will try... 

Best regards,
Jakub P. Nowak