Re: function to convert degree (hour), minute, seconds string to integer

2006-07-26 Thread John Machin
> I know this is a trivial function, and I've now spent more time
> searching for a surely-already-reinvented wheel than it would take to
> reinvent it again, but just in case... is there a published,
> open-source, function out there that takes a string in the form of
> "hh:mm:ss" (where hh is 00-23, mm is 00-59, and ss is 00-59) and
> converts it to an integer (ss + 60 * (mm + 60 * hh))?  I'd like
> something that throws an exception if hh, mm, or ss is out of range, or
> perhaps does something "reasonable" (like convert "01:99" to 159).
> Thanks,
> --dang
> p.s.
> In case this looks like I'm asking for a homework exercise, here's what
> I'm using now.  It returns False or raises a ValueError exception for
> invalid inputs.  I'm just wondering if there's an already-published
> version.
> def dms2int(dms):
> """Accepts an 8-character string of three two-digit numbers,
> separated by exactly one non-numeric character, and converts it
> to an integer, representing the number of seconds.  Think of
> degree, minute, second notation, or time marked in hours,
> minutes, and seconds (HH:MM:SS)."""
> return (
> len(dms) == 8
> and 00 <= int(dms[0:2]) < 24
> and dms[2] not in '0123456789'
> and 00 <= int(dms[3:5]) < 60
> and dms[5] not in '0123456789'
> and 00 <= int(dms[6:8]) < 60
> and int(dms[6:8]) + 60 * (int(dms[3:5]) + 60 * int(dms[0:2]))
> )

Have you considered time.strptime()?

BTW, your function, given "00:00:00" will return 0 -- you may well have
trouble distinguishing that from False (note that False == 0), without
resorting to ugliness like:

if result is False ...

Instead of returning False for some errors and letting int() raise an
exception for others, I would suggest raising ValueError yourself for
*all* invalid input.

You may wish to put more restrictions on the separators ... I would be
suspicious of cases where dms[2] != dms[5]. What plausible separators
are there besides ":"? Why allow alphabetics? If there's a use case for
"23h59m59s", that would have to be handled separately. Note that
"06-12-31" could be a date, "12,34,56" could be CSV data.



Re: function to convert degree (hour), minute, seconds string to integer

2006-07-26 Thread John McMonagle
On Wed, 2006-07-26 at 20:18 -0700, John Machin wrote:
> > I know this is a trivial function, and I've now spent more time
> > searching for a surely-already-reinvented wheel than it would take to
> > reinvent it again, but just in case... is there a published,
> > open-source, function out there that takes a string in the form of
> > "hh:mm:ss" (where hh is 00-23, mm is 00-59, and ss is 00-59) and
> > converts it to an integer (ss + 60 * (mm + 60 * hh))?  I'd like
> > something that throws an exception if hh, mm, or ss is out of range, or
> > perhaps does something "reasonable" (like convert "01:99" to 159).
> > Thanks,
> > --dang
> > p.s.
> > In case this looks like I'm asking for a homework exercise, here's what
> > I'm using now.  It returns False or raises a ValueError exception for
> > invalid inputs.  I'm just wondering if there's an already-published
> > version.
> > def dms2int(dms):
> > """Accepts an 8-character string of three two-digit numbers,
> > separated by exactly one non-numeric character, and converts it
> > to an integer, representing the number of seconds.  Think of
> > degree, minute, second notation, or time marked in hours,
> > minutes, and seconds (HH:MM:SS)."""
> > return (
> > len(dms) == 8
> > and 00 <= int(dms[0:2]) < 24
> > and dms[2] not in '0123456789'
> > and 00 <= int(dms[3:5]) < 60
> > and dms[5] not in '0123456789'
> > and 00 <= int(dms[6:8]) < 60
> > and int(dms[6:8]) + 60 * (int(dms[3:5]) + 60 * int(dms[0:2]))
> > )
> Have you considered time.strptime()?
> BTW, your function, given "00:00:00" will return 0 -- you may well have
> trouble distinguishing that from False (note that False == 0), without
> resorting to ugliness like:
> if result is False ...
> Instead of returning False for some errors and letting int() raise an
> exception for others, I would suggest raising ValueError yourself for
> *all* invalid input.
> You may wish to put more restrictions on the separators ... I would be
> suspicious of cases where dms[2] != dms[5]. What plausible separators
> are there besides ":"? Why allow alphabetics? If there's a use case for
> "23h59m59s", that would have to be handled separately. Note that
> "06-12-31" could be a date, "12,34,56" could be CSV data.
> Cheers,
> John

You may also want to look at the dateutil module (especially dateutil.parse).

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Re: function to convert degree (hour), minute, seconds string to integer

2006-07-27 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Machin

> You may wish to put more restrictions on the separators ... I would be
> suspicious of cases where dms[2] != dms[5]. What plausible separators
> are there besides ":"? Why allow alphabetics? If there's a use case for
> "23h59m59s", that would have to be handled separately.

Looking at the subject I would expect to be able to give 76°04'54" as
argument.  Hm, but degrees don't map directly to hours!?

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: function to convert degree (hour), minute, seconds string to integer

2006-07-27 Thread google0
John Machin wrote:
> > I know this is a trivial function, and I've now spent more time
> > searching for a surely-already-reinvented wheel than it would take to
> > reinvent it again, but just in case... is there a published,
> > open-source, function out there that takes a string in the form of
> > "hh:mm:ss" (where hh is 00-23, mm is 00-59, and ss is 00-59) and
> > converts it to an integer (ss + 60 * (mm + 60 * hh))?  I'd like
> > something that throws an exception if hh, mm, or ss is out of range, or
> > perhaps does something "reasonable" (like convert "01:99" to 159).
> > Thanks,
> > --dang
> Have you considered time.strptime()?
> BTW, your function, given "00:00:00" will return 0 -- you may well have
> trouble distinguishing that from False (note that False == 0), without
> resorting to ugliness like:
> if result is False ...
> Instead of returning False for some errors and letting int() raise an
> exception for others, I would suggest raising ValueError yourself for
> *all* invalid input.
> You may wish to put more restrictions on the separators ... I would be
> suspicious of cases where dms[2] != dms[5]. What plausible separators
> are there besides ":"? Why allow alphabetics? If there's a use case for
> "23h59m59s", that would have to be handled separately. Note that
> "06-12-31" could be a date, "12,34,56" could be CSV data.
> Cheers,
> John

Good point about 0/False.  I don't think it would have bitten me in my
current program, given my expected (and filtered) inputs, but I might
have reused it in the future, and been bitten later.

I had looked at the time module, but apparently not long enough.
This does the trick:

def dms2int(dms):
int(time.mktime(time.strptime("2000-01-01 %s" % dms, "%Y-%m-%d

I only need the minutes, but can work with seconds.  The only downside
is that I'm hardcoding an arbitrary date, but I can deal with that.

Thanks for your help, John!


Re: function to convert degree (hour), minute, seconds string to integer

2006-07-27 Thread John Machin

> John Machin wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > I know this is a trivial function, and I've now spent more time
> > > searching for a surely-already-reinvented wheel than it would take to
> > > reinvent it again, but just in case... is there a published,
> > > open-source, function out there that takes a string in the form of
> > > "hh:mm:ss" (where hh is 00-23, mm is 00-59, and ss is 00-59) and
> > > converts it to an integer (ss + 60 * (mm + 60 * hh))?  I'd like
> > > something that throws an exception if hh, mm, or ss is out of range, or
> > > perhaps does something "reasonable" (like convert "01:99" to 159).
> > > Thanks,
> > > --dang
> >
> > Have you considered time.strptime()?
> >
> > BTW, your function, given "00:00:00" will return 0 -- you may well have
> > trouble distinguishing that from False (note that False == 0), without
> > resorting to ugliness like:
> >
> > if result is False ...
> >
> > Instead of returning False for some errors and letting int() raise an
> > exception for others, I would suggest raising ValueError yourself for
> > *all* invalid input.
> >
> > You may wish to put more restrictions on the separators ... I would be
> > suspicious of cases where dms[2] != dms[5]. What plausible separators
> > are there besides ":"? Why allow alphabetics? If there's a use case for
> > "23h59m59s", that would have to be handled separately. Note that
> > "06-12-31" could be a date, "12,34,56" could be CSV data.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > John
> Good point about 0/False.  I don't think it would have bitten me in my
> current program, given my expected (and filtered) inputs, but I might
> have reused it in the future, and been bitten later.

The bigger pain would have been two types of error handling
(try/except) *AND* if result is False
> I had looked at the time module, but apparently not long enough.
> This does the trick:
> def dms2int(dms):
> int(time.mktime(time.strptime("2000-01-01 %s" % dms, "%Y-%m-%d
> %H:%M:%S")))
> I only need the minutes, but can work with seconds.  The only downside
> is that I'm hardcoding an arbitrary date, but I can deal with that.

That's a bit too elaborate. Python gives you the hard-coded date for
free -- then (you ingrate!) you ignore it, like this:

|>> import time
|>> dms = "23:48:59"
|>> t = time.strptime(dms, "%H:%M:%S")
|>> t
(1900, 1, 1, 23, 48, 59, 0, 1, -1)
|>> seconds = (t[3] * 60 + t[4]) * 60.0 + t[5]
|>> seconds
85739.0 # assuming you do want it as a float, not an int



Re: function to convert degree (hour), minute, seconds string to integer

2006-07-27 Thread Paul McGuire
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I know this is a trivial function, and I've now spent more time
> searching for a surely-already-reinvented wheel than it would take to
> reinvent it again, but just in case... is there a published,
> open-source, function out there that takes a string in the form of
> "hh:mm:ss" (where hh is 00-23, mm is 00-59, and ss is 00-59) and
> converts it to an integer (ss + 60 * (mm + 60 * hh))?  I'd like
> something that throws an exception if hh, mm, or ss is out of range, or
> perhaps does something "reasonable" (like convert "01:99" to 159).
> Thanks,
> --dang

In a froth of functionalism, here is my submission.

-- Paul

tests = """\

def time2secs(t,decimal=False):
if decimal:
tflds = map(float,t.split(":"))
tflds = map(int,t.split(".")[0].split(":"))
nomorethan = lambda (a,maxa) : 0 <= a < maxa
if sum(map(nomorethan, zip(tflds,(24,60,60 == len(tflds):
return reduce(lambda a,b: a*60+b, tflds)
raise ValueError("invalid time field value in '%s'" % str(t))

for tt in tests:
print time2secs(tt)
print time2secs(tt,True)
except Exception,e:
print "%s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)
