Re: Tkinter & Tkconstants
nevermind, i should access it by HORIZONTAL not Tkinter.HORIZONTAL since I imported everything from Tkinter already. Thanks anyway --
Re: Tkinter & Tkconstants
codecraig wrote: from Tkinter import * you have access to the constants in Tkconstants, since Tkinter imports it automatically. Yes However, in the shell if I do.. from Tkinter import * print Tkinter.HORIZONTAL I get an error..NameError: Tkinter is not defined Sure, you ask for Tkinter.HORIZONTAL. But if you directly ask for HORIZONTAL it should work. indeed your from statement imported the _content_ of the Tkinter module in the global namespace not the module in itself. It's either: from Tkinter import * print HORIZONTAL or: import Tkinter print Tkinter.HORIZONTAL or even: import Tkinter from Tkinter import * print HORIZONTAL,Tkinter.HORIZONTAL any ideas? I usually only use: import OneModule Or sometimes: from OneModule import OneClass, OneConstant But I usually don't import a whole module in my global namespace. I get what i expect. but according to the tutorial i should only need Tkinter. You do. --
Tkinter & Tkconstants
Hi, I was reading through the Tkinter tutorial at ...and it mentions that by doing, from Tkinter import * you have access to the constants in Tkconstants, since Tkinter imports it automatically. However, in the shell if I do.. from Tkinter import * print Tkinter.HORIZONTAL I get an error..NameError: Tkinter is not defined any ideas? However, if I do, import Tkconstants print Tkconstants.HORIZTONAL I get what i expect. but according to the tutorial i should only need Tkinter. Thanks. --