Hi group:

I hope that you good people here could help me with a decision I am finding
hard to make.

I am about to develop a MIS type application for a Non for profit
organization teaching young children in India.

I am trying to use this opportunity to make myself learn python, and if
required the whole web based development paradigm using django.

I have experience of c++ graphical algorithms development.

Now obviously this application would be database based and database
manipulation would be the major part. It would be mostly used across desktop
computers in the organization running Windows XP. The decision which I am
unable to make is that should I use django for this project? My issues are:

1. This application would be run on desktops, so GUI toolkits such as PyQT
might suffice.
2. Making good interfaces for web would require additional learning on my
part such as HTML, CSS and Javascript, an area  in which I have absolutely
no expertise, just a very basic idea.

So what do you guys suggest? If learning the above things would still give
me an edge( in terms of time required for development) over PyQt based
interfaces, in terms of automated databse manipulation tools such as the
admin interface, I would go for it and it might be a good experience for me.

Thanks for reading this slightly incoherent and maybe off-topic mail.

All suggestions are welcome and I would be grateful for them.

Saurabh Agrawal.

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